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Jack Taggart Mysteries 7 - Book Bundle
  • Текст добавлен: 9 октября 2016, 13:22

Текст книги "Jack Taggart Mysteries 7 - Book Bundle"

Автор книги: Don Easton

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Текущая страница: 73 (всего у книги 141 страниц)


Kang Lee answered the telephone on his desk. It was the receptionist who worked at the main entrance to Intrinsic Global Investments. Her voice sounded curious in a whimsical sort of way.

“Mister Lee, there is a gentleman here who wishes to see you. He says he has never met you and doesn’t have an appointment, but —”

“I’m busy. Book him an appointment in about two weeks or call someone else.”

“He, uh, insisted that you would want to see him. He said The Shaman would be very upset if you didn’t see him immediately.” She caught the gasp on the other end of the phone and added, “Do you wish me to call extension 666 to, uh, assist?”

“No!” replied Lee quickly. Who would dare say ‘The Shaman’ to anyone outside the circle? It has to be Goldie or Wang … whichever one will pay dearly.

“Mister Lee?”

“Security is not necessary,” he replied. “A practical joke involving an old friend. I’ll be right out.”

The startled look on Lee’s face was obvious when he stepped into the reception area and saw a stranger.

Jack held his hand out and said, “Hello, Kang. My name is Jack O’Donnell.”

Lee’s eyes darted nervously around the room as he shook hands.

“Is there a place where we can talk in private?” asked Jack.

“Certainly. Follow me, if you would,” replied Lee.

Moments later, Jack found himself in a large, glassed-in corner office that afforded a view overlooking much of downtown Vancouver, including Burrard Inlet. The office included a wet bar and seating area, but Lee sought refuge behind a mammoth black wooden desk with intricately carved legs and panels.

“Beautiful desk,” commented Jack.

“I discovered it in Bali,” said Lee. “What is it you wish to speak to me about? You mentioned some odd name … Mister Salmon or something?”

Jack smiled and said, “Oh, get off it, Kang. You know who I am and you certainly know who The Shaman is.”

“Perhaps I … have heard of you,” replied Lee coldly. “A mutual friend may have mentioned you.”

“If you’re talking about Arthur Goldie, he is no longer a friend of mine,” replied Jack.

“It was Mister Goldie who had spoken to me about you,” admitted Lee.

“In great depth, that I am certain,” said Jack, smiling.

“To some extent, yes. I understood that you were his friend?”

“That was before this morning, when a little birdie told me he was working for the police.”

“What? Impossible!” said Lee, partially rising from his chair, before regaining his composure and sitting back down. “I mean, what on earth for? What could that possibly have to do with me?” Before Jack could reply, Lee added, “I don’t believe it,” and folded his arms across his chest.

“Maybe you’re right,” said Jack. “I only came as a courtesy to warn you. From what Goldie told me, your … business is not unlike my own. Some day, perhaps, our paths will cross and you might be in a position to do me a favour. After all, you are The Enabler.”

A twitch of Lee’s eyelid expressed his distaste at Jack calling him that. “I still do not believe that Mister Goldie is the sort of person to, how should I put it, run to the police over some trivial matter.”

“From what I heard, it isn’t trivial. At least the Yanks don’t think so.”

“The Americans?” asked Lee. “What do they have to do with this? I’m not even sure Mister Goldie knows any.”

“He might not, but a man who works for him by the name of Purvis is well acquainted with an American living in Seattle. Arrests have not been made yet, but the DEA has applied to have Goldie extradited to the U.S. for conspiracy to traffic in heroin. American courts don’t like drug traffickers as much as judges in B.C. do. I am told he is looking at a minimum of twenty-five years … unless he co-operates with authorities. Which, I am told, is the path he has chosen.”

“And somehow you think it concerns me?”

“Perhaps the police are correct in their suspicions that Goldie is a liar,” said Jack. “In which case, I should not talk to you any further about what I heard. I am sorry if I wasted your time,” he added, getting up to leave.

“No! Please … wait. I do know Mister Goldie and naturally I am a little curious. I am also a cautious man.” Lee stared at Jack for a response that he understood.

“I see,” said Jack, sitting back down. “Then you would like me to tell you what I have heard?”

Lee nodded silently.

“Two days ago, Goldie was approached by someone from the RCMP Drug Section. Given the circumstances of his connection to a conspiracy charge in the U.S., he said he would inform on those people who were above him.”

“And you say that I am one of those people?”

“Yes.” Jack then went on to describe to Lee everything Goldie had told him when they had met at the Regal Beagle earlier in the week concerning commissions, enablers, and The Shaman.

“And your ‘birdie’ told you this is what he told the police?”


“Why should I believe you? I do not think Mister Goldie would go to the police because the whole story is bogus. He told me he had spoken with you last Monday and told me about the ridiculous story he had told you. Apparently he believes you to be … well, shall we say, connected to some illegal activities. A belief he obtained from what some RCMP Intelligence officer told him. He was hoping to impress you with these lies. For whatever reason, it appears that you are now trying to ruin my friendship with Mister Goldie with this preposterous allegation that he went to the police.”

“I see,” replied Jack. “Maybe it would help if I told you some things that he didn’t tell me or likely include in his conversation with you.”

“Such as?”

Jack watched Lee carefully and said, “Such as him telling the police that you ordered him to take a homeless person to a park to be executed. He said there were three of you.”

Lee’s eyes widened and he put his hands on his lap as if he were about to be castrated.

The response was what Jack had hoped. The bastard either did it, or was there. But why? He faked a yawn and looked at Lee and said, “If all this is some bullshit story that Goldie made up to impress me, then you should be aware that he is telling the same story, with a little extra, to try and convince the police not to send him to prison.”

“I see,” uttered Lee.

“Either way, I would be damned careful if I were you that the next time you see him he isn’t trying to put words in your mouth.” Jack stood up and said, “Have a nice day,” before walking toward the door.

“Please, no, wait,” pleaded Lee. “What else did your friend tell you?”

Jack shrugged and said, “That was about it. I’ll be talking with my friend later.”

“Would you let me buy you a coffee or perhaps a drink? Go some place where we can talk, other than in my office? I think it would help for us to get to know each other better.”

Jack glanced at his watch and replied, “I told my girlfriend I was going to meet her but … what the hell. I’ll call her and tell her to go shopping instead.”

“Good. Please wait for me in the reception area. I need to cancel an appointment then I’ll be right with you.”

Jack called Laura from the reception area and said, “Lee is taking me for a drink. Don’t know where, but better cover the exit. If we come out together, then hang tough and wait for us to return. If you don’t hear from me by three-thirty, I’m in trouble.”

Yes, or dead. “How’s it going?” asked Laura, deciding it was no use to state the obvious as she checked her watch. It was two-fifteen.

“Exactly as expected,” replied Jack.

“Sure you don’t want me to follow?”

“No, you’d need sunblock. Also can’t risk them grabbing you. You’re all I’ve got.”

It took several minutes after Jack hung up for Lee to appear, but when he did, he smiled at Jack and patted him on the back and said, “Come on, we’ll take my car.”

A smile and personal touch for reassurance … okay, asshole, what are you up to? Jack smiled back and followed Lee into the elevator.

From a partially concealed spot, Laura was able to see Lee and Jack leave. Her fingers nervously beat the bottom of the steering wheel as if it were a bongo drum, but she remained where she was. Waiting and wondering was often the hardest part of the job.

Lee drove Jack to a wireless Internet cafe about fifteen minutes away and brought a laptop computer inside with him. Once they were seated, Lee asked, “You said something about the police having suspicions that Arthur is a liar. Can you expand upon that?”

“The police usually offer people the opportunity to inform, in the hope of catching a bigger criminal. Apparently it wouldn’t be the first time the police have caught someone who turns out to be the top person – who then fabricates a story to try and make someone else seem like the boss. My source says the police have already made discreet inquiries about you and are dubious that you are involved in anything illegal.”

“So they don’t really suspect me?” asked Lee, his face brightening for the first time since meeting Jack.

“They suspect that Goldie may have laundered some drug money through your company, likely without your knowledge. They think that is how he met you and is taking advantage of an international financial corporation to throw the police off the trail. The police know it would take years to prove, by which time it would be too late or impossible to charge Goldie if it was then discovered that he was lying.”

“Which, of course, he is,” said Lee, smugly.

Jack smiled and said, “Given the circumstances and the fact that you do not know me, I would also respond in the same manner that you now are.”

Lee looked indignant and said, “I’m telling you —”

Jack put up his hand indicating for him to stop and said, “I could care less if it is true or not. Goldie also talked to the police about me. He told them I am interested in purchasing a ton of heroin as an initial investment. The police … small-minded as they are,” he muttered, “think that quantity is too large to be believable. As a result, they think Goldie is lying about me and that he came up with my name only as a result of some RCMP Intelligence officer having made inquiries about me a few weeks back.”

“I heard about that,” said Lee.

Jack chuckled and said, “I bet you did.”

“And the story about a homeless person being murdered in a park? What of that? Do the police think it is something Goldie may have picked up on the news?”

“No, Goldie would be smart enough not to make such a blunder. It would be too easy for the police to know certain details that had not been released to the media.”

“So the police know that Goldie is telling the truth about that?”

“That he may have been there, sure. It is also a reason why they think he is lying about you.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Neither do the police. It doesn’t make sense why anyone in your position would be involved in such a ridiculous situation. They think it involved Goldie and his bartender, Purvis.”

“His bartender? Why?”

“They speculate that Purvis made a heroin transaction with someone in an alley, perhaps behind Goldie Locks, and then realized that the homeless person saw them. They think it more likely that Purvis took the witness somewhere else to be killed so as not to bring any heat down on the club. Goldie may have gone with him.”

“I see,” said Lee. “Then I am sure that is what did happen. It certainly did not involve me. As you say, it would be ridiculous.”

Jack smiled knowingly, openly betraying his belief that Lee was lying.

“Excuse me a moment,” said Lee, while flipping open his laptop. “Your unscheduled meeting interrupted some important business. I have to take care of some loose ends.”

It was three-thirty when Laura answered her cellular. Nothing like waiting until the last minute …

“Hi, honey,” said Jack. “I’ll be a little late tonight. I’ll call you in an hour.”

A couple of minutes later, Laura saw Lee and Jack return to the underground parkade.

Laura breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back in the seat and waited. Her relief lasted until four-thirty before she held her cellphone in her hand. Come on, Jack, call! Five minutes later she dialed Jack’s cellular. There was no answer.

She redialed. Damn it, Jack! Pick up!

Laura had no idea that Jack had left the parkade an hour earlier. He was driven out in the back of a cargo van, naked, and with a gun stuck in his ear.


Once they arrived back in the underground parkade and stepped out of the car, Lee raised his voice to speak to him over the top of the car and abruptly said, “Well, it was certainly interesting meeting you, Mister O’Donnell. Hope you have a pleasant day.”

Jack knew he was in trouble and caught movement out of the corner of his eye. He turned to see four Asian hoodlums, two of whom were pointing pistols at him. The closest one held his index finger up to his lips, telling Jack not to say anything.

A cargo van immediately appeared as one of the men placed a band of duct tape across Jack’s mouth before securing his wrists behind his back with a plastic zip-tie. He caught a glimpse of Lee casually walking toward the elevator being held open for him by a fifth Chinese man. Seconds later, Jack was hustled into the back of the cargo van and made to sit on the floor.

The van radio was blasting out music that echoed inside the confines of the van, making any conversation difficult, but none of his captors spoke, regardless. Another band of duct tape was placed over Jack’s eyes before he was pushed onto his back.

He felt the muzzle of a pistol on his temple, while someone undid his belt and someone else pulled off his shoes. Seconds later, his pants were tugged off. He felt a thin cold flat piece of steel on his stomach and knew it was a knife. Is that it? Is my life over? Are they going to gut me right here? Someone yanked on the front of his golf shirt and he soon realized it was being cut off. His captors were not taking any chances by undoing his wrists. He was rolled onto his side and his underwear was pulled partially down and then back up.

He heard the rustling sound of a garbage bag as all his property, with the exception of his underwear and socks, were crammed inside. The sound of the garbage bag moved to the van door, which opened and closed quickly. Tires of another vehicle squealed slightly and Jack knew his clothes had been taken away. The radio in the van was turned off and he was driven out of the parkade. He was still blindfolded and tied up, but now someone was straddling his ribcage with the muzzle of a pistol inserted in his ear.

The van drove for an hour before Jack heard the difference in the sound of the tires when it left the highway and followed a road with an obviously slower speed limit. That, too, changed when he heard the sound of gravel beneath the tires.

Laura drove into the parkade. Many parking spots were opening up as most of the companies in the office tower ended their day between four and five o’clock. She parked in a spot close to Lee’s car and sat and waited. If he came out with someone other than Jack, she would follow him. If he comes out alone … Her eyes caught the reflection of her trunk in the rear-view mirror. “Oh, man,” she said aloud, before getting out and going to the trunk and getting a ski mask and shoving it inside her purse.

When she got back inside the car, she continued to dial Jack’s number every ten minutes, but there was no answer. By five-thirty, the only car besides hers on the reserved level belonged to Lee, and she knew her position stood out. What few cars did pass through were the occasional shoppers who had been parked in the public parking lot deeper within the complex.

Laura took a deep breath, slowly exhaled, and started her engine. Seconds later, she was parked right beside Lee’s Mercedes-Benz.

It was six o’clock and suppertime, but being a farmer did not mean punching a time clock. George Appleton stooped to pick up a staple that had worked its way loose from the barbed-wire fence and fallen in the grass. It was a common problem and he routinely walked alongside his fenceline to ensure he found the staples before one of his Holsteins swallowed it with a mouthful of alfalfa and got it caught in its throat. He was about to hammer the staple back in when the sound of a gunshot came from a wooded area near an entrance lane to one of his fields.

Seconds later, a cargo van emerged from the woods and raced past his field on the gravel road. He was too far away to see the licence plate or clearly see the faces of the two men in the front of the van, but their straight black hair caused him to think they were Asian.

He swore under his breath as he ran toward the wooded area. It was a favourite spot for his cows to rest and he had a sickening feeling that he would find one of them shot. He arrived minutes later out of breath.

It wasn’t a cow he found shot lying in the dirt. It was a man. A man who was naked, except for his underwear and socks. His hands were bound behind his back with a plastic zip-tie and duct tape covered his eyes and mouth. A bullet hole through his temple oozed blood. Death had been instantaneous.

It was six-thirty when Lee stepped off the elevator and into the parkade. He smiled politely at the pretty woman in front of him and was about to hold the elevator door open for her. Something about her looked familiar. Yes! The lady who beat the mugger. Jack’s lady – His thoughts were interrupted by the sheer terror of seeing her point a 9 mm pistol directly at his face.

“Do not speak,” she commanded. “Walk in front of me and go to the passenger side of my car and lean on it,” she added, gesturing toward her car with a quick jerk of the barrel.

“I beg you to listen,” said Lee. “I —”

“I said shut up!” Tears ran down Laura’s cheeks and her hand trembled. “Go over to my car … now!”

Lee wondered whether she might shoot him accidentally and hurried over to her car and placed his hands on the roof. Laura patted him down quickly before ordering him to get in the passenger side of the car and sit bent over with his head down between his legs.

“Don’t move until I tell you,” she said. “If I see you look up, I will shoot you. If you yell or even talk to me, I will shoot you.”

Lee fought the urge to vomit as Laura got into the car and started it up. He expected that she would be driving him away someplace. Instead, she drove him to the basement of the parkade and parked.

“Stay put,” she said, before getting out of the car and coming around to his side and opening the door. “Get out and get into the back seat. Hurry!”

Lee was confused, but quickly scrambled into the back seat while Laura got in the front seat, keeping her pistol trained on his face. “Okay, put this on,” she said, tossing him a ski mask.

“I don’t understand,” Lee said, bewildered.

“Put it on!”

Lee put the ski mask on as directed.

“Perfect,” said Laura. “Now I am going to call my boyfriend again. If he doesn’t answer, I’m going to shoot you. I’ll drag your body out of my car and use your blood to write rapist on the floor beside you. If the cops ever do find me, no jury in the world will convict me. Now, do you understand?”

“I … I … please listen. This is all a big mistake. I —”

“No! You listen! I’m dialing!” Laura pushed the redial and held the phone out so they both could listen.

Lee listened to the sound of each ring from the back seat. He knew his orders had been followed. Jack’s phone would not be answered. After six rings, his answering machine came on and Laura hung up.

Lee saw that Laura had quit crying. Her eyes burned pure hatred as she levelled the gun at his face. He gasped when he saw her finger squeeze down on the trigger. “I beg you! No!” he screamed. “He does not have his phone to answer! Please … you must … I —”

“I must what? Kill you?” said Laura. “It’s too late for excuses.”

“No, please. Let me call someone. It is not too late. I thought he would have called you already. It is taking longer than I thought. Please, let me use my phone and call someone.”

Laura stared back silently for a few seconds. Seconds that seemed like a lifetime to Lee. Eventually, she nodded and watched as he retrieved his cell and nervously punched in some numbers. “It is ringing,” he said, glancing at her. “I think – hello! This is – hello? Hello?”

It wasn’t only the ski mask making Lee sweat profusely. “We were disconnected,” said Lee in a panic. “The parking lot. The phone doesn’t work down here. Please, we need to drive someplace else. I beg you.”

More seconds ticked by before Laura responded, “Face down on the seat with your hands behind your head. I will give you one last chance.”

Moments later, Laura parked in the upper level and Lee tried again. Laura heard the phone ring and someone picked up and said, “Wang Hui Chinese Restaurant.”

“You better not be ordering Chinese food,” whispered Laura.

Lee shook his head and held his phone with two trembling hands and said, “My order has not arrived. The delivery person called me twenty minutes ago. It should have arrived then. This is very bad … wait.” Lee looked at Laura and held up two fingers and said, “Two minutes. He will call in two minutes.” His eyes then flickered from Laura to the gun she was holding in front of her. He leaned slightly forward, as if to say something else.

“Don’t even think about it,” said Laura, pulling back and distancing herself from his reach. “The clock starts now,” she added, glancing at her watch.

Lee turned his attention back to the phone. “Contact the delivery person again. I must speak to him within two minutes! No longer!”

One minute later, Lee’s cell rang and he stared at Laura, as if in a trance.

“Answer it,” she said. “Better hope it’s Jack and not a wrong number.”

Lee answered and said, “Put him on. Quickly!”

Laura cocked the hammer back on the pistol she was pointing at Lee’s face while carefully accepting his phone in her other hand. “Please … be careful what you say,” he cautioned. “You never know who is listening.”

Laura subconsciously held her breath and brought the phone to her ear. “Hello?”

“Hi, honey,” said Jack. “Kind of a long day, eh? You okay?”

The pent-up emotion Laura felt released itself. “Yeah, I’m okay,” she said, as tears streamed down her cheeks. “You?”

“Still above ground. Feel a little chilly, but I’m okay. Someone borrowed my cell so I couldn’t call. I was worried that you might have gone skiing.”

“I … I was going to,” replied Laura, wiping her tears with her fingertips. “My friend is already dressed for it.”

“Sorry about that. Somebody will be in deep ca-ca for not letting me call. I’ve, uh, been busy. Tied up until half an hour ago. Just got back into the city. They said I’ll have my stuff back in half an hour. The heels of my shoes somehow fell off and are being repaired as we speak. You sure you’re okay?”

“I’m fine,” replied Laura, feeling more in control. “Just get here.”

“You okay to eat?”

“You’re hungry? Now? After all this?” said Laura, instantly angry.

“I spoke with Lee about twenty minutes ago. He apologized and offered to treat us to dinner. Being gracious, I accepted his offer. After all, it is just business. Nothing personal. I was supposed to call you but … these gentlemen I’m with didn’t understand the urgency. They insisted I would have to wait until I got my stuff back.”

Laura paused a moment to collect her thoughts and said, “You sure this isn’t a way to … you know, get us together?”

“I’m sure, but hang on. My favourite team is here. Mister Smith and … gee, I forget the other guy’s name. Tell Mister Lee to introduce me so I can shake his hand.”

My favourite team? Mister Smith and … Laura clued in. Smith & Wesson! She put her hand over the mouthpiece of the phone and whispered to Lee, “The men with Jack have guns. He would like to be given one,” she said, handing him the phone.

Lee’s head bobbed that he understood and he spoke into the phone. “You will give him anything he asks for immediately. Anything! Consider him your boss for now.” Seconds later, Lee passed the phone back to Laura.

“Thanks, honey. I am now shaking hands with my favourite team. I would suggest that we take Mister Lee up on his offer for dinner. I need to buy a fresh shirt for the occasion as well. We should give everyone a fresh start, don’t you agree?”

After hanging up, Laura took a deep breath and slowly exhaled before looking at Lee and saying, “I want lobster. Lots of it. Scallops, too. And take off the ski mask. You look silly.”

At eight o’clock, Jack and Laura accompanied Lee to the Five Sails restaurant in the Pan Pacific Hotel. Laura ordered scallops as an appetizer and then dined on Atlantic lobster. Jack ordered roasted breast of pheasant while Lee contented himself with a meal of pan-seared Alaskan sablefish.

Neither Jack nor Laura discussed what had happened earlier in the day and tried to keep the conversation light.

As they were finishing their meal, Jack noticed that Lee’s hand still shook as he sipped on a glass of Chardonnay, “Kang, you have hardly eaten. Was the fish not to your satisfaction?”

“It was fine, thank you. I have simply lost my appetite. So much has happened so fast. My mind is still reeling.” Lee noticed Jack’s appetite appeared to be fine and asked, “Didn’t today’s events spoil your appetite?”

“I thought you were a little rude,” replied Jack.

“You describe what I did as simply rude?” asked Lee in surprise.

“Perhaps I am being needlessly finicky,” replied Jack. “I have been in your position before where such measures were taken, but you could have offered a sweatsuit. I was rather chilly.”

“Oh, honey,” said Laura. “Quit being a wimp. The two martinis you had as an appetizer surely must have warmed you by now.”

“A sweatsuit? That is your only complaint?” asked Lee. “Didn’t you find the whole ordeal stressful?”

“Business often is,” replied Jack.

“Your ability to … handle business is remarkable,” said Lee.

“You appear to have done well for yourself, also,” said Jack. “Perhaps we should see if there would be an advantage for us to go into business together?”

“Absolutely,” replied Lee. “We should talk later. Perhaps I can call you early next week.”

“That would be fine,” replied Jack. “Although, I must admit, if the long hours we put in today are normal, then I should decline such a partnership. You may have noticed that Laura gets a little upset when I do not come home on time.”

Lee smiled and said, “I have noticed that.”

“I did find today stressful,” admitted Laura. “I would suggest we not do that again.”

Lee lowered his voice and said, “Not as stressful as it was for Arthur Goldie.”

“Oh?” replied Jack. “Did he have a bad day?”

“I have heard,” said Lee, “that he had a bug infestation. One was apparently found inside the collar of his jacket.”

“I see,” said Jack. “Bet he didn’t find that funny,” he added, glancing at Laura.

“Certainly no laughing matter,” replied Laura, seriously, frowning at Jack.

Jack speared the remaining piece of pheasant with his fork, smearing it around in the creamy risotto and wild mushroom sauce before taking a mouthful. “Will Mister Goldie be quarantined?” he asked, after swallowing.

“Quarantined?” replied Lee with an evil grin. “No, I’m afraid the bug he caught was fatal. It is fortunate that I avoided any contamination. You have my gratitude.”

“Ah, I didn’t really do anything,” replied Jack. “I would have handled it myself, but I am new to Vancouver and was afraid you might get the wrong idea. I did not want you to think that my organization was attempting a hostile takeover, if you know what I mean.”

“I understand perfectly,” replied Lee. He studied Jack closely for a moment and said, “You are a shrewd and knowledgeable businessman. You opened my eyes about someone I thought was a friend. The bug was only part of the evidence of his utter lack of loyalty. I am told that he had surrounded himself by an enemy common to us both.”

“An enemy who wears uniforms?” asked Jack.

“Yes, their colleagues are known to do so.”

“But you told me Goldie’s condition was fatal?”

“It was. His experience was similar to yours, except he did not survive.” Lee glanced at Laura and said, “I have come to the conclusion that underground parkades are dangerous to everyone’s health.” He smiled at Jack and added, “He was not provided with a sweatsuit, either.”

“I see,” said Jack.

Lee raised his wineglass in a toast and said, “Today, although discouraging in nature, was ultimately successful. You are responsible and I am indebted to you.”

Laura clinked glasses and thought, You have no idea how responsible …

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