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Jack Taggart Mysteries 7 - Book Bundle
  • Текст добавлен: 9 октября 2016, 13:22

Текст книги "Jack Taggart Mysteries 7 - Book Bundle"

Автор книги: Don Easton

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Текущая страница: 1 (всего у книги 141 страниц)

chapter one

Ben Anderson paused to savour the sweet smell of alfalfa. He had no idea that his world was about to collide with a very different world. A world that would attack without provocation or warning. A world that for all eternity would feed off his soul like starving rats in a war zone. Ben was a farmer. He didn’t know this other world existed.

He tossed another bale onto the hay elevator and watched as the bale slowly ground its way to the top before tumbling into the loft above.

It was early afternoon and the sun was hot. The morning shower had done little to cool the air. The sun sucked the moisture out of the ground and the added humidity caused his shirt to cling to his back and chest. The smog from Vancouver, over an hour’s drive away, hung in the air. Ben chose not to notice the smog. The smell of cattle and alfalfa was much more rewarding.

He caught a glimpse of Maggie’s freckled face and her red hair done up in pigtails as she scrambled to keep up with the bales falling from the elevator and bouncing down onto the loft floor. For a ten-year-old, she was a hard worker.

At two years younger, her little brother was not a lot of help. But no one ever told Ben Junior that. His hair was blonde and his face was well tanned from working on their family farm. Unlike his sister’s pressed jeans, his were dirty and ragged over one knee.

Ben Junior looked serious as he swung a hay hook into another bale and dragged it with both hands across the wooden floor. The bale slid easily. The floor had become shiny and polished over the years from bales being dragged to the back of the loft.

Wizard drove the new silver Acura down the highway. He had already switched cars three times within the last two hours, but now that The Suit was with him, his paranoia intensified. He slowed down and watched his rear-view mirror. Cars passed him. A good sign.

At a glance, Wizard’s clothes gave him the appearance of a businessman who had taken the day off to go golfing. It was Wizard’s face that gave a clue as to what business he was in. His nose had been broken so often in his younger days that the swelling between his eyes had become permanent. Deep creases in his forehead gave the impression that he was much older than his forty-five years. His salt and pepper hair was trimmed short, and his moustache and greying goatee partially hid a scar that traversed his upper and lower lips.

It had taken him twenty years to become president of Vancouver’s west-side chapter of the Satans Wrath Motorcycle Club. It had been a long road, and he wasn’t finished yet. Satans Wrath had dozens of presidents in charge of chapters in eleven countries. Each country had one national president. Wizard would do whatever it took to replace Damien as the national president for Canada.

Wizard glanced at The Suit’s face. The Suit was about his age, but he was skinny and weak. He hated that he needed him. It was Rolly, another member of the club, who had first told him about The Suit.

Rolly had told Wizard that The Suit was a sick bastard. Someone to be shunned. Wizard was more of a businessman. He saw opportunity. It was his idea to recruit him. Not as a club member, of course, but strictly for business. Only Rolly and Damien knew about The Suit. His identity remained top secret. His real name was never spoken, and personal meetings were handled with extreme care.

Wizard played the game well, and Damien rewarded him by assigning him to oversee their most valued business ventures: drugs and prostitution. Many in the club thought Wizard was a genius when it came to business. Some said he had a psychic ability when it came to beating the competition or the police. It was what eventually earned him his nickname. Wizard wasn’t psychic. He didn’t have to be. He had The Suit.

Ben shut off the machinery and for a moment enjoyed the silence. He put his hands on his hips and slowly arched his back. He was a big man and the work came easy to him, but a heart attack he had suffered two years ago told him not to exert himself.

Maggie’s face immediately appeared up above.

“What’s the matter, Dad?”

“I think it’s time for some lemonade. I’ll come up and see how you two are making out.”

Seconds later, Ben Junior’s face appeared. “Did it break down again?”

“No, Ben Junior, it didn’t break down this time.”

“Are we finished then?” asked Maggie.

“No, not yet.”

“How come you turned it off?”

“Slow down, Ben Junior, I thought we could use a rest is all.”

“Yeah, Doodle looks tired. But not me! I’m used to man’s work.”

Maggie pretended not to care. Doodle wasn’t a nickname that she appreciated, but this time she wasn’t going to give her little brother a reaction.

Ben climbed the ladder into the loft. Without being asked, Maggie poured three glasses of lemonade from a plastic jug.

She gave her father a big smile as she sat down on a bale.

Ben grinned to himself when he saw her concentrating on holding the plastic glass while extending her little finger. That’s my girl, always trying to be a lady. His attention to Maggie didn’t go unnoticed.

Ben Junior retrieved a cardboard cutout that he had made that morning. It was in the shape of a shark and he had used silver foil to give it extra large teeth. Seconds later, the shark attacked the back of his sister’s head in a feeding frenzy.

Maggie swatted at the shark and the silver teeth fell off.

“Daddy! She broke it! I made this for Uncle Jack.” He started to wail.

“He started it! I was just —”

“That’s enough, you two! Keep that up and you’ll both spend your last few days of summer vacation weeding the garden.”

The children knew enough to keep quiet, at least for the moment. Maggie pretended to pick particles of hay from her glass. She then flicked her wet fingers in Ben Junior’s direction. Seconds later, the children made a face at each other, then giggled, forgetting their anger.

Ben Junior gulped down his lemonade and went to swing wildly on a rope hung from a rafter in the loft.

Maggie saw a yellow jacket walking around the rim of Ben Junior’s empty glass. Several other wasps, attracted to the sweet smell of the lemonade, hovered nearby.

She took a small sketchpad and stubby pencil from her hip pocket and drew a caricature of a wasp, sporting a happy face, climbing out of a glass.

Ben leaned over to take a look. “Pretty good, girl,” he said. “I think you’re going to make one heck of an artist some day.”

“Thanks, Dad.” Maggie flashed her newly grown adult teeth, which looked out of proportion in her face.

Ben looked at all the bales that had been dragged to the far end of the loft. The children’s muscles had not developed enough to stack them properly.

“Okay, I think you kids have earned your keep for today. Check with Mom first. I think she’s in the garden. If she doesn’t need you then you can go and play.”

“Whoopee!” Ben Junior yelled. “Come on, Doodle, let’s go!” he said, leaping from the rope and crashing in amongst some bales. Both children scrambled to be first to reach the ladder.

Moments later, Ben Junior raced down the gravel driveway on his bicycle. Muddy water sprayed out from the puddles in some of the deeper potholes. Ben Junior lifted his feet high off the pedals, but not high enough to avoid getting splashed by the mud. Maggie followed behind but kept her distance.

Elizabeth, watching from the garden, shook her head.

“You two be back in time for supper!” she shouted. Then as an afterthought she added, “Maggie! If you want to pick some berries, I’ll make your favourite pie for dessert!”

Wizard checked his rear-view mirror as he turned off onto a gravel road. He held his breath and let it out when he saw that the Acura was the only car on the road.

“Where the fuck are you taking me?” The Suit asked.

His German shepherd stuck its nose out of the back seat and licked his ear. He yanked the choke chain around the dog’s neck, jerking it back.

“Just a small detail to talk about with Rolly. Will only take a couple of minutes. I’ll get you to the motel on time.”

The Suit didn’t respond. Wizard’s business could not be discussed in phone calls. He took a gold cigar case out of his Armani suit and opened it.

A ring-necked pheasant flew up from the side of the road as the car swept by. The German shepherd lunged at the side window. Flashing fangs exploded with saliva as the beast turned its attention to the rear window.

Maggie hung on to her plastic pail of blackberries as she followed Ben Junior around to the front of the abandoned farmhouse. Her skinny, freckled arms hung from her T-shirt and bore scratches from the sharp thorns of the nearby blackberry bushes. Ben Junior’s mouth and cheeks bore deep purple traces from the juicy berries he’d already eaten.

The front door of the house, leading into the kitchen, had been kicked open. By the way the big splinters of wood hung from the lock, Maggie figured it had to have been done by a grown-up. Most of the windows were broken, and the kitchen cupboards were only a shell. The grey linoleum was buckled and cracked. It made her think of a giant web.

“Next time, I’m gonna bring my stuff and draw a picture of a big spider on this floor.”

“Why?” replied Ben Junior. “I’m sure there’s real ones in here.”

A pigeon burst from the top of a cupboard and flapped across the kitchen.

Ben Junior instinctively grabbed Maggie’s arm but let go as the pigeon escaped through a broken windowpane.

“Scared you, Doodle?” said Ben Junior.

“It scared you too! And if you don’t stop calling me Doodle, I’ll tell Mom you stole money from her purse.”

“It was only a quarter,” he said.

“You still stole.”

“I just borrowed it. I’m going to put it back.”

“Doesn’t matter. You never asked, so that means you stole. I should tell Uncle Jack.”

Ben Junior paused, then changed the topic. “Come on, let’s play grown-ups!”

They entered a room off the kitchen that had once been the main bedroom. Part of a broken mirror hung from the back of the door. Maggie placed her bucket on the floor. She found a rag to rub a circle of grime off the mirror and pretended to put on lipstick.

She did not see the freckle-faced kid with pigtails in the reflection. Instead, it was a pretty lady. Like the cover girls who advertise makeup. Except I’m not going to be a cover girl. I’ll be an artist. A really famous artist…

Ben Junior nudged in front of her. “I have to shave,” he said, sounding gruff.

“Well then hurry. You have to drive over and pick up the baby…”

A car’s arrival interrupted their game. They knew the old farmhouse was off limits. Maggie looked at Ben Junior and put her finger to her lips. Outside, a big dog barked.

Maggie peeked through the crack in the bedroom door. She saw two men walk into the kitchen. One carried a blue sports bag. He had a grey goatee on his chin. He also had a tattoo that looked like a couple of words over a picture on his arm.

The other man was dressed in a suit. He was slim, clean-shaven, and had dark, wavy hair neatly trimmed at the top of his collar.

Wizard tossed the sports bag on the kitchen counter, where it landed with a thud.

“I don’t have all fucking day. Where is he?” asked The Suit.

Maggie heard another car arrive.

“He’s here now,” said Wizard, peering out the window.

Maggie looked at her brother. His sparkling blue eyes stared back. He had a devilish grin on his face and tried to push her aside to peek out the door. She grabbed him by the shoulder. He caught the fear in her face and became more sober, stepping back from the door.

Maggie saw the other man walk into the kitchen. He wore a black leather vest and a black T-shirt that partially covered a round and hairy belly. A hunting knife hung from a scabbard on his belt. The end of the handle had a skull on it with ruby red eyes. His balding head and hairless, pie-shaped face and chubby chin reminded Maggie of a plate she had in her dollhouse. The plate had a man-in-the-moon face on it.

“Any trouble finding the place?” Rolly asked.

“Your directions were good,” said Wizard.

“So what do ya think?” asked Rolly. “Good place to rent for a grow op.”

“Later. What about today’s business? Ya get it all?”

“Fifty keys of quick, dead on. Got the French bitch laid down at the Black Water for tonight. She’ll be back on the train tomorrow. That the bread?”

“It ain’t my fuckin’ lunch.”

Maggie saw Rolly unzip the blue bag. She could see the crack at the top of his flat bum. He took out a couple of bundles of money, then crammed them back inside. He reached inside his vest pocket and took out a small plastic baggie of brownish powder. He held it out toward Wizard and said, “I brought it if you want to see it.”

The Suit yelled “You fucking idiot!” while slapping Rolly’s hand. The baggie flew out of his hand and spilled on the counter. “I told you never to bring that crap around me!”

“Relax,” said Wizard. “It’s only a sample.”

“Not this! What about the fifty kilos?”

“You think I’d be drivin’ around with that!” said Rolly indignantly. “It’s already stashed.”

Wizard picked up the baggie. Sunshine illuminated his arm and Maggie saw the tattoo. The words Dirty Dog were emblazoned over the head of a dog.

These are bad men, thought Maggie. Uncle Jack will know what to do with them! She took out her sketchpad and heard Wizard say, “Make sure the French bitch is on the train tomorrow. Don’t want any complaints from back east.”

Maggie wrote the word Dirty and heard the whine of a dog. She peeked through the crack of the door and saw a German shepherd pad into the kitchen. It sniffed the floor, slowly moving toward her. Its claws made a light clicking sound on the linoleum, zigzagging closer.

Maggie gently closed the door. It creaked slightly.

The men quit talking. Did they hear me? What if they find us? I bet they’d be mad! She looked at the broken windowpane in the bedroom and then at her brother. No way to escape.

Wizard reached into the sports bag, wrapping his hand around the shortened stock of a sawed-off shotgun.

“A hell of a hot day, isn’t it?” Maggie heard Rolly say. She could hear the dog panting.

“Yeah, you can really feel the heat,” replied Wizard.

Maggie breathed a sigh of relief. Good. Everything is okay.

The dog whined.

The mirror in front of Maggie’s face exploded into a multitude of broken shards that penetrated her face and neck like porcupine quills. The first blast caught her hand and the side of her ribcage, spinning her around and dumping her on the floor like a rag doll.

The deafening roar of three more blasts followed, but all missed their mark. Smoke and dust ebbed through the rays of sunshine. The sulfuric smell of gunpowder filled the air.

Ben Junior, unscathed, stood staring at his sister. He could see her eyes. Open, but without expression. She wasn’t moving. Ben Junior closed his eyes and hunched over.

“Fuck! It’s just kids!” said Wizard.

“Good thing. I thought it was the cops,” Rolly replied. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

“Not so fast, you morons!” said The Suit.

“Nobody has seen us,” said Wizard. “We’ll just fuck off and —”

“You might take chances; I don’t!”

Wizard shrugged his shoulders indifferently, then passed the shotgun to Rolly.

Rolly rested the muzzle of the shotgun on the bump at the top of the spine near the back of Ben Junior’s head. The little boy shook and squatted in a fetal position, squeezing his eyes tighter. His jeans turned a darker blue.

Rolly hesitated as the wet stain appeared around the little boy’s feet. He lowered the shotgun and looked at Wizard.

“Do it!” The Suit yelled.

“It’s time you earned your tattoo,” said Wizard.

Maggie’s body convulsed and thumped on the floor as she released a gurgling sound from her lungs. She was still alive.

chapter two

Jack Taggart’s apartment was on the eighteenth floor and it provided him with a good, if slightly distant, view of the heart of Vancouver. He gripped the railing on his balcony and stared blankly at the street below. Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro played through the open door of his balcony. He thought the music would ease his depression. It didn’t.

He had joined the Royal Canadian Mounted Police when he was a fresh-faced kid of twenty-three. Fourteen years had passed, and he had long since lost the innocence of his youth. Six years of working undercover on the Drug Section had been followed by a transfer to the Intelligence Section, where he had spent the last five years working undercover on organized crime.

He was a survivor and was good at what he did. His work had not gone unnoticed by a superior officer. Taggart wasn’t only good at his job – he was too good. Too good to be playing by the book.

Jack exercised to stay fit, but his dark wavy hair was starting to recede, and plucking the occasional grey hair was becoming a daily ritual. Vanity was not something that he admired about himself, but neither was living alone.

He decided to strike at the root of his depression and strode back inside and reached for his stereo. The Marriage of Figaro faded as he dialled his boss.

“Louie, it’s Jack.”

“How did it go last night?”

“Another shipment arrived in a Winnebago at two-thirty this morning. I watched and met my informant after he helped unload. He confirmed that it’s coming from the same guy in El Paso.”

“That’s good. Put it in the report for Interpol.”

“Forget Interpol! I’m going to El Paso myself.”

“No. You’re not,” said Louie firmly. “Wigmore won’t approve it. Child porn is low on the list these days.”

“But my source says they’re linked to snuff films, for God’s sake! That’s murder.”

“I know.”

“Does Wigmore know that the El Paso connection distributes to most of Canada?”

“We’ve been over this. I told him.”

“Damn it, Louie! The guy in El Paso has a family and is a leader in his church! I could turn him in about ten seconds. We’d get his distribution list for Canada, not to mention his connection, who is either producing it or knows who is.”

“As Wigmore pointed out, the victims aren’t Canadian. Pass it over to Interpol.”

“The victims aren’t, but the goddamned perverts are! We’re talking about children being raped and murdered! Who cares what their nationality is?”

“I hear you, but Wigmore wants this handled through channels.”

“That could take forever, plus I promised my source I wouldn’t burn him. This needs to be handled right. The hell with Wigmore. I’ve decided to take leave and pay for it myself.”

“Forget it, Jack! You go flying off to Texas and he’ll have your ass for working in a foreign country without authorization. He’s been looking sideways at you ever since Levasseur’s body turned up last month. I’m sure he figures you were behind it.”

“Levasseur was murdered in Montreal. I haven’t been there in years.”

“I know. You also look better without a beard.” Louie paused a moment, and when Jack didn’t reply, he said, “Wigmore’s not in right now. Let’s meet for coffee tomorrow and talk about it. Maybe I can convince him to cut loose with the funding.”

“Appreciate it. Speaking of funding, when am I getting a new partner? It’s been three months since Paul was transferred.”

“You know Staffing as well as I do. Your guess is as good as mine.”

Jack hung up the phone and stared at the cardboard cutouts of fish dangling in his waterless aquarium. A breeze from his balcony made the fish start to spin. Some were sharks with silver teeth. The rest of the fish were bright, colourful, and looked real.

Great kids. Lucky to have been born in Canada. The telephone rang and he picked it up.

It was his sister. She said someone killed both her babies. Her voice was hollow and detached. Ben had gone to look….

Jack accelerated along the dusty road. Last Sunday he had been with Liz and Ben. They had gone on a picnic with the kids. He had played hide-and-seek with Maggie and Ben Junior. Later, they had roasted hot dogs over an open fire. Ben Junior had dripped mustard down his shirt.

Jack’s car bounced along the gravel driveway leading to the house. He had made the usual one-hour drive to the farm in less than forty minutes. Dust billowed behind, then overtook him as stepped out of the car. A police car, with lights flashing, sat empty outside the house.

Jack sprinted inside.

A uniformed officer appeared in the hall.

“I’m on the job too. This is my sister’s house,” said Jack, reaching for his badge.

“She told me you were coming. They just left. We’ve got a car taking them both to the hospital. She’s really out of it. I think she broke her nose.”

“What happened?”

“She found her kids in an old abandoned farmhouse down the road. She fainted and smacked her face.”

“Are you sure the kids are…?”

“I’m sorry. Both dead. That’s all I know. Homicide should be arriving any minute.”

A police car blocked the driveway leading to the abandoned farmhouse. He saw a uniformed officer talking with two paramedics leaning against an ambulance. Any hope he had was gone.

Moments later, Jack was careful not to disturb any evidence as he walked along the edge of the driveway leading to the house, but the driveway was mostly overgrown with grass and he didn’t see any identifiable tracks. He reached the small clearing where the house was located.

A young uniformed officer walked out from behind a mass of blackberry bushes. His white face and the smell from the bushes explained it all.

“Who are you?” the officer demanded.

Jack flashed his badge.

“Man, you wouldn’t believe it in there! With this heat and the greasy food I had for —”

“I don’t need to hear it.”

A voice behind Jack asked, “What are you doing here? Aren’t you still on Intelligence?”

Jack recognized Connie Crane. She was attached to the Homicide Unit on the General Investigation Section.

“Where is everybody?” he asked.

“On their way. I just got here myself. What are you doing here?”

“The parents … they’re my sister and brother-in-law.”

“Yeah? Oh … Jack, I’m sorry.”


“You know them well?”


“Any problems?”

“Forget that idea,” replied Jack. “They’re good people. Decent.”

“Just doing my job.”

“Well let’s go in there and do it.”

“You’re not goin’ in there!”

“I’m going in!”

“Like hell you are! You’re not on GIS, let alone Homicide, so get out of here and leave me to do my job.”

“Damn it, CC! These kids are family!”

“Forget it. Don’t blame me. It’s policy.”

They locked eyes and neither spoke.

Jack was the first to break the silence. “Have the bodies been formally identified yet?”

“Maybe they didn’t see the faces, I heard it’s pretty messy in there, but…”

“Policy wouldn’t consider that a proper ID. I can do that now. Or were you looking forward to watching their mom and dad do it?”

CC paused, then let out a sigh. “Okay. You win. ID the bodies and then go. Deal?”

Jack nodded, and CC rummaged inside her briefcase and handed him a pair of protectors to slip over his shoes.

CC gave Jack a hard look and said, “Remember, it’s not your investigation!”

“I hear you.”

CC flicked on a small tape recorder and cautiously entered. Jack stood at the entrance, looking in. He saw a kitchen, with a trail of blood across the floor to an open door on the far side. He resisted the urge to rush in. He watched CC practically hug the wall as she moved through the room, avoiding contact with anything someone else might have touched or walked upon. She talked as she went.

“Blood on the kitchen floor indicates two different sizes of footprints. Appear to be a man and a woman’s. Note, must seize the parents’ footwear.”

CC moved past the kitchen counter and studied the open door leading into the bedroom. “A door leading off the kitchen has numerous chunks and small round holes taken out of it. The pattern is similar to what a shotgun with heavy shot would do. Appears to be multiple blasts, maybe three or four. Entry point is on the kitchen side. No sign of shell casings.”


She clicked the recorder off. “I knew you wouldn’t be able to keep your mouth shut! What is it?”

Jack indicated where some dust had been disturbed on the counter.

“So?” asked CC.

“Something slid across the counter. There are grains of powder in the dust! Brownish-grey. Bet it’s heroin or meth!”

CC bent over for a closer look, then said, “Maybe someone weighing drugs. I’ll have it looked at.” She then turned her recorder on and said, “Now, facing the entrance to the room off the kitchen. Inside is – Christ!”

CC shut off the recorder and stared into the room.

A voice in Jack’s head and an eruption of burning bile up his throat and into his mouth told him to get out of the building. But he didn’t listen. He swallowed, then slowly moved to the doorway and looked in.

Sunshine reflecting off splinters of mirror cast bright, rainbow-coloured images. Vibrations from their feet caused the images to dance and shimmer throughout the room. Shards of light flickered across red and pale-white flesh. It looked mystical. Surreal.

He felt the urge to run. To go back to his apartment and crawl into his closet and hide. Hide from Liz and Ben. Hide from this room. Hide from this world.

He paused in his thoughts and found himself staring at Ben Junior’s little hand. He thought back to a month previous. He had been roughhousing with Ben Junior out on the lawn. Ben Junior had pressed his tiny hand against Jack’s hand and said, “My hand will never be a big as yours, will it, Uncle Jack?” Jack had replied, “Someday. But mine is bigger now!” Then he’d grabbed Ben Junior, who had squealed with delight.

Jack forced himself back to the present. He felt numb as his brain tried to deal with what he saw. Please don’t be sick. Think meat. Maggie and Ben Junior are gone. This is just raw meat. Part of her rib … No! Part of the rib cage blown away … blood splatters … one of her fingers by my feet … but her body is halfway across the room. She was shot while standing behind the door. But her face! … Pieces of skull … she was shot in the face later. Ben Junior … executed from behind. Oh God! I can’t be sick. It’ll ruin evidence…. Maggie and Ben Junior … just meat.

He studied a bloody imprint of someone who had fallen in the bedroom, knocking over a pail of blackberries. A pattern of bloody hand marks with slender fingers extended across the floor from the imprint.

Blood tells a story. It was all too easy for Jack to read. Easy to read; impossible to erase. The tipped pail, the bloody imprint of an adult body with slender hands…

Liz fainted when she saw … and awoke next to the bodies of her children. Red streaks, like small railway tracks, snake their way between red palm prints. Liz was covered in blood. The fingers point into the room. Speckles of blood are partially obliterated by sliding palm prints. She broke her nose when she fainted and was dripping some of her own blood as she got to her knees, before crawling backwards out of the room. The railway streaks from her knees disappear, but red palm prints pepper the floor, along with red scuff marks made by her shoes. She tries to stand … feet slip on the linoleum … falls … gets to her feet.

Jack’s senses become alive. He is conscious that the hot summer sun has turned up the humidity. A musty odour … stifling hot. Rotten wood in the air … my tongue feels thick. Sound of flies. They’re buzzing everywhere. Evil sound.

Tracks from a workboot cover part of Liz’s footprints. Ben’s tracks. First Liz finds the bodies, and then Ben comes to check. Small red globules of blood are embossed between the thick tread marks left by his boots. The boot prints become farther apart. Ben is running, frantic to protect her from what he saw. He is too late. Too late to protect her – or himself.

Long red narrow streaks against the white enamel paint of the doorframe. Liz claws at the doorway as she tries to escape from the house.

A bluebottle fly with a fat hairy body crawled along the sticky blood on the doorjamb.

Jack stepped outside and the fly buzzed around his head, angry at being disturbed. It landed on his lip. He spit and mauled his lips with his fingers. The fly returned to the doorjamb.

I feel like I’ve tasted death. Is that possible? He spit again. The taste remained. It would remain in the fibres of his brain forever.

Jack handed his shoe protectors to CC. Neither spoke while she placed them in a plastic bag and filled out a label.

She looked at Jack. “Formal identification of…?”

“Margaret Anderson and her brother, Ben Anderson Jr. Yes, it’s them.”

CC glanced at her watch and made a notation in her notebook. “How they were shot will be hold-back information.”

Jack nodded silently, then walked back to the main road as an unmarked police car arrived with two more investigators, followed by a van belonging to the dog master. A wild-eyed German shepherd barked furiously from inside the van.

Jack knew that the bodies of Maggie and Ben Junior would haunt him for the rest of his life. It didn’t scare him as much as what he had to do next.

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