Текст книги "Love Unscripted"
Автор книги: Tina Reber
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guess I really butchered the song.
“I’m sorry,” I muttered, abashed by his actions. “Was I that bad?”
He shook his head and pulled me up from the couch by my hands. Without saying a word he scooped me up in his arms and kissed me as he
carried me down the hallway.
It was still dark in my bedroom when Ryan’s cell phone alarm beeped. I felt him stir, rolling over to stop its chime. I opened my sleepy eyes and
looked at the time; my alarm clock displayed 5:30.
Ryan let out a groan and sat up on the edge of the bed, retrieving his clothing from my bedroom floor.
I ran my fingertips down his spine to let him know I was awake.
“Morning sweetheart,” he uttered quietly. He leaned back on me and kissed my lips softly, sweeping my hair off my cheek.
I brushed my hand over his defined chest.
“I have to get going,” he said with a frown.
“I know,” I whispered, saddened by the thought.
I turned the security alarm off and peered both ways down the darkened alleyway. Each end of the narrow road was illuminated by streetlights. It
appeared that the entire town, including the birds, was still sleeping. “I don’t see anyone out there. The coast looks clear.”
“Okay. I’ll call you later.” He hugged and kissed me goodbye.
I crawled back into bed and pulled his pillow to my chest, enjoying the soft scent of his cologne that still lingered on the pillowcase.
“You’re whistling,” Marie said as she tapped a pitcher of beer for a waiting customer.
“Sorry. I’ll stop,” I apologized to her, fearing it was annoying. “That will be two dollars, sir.” I smiled at the older gentleman that I just served.
Marie’s eyes glared at me. “Whistling? Extremely good mood? He was here last night, wasn’t he?” she accused.
I couldn’t hide my smile. “Maybe!”
“No wonder you turned me down when I offered to come over.” Marie nudged me in the shoulder.
“It wasn’t planned, believe me!”
“When he calls, ask him what he did with all the cobwebs. We need to make more hats for the needy,” she said dryly. “Or did he call you already
I smirked, secretly acknowledging that I spoke to him earlier at lunchtime and again mid afternoon.
Marie grabbed my elbow and uttered her words privately. “If you screw this relationship up I swear I will kill you myself!”
“Believe me, I’m trying not to!” I confirmed, returning to washing a few dirty glasses in the sink.
“So are you seeing him later? I could close for you if we’re not that busy,” Marie offered.
I wished I could take her up on that, but Ryan had other obligations.
“He’s catching the redeye to Newark tonight. He has an interview and a dinner meeting in Manhattan tomorrow.”
Marie gave me a questioning look.
“He’s doing a little press for his last film,” I muttered.
I saw the light bulb go off in her head. “Oh, Reparation, right?”
I laughed lightly from the absurdity of her knowing so many details about my boyfriend’s life.
Ryan, of course, called me later that evening.
So, are you all packed for your trip?” I asked.
“Almost. I’m packing right now. I wish I didn’t have to go to Manhattan, but at least it’s a short flight from here. You found my schedule, right?”
I smiled. Ryan cared for me to the point that he wanted me to know his entire schedule, and this was the second time he asked me if I had it.
“Yes, I have it on the refrigerator. Hopefully you can slip through the airport unnoticed.”
“That’s the plan!” he stated exuberantly.
I grabbed his schedule to review it again. Wednesday morning he had an appearance on an early morning show at seven. At one p.m. he had a
photo shoot, and then last on his agenda was a dinner meeting with his manager and some producer later that evening.
He had an early flight back to Rhode Island Thursday morning.
“This schedule says you have to be back on set on Thursday. Jeez, did they even factor in a bathroom break here anywhere?” I groaned. I
wondered how he could stand living such a hectic life.
He laughed. “No. I have to hold it!”
“According to this schedule, it looks like you can go to the bathroom on Saturday around eight p.m.”
“I’ll have to reschedule that. I’m hoping to have other plans,” Ryan stated, like we were having a business meeting.
“The interview on Wednesday is really early in the morning,” he groaned. “That’s going to be the killer.”
“Do you know what questions they are going to ask, or do they just spring their questions on you?” I wondered. I pictured him having to answer
on the fly and how nerve racking that must be to come up with coherent replies.
“Sometimes they give you an idea of what they’re going to ask, but most of the time it’s just unscripted banter. Every one of these interviews is
pretty much the same. Tell us about the movie, what’s it about, how does it feel to be playing that character. It’s all quite mundane.”
“That is until they ask you those uncomfortable, personal questions,” I joked. “I noticed you rub your forehead when you don’t like the question.”
“I do what?” he asked inquisitively.
“You rub your forehead. When you get uncomfortable or upset you rub your forehead. You probably don’t even realize you’re doing it.” I couldn’t
help but tease him.
“So tell us, Ryan…” I started, using my best fake talk-show host voice. “All the women in the audience want to know what type of underwear
you’re wearing right now. Or… everyone wants to know if you are dating someone. You squirm in your chair and then you rub your forehead. It’s your
My what?” he laughed.
“Your tell, you know? Like when you’re playing poker? It’s that unconscious movement or action that lets everyone know you’re bluffing.”
“Oh, tell. Yeah, I know what that means. Great, now I’m really going to be self-conscious on stage. Not only do I have to worry about the stupid
questions and my mumbling answers, I’ll be worrying about touching my face and giving my secrets away.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make it worse.” It was hard to plead and suppress a laugh at the same time.
“I suppose I need a new gesture then, huh?”
“Why don’t you rub your middle finger across your eyebrow if you don’t like his question? That ought to be good for ratings.”
He was laughing too hard to reply.
“See, you like my ideas!” I laughed with him.
“Yeah, I do! But I also recall you did the same gesture to me once!”
“Well, pick another one then. But you’ll have to let me know what your new gesture is so I can watch for it.”
“Let me think about that for a minute. There are so many subtle movements I could make that no one would notice. I like this! It’s so evil! Okay,
let me think…
“All right, I got one. I’ll scratch my chin if I really want to tell him to go to Hell. How does that sound?”
I laughed. “Sounds good! No one will even notice. So what does the rubbing your forehead and scratching your chin at the same time mean?”
“Don’t be a smart ass!” he bantered back. “And if he asks me if I have a girlfriend, of course I have to deny it to keep my private life a secret, but
how about I’ll touch my nose with my finger so you know I’m lying?”
I felt my heart skip a beat when he said the word girlfriend.
“So, you have a girlfriend? Do I know her?” I asked, fooling with him.
“Don’t make me hang up on you!” he threatened.
“No, I really want to know. Is she hot?” I joked.
“No, she’s not hot.” He paused before changing his tone. “I’d say she’s more… irresistibly beautiful and incredibly sexy – than hot. And I’m
insanely crazy about her so watch what you say.”
“Wow,” I breathed out as I felt the blood rush from my head. “Good thing I don’t know her. I’m getting really jealous.”
“Well, if you really feel the need to confront her, go look in the mirror. I’ll wait.”
I didn’t know what to say. I was completely astonished. My mouth was hanging open like a fish out of water.
“Why, Ms. Mitchell! Are you speechless?” he teased.
“Yes. Completely.”
“Good. Now while you’re stunned into silence, I’m gonna get going. I want to try and sleep for two hours before I have to fly.”
“Okay, have fun and be careful in New York.”
“I’ll try. I have off Sunday and Monday, if I read the schedule right,” he yawned. “I’m freaking tired. It won’t take me long to fall asleep, even though
I don’t have my favorite pillow to wrap my arm around. But this weekend, I’m really looking forward to fixing that! I’ll call you from New York when I get
a break, okay? Good night, sweetheart. Pleasant dreams.”
The sunrays were just starting to beam through my window when my alarm clock chimed. 6:55 a.m. flashed in large red numbers as my eyes
adjusted to the light. Part of me wanted to hit the snooze button and enjoy ten more minutes of sleep, but the other part wanted desperately to see
him again.
I felt I needed to connect with his celebrity life. I wanted to know what his life was like when he wasn’t walking around barefoot in my apartment. If
I was going to love him honestly, fully, and completely, I had to know all the facets of who he was and embrace them all equally.
I curled up on the couch and rapidly flipped through the channels until I found the right network for the morning show. I frowned when I had to
endure several minutes of commercials.
As tired as I was I could only imagine that Ryan was just as tired, if not more. I had the luxury of just waking up and lounging in my pajamas. He,
no doubt, had already been up for an hour or so and was probably stuck in some makeup chair having a team of stylists fuss over his wardrobe and
hair while powdering his face to hide his sheen.
You poor bastard, I thought to myself as a smile broke on my face. He’s probably squirming in the chair right now.
Of course they waited until the last ten minutes of the show to bring him out. The other forty minutes were coated in teasing pictures, video clips,
and a few hundred “later on in the show” lead-ins.
Ryan smiled and waved to the audience as he made his way to the open chair on the stage. He was so freaking handsome in a dark tweed
jacket over a dark gray button down shirt that hung out over his pants. He had stubble growing on his face and he grimaced when the female
audience screamed for him. A few women yelled “I love you” as he was taking his seat, and just like on cue, he rubbed his forehead.
The host rolled right into asking those standard questions about his latest movie and I laughed when he asked Ryan to tell everyone what the
movie is about. He shook his head as he smiled and I could, as clear as a bell, hear the comments that were being made in his subconscious. He
was right – every one of these talk shows was identical.
It was after the first commercial break when the host got to the million-dollar question – was he dating anyone. I flew off the couch and stood right
in front of the TV, dying to know how he would handle answering.
Ryan’s eyes looked down for a second and he chuckled a bit to himself. As he looked up at the camera he shook his head and stated with a
dead-on poker face, “No, I’m not seeing anyone. I really don’t have time to even talk to anyone.”
And then he did it. With a cocky smirk on his lips, he raised his right hand and rubbed his fingers down his nose. His fingers then completed the
motion by rubbing and scratching his chin.
Just then I broke out into my own private hysterics.
It was still early in the morning when Ryan called. He had just finished the interview and had some spare time before having to head to another
studio to have his picture taken repeatedly.
“What are you doing now?” I asked while lounging in bed.
“Being photographed and filmed while walking down the sidewalk,” he groaned. “It is exciting news, you know, that I can walk in a straight line.
Damn…” he breathed out.
“What?” I froze.
“Ahh, I just dropped the papers I had in my hand. Great, they’re taking pictures of me picking crap up off the sidewalk. Yeah, hi, thanks, just one
I could hear the crowd around him asking questions and he was giving them quick answers. People were asking for his autograph over and
over again and to take their picture with him.
“You’ve been here since two a.m.? You’re crazy!” I heard him say to a female fan. “Tar – hang on a second.”
“Ryan, Ryan can I get a picture with you too?” “Ryan over here.” It sounded like he was getting mobbed.
I heard what sounded like his security team instructing the crowd to back up and give Mr. Christensen some space. “No, you already got one
from him,” I heard a man’s voice say.
“Why do you want me to sign this? It will ruin it!” Ryan asked some fan. I heard some girl’s voice begging him.
“Okay, you already got two autographs,” the unknown male voice instructed again.
Eventually I heard a car door slam and he breathed out a sigh of relief.
“Marla, would you please hand me that soda. Thanks. All right, now I can talk again. Sorry. This is unbelievable,” he muttered. “Are you still
“Yeah, I’m still here.”
“I can’t believe that girl wanted me to sign her violin! I should have said no.”
I heard a woman’s voice in the background talking to Ryan.
“Hey, it’s not my problem if that’s not her violin. And if it’s damaged now, that’s not my fault. Can I refuse to sign stuff if it’s not a picture or a
book or something?”
I couldn’t make out what the woman said to Ryan.
“Can you imagine what David would say to me if he got a bill for a violin? Your client ruined my Stradivarius!”
I scrambled for something to say. “Hey, did you ever get a birthday gift for your mom?” I asked, remembering the circumstances that led to the
day we first met.
“No. Shit… thanks for reminding me. I completely forgot.”
“Well while you’re in New York, I’m sure you can find something nice there. Either that or you can find something here.”
“It doesn’t matter. What should I get her?”
“Anything a man would hate to have to pick out on his own?” I joked with him. “I don’t know… jewelry, perfume, a new purse? What do you think
she’d appreciate?”
“Jewelry,” he replied. “I’ve never gotten my mom perfume. I’m allergic to most of them. Let me take care of this now while I’m thinking of it. I have
a dinner meeting at seven. I’ll call you after that.”
“Okay. Have fun.” I was sad to hang up with him.
Later that evening, Marie flipped through the channels on the TV until she found the evening entertainment news. My attention was captured
when, in the first minute of the show, they ran over the highlights of what was to come in tonight’s episode and Ryan’s picture was flashed on the
I turned up the volume when his story was featured.
“Tonight’s exclusive: Ryan takes on New York. The hot, young star was spotted today as he was leaving the Good Morning New York show
in Manhattan. The busy actor was caught multi-tasking, talking on his cell phone while signing autographs for fans. When asked how long he’d
be in Manhattan, the sexy star replied ‘just one day.’ Ryan is in town to promote his latest film, Reparation, due to be released in April.
“Later today he was spotted entering The Diamond Exchange on trendy Park Avenue where he reportedly purchased several gifts. Look out,
ladies! There’s no denying his on-screen chemistry and reported hook-ups with his leading ladies. Rumors have been circulating that he’s
romantically involved with Suzanne Strass who is starring again with Ryan on the second installment in the Seaside franchise. Insiders have
reported that the two have been quite friendly between takes. Perhaps things are getting steamy between them off-camera? We will keep you
posted as this story develops.”
There he was – captured in moving pictures on my television. I noticed a tall, thin woman with short black hair hovering around Ryan while he
signed autographs and then I saw him sign the violin. I presumed the woman was Marla. She got into the sedan with Ryan.
While the world wanted any tidbit of news on his life, he was recorded while on the phone that very moment talking to me. A big grin flashed
across my lips. Oh how I loved my little secret.
“What are you smiling about?” Marie asked, breaking me from my private reverie.
“He was on the phone with me when that was filmed.” I smiled, nodding to the television.
It was appalling how the gossip and news shows embellished flat-out lies about him and his co-stars. No wonder he had to be so careful. Any
slip was fodder for the media, which was spread like wildfire and believed by millions.
I had my reasons for being hesitant, but now I had another reminder why he had to be hesitant too. He was a constant moving target.
Chapter 14 – Date
“So what are you up to?” Ryan asked when he called me on his lunch break on Friday.
“I’m… shopping.” My tone was definitely mischievous.
He laughed lightly. “You sound like you’re up to no good.”
“Maybe. I’m hoping I have a date this weekend and I wanted to get something nice to wear. Hey, you’re a guy. Let me ask you… do guys like
really short dresses or will a new pair of jeans work?”
“That depends. Where is your date taking you?” he snickered in my ear.
“Nowhere. He’s kind of shy and very private. I’m happy to just stay home and keep him warm and safe. Maybe spoil him a little? I could
probably get away with a little tank top and stilettos but I’d really like to impress him. Do you have any suggestions?” I was thoroughly enjoying
toying with him.
“How about a very small towel? I know most guys like when women wear towels. Something about the convenience of it that’s appealing – you
always have a place to dry your hands.”
“Towels? Hmm.” He definitely caught me off-guard with that one, but I was glad he was playing along.
“Oh look – Victoria’s Secret is having a towel sale today! Imagine that! So in your expert opinion, what color towels do men prefer?”
“Color isn’t important. The less snaps and fasteners the better. Towels should not be complicated,” he said casually.
“You have a good point. This man I’m hoping to see lives a very hectic life. I’d hate to add to his stress level with additional complications.
Maybe I’ll just buy this snap-less black towel here. Top it off with some thigh-high nylons, thong perhaps, although panties are optional… and heels.
How does that sound?”
“So what night is this date? I don’t want to call you at an inconvenient time.” I heard him laugh under his breath.
“I’m not sure,” I replied. “He’s a very busy man. But I’m going to get a variety of towels just in case he’s dirty and needs to be washed. I’m
thinking that might help reduce his stress level.”
“You realize I’m due back on set in like twenty minutes? Do you have any idea of the damage you have caused?” he growled at me. “I have half
a mind to leave here and break down your back door, but I’m afraid I can’t go anywhere in public in my current state.”
“I’m sorry. Did I raise your stress level?” I asked. “I just want to be clear about your current state.”
“Very much so!” he confirmed.
“Then I guess we’re even.” My fingers drifted over several lacy bras, imagining his reaction to seeing me wear something like this.
“Even? Tell me when I inflicted this kind of pain on you without finishing you off!”
I thought about the first time he made my body tingle. “The morning when you played your song on my guitar. I definitely, definitely had an
unsatisfied moment there.”
“Really? Interesting! I would not have guessed that. It’s good to know, though. You sort of had the same affect on me the other night,” Ryan
“When?” I asked, surprised to hear that.
“Monday night when you played. Why do you think I took the guitar out of your hand so quickly? I couldn’t think straight anymore!” He laughed.
“I almost tore the guitar out of your hands that same night! I was thinking about chewing on your neck,” I whispered seductively.
“Okay, so you have to talk about something else because I am not in good shape right now,” he groaned.
“That’s debatable.”
“Stop!” he pleaded.
I tried to come up with benign conversation. It was difficult as I was walking through a lingerie store filled with naughty, frilly things.
“You sound exhausted,” I breathed.
“I am. It’s been a long day already and we’re filming night scenes tonight.”
“Crash in your trailer for a while,” I suggested.
“You read my mind,” he whispered. “Sometime between three and seven I’m turning my phone off to sleep.”
I spent quite a few dollars on silk, satin, and lace in different hues. It had been a long time since I felt inclined to, for lack of better terms, dress to
impress, so I got carried away while shopping – for him. My mind wandered over our conversation, and picturing that he was aroused because of it
provided a lot of incentive to buy even more.
I also spent more than I would have liked to on two simple but tastefully adorable cocktail dresses: one was black satin sheathed in black lace
and another in a unique shade of sapphire blue, just in case. My wardrobe seriously lacked formal wear as there was never an occasion to get
dressed up, nor had I ever entertained the thoughts of going out in public with a man like Ryan. I also thought about meeting his parents. That would
definitely be an occasion to look my best. I bought myself a lot of new things so I’d have new wardrobe options.
That night, Marie flipped the television back to the entertainment news, much to the dismay of several of my male customers who were enjoying
watching the sports highlights. My heart sank when I heard tonight’s headlines.
“Ryan’s steamy Manhattan hook-up” was all I needed to hear to send my emotions into a downward spiral. Pictures of him dressed in a suit with
his arm around some girl were flashed all over the screen. She was young, attractive, and there, with him, in pictures. And then I felt the extreme
burn of jealousy roll through me as my phone rang.
“Hi. What?” I answered. My voice definitely sounded perturbed.
“Taryn? What’s wrong?” he asked. “Are you okay?”
“No, not really,” I grumbled.
“Why? What’s going on?”
“Marie turned on Celebrity Tonight,” I muttered.
“I should have warned you.”
“It doesn’t matter.” The damage was already done.
“Yes, it does matter!” he breathed out. “You can’t believe anything you see or hear about me. Please! You promised! The girl in the picture is
the daughter of the producer. I told you he brought her to dinner.”
“No, Ryan – stop. Just stop… please,” I whispered.
He breathed out a heavy sigh. “Then why are you so upset?” he asked point blank.
I just huffed in frustration.
“You asked me to trust you. That goes both ways.”
“Ryan, stop. That’s not why I’m mad. I just hate how the media embellishes the truth with lies. I wish they wouldn’t say that kind of stuff about you,”
I sighed. I couldn’t bring myself to tell him the true reason I was upset.
He laughed softly. “Tar, you know it’s not true.”
I knew why he didn’t want me exposed, but at the same time I wanted to be by his side, supporting him. Maybe if the world knew he had a
girlfriend they wouldn’t speak lies. Maybe if it was me in those pictures… maybe if he just announced on the morning show that he was dating
someone instead of denying it…
“I know it’s not true. I’m trying. It’s hard not to be a little jealous when you’re pictured on TV with someone else,” I murmured.
“Well if you’re done being upset,” he said, unruffled, “I was wondering if you might like to put on one of your new dresses tomorrow night.”
Saturday could not come fast enough. I made arrangements with Marie and Pete to take care of things and I was glad that I didn’t have
entertainment booked for the evening. Cory was working tonight with Marie, so the bar was covered.
Ryan had offered to send a car for me, but I didn’t want to have to explain it or raise anyone’s suspicions – especially the paparazzi’s. I gathered
that he wanted our evening to start off with a certain level of class, but he sided with me to keep it more secretive. We agreed that I would drive to
meet him at the same parking lot behind the textile mill where I had once dropped him off, and we would go from there.
I slipped on my new blue dress over a matching blue strapless lace and silk panties set. The dress had delicate straps with rhinestone details
where the straps met the satin top, which accentuated my curves. I decided against the nylons and opted for bare legs and high heels. It was cold
outside; my dress would be hidden for a while under a dress coat until we got to wherever we were going. My big reveal would have to wait. Our
destination was dinner, but I had no idea where. That too, was a secret.
When I arrived at the lot, there was a black sedan with tinted windows waiting for me. As I parked my car, a man I did not know came to my door
and opened it for me.
“Good evening, Ms. Mitchell. My name is Richard. Mr. Christensen has requested that I keep your car secured until you return.” He held out his
hand for me as I exited my car.
“May I have your car keys, please? Your car will be delivered here upon your return,” he assured me. “This way please.” He motioned for me to
follow him to the sedan.
Richard held the sedan door open, and as I peered inside, the back seat was empty – all except for one long-stemmed red rose. My eyes
flashed back to Richard; I was completely confused and I hoped he would give me an explanation. He smiled and motioned with his hand for me to
get in the car.
There were two men sitting in the front seat; the driver and a larger man who I assumed was security, although he was dressed in a suit.
“Good evening, Ms. Mitchell,” the burly man greeted me. “My name is Anthony. I will be escorting you safely to your destination tonight.”
“Good evening, Anthony,” I replied. “It’s nice to meet you.” My mind wandered with thoughts of where I could possibly end up tonight. Where are
they taking me?
We drove south along the coast for almost an hour until the car turned towards the ocean. The sedan entered a marina and stopped along the
docks where several large yachts were moored. It was then that I realized for our first official date, Ryan chartered a yacht. Unbelievable I thought to
myself as my personal bodyguard opened my door.
“This way, please, Ms. Mitchell.”
We passed several huge yachts; they seemed to get bigger and bigger as we approached. I watched carefully where I stepped for I was
navigating the wooden dock in high heels and I was afraid to get a heel caught between the planks.
Anthony directed me to a slip where we turned to board a stately yacht named the “Day Dreamer.” It was beyond magnificent. The rows of
windows were black as night and reflected the waves that rolled into the docks. My heart was pounding with nervousness and excitement. I hadn’t
even seen him yet and this was by far the best date I’d ever been on in my life.
I crossed over the gangway to board the boat and as my eyes lifted I saw Ryan standing there in the moonlight, waiting for me. He reached out
his hand to take mine; he had the most beautiful grin on his face.
“Hey you,” he sighed then softly kissed me. I just smiled and shook my head at him in disbelief.
“What do you think?” he asked with a smirk on his face.
“This is unbelievable!” I breathed out. “I’m speechless!”
“Let’s go in where it’s warm.” He led me by the hand through the ornate glass doors. Inside the closed cabin the lights were slightly dimmed,
casting a beautiful hue on the marble and glass interior. The parlor was more elaborate than any five star hotel could ever hope to be.
The tapestries and décor were all shades of brown and rust – so warm and inviting. Lush floral arrangements of roses and lilies adorned the
tables and the air was perfumed with their scent. Soft, relaxing music played over the sound system.
“Can I take your coat?” Ryan asked, stepping behind me.
I slowly unfastened the buttons; Ryan’s hands slipped the wool off my bare shoulders. He handed my coat to an awaiting steward who
disappeared quickly from the room.
I did a slow turn to face him.
“You are absolutely stunning,” Ryan said softly.
He was wearing a dark suit and a white button-down shirt. It was the first time I saw him dressed up. He was freshly shaven and wearing that
cologne that always intoxicated me.
“You’re quite breathtaking yourself!” I smiled back to him.
He ushered me towards the center of the yacht where a magnificent staircase led to the upper and lower decks. Gilded mirrors and artwork
hung from the walls. We passed an ornate bar and a small galley on our way towards the bow of the yacht.
The front salon was decorated in hues of blue and beige, with two semi-circle sofas dominating the central area. The entire room was clad in
windows allowing a panoramic view of the moonlit ocean.
Overlooking the bow was a magnificent mahogany dining table set elegantly with two place settings. Real silver, crystal stemware, white china
with an exquisitely tall bouquet of fresh flowers in the center; it was all too perfect.
“Good evening, sir. The captain would like to know if you are ready to depart?” one of the ship’s stewards asked Ryan.
“Yes, please,” he graciously replied.
The ship’s engines hummed to life and I could see the crew pulling in the ropes that secured us to the docks. I walked over to the window to get
a closer look as we departed the slip. The moon was almost full; fluffy clouds dotted the night sky, occasionally obscuring the moon from view. We
would have a perfect night to be out on the ocean.
Ryan stood behind me; his hands rested on my waist as he softly kissed my bare shoulder.
“So, what do you think?” he whispered in my ear.
“Very impressive for a first date!” I said enthusiastically.
“It’s not our first date. If I recall correctly, you took me out on a boat for our first date,” Ryan uttered. “Do you have any idea of how much I wanted
to kiss you when we were out on the lake?”
“I was thinking about kissing you when we were on the deck, actually,” I quietly confessed.
“I almost kissed you then too,” he admitted.
“Why didn’t you?” I wondered, looking up into his eyes.
“I hesitated and you ran off.” Ryan sighed, appearing regretful.
In a matter of moments, we were out on the open sea. The moon shone in the sky like a beacon illuminating our way.
“I really like your dress,” he murmured. His hand swept my hair to the side so he could softly kiss my neck. I felt his tongue, his teeth, brush and