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Love Unscripted
  • Текст добавлен: 3 октября 2016, 20:52

Текст книги "Love Unscripted"

Автор книги: Tina Reber

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Текущая страница: 10 (всего у книги 40 страниц)

“No.” He grimaced at my comment. “But it’s been a long day. Hey, do you mind if I take a shower?”

My mind went straight to Hell with the visions that instantly appeared in my thoughts.

“No, I don’t mind.” I tried to sound unaffected by his request. “You know your way around, make yourself at home.” Friends sometimes take

showers at their friend’s houses, I justified.

Thinking about him being naked and wet in my apartment was too dangerous, especially with a crowded bar to attend to. I hurried down the hall

to the bathroom and set out a fresh towel on the counter for him. My mind wandered as I tried not to envision him all soapy and wet in my shower.

I could all too clearly picture him standing in the stream of hot water as the soap lather gathered in the crevices of his muscular frame, washing

him clean. Do friends sometimes wash their friends? Naked, wet, hot sex in the shower... could I handle a “friends with benefits” relationship with

him? Stop! Bar. Business to run. Focus Taryn.

“I have to run downstairs and make sure Marie is okay covering the bar. I have a new bartender working tonight. I’ll be right back. Can I get you

anything to drink while I’m down there?” Back to business mode.

“Yeah, no problem. Do what you have to do.” He nodded at me.

“Ah… if you can bring me back a beer, that would be great,” he said as he wheeled around in a bit of a circle.

“Do you have a preference?” I figured I’d ask.

Ryan smiled. “Surprise me!”

After I settled things with Marie to cover the bar, I returned to him with a six pack in one hand and a bottle of tequila in the other. He peeked up

over some papers in his hand; a very sultry grin cracked on his lips as he shook his head at me in disbelief again.

“So what are you reading?” I handed a cold bottle of beer to him.

“I got a new script that my agent wants me to look over.” He briefly held the papers up in the air. “It’s called Slipknot.”

I had never seen a movie script before and I was surprised to see it was a pretty thick packet.

“What’s it about?” I asked, genuinely interested in knowing what types of movies he was being courted for.

“I’ve been told it’s about a guy whose parents and sister are murdered and he has to uncover why it happened and who did it.” He took a sip of

his beer.

“Hmm, so it’s a murder mystery? Is that something you’d be interested in doing?”

“I’m not sure. I have to read this whole thing and let my agent know if I’m interested by Tuesday, although it seems like they’ve already cast me

for the part.”

“This Tuesday?” I asked, slightly shocked. “In four days you have to give them an answer? It looks like a lot to read in such a short time.”

I didn’t realize that some of these movie deals happened so quickly. “Talk about putting pressure on you. No wonder you’re stressed.”

His eyes flashed over to look at me. “Well, it’s a studio film and they want to fast track it.”

I nodded even though I wasn’t sure what the heck he was talking about.

Ryan was staring at me. “You have no idea what I’m talking about, do you?” he laughed lightly.

I smirked, surprised he was able to read me like that.

“Okay, here’s your lesson for today. Pay attention because there will be a quiz.” He held the script up. “You’ve heard of Paramount, I assume?”

I rolled my eyes.

“Okay… they are the ‘studio.’ ” He gestured. “Without over-complicating it, they’ve got the money. This film has already received a ‘green light.’

What do you do at a green light?”

“You go,” I answered.

“Script… film has been pitched… money is there to back it… green light – go. With me so far?”

I hoped my look got the message across that I’m not an idiot.

“Now this project is in pre-production. That’s when the cast gets hired, budget is determined, and for this film I understand that Jonathan

Follweiler is going to be directing. What it means for me are two things.” Ryan counted on his fingers. “One, do I want to do it and two, can I meet

the production schedule dates. If I can’t commit to being there, I can’t do the film.”

“So you still have the option to turn it down, right?” I asked.

“Yes. I haven’t signed anything yet.” He waved his hands. “And they need to make me an offer.”

“Don’t you have to audition first?” I tried to sound like I knew something.

“Not really… not anymore. All those screaming fans are like one huge resume. I may have to screen test with potential actresses to see if the

chemistry is there, but that’s about it.”

“Got it!” I grinned.

“Good! Tomorrow we’ll learn all about cinematography.”

“Darn! I was hoping that tomorrow would be all about special effects.” I pouted.

“Okay. Then as soon as I’m done reading this I’ll paint all your walls a lovely bright green and we can play with the CGI on your computer. How

does that sound?”

“You better get reading then!” I stood up to excuse myself. He startled me when he stood up too.

“I have to get back to the pub and finish up the night; we’re getting slammed down there. I even have Tammy helping out tonight. So are you

going to be okay up here by yourself?”

He walked over to me and rubbed my arms up and down softly with his hands. “Don’t worry about me.”

“I feel really bad leaving you here like this,” I uttered sadly, melting like butter under his touch.

“Tar, I know you have a business to run. I’m just glad that… well… I’m here. I’ll be fine!” he stressed. “I have excellent music to listen to and a fat

script to read. That will definitely keep me out of trouble for a while.” He winked at me.

I looked down at his feet. In all honesty I really wanted to stay with him. “I still feel terrible though.”

Ryan’s hand slid down my arm and he brushed his fingers on mine; his other hand lifted my chin until our eyes met.

“Don’t. I’m looking forward to some peace and rest, actually. I’ll see you when you get back.”

I felt the jolt of electricity surge through my body when he touched me; I had to fight the new desires rapidly building in my heart.

“All right. I’ll see you in three hours,” I sighed.

“Before you go, I’d like your cell phone please,” he requested, holding out his hand. “I’m not going to check up on you. I just want to program it a


“I don’t care. I have nothing to hide,” I said. I pulled my cell out of my pocket and handed it to him. “Just don’t give me an obnoxious ringtone.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll take care if it. Now off you go! Back to work!” He took a hold of my shoulders and spun me towards the door.

I was glad we were busy tonight; it made the three hours go by fairly quickly, although I wished the band would have hurried more when they

packed their instruments up.

I was so excited to finally lock the doors and get back upstairs to my very incredible guest that I ran up the steps to my apartment.

Ryan was lying on the couch, peacefully asleep. His long legs were stretched out and his bare feet hung off the edge. I was surprised to see he

was wearing wire rimmed glasses. He looked very studious and handsome.

I slowly removed the thick script that rested on his chest from underneath his folded hands and set it on the coffee table. He was so sound

asleep that the motion didn’t even make him stir. I grabbed the quilt that my grandmother made off the back of the loveseat and covered him up.

I noticed his tawny hair was still damp and unkempt from sleeping. I sat down on the wooden coffee table and took the sight of him into my

memory. His lips were slightly parted as he breathed in his slumber and I hoped he was having peaceful dreams.

Goodnight Sweet Prince, I thought to myself, taking one last look at him before I turned out the lights and headed for bed.

It was still dark in my bedroom when I woke, suddenly startled. I felt my bed jostle as Ryan carefully slid his body underneath my blankets.

Without saying a word, he snuggled up behind me and made himself comfortable on the spare pillow. I leaned back slightly to acknowledge him,

resting my body on his chest. He curled up tighter behind me; I could feel that he was still fully dressed.

Ryan’s hand skimmed down my arm. Very slowly, he slid his open hand on top of mine, lacing our fingers together. He let out a soft sigh when I

closed my fingers around his.

For how hard I tried to protect myself from getting hurt, it felt so right to lie here with him. Our bodies nested together perfectly – like we were

made for each other. It was apparent that he was just as affected by me as I was by him.

The sun started to rise and soft light filled my bedroom. I felt his arm pull me closer to his chest; his warm breath caressed my shoulder as he

snuggled with me. His breathing returned to the sound of sleep, so I let myself drift back to my incredible dream.

I woke again when I felt him stir. His fingers flexed, gripping my hip. His fingertips circled to feel what I was wearing. His legs stretched and he

lightly pressed himself into me when his brain received the message that I was only wearing panties and a T-shirt.

Dizzying arousal shot through my body from his touch. My mind quickly wandered with other visions of how his steely hands could grip my hips.

New cravings for him were growing rapidly in my thoughts.

“Good morning,” he whispered in my ear, sliding his hand across my stomach.

“Mmm, hi!” was all I could say as our eyes met. He grinned at me and gently swept my hair off my forehead with his fingertips.

“Sorry I fell asleep on you last night. Why didn’t you wake me when you got back?” He yawned.

“You were sleeping so peacefully, I didn’t want to wake you.”

He smiled that sexy grin at me – the one that makes my pulse race – while his fingers drifted over my skin and caressed my face.

The desire to lean into him and press my lips to his was so strong, and I didn’t have the internal strength to fight it anymore. He appeared to be

fighting the same urges, but that was a threshold of intimacy that he didn’t cross.

I rolled over to face him and nestled my cheek on his shoulder; my hands palmed his chest. I just wanted to touch him somehow, some way. He

wrapped his arm over my shoulder so his hand could hold my head to his chest. My life would be perfect if I could wake up every day to this feeling.

After I was showered and dressed, I joined him in the kitchen. He was leaning against the counter with a coffee cup in his hand – another mental

picture I committed to memory. His face lit up when I walked into the room; his reaction caught me off-guard. Why is he so happy to see me? Me?

Ryan looked so casual, standing there in a very familiar dark blue T-shirt, his jeans with the worn pockets hanging a bit on his hips. He hadn’t put

on any socks or shoes yet; his bare feet were holding him confidently in place. I never realized that seeing a man drinking a cup of coffee in my

kitchen could be such a turn-on.

“Hey there,” he greeted me. His face flashed a big grin; his eyes looked me over. “I hope you don’t mind but I made some coffee. Can I pour you

a cup?”

“Yes, that would be very nice.” I opened up the refrigerator to get the milk.

“Here, let me get that,” he said as he took the container from my hand.

I reached back into the refrigerator for the carton of eggs. I was hungry; I figured he must be hungry too.

“Can I make you some breakfast?” I asked.

He smiled and nodded. “Breakfast sounds great.”

The way we flowed together in the room was bizarre. I’ve never felt so at peace with a man before in my life. Though we had only known each

other for a short time it felt like we had known each other all our lives. There was no stress or awkwardness between us. I think he felt it too.

“What’s on your schedule today?” I asked while buttering a piece of toast for him. His life seemed to be segmented by one appointment after

another and I highly doubted that he had much free time left today.

“I have to be back on set at ten.” His eyes flickered up to meet mine.

I gave him a brief smile. I didn’t want him to think that his schedule would upset me.

We discussed how to transfer him from my apartment to the set, as it wasn’t simple or easy to get him from one place to another secretly. The

plan was that I would drive him halfway to someplace obscure where he could transfer to a waiting car that would drive him to the set. His safety and

my anonymity were the top priorities.

Since our time was limited, we hung out in my living room.

I saw his face brighten when he picked up my acoustic guitar that was propped up on a stand in the corner. He placed the guitar on his knee

and gave it a quick strum. He surprised me by playing pretty well.

“I saw this on Monday when I was here but I didn’t get a chance to ask you. Do you play or is this just a decoration?” he wondered, looking at me

over his shoulder.

“No, I play,” I answered confidently, although I was far from a master at it. “I know a few songs. Sometimes I try to write my own music when the

mood hits, but I’m not that good of a songwriter,” I admitted.

He handed the guitar to me and gave me an encouraging nod. “Play something for me.”

My heart rate picked up instantly as my nerves got the better of me. I felt the pang of horror hit as I imagined making a total fool out of myself.

“Okay, no laughing! Promise!”

“I’d never laugh at you.” He crossed his heart with his fingers. “I promise.”

“All right, let’s see if you can name this tune.” I played the first few notes.

“Easy! Pink Floyd,” he said with a smile. “Wish You Were Here.”

I laughed when he made up his own lyrics. “No, that’s not what he says!” I gave him a teasing tap in the foot. I started the song over. Soon we

were both singing together. “We’re just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl…”

When I finished, he slipped the guitar out of my hand and waved his fingers for my guitar pick. He gave me a quick wink and a grin and played a

few chords.

“This is something I wrote,” he said nonchalantly, adjusting the guitar on his leg. He started to play a beautiful melody. His song was intense; the

lyrics resonated in my heart. While he sang his song to me I felt myself falling deeper and deeper for him.

I stared at him in awe as he let himself slip into his music. My mind wandered into forbidden territory as I entertained illicit thoughts of tearing the

guitar from his hands and climbing onto him to kiss him passionately. How his strong hands could hold my hips in place on his lap. How his tongue

might feel on mine. I felt myself becoming extremely aroused just by thinking about it.

“What did you think?” he asked when he finished his song. The truth was that I was tingling in places where I hadn’t tingled in a long time.

“It was… mesmerizing. I loved it!”

A wide grin broke on his face.

While he returned my guitar to its stand, I took off for the solace of my bathroom. I locked the door behind me and leaned hard on the counter.

I had to get a grip on my emotions. He was too unreal. It would be so easy to fall madly, insanely, deeply in love with this man, and every second

I spent with him was dragging me towards that point of no return. My heart was racing, the blood throbbed in my veins, and I felt slightly dizzy.

Breathe Taryn. Don’t do this to yourself! Stop it! When he leaves Seaport, you’ll never hear from him again.

I fought the internal war that was battling in my mind – do I allow myself to be carried away – to surrender completely and allow whatever happens

to happen or do I end it all now and avoid the devastating heartbreak that was likely and inevitable? I knew that I would be completely incapable of

having a casual fling with him, so that option was out. Even though I could not resolve my dilemma now, I knew that sooner or later I’d have to make

a choice.

When I returned to him, he was gathering his things together and it was time for us to go. I didn’t want him to leave. I wanted to grab his hand

and drag him back to my bedroom. My desire for him was leading the war.

But he had to go. He had obligations. Reluctantly, I grabbed my car keys and we headed for the door.

Ryan managed to hop from the back door into my waiting car unnoticed. We didn’t talk very much on the way to meet his driver. I think he was

too intrigued with how our secret exchange would turn out to hold any conversations. And my internal skirmish was still battling in my brain.

We met his driver in the empty rear parking lot belonging to one of the local textile manufacturers, where it would be difficult for anyone to see or

hide to take photos. From there his driver would take him to the location where they would be filming today.

He turned to me to say his departing words. His fingers reached out to touch my face and he thanked me for a wonderful morning.

“I’ll call you later, okay?” he said as he pulled his hand away.

I smiled and nodded. It was the only response my confused brain was capable of.

He slipped out of my car and quickly hopped into the open door of the car that waited. All I could do was wave goodbye.

By the time I returned home, Pete was already there, busy unloading boxes from the van.

“I put all the steaks in the refrigerator and the liquor delivery is in the back,” Pete informed.

I stepped behind the bar to put the cash drawer in the register.

“Oh and Tammy’s got the rest of the catering under control. We got everything on the list, so we’re good to go for the party tomorrow.”

“Thanks Pete. You and Tammy are the best! Did I give you enough money or do I still owe you?”

“The shrimp cost more than we figured but we still came in under budget. I think there was about $40 left.”

“Just keep it. Gas costs money too. I’m just thankful I have friends like you two.” I flashed him a big smile.

“So, what’s up with you?” Pete asked.

I didn’t know what to say or how to explain my mood.

“Hey, what’s going on?” He came around to the back of the bar when I looked away. “I know you’ve been… in a different situation lately. You

want to talk about it?”

When I looked him in the eye, I couldn’t lie – completely. Pete was the closest thing I had to a brother in this world, and he knew me well enough

to know something was wrong.

“I’m falling for him, Pete. I can’t help it anymore. I tried to just be friends,” I said. “But I want him. I’ve never wanted a man more, and now I’m

worried that I’m just setting myself up for the biggest heartbreak of my life.”

Pete wrapped me in his big bear hug. “You know, when Thomas pulled that crap on you, I wanted to kill him. You’re too good of a person to

accept anything less than the best in life. You deserve to be happy, Taryn! Not every guy is like Thomas. Granted, Ryan is, well... still he seems like

a hell of a nice guy.”

I knew Pete didn’t want to say the words “famous” or “celebrity.” I took a step back from him. Words like “celebrity” equaled “unobtainable” in my


“You just have to give the poor guy a chance first. But sometimes you can also be your own worst enemy,” Pete scolded. “If you never take

chances, then of course you won’t get hurt. But that’s what life is all about, kiddo. Living through the good and bad, and – with any luck – having

battle scars that heal.”

“Pete, he’s leaving in a couple of weeks. He is not going to stick around here.” I sighed heavily from the one thought that brought me the most

pain. “What am I supposed to do? Put my heart out there on the silver platter again and give it all away? How convenient that all the guys I seem to

fall for own sharp knives.”

Just then my phone vibrated in my pocket, startling me.

“Speaking of sharp knives.”

‘1 new message’ flashed on the screen. I read Ryan’s text message and laughed to myself.

“I need duct tape”

“For what?” I texted back.

“Bb is throwing hissy fit again she hates her costume today”

I frowned and quickly typed: “can't u lock her in a trailer?”

“I wish”

“Is she coming tomorrow?” I asked.

“Yes sorry btw I slept great last night best night sleep in a long time”

My fingers quickly typed: “Liar”

“Truth!” popped up on my display. I smiled at his reply.

“Cu tomorrow at 5?” I replied.

“U can c me tonight if u want?”

I couldn’t text him back. I wanted to see him so bad but the self-preservation portions of my heart and brain were screaming NO at me.

If I say, “sure, come on over and hop in my bed again” – would he deem me easy?

If I say, “no, because I really want a relationship and not a one-night stand” – would he move on?

Why am I mentally torturing myself? Remember Taryn, he’s going to be swirling out of your town and out of your life in a few weeks.

Just because he is popular and well known, does that make him exempt from having to win my heart? Well, that’s silly. He cracks my will every

time he is in the same room with me, so he really doesn’t have to try too hard to win my affection.

Maybe one day when I’m old and gray I can tell my story of how I had unbelievably insane sex with a movie star once? That would be something

to tell the grandkids.

Maybe my name could be a sub-text blurb under his name on some Ryan Christensen website. October – slept with foolish girl in Rhode Island

before he met his movie star wife and went on to have blue-eyed babies with her.

I used to see everything so black or white. Once I made a decision, I stuck by it. But since this man entered my life, my whole being has been

disrupted and blurred in shades of gray-tinted what-if’s.

One thing was for sure: if I give in to him, I would want him again and again. There would not be a way to survive a one-time encounter with him.

Ryan’s foot touching my foot was enough of a gesture to make me want him. And when he held me this morning, his fingers twined with mine, his

body pressed against me, making love to him was all I could think of.

“Taryn, are you okay?” Marie’s voice snapped me back into the room. “Why are you sitting in the corner? Are you sick?”

“Just mentally torturing myself,” I muttered.

“Oh, I see. And how’s that going for ya?” she asked, cracking a grin at me.

“Not good. The angel and the devil are debating on whether I should cave or stand my ground.”

“Finally! It took you long enough!” she said excitedly. “And?”

I shrugged.

“You know what I think? I think you should stop all this nonsense and screw the shit out of him until he passes out from exhaustion. And when he

wakes up, wash him and then screw the daylights out of him again!” She was beaming at me.

“You’ll have to feed him, of course, to keep his energy level up, but make sure you hide his clothes so he can’t get dressed. Men can’t run when

they’re naked.”

I couldn’t stop laughing. “Thanks! I needed that.”

“Come on,” she said while pulling me off the box in the corner. “Let’s get you focused. It will be like training an athlete.”

Our Saturday night crowd was unusually light. I didn’t have a band scheduled, so I presumed that we wouldn’t have as many customers, but

since Ryan had been to my place twice, every night seemed to be busy. I wondered why tonight was different. I noticed that the influx of extra

women was missing. A few guys came in, but when they saw that the place was devoid of a hearty selection of women, they packed up and left.

“I thought we would be getting hammered by now,” Marie huffed. “Where is the second wave of customers?”

One of the ladies sitting at the bar chimed in. “Ryan Christensen’s whereabouts were posted on the Internet. My girlfriend called to tell me that

the cast is eating at The Synful Grill. It has a new nightclub attached called Synergy. She said the bar is so packed that you can’t even walk through

the place.”

“I’ve been there once,” Cory said. “There’s a ten dollar cover charge just to get in. Drinks were really expensive too. I’m sure there are lots of

women there tonight.”

Great! Apparently Ryan was occupying his time with other activities. I wondered if it was because I didn’t reply to his last text about seeing him

tonight. Would he move on that quickly? Apparently…

It was almost eleven o’clock when my phone rang instead of vibrating. I listened to my new ringtone, letting the song play out so I could hear the

lyrics. My smile was huge.

“Hey you,” Ryan breathed out. “Are you working hard?”

“No, not really. We’re kind of dead, actually. What are you up to?” It was hard to hide my enthusiasm.

“I’m at some restaurant. We just finished eating.”

“Wow. This late?” I looked at my watch. “It’s almost eleven.”

“Sorry I didn’t call you earlier, but we had a director’s meeting at eight and then it took a while for all our food to come out. The food pretty much

sucked. It was disappointing,” he snickered.

“I promise I’ll feed you better tomorrow.”

“Hmm, I’m looking forward to it!” he stated.

I thought about the song that he chose to put on my phone, wondering if his feelings were that genuine. I’m yours, the lyrics informed.

“I really like my new ringtone!” I smiled. Despite his motives, he managed to somehow find my favorite song.

“Good! I’m glad,” he sighed, sounding relieved.

“Pretty deep though, don’t you think?” I asked, prompting him to explain the reason why he chose that song.

“Maybe that was the intention,” he retorted. “I wanted to get a message across so there’s no confusion.”

I swallowed hard, my subconscious fighting to protect me from getting crushed again.

“I love Jason Mraz,” I continued, trying to stay on the lighter side. “He’s one of my all-time favorites.”

“I know. You have all of his CDs – minus the one that’s in my possession,” he said, laughing quickly.

I thought about how he held me this morning and how desperately I wanted him to hold me again…in his warm arms.

Could he be mine forever?

“So… am I to understand that you’re mine?” I asked teasingly.

“I can be yours if you want me to be, Taryn,” he whispered.

My breath hitched from his words. My pulse quickened and my fingers started to tremble.

“Is that your intention?” I asked, still skeptical.

Ryan cleared his throat. “My intention is to let you know where my heart is. The rest… the rest is up to you,” he said softly.

I took another deep breath. My own heart was thumping in my chest now. “So… now what? Where do we go from here?”

“We give it a chance,” Ryan declared quite convincingly.

Chapter 10 – Possibilities

It was almost midnight when Ryan secretly entered through the back door of my pub. The light was turned off, so the kitchen was dark when he

arrived. He had his jacket hood pulled up over his head again and his trusty messenger bag was slung over his shoulder.

I had just locked the door behind him when he dropped his stuffed bag on the floor and slowly walked to stand in front of me.

“Hello,” he whispered and gently smiled, bending slightly to give me a hug. Without hesitating, he slipped one hand around my waist; his other

hand pressed higher on my back.

This hug was different – way different from his normal approach. He always hugged me around my shoulders; my arms would go around his


His new stance surprised me and naturally forced my arms to wrap around his shoulders. My nose skimmed across his chest when he pulled

me in. God he smells good!

His fingertips pressed into my back as his lips softly kissed my forehead.

Fire burned through my veins; the touch of his lips on my skin sent a wave of arousal through my core. My hands responded instantly and

instinctively and without conscious intervention I started to caress his neck.

The light from the bar peeked through the cracked kitchen door, illuminating his cheek in the darkness. My fingers reached to trace the light on

his face. He looked down at me with smoldering eyes.

Slowly he leaned towards me and pressed his lips to mine. His first kisses were tender, pausing to rest his lips on mine (I suppose to measure

my reaction) but my mouth encouraged him to proceed.

I felt his lips part as the soft tip of his tongue joined in with his kiss. His mouth was soft, wet, and completely hypnotic. Desire for him shot through

every cell in my body, consuming my every thought.

He placed his warm hand on my neck to hold my face to his as he kissed me passionately.

My protective shell of self-preservation shattered into a million pieces as the entire outside world ceased to exist. Our lips moved together in

perfect harmony as his tongue glided against mine.

His kissing was far better than I could have ever imagined. I tried like hell to remember why I had denied myself this type of pleasure for so long,

but the heat from his ragged breath surged right into my head and melted my brain.

His hands were holding my face when he broke away from our kiss. He wrapped his arms around my body.

No, don’t stop! What was left of my brain pleaded for him to keep kissing me.

“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that,” Ryan whispered.

My heart was beating so fast, I wondered if he could feel it pounding through his jacket. I took a half step back and bumped into the counter

behind me; I was quite light-headed. My hand was clenched on the front of his jacket when I staggered back; my grip pulled his body forward.

Like a lightning flash, he grabbed me under my arms and lifted me up onto the counter; his forcefulness turned me on even more.

My fingers wove into his hair and my legs wrapped around his hips; our lips expressed our mutual desire. He pressed himself into me; I could

feel through his jeans that he was completely aroused. My mind raced, thinking about having him inside me.

His fingers clenched and clawed at the back pockets of my jeans, pulling me forward and bumping me into him. I envisioned him making love to

me right here on this counter. By the way he rubbed into me, I was sure he was thinking the same thing. I softly moaned as the hunger turned to


The intensity of our kissing calmed and slowed until our lips rested together. We both smiled.

“I don’t remember. Did I even say hi?” Ryan whispered, joking with me.

“Yes. You had me at hello!” I giggled on his lips.

He chuckled in my mouth.

“I think you have me confused with another famous actor,” he said, kissing me in between laughs.

His mouth locked back on mine, convincing me that this amazing connection between us deserved a chance to grow.

Both of our hands had already found skin; his hands were under my shirt and midway up my back. One of my hands had skimmed down his

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