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Love Unscripted
  • Текст добавлен: 3 октября 2016, 20:52

Текст книги "Love Unscripted"

Автор книги: Tina Reber

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Текущая страница: 11 (всего у книги 40 страниц)

neck and underneath the collar of his T-shirt.

I had his bottom lip between my teeth when thoughts of Marie walking in on our make-out session started to put a damper on my lust.

“You know… before we get busted…”

I slipped off the counter and into his arms.

Ryan gathered his bag from the floor. I was amused to see that he had to adjust his pants. His arousal was definitely noticeable.

I peeked out the door before attempting to sneak him from the kitchen to the stairwell. Most of the crowd had disappeared. There were only

about twenty people left in the pub, but I still wanted to get him upstairs unnoticed.

Ryan had just slipped through the stairwell door as Marie came around the corner at the same moment. She was looking for me and I was


Her face broke into an exultant grin when she saw what I was up to. “Ryan?” she mouthed as she pointed to the door.

I shrugged. My shameful smile was enough of a confirmation for her.

“Glad to see you’re taking my advice! Go on, I’ll lock up. There are only a couple of people here. Pete and I will take care of it. Go, have a great


I was halfway up the steps when Marie called me back. I tossed my key to Ryan.

“I’ll be right back,” I said to him, nodding for him to go on without me. I trotted down the steps and almost ran right into Marie.

“You forgetting something?” she teased, holding out a chilled bottle of champagne.

Ryan had his coat off and was in the living room when I walked into my apartment.

“Gift from Marie.” I handed the bottle to him. “She saw you. Sorry,” I apologized. “Don’t worry, she won’t say anything.”

“Do you want me to open this?” he asked, even though he already started to peel the foil off the top.

“Sure. Let me get some glasses.”

He popped the cork and poured as I held the glasses. Ryan slipped one glass from my hand and held it up.

“To… possibilities.” He tapped his glass gently into mine and flashed a sultry smile at me.

“What time do you think you’ll be done tonight?” he asked, sipping his champagne.

“Actually, I’ve been given the rest of the night off. Marie and Pete will close tonight.”

“Really? You’re done for the night?” He sounded pleased.

“Yep. We weren’t that busy for some reason. Guess there was some big commotion going on at the Synful Grill tonight – took most of my

customers away.”

He tilted his head to give me an annoyed look.

“The only reason I know that is because one of my customers received a message that you were there. She said your location was posted on

the Internet.”

“Unbelievable,” he muttered. I could tell that upset him.

“Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…”

He stopped me. “No, no, I’m not mad at you. It’s just messed up. I can’t even go out to eat without it being a huge pain in the ass. It’s like having

a stalker, only they travel in packs. I don’t know why they even give a shit.”

He started rubbing his face hard, so I tried to think of something that would get his mind off of this path.

“Hey, would you help me a second?” I held out my hand to pull him up from his seat. He willingly followed me to the kitchen.

“Can you pull the other trays of steaks out of the fridge? I need to flip them.” I had fifteen steaks marinating for our Sunday dinner.

“These steaks look awesome! What’s in the juice?” he asked.

“Ah, that’s a trade secret. I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you!” I teased him. “I’m going to need help carrying these up to the roof

tomorrow. Can I count on you to help me?”

“Absolutely!” he replied, wincing at me like I would need to ask that of him.

I could tell that his upset mood was slowly lifting. His gears were pretty easy to switch.

“The marinade is only the first part of the process. There’s a whole grilling technique too.”

“Is that a trade secret too, or are you going to share that?”

“Truthfully I stole the idea from an article in Maxim Magazine.”

“What are you doing reading Maxim? Looking for your picture?” He nudged me with his elbow.

“Yeah right! My uncle got my dad a subscription for Christmas one year and there was an entire article on how to grill food.” I shrugged. “So how

do you like your steak? Are you a rare or well-done kind-of guy?”

“Medium-well. I’m not crazy about seeing my food bleed.” He shuddered.

“Me too!” I said, shocked that we had another thing in common.

When we finished in the kitchen, Ryan started to peruse my DVD collection. “Can we watch a movie? You have one that I’d like to see.”

He kicked his shoes off and made himself comfortable on the couch. When I sat down next to him, he held his hand out to me.

“Hey, come here,” he whispered. He repositioned his body so I was lying on his chest.

Ryan smiled at me and kissed my forehead softly. His finger gently raised my chin and he kissed me tenderly. I was surprised that he didn’t try

to make out with me again. Instead, after a few loving kisses, he just held me in his arms while we watched the movie.

I’d seen the movie he chose a few times before, so it was hard for me to really pay attention to it – especially since I was snuggled in his arms.

Ryan was softly stroking my hair and my back and it made me very relaxed. I was so comfortable lying on him, I felt myself drifting.

“Taryn, sweetie. Wake up,” Ryan whispered groggily. He shifted his body underneath me so he could sit up.

I rubbed my eyes and noticed the clock – it was a few minutes till two. Ryan slipped into the bathroom.

I waited for Ryan to finish so I could take my turn.

“Do you mind if I stay?” he asked. “If not, I can always jog to the hotel. Hopefully the paparazzi are sleeping.”

“It’s pretty late,” I whispered, not knowing how to convey my thoughts. I didn’t want him to run anywhere.

We gazed at each other for a moment; I watched his mouth curl down in disappointment. I, too, felt the same sadness thinking about him

leaving. There was only one answer. “Stay,” I whispered.

“Do you have an extra pillow?” His eyes flashed down the hallway to the living room. I guess he was offering to sleep on the couch.

We stood there in the hallway leaning on opposing walls in silence, just staring at each other, waiting and gauging each other’s reaction. He was

trying to be a gentleman and not force his way into my bedroom without an invitation, but in my mind, the couch in the front room was too far of a

distance between us. Things would be a lot different in my bedroom tonight from how they were last night, and we both knew it. The door to physical

contact and sexual intimacy had been opened.

I held out my hand, craving for him to hold me in his arms like he did this morning. Ryan gently smiled and placed just the tips of his fingers on

mine. I curled his fingers into the palm of my hand and led him into my dark bedroom.

I turned on the little lamp that sits on my dresser to softly illuminate the bedroom and quickly slipped into the bathroom to change. Ryan waited

for me to return. He stood there, staring at me as he peeled his shirt off over his head. His chest and arms were strong and defined, and the light

from the lamp made his skin glow.

I watched him open his jeans and take them off his long legs. He tried to lay his pants on my bedroom chair but he missed; some loose change

made ting sounds on the wooden floor when it fell out of his pockets. He quickly stripped his socks off and tossed them one by one to the floor.

Ryan slid into bed and adjusted the pillows until he was comfortable. We inched closer to each other and I hesitantly rested my hand on his bare

chest. I wanted to let my fingers roam free but my hand was inconveniently frozen in place.

He slid down the bed until our eyes were at the same level. We gazed into each other’s eyes and he gently stroked my cheek; those unspoken

words of the possibilities of what could happen next flowed between us.

His fingertips guided my face to his as he softly kissed my lips. His touch was so gentle it made me smile.

Slowly, sensually, our hands touched each other’s bodies. Our fingertips lightly trailed over each other’s skin, taking the liberty to explore

uncharted territory.

His hand pressed in the small of my back as he pulled me closer; his kisses completely aroused my body. Softly he bit and sucked my bottom

lip into his mouth and I moaned from the pleasure.

I ran my hand down his back, pressing my fingertips into his skin to massage his muscular frame. I had wanted to feel his body for so long now

and I was finally getting my wish.

His hand gripped my hip in response, sending another shockwave through my veins. I could feel his fingers tense and press into my hipbone as I

ran my tongue over his luscious lips.

My fingers trailed down his chest to his stomach; his body quivered lightly under my touch. I could feel that he was completely aroused.

I was getting too carried away in the moment; a few minutes more of this and there’d be no turning back. Doubt, fear, crept into my thoughts,

quelling ecstasy and desire. I placed my flat hand on his chest and lightly pushed back away from him; I needed a moment to catch my breath. I

rubbed my eyes as the sensible person who lives in my brain spoke up.

“Taryn, I understand. I want you so bad, but I don’t want to do anything you’re not ready to do,” Ryan whispered.

I had no will left. My body craved to feel him – all of him. My thoughts wrestled with that desire as all the warning bells went off in my head.

He wrapped his fingers around my wrist and moved my hand away from my eyes. “Talk to me. Tell me what’s on your mind.”

“I’m worried.” I shrugged, trying like hell not to appear like an immature, neurotic mess. My words came out in a whisper.

“What are you worried about?”

I took a deep breath and sighed.

“I know you’re not…” I murmured, stopping myself. “I don’t do casual very well. Sex for me involves emotions and in reality… you’re not going to

be here for much longer.” The words were difficult to say.

“Look at me. Please... look in my eyes,” he softly pleaded.

I turned to gaze back at him. His eyes were captivating.

“If you haven’t noticed, I’m pretty crazy about you. You’re all I think about,” he said as he brushed his fingertips on my cheek. “You’re not the only

one making an emotional investment here.

“I know why you’re worried, Taryn.” He took in a deep breath. “I’m not here to use you or to hurt you. You have to understand – it’s not easy for me

to have any kind of relationship, despite what people think. It’s difficult for me to keep a private life or to trust anyone. One of my old girlfriends sold

our relationship to the tabloids for money.”

He looked away, wincing from the unpleasant memory. “After that, well, let’s just say it’s been a while since I’ve been this emotionally close with


He looked back into my eyes. “Believe me when I say that random one-nighters are not my style. That’s all I need, for stuff like that to be in print


I guess we’re two kindred spirits then,” I said.

“What do you mean?” He looked at me for an explanation.

“You don’t trust women and I don’t trust men.”

“Huh,” he breathed out. “So why don’t you trust men?”

“I was… involved with someone a few months ago, too,” I said hesitantly. I didn’t want to accidentally say the scary word “engaged” out loud

fearing that Ryan might run if he thinks I only have marriage on the brain.

“Let’s just say that one woman wasn’t enough for him.” I pursed my lips from the thought. “Anyway, sounds like we’ve both had our fair share of

pain to deal with.”

“Yeah, but the difference is that your heartaches aren’t front-page news printed on the cover of millions of magazines,” he huffed as he ran his

fingers back through his hair. “And you don’t need a Publicist when you break up with someone.”

I sat up on my elbow and rested my hand on his chest. “Ryan, I care about you, a lot. I guess that’s why I’m hesitant to jump into this – because

we both need to be able to trust each other. But I promise, no matter what happens between us, I will never, ever, betray you.”

I stared into his dark eyes. “Inside here is compassion and tenderness and I see a beautiful soul who deserves to be loved. I can only hope that

you trust me enough now to believe me when I say I would never do anything to hurt you.”

He rubbed my arm gently and then placed his hand on mine as it rested on his chest. A smile appeared on his face.

“I know.” Ryan took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes. “My life has been turned up-side-down these last few years. I feel like I’ve been

living in this chaotic existence. But when I’m with you, I… I feel strangely at peace. I feel like I can trust you with my secrets. And you have something

that no one else has. When I look at you,” his eyes held my gaze, “you take my breath away.”

His words momentarily took my breath away.

“Taryn, I’m fa…” He stopped to bite his lip and sighed, swallowing hard. “I care about you too – so much more than I think you realize. I’ve been

trying to take this slow for a reason, you know… trying not to rush it. But being with you is just so easy and natural, and I’m pretty sure you feel the

same way.”

“Yes, I do,” I breathed out, amazed that we both felt so deeply for each other.

“I can’t help the way I feel and I don’t want to hold back these feelings any longer.”

“Neither do I,” I whispered.

Ryan gently smiled. “Taryn, every time I’m away from you, I can’t wait to see you again. I just want to be with you.” His fingers swept the hair out

of my eyes.

At that moment, I felt every fiber of my soul want to take the huge leap of faith. I was already falling in love with him, and to hear his confession of

his feelings made my decision easier to make. No matter what happens from this point forward, it was too late to worry or regret. My body hummed

with desire for his touch.

I leaned over and softly kissed him. His fingers tangled in my hair and I felt his hunger for me. Gently he rolled me onto my back; his eyes

opened and locked onto mine.

“Are you sure? ‘Cause I want you more than air right now,” he sighed.

I reached up and pulled his face back to mine.

“Make love to me,” I murmured on his lips. “Please,” I begged.

Our mouths melted together. He wasn’t in a hurry; he kissed me slowly, sensually. I could sense that he was going to make love to me, not just

have sex with me.

Ryan slid his hand underneath my shirt as he kissed me. He pulled my shirt up and I helped him remove it from my body. Without taking his eyes

off of me, he wadded my top up in his hands and tossed it across the room behind him.

He trailed his fingertips down my neck, stimulating my senses, slowly cupping my breast in his hand. A powerful jolt of arousal shocked into my

belly as his lips moved from my mouth to my breast. My entire body tingled; could he possibly know how good that felt to me? My fingers combed

into his hair and I pressed his face into my body just a bit harder.

My eyes closed and I sank into the pure pleasure of his tongue on my skin. I ran my hands lightly from his hair to his shoulders, moaning from his


I pulled his face back to mine, hungry for him. His hand slid down my back and his fingers entered the space between my skin and panties. A

playful growl slipped up his throat when he squeezed my rear.

Ryan hooked the top of my panties with his thumb, peeling them away. I slowly wiggled, curling my legs onto his as he pulled them down and off

my body. They also got tossed onto the floor. He ran his strong hand slowly over my body; from my breast to my stomach; from my hip to my thigh.

He trailed his fingertips up the inside of my leg, driving me a bit closer to insanity. I gasped and shuddered under his touch. His long fingers

toyed with me, stimulating all the right spots. I was so aroused I felt like I could explode.

I slid my fingers under his elastic waistband and used my forearm to push the cotton that separated us down on his hip. My hand clasped around

him and stroked while he moaned in my mouth as we kissed.

He broke away from our mutual pleasure and removed his boxers. We lay there on our sides facing each other, completely free of clothing, as

open and vulnerable as one could ever be with another human being.

Ryan reached up and carefully cupped my face in his hand. He didn’t kiss me; he just rubbed his thumb on my cheek and over my lips as he

gazed into my eyes for the longest time. A smile broke on his face and it made me smile back at him.

Slowly his body hovered over mine. His knees shifted on the bed and made my legs spread a bit wider, causing another wave of arousal to

pulse into my veins.

He leaned down and softly kissed me. His kissing was slow, passionate, like every touch of his lips was meant to convey a specific feeling.

I ran my fingers lightly over the arm that he used to steady his body as he placed himself inside me. I sucked in a sharp breath from the

pleasurable pain that accompanied his penetration. I watched as he closed his eyes for a moment; he quietly moaned as he entered me.

His lips returned to kiss mine and he carefully pressed the weight of his body down on me. I opened my legs wider and wrapped them around

his body; the desire to feel every inch of him was almost painful.

His eyes were fixed on mine as his hips slowly rolled. He kissed my lips and cheek softly while his hand held my rear off the bed. He was slow,

intense, and precise. He sighed in my ear and I wrapped my arms tighter around his body.

“Oh, Tar. Oh God, you feel so good,” he breathed out while he sucked my neck.

There was no awkwardness, no fear as he made love to me. Our bodies fit together like two lost puzzle pieces that were finally joined.

He rolled onto his back and pulled me on top of him. His hands assisted my movements while I lightly ran my fingers up and down his chest. His

eyes were wide with pleasure.

I pressed my hands into the bed on either side of his head while I exerted more force.

He sucked in a sharp breath. “Oh, Tar,” he moaned, softly kissing my chin. He wrapped his arm around my back, pulling me tightly to his chest. I

felt his teeth gently bite into my collarbone while we moaned together.

“Lie down next to me,” he whispered in my ear. I slipped off of him and rolled onto my side; he wrapped his arm under my thigh and entered me

from behind.

“Oh, don’t stop,” I gasped. His fingers accompanied our union, finding just the right spot to send me over the edge. Ryan’s mouth locked on

mine, stopping me from screaming out loud from the mind-blowing orgasm that he was rocketing through my body.

As soon as I stopped quivering he rolled me over onto my stomach. Our bodies were still connected when he pulled me up onto my knees.

I sucked in a few breaths through my clenched teeth as I felt his fingers and movements bringing on my second orgasm. I squeezed down on

him, gripping him inside me, and I felt him shudder into me. He let out a long groan as we climaxed together.

Ryan lay back down next to me on the bed; our breathing was deep and labored. I heard him exhale with force as he ran his hand back through

his hair. A trickle of sweat dripped down my neck and onto my pillow as I stared blissfully at the streaks of moonlight on my bedroom ceiling.

His hand slid over the sheet until his fingers found mine, taking my hand in his.

I breathed out all the air in my lungs, trying to get my heart to slow down. “Wow!” I giggled. I had no saliva left in my mouth.

He chuckled lightly. “You said it. That… was… Wow!”

He rolled onto his side; our eyes met and we both smiled and grinned at each other.

Gently he wiped the hair off of my forehead; his fingers trailed down my face and lifted my chin so he could kiss me again.

We lay there for a long time, arms and legs intertwined, staring intensely into each other’s eyes. He softly placed tender kisses on my lips.

He let out a big yawn and then smiled softly. We were both exhausted and still reveling in the afterglow of our incredible orgasms. It was getting

harder and harder to keep my eyes open. His yawns were contagious.

“Are you ready to go to sleep?” He kissed my nose.

I smiled and nodded slightly. “Mmmhmm.”

I rolled over and leaned back on his bare chest. He pulled the sheet and blanket up over us and wrapped his long arm around me. I pulled his

hand up to my lips and then wove my fingers into his.

“Good night love,” he whispered, kissing my bare shoulder.

All my muscles relaxed and I slowly drifted off to sleep, basking in the warmth and bliss of my most incredible dream. I felt his chest rise and fall

as we breathed in and out together, peacefully floating on a cloud with him.

I thought I heard Ryan’s voice softly say, “I love you.” Although it was barely a whisper, the sound of his voice was so clear it snapped me back

into consciousness.

My eyes instantly popped open. I felt his hot breath exhale forcefully onto my shoulder and his arm twitched, pulling me tighter to his chest. I

listened to his breathing to see if he was sleeping. Did he really just whisper that in my ear? It sounded like he was already asleep. I closed my

eyes thinking I must be just imagining things.

The clock read 9:18 a.m. when I woke. Ryan’s warm, naked body was nestled with mine. As much as I didn’t want to move from my extremely

comfortable spot, nature was calling.

I wiggled myself free from his arm and slid my body to the edge of the bed. I looked around on the floor for my clothes, not seeing them

anywhere. I walked to his side of the bed. Where the heck is my shirt?

He rolled over to watch me hunt. “Good Morning!” he murmured happily.

I turned and smiled at him while I made a mental note to buy a robe the next time I go shopping.

“Good Morning! Have you seen my shirt?” I asked with a smile.

“Yep. I know right where it is, but I can’t tell you.” He shook his head and combed his hair back with his fingers. He looked so damn sexy lying

there naked in my bed.

I smirked at him. His T-shirt was on the floor so I picked it up and slipped it over my head. The cotton held his delicious scent.

“Nice!” He grinned at me. “Hurry back!”

Ryan took his turn in the bathroom while I put a pot of coffee on. Instead of joining me in the kitchen, he went back to bed.

I stopped in the doorway of my bedroom, leaning on the doorframe while I took a moment to soak in the view. He was lying with his arms folded

up under his head, the light from the window made his skin glisten.

My eyes traveled down his exposed body and I could see more clearly the light hairs that started at his chest and became more defined near his

bellybutton. The bed sheet barely covered the rest of him, but I no longer needed to use my imagination.

He smiled at me and patted his hand on the empty space on the bed.

I grinned at him and slowly shook my head. I had another location in mind. His eyes narrowed on me with confusion. I giggled a little, stepped

back out of view and slipped his shirt off. I held his shirt up, waving it in the air so he could see it, and then dropped it to the floor. He was a smart

man; I figured he’d get the hint.

I had just turned the water on in the shower when he slipped his hands around my waist. The hot water felt good on my aching muscles. It had

been too long since I bent and stretched in the ways I did last night. I felt unbelievably relaxed as he rubbed my shoulders under the water stream.

We took turns washing each other. His hands lathered the shampoo in my hair as he pressed his fingertips on my scalp and neck. It was so

soothing and erotic at the same time. He was definitely enjoying running the soapy sponge over my body, making sure to wash every nook and

cranny thoroughly.

My soapy hand washed him as his lips kissed me passionately. I let my mouth drink from the shower water on his chest before I knelt down in

front of him. My eyes flickered up to watch his face express his pleasure.

His fingers tangled in my wet hair as I tightened my grip. I was so turned on just hearing him moan I wanted to finish him off where he stood.

Ryan grabbed my wrists and stood me up. “Let’s get out of here,” he said.

I handed a towel to him and wrapped another one around my body. He didn’t bother to dry off. He dropped the towel on the floor and guided me

back to the sink.

“Have a seat.” He smirked, assisting me onto the bathroom counter.

He dropped to his knees and slid me to the edge; his hands pushed my thighs apart. I felt his tongue first, followed by a surge of pleasure. His

fingers held me open as he buried his face into my body. He pressed my legs back further. I ran my hands through his wet hair as he devoured me.

The heat inside my center reached its breaking point and I felt like an explosion took place right in the core of my being. Each additional flick of

his tongue sent shockwave after shockwave through my entire body out to the tips of my fingers and toes, and I shuddered from the ecstasy he

unleashed on me. I swear I heard him chuckle ever so quietly as he kissed the inside of my thigh.

He stood up and placed himself inside me. Cool water dripped from his hair onto my chest and stomach as we moved together.

His arms held my legs apart, opening me wider. I watched his eyes squeeze shut; he was breathing hard through his open lips. Soft moans

escaped from both of us.

“Ryan, let’s go back to the bed,” I gasped. I was sliding off the sink top. He lifted me up and carried me while our bodies stayed joined.

He lay me down on the edge of the bed and grabbed my ankles, placing them to rest on his shoulders. He rested his free hand on me; his thumb

landed at just the right spot, causing me to suck in a sharp breath or two. Damn, he is good! I knew a second orgasm was coming soon.

“I’m close… in or out?” he asked between strokes.

“Oh God, don’t stop,” I moaned, squeezing down on him. I felt his teeth carefully bite into my ankle. “It’s... k, stay in.”

I almost stopped breathing while I let the internal climax have at me. My back arched reflexively; my hands clenched the bed sheet.

Ryan climaxed soon after I did and I felt his body shudder as he erupted inside me. A not-so-quiet groan rolled out of his throat.

Chapter 11 – Grilled

“So I have a question I’ve been meaning to ask you,” I said as we took our second shower.

Ryan leaned into the stream of water, rinsing the soap off of his shoulders. “What, honey?”

“How is it that you’ve been able to slip through my back door unnoticed by the paparazzi? I know they follow you everywhere, but somehow

you’ve managed to hide from them.”

He smiled. “It’s complicated. Do you know what a shell game is?”

“Yeah,” I said. “The coin or whatever is underneath one of three shells.”

“Exactly!” he confirmed. “Most of the time I switch cars. Like last night – we got driven back to the hotel, but then I slipped into a different car in

the private parking deck and we drove out the public exit.”

“Clever!” I smiled and wrapped a towel around my body. “So, are the photographers going to follow the cast here today?”

“Probably. Too many people are coming here,” he said while rubbing his towel over his hair. “Believe me, I thought about canceling this just to

keep the extra attention away. But if the cast is coming here, we’ll just say that we had a private cast party in your facility.”

“You know you won’t be able to leave with them tonight, right? It will be obvious if you’re not with them when they arrive but if you’re seen


“I know, I thought about that… after I got here last night. I’m sorry.”

“Nothing to be sorry about. Oh, wait. Does that mean I have to sleep with you again tonight?” I gave him a teasing shove and ran for the


“I could make you suffer!” he yelled while chasing me. He caught me by the waist and swept me up in his arms. With a few quick movements he

had me pinned to the bed.

“Promise? Don’t toy with my emotions, Ryan Christensen!” I giggled.

He leaned down and kissed me passionately again.

“Keep this up and we’ll never get dressed,” I murmured on his lips.

“Sounds like a plan!” he chuckled, his eyes looking down at the new bulge pressing from behind his towel. “I’m quite sure I could toss you

around this room for another hour or so.”

“What time is it?” I asked. I couldn’t see the clock on the nightstand.

He had to crane his neck to see the time. “Almost eleven thirty.”

“Hmm, it is awfully early.” I smiled and twined my fingers into his wet hair. “We have several hours to kill, actually.”

He flashed his sexy grin at me and then placed his lips back on mine.

Ryan wasn’t kidding when he said he could toss me around the bed for another hour. Our lovemaking this time had become even more

adventurous as we learned each other’s bodies.

“Holy shit,” he gasped, crashing into a heap next to me on the bed.

I was still trying to catch my breath.

“I need… another shower… after that!” He breathed out a lung-full of air.

“Me too.” I wiped some sweat off of my forehead. My body was tingling all over from the incredible ecstasy he just unleashed on me – again.

“Put your hand on my chest,” he requested.

I had trouble with this simple request. My hand slapped down on his skin.

“Ow!” he yelped.

“Sorry, can’t feel my arms just yet!”

“Feel that? You did that,” he panted.

“What did I do?” I muttered. My heart was pounding just as fast as his was.

He rolled over on his side and pulled me closer. His eyes locked on mine.

“You made my heart beat again,” he said with a glorious smile. His lips softly kissed my lips and I could feel all the passion that he meant to

convey with each touch.

I gazed into his eyes and lightly brushed my fingertips across his face. Three little words flashed through my mind as I looked at him, but there

was no way I’d say them out loud.

Ryan gathered my hand in his and folded my hand to his lips. I wondered if he had three little words in his mind too and if one day I might hear

him say them out loud. At this moment it didn’t matter; the way he looked at me was good enough.

I pressed his hand above my breast. “You did the same for me.”

He kissed my fingertips and smiled.

“Come on… let’s go get freshened up… again.”

He took me by the hand and pulled me up off the bed.

“When do you have to be back on set?” I asked. I turned the tub water on and tested the temperature with my hand.

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