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Untangle Me
  • Текст добавлен: 5 октября 2016, 20:17

Текст книги "Untangle Me"

Автор книги: Chelle Bliss

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Текущая страница: 5 (всего у книги 16 страниц)

A Tangled Web

Ding. I rolled over to see what Sophia said, but it wasn’t her, it was Lisa. My heart sank; Lisa had become a thorn in my ass.

The bitch knew exactly how to fuck with my life; she had become a master manipulator towards the end of relationship.

Lisa: I’ve missed you terribly and I haven’t heard from you in a long time. Where have you been?

I sat there deciding how to handle her. Even though she had ruined my life, I had gone back to her for a short time. I was lonely, at rock bottom with no salvation in sight when Lisa called me. She wanted me back and convinced me that she still loved me. I went against the court ordered no-contact order and spoke to her. Of course it was all in the past, but a part of my past I was ashamed of. I just couldn’t bring myself to tell Sophia. I had a moment of weakness and I just couldn’t admit.

I was already living in New Orleans when Lisa called to say she missed me and regretted all that had transpired between us. With nobody serious in my life but my regular girls, Lisa knew I still harbored feelings for her, and she used that to her advantage.

I bought her a plane ticket to spend a weekend with me. I thought her feelings were sincere, but I soon learned I was just being used. The entire weekend her phone was turned off or placed facedown so the screen was hidden from my view. I knew something wasn’t right, but I put it out of my mind for a chance at happiness again. She asked for money to help pay her bills, and like a fool I still believed she was there for me and not my money.

Me: Stop playing games. I fell for your shit once before. What do you want?

Lisa: Don’t be shitty. I was cleaning and found something you may want.

The bitch always looked for leverage. After Lisa returned home after visiting me in NOLA, she turned into the same rotten bitch I had known she was. My despair had led me astray. She took the nice guy in me and chewed him up and spit him out, and the results were a calloused hearted person. Sophia had been changing me, giving me faith in love again and I felt Lisa wanted to rip it into a million pieces.

Me: You have nothing I want Lisa.

Lisa: I have your grandmother’s wedding ring. Want me to just pawn it?

Me: Fuck no! I need that back.

Lisa: I’ll be in NOLA in a couple of days with some friends. Want to meet for a drink and I’ll bring it to you?

Mother fucking bitch. I left Florida with nothing. I had a no-contact order and could never go back to get my things. I wanted something, anything that was mine. My grandmother’s ring meant so much to me and I wanted it back from her, but at what cost?

Me: I just want the ring, no drinks.

Lisa: If you want the ring, you’ll have a drink with me. I’ll call you when I’m on my way to Bourbon Street.

I couldn’t tell Sophia about seeing Lisa. I’d have one drink with the bitch and only one drink. Any feelings of love I had for Lisa died during her last visit. I wanted nothing from her, but the ring.

A few days later, Lisa texted me that she would be in the French Quarter on Friday around seven to give me the ring. We would meet at the Cats Meow. I had to come up with a lie for Sophia. She would be expecting me to Skype with her.

Me: Hey baby doll. I’m going to meet a couple of the guys for a drink for an hour on my way home from work. Can we Skype a bit later tonight?

God, I hated fucking lying to Sophia. My stomach turned as I waited for her reply.

Sophia: No problem. Just text me when you’re on your way home. I’ll wait up for you.

Me: I will. I’ll still have my phone if you want to text me or need me.

I arrived before Lisa, and picked a spot at the bar. I didn’t want to sit at a table or stay long. My goal was to get the ring and fucking jet. I ordered a shot and a beer while I was waiting. I needed a drink to calm my nerves. I wasn’t nervous about Lisa, I felt like shit lying to Sophia. I downed the shot of tequila and sipped my beer as I saw Lisa walk through the door. She looked beautiful, but I knew the devil that hid under the veneer. She walked towards me as I looked away and turned my attention back to my drink.

“You never change,” Lisa said, venom filling her voice.

“Neither do you,” I said sharply without looking in her direction.

She sat down next to me and ordered a glass of wine. She touched my arm and I recoiled as if burned.

“What the fuck, Kayden?” she said due to my abrupt movement.

“Don’t touch me, Lisa,” I told her.

“You once loved my touch,” Lisa responded.

“I don’t love you anymore. You’ve devastated me for a long time, but I’m on the right path again, no thanks to you,” I said while looking her straight in the eyes.

“What do you mean you’re on the right path? You’ll always love me, even if you can’t admit it,” she inquired with her eyes squinted to display her leeriness.

“I’ve found someone. She is kind and loving, and nothing like you,” I stated in a gentle tone before snapping, “I’ve moved on, I know you did way before your trip to see me months ago.”

“A love like ours lasts forever. She may occupy your time for now, but you’ll be back,” she told me with a grin on her face.

“Never, you’ve done enough damage to me, and I don’t think I could survive another round,” I responded, “Excuse me for a minute.”

I needed a moment away from her, she was driving me crazy. I walked to the restroom and stood at the sink for a moment to gather my thoughts. I looked at myself in the mirror, not happy with the person staring back. I shouldn’t be here right now, alone with Lisa. I lied to Sophia and felt like shit about it. I wanted to be different in this relationship, and I’ve started it with lies and secrets. I’m an asshole.

I splashed water on my face and dried off before looking in the mirror one last time. I needed to get the ring and get the fuck away from this bitch. I needed to see Sophia, and be reminded that not all women were users and abusers. I reached into my pocket for my phone, but it was missing. Fuck. In my haste to get away from Lisa, I left it at the bar with her. That sneaky bitch always crept through my personal shit. I prayed that she had not looked through my phone, but who was I kidding? I quickly returned to the table to see that my phone was still where I had left it. I picked it up and flipped through it and everything seemed in order.

“I’m tired from working all day; can I please just have the ring?” I asked.

“Sure. I’ll be here a few days, want to get together another night?” she responded.

“No. I just came for the ring. I want no part of you,” I said as I stood up and threw a twenty on the bar.

“Come on, I have many parts that you’ve always wanted,” she grabbed her breasts as she replied.

“Just the ring. That’s the only thing I want from you,” I said as I held out my hand.

“Here, but if you change your mind all you have to do is call,” she stated as she placed the ring in my hand. As she pulled her hand away she grazed her fingertips across my palm.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” I placed the ring in my pocket. I didn’t look back as I walked out. She was my past and I needed to get home to my future.


I wanted to wait for Kayden before falling asleep. I needed to see his face and wanted to find out if he enjoyed the evening out with the guys. My heart leapt as I heard the chirp from my phone. I walked to my phone and picked it up, but didn’t recognize the number sending me a text.

Unknown: Do you know where your boyfriend is?

What the fuck? I ignored the message and continued washing my face and changing into my pajamas. It chirped again moments later. I approached my phone a little more wearily this time.

Kayden : I’m on my way home. Call you in a bit.

I didn’t respond to his text. My head was swimming with thoughts.

Unknown: He was with me.

A picture popped up on my screen of Kayden with a female at a bar. They looked happy and were smiling. There had to be a mistake. Had he been lying to me this whole time? Was I just a fun fuck and another girl to add to his list?

I stared at the picture in shock. His arm was around her shoulders, their heads were touching. Her hand rested on his forearm. I couldn’t believe I have been such a fool. He didn’t want me for anything more than he originally stated. He didn’t do relationships, only friends-with-benefits.

I never responded to the message. I knew by the picture that it was Lisa. I had seen a picture of her before. I seethed, and I felt like my heart was being torn into a million little pieces. Kayden had lied to me. Was this the first lie or has everything been a lie? I didn’t want to know the answer. I was done being a fool or a pawn.

Kayden: Logging into Skype now. See you in a minute.

The last thing I wanted to do was see his face. I held my phone and switched back to the photo from Lisa. I climbed upon my bed, logged into Skype, and I waited a moment before hitting the video button. I held the phone screen up to the camera.

“What the fuck?” Kayden asked.

I couldn’t see his face, nor did I want to, but I knew he saw the image clearly.

“Fuck off, you lying prick,” I said hitting disconnect.

I can’t believe I fell for him. I can’t believe I was blinded by his charm, good looks, and the sex… Oh, the fucking sex.

Immediately the video tried to reconnect, but I hit cancel. I didn’t want to see or talk to him. I was through with his lies. My phone began to ring, but I resisted the urge to answer. I decided to turn my phone off and try to sleep. The anger turned to sadness… sadness about what could have been and the hole left in my chest. Tears flowed down my cheeks like a river after a storm. I buried my face in my pillow and sobbed.

How could I not know he was seeing other people? I was falling in love with him. I had been delusional.

Damage Control

What the fuck just happened?

Why had there been an old picture of Lisa and me filling the screen? None of this made sense. My heart felt like someone was trying to squeeze it until it burst. I could barely breathe. I tried to reconnect the video call, but she wouldn’t allow it. I called her phone, texted her, messaged her online, but she ignored me.

Panic set in. Sophia couldn’t ignore me all night, could she? I needed to explain. There had to be some misunderstanding. How did she get that picture of Lisa and me? I looked through my phone again and saw nothing to clue me in. It had to be Lisa.

Me: What did you do Lisa?

Lisa: What are you talking about?

Me: Don’t play stupid with me. I know you sent something to Sophia.

Lisa: I just let her know that you’re mine.

Mother fucker. Sophia knows I lied to her about the entire night, but she didn’t know why. All she knows is that I lied. I shouldn’t have told her about being such a man whore when we first started chatting.

Me: God damn you, I’m not yours. Stay the fuck out of my life. Did you tell her that I was with you?

Lisa: Yes, you’re MINE, and Sophia won’t stand in my way.

All I could think about was explaining everything, and hope she forgives me. I had to get to her...had to hold her. I hopped in my car and headed east. On the way, I kept trying to reach her. I called a co-worker to have them fill in for me for a couple of days. Physical exhaustion set in, but my need to see Sophia kept me awake.

I arrived early in the morning. She’d never given me her address, but I knew her location from our chats. I knew the street where she lived, and her car. I parked my car in front of her home and sat for a minute. How could I get in the house without Sophia knowing? If she wouldn’t answer my calls, I had to find another way. Suzy. I grabbed my tablet and sent Suzy a message.

Me: Suzy, I’m here to surprise Sophia. Can you let me in so I can wake her up?

Suzy: Hell yes. She’ll be so excited.

If she only fucking knew, excited was not the emotion that Sophia would be feeling. I still had my work clothes on as I stood at the door and waited for Suzy. I looked a mess... I hadn’t slept or showered.

The door opened and a smiling Suzy greeted me with a hug.

“Thanks, Suzy. I appreciate this, I wanted to surprise her,” I whispered in her ear.

“It’s so romantic, Kayden,” Suzy said, hugging me.

I walked down the hallway to Sophia’s room I stood there a few seconds to calm my nerves. I opened the door as quietly as possible. The blankets were tangled around her body as she slept. The light was streaming in through the windows illuminating her face; I could see where the tears had dried upon her cheeks. Her face was puffier than normal, and I knew I had caused her tears.

I sat on the bed besides her and touched her face, following the path of dried tears down to her neck. She stirred slightly, but didn’t wake. I leaned down and placed a light kiss upon her lips. Her eyes flew open. She looked at me with wide eyes before speaking.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” she asked before pushing me away. She sat up quickly and covered her body with her blanket. I reached for her, but she moved away. “Don’t touch me.”

“Sophia, what happened? Why did I see an old picture with Lisa?” I asked her.

“I know you were with her,” she snipped.

“It’s not what you think, please let me explain,” I begged.

“I don’t need to hear more lies. I can’t trust you, and I was a fool to ever think I could.”

“That picture was from last year that Lisa sent you. It wasn’t from last night.”

“I don’t want to hear it. Just fucking leave… get the hell out of my life,” she said while staring down at her hands.

“You’re going to listen to me and let me explain.” I reached for her hands and placed mine over hers.

“She contacted me about my grandmother’s ring she had found that was left behind when I was arrested. She knew I’d want it back. She wouldn’t send it to me, but she was going to be in NOLA for a weekend trip. I met her to get the ring and nothing else,” I explained.

“I sat at the bar and waited for her. She tried to touch me and I wouldn’t let her. I told her I was happy and had finally found someone. I told her I was happy and was with you. I had to get away from her for a minute and forgot my phone at the table; she must have looked through my phone and found your number. I came out of the bathroom and demanded the ring and left. I wasn’t there more than thirty minutes total. I swear. I’m not seeing Lisa. I want only you… I love you, Sophia,” I groveled.

“I was falling in love with you Kayden. I trusted you and you ripped my heart out. How could you… with that evil woman?” Sophia asked, as tears began to flow from her eyes.

“I didn’t. It’s on my phone. Read the messages on my phone between her and I. You’ll see I’m not lying to you about why I saw her. I didn’t want you to freak out. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” I would not let her throw us away. I would fight for us… for her. I stood up and pulled my phone from my pocket. I flipped to the messages that Lisa and I had exchanged. I held out the phone to Sophia.

“Read them, please. You’ll see that I’m not lying to you,” I said, as she snatched the phone from my hand.

I sat on the edge of the bed, and just watched her. I prayed that once she read the conversation, she’d forgive me. She moved her fingers on the screen to read earlier messages that were sent between Lisa and I. She put the phone down in front of me.

“Why weren’t you just honest with me? I would’ve understood,” she said, wiping the tears off her cheek.

“I didn’t know how you’d react, I didn’t want to lose you,” I explained, as I reached out and wiped a tear trickling down her face. “I’m used to being with jealous women, I should have known better. I’m so sorry, Sophia.”

“I’m not jealous. I don’t like being lied to, and I don’t know if I will ever fully trust you again,” she replied, reaching out to touch my hand as it lingered on her face.

“Just try. You’re the only one in my life… my heart is filled by you. I don’t think you realize how important you are to me. I’m in love with you.” I laid it all out to her. I was not going to be coy with my feelings, and she needed to know how important she is.

She didn’t respond to my words, and I needed her to feel the love I felt. I reached my arm out, and she didn’t back away. I wrapped my hand around the back of the neck and pulled her close. I kissed her with all the love and passion that she evoked in me. If she didn’t believe my words, I wanted her to feel them through my kiss. I backed away and looked at her face. Her eyes were still closed, I watched as they fluttered open and looked at me with the softness I had seen before.

“I love you, too, Kayden. Don’t hide things from me anymore,” she asked.

“I promise not to lie to you again. I can’t imagine my world without you,” I told her while drawing her into an embrace.

She felt right in my arms. I’m glad she couldn’t see my face. There was so much about me that Sophia didn’t know. I hadn’t lied to her before, but I hadn’t been entirely forthcoming with my past. I would share all the gory details when the time was right. We needed to get through this moment, before I could share my entire story.


After reading the messages between Lisa and Kayden, I knew he told me the truth. I would try and trust him, but it would have to be earned over time. Being so far away from each other wouldn’t help ease my insecurities. Kayden drove all night to apologize and explain his actions to me; we were both exhausted from the last twelve hours.

“You want to shower?” I asked.

“Yes, but only if you’ll take it with me.”

I crawled off the bed, stood next to him, and held out my hand. We walked to the bathroom without breaking physical contact. I started the shower, and sat on the edge of the tub while he undressed.

“How long will you be here?” I asked.

“I have to leave in the morning. I’ll be back soon though, I booked my flight.”

He helped me up from the edge and slowly removed my pajamas. He climbed in the shower first and held me as I entered. He washed my skin from head to toe, it was as if he wiped away the pain and distrust from my being. When he was finished I reciprocated the act, but I used my hands. I lathered the soap in my hands before placing then on his chest. I slowly rubbed my palms and fingers all over his body, working my way down to wash him clean. After we both rinsed the water from our bodies, Kayden grabbed a towel off the rack. He toweled my body off gently, making sure not to miss a spot, and wrapped the towel around my body. He secured a towel around his waist before turning back to me.

Kayden gathered me into his arms, and I clasped my hands around his neck, resting my head on his shoulder. He laid me on the bed. I watched as he removed the towel from his body and dropped it to the floor. I reached for my towel to remove it, but he shook his head.

“Don’t, I want to unwrap you,” he said as he moved towards the bed.

I laid my hands near my side and waited for him. He sat next to me, and peeled the cloth off my body slowly as if savoring the moment.

“Make love to me, Kayden.”

Kayden placed his body next to mine, leaning on one arm to keep his weight off of my body. He placed his hand on my neck with his thumb touching my face. He kissed me slowly, and sucked my lower lip into his mouth. The only sound filling the room was our breath, shallow and rhythmic. His hand slid down my neck to my breast and squeezed before rolling my nipple between his fingers. I moaned into his mouth.

His lips broke from mine and followed a path down my neck to meet his fingers. His tongue lathed at the tip, pinching it with his fingers. My hips moved on their own as if begging to be touched and his hand left my breast to push them back down. He sucked my nipple into his mouth, grazing it with his teeth. He cupped my pussy with just the right amount of pressure to quell my ache.

Licking from my breast to my belly button, his tongue dipped inside as I squirmed. He chuckled from my reaction before continuing down my bare flesh. His tongue moved to the right as if to tease me and prolong what I needed—his tongue on my clit. He nudged my legs farther apart and I did so willingly. He licked lightly across my core lips before drawing my clit into his mouth. I fisted the sheets and curled my toes, as he continued the ravenous pursuit of my orgasm. My body writhed from the pleasure as he sucked harder. His tongue flicked as the pressure increased. Every nerve ending in my body screamed for the release, and my skin became damp. My eyes began to blur then his mouth popped off my core. I whimpered from the loss.

“I want my cock in you when you cum.” He prodded my core with his hardness.

He rubbed the tip against my wetness to ready it for my aching core. I missed him and the pain-pleasure combination he was able to bring my body. He entered me slowly, making sure I felt every inch. Before inserting his cock entirely, he stopped and stared into my eyes.

“I’ve missed you,” he said.

“I haven’t felt whole without you.” A tear trickled down my cheek.

He slammed the remaining portion inside, and I tensed for a split second... until my body stretched to accommodate his size. He moved in and out of me slowly. I could feel the head of his cock stroking the inside of my pussy. I arched my back to move with his body, and I needed the friction and wanted the release.

“I love you,” he said softly in my ear.

“I love you, too,” I replied barely above a whisper.

I wrapped my legs around his back, linking my ankles together. I clawed his back, trying not to break the skin. My skin damped from the pleasure, and my muscles tightened from the closeness of my orgasm.

“Your body is mine, Sophia,” he said, slamming his cock into me.

“Fuck… yes,” I screamed.

My entire body froze, my breathing halted with my eyes closed. Ecstasy permeated my being. He thrust quicker and deeper, leaning down sucking my lip into his mouth.

I laid there unable to move, his rhythm became erratic. His release neared. He adjusted my leg up to my chest to allow him to go deeper. I ran my nails up the side of his body from his thighs to his rib cage. The extra sensation put him over the edge… his entire body went limp on top of me. His forehead rested against mine, while he tried to steady his breathing.

We were both exhausted. I curled into Kayden. I hated the thought of sleeping when we had such little time together. He stoked my arm, but the pace became slower and sporadic. His breathing slowed, his hand stilled. He was asleep. I placed my hand upon his chest, and closed my eyes hoping for peaceful dreams.

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