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Untangle Me
  • Текст добавлен: 5 октября 2016, 20:17

Текст книги "Untangle Me"

Автор книги: Chelle Bliss

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Текущая страница: 13 (всего у книги 16 страниц)

“He’ll be quick and he’s a big boy, he can handle the cold.”

Kayden kissed my forehead before standing up to peak in the closet. “You going to be okay staying in there tonight?” he asked.

“Sure, I don’t care at this point. I’m tired and cold.” I shrugged my shoulders.

Jim walked through the door with the pizza in hand. There was no table space to eat, but we’d make due. We ate our pizza on the couch and Jim sat over the edge of the bed facing us. The guys continued their conversation about cable… boring subject for me.

“So what do you do, Sophia?” Jim asked.

I held up a finger, still chewing my food. Swallowing hard I replied, “I’m a school librarian.”

“Wow. You’re the first girl he’s been with that actually has a career. You’re nice, too, unlike the last one.” Jim rolled his eyes showing his hatred of Lisa. Not a single person I’ve met in the last so many months had a nice thing to say about her.

Kayden poured himself a drink. “Either of you want one?” he asked holding the bottle.

“A small one please,” I replied.

“No thanks,” Jim said.

Kayden filled his glass halfway with Vodka. My throat burned thinking about the taste. Kayden handed me my drink and sat down next to me. I watched as he gulped the liquid in his glass, not even a flinch. I wrinkled my nose as I took a sip, the smell harsh.

“Heard from the bitch lately?” Jim asked.

Kayden explained everything, told him about all the bullshit he had to deal with over the months. Jim agreed with me that Kayden needed to talk to his probation officer, Jim seemed to know a thing or two about the law, having been arrested a time or two in his life. Maybe Kayden would listen to someone other than me; he usually listened to my advice, but he felt I was too naïve about the legal system.

I rubbed my hands together; they were cold from the drink and the decreasing temperature in the trailer. The sun had set a dew lined the windows. “I’m sorry guys. I don’t have any propane to heat the place. I only have a tiny space heater.”

The expected low tonight would be close to freezing and we wouldn’t have any heat to keep us warm. I hate being cold, my body used to the heat of central Florida. “It’s okay, Jim. I’ll just put on some extra layers,” I said. Damn, I never slept with many clothes on, always feeling suffocated. I was already freezing in my jeans and hoodie and knew I’d look more like a kid in a snowsuit with the amount of clothes I’d need before the end of the night. I felt a bit crabby in this moment… the evening hadn’t turned out like I had expected, but they never did lately.

“I’m going to grab some stuff from the car, I’ll be right back,” I said kissing Kayden on the lips. I excused myself heading for the door, needed a moment to myself. I felt myself becoming crabby, and needed to get out of the overcrowded space.

I grabbed an extra pair of socks, a long sleeve shirt and my gloves—not my usual indoor attire, but necessary tonight. My cheeks stung from the winds as I crawled in the driver’s seat. I needed time to think about everything that had happened in the last few days. I closed the door to keep the chilly night air out. Clutching the steering wheel, I rested my forehead against it and sighed. Quiet.

It only lasted a moment before Kayden knocked on my window.

“You okay in there?” he said through the glass. I opened the door and put on a fake smile. “Yes, just taking a moment and putting on some extra layers.”

“Fuck, I’m sorry Sophia. This has turned into one giant cluster fuck. Do you want to go?” he asked trying to make me happy. I could smell the vodka on his breath when he spoke.

“No, he’s gone through so much trouble for us, it wouldn’t be right.”

He held out his hand to me. “Come back inside then?” He stood there waiting for my response.

I grabbed him hand, following him inside. As I walked past the trash can an empty bottle caught my eye. Kayden had polished it off while I was outside, my heart ached instantly. By the amount of vodka he consumed, I knew he’d be wrecked soon enough.

I curled up on the couch with Kayden at my side. I stared at the movie playing on the television and zoned out to my surroundings. Kayden had slumped over, resting his head on my leg. He was out cold; the vodka had finally hit him. His body was curled up, his hands resting between his legs for warmth. He looked like a little boy trying to avoid going to bed.

Jim looked over at me and shrugged his shoulders. I gave him a small smile, not knowing what else to do or say. Kayden snored softly, his chest moving in and out.

“I hate when he drinks so much,” I said to Jim.

“It has to be tough on you,” he replied giving me a sympathetic look. “He’s better than he used to be though, Sophia.”

“Pisses me off that he’s passed out,” I said. Looking down with my words I realized his eyes were open and he heard every word. He didn’t have a smile on his face, but was glaring at me.

“Why did you drink the whole bottle?” I asked him.

“I needed it. Two would have been too much and given me a headache,” Kayden slurred.

I furrowed my brows at the thought of him drinking more than he did tonight and his careless attitude. “It would have given me a headache, too,” I replied.

“Funny, Soph,” Kayden replied closing his eyes again.

I was cranky and my body half frozen, I could almost see my breath, a drunk boyfriend lying in my lap in a place that wasn’t my home—I needed sleep, more than that, I needed this fucking day to end.

“I’m going to bed,” I said moving Kayden off me. He lay back down on the couch… he could find his own way to bed if he wanted. Crawling into the space I kicked off my shoes and pulled the blankets over my fully clothed body. I turned my back to his side of the bed; I didn’t feel like snuggling up to him. Moments later Kayden stumbled into the small space, visibly irritated.

I ignored him, not saying a word, wanting to avoid a fight. Kayden placed his front to my back, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me close. Even though I was annoyed with him, I was freezing and welcomed his warmth. Neither of us said a word, I listened for his breathing to slow before drifting off to sleep.

My eyes popped open when I heard a loud click. The electric heater had turned on and the sound of a fan filled the room and Kayden grinded his teeth in my ear. Nothing about this night has been peaceful or refreshing.

I woke early in the morning, laying there staring at the ceiling. I needed coffee and I wanted to go home. I stared at Kayden for a few minutes waiting to see if he’d feel my eyes on him, but he didn’t. I swept my fingertips across his face, trying not to startle him. He stirred before opening his eyes.

“You want to go, baby?” he asked in a sleepy voice.

“Please, love,” I said kissing him on the head.

We climbed out slowly on our hands and knees, our bodies cracking and my muscles aching from sleeping without the ability to stretch out. Kayden woke Jim for a moment, telling him we were heading home as I waited near the door. I couldn’t wait for us to get home, in our bed, and in his arms—a New Year awaited us.

The Countdown

Suzy, her new boyfriend, Sophia, and I gathered in the living room waiting for the final countdown. New York City vibrated with excitement. “Five… Four… Three… Two… One…”

Our champagne glasses clinked together and her face lit in a smile. She looked so full of hope for the future. I plastered a fake grin on my face, but inside I felt nothing. I didn’t have a job, my shit stolen, and penniless. I wanted to make her proud, be the man she deserved—not the fucking wreck I currently am.

“I love you, Sophia,” I said, cupping her face, staring into her eyes. I spent last New Years alone in New Orleans, never expecting to find love before the next ball dropped.

I kissed her passionately, biting her lower lip as I pulled away. “Happy New Year, Kayden. I love you,” she said in a whispered tone. Her smile replaced by a lust-filled burning in her eyes.

“I want to hold you tonight, baby doll,” I motioned towards the bedroom with my head.

The smile returned as she started to pull me towards the bedroom. She had a one track mind at times. She’d changed since I first met her, less shy and more confident in what she wanted.

She closed the door, never taking her eyes off me. She looked at me like a piece of meat and I fucking loved every minute of it. I couldn’t take my eyes off her as she began undressing. We watched each other carefully, our eyes never wavering. I need to be buried inside her, as close to her as I could possibly be. I did just that—long and slow.

“Shit,” I muttered reading the message on my phone.

“What?” she asked still half asleep. Fuck, I didn’t want to wake her.

“Lisa sent me a message again,” I said to her as I dropped my phone on the floor.

“Again?” she asked me surprised.

“Yeah, I didn’t want you to get upset… I’m sorry Sophia.” Not knowing how to explain my omission. She looked hurt and I felt like an asshole. We shared everything with each other, except for this one thing. Lisa had been the exception. Not because I was still in love with that viper bitch, but because I wanted to shelter Sophia. I knew how crazy and unstable she could be at times.

“Kayden, stop trying to hide her from me, I won’t do something irrational, it’s not me. Have you saved all her messages like I told you to?”

“Yes, I think you and Jim are right. I need to call my probation officer and share them with him. Maybe they can get her to stop. She’s done enough to me; I shouldn’t have to deal with her verbal abuse and stalking.” I sighed. I didn’t believe that they would do anything, but I’d try anything at this point. I just wanted the bitch out of our fucking lives.

“They’ll listen to you, Kayden. Have some faith,” she said—always the eternal optimist.

“I’ll call tomorrow, baby.”

“Did you hear that?” she asked.


“UPS is doing a mass hiring. The news said they are accepting applications online,” she said shaking me. I couldn’t even get an interview at the gas station, how in the fuck did she think I could get a job with UPS.

“Baby, they aren’t going to hire me. I have a record.”

“Just try. You have a misdemeanor, big fucking deal. Maybe their background requirements are different. Come on, for me?” Her eyes grew huge with a smile on her face.

“I’ll apply, but only because you asked me to.” I could never say no to her. She’s done more for me than anyone has in my life, I couldn’t be a dick.

“Okay, do it now,” she said.

“Now? Wouldn’t you rather lay here in my arms instead?”

“We can do that right after you apply,” she reached for the laptop placing in on my legs. “There,” she said.

I filled out the entire online application with her laying against my side. I always cringed when I have to answer questions about my arrest record. I needed to help pay my way, I hated that I needed to depend on her for everything. I should be the one supporting us both. Shame doesn’t even describe my feelings; I wanted a drink to dull my misery.

I’m a Bad Girl

“Come on, Sophia. Go in the water with me. Please,” he begged as he stood near my feet, blocking my view. The warm breeze skimmed across my body, cooling my skin from the harsh Florida sun.

Looking up at him through the top of my sunglasses “Okay, but only to my knees,” I said holding out my hand to Kayden. A large smile danced across his lips, I knew he was up to something. “I hate swimming in the ocean, you know that. Don’t get any ideas, mister.”

“I’d never.” He chuckled. I followed Kayden down to the wet sand, watching the waves until the water covered my feet. I’m petrified of the ocean, too many dangers lurked– sharks, jelly fish, and rip currents. He led me, holding my hands until my knees were disappeared under the turquoise liquid. I stopped abruptly and Kayden’s hands jerked from my hand.

“Come here, Sophia,” Kayden said trying to pull me closer. I grabbed on to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He grabbed my legs wrapping them around him as he began to walk farther from shore.

“What are you doing?” I asked, my voice laced with anxiety.

“Nothing,” he said.

“You’re going deeper. Stop, Kayden,” I said digging my fingernails into his skin.

“Just a little bit more, it’ll be worth it—you’ll see,” he said to me as he bobbed with the waves to keep the water from splashing in my face. My heart raced and I couldn’t stop looking around, trying to see if there were any sharks nearby.

“What’re you looking for?” he asked looking in the water, too.

“Sharks, can’t be too careful.”

“You’re silly, baby. Nothing is going to get you out here, well maybe I will, but that’s nothing to be scared of.” He smirked at me and a tingle ran down my spine.

“What do you have in mind?” I raised an eyebrow.

“I want to be inside you,” he said, moving his pants down.

“Here, in front of all these people?” I asked as his hands were moving my bikini bottom to the side.

“No one can see and it’s mine to do with as I wish. I want my cock buried in you,” he replied, trying to concentrate on moving our clothing.

“Oh Lord,” I replied.

I wrapped my arms around him tighter and placed my face next to his, I knew I couldn’t stop him at this point. I felt his cock poking my entrance as I braced myself.

“It’s going to hurt, Kayden,” I said to him.

“Take it like a big girl. You know you can and will,” he said to me as he tried to move his cock inside of me. My fear of being discovered by nearby swimmers or being eaten by a shark made me dry, not allowing him to glide in with ease.

I bit my lip to stop from crying out as his cock moved inside of me—not gliding gently. I let him take what he wanted from me. I tried to keep my attention on the people around us, more worried about them than getting off. I played the news headlines in my head: “School librarian arrested for having sex in public—news at eleven.” Shit.

“Damn, I love being inside of you,” he moaned, pushing deeper.

“Uh huh,” I responded. The worry had taken all form of language from me. What am I doing? A wave crashed over his body hitting me in the face, ruining everything. I coughed, swallowing some water, trying to spit it out.

“Shit, sorry… I didn’t even see that one coming,” he said. “We’ll finish this later,” Kayden said pulling his cock out of me and adjusting my bikini bottom.

“Let’s get you back on dry land baby.” Relief washed over me as we moved towards shore, clinging to him like a lifeline.

I felt tired and I became cranky, exhausted from the sun. I had been short and snippy with my conversation while I drove. “You’re being a bad girl, Sophia. Do I have to teach you a lesson?” Kayden said. My face heated with his words. I loved when Kayden wanted to play. We often talked about fantasies and he did try to make mine come true.

“I’m not cranky. You’re crazy,” I replied with a soft chuckle. I wanted him to teach me a lesson—Kayden’s lessons were always sexy.

“I’m going to spank you when we get home, if you don’t watch yourself,” he said, kissing my cheek.

“Whatever, Kayden,” I stated. The crankiness left me and a feeling of excitement filled my body. I loved when Kayden spanked me—it was sexy as fuck.

“Just remember, you asked for it,” he said as he turned forward and looked out the window.

Pulling into the driveway I felt giddy as a school girl. Don’t seem too eager. “Gonna teach me a lesson now?” I said with a smirk before grabbing the car handle, sitting still, looking into his eyes.

“Just you wait and see,” he said as he climbed out of the car. I sat a moment in the car to give him a head start through the door. I climbed out trying to pretend to be sad and scared, he saw right through me. He knew I wanted this.

He was waiting for me on the bed when I walked in my room. “Come here,” he said trying to remain serious looking, but I could see the twinkle in his eyes.

“Kayden, I wasn’t bad. I don’t think I deserve to be spanked,” I said defying him. I may want this, but he’d have to earn it.

“A spanking is the least of your worries, Sophia. Here. Now,” he said patting his lap. I stood there for a few seconds with my hands on my hips; we both knew I’d do as he asked.

“Okay, Kayden. Your hand will hurt before my ass does,” I said with a cocky look on my face, as I walked slowly towards him and staring into his eyes.

“I’m sure it will, but it’s worth the sting,” he said as he quickly grabbed my shorts and swimsuit bottom, pulling them down to my ankles. He moved me like a rag doll, over his knees, before I could even react.

I wiggled my ass and struggled against his body... I enjoyed every minute of this. Whack. Whack. I felt it before I had seen his hand move through the air. My ass stung a little, unable to prepare for the smack.

“Did that feel good?” he asked as his hands caressed my cheeks, soothing the sting.

“No, that kind of hurt,” I said back while keeping my face hidden from him. I had a grin on my face, because the pain was minimal. I was on the verge of laughing. I had no idea why, but I couldn’t help myself.

“I’m not done yet,” Kayden said as he landed another blow. I was able to cushion the blow when I felt his hand leave my cheek. This time my laughter broke through. He smacked my ass again. I laughed harder, and he smacked harder. It was a vicious cycle that was worth the price. I tried to get off of his lap and he placed his arm against my back to pin me down.

“Stop Kayden,” I said, trying to sound hurt.

“Not yet,” he said as he began to stroke my ass. The tips of his fingers lightly brushed over my pussy. My body betrayed me.

“You’re wet, Sophia. Are you turned on?” he asked as his stroke became more invasive.

“No, Kayden,” I said, moving around on his legs.

“I think you’re lying to me. I don’t like when you lie to me,” Kayden said as his hand moved away.

I braced myself for the next impact, but nothing. “Are you done?” I asked with uncertainty in my voice. Smack—question answered. Smack. I bit his thigh. He smacked again, but I didn’t let go of his flesh.

“Ouch. That hurts!” he said, spanking my ass quickly trying to get me to stop. The more he hit, the harder I bit. “Stop,” he yelped.

I released my grip, licking the reddened skin to soothe the sting. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you,” I said with remorse in my voice, trying to climb off his lap.

“I know, love, it’s just a tender spot,” he said helping me off his lap.

I stood between his open legs, leaning forward to kiss him. His hands worked to remove my top, throwing it to the floor. He used his feet to pull my bottoms off fully, leaving me nude. Kayden picked me up and tossed me on the bed. Using my feet, he flipped me over onto my stomach. I loved how easily he moved me around, I felt tiny next to him.

“Ah, ah, ah. Don’t move.” He climbed onto my back, straddling me. “We’re not finished. I told you, the spanking was the least of your worries, Sophia.” He leaned over, saying my name in a slow deep tone in my ear.

A chill ran down my back. His weight shifted, and I took advantage, quickly flipping over. He grabbed my left wrist, moving it toward the headboard.

“Kayden, what are you doing?” I said to him with a pout. My hands were being bound. I hated the thought of it, I wanted to touch him.

“I’m still teaching you a lesson. I didn’t deserve for you to be cranky and mean to me. Let’s not forget about you lying to me, too, Sophia,” Kayden said with a glint of humor in his eyes.

He tied up my arms and legs, making sure they were secure. I yanked the ropes, hoping for one to be loose, but no luck. Damn. I looked down at my nakedness and a heat spread from head to toe. I watched as he walked into the closet, searching for something. At that moment I didn’t care what he was getting, I loved staring at his ass… I could never get enough of it.

As he turned, I noticed a silk scarf in his hand. “Don’t cover my eyes, Kayden, please. I want to see,” I said, pleading with him.

“This isn’t about what you want. I told you, it’s punishment. I know how much you like to watch,” he said, placing the scarf over my eyes.

No matter how hard I begged he wouldn’t give in, he already had the whole thing planned in his head. I closed my eyes, waiting for him to touch me.

I tried to listen to everything. I wanted to know where he was in the room and what he may be doing. I could hear him going back to the closet and moving the doors. Then I heard the drawer on the nightstand open. He gathered an arsenal of items to torture me. My heart pounded as I thought about all the possibilities. I felt the bed dip on the side of me where he sat, and my heart leapt in my chest.

“This may hurt a little, but you’ll adjust to the sensation,” he said, tracing his fingertips lightly across my breasts.

Goosebumps broke out across my skin. My nipples formed into stiff peaks begging for his touch. He pinched my right nipple lightly, giving it a slight twist. My core pulsated, wanting to be filled..

“Kayden,” I said.


The sound of metal chains filled my ears, but it was softer, more like a thick necklace, moving on the bed. I knew the sound of the nipple clamps, even though we never used them. I bit my lip, scared of how they’d feel. I felt the cold metal against my skin, waiting for the pain. I felt the pinch of the metal as he adjusted the clamp. I didn’t feel pain, but a constant pressure that caused my pussy to clench.

My back arched off of the bed from the sensation as he repeated it on the other side. He grabbed the chain, yanking it to test its hold. The sensation was different than anything else I’ve felt. He placed his warm mouth over each hypersensitive nipple. My breath hitched before I moaned from his tongue sweeping across my stiff peak.

I then heard the sound of my vibrator turning on. He touched the vibrator to my nipples, and I jumped. He dragged the vibrator down my stomach, finally reaching my clit. He held it in place for a moment, my body twitching, and then started moving it back and forth causing shockwaves throughout my body. My skin began to dampen, and my heart felt like it would burst. I felt my body tightening, and my toes began to curl when he stopped. Fuck, not this again.

“No. Don’t stop,” I yelled.

“I’m in charge here, my love,” he said. I threw my head back down on the pillow in defeat.

A moment later I felt the tip of the vibrator at my opening. My body ached to be filled as he rubbed it lightly in a circular motion before slowly pushing it inside me.

“I want you to stay just like this. Don’t move,” Kayden said in a gentle tone. Where the fuck am I going to go? The bedroom door open, I heard his footsteps on the carpet as he moved down the hallway. Kitchen cabinets opened and closed. I heard the sound of ice plopping into a glass. Oh no, no, no. My breathing became shallow and quick. The bed dipped below his weight, the ice jiggling. The cold made me flinch, shiver I moaned from the chill near my belly button—my body aware of every feeling, everything more intense. He used the ice to trace a line up my stomach to my breasts, slowly circling each breasts in a figure eight pattern. The pattern became tighter and tighter until he ran the ice over my nipples. I cried out, the feeling almost painful. I needed release. The ice once moved, down to my stomach, stopping for a moment. My breathing increased as the ice touched my clit.

“Be a good girl, Sophia, and stay still. When I get back, the vibrator better be inside you or your punishment will continue,” Kayden said to me as the bed moved and the door opened and closed. Did he just really leave me here?

“Hello?” I said, but he didn’t reply.

The shower turned on and I sighed. Can he really be taking a shower? He left me here tied up, with nipples clamps, and a vibrator inside of me… ready to explode and went to take a shower. Fucker. The sound of water splashing off of his body, hitting the shower walls filled the air with the hum of the vibrator. I pulled at the restraints trying to break free, but he tied them too tightly. I couldn’t’ get comfortable and tried to move without pushing the vibrator out. I pictured him naked and wet as the feeling almost made my body numb.

I stopped moving when I heard the water shut off. I could hear him moving around in the bathroom, but couldn’t make out what he was doing. All I could do was lay there and wait. A trickle of liquid slid down from my pussy trickling on my ass. My skin grew wet and hot.

The bedroom door opened and I felt his lips wrap around my right nipple.

“Kayden, please,” I begged.

“Please what?”

“I want you inside me.”

“Are we still cranky?” Kayden asked as he tongued my nipple.

“No… Please.”

“Have you learned your lesson?” he asked. His mouth closed around my left nipple sucking hard.

“I promise. I won’t get cranky anymore and take it out on you.” I knew I’d get my way eventually, but I held my breath waiting for his answer.

He yanked the chain attached to each nipple; I inhaled deeply from the feeling. My body was on fire, and I thought that I’d lose my mind if he didn’t fuck me soon. His hand trailed over my skin until it reached the vibrator and I wanted it out of me. He slowly turned it and dragged it out of my pussy. My need became more intense at the loss of sensation. He lifted my hips, placing a pillow underneath me. I licked my lips knowing that I’d feel his cock inside me. He moved me to get better access.

I waited with bated breath for his cock to fill me. He positioned himself between my thighs and rubbed his cock against my body. Placing his chest against mine and kissed me deeply, controlled me in every way. He commanded my body, filling my senses. He slowly pushed his cock inside, my core adjusting to the intrusion. Our bodies fit together perfectly.

“Kayden, don’t stop. Fuck me,” I moaned.

I heard the vibrator again and I licked my lips with the thought of an orgasm. He placed the vibrator against my clit and began to move, picking up the pace. My entire body tightened, my arms straining against the ropes as my toes curled. All of the muscles in my body ached; my skin covered in a fine sheen. Suddenly my mind went blank; the orgasm overwhelming. Holding my breath, my head jerked off of the bed. The ecstasy rolled through me in waves. His body tightened between my legs, all of his weight on top of me. He stilled and started to move again as he found his release.

He shifted his weight, kissing me on the lips, cheek and forehead with tenderness. His body moved away from mine, and I felt his hands against my breast. I held my breath waiting for the pain I thought would come with the release of the clamps. Removing the clamps he placed his mouth around each nipple, soothing them as the blood rushed back to places that were deprived. He untied my arms, rubbing my aching muscles. I laid there for a moment waiting for my body and muscles to adjust after he freed my legs. Kayden grabbed me like a rag doll as he rolled on his back. I curled into him and swept my fingers across his chest.

“I love you, Sophia,” he whispered against my hair. “Have you learned your lesson, love?”

“Yes. I did,” I replied with a smile plastered across my face, thankful that he couldn’t see me. I had learned that I wanted more, and I’d misbehave again for the fun of it. I loved that Kayden wanted to push my boundaries and make my fantasies a reality.

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