Текст книги "Right Next Door"
Автор книги: A. J. Pryor
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She’s says she’s sick, but there’s an odd tilt to her voice, and I have to wonder if I scared her away, or what’s going on in that mind of hers.
That kiss . . . it was everything. Changing something in me, something between us. I’m willing to take this as slow as she needs, but now that I know what she tastes like, how her body against my own shocked my heart into a rapid and dizzying state of arousal, I’m not backing away from her.
I go into my apartment and head directly to the balcony, hoping she may be outside getting some fresh air.
Nope. No sign of her.
For half an hour, I try to keep busy paying bills and catching up on paperwork. Willing my mind to focus on anything but her and what the real reason is she’s refusing to see me. It’s after five when I finally decide to check the balcony one more time.
Instantly I don’t like what I see.
Addison is staring out at the ocean, a distant look on her face. She looks slightly haunted and there’s a near empty wine bottle next to an empty wine glass. She has a blanket wrapped around her shoulders and she’s so lost in her own thoughts, she has no idea I’m standing here.
She turns, startled.
“You okay?” I ask.
Tears well in her eyes, and she quickly wipes them away as she nods, finally realizing it’s me standing in front of her. “Yeah, I’m good.”
I instantly jump the rail dividing our two balconies, my feet pound down on the hard concrete shaking the table and making her smile a little bit wider. I take a seat across from her, close enough that our knees are touching, my hands cupping her sad face.
“What’s wrong?” I ask, watching her eyes for any sign it’s me, that I possibly did something to upset her.
She shrugs, “Just stuff.”
Smiling I shake my head. “Not gonna fly, Green Eyes. What’s wrong?”
“He came back when you left.”
“The asshole?”
She nods. I’m going to kill him. If he touched her, if he hurt her, he’s a fucking dead man.
“Want to talk about it?”
Her smile fades and she goes back to staring at the Pacific Ocean in front of her. “You know all there is to tell.”
I have to wonder if that’s true. She told me how he left her the day they graduated college with a promise to return. And she’d believed him. But after a few months he stopped all contact, and she had become so busy caring for her father, she never tried to find him. That part of the story alone tells me this guy is a cowardly motherfucker. But when she told me he came back married and didn’t tell her, took her to bed without so much as giving her the chance to decide if this was the right thing to do, I wanted to rip the asshole’s head off with my bare hands.
I place both of my palms on her legs, feeling her muscles tense underneath her gray sweat pants as her eyes lock on mine.
“Did he hurt you?”
She shakes her head.
“Did he touch you?”
There’s no response and my insides blow up at the idea of another man having his hands on her. That she allowed him access to her body enrages me and I want to hunt him down and make sure he never comes near her again.
Concern moves across her face as she takes in my expression. The anger I’m feeling escaping through every pore on my tense body. Leaning forward, she places a palm on my cheek. It’s warm and soft and I want her to touch me more, move her hands over my entire body. “Nothing happened, Damian. I promise.”
“Do you still love him?” I’ve asked her this before. I need to know if her answer’s changed. I can’t move us forward if she’s in love with another man, it’s not my style.
Her body startles and her eyes widen. She shakes her head. “No. No, I don’t think I do. But he’s begging for another chance and it’s confusing.”
“He’s married.”
“Separated,” she corrects.
“He’s still married.” I argue.
She smiles. Finally, she genuinely smiles at me. “I don’t want to give him another chance, but I don’t know how to get him to leave me alone.”
I have a few ideas how I can get the asshole to never come near her again, but I’ll deal with that later. Right now, I need to focus all my attention on her.
Running my hands from her knees up to her stomach, my fingers sliding underneath the hem of her baggy shirt, she lets out a slight gasp as I wrap each of my fingers around her bare sides, her skin heating at my touch. Pulling her forward in her seat, her legs captured between my own.
“So we’re clear, Addison. If you were mine, I’d never let you be sad. I don’t want to ever see your eyes like this again.” I kiss her forehead and I don’t want to pull away. Her skin is so soft, her fresh scent intoxicating. Closing my eyes, I let my lips linger on her skin.
“Tonight. Let me be yours.” She whispers it and I want that, so badly I fucking want that, but it doesn’t feel right after what she just shared with me.
I pull my lips away and rest my cheek against hers. “Tonight’s not enough for me, Addison. I won’t be able to stop at just one night.”
Pulling her face away from mine, her eyes squint in confusion, but she doesn’t say anything as she takes in my statement. It’s calm and quiet on her balcony, the night surrounding us and I can’t help but smile into her beautiful eyes, watching her mind process what I said. And suddenly it’s as if everything falls into place and she smiles back, her eyes lighting up in understanding of what I need from her. “I’ll be yours tomorrow too.”
Slightly chuckling, I lean forward, my check brushing against hers, my lips grazing her ear. “One night Addison . . . one night I’m going to make you mine and you’ll never question your heart again, but it’s not going to be tonight.”
Her body deflates and her hands grip my biceps. “Will you at least drink with me?” she finally asks.
I stand and pull her with me. We climb over to my apartment. “I’ll do one better, I’ll drink with you and I’ll make you dinner.”
We are on my favorite dark blue lounge chair, she’s settled between my legs, her back resting on my chest. We’ve eaten, we’ve talked and we’ve drunk—a lot. I’d laid it on the line as best I knew how; I’m looking for a lot more than one night. She’d processed that information, and had been unreadable since.
She’s holding her wine glass in one hand and gripping my thigh with the other as she leans back and looks towards the dark, star filled sky. The wind has kicked up and is bringing the smell of ocean air around us.
“Would you rather go a year without coffee or a year without television?”
Addison sits up and stares at me. “Are we playing ‘Would You Rather?’”
I shrug. “Yeah, you game?”
She sits back down, her free hand tapping my thigh as she thinks. “Television. I can’t live without my coffee. Would you rather go a year without working out or a year without sex?”
“Sex.” I say without a second thought. She sits back up and stares at me horrified. “What?” I ask. “You can’t live without sex? Is this something new I should know about you, Green Eyes?”
Laughing she lays back down, “Oh, I can live without sex, Christ, I just got out of a five year dry spell, but I wouldn’t have pegged you as someone to deny themselves.”
Crap, Matt’s the only man she’s ever had sex with. No wonder she’s so hung up on the dude.
“Guess, you just learned something new about me,” I say, as I squeeze her tighter.
“Yeah, I guess I did.”
We sit in comfortable silence for a little while longer, her hand still firmly placed on my thigh and my arms secure around her small frame.
“I’m in love with tonight.” Her voice is slow and husky, her body relaxed and resting comfortably on top of mine.
Entwining her fingers with my own, I gently run my thumb along her soft skin, feeling the delicate bones underneath. “Always love your life, Addison, It’s the only one you’ve got.”
“There hasn’t been much to love about it lately.” She finishes her wine and leans forward to pour herself another glass, her fingers leaving mine cold and empty. We’re on our third bottle and I know I’m feeling it, I’m sure she’s beyond buzzed at this point.
After refilling both our empty glasses, she’s snuggling back down, her head fitting right under my chin and my arms instantly wrapping around her. “You met me, Green Eyes, that should be reason enough to love your life.”
Her gentle laugh vibrates through my chest and I hold her tighter, my lips coming down on the top of her head.
“You’re not allowed to kiss me, Offside.”
“I didn’t.”
“You did, and it’s a tease to kiss my head and not my lips.”
After kissing her head again, I lean forward and slide her hair away from her neck. My lips grace the area right below her hairline, bringing her soft skin between my teeth and gently biting. She shivers and her body scrunches up smaller in my arms. “I’m not a tease, Addison. Only a realist and I really wanted to taste you.” I gently bite her again.
“Damian.” It’s a whisper, the word escaping her lips in one solid exhale.
“I’m not going anywhere, Addison. When you’re ready, I’ll be here for you. And then I’ll bite a lot more than the back of your neck.”
“I’ve been ready for weeks. What more do you need?” My heart hammers against my chest, my body hums with the need to touch her everywhere, to be consumed by her, but fuck . . . I need all of her, not only a tiny piece.
“No doubts, no regrets. I want all of you, every part. The good, the bad, and the perfect. When you’re ready to give me you, I’m all yours.”
I feel her stiffen in my arms, her breath catching on an inhale as she realizes what I’m asking for. She can’t give me what I need, at least not yet, and we both know it, but she feels too perfect lying here in my arms to make any of this stop. My fingers trail along her arms, and she shifts, turning so she’s facing me.
“What if I’m never ready for that?” Her words are beginning to slur, her eyes taking on a half-lidded gaze as she continues to sip on the wine.
Running a finger down her rosy cheek and over her curved red lips, I look her in the eyes. “You will be. I’ll make sure of it.”
Smiling, she lies back down and continues to drink.
“Show me photos of you when you were a kid?”
Is she serious with that question?
She shrugs. “I want to see what you looked like.”
I can’t believe I’m about to honor this request, but I do have an album my mom put together and brought up to me. It’s embarrassing that I keep it in my bedroom closet, but I’m not functioning full throttle so I walk her inside, both of us barely able to stand upright. Sitting her on my sofa, I bring her a bottle of water, down one myself, and go fetch the album.
She turns each page slowly, one by one as she examines the photos.
“Wait, you have seven brothers and sisters?” She looks up confused.
I can’t help but laugh at her unfocused eyes and the way her mouth is falling open in complete shock.
“Yep, and I’m the oldest. I thought I told you that?”
“No, you’re pretty secretive when it comes to all your personal biz.”
My life hasn’t been exactly perfect. Sure, I’m rich as fuck, but nobody knows that. And the accident? No need to dredge that shit up. So I guess she’s right, I haven’t told her much about me. Drunk is probably not the best time to start letting her in on all my dirty little secrets.
“Why do they look nothing like you?”
“I’m half Brazilian and my siblings aren’t.” Not sure if this is the time to tell Addison that I’m a bastard child of a world famous soccer player or just let it slide, I give her as little details as possible.
“My dad is not their dad. But he wasn’t interested in having a family, so he sent money, visited every so often and my mom married someone else.”
“Walker’s not a very South American last name.” It’s a statement but I can hear the questions behind it. She’s getting a lot out of me tonight and I don’t feel the usual panic that always comes when someone tries to dig deeper into my past. So, I move forward, giving her as little information as she needs to put the pieces together.
“I took my stepdad’s name when I turned sixteen. Didn’t want to slide through life on my dad’s back. Revilino is a pretty well-known name in the soccer world.” She looks at me when I say my given last name, and her eyes are curious, clearly a recognition there. But she’s not placing it. “Google it.” She nods and goes back to the photos.
“Do you like your stepdad?” She’s stopped looking at the book and has focused all of her attention on me.
“I love him. He’s never been anything but a dad to me.”
She continues to stare at me, a concern on her face that I’ve never seen before.
“What about your real dad?”
“What about him?”
“Do you love him, too?”
“What do you mean you’re quitting football?” His thick Brazilian accent is coming through full force letting me in on exactly how angry he is. His refusal to call it soccer when he knows it bugs me that he’s never once tried to take on any of my American upbringing.
“Dad, it’s not quitting if no one will sign you. I’m not going to play for some crap team in the middle of South America. No team worth its shit wants me anymore.”
I turn up the volume on the television and continue to watch Family Guy. This conversation is over.
It’s been two years since the accident and for the most part, I’m fully recovered. But my soccer days are over. I’m strong, but I’ve lost my speed and while my leg has been put back together, one wrong fall, one bad kick to the leg and I’m a goner. Most likely that leg would never work again.
“I did not raise you to be a quitter. I raised you to fight!”
Quickly I stand and face him. “You didn’t raise me at all. Mom gets to take that credit, not you.”
“Oh, now you’re a tough boy, with tough words. I don’t get to claim you as mine because I was busy making you rich? Is that right?”
My dad came back to visit me once every few years when I was little and I loved him fiercely, crying for days every time he’d leave, knowing it would be at least another year before I saw him again. It wasn’t until I was older that I realized I wasn’t important enough for him to stick around. His life has always been soccer and women, in that order. What I want or who I want to be has never mattered to him. “Dad, I will always be your son, but don’t use money as the reason why you were never there. You were too busy with all your various women to want much to do with the mother and son you left in America.”
He snickers, his mouth curling up in a bitter smile, a mocking laugh escaping his throat. “Son, do not claim to be so different from me.”
“We share blood, we once shared a love of soccer, but the similarities end there.”
“I do not think so. Do not be so ignorant to assume I do not know what you were doing with that woman in your car.”
My heart begins to race in panic and sweat beads on my forehead. He cannot know what Megan was doing in my car that night. If my dad wants to think I was having some cheap one-night stand, fine. As long as he never finds out the truth, I don’t give a fuck what he believes. I’ll take that secret to the grave.
Taking a deep breath, I’m not sure how much I want to share with Addison. “Our relationship is complicated. His life is soccer, and he wanted that to be my life as well. After the accident, I accepted my fate. He . . . didn’t.”
“Do you look like him?”
I nod. It’s the one thing I’ve never been able to escape. I can do my best not to follow in his footsteps, but every morning when I look in the mirror I’m reminded I am my father’s son.
“You know, for a big time soccer player, you were a kind of a chubby kid.”
I was a fat kid, no question about it, and I can’t believe she just pointed it out. Not sure what to do with her or that comment. I do the first thing that comes to my mind—tackle her onto the couch, pinning her beneath me and tickling her sides.
“You making fun of me, Green Eyes?” She’s laughing uncontrollably as I hover above her and my hands roam along her sides, pinching as I go. She’s so tiny; my entire form covers her completely. Her head is thrown back as she laughs and her throat is open and exposed. My nose comes down and runs along the line of a vein that is visible under her skin. Her scent invades me, the silkiness of her skin overwhelms me and I want to claim her, press my lips to hers and mark her as mine. I shouldn’t have put us in such an intimate position, but now that we’re here, I don’t know how to back away.
She stills at my gentle caress and her eyes level to mine.
“He probably has a body like yours too,” she mumbles.
I’m in dangerous territory. Hovering above her, those eyes searching mine and silently pleading with me.
Her hands slide up onto either side of my face, and her thumbs run across my bottom lip. My heart thumps in a frantic and erratic pounding inside my chest as her eyes silently beg me to move this further.
“Please,” she whispers.
I am rock hard and that small word makes my arms shake as I try to keep them in place. Her hands skim down my face, my neck, shortly stopping at the rapidly beating pulse in my throat and finally rests on my chest.
“Please. I don’t want to go home alone tonight. I only want you.”
“Addison,” I whisper on an exhale.
“Shh.” She leans forward and places her lips on mine. “Please,” she says, her warm breath coating my lips.
I move onto my elbows just barely above her and stay as still as I possibly can while she explores me. Allowing her to take from me whatever she needs and it isn’t much. Her mouth never opens and her eyes remain closed as she continues to nibble at my lips, moving to my cheeks and up towards my eyes. She kisses each of my closed lids as I hold steady, barely breathing for fear that if I do, I’m going ruin any trust that has built up between us.
“Damian,” she whispers.
Drunk or not, I don’t have enough self-control for this. “Addison, this is not a good idea.”
“I need this Damian.”
She kisses me. Not a peck, not a lip on lip kiss, but her tongue breaks through mine, her arms circle my neck, her body presses flush up against me, and her legs circle my hips.
That’s all it takes.
Any thought that this is a terrible idea dies on my tongue, any feeling beyond her in my arms, our lips moving heatedly against each other, my hands running through her smooth dark hair, is the only touch my mind is registering.
Sweeping her off the couch, I carry her to my room and settle her on the bed, her body beneath me as I move back and forth on top of her “Addison,” I whisper into her mouth. “You taste like candy and wine. You taste like heaven.”
She grabs at my shirt, and I lift it over my head. She groans as her hands run along my chest and down my arms. “Naked. Damian. Naked.”
“Yes. Naked.”
We are fumbling, clumsy fingers undoing buttons, tearing off pieces here and there. Stopping to kiss, to taste, to suck. Her warm tongue trailing along my jaw and down my throat, and I can’t get to her bare skin fast enough.
When she’s finally naked, her body presented to me in all its amazing glory, I take a long minute to hungrily gaze over every curve, every freckle, every detail of her creamy white skin before I pull one of her taut nipples between my lips. Circling it with my tongue and gently sucking until it peaks and I hear her moaning and panting in desire.
Reaching for the fly of my jeans, I flip open the buttons and with one hand clumsily push them down my hips.
My cock springs free and the rock hard flesh begins to rub against her leg. Her nails are clawing up my back, and she begins to grind into the underside of my cock, moaning.
I can’t see straight. “Feels so fucking good.”
Flexing my hips into her, I help her rub herself, feeling her wetness coat my shaft. It’s hot and slick and making me dizzy. All I’d have to do is lower my body a few inches, and I could slide deep inside. Stopping myself from doing just that has my body shaking and the small amount of sense I have left makes me change positions.
Tracing her opening with my finger and feeling her wet core, I slip a finger into her slick folds. “Ahh, you’re drenched.”
“So . . . good,” she moans as my fingers work her.
I want to taste every inch of her, not miss a spot on her small delicate body. Moving myself lower, I trail my tongue along the curve of her waist, the swell of her hip, in towards the soft mound of her thigh. Placing my face between her legs, I hear her take in a deep breath and sigh out a yes as I begin to suck her wet heat directly into my mouth. Her hands grip my head and hold me to her as she works herself against my tongue, her deep moans intensifying and her body coiling tight under my grip. I’m lost between her legs and going to come all over my bed if I don’t get control of this situation.
Biting the inside of her thigh she cries out in pleasure as I swipe my tongue over the pinch of teeth marks. I bite her again, making her skin red and indented with my markings. She’s mumbling incoherently. More. Again. Feels so good. One more time I bite her hard, at the same time I curl a finger inside and find that rough area that’s going to send her flying. “Oh shit!” she cries out as her orgasm crests. Pressing my tongue flat, right at the center of her, I take her exactly where she needs to be. “Damian, oh god Damian it feels so good,” she moans, her body convulsing and her hands gripping my scalp, her toes curling into my shoulders. Both of her legs fall open giving me a perfect view of all her glistening folds and I almost come all over her. She’s bare, not a hair to be seen and she’s wide open just for me. Licking her one last time before I slide back up her naked body, her entire being shudders.
My lips suck on the side of her neck, feeling her heart beating rapidly against my chest.
I fucking love it. She’s so alive and it ignites a burning desire deep inside my soul.
“Damian, your tongue . . . it’s my new favorite part of your body.”
“You own it. It’s yours.” Sliding my tongue up her neck and behind her ear, I bring an earlobe into my mouth and gently nibble it between my teeth.
My cock wants inside. Pre-come wets her skin and my erection throbs in an almost painful need for release. Flexing my hips into her, my tip slides along her sex, and she moans loudly, tensing up beneath me. Grabbing my head between her two small hands, she focuses her eyes directly into mine. “Do that again. Slide against me again.”
Sliding the underside of my cock along her swollen nub, she moans loudly, moving her own hips to rub her wet core up and down the length of me. My face is still between her palms, her eyes locked on mine as they fill with unfiltered lust. She slowly works herself into a heated ball of fire. Bracing my hands on either side of her head, I change positions and my tip slides right up to her entrance. The warmth that radiates down my shaft, hitting my balls and spreading down my legs from that one small contact has my arms shaking and I want to enter her.
Gently shoving me off her body, I’m startled and shocked by the cold lack of contact she just placed between us. She turns and opens my nightstand. “Where are they?” she asks.
“Where are what?” I’m shaking, my cock an iron steel rod protruding from between my legs, her wet sex shining in my face.
This is fucking torture.
“Your condoms. Where are they?” Relieved we are on the same page, my shoulders relax as she climbs on top of me and begins kissing me again, my hard on once more rubbing against her wet heat.
I want this so fucking bad, but I need to make sure she’s not going to have any regrets when she wakes up in the morning.
“We were crazy drunk ten minutes ago. Are you sure?” I am now completely sober, feeling her come undone in my mouth was all it took to get me to focus but I need to make sure she wants this and it’s not just the alcohol talking.
“Damian. Requirement number three, your requirement. Remember? I don’t want anyone else. Please get a damn condom.”
That is all I need to hear as I reopen that drawer, and reach in the back for the string of condoms I know is in here somewhere and finally find the foil packet she’s so desperately asking for. With shaking fingers, I roll it on as quickly as I can and pull her on top of me.
We sit facing each other, and I lift her settling her over my straining cock, her legs wrapping around me and bringing her down deep. My eyes blur with tiny white lights and my balls tense up.
“Oh fuck.” I entwine my hand in her hair and hold her tight to my chest. “Addison,” I whisper into the top of her head, inhaling the fresh scent of her shampoo while I bury myself deep. “You feel like heaven.”
I’d had visions of this for the past two months, the real deal, even drunk, is a total mind fuck.
She’s mumbling, small incoherent musings. I catch tidbits. So good . . . come, so hard . . . bite me.
Smaller than me by at least a foot, her breasts are rubbing against my ribs. I want to bite them, make her scream, but I can’t reach them, so I settle on locking my teeth onto the soft curve of her neck. As she tilts her head to the side, my lips connect with the sensitive skin, and I gently press my teeth into her, she moans and grinds down onto me. Her noises alone are going to make me come, and I’m not ready, wanting to make this last as long as possible.
“Fucking hell, Addison, this feels too good . . . I can’t . . . I can’t take it.”
Changing positions, I lay her back on the pillow. “Spread your knees for me, Baby.” I feel her open wide, and my mind goes fuzzy with lust wanting to press into her harder, deeper.
I thrust in and out, my pelvis connecting at exactly the right spot. She moans and bites her lip, her eyes closing, and I know I have her. With short jabs, I continue to thrust into her until she’s coming again, her teeth making bite marks on her bottom lip. I can’t hold back any longer, and I come, releasing two months’ worth of sexual tension into that one condom. “Oh fuck! I’m coming so damn hard!”
Grabbing my ass, she pulls me further into her as the last of my orgasm rushes out of me.
“Addison,” I’m breathless, my mind thrown by what this woman does to me. “That was . . .you are . . . incredible.” Kissing her, tasting her salty skin, and hearing the tiny moans she’s still making, I know I’m going to need to do that all over again.
As soon as I can see straight.
Falling down beside her she throws a leg over me and begins to nibble on my jaw, her hand roaming over the muscles of my chest.
“My body is still shaking.” Her voice is hoarse, her words sleepy, and I’m instantly hard again. The idea I made her come so intensely that she still feels it resonates. I want her feeling it all day tomorrow too.
Turning her over, I run my hands along the back of her legs, over her ass and up to the curve of her neck. She shivers, and I’m already getting aroused looking at her on my bed, her flushed skin spread out in front of me. Removing the condom, I quickly replace it with another and prop her up on her knees. One finger enters her, and my breathing deepens as I feel how much she still desires me. “You’re quivering in here, Addison.”
My thumb connects with that small bundle of nerves, and she cries out. I slide a second finger inside, as she circles her hips, her tiny moaning noises beginning again.
“Feel it Addison. Feel all of it.” I trail kisses from the swell of her hip down towards the inside of her leg, my tongue tracing the crease where her leg meets her body. I bite her, right under her ass, roaming my tongue along the sting of the mark.
“Lick me.”
Sucking on her swollen flesh, I continue to feel all of her and bring her to the tipping point. The deep moans she’s making tell me she’s close, and I want to be inside her when she comes. Getting up on my knees, I enter her.
“So good. Don’t stop,” she cries out.
My hands grip her hips, and I’m buried so deep I can’t see straight. She’s moaning and whispering things I can barely understand. My mind is fuzzy with lust and I want to be everywhere all at once. My tongue, my cock, my hands, I want them all on her and can’t figure out which one needs her more. Circling my hips once, she comes hard, her insides clenching me and causing my eyes to roll. Once she’s settled I turn her, I want to look at her face the next time she gets off, but she doesn’t let me enter her again.
Pushing me back on the bed she crawls in between my legs. Her petite hands circle me and slowly remove the condom, I can’t breathe, hoping she’s about to use that luscious mouth on me.
Her face hovers just above my straining cock and she shifts, beginning to trail her tongue from the top of my scar to the bottom, gently using her teeth to bite me as she slowly moves down my body. I can’t breathe, I’m the only one who ever touches that mark, it’s faded over the years and is easily avoided, but she just burst my past wide open, and I want to tell her everything about me, bring her into my world. The feel of her lips on the tip of my cock erases any other thoughts I may have as I watch her lower her red lips over my pulsing erection.
Fuck yes. All my fantasies come true in this one moment. “Addison, those lips of yours are going to kill me.” I can’t control my hips as I slide in and out of her mouth, my cock reaching all the way into the back of her throat. She can’t take all of me in, but with the palm of her hand working in rhythm with her lips, she’s got me completely covered. My hands tangle in her hair as I continue to flex my hips in and out of her mouth.
She begins to rub herself against my leg, her heat and wetness coating my skin. “Come on my leg, Addison, come all the fuck over it.” She does, her cries of pleasure, vibrating around my cock as electricity shoots down my back and legs, “Oh fuck. I’m coming.” She doesn’t back away and my own release explodes while she sucks me harder and swallows all I have.
I’m spent, can barely think straight, my body exhausted, and my insides feeling emotions I didn’t know existed.
Pulling her up to me, I lay her entire body on top of mine. My hands cup her ass, and my lips find the top of her head as she lays it down on my chest. Our hearts are beating against each other, our labored breathing trying to slow down and her legs fall listlessly to either side of me as I hold her tight.
Her head is resting right below my chin and all I can think about is that I want to wake up and do this all over again. I want to lie in bed all day and make love to her. Make her come so many times she loses count. “Stay with me tomorrow.” My voice is husky, broken with exhaustion and a burning need finally satisfied.