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Right Next Door
  • Текст добавлен: 28 сентября 2016, 23:17

Текст книги "Right Next Door"

Автор книги: A. J. Pryor

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Текущая страница: 12 (всего у книги 19 страниц)

It’s still dark outside, and there seems to be a chill in the air. The wind is blowing against the window. It’s howling, and rain begins to pelt on the roof. Burrowing deeper under the covers, I pull her tighter to my body. I could wake up like this every day for the rest of my life and be a happy man. Her body is snuggled up close to mine, and she’s grasping my hand to her chest. Her dark hair fanned out on the white pillow and those lips are parted slightly.

The beat of her heart against my palm makes me feel like curling my fingers and holding it firm, never letting go.

Love is a complicated word. It can easily be confused with lust, the emotions so tightly connected. I have no idea what it is I’m feeling in this moment, but I know, I don’t want it to fade anytime soon.

For two months I’ve watched this woman mourn the loss of a love she thought was forever, I watched her change her life from sad and lonely to one as vibrant as her bright green eyes. I was part of that change and I can only hope I’ll be sticking around for a lot longer.

Addison twitches beside me¸ her warm body slightly moving and I’m instantly hard. Releasing my hand, she rubs at her eyes, then turns, her leg covering mine. We’re naked and our new position has me lined up against her entrance.

“Morning.” She’s yawning, her eyes barely open. I trace my finger along the dampness between her legs and know we aren’t leaving this bed anytime soon. A small smile forms at her mouth.

She runs her hands over my head, gently scratching my scalp, sending chills through my body.

“I told you I’d be your morning girl.” She buries her face in my chest, her cold nose slightly shocking me, as she slides herself back and forth along my length, the warmth and wetness of her arousal encompassing me.

“Christ, Addison. I want in.”

My arms are around her body, my hands snaked up her back and tangled in her hair. “I want to lose myself in you and stay in this bed all day.”

Raising her hips, she brings me into all her heat. “Oh fuck.” I’m not wearing a condom, and the feeling of her bare walls surrounding me makes me lose all sense of sanity. “Addison,” Her name rolls out of my mouth as a plea . . . a prayer . . . a promise. I’m dizzy with lust and want to flip her on her back, thrust deeply into her and make her yell my name as she comes apart. Nuzzling my face in her neck, our bodies connected, I know I need to right this and finish what she just started. “Ease up, Baby. I need to get a condom.”

Her fingers press into my back and she sinks down further, her chest pressed to mine, her peaked nipples rubbing against my skin. She doesn’t speak, and she doesn’t stop the tiny motions she’s making with her hips that are causing me to lose my mind. Sweat begins to bead on my forehead.

“Ahh, this feels so damn good. I can’t . . . can’t keep this up.” Flipping her on her back, my body hovering above as I gently rock into her and I get lost in her half lidded gaze. I need to pull out, grab a condom and make this right, but I’m completely overcome with sensations running through my system. My body electrified as we have nothing between us and I’m lost inside her.

She’s going to come, the small moans erupting from the back of her throat the tell-tale signs that give me my first clue. If she comes, I will too. I begin to pull out and she locks her legs behind me, keeping me firmly inside.

“No, I’m so close, don’t leave me,” she pleads.

My face rests in her neck as my body shakes. “You come, I come, and I’m bare, Baby. Let me protect us both.”

“I’m clean, we’re safe. Just keep going.”

“How do you know I’m clean?”

“Because you wouldn’t have started this if you weren’t. Don’t stop Damian.” She’s rocking her hips gently, and I’m done for. White lights flash behind my eyes as the trust she’s just given me sends shockwaves through my body. Running my hands through her hair, I kiss her and begin to increase my tempo, our lips moving together, our bodies in perfect harmony and I need more. I need to feel her come undone.

“Let go, Addison. Come for me.”

Her moans get louder, her fingers dig further into my back and I can feel her insides spasm along the length of my cock. While her entire body tenses under mine, I rub my hips against her, not wanting to release just yet. This feels too amazing to be done. I’m not ready to separate from her or this feeling.

She comes, hard, tears escaping her eyes, her body quivering and her slick walls clenching around my rock hard cock.

Wanting more, and needing to get as deep as possible, I turn her, placing her knees up on the bed and enter her—slowly from behind. “Feels. So. Good,” I grunt as I push deep inside. My hands cradle the swell of her hips and I gently slide myself in and out, watching her wetness coat the length of me. I’m on the edge, the sight of her perfectly round ass meeting me between the thighs, my slick cock moving in and out of her sweet body and I’m going to come all over her. She said she was clean, never said she was using birth control. I want to release inside her, mark her as mine, but I can’t take that risk. As my balls tense up, as heat shoots down my back and her body shakes with one more orgasm, which grips me tight and has me so close to cresting over the edge, I pull out and wrap my hand around myself, stroking my hard as steel cock and come all down the back of her legs.

My body is trembling, my heart on rapid overdrive. When I’m empty, when my vision returns and I can form a coherent thought I take in the amazing and beautiful sight of her.

“I can’t believe you did that behind me.” Her face is peeking over her shoulder, her green eyes boring into my soul, and I’m slightly embarrassed that I just blew my wad down the back of her legs, but I can’t deny how hot she looks in this position.

“I’m so sorry, Addison.” I rest my head on her back and hold onto her. “I didn’t mean to shoot my shit all over you like that. It was a lack luster attempt at birth control.”

My cheek is pressed against her satin skin and she lowers onto her belly, silently laughing. I turn her, recognizing I’m going to have to clean both her and my sheets. “What’s so funny?” I begin to trail kisses from her jaw up to her ear and over to her lips.

“I was only upset that I didn’t get to watch you touch yourself, Damian. Next time, do that when I’m looking.”

My heart rate had begun to normalize, but looking into her shining eyes as she asks me to jack off in front of her, I feel like I’ve just run a marathon.

“Are you on the pill?”

She nods.

“So next time I don’t have to pull out?”

She shakes her head. “No, but I kind of like it.”

Laughing, I lie down and pull her on top of me. “You’re a dirty girl, Addison.”

Her heart’s beating against my chest, and I press my lips right at the pulse on her neck. My world was blown two weeks ago when I first took her to bed, now it’s burst wide open. I’ve craved her for weeks, knew she was always what I’d been looking for, but this is so much more than I expected. There’s always been a connection, a line that tethers us to each other, but it’s stronger now. I know her body, know her noises, her moves and I want more. I told her I didn’t do casual and I meant it. She’s stuck with me.

My hands are trailing along her back and I think she’s fallen asleep. I hope so, I don’t want her to move and I have no intention of going anywhere today.

Arctic Monkeys plays in the other room, and I freeze. She doesn’t stir, her breathing deep and her body listless on top of mine. My fists clench the sheets and my body goes rigid. If the asshole were standing in front of me, I’d knock him out. He’d be lucky if I didn’t kill him. He needs to leave her alone, erase her number from his memory and forget she exists. He had his chance and he blew it. She’s taken now.

Rain wakes us a few hours later. Addison is still on top of me, our skin sticking together, her hair spread out along my chest. It’s coming down hard outside, and I’ve never been so happy that it’s Saturday.

“What time is it?” Her voice is hoarse, laced with sleep and I love it. I want her waking up with me every morning from here on forward, just like this, with my arms securely around her.

I sit up slightly, taking her with me and look at the clock. “It’s almost nine.” I lay us both back down.

Her hands slam onto my chest and I grunt in shock as she jumps out of the bed. “I’m late! I have to go!”

Her hair is wild, and she’s completely naked. She has bite marks from her right breast down to her hip and her eyes are blazing. Her breasts are bouncing around as her exuberance at needing to get going affects her entire body.

And, I’m hard.

Impossible not to be with her standing in front of me, knowing I’m the one who marked her skin and watching her perfect tits bounce around untethered. I want them bouncing between my lips.

“Where do you have to be at nine on a Saturday morning when it’s pouring rain outside, Addison?”

“Mia. We were going to have breakfast. Discuss . . . my future.”

“Not happening.” I stand, my prominent erection resting tall against my groin. “Your future happens to be a shower with me, then some coffee.”

Her eyes travel down to my hard on, and her entire body language changes. It’s fascinating and ego boosting all at once, watching her lips part, and her eyes glaze over. Her chest moves up and down with slow steady breaths and she shifts her legs, trying to control an ache I know is growing between them. I reach for her and pull her to me, my erection resting strong between us.

“Go text her, let her know you’re going to be very late, or that you need to skip all together. I don’t care what you say, but you’re still mine for the next hour at least.” I kiss her and her body melts, her knees go weak and her petite hands rest on my ass. She moans as her hands move lower, cupping my sac. Fuck she drives me insane. We’re never making it into that damn shower.

I break the kiss. “Go call her.”

As she walks to get her phone, I take a breath and try to calm my twitching cock, then head into the kitchen to set the coffee maker. I know she’ll need it, and hell, so will I.

She’s standing at my front door where she dropped her purse last night, and her face is uneasy. “What’s wrong?”

I have a good feeling what’s wrong is that song that played at six o’clock this morning when she’d fallen asleep. She bites her bottom lip, forcing it to the side and is concentrating on something.

“Nothing’s wrong, just couldn’t pull up Mia’s number. I’ve got it now.”

She lied.

I know her phone showed a missed call the minute she looked at it. For some reason she doesn’t want me to know he’s still contacting her and I don’t blame her.

I’ll give her some privacy, but I’m uneasy. She fires off a text; I hear the swoosh as it goes. She quickly sends off another one. Her eyes meet mine.

“Shower time?”

I hesitate, my brain wanting to ask about the second text.

He’s in New York.

He’s not here.

I am.

If he shows up, I’ll deal with him.

Holding out my hand for her to come with me, she smiles and takes it. No argument, no fuss, and no question. She’s mine today and if I have a say, every day from here forward.

I can’t remember the last time it rained this hard. It makes me uneasy. I’ve never liked the rain; I think it’s sad and depressing and makes me never want to leave my house. It rained the day my dad died. The streets flooded, schools were cancelled, and most people stayed home from work. It rarely ever rains this hard, but today feels just like it did three years ago, the day I closed my dad’s eyes and the morgue took him away.

Matt called this morning. He must have some sort of telepathic ability the way he calls and shows up at exactly the right moment to throw me. I’m not going to let him get to me today. I promised Damian I’d give us a shot, and I’m going to stick to that promise.

The shower helped, but now that I’m home, grabbing my own coffee mug, the tension is slipping back in. How do we do this? I know he doesn’t do casual, but what exactly is he looking for?

I’m staring in my cupboard figuring out which mug feels like the best one for this situation when my phone rings with that song again. Damn Matt and his terrible timing. I decline the call, and silently high five myself for not answering.

As my eyes scan the variety of inappropriate coffee mugs, an anxious feeling that my life is about to get slightly complicated settles over me and I think I need some sound advice.

“You better be ready to spill some details this time.”

I laugh at the sound of Paige’s voice.

“All I’m going to say is it’s a good thing our two apartments are the only ones in this building. If we had any other neighbors we would have kept them up all night.”

She sighs, “Damn, I knew that boy had stamina.”

“Boy is definitely not the description I’d give him.”

“So why are you calling me instead of spending the day in his bed?”

Good question. “Because I’m a little freaked out. This is my first . . . I don’t even know what to call it, since Matt. I’m not sure exactly what to expect or how to act.”

I can sense her smile through the phone. “You act like you.”

“That sounds too easy.”

“Because it is. Damian already told you he’s not looking for casual, he’s known you for a few months and clearly he likes what he’s seen. Keep doing what you’re doing, the rest will fall into place.”

That makes sense. I can do that. “Thanks, I have no idea why I’m suddenly so insecure about this.”

“It’s new. Until you spend a few days like this you’re going to have some hesitancy.”

“You should be a couples therapist, Paige.”

“Uh, no thanks. Keep me posted.”

“Of course.”

A mug catches my eye that I haven’t used in a long time, and I decide it’s perfect. I grab it, throw on a pair of yoga pants and sweatshirt and leave for Damian’s place, my confidence back in tack.

“Fill’er up, Offside.” I hold my mug out for him.

He grabs it from my hand and cracks up. This was one of my dad’s favorites. It always embarrassed me to death, but it is so appropriate for this morning. “Help wanted, many positions available?” People in a multitude of sexual positions cover the white ceramic; some of them we’ve tackled, many we haven’t come close to.

Placing the empty coffee mug down on the counter, he cups my face in his big strong hands and kisses me. A panty melting, fuck the coffee and take me back to bed kiss. Small moans escape the back of my throat, and I try to wrap my legs around him. Even after the hours of sexual activity and the insane number of orgasms, I could start all over again. He pulls back slightly and smiles. “I think this is my favorite mug. Can I keep it?”


“Well, we’re keeping it in the bedroom, making sure we try every one of these positions in the next few weeks, maybe days.” He kisses me again, and all I can think about is the future he keeps mentioning, and it makes me happy. I like talking futures with Damian, even if our talk only consists of our future sex life.

“Can I have my coffee now?” I’m backed against his counter, and he’s officially placed himself between my legs. I can feel his length begin to grow, and I’m not opposed to another round of mind blowing, middle of the day sex. But I need my coffee first and probably something to eat.

My stomach growls, and he smiles against my lips.

Taking a step back, he pours the black liquid into my mug then hands it to me with a warm croissant. I hold the flaky pastry between my fingers and give him a curious look.

“I grabbed a few from the nursing station at the hospital yesterday. It’s all I’ve got at the moment.”

He reaches for his own mug, and I begin to laugh. “You are not going to drink that around me.”

Ignoring me, he pours coffee into a mug that says ‘Dirty Bird’ with a picture of a Peacock prominent on the side. He takes a big sip, sighs out loud then locks his stare with mine. Stepping into my zone, he kisses me on the nose. “The mug stays.”

He kisses my nose one more time and grabs my hand, leading me out to the balcony.

I follow, my coffee and croissant balanced in one hand, as my other is secure in his big grasp. It’s still raining, and it’s cold. Like fifty degrees cold, which for a girl who was born and raised in Southern California might as well mean it’s snowing. But the overhang that covers both our balconies is protecting us from the rain, and it’s nice to be in the fresh air.

Sitting back in his big blue lounge chair, he pulls me down between his legs, my favorite spot in the universe. Nestled right here, my back to his front, his arms wrapped around me. I love this position and even if it were zero degrees outside, this is exactly where I’d want to be.

“Are you going to tell me why Matt called you at six this morning?” My body stills, the only movement the breath coming in and out of my lungs as I attempt to breathe.

I feel guilty, like I’ve been caught cheating, even though I’ve done nothing wrong. But the truth is, I didn’t want Damian to know Matt was still calling me, and I’m uncomfortable having this conversation. Not sure where I stand in Damian’s heart, I’m hesitant to give too much away.

“How do you know he called?”

“I heard it ring right after you fell asleep. It’s hard to miss that ring tone. Is there a reason you don’t want me to know he still contacts you?”

Is there a reason? There must be. I’m not ashamed of my life, it’s mine, the only one I have, and I think I’ve done okay given the circumstances I’ve been thrown into. But I don’t want Matt and Damian colliding. I want to keep them as separate entities, not comparing one to the other. I don’t want Damian worrying that Matt is going to suddenly appear in my life and whisk me away.

“What would the point have been?”

He’s silent, his mug resting on the arm of the chair, his chin grazing the top of my head. His chest expands a few times and I think he’s going to talk, but he doesn’t. I want to know what he’s thinking I want to have this conversation, but I don’t want to fight about Matt. He’s not Damian’s problem—he’s mine. I’m about to tell him this when he finally speaks.

“I don’t want you dating other people, Addison. I want you for myself.”

That is something I could get on board with, but I need more. “What about you?”

He brings his face down to my cheek, his breath warming my skin as he talks. “I told you, I don’t do casual. I’m as monogamous as they come.”

My heart rate increases. I feel like I’m back in high school, wanting to ask a million questions but not wanting to seem naïve or stupid.

Screw it. This is Damian.

“So, are we like . . . boyfriend, girlfriend? I mean, what’s your end game?” The minute it rolls off my tongue I want to take it back. How lame could I possibly sound? Damian wants to be monogamous; he wants a clean and steady fuck buddy, that doesn’t mean he wants forever.

He nips at my earlobe, and my insides turn to jelly. His hand goes to the waist of my pants and skims along the top, the pad of his fingers grazing my skin. “For now, yeah, I’ll take that label. But eventually Addison,” his tongue trails along the outer edge of my ear and a slight moan escapes my mouth. “That title isn’t going to be good enough.” His hand slips inside my pants, and any thought of Matt, our label, and what our future may look like gets shattered to pieces. Along with any dignity I had, as I’m sure anyone in the surrounding buildings is watching as Damian’s hand sends my body into an all-consuming orgasm that has me gripping his arm for any connection to the earth.

“Are you sure she’s not going to care that I’m with you?”

Damian stops mid stride and backs me up against the white walls of the hospital. His hand runs through my hair as his lips gently land on mine. “She doesn’t get a lot of visitors, Addison. It will mean the world to her that you came with me today.” He kisses me again then pulls me off the wall and towards her room.


He stops again, curiosity in his eyes, and a compassion I’ve only seen when he’s with her. I’m nervous, and it must be showing. I know I mean a lot to Damian, I know he wants me as his girlfriend and he wants to move us forward, but I also know how important his relationship with Emily is. If she doesn’t like me, this is going to be very difficult—for all of us.

“It’s going to be okay. Emily trusts me, and so if I say you’re cool, she will too.”

“Does she know I work for her attorney?”

“She’s a kid. Doesn’t understand all of that. In her mind, Thomas is trying to find her a home. I’d never tell her he doesn’t think I’d make a fit dad, it would only scare her.”

I nod. He begins walking again and I stop, not wanting to go further until I have all the details. “Why doesn’t Thomas think you’re fit?”

Damian takes a big breath and a sad smile lifts the corners of his mouth. “Remember when I told you everyone at some point or another wants a re-do on their life?”

I nod, giving him my full attention.

“After my accident, for about three years, I was a mess. Completely lost in life. Thomas is holding that against me.”

“How bad was it?” I ask realizing I don’t really know all that much about Damian.

His face falls slightly and he’s quiet, his mind spinning. “Just your typical bad boy behavior,” he finally says before grabbing my hand walking us further down the hall. I’m not sure it was the answer I was looking for, but I’m going to let it go for now.

As we get closer, I realize I need to know one more thing. I should have asked him all of this in the car, but I hadn’t given it much thought. I’ve only seen Emily once, and that was on an errand for Thomas, walking into her room, hand in hand with Damian is going to feel much different.

Stopping, he turns his face towards me, his lip curling up on the side, his dark eyes glistening with concern and understanding. Wrapping an arm around my back, he pulls me closer. “Ask me anything about her, Addison. Whatever will make you feel better about walking in her room together, ask away.”

I see a few chairs in a waiting room and direct us to them. “What happened to her? Where is her family?”

Our chairs are across from each other, our knees touching as he takes my hands in his. He’s rubbing his thumb along the back of my hand, and it’s calming every nerve that is jumping all over the place in my system. His eyes stay locked on mine, his forehead creased in thought and contemplation.

Casually he tells me, “Her mom died in a car wreck a few years back. No known father. She bounced around here and there but eventually ended up with a nice couple down in Goleta. I hear they were good to her, treated her well, but within two months of moving in with them, she got sick. The husband was out of work and wife a teacher. They just couldn’t handle it.”

I nod, my heart heavy with the knowledge that an eight-year-old could be on her own, fighting for a home. My mom didn’t want me, but I had my dad. He’d made sure I never needed anything, made sure I was always taken care of and I felt loved. Always. I wonder if this girl ever feels like someone is fighting for her.

But the person who is doing everything in his power to make sure she’s going to be good, is sitting in front of me. “But how did you find her?”

His eyes scrunch up in thought, his nostrils slightly flaring and I feel I’ve touched on a subject he’s not comfortable with. Releasing my hands he sits back and stares off to the blank white wall behind me.

“Damian,” I say quietly.

He focuses his attention back on my face and his features soften, his eyes lowering and his lips gently turning up. “Reed found her.”

“What exactly does that mean?” I ask cautiously.

He sighs out a big breath then looks directly into my eyes. “Reed knew I was lost, fighting for a life that no longer existed. He was trying to hammer home that there were people a lot worse off than me in this world. The minute I saw her, I knew I had to help her.”

Damian has always been secretive and there is a part of me that doesn’t feel I’m getting the whole picture of the why and how Emily came into his life. But if she gives him purpose, if she brought him back to a peaceful place, I need to accept I may not get more information than this.

I lean forward and kiss him, my hand cupping the back of his neck as the short hair tickles my palm.

“You’re a good person, Damian Walker.” He smiles against my lips. “Let’s go see your favorite blue-eyed-girl.”

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