Текст книги "Alexander I, Ivan F. Kruzenshtern, Yuri F. Lisyansky, Nikolai P. Rezanov. Polycentrism of a successful project. Essay (СИ)"
Автор книги: Vladimir Zalesski
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In the morning it(he) has moved down on a coast, and it(he) affably was accepted by(with) the governor Джон Прево. The next day all newspapers have informed about the first Russian round-the-world navigation. On шлюп have tumbled down crowds of the curious Englishmen ' [Фирсов And. И.].
I shall note, that Фрэнсис Дрейк during round-the-world navigation, having finished ' the stage of enrichment ', after impact of the ship about a rock in area of an island Ява (approximately on January 9-10, 1580) was compelled to throw out for a board significant number of cargoes, including battle(dashing) supplies. Probably, among the cargoes, reset(dumped) for a board, there were also guns. Дрейк has managed to be removed(taken off) from a rock. Then after a stop on Яве, with the partly unarmed ship Дрейк, trying to not stop anywhere and to not meet the ships, was directed to Plymouth.
Дрейк nevertheless has stopped for searches of water at the African coast.
Does not cause doubt, that Ю. Ф. Лисянский was familiar with a history of round-the-world navigation Фрэнсиса Дрейка, which was carried out in 1577-1580 years.
"'Neva" followed in England, пройдя near coast Явы.
Thus, Ю. Ф. Лисянский partly repeated both trajectory, and format (whenever possible, unceasing – after Явы – navigation) Фрэнсиса Дрейка.
' In the Morning of June 9 have seemed Азорские of an island. To шлюпу under all sails the boat under the English flag hastened. The captain of a boat has informed about a condition of war between Russia and France. It(he) has transferred a bale of the newspapers, shortly has told about events in Europe ' [Фирсов And. И.].
As it is possible to make a conclusion, I read the book Ю. Ф. Лисянского, some time "'Neva" was pursued by(with) the large ship, probably, French. However, to this time Ю. Ф. Лисянский knew both "'Neva", and crew of the ship. It(he) quite is proved relied on high speed of a course. "'Neva" has come off prosecution.
' Requiring in rest and wishing also to correct the ship in some parts, I was forced to stand in the Portsmouth road about two weeks. Using this time, I have decided to visit in London, where public and all mine familiar осыпали me by flatter greetings. During our stay in Portsmouth the ship ' Neva ' was visited(attended) by(with) many Englishmen, and is especial the ladies, which were very much interested to see the first Russian ship which has made the so important travel ' [Лисянский Ю. Ф.].
Approximately in 1,5 centuries after Ю. Ф. Лисянского has made unceasing round-the-world single navigation Чэй Блайт. As well as "'Neva", yacht Ч. Блайта ' Бритиш стил ' after returning has involved(attracted) attention британцев.
' When I have seen a huge congestion of the people on quay Хэмбла, at me has intercepted a throat. I was terribly proud both is flattered and is deeply grateful to all met, but I understood and I understand, that the desire to see me, Чэя Блайта, was only one of the reasons, which have resulted them there. Not my person was main, and something another – I as though personified ability of mankind to throw a call of danger and to win. So has left, that on my share such large honour has dropped out. That is, I was floating not зря. The romanticism is necessary to us. The mankind always required romanticism ... ' [Блайт Ч.].
July 13, 1806 "'Neva" has left(abandoned) of Portsmouth and August 5, 1806 has come in Kronstadt. August 19, 1806 in Kronstadt "'Hope" has come also.
The expedition(dispatch), as a whole, successfully has executed the tasks. Round-the-world navigation were finished successfully!
6. End of round-the-world expedition(dispatch) and Александр I. Instead of an epilogue
' In what we came admiration, when has opened of Kronstadt to eyes by ours! – was divided by last impressions Коробицын. – (...) In 1/2 9 го to hour we have reached(achieved) the Kronstadt road and in distance of 1/2 miles from harbour have risen on an anchor. At 9 hours we saluted from the ship of the Kronstadt fortress 13 ю by shots of guns, on as with this ответствовано to us by equal number of shots; the walls of the Kronstadt harbour were filled by set обоего of a floor of the spectators, and the ship our same hour was surrounded with boats, coming from Kronstadt, ' [Фирсов And. И.].
Александр I ' has wished наведаться in Kronstadt and to visit on ' to Neva '. (...)
Early in morning from St. Petersburg has arrived Александр I. It(he) has passed on the top deck, has greeted the officers and sailors. In a cabin of the commander examined диковинки: bowls, corals, wooden hand-made articles, mask from Russian America. Was surprised, having learned(found out), that till now in barrels the corned beef prepared three years back was kept.
– Also what, she(it) is edible? – has asked слащаво Александр I.
– Yours величество, yesterday for dinner the team ate, and all are healthy, – has answered Лисянский.
– Also it is possible to try?
– Извольте, yours величество, through a quarter of hour the buffet table in cabins of the company will be prepared, – the commander has assured.
– Well well, we shall wait, – Александр I continued to consider(examine) collections, and Коробицын has rushed to cover a table.
Having tried corned beef, crackers, king запил by water taken in tropics, and одобрительно причмокнул by lips.
Soon after visit Александра I Юрий Федорович the emperor пожаловал by his(its) award Владимира 3 й of a degree has learned(found out) about the highest award -. It(him) urgently have caused in St. Petersburg for delivery of the award. The decree said: ' In respect on an assiduous and zealous service of fleet the captain лейтенанта Лисянского and особливые works suffered by him(it) in fulfilment of safe navigation by ours волею всемилостивейше пожаловали we it(him) кавалером of an award ours Св. Владимира of the third degree ... '
After delivery of the award the minister of commerce Румянцев has announced about money compensation:
– His(its) imperial величество повелели to give out to you annual pension from State exchequer of three thousand roubles. But also, – Румянцев the American company in a mark of your merits before it(her) дарует to you ten thousand is good-natured покашливал, – Российско.
This very day to it(him) have announced about assignment of a rank of the captain 2 го of a rank. The day, and from Peterhofs пожаловало imperial family – императрица Мария Федоровна with great князьями Николаем and Михаилом and great княжнами Екатериной and Анной has passed. After survey шлюпа them have treated with tea ...
Лисянский has handed over шлюп and is warmly was forgave with crew. The officers have presented it(him) a gold sword with an inscription on a hilt: ' Gratitude of a team of the ship ' Neva ' [Фирсов And. И.].
In general, there is an impression, that the emperor Александр I not bad concerned to Ю. Ф. Лисянскому. Probably, concerning the emperor to Лисянскому there was a respect. And,maybe, it was satisfaction by success: was not mistaken in a choice.
Ostensibly Наполеон at meeting with Александром I in Тильзите is transparent has hinted that the German captain Крузенштерн headed the first round-the-world navigation of the Russian seamen [Фирсов And. И.]. Probably, disturbed Наполеона round-the-world navigation 1803 – 1806; it(he),maybe, in this event what felt that unpleasant предвестие.
' After returning from крейсирства Юрию Федоровичу have announced about new purpose(assignment) – commander of crews ' of all personal yachts his(its) imperial величества ' ' [Фирсов And. И.].
The assumption is admitted(allowed,allowable), that with Лисянским the personnel plans,maybe, emperor were connected what that expected with what that of the request, initiative ...
The emperor Александр I, man of a high rule(situation) and wide outlook, understood, as. Ф. Крузенштерн and Ю. Ф. Лисянский round-the-world плаваниями – first in a history of Russia – gave to his(its) reign more shine, than many brilliants in his(its) crown.
Probably, Ю. Ф. Лисянскому it was necessary to use a situation and to drift in the party of scientific structures of empire.
И. Ф. Крузенштерн пошл on pedagogical, scientific, literary and organizational lines.
' ' Really it is necessary for ever to leave(abandon) fleet? ' In time крейсирства in the last campaign it(he) has felt недомогание – ломило a head, frequently was sick, but each day carried out(spent) on шканцах. Probably, gave itself to know an old contusion received in fight during a service in the English fleet ' [Фирсов And. И.].
' In January, 1809 Лисянский has left from a service, and after one month the Decree about a resignation Ю was held '. Ф. Лисянского by the captain I го of a rank ' ' [Фирсов And. И.].
In March, 1812 Ю. Ф. Лисянский has addressed with the letter to Александру I ' with the request be the godfather just родившегося of the son Александра ' [Фирсов And. И.].
Not all in bureaucratic structure of empire positively concerned to Ю. Ф. Лисянскому. Who it(he)? From what? And whence? The man «'anybody» and man from «'anywhere»? From Нежина? What such Нежин? Then these questions remained, probably, without the answer. Today we know, that with Нежиным the names and Ю are connected. Ф. Лисянского, and Н. In. Гоголя, and With. Item. The queen, and many others outstanding, talented people.
The emperor Александр I, similar, did not leave Ю. Ф. Лисянского without благоволения.
Ю. Ф. Лисянский has written the book about the navigation around of light, has issued her(it) at own expense in Russia, then itself has transferred(translated) her(it) to the English language, has published in England.
' The Success of the book abroad has rendered some influence on твердолобых of the imperial officials. In 1814 Лисянский again has addressed to the Admiralty department with the request to accept the Russian edition of his(its) composition on the state account. This time petition was satisfied ' [Штейнберг Е. Л.].
( ' The Edition has done without in 18 500 roubles, the sum the then huge ... ' [Фирсов And. И.]).
In 1965 in USSR was constructed a diesel engine the electrical ice breaker of the project 97, received a name ' Юрий Лисянский '. The ice breaker continues to work, in 2008 it(he) has received the sanction to operation up to 2017.
In 1974 in one @ Нежине the Chernigov province (Ukraine) established a monument in the same square in city centre near to the house, where was born Ю. Ф. Лисянский and church, where it(he) was крещен and where his(its) father served протоиереем.
In 2008 the airline has named Aerofleet in honour Юрия Лисянского one of the planes Airbus A320 (VP BZQ).
[ ' Лисянский, Юрий Фёдорович '].
' Destiny not баловала Лисянского by glory at life, but the seamen did not overlook(forget) первопроходца. Eight times ' were recollected ' by(with) they Лисянского, surveying water areas and coast of Silent ocean, and have appropriated(given) his(its) name to new opening. For the sake of justice we shall notice, that six of them belong to the American researchers ' [Фирсов And. И.].
Has not remained without the awards at life and numerous marks of memory And. Ф. Крузенштерн.
November 6, 1873 in Санкт St. Petersburg, opposite to the sea case, open a monument Крузенштерну, сооружённый under the project of the sculptor And. Н. Шредера and architect And. And. Монтигетти. Монумент was established on private(individual) means, but the small grant(manual) managed to be received and from the state.
In honour And. Ф. Крузенштерна are named:
Island Крузенштерна,
Strait Крузенштерна,
Reef Крузенштерна.
In 1935. The international astronomical union has appropriated(given) a name And. Ф. Крузенштерна to a crater on the seen party of the Moon.
His(its) name carry:
Крузенштерн (барк)
Airbus A320 with number VP BKC airlines the Aerofleet carries a name Ивана Крузенштерна.
[ ' Крузенштерн, Иван Фёдорович ']
December 17, 2016, December 24, 2016.
[!An annex. "Initial" text (placed in Internet 15 Oct 2017 20:57).!]