Текст книги "Alexander I, Ivan F. Kruzenshtern, Yuri F. Lisyansky, Nikolai P. Rezanov. Polycentrism of a successful project. Essay (СИ)"
Автор книги: Vladimir Zalesski
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' The Project of supply Russian североамериканских колоний by a sea way through two oceans was submitted to government by the minister of commerce, графом Николаем Петровичем Румянцевым, known state figure of epoch Александра I ' [Дмитрашко Н. В.].
3. Sphynx: one expedition(dispatch) two round-the-world navigation. Plus embassy. Троецентрие and energy of competition
Alaska – And лиска – And лузка ...
Русско the American company – креативность and exotic in the bureaucratic Order. A product of unusual activity of the emperor Павла I.
I shall bring – almost completely – clause from Large Soviet Энциклопеции (БСЭ) (1969-1978):
' РОССИЙСКО the AMERICAN COMPANY, trade association founded 8 July (19 1799 in Russia with the purposes of development of territories of Russian America, Kuril and other islands. The company had government in Irkutsk, with 1800 – in St. Petersburg. All crafts and minerals which are taking place in these territories, right were given in exclusive usage it(her) to organize expeditions(dispatch), to borrow(occupy) again open grounds and to trade with the next countries. In territories of Russian possession in America a number(line) of constant settlements was created, the ship-building shipyards, workshops etc. In 1804-40 Р. and are constructed. To. With assistance of Russian government has organized 25 expeditions(dispatches), including 15 round-the-world (And. Ф. Крузенштерна, Ю. Ф. Лисянского etc.), has made research works on Alaska, participated in settling about. Of Sakhalin and Приамурского of edge(territory). The main government of the company with 1824 was located in the house ?72 on Мойке in St. Petersburg. Here frequently passed assemblies чл. Sowing. About ва декабристов. In this house lived To. Ф. Рылеев, serving in 1824-25 governor of businesses Р. and. To. For years of existence of the company the geography and ethnography of Russian America (m was studied. Д. Тебеньков, In. With. Хромченко, And. To. Этолин, And. Ф. Кашеваров, Л. And. Загоскин, And.. Вознесенский etc.). The company promoted introduction in a number(line) of areas хлебопашества, огородничества, cattle breeding '.
Having read these phrases, it would be desirable playfully to comment: ' what that government ... What for government? And where noblemen, where крепостные? '
And similar clause from БСЭ (1926-1947) adds: ' In 1812 near a bay Сан Франциско Russian settlement Росс was based. In 1816-18 Российско the American trade company did(made) attempt to locate on the Hawaiian islands '.
As that is difficult is to imagined a comedy Гоголя By(with) 'auditor) or poem ' Dead souls ' with reference to Сан Франциско or to the Hawaiian islands. Предположу, as prompt Хлестаков, and profound in a task Чичиков after multiday time travel overland and sea (or only on the sea) would arrive on destination absolutely by other people (' where are carried, bird парусник? Give the answer! '). And in a settlement Росс or on the Hawaiian islands they (Хлестакова and Чичикова) would be met at all by(with) those people, which appear in products Н. Гоголя.
But you see not all at once, at first is necessary to understand. The actions(share), the furs, incomes ... At the beginning, like, has increased of prestige ... Firstly all looked attractively.
And Александр I began government with good hopes and plans.
In general(common), the future was solar.
As far as the circle of questions connected to organization of the first round-the-world expedition(dispatch) was complex(difficult) it is possible to make a conclusion, for example, of the following fragments.
' Александр I has created ' Committee of formation(education) of fleet ' and as the chairman has nominated not Мордвинова, and in peak to it(him) дряхлого the column Александра Воронцова, brother of the ambassador in England. King has given committee the order – ' to define(determine) any excess, to result all in possible(probable) brevity and clearness '.
Up to what додумался Воронцов, any day not served on fleet?
' For many reasons physical and local Russia cannot be among первенствующих sea having held. Yes in that neither need, nor advantage(benefit) is not expected. Direct power and force ours should be in overland armies ... '
Winter London has met unfriendly. Воронцов already knew about the purpose of his(its) arrival and has considered this coldly.
Whether – Early have taken in head тягаться with the educated seafarers, mercy государь? – skeptically has made Воронцов. – British мореходы, similar Куку, многоопытны and the knowledge have great. Russia and courts decent(considerable) has no ' [Фирсов And. И.].
But the project of the first round-the-world navigation was approved by the emperor Александром I, and нижестоящие the officials cancel this project could not. Have not cancelled it(him) and objective circumstances (as it has taken place at Екатерине II).
Let's make some remarks concerning the attitude(relation) of the emperor Александра I to round-the-world expedition(dispatch) holding during 1803-1806 years.
Александр I in connection with a direction and returning of expedition(dispatch) behaved as the man of wide sights and rather adequately.
In first, has approved the project and promoted a direction of expedition(dispatch).
In second, has agreed with purpose(assignment) by the chiefs of the ships of those seamen (And. Ф. Крузенштерна and Ю. Ф. Лисянского), which were capable to consult(cope) with the put task – to bypass around of light.
In third, equipment of one of courts has accepted on the account.
In fourth, personally has arrived on the ships, sent in expedition(dispatch).
Let's mention also period after end of expedition(dispatch).
In fifth, personally has arrived on 'Neva "," which has arrived from expedition(dispatch). Validly отпробовал of naval food.
' Having tried corned beef, crackers, king запил by water taken in tropics, and одобрительно причмокнул by lips ' [Фирсов And. И.]. On soul, probably, it was good; the success was historical, world(global) level.
In sixth, the commanders of the ships of expedition(dispatch) have received the honourable and powerful awards (award, pensions, lumpsum premiums, assignment of the next ranks, purpose(assignment) for worthy posts). Other participants of expedition(dispatch) were awarded also.
One expedition(dispatch) two round-the-world navigation
The expedition(dispatch) – as the project and as an organizational measure – was one. And round-the-world плаваний there were two.
Initially ships "'Hope" and "'Neva" were loaded with account on two concerning independent navigation.
"To 'hope" under a management(manual) And. Ф. Крузенштерна it was necessary to reach(achieve) coast of Japan and Kamchatka, but its(her) visit for Alaska was not planned.
"To 'Neva" till a management(manual) Ю. Ф. Лисянского the task was given to be directed to coast of Alaska. As to Japan, the navigation "of 'Neva" to coast of this country was not planned.
However after the decision of tasks "of 'Hope" on Kamchatka and at coast of Japan, and "'Neva" – on Alaska, they (both ships) should meet in China, in Кантоне. After the decision of commercial tasks to continue a joint way to European Russia, in Санкт of St. Petersburg, in Kronstadt.
' The Plan and route of expedition(dispatch) were already finally determined. The governmental instruction assigned to it(her) the following tasks:
To supply Russian колонии in America with various supplies;
To transport from America in Кантон a cargo of furs for trade operations with the Chinese merchants;
To deliver in Japan Russian embassy ' [Штейнберг Е. Л.].
' In navigation ' Neva ' stayed three complete years, without two days. More than forty five thousand miles have passed for сие time. Two third of this way шлюп ours floated independently, without соплавателя ours ' Hopes ' ' [Фирсов And. И.].
' One more important stroke was emphasized half-centuries back by(with) the writer the historian In. Neva in the book ' the First travel of the Russians around of light «':» references about the first Russian round-the-world travel included in usage the erroneous tendency to write about Ю. Ф. Лисянском only as about the companion And. Ф. Крузенштерна. However resulted(brought) data show, that the most part of navigation Лисянский has made independently.
Within 532 running day the ships have passed more than 45 000 miles, and only 41,5 % on time and 42,8 % on number of miles falls on a part of travel accomplished "'Невою" together with "'Надеждою", and independent navigation accordingly 58,5 % and 57,2 %.
From 1095 days, during which the historical travel proceeded, in joint navigation the ships were only 375 days, in independent navigation "'Neva" was 720 days, that accordingly makes 34,3 % and 65,7% '.
Thus, the commander "of 'Neva" actually made вояж without trusteeship Крузенштерна and has made opening and innovations independently ' [Фирсов And. И.].
So, expedition(dispatch), as the project and as a certain organizational measure, – one. And two navigations around of light.
Plus embassy and scientific researches
The project was not limited to two round-the-world плаваниями. It(he) also included a direction of embassy in Japan and realization in the period плаваний of scientific researches.
' In organization of a parcel(sending) of expedition(dispatch) in Russian североамериканские колонии has played also known role and valid councillor of state Николай Петрович Резанов. Резанов was тестем. And. Шелехова and consequently was closely connected to interests Russian колоний in Northern America. Резанову the application on a highest name sent in 1795, about establishment Российско of the American company belongs. The representative of the Company in St. Petersburg Резанов was for a number of years.
With June 10, 1803 Резанов was awarded by an award Св. Анны I of a degree, пожалован by a rank камергера also is nominated by the envoy in Japan. Simultaneously it(he) has received рескрипт from Александра I with the detailed instruction concerning realization of his(its) diplomatic powers in Japan. The purpose of embassy was reception of the sanction from the Japanese emperor on trade of Russian courts in the Japanese port of Nagasaki or organization of barter trade on an island Матсмае (Иезо). In рескрипте, addressed Резанову, Александр I wrote: ' Having selected you on a feat, the advantage(benefit) fatherland promising, both on the part of the Japanese trade, and in a reasoning of formation(education) of the American edge(territory), in which to you is entrusted участь тамошних of the inhabitants, was charged with I to the chancellor to hand over you the letter, from me to the Japanese emperor nominated, and minister of commerce in both subjects to supply you with the appropriate instructions, which are already authorized by me '. With the ambassador was decided(solved) to send rich gifts to the Japanese emperor and his(its) main dignitaries, and also number(line) of the goods for the beginning of trade operations.
Under the insisting the column Румянцева, Александр I has permitted(solved) to send the Russian ambassador in Japan by the same ships, which should deliver the goods in Russian североамериканские колонии. With embassy was decided(solved) to send scientific expedition(dispatch) for research of coasts of Silent ocean ' [Фирсов And. И.].
' By the Envoy in Japan was nominated камергер Н. Item. Резанов, one of the active figures Российско of the American company. The first Russian round-the-world expedition(dispatch) turned to the important political enterprise. However its(her) main task, as it is visible from ' to the Instruction given valid камергеру Резанову ', there was ' a trade Российско of the American company ', on whose means were bought and are supplied of court of expedition(dispatch) – ' Hope «'and» Neva '. (In connection with sending diplomatic mission which is taking place onboard ' of Hope ', this ship was accepted on the state account, switching and biennial contents of his(its) crew.)
The scientific tasks were not overlooked(forgotten) also. Already in the first governmental documents, where the main subject of expedition(dispatch) was considered(examined), there was a speech about естественнонаучном research of Russian possession in America both other places and countries, which should visit the ships. For this purpose the botany and some students минералогов was supposed in structure of expedition(dispatch) to include of the scientist натуралиста.
From the scientist, which circle has appeared much more widely, the detailed descriptions of the visited grounds and collections of geological breeds, metals, ground, minerals, plants, семян, animals, fishes, corals, bowls, insects and т were expected. д. Each "'thing" should be described and is numbered. The rather important meaning(importance) was given to ethnographic researches, including study of an image of life, customs, religion, crafts, art, dwellings, weapon, clothes and т. д. The artists of expedition(dispatch) were recommended to deliver sketches of costumes and kinds of Russian settlements in America.
The following place was allocated(removed) to manufacture of exact meteorological supervision – behind the polar lights and others ' the notes worthy ' by natural phenomena.
Медикам it was necessary not only to study illnesses and ways of their treatment, but also to make all from them dependent ' to maintenance страждущего of mankind '. Besides in case of favorable circumstances the research северо of western coast of America ' was supposed [Фирсов And. И.].
И. Ф. Крузенштерн and Ю. Ф. Лисянский. Some details to the characteristics of the persons
And And. Ф. Крузенштерн, and Ю. Ф. Лисянский were the outstanding people. Both possessed experience sea плаваний, experience of battle(dashing) actions in structure of the Russian and English fleet, experience of travels.
И. Ф. Крузенштерну was peculiar what that special удачливость. During a service добровольцем by the ships of the English fleet (it there was a format of business trip for purchase of knowledge and skills) it(he) gradually moved from cape of Kind Hope on east, a part of a way has overcome by the ship with the punched bottom (hole has stopped up the got stuck stone), and, basically, had some chances still during this period to make round-the-world travel (from Asia – having rounded a southern extremity of Southern America, further through the Atlantic ocean – in Europe). But during this period there was no circumstance. And. Ф. Крузенштерн has returned to England, and then and in Russia by a return way, following along the African coast.
' The Academy of sciences, taking into account breadth of knowledge Крузенштерна, April 25, 1803 has selected by his(its) member by the correspondent. The Russian scientists assigned the large hopes to round-the-world navigation and, as is known, they were justified ' [Пасецкий In. М.].
Thus, the Academy, in first, highly has estimated the officer And. Ф. Крузенштерна, not so for a long time come back from England, where it(he) served on the rights волонтера, and, in second, as though 'has "confirmed" scientific character forthcoming to expedition(dispatch).
Let's explain, that the ships "'Hope" and "'Neva" have set off to navigation of August 7, 1803.
And And. Ф. Крузенштерну, and Ю. Ф. Лисянскому even prior to the beginning round-the-world expedition(dispatch) it was possible to visit in New Light, in USA.
И. And. Фирсов раздумчиво marks: ' As neither Крузенштерн, nor Баскаков have not left for потомков what or записок about stay in New Light, we shall pay attention to some remarkable and perspicacious remarks and conclusions made Юрием Лисянским. (...) of a Sketch Лисянского are much more interesting, are systematical and are various, than note of the first Russian man who has visited before that in America, – Федора Каржавина ' [Фирсов And. И.].
Can be, there are some bases for a conclusion about ' государственно diplomatic qualities ' And. Ф. Крузенштерна and ' is ingenuous of romanticism ' Ю. Ф. Лисянского?
One of the biographers And. Ф. Крузенштерна uses an interesting and neat word collocation: ' the Greatness of this scientific feat can be appreciated only at disclosing all перипетий ' wars of nerves ', which to it(him) should be sustained, before it(he) has achieved the edition of the child ' [Пасецкий In. М.]. ' War of nerves ' – persistence – the persistence ... Is the bases to believe, that it is concepts from one number(line).
About Ю. Ф. Лисянском is met such opinion: ' Проглядывалась in it(him) what that sincere благость. ' Be can, it(he) is too keen on divinity. Therefore also sailors are better than others it(him) listen ', – has thought involuntarily Гревенс. Does not pass(miss) any богослужения, on a shelf at him(it) by a number(line) of the composition Ломоносова, Хераскова and Библия, which unless at иеромонаха is present. In a cabin in a corner иконка Николая Чудотворца, and before it(her) day and the night is lit лампада ... ' [Фирсов And. И.]. Let's add, That Ю. Ф. Лисянский was one of the sons протоиерея of church Иоанна Theological in one @. Нежине.
In all information sources is emphasized интеллектуальность and Ю. Ф. Лисянского and And. Ф. Крузенштерна.
' – I confirm, this skilled captain, – has responded about Лисянском Мордвинов, – many years floated in the English fleet in Ост and Вест India, in Africa and America has visited. Besides thoughtful and inquisitive. Nowadays on highest соизволению his(its) translation of the English scientific treatise by a sea part is printed. Is on a sign, – the captain Крузенштерн, it(him) соплаватель has added Мордвинов, – also. Now has presented the entertaining project about advantage(benefit) of navigation to Great ocean ' [Фирсов And. И.].
In 1803 was in Russia the book Джона Клерка ' Experience of sea tactics ', transferred(translated) Ю was issued. Ф. Лисянским (in Russian translation the book has received the name ' Movement of fleet, in 2 х parts. The composition г on Джона Клерка. Translation from the English fleet the captain лейтенанта Ю. Лисянского ') [Фирсов And. И.].
Whether there are bases for a conclusion about "'взаимодополнении" And. Ф. Крузенштерна and Ю. Ф. Лисянского? It is complex(difficult) to give the unequivocal answer to such question. But such question, and such term – "'взаимодополнение" – can arise at reflections about cooperation And. Ф. Крузенштерна and Ю. Ф. Лисянского.
Троецентрие of authority and energy соревновательности
As the formal and real functions (role) between And were distributed(allocated). Ф. Крузенштерном and Ю. Ф. Лисянским (how by the chief of expedition(dispatch) and subordinated accordingly)?
Probably, for the correct answer to this question we can allocate two concerning the independent forwarding period:
(1) periods of preparation of expedition(dispatch)
(2) periods direct плаваний.
At both stages the formal chief was And. Ф. Крузенштерн, and Ю. Ф. Лисянский was at him(it) in submission. There was a general(common) opinion, that by the basis for purpose(assignment) And. Ф. Крузенштерна the chief of expedition(dispatch) was preparation by him(it) of the project of the first round-the-world navigation. On formal, rules, working in that time, Ю. Ф. Лисянский had advantage to purpose(assignment) by the chief of expedition(dispatch).
' The Choice of the Chief of other ship was given to my will. I have selected the Captain Лейтенанта Лисянского, excellent(different) sea Officer serving with me together during last war in Аглинском fleet, and already former in America and Ост of India; why I also had a case to learn(find out) it(him). Travel ours долженствовало to be long, and safe termination(ending) it needed of general(common) jealousy, usual unanimity, honour and impartial acts. Opposite сему could subject us much rather unpleasant, and can be and disastrous adventures, as all Expedition(dispatch) though consist of the people of the militarians, however was not absolutely военною, but частию and коммерческою. Those reasons imposed on me a duty to select by the Chief of other ship of the man impartial, obedient, assiduous to general(common) advantage(benefit). As those I have recognized the Captain Лейтенанта Лисянского, having as about the seas, on коим we had to be floating, and about sea Astronomy in present advanced е ё a condition sufficient knowledge ' [Крузенштерн And. Ф.].
' The Heads above this expedition(dispatch) and above first of the mentioned ships was entrusted of fleet the captain лейтенанту Крузенштерну, and me is given командование by second. Long-term мо ё acquaintance to this man of excellent(different) talents, former travel ours in America and East India, and most of all desire to be useful to fatherland in the so important case, cause that I, despite of a seniority of the service, with a great hunt have agreed to make the so remote travel under his(its) heads, with that, however, that it was allowed to me to select for the ship entrusted to my management, of the officers and team at own my discretion ' [Лисянский Ю. Ф.].
The different periods of the large business have different "'весомостью".
I shall bring for an illustration of this statement of a line from the book of. Ф. Байдукова «'Чкалов»:
' ... I many times touched hundreds well and of poorly familiar pilots, but even more often stopped on Чкалове.
– But why I? You see I a typical fighter ... – have not born Валерий.
– My dear(expensive) comrade! With the unbidden visitor I was filled up to you because to us most skilful is necessary, most brave and most authoritative in the country the pilot.
– Ах, Ягор! You love подковыривать of the comrades. Well what you do(make) me, "'штрафника", by the god? Blind flights, астро and radionavigation, radiotelegraphy I do not know ...
– Will achieve the sanction to flight, will raise superoverloaded ' АНТ 25 ' from a concrete strip – and, consider(count), fifty percents(interests) of the important, state business you have executed ... And flights in облачности is my business, all rest we with Сашей shall ensure(supply), do not worry ...
– Well if so, in the company to enter I do not refuse ' [Байдуков. Ф.].
During preparation of expedition(dispatch) Ю. Ф. Лисянский the financier, корабел, снабженец, expert in personnel questions acted as the expert.
In first, it(he) should choose for purchase the ships, suitable on qualities of seaworthiness for round-the-world navigation.
In second, it(he) should accept the decisions on financial questions: a parity(ratio) of the price and quality to coordinate financial conditions of the bargain.
In third, on it(him) the function of repair of the ships before long expedition(dispatch) laid.
In fourth, it(he) should buy all necessary accessories(belongings), devices.
' After long searches at last have found suitable of court: 16 gun ' Леандр ' in 450 tons and 14 gun ' Thames ' in 370 tons by displacement. Under the documents of court three years ago were constructed, but required(demanded) repair. While court repaired under supervision Разумовского, Лисянский selected and bought chronometers, секстаны, barometers and other tools ' [Фирсов And. И.].
In fifth, it(he) was engaged in selection of the officers and sailors (mainly for acquisition of crew of the ship "'Neva". The staff for "'Hope" selected And. Ф. Крузенштерн).
As far as it is possible to understand, married shortly before a beginning of expedition(dispatch) And. Ф. Крузенштерн expected addition of family and during preparation of expedition(dispatch) was engaged mainly in family businesses.
' Лисянский simultaneously selects the sailors and унтер of the officers for вояжа. Крузенштерн far, and Лисянский holds it(him) in a rate of the businesses ' [Фирсов And. И.].
For the sake of justice we shall note, that all set of these functions assigned to one man (the expert, financier, корабел, снабженец, expert in personnel questions), testifies both to highest qualification of such man, and that Ю. Ф. Лисянский became on a set of the actually assigned functions соруководителем of expedition(dispatch).
Choice and purchase of the ships, their repair, purchase of tools, delivery of the acquired ships in Kronstadt – all these tasks Ю. Ф. Лисянский has decided(solved) practically independently, almost without participation And. Ф. Крузенштерна.
Major questions has decided(solved) Ю. Ф. Лисянский prior to the beginning navigation. It(he) not only has shown itself(himself) as qualified корабела, but also as the effective organizer (chief) of expedition(dispatch)! It is possible to assume, what not each captain (commander of the ship) had such qualities.
Let's note also that to it(him) the large money was entrusted. From the references is not felt, that concerning ability Ю. Ф. Лисянского to dispose of money at whom that of имперского of a management(manual) there were what that doubts. As if Ю. Ф. Лисянский bought already fifth ship, and all purchases were successful; actually, as it is possible to understand, the appropriate experience at him(it) was not. And for whom such experience was available?
In coast of Southern America was found out подгнивание of two masts on "'Neva". The masts were replaced. The history testifies, that repair did not manage any round-the-world navigation. (Moreover, Дж. Слокам, the first single round-the-world seafarer combined repair with modernization of the yacht).
As to possible(probable) unconscientiousness of the sellers (or простоватости of the buyers),, how it is visible from the description of a situation, the lack of masts has come to light after in Brasil ' have removed(taken off) фор стеньгу and эзельгофт '. As far as the dismantle of the ship was usual at his(its) purchase (in England)? For whose account and whose forces such dismantle in England would be carried out(spend)? And up to what "'depth" it be necessary such dismantle to carry out? And in general,maybe, it was better to build the new ships? Only such construction how many would cost? And what time she(it) has required? And whether the navigation as early as years through 50 was held? From the description of expedition(dispatch) it is visible, that for the period of parking and repair the personal structure of expeditions(dispatches) hospitably met by the Portuguese authorities, has managed to have a rest, to be typed(collected) of forces. (' the hospitable reception was rendered to Expedition(dispatch). ... the lieutenant Colonel of the Portuguese service дон Иозеф де Курада, потомок of the famous seafarer Васко де of Din, was extremely hospitable ' [Нозиков Н. Н.]).
By what image Ю. Ф. Лисянский has got the experience which has allowed it(him) to execute preparation expedition(dispatch): to buy and to repair the ships?
' There has come(stepped) spring, and Лисянский has set off on north. It(he) has visited in Нью Йорке, Нью Port. It(he) was interested by(with) shipyards, docks, statement of shipbuilding business ' [Фирсов And. И.].
Similarly it(he) behaved and in other countries. An example: ' On advice of the ambassadorial officials Лисянский and Баскаков at first наведались in Greenwich, but then have got over in the London suburb Комбервелл. (...) the First trip have made in Вулвич, have examined thoroughly famous shipyards, workshops, storehouses ' [Фирсов And. И.].
Let's note, that on the first round-the-world expedition(dispatch) 1803-1806 years the process of organization distant sea плаваний has not stopped; have followed new, And. Ф. Крузенштерн accepted in initiation and preparation of a number(line) of such expeditions(dispatches) most active participation.
It is possible to assume, that on the moment of a beginning of preparation of expedition(dispatch) Ю. Ф. Лисянский was most prepared for round-the-world travels from among the Russian citizens: as корабел, as the organizer of expedition(dispatch), as the battle(dashing) seaman, as the navigator, as the man having knowledge, concerning to round-the-world плаваниям, as the man owning the English language and able to orient not only in the British society(community), but also in local environment(Wednesday) of Russian embassy in London.
Let's note, that as the navigator and as the commander of the ship And. Ф. Крузенштерн had also excellent(different) experience. To compare battle(dashing) preparation Крузенштерна and Лисянского it is inconvenient; anyway, in Russian America Ю. Ф. Лисянскому, but not And. Ф. Крузенштерну, it was necessary to apply battle(dashing) skills.
It is possible is proved to assume, that on the moment of a beginning of preparation (began preparations of expedition(dispatch), instead of beginning of the navigation) only Ю. Ф. Лисянский was capable to decide(solve) the put and arising tasks.
Some judgements we shall state and concerning the period direct плаваний.
In what the functions And consist. Ф. Крузенштерна as chief of expedition(dispatch) – clearly from information sources it is not clear. The joint navigation of the sailing ships not always was convenient: it required(demanded) significant time for coordination.
And "'Victoria" under a management(manual) Хуана Себастьяна дель Кано, and ' Gold лань ' Фрэнсиса Дрейка финишировали in loneliness.
The format partly of joint navigation, certainly, rendered some psychologically stabilizing influence on the captains Крузенштерна and Лисянского.
The author has no an opportunity to familiarize with the text of the instruction, определявшей of power And. Ф. Крузенштерна, but from information sources follows, that on the fact it(he) carried out fragmentary coordinating functions.
Most interesting consists that from the formal party, And. Ф. Крузенштерн – like – was not the chief of expedition(dispatch).
' On July 10, 1803 Н. Item. Резанов was nominated by the Russian ambassador in Japan. The instructions authorized Александром I. (...) In general since were given to it(him) was found out, that Резанов will participate personally in expeditions(dispatches) both the seaman have appeared as though in a shadow ' [Штейнберг Е. Л.].