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Strings Attached
  • Текст добавлен: 4 октября 2016, 22:13

Текст книги "Strings Attached"

Автор книги: Stephanie Julian

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Текущая страница: 8 (всего у книги 17 страниц)

Licking at the pebbled flesh, he hummed, creating a vibration that resonated deep inside. Her head fell forward, her eyes opening only enough to see the top of his head.

She saw her hands move to hold his head to her as if they weren’t under her control. Her fingers made furrows through his short, silky strands, her skin hypersensitive to everything.

Drawing in a shaking breath, she slid her hands to his shoulders, then down his back. She wanted him to get even closer and kiss her again but she didn’t want him to stop using his mouth on her chest.

As he drew away, she made a small mewl of protest that he quickly silenced by moving to her other breast. She lost track of time as he played with her, falling even more fully under his spell, her body responding to his every movement, no matter how small.

With a groan, he pressed a final kiss against the side of her breast, then placed a kiss directly between them. Then another a little lower. And another.

His hands followed his mouth, leaving her breasts to caress down her sides to her hips. His tongue licked patterns on her skin as his fingers stroked another pattern. All the way to the waistband of her jeans.

Her breath hitched as he latched on to the belt loops, doing nothing more than using them to tug her even closer. Then he slipped his fingers just beneath the material.


She wanted him to move faster, to unbutton her jeans and shove them down so he could use his mouth lower on her body.

Just the thought made her bite back a groan. Sebastian obviously noticed, though, because he pulled away to look up at her.

“No.” God, please, no. “Don’t stop.”

His smile should be illegal, cocky and sexy and so sweet.

“Don’t worry. Not planning to.”

But he didn’t resume right away. Instead, he continued to hold her gaze while his fingers made their torturously slow way to the button. Every inch of her skin felt overly sensitized, tiny electrical shocks reverberating through her wherever they touched.

With her nipples in painfully tight peaks, she needed more but she didn’t know how to tell him exactly what she wanted. She couldn’t just blurt out her desire. She’d sound like an idiot.

He must’ve read her mind because he smiled up at her as his fingers worked the button through the hole and drew down the zipper.

Now her lungs froze as he peeled her jeans down her hips and thighs, pulling her underwear with them.

He held her gaze resolutely as he bared her sex. She wanted him to put his mouth on her, ached for him to do it. But he seemed intent on making her wait.

Cool air brushed against her thighs, making her stomach tighten and she swallowed convulsively. Her fingers tightened in his hair and she couldn’t seem to loosen them.

When he finally had her jeans at her knees, he stopped. “Kick off your shoes.”

Since she was wearing Chucks that was easy enough to do. If she’d been a little less worked up. As it was, it took her a few tries to do it.

“Now get rid of the pants.”

She was about to be naked in here with him and she stole a quick glance at the unlocked door.

His lips quirked as he rose from the bench, his chest brushing against her breasts as he did.

“Don’t worry, babe. I don’t want anyone interrupting us.” He leaned down and pressed a hard kiss to her lips. “Have the pants off by the time I get back.”

The way he said it should’ve made her want to scratch his eyes out. He’d all but ordered her to be naked and awaiting his pleasure. But she was already bending to shove her jeans to her ankles as he crossed to the door and threw the lock.

Now naked, she knew she should feel self-conscious, maybe embarrassed. Or, at the very least, chilly.

Instead, all she felt was the heat coursing through her body. All because of him.

When he returned, she thought that would change but the heat and the purpose in his eyes stopped anything she might’ve said before it could escape. She could only watch as he stalked back to her, his arms wrapping around her moments later.

And then it was as if they’d struck a match. The second his lips touched hers, the heat between them erupted with volcanic force. She wanted to devour him, be devoured by him.

Their tongues dueled as his hands molded to her breasts and hers reached for his jeans. She moaned at the sensations he created with his hands on her skin and the way he kissed her like he needed her to be able to breathe.

Her hands worked to strip him of his jeans, an easier job because his were looser. Once she got them around his hips, they fell to his knees without any further help.

And she got her hands around his cock again.

He groaned into her mouth as she wrapped one hand around the base and the other closer to the tip. He wasn’t massively thick but he was long. And so damn hard. And hot.

“Fuck, Tru.”

She had no idea if he’d been planning to say anything else, because as soon as she started to stroke him, he groaned and kissed her again, both hands on her head to steady her while she gave herself over to making him shudder and shake, just as she had the night before.

Her hand at the base slid down until she cupped his balls, rolling the heavy sack in her palm while her other hand worked the thickening shaft.

She wanted him inside her. Wanted to shove him back onto the piano bench and climb on top of him.

As if he’d read her mind, he twisted them around until he had his back to the piano again. Then he put his hands on her waist and lifted her as he sat. The bench was big enough that she could get both knees on either side of his hips and he wasn’t in any danger of falling off.

He had a condom in his hand before she could even think to ask him for one and, when she flashed a look up at him, she saw his lips quirk.

“I was a Boy Scout. It was in my back pocket.”

“Are you a magician, too? I didn’t see you take it out.”

That smart-ass smile of his returned in a heartbeat. “Damn right, baby. Now watch while I make you forget about everything but us.”

The line was cheesy but it was so Sebastian, she was actually charmed. And so turned on, she could barely breathe.

She deliberately shut off the tiny part of her brain that kept wanting her to slow down, to take a step back. That this wasn’t her. Right now, this was definitely her and she wasn’t about to step back.

Because the look in Sebastian’s eyes made her feel like she was the sexiest woman in the world. Staring down at him as he leaned back on the piano bench, she felt the heat of his cock burning against the bare folds of her pussy. Only centimeters separated them, and she so wanted to sink onto his shaft and ride him.

The thought of making love to this man had consumed her since last night. It’d messed with her head until the only solution she could think of had been to either plunge herself in an ice-water bath or ravage the guy.

Pretty easy to guess which one she preferred.

“Put it on.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

She lifted slightly, far enough away that he could get his hands between them. His knuckles brushed against her labia, teasing her with his nearness and making her drop her forehead against his.


“Whatever you want, Truly.”

“Why aren’t you this agreeable all the time?”

“Because you wouldn’t recognize me. And I want you to know exactly who’s going to make you scream.”

She sucked in a short breath, ready to laugh at him. But he leaned forward and took her mouth, just as one hand settled on her hip to pull her down and the other guided his cock into her.

She was so wet, he slid in without obstruction, filling her and stretching her and making her shiver as desire coursed through her. His tongue penetrated her mouth at the same time, stroking along hers as he began to move his hips.

Slow at first, as she adjusted to the shock of being stretched so completely, then quicker as he picked up the pace. With both hands on her hips, he urged her up, his cock sliding out, creating a friction that quickly escalated into a fire.

With her knees planted on the bench, she moved with him, their bodies seeking the perfect rhythm. With her hands on his shoulders, she found that rhythm and rode him hard. Every plunge down made her moan at the burn. Every upward retreat made her frantic to take him again.

She tried not to lose herself to the orgasm building low in her body or the enticing feel of his skin against hers. Tried not to let her enthusiasm carry her away. Didn’t want to miss any part of this amazing moment.

And though she felt the control he exerted over himself in the tight grip on her hips and the rapid beat of his heart against hers, Sebastian let her set the pace. The rough sound of his breathing and the low groan in the back of his throat when she took him in completely egged her on, faster and harder.

She couldn’t seem to get enough of him. Not of the feel of his cock inside her or his skin hot and slick against hers. Not of the sounds he made, because she was drawing them out of him and he couldn’t get enough of her.

And then . . . His hands began to urge her to move faster, to come down harder. And when he got her to increase the pace, he slipped one hand to her front and caught her clit between two fingers.

Her moan echoed through the room as he squeezed. Electricity zinged through her body, making her pussy clutch at his cock and her fingers dig into his shoulders. She kicked her motion into a higher gear, rushing toward an inevitable climax she wanted so badly. She felt out of control, almost manic.

She changed the angle of their kiss, tilting her head so she could kiss him more deeply. He accommodated her by doing the same as he moved his hand to get his thumb on her clit so he could rub that bundle of nerves until finally, her body snapped into orgasm.

Drowning in sensations that tightened every muscle in her body, she broke their kiss, sucking in air so she didn’t pass out. Shaking in his arms, she clasped him tighter as he thrust twice more before he groaned and she felt his cock twitch deep inside her.

Seconds passed as she clutched at him, breathing heavily and trying not to fall asleep on his shoulder. Finally, she felt as if she were floating in his arms.

She wanted to stay here, just for a few more minutes. Before reality returned and she had to figure out a way to untangle their body parts and get dressed.

Because both of them were buck-ass naked. In a semipublic room.

Another new and unique situation for her. Almost-public sex. All of her previous encounters had been in a bedroom.

And she’d never done a walk of shame. The guys she’d slept with had all been in her bed. Where she’d had some measure of control. They’d been the ones to get up, get dressed, and leave. Sometimes within minutes of finishing.

Sebastian seemed to have no desire to release her anytime soon. And that made her twitchy.

She tried not to be, tried to take deep breaths to calm herself, but every time she did, she smelled him. And her body decided she wanted him again.

Easing back, she forced herself to look into his eyes. And found him staring back just as warily as she imagined she stared at him.

“You okay?”

Her body thought his raspy voice was an aphrodisiac: Her nipples tightened and her sex clutched around his softening cock, making his eyes narrow and his body tense.

She didn’t trust herself to speak until she’d taken a deep breath. “I’m fine. I should . . . just . . .”

He nodded as if he understood exactly what she was trying to say. Then he lifted her by the hips and set her on her feet, rising to his own a second later.

Okay, maybe he could read her a hell of a lot better than she thought he could.

“Let me . . .” He turned and she saw him take care of the condom, putting it in the trash can by the side of the piano, then reaching for her clothes. He held them out to her with absolutely no awkwardness. As if this happened all the time.

Which, of course, it probably did for him.

Jesus, how stupid are you? Did you forget who he is?

She managed a flash of a smile and a barely strangled “Thanks” as she took her clothes. Her pussy still throbbing from her recent orgasm, she quickly covered herself as he turned to grab his clothes off the floor.

Her bra gave her a small fight since it was twisted all around, and she thought maybe she’d put her underwear on inside out, but she didn’t care. She was covered by the time he pulled his jeans up.

She tried not to watch as he tucked his cock inside his jeans. He wore no underwear, of course. And when he lifted his arms over his head to pull on his shirt, she had to swallow as she caught the play of muscles across his chest.

But she’d turned away by the time he had the shirt down. She didn’t want to get caught ogling him. At least not any more than she already had.

And that ship’s pretty much sailed, stupid.

She told herself to shut up as she grabbed her tablet off the piano, where it sat with her purse.


That one word, spoken so low she almost didn’t hear it, had her eyes snapping back to his.

His gaze was narrowed and focused on hers, watching her so closely she wanted to take a step backward. She didn’t. Damn, he was gorgeous. Those blue-green eyes and that mouth.

“You sure you’re okay?”

She nodded, her mouth curving in a slight smile at his concern. “Yes. Very. It’s just . . . It’s late and I really should . . .”

Invite him back to her apartment?

“. . . be going. I’ve got a lot of work to do tomorrow and a meeting I can’t miss.”

And dinner with another man.

Shit. Holy shit, she’d forgotten about that.

Her gaze skittered away and she made a show of packing up her tablet. “I’ll send you the audio file tonight when I get back to my apartment. Is that okay?”

Sebastian nodded. “Sure, that’ll be great. Thanks.”

Okay, not awkward at all. Yeah, right.

“I’m going to go grab a taxi. I’ll see you tomorrow at the office.”

Which wouldn’t be any more awkward, right?

“I’ll walk you out.”

She wanted to tell him no, but she smartly kept her mouth shut and nodded.

Their silence held until she slipped through the front door, where the doorman called a taxi for her. She hoped like hell that it was just around the corner.

“Your music sounded amazing.” There, she’d found a topic that didn’t involve talking about what had happened.

But when he smiled, looking so damn handsome and so proud . . . she wanted to grab his hand and drag him home with her.

“Thanks.” He nodded, running a hand through his hair, as if trying to push it back into order. “I think . . . I’m gonna call Nik again tomorrow. Maybe we can get together and talk without punching the shit out of one another.”

He looked so conflicted about it that she wanted to lift her hand and cup his cheek. But her taxi arrived then and the moment passed.

He reached for the door handle and opened it so she could slip inside, leaning down before he closed it. “Want me to keep you company?”

Yes, she really did. “No, I’ll be fine. I’m just a few minutes away. Night, Sebastian.”

He nodded, his expression not showing any sense of anger or disappointment. “Sure. Night, babe.”

Then he shut the door, and she released the breath she’d been holding and told the driver where to go.

Which was so not where she wanted to be.

Chapter Seven

Baz picked up his phone for the fifth time, stared at the screen for a few seconds, then tossed it back on the table.

He couldn’t decide who he should call first, Nik or Tru.

Considering it was only seven in the morning, he knew Nik was out of the running. He never got out of bed until noon. Tru was the better bet, but he didn’t want to freak her out by calling her when he’d see her in a few hours at the office.

But he knew himself well enough to know he had to talk to someone. He could feel the hyperactivity kicking in, amping up his anxiety and making his brain bounce around subjects like a Ping-Pong ball.

Another time, he would’ve gone down to the music room and played, but after last night . . . If he went there, he was pretty damn certain the only thing he’d be thinking about was sex with Tru and that would make everything else worse.

So maybe he should just go to the studio and start recording some of the music he’d written last night. Then he’d have something other than the piano track. He could lay down the guitar track and the guys could add their tracks to it later.

But that wasn’t how they worked. When he had new music, he sent it to Nik. Or if Nik had new words, he sent them to Baz. When he and Nik were satisfied, Baz would record the guitar track and send it off to the rest of the guys to add their parts, then Nik would add his vocal track to that.

So he really should call Nik. It was just too damn early and the only reason he was up was because he hadn’t been able to sleep.

Too wound up.

So . . . Breakfast. Somewhere with people so he wouldn’t feel so damn cut off. Maybe he could catch Tyler before the workaholic got going. Although Kate had been at Sabrina’s get-together the night before, which meant Ty was probably having breakfast with her.

Couldn’t hurt to check.

After texting him, Baz tossed the phone back to the table so he wouldn’t be tempted to use it, but it dinged at him within seconds.

You’re up early. Meet you in the restaurant in five.

Yes. Thank God. Usually just being in Ty’s presence was enough to calm him down. The guy had cool down to a serious science. And Baz really didn’t. Why Ty put up with him most of the time he had no clue.

He was in the lobby and headed for the restaurant in four minutes. Ty had still beaten him, his head bent over the phone in his hand as he waited at a table near the window looking out over his atrium.

“Damn, do you have some secret teleportation device? I just texted you.”

Ty raised an eyebrow at him, setting his phone on the table. “And I was already here. Was supposed to have a breakfast meeting but it was canceled at the last minute. Kate’s sleeping off last night’s fun and I didn’t want to wake her. What’re you doing up already?”

He shrugged, trying not to show too much agitation as he slid into the chair opposite Ty. “Couldn’t sleep.”

Now he had Ty’s full attention. “Something wrong?”

Baz filled a mug from the carafe on the table and took a sip, buying some time. “Nothing’s wrong. Just feeling kinda bouncy this morning. Had to get out of the room.”

“Wanna tell me why?”

“Got some new music floating around my head.” And I fucked Tru last night. And I wanna do it again. And again. “Recorded some of it last night but there’s more I gotta get down.”

Ty’s head cocked to the side, intrigued. “Can I hear it?”

“Sure. If you really want to.”

The guy’s elusive grin made an appearance. “I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t. So, what’s really on your mind?”

Like Greg, Ty didn’t beat around the bush. But whereas Greg had all the subtlety of a bulldozer, Ty would nudge him in the right direction and let him open up in his own time. Ty had the patience of a saint. Kind of like a sniper who could wait silently for hours for a target to show.

“I gotta call Nik. He’s my writing partner and I need him to hear the music. It’s just too damn early to call him and I was jumping out of my skin.”

“Did you sleep at all last night?”

He shrugged. “Maybe a few hours. Then I got up and played a little. Had another melody in my head that wouldn’t let me sleep. So I’ve been up for a while.”

“So you really think you need coffee?”

Because Baz had gotten to know Ty so well these past few months, he knew the guy was making a joke.

“Helps calm me.”

“Uh-huh.” Ty waited as the waitress came to take Baz’s order. Then he caught Baz’s gaze and held it. “So, you’re gonna call Nik. Things didn’t go too well the last time you guys met.”

Baz sighed. “No, they didn’t.” And this is why Baz had sought out Ty and not Greg this morning.

“Gonna be a tough call. So make it short and don’t lose your head.”

“Easier said than done.”

“Yeah, but if you wanted easy, you would’ve gone to Berklee, not start a rock band and spend years on the road.”

Ty raised another eyebrow at him and Baz started to smile, feeling the jittery energy start to even out.

Leaning back in his seat, Baz took a sip of his coffee. And nearly spit it out when Ty said, “So you don’t want to talk about Tru?”

Baz sighed. He should’ve known. “She let me use her tablet last night to record. She’s been helpful.”

“Is that what the kids are calling it these days?”

And there was that dry humor again. Baz couldn’t decide whether to laugh or sigh. “Yeah, I like her. But . . . it’s complicated.”

“Life usually is. So, beyond the fact that you’ve been at each other’s throats pretty much since you met, what’s changed?”

“Not sure anything has.” Baz held up a hand when Ty gave him a look. “I’m not bullshitting you. It’s just . . .”

“Complicated.” So much wry humor in Ty’s voice. “I get that. Tell me about the music, then.”

Baz would’ve kissed Ty for knowing when to change the subject but he didn’t want to embarrass the guy in his own hotel.

“It’s different. A little more melodic but it’s harder than the last album. A little more Anthrax, a little less Mötley Crüe.”

Ty’s eyebrows raised. “Mötley Crüe?”

He gave a little shrug. “I had a thing for the Crüe. Don’t judge.”

Ty’s low chuckle made Baz smile, too. “Not judging. Just surprised. So when are you going to call Nik?”

“I’m not sure.’

“Bullshit.” Ty took a sip of his coffee. “You’re gonna call him as soon as we’re done here.”

“So now you’re my mother?”

“No. I’m a friend who thinks you came to me because you knew I’d kick you in the ass and tell you what you need to hear.”

Baz might’ve taken offense to that except it was basically true.

“Yeah, yeah. You’re so fucking brilliant. Blah, blah.” He would’ve given Ty the finger but a group of little old ladies sat only a couple of tables away and he wasn’t that crass. “It’s just . . . we haven’t talked since we tried to kill each other. I don’t know how it’s gonna go.”

“Well, you won’t know until you’re in the same room.”

“Now you really sound like my mother.”

Ty laughed. “Fair enough. But I’m right.”

Yeah, he was. And when Baz left Ty a half hour later, he had a plan. He just had to put it in motion.

He nixed going back to his room. He’d find way too many things there to distract him from making this phone call. Same went for the music room. Too many memories that might actually make his head explode.

He stopped and looked to his right.

The atrium. Perfect.

At this time of the morning, he didn’t see anyone hanging out there so he headed for a corner far from the lobby windows.

His mom loved gardening and he’d spent enough time weeding and digging holes as a kid to know that Tyler had his shit together out here. The atrium changed with the seasons and the major holidays. Right now it was decked out for spring. Flowering bulbs and trees everywhere. The place looked like a goddamn Monet painting; it was that fucking gorgeous.

He knew he really should call his parents soon, too. Although they’d be at work and wouldn’t be able to talk now, he’d call them tonight. His parents called like clockwork every Sunday at one in the afternoon. They’d probably think he’d overdosed again if he called just for the hell of it.

With a sigh, he shut off that train of thought and sat on a wooden bench. Digging his phone out of his pocket, he didn’t give himself any time to think as he pulled up the phone list and stabbed at Nik’s face with his finger.

When the phone started to ring, he actually felt his stomach roll.

Once, twice, three times. Damn it, he wasn’t going to pick up again. Four. Five—


Baz drew in a sharp breath at the wary tone of Nik’s voice but got out a “Hey” in response.

Then they fell silent.

Off to a great start.

“How’s it going?” he asked because he literally couldn’t think of anything else to say at that moment.

Nik laughed, though there wasn’t much humor in the sound. “Ya know, things are going. You?”

Might as well just rip the bandage off. “I’ve got some new music I want you to hear.”

The silence was deafening and Baz’s heart started to pound out a faster beat.

Had Nik finally moved on and found someone else to write with? Was their relationship shattered to the point of no return? Was Nik still pissed at him because of their last fight?

He’d answered the phone. He knew who’d been on the other end. Nik must’ve wanted to talk to him, too.


“Yeah, I’m still here.”


“So, what?”

Okay, it was gonna go like this. Well, fuck him. Goddamn it, if Nik was gonna be a prick about this—

No. Just no.

Deep breath.

“So I want you to listen to it.”

More silence.

“Shit, Nik.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Baz. Of course I’m gonna listen to it. I’m just not sure I’ll be able to write anything for it.”

“What? Why?”

“Because I might be too fucking pissed off at you still.”

Baz felt like he’d taken a hit to the gut. He sucked in air, trying to ease the tightness in his chest. “Fair enough. But let me send it to you anyway.”

Through the phone, he heard Nik sigh. “Yeah, sure. Fine. Send it.”

And now what? Jesus, should he apologize again? Had he ever apologized the first time?

He couldn’t honestly remember. When Nik had shown up at Haven earlier this year, they’d both still been so angry they hadn’t been seeing straight.

“Look,” Baz paused. “Maybe we can catch a meal next week. Would you be up for that? Where are you anyway? Are you at home?”

Home for them meant a little town named Dallas outside of Wilkes-Barre that no one had ever heard of.


Damn him. “Are you close to Philly?”

Nik sighed. “Close enough, yeah. I’m staying with Phil in Downingtown right now.”

“So you wanna come down to the city or do you want me to come up?”

“Honestly . . . I don’t know. Send me the music and I’ll get back to you.”

Damn, Baz wasn’t sure he could answer without sounding like he was gonna keel over. Fuck. After a deep breath, he nodded, even though he knew Nik couldn’t see him. “Sure. Let me know that you got the file. Talk to you later.”

“Yeah. Later.”

The line went dead and Baz sat there for several more minutes before he could get up the energy to leave.

*   *   *

“You look flushed. You’re not coming down with something, are you?”

“Good morning to you, too.” Tru gave Greg one of her mom’s tried-and-true looks, guaranteed to make most people flinch and slink away with their tail between their legs.

Greg just raised his eyebrows and continued to stare at her.

Fine. They’d hit a standoff. She didn’t need to talk to him this morning anyway.

“I’ve got work to do, so unless you need me for something pressing, I need to run along.”

Greg crossed his arms over his chest. “Heard you and Baz had more alone time last night.”

Damn her fair skin. She felt the heat flushing her cheeks but refused to act like she had anything to be ashamed of. She was a grown-ass adult. She had a job and an apartment and everything.

So how could Greg make her feel like a teenager out past her curfew?

“He had new music he needed to get out of his head. I had my tablet. Match made in heaven.”

At least, the sex had been heavenly. And, oh my god, she went wet just thinking about it.

Turning her back on Greg, she headed for her office. But Greg took two steps and caught up to her, pacing her down the hall.

“So, what’s going on between you two?”

“Who says there’s anything going on?”

“Ah. Answering a question with a question. Good tactic. And my response would be: I’ve got two eyes and I’m damn good at reading people.”

“What you are is damn good at sticking your nose into other people’s business. Stop it or you’re gonna get that nose broken.”

He laughed and stopped in the doorway to her office as she made her way to her desk. “It’ll heal. Has before. So Baz is working on new music. Glad to hear it.”

She set her tablet on her desk and booted up her computer. “What I heard sounds great. I mean, I’m not exactly a metal expert but I liked what I heard.”

And how he made me feel when I was naked and fucking him on the piano bench.

Her whole body went hot and she wanted to fan her cheeks. Or dunk her head in ice water.

Greg leaned against the doorjamb, a deceptively nonthreatening gaze lasered her way.

“So you two are getting along better than you were.”

“We seem to have worked out our differences.”

“Uh-huh.” Those two little sounds held a challenge she refused to rise to. “And how’d you two manage that? You were at each other’s throats more often than not. What changed?”

She so wanted to stick her tongue out at him but that would just make him even more suspicious.

“Nothing. We just don’t care enough about each other to want to fight anymore, I guess.”

“Hmm.” Greg turned his head toward the hall. “Same go for you, Baz?”

Her flush faded as Baz appeared in the doorway next to Greg. His expression had defaulted to sarcastic asshole. Which told her he’d heard exactly what she’d said.

Damn Greg for needling her about Baz. And damn her mouth for spouting such bullshit about him. Christ, if he’d said the same thing about her, she would’ve wanted to cry.

Fuck. She needed to get Greg the hell out of here so she could talk to Baz.

“Yeah, sure. Whatever.” He shrugged. “So, you wanna hear what I’ve got?”

Greg nodded. “Yeah, I do. I got a few minutes before I need to be anywhere. Let’s give it a listen. Tru, you wanna—”

“She heard it last night.” Baz turned away as if she didn’t mean a thing. “I’m sure she’s got better things to do with her time.”

Okay, she probably deserved that. She grimaced. No, she definitely deserved that, but she didn’t have to like it.

Baz moved out of sight but she heard him say, “I’ll meet you in the studio,” before she heard his footsteps heading away.

Damn, damn, damn. She wanted to rip Greg a new one for putting her in this position but she knew it was no one’s fault but her own.

Greg pushed away from the doorjamb, his gaze narrowed at her as she tried to stop the rush of tears that wanted to flood her eyes.

Stupid tears. No call for them.

“We’ll talk later.” Not a question. A definite promise. “Is the new receptionist coming in later today?”

She pulled herself together with an indrawn breath. “No. She’ll be here Monday. And I have to leave by six tonight. I’ve got a . . . a date.”

Greg looked shocked. Actually physically shocked. But he covered it quickly. “I know it’s none of my business but . . . with who?”

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