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  • Текст добавлен: 3 октября 2016, 20:41

Текст книги "Addiction"

Автор книги: Shantel Tessier

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Текущая страница: 7 (всего у книги 27 страниц)




It was a lie I’m not sure she believed. When she asked me what I wanted from her, I almost said to use her for my own sick pleasure. That if I had my way, I’d have her naked in a matter of seconds with my hands in her hair and my cock in her mouth. And demand her to tell me who she thinks I am again. But that would get me nowhere. Taylor’s not the type of girl with whom you’re honest. She won’t like the truth.

I wasn’t lying when I said she was my responsibility. She is. And her calling me when she was stranded on the side of the road tells me that she trusts me more than she wants to admit. Even if I was the last person she called. She had run out of options, and it worked in my favor.

I look down at her parted lips as she takes a deep breath, and my tongue comes out as it runs across my lower lip. I wish I could have one night with her. I would show her just how terrified she should be of me. I would please her in ways she’s never known. She’s beautiful, but she’s uptight. I don’t think that’s just because she hates me, but it’s just who she is. I would gladly fuck that out of her. I’d turn her into a shaking, moaning mess as I had my way with her. And boy, can I think of many ways to do just that.

Her blue eyes fall down to my lips, and her breathing picks up. I can almost smell her fear and it has my cock hardening. It’s actually sick how it turns me on. I have never forced myself on a woman, and I never will. But that doesn’t mean I’m not sick in other ways. It doesn’t mean I wouldn’t pull her out of this car, bend her over my hood, and fuck her pussy right here while cars drive by and watch—if she would let me, of course.

“Case …” The concern in her voice has me pulling out of my thoughts. I pull away from her and sit my ass back in my driver’s seat. I put the car in gear and get back to the highway. You can’t fuck her! Tell that to my hard cock. I adjust myself once again in my seat as I let out a cough to try and not look so suspicious. The last thing I want her to know is how I fantasize about burying my cock in her pussy. I’m trying to get her to trust me, not afraid I’ll force myself on her.

As I pull up to her driveway, I look over at her. “I’m not going to ask you for your number.” I already have it, but she doesn’t need to know that. “But just know if you need me for anything, you can call me. I will always answer,” I say without even turning to look at her. She doesn’t respond; she just gets out and slams the door shut.


I walk into the house, and Savannah jumps up from the couch the moment she sees me walk in. “Taylor? Are you okay? I got your messages. I called you back,” she says in a rush.

I hold up my hand to stop her. “I know.” I continue walking past the living room and kitchen into my bedroom. She follows me.

“Why aren’t you at work?” she questions, coming in behind me.

“I got fired,” I say falling onto my bed. Getting fired being the last thing on my mind at the moment. Did Case almost kiss me? He had licked his lips as if he thought about it. Was that just me? What would I have done if he had? Would I have kissed him back? I would like to say no, but my mind is telling me yes. I would have.

“What?” she asks in disbelief as she sits down softly beside me. “Why?”

Forget about Case! “Because my car broke down, so I was almost an hour late.” Just saying it again pisses me off. I feel like I should write Mr. Binsen a very strongly worded letter. Fuck you, Mr. Binsen! I hope you lose all of your eBay auctions! Yeah, that would make me feel better.

She looks around my room for a few seconds and then back at me. “How did you get home? Did you get your car fixed that fast?”

I wish. “Case.” I whisper his name hoping she doesn’t notice the want in my voice. I thought he was gonna kiss me. Hell, I licked my lips thinking grab my neck and kiss me! Show me what you can do to me. Why would I want him? He’s bad news.

Her brows pull together in confusion then her eyes widen in shock. “No fucking way,” she shrieks. “You’re joking, right?” She slaps me on the shoulder.

“I wish I was,” I mumble. Not only do I want the man, but now I also owe him. This cannot end well for me.

She smiles brightly as she flips her blond hair over her shoulder. “So he’s not that bad of a guy after all?”

I sigh in defeat. “He may have come and saved me, but that doesn’t mean I have changed my mind about him.” Does it? Pretty sure my thoughts about him are starting to change. Maybe he isn’t as bad as I thought he was.

We spend the next thirty minutes going over my day with Case and the creepy guy who stopped and tried to help me. I leave out the part where one of his ex or current lover was our hostess. I figured that would just make me look jealous. And that’s crazy because I barely know the guy. I also chose to leave out the part where I thought he was gonna kiss me. No need to confuse me any more than I already am.

“He has the hots for you,” she says with a smile after I finish talking.

“He does not.” I roll my eyes. “He was just helping me out.” I’m still not sure why. We’re not friends. But no matter how much of a dick I think he is, he did come to my rescue today like a knight on a white horse. More like sin in a white sports car.

“He’s hot.” She sighs as she falls onto her back. “All those tats.” She runs her left hand up her right arm. “I wonder if he has any that his clothes hide?” She looks over at me and wiggles her eyebrows.

I sigh as I fall down onto the bed beside her. “Doesn’t matter if he does. Neither one of us will find out.” Why do I wish I could tell her yes or no due to personal experiences?

“Well, I bet you can. And then you can tell me.” I snort. “Hey, just because I can’t touch doesn’t mean I can’t fantasize,” she adds with a playful shove to my shoulder.

We lie there as the afternoon light shines into my bedroom, and I close my eyes to the silence. It’s been a long morning, and I’m tired. Just as I yawn, she speaks. “What are you gonna do about your car?”

“I don’t know.” I had called him from a blocked number so that means he doesn’t have mine. How will he contact me when my car is done? I guess he could call my brother and have Blane relay the message to me. Either way, I’ll deal with that tomorrow. It’s been a draining Sunday, and I sure as hell could use an afternoon nap.

I roll over onto my side and another yawn escapes me before I feel myself start to drift away.


Before my eyes can focus, I hear voices. Men’s voices maybe? But they seem to be far away. As my eyes flutter open and my hearing becomes clearer, I can tell that they are coming down the hallway of the house.

I look in front of me and see that Savannah lies asleep. Her blond hair covers her face. Light trickles into my bedroom, no longer bright outside but now dark. We must have fallen asleep like this—on my bed and still dressed.

I look up at my open bedroom door and see my brother walk by; I realize his voice woke me. Flipping over onto my other side, I close my eyes and try to get back to that same stage of unconsciousness. Still tired.

After a few minutes of laughter from my brother’s room, I realize that sleep isn’t going to be possible. I’ll be better off if I get up than to sleep the rest of the evening away. I hate when I wake up around ten at night after having an afternoon nap and end up staying up all night.

With a heavy sigh and a long stretch, I climb out of bed and make my way across the hall to the bathroom. My brother has the master bedroom with the bathroom. When we first moved in here, we found it easier for Savannah and me to share a bathroom than for one of us to have to share it with Blane. Now that she is dating him, they share the master bedroom, meaning I have to leave my room in order to use the restroom.

I cringe when I get a whiff of the smoke and sweat that still lingers on my clothes. I should have taken them off before I laid on my bed. Now, I gotta wash my sheets.

I lock the bathroom door behind me and slowly undress. My eyes and limbs are still heavy from sleep. Once I get undressed and the water temperature is just right, I make my way into the shower. Closing my eyes and standing underneath the sprayer, I allow the hot water to flow over me, making me smile. Ahh, it feels so good.

As I reach for the soap, I start to think of all the places that I can look for a job tomorrow. I could go for another coffee shop, but I can’t see another shop paying close to what I made. The thought of working at Case’s club passes over my thoughts, and I quickly squash it.

Don’t even consider that as an option.

I bet it’s great money.

What he does is illegal.

You wouldn’t be doing anything illegal. You’d just be serving drinks.

“Stop,” I say out loud to myself. As if that will make my mind stop thinking about it. It’s too late for me to have an internal battle with myself. Either way, I will lose.

As I wrap the towel around myself under my arms, I swipe my hand across my bathroom mirror. I grab my toothbrush, apply toothpaste to it, and brush my teeth leaning over the sink. Humming a tune to myself, I distract myself from thinking about taking the job Case offered me.

When finished, I wring my hair out in the sink again, considering it’s dripping water all over the floor and down my shoulders. I take a deep breath and smile when all I smell is my vanilla bodywash and not the smoke from my car.

I open the door and step out into the hallway to head back to my room but come to a halt when I collide with a very large, very hard body.

I gasp as I look up into dark blue eyes. The same dark blue eyes that I spent most of my day with earlier today. Case stands there, hands on either side of my shoulders, to steady me from our running into each other. His hands are warm on my damp skin. His eyes drop down and rake over my body, and I can’t hide the shiver that runs through me. Why do I feel so cold?

“I’m gonna regret this,” he mumbles as he starts to lower his lips down to mine, and I suck in a deep breath.

Is he gonna kiss me?

I lick my lips and my heart pounds so loudly in my chest that I’m sure he can hear it. I don’t know why I’m so nervous. I’ve kissed men before. Hell, I’ve had sex before. But he’s different; he screams trouble. Dangerous. And my body likes that even as my mind screams run. At the last second, he moves to the right and whispers in my ear. “Although I don’t mind the show, you might wanna pick your towel up off the floor.” His hot breath makes another shiver run through me when it hits my cool skin. He pulls back and his eyes look down at me once again. They darken and I swear I hear a deep growl as he just stands there.

Disappointment floods me when I realize he didn’t kiss me. But his words start to sink in. I follow his eyes down my body. I screech as I realize the reason I’m so cold is because I lost my towel when I ran into him. And I’m standing in front of him buck-ass naked.

OH, MY GOD! I shove him out the way, and for a second, he doesn’t budge. After one last long look, he removes his hands and takes a step away from me and steps to the side. I reach down, snatch my towel, and finish running across the hall to my room. I slam my bedroom door shut behind me.

“What’s wrong?” Savannah sits straight up in bed, her hair covering half her face as she looks around lost with sleepy green eyes.

“What’s going on out there?” I hear my brother’s voice on the other side of my door, now in the hallway.

“Taylor saw a spider,” I hear Case say with amusement in his voice. And if that doesn’t embarrass me enough, the chuckle that comes after does.

Kill me now!

“What is Case doing here?” I ask myself as I close my eyes and bang my head back against my door. Ow, that hurt.

“He came over to pick up Blane. They have some business to take care of,” Savannah answers. “Why? I thought you said he wasn’t that bad? Maybe even a good guy.”

I open my eyes and look at her now sitting up in my bed. “A good guy?” I breathe. “Who cares what kind of guy he is. He just saw me naked,” I growl.

Her green eyes look me up and down with a frown on her face. She takes in my towel and wet hair. After a few long seconds, her lips pull back in a smile. And then she bursts out laughing. She throws her head back and laughs so loud that I’m sure Case can hear her on the other side of my door.

I run to my bed and bury my head in my pillow. Her laughter dies down and then I feel her hand softly on my shoulder. “Hey, it’s okay.”

“I thought he was gonna kiss me,” I mumble into the pillow.

She laughs once again and pats my back over the towel. “So you do find him hot,” she says knowingly.


I can’t help the big grin on my face. I am still standing outside of Taylor’s room, and I can hear the girls talking. I can hear Savannah talking to her about how she finds me hot, and it makes me chuckle.

I walk away from the door ‘cause if I can hear them, then they can hear me.

“You ready?” Blane asks walking out of his room at the end of the hall and shutting his door behind him.

I nod. “Give me a second.” I step into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I need a minute to calm myself before I have to get in my car with her brother.

“Shit!” I curse softly as I place my hands on her sink and drop my head. I am so fucking hard right now after seeing her flawless body. I knew I should have had Blane come to me at the club, but when he asked me if I wanted to pick him up at his house, I couldn’t resist. The urge to see Taylor again was too great to turn down.

Now, I have a hard cock, and my mind is in the gutter. I take a deep breath to calm myself, but it just makes my desire for her harder to tame as the scent of vanilla fills my nose.

My cock twitches and I close my eyes. I see her standing in front of me; she’s naked and her body is trembling with my hands on her shoulders. Her skin was so soft and smooth. Her lips parted, and I swear I heard her whisper kiss me. Fuck, how I wanted to. I let myself look at her without shame. My gaze devoured her perfectly round tits, flat stomach, and smooth pussy. I wanted to drop to my knees right then and there and wrap her legs around my head as I fucked her till she was shaking for a different reason than her being cold.

A knock on the door makes me jump. “One sec,” I grind out.

“Come on, man,” Blane says as he pounds on the door again. “We need to get going.”

I lean over and turn on her sink. I throw some cold water on my face as I take a few calming, deep breaths. “Coming.” I reach over, grab a hand towel, and dry my face.

I readjust my very painfully hard cock behind my zipper and open up the door. I may be a fucking man, but she’s just another woman. I can keep myself together, for fuck’s sake. I have to!

Blane stands there staring at me with a smirk on his face. If he had any idea what I am thinking about, he wouldn’t look at me like that. “Did that spider scare you too?” He laughs.

I roll my eyes and slap my hand on his shoulder. “Let’s go.”

I throw one last look over at Taylor’s door and imagine her lying on her bed, naked and ready for me to take her … Fucking stop, Case! I berate myself.

I look over at Blane, and I hear Taylor’s door start to open. I don’t even turn around. I just walk to the front door because, all of a sudden, I need out of this house.

As I drive down the highway with Blane, I feel like I left my mind back at their house with Taylor. I can still smell her, and thanks to my stupid decision to go into her bathroom, now my clothes and car smell like her. I have literally fucked myself, yet I’m not getting to reap the benefits. Just the blue balls.

I growl, my hand tightening on the steering wheel. “Dude, what’s wrong?” Blane asks looking over at me.

“Just a little tense.”

“Are you going to be okay to do this?” he questions. “Maybe we can reschedule …”

“You don’t reschedule something like this,” I interrupt him. “You don’t want to do anything that makes you look suspicious,” I inform him. “Rox already doesn’t trust you.” Rox doesn’t know him.

He runs a hand through his hair nervously. “Why not?”

“Dealers are very territorial. And in order for you to get the information that I need, you’re gonna have to cross over into what we call gray areas.” And now I have to create an excuse for that.

“What the hell is a gray area?”

“It’s an area that I don’t control.” I get all my drugs from Rox, so the fact that I am now buying from Cricket looks odd. But in all honesty, Cricket’s product is better. “If someone sees you selling or buying in an area that I don’t run, then you get your ass beat.” I look over at him quickly. “Do you wanna get your ass beat?” I ask when he doesn’t say anything.

He shakes his head quickly. “No. So what do I say?” he asks nervously.

“I’ll do the exchange. You just sit there and keep your mouth shut,” I inform him. “Open the glove box,” I order as I pull off the highway. “Hand me the baggie.”

He sighs nervously as he reaches for the bag of cocaine and then hands it over to me. “He’s going to offer you some.”

He inhales sharply. “I don’t do drugs, Case,” he says as his voice grows frantic. “I’ve never done a drug in my life.” I remember Taylor telling me the same thing. “What am I gonna do? I can’t do cocaine …”

“Stop,” I say loudly to get his attention as he rambles. I’m already annoyed by my hard cock in my jeans, so I can’t handle a grown-ass man acting like a little bitch. “I don’t allow my guys to do drugs while on the job,” I inform him. “But it’s also impolite to turn down when Rox gives you something.”

“So what am I gonna do?” He sounds just as frustrated as I feel.

“Whatever you have to, Blane. Whatever you have to.” I like this guy, and I have the hots for his sister. I’d hate to get him killed because he refuses to prove his loyalty. “Loyalty trumps any morals you have at the moment.”




I’m being a little bitch, and I know that. Believe me, if there was a way to turn it off, I would. I’m trying to be like the man sitting next to me—all tough and a hardass. But now, the fucker has me terrified. I can’t snort a line of cocaine. I’ve seen what one hit can do to someone. It only takes that one time to depend on something for the rest of your life.

I was once that sixteen-year-old who woke up at all hours of the night and ran to my father’s room to see if he had made his way home from a party. I was that kid who when he was home, my first instinct was to check his pulse as I prayed he was still alive. I can’t do that to myself. And I sure as hell won’t do it to Taylor.

I lower my head and run my hand through my hair as Case pulls into a parking lot. I look to see the word Fusion written on the side of the white building and I swallow nervously. He pulls his Corvette right up to the back door. He shuts off the car and gets out. I watch as he places the baggie of cocaine into his back pocket. “Just relax,” he says to me as my stiff body gets out of the passenger door.

“Easy for you to say,” I snap. “This is your life.”

He doesn’t respond to that; he just walks up to the back door and knocks on it. I let out a long breath squaring my shoulders as the door opens. A very beautiful woman answers the door. Her long black hair is pulled up into a high ponytail. Her dark eyes are lined with a black liner, and her lips are painted a color that could pass for chocolate. She’s stunning. She has a tight dark brown dress on that dips low in the front showing off a great set of tits that must have been paid for. A cream belt sits high on her thin waist, and I can’t help but look at the slit that runs up her long legs to her hip. Clearly, she’s not wearing anything underneath it.

“Case,” she says excitedly with a bright white smile. It looks like a million bucks. “It’s been a while.”

He nods his head. “It has.” She looks him up and down as if she is about to pounce on him. Surprisingly, he seems unaffected. “I have an appointment with Rox,” he says lacking the excitement she had for seeing him.

Her smile doesn’t falter, but you can see the disappointment in her dark eyes. “Of course. He is expecting you.”

She holds the door open for us and then closes it after we enter. I follow behind Case as he trails after her down a hallway. I don’t bother looking anywhere except straight ahead at Case as I follow them. I don’t know much about this Rox guy. Case kinda keeps me in the dark about certain things that he does, and I don’t blame him. I find I prefer to be in the dark on the deeper shit. I don’t need to know where the drugs go or where they come from, but I guess this guy is pretty important. Case called me earlier and told me that Rox had called him asking questions about me. He said I needed to make an appearance. When I asked why, he said it was unavoidable unless I wanted my ass beat. So here I am.

“He’s already in there waiting for you,” she announces as we come to a stop in front of a door.

Case surprises me as he leans in and gives the woman a kiss on both sides of her cheeks. “Thanks, beautiful,” he says giving her a flirtatious smile.

“Don’t be a stranger, Case,” she says with a wink before she turns and walks off. Swaying her hips a little more than usual, I’m sure.

“Case.” An older looking man stands in the middle of a room. I’m guessing this is the Rox guy. Case enters, and I follow him. “Nice of you to call.” He comes up to him and gives him a tight hug.

He pulls away. “Yeah, I thought it was about time we have a meeting,” he says cheerfully. He steps out of the way and gestures to me. I take a deep breath trying to calm my nerves once again. Try to think about the beautiful woman you just saw who is wearing no underwear. “Blane, meet Rox.” It doesn’t help.

I wipe my right hand on my thigh and then reach out in order to shake his as we say our hellos, but he pulls me in for a hug. I actually let out a laugh to try to cover up my nervousness. I look over at Case, and he’s smiling in satisfaction. Maybe this means Rox likes me. That’s good because I would hate for him to hate me. I hear that he is a ruthless motherfucker!

“I thought you should meet Blane. He recently started working for me.”

“What exactly is he doing for you?” he asks Case as if I’m not even here.

“He is buying from Cricket,” he says simply.

“Cricket?” His eyes widen. “Trying to throw him to the dogs already?” He smiles wickedly as he arches a brow in question.

Case chuckles at that. “I have total faith in Blane. He can hold his own.”

“I’m sure he can,” he says slowly as his eyes turn to me. His gaze returns to Case. “And why exactly do you have him buying from Cricket? I thought we had an understanding. You get your drugs from me. Am I wrong?” If he’s mad, his words don’t show it. He sounds genuinely curious.

Case shakes his head. “You are correct. You are my supplier, but it never hurts to test the competition.”

Rox smiles widely, and it makes him look like the Grinch. “Test the competition,” he repeats with amusement. “Did they pass?”

Case reaches down into his pocket and pulls out the baggie of cocaine. I suck in a deep breath. “You tell me.”

Rox’s black eyes light up. “A gift? I love gifts.” The smile on his face reminds me of a child on Christmas morning. Case hands him the baggie and takes the few steps that separate him from a couch. Case plops down and I find myself sitting down as well. “Oh, please join me,” he says looking over at me as he sits down in a chair across from us. My body stiffens, and I pray they can’t see it. But I gotta do what Case told me to do in order not to give ourselves away.

I swallow nervously and hold my breath as I nod quickly. Fuck! I let out a long breath as my hands shake while resting on my thighs. I give him a shaky smile as I look him in the eyes. They’re so dark they’re black. I don’t know why, but the devil comes to mind—soulless. I lick my dry lips and speak. “I would love some …”

“You know how I feel about that.” Case interrupts me, and my head whips to the right to stare at him. Is he gonna save me from having to do it? Thank you, God! “I don’t allow my men to do something at that caliber when he has a job to do for me later tonight.” Case slides his eyes over to me, and then back at Rox. “That’s how shit gets fucked up.”

Rox nods his head quickly. “Yes. Yes.” He looks up at the ceiling as if in thought. “I have had to get rid of many guys who fucked up some very important exchanges for me,” he muses. And I have feeling get rid of means kill.

He stands and digs into his pocket. Case smiles when Rox pulls out a pipe of marijuana. “Well, how about this?” He raises a dark brow to Case. “This way the man can get a little something and still be able to do his job later.” He then looks at me and nods his head. “Yes?”

I return his smile, but it’s a little shaky at best. When he looks away from me, I let out a long sigh. I’m not sure how I feel about this. I sure as hell don’t wanna get high, but I guess it’s better than snorting a line of cocaine.

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