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  • Текст добавлен: 3 октября 2016, 20:41

Текст книги "Addiction"

Автор книги: Shantel Tessier

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“Good evening Taylor,” the other owner, Brecken, says as he opens the front door for me. He sounds friendly but the hard look on his face says otherwise. The man knows I don’t belong here. That I can’t do what the club requires of me.

“Good evening. Thank you,” I say softly as I walk into Seven Deadly Sins for my second night of work. I walk down the long hallway and let out a deep breath. I’m more nervous than I was last night. Case is literally throwing me to the wolves. A table all by myself? He wants me to fail. I just know it. It’s probably a game to him. He is up in his office looking down at me and laughing his ass off. I begged him not to fire me, and he actually laughed at one point in time. The bastard even stared at me with a smirk on his face. Well, here I am, you bastard. And I’m gonna prove you wrong, so sit back and watch me work.

“Evening, Taylor,” Miller shouts from where he stands by the stairs as I come to the main opening of the club.

I turn to face him. It’s the first time he’s ever spoken directly to me. He looks surprised to see me facing him, but I need to feel confident tonight and I’m gonna start with Miller. “Thanks, Miller.” Then I turn and push my way through the club with my head held high and my shoulders pulled back. It’s not much, but it’s a start.

I make my way to the back where the locker room is. It’s nothing fancy or overly large. It has a few floor-length mirrors and ten lockers. It’s enough for us to place our purse in and make sure we look okay. I smile when I see Rachel in there. “Hey,” I say happily.

She turns to face me. She has her usual bitchface on. Shadow heavily blackens her brown eyes. Those dark brown eyes that always look so angry look me up and down. They linger a few long seconds on my hair and then she lets out a snort. She slams her locker shut and walks past me shaking her head.

I turn to look at myself in the mirror and smile. I think it turned out great. It’s a pretty dark blue. It actually reminds me of the ink on Case’s arm. I lean over, mess it up with my hands, and then whip it back as I stand. Nothing can put me in a bad mood tonight. Repeat that over and over, Taylor, I say to myself.

Savannah did my makeup. I swear the woman is talented beyond belief when it comes to hair and makeup, and of course, fashion. She went with natural eyeshadows with black liner on top and bottom with just a shimmer of lip-gloss.

I fix my black corset as I try to push my boobs down inside of it. I was surprised it came clean after all the alcohol it had soaked up last night. I need to ask Case about the bigger size tonight. With one last look at myself, I turn around and head to the bar.


“Things went well tonight,” Brecken informs me as he sits across from my desk.

“That’s good,” I say as I work on my computer. I haven’t had the chance to even get up from it once tonight to walk the club.

“Well, Rachel had a problem with a customer, but I took care of it.”

I look over to him at that. “What was the issue?”

“Guess some guy came on to her who had his wife with him. He flirted with Rachel, and she flirted back.” He shrugs carelessly. “Then things got ugly. I thought she was gonna rip the wife’s head off.”

I sigh heavily. “She’s starting to cause more trouble.”

He shrugs again, but I know it bothers him. He is in love with her, after all. Well, as much in love as a guy like him or I can be. “She can’t keep it up, Brecken.”

“I know …”

“No, she knows she can’t keep doing this.” I lean back in my chair. “Send her up here. I need to have a talk with her.”

“I sent her home after the ordeal,” he says softly.

I raise an eyebrow at that. “Who took over her section?”

“I gave it to Taylor.”

My eyes widen. “And how did that go?”

He stands from his chair. “I’m not sure. I was pretty busy. I told Mindy to help her if she needed it.” Mindy is who I should have put her with in the first place, but I felt like Rachel was a better fit at the time. Rachel is a good waitress even if she is a bitch.

I nod. “Go ahead and send her up.” I made the decision to fire her this afternoon anyway. It’s time to get that over with. After I had spoken with Blane, all I could think about was sleeping with her. And it can’t happen. I may be many things, but I am not a man who puts my dick before my job. It’s just come down to the point I have to let her go.

“Okay.” He gets up from the chair and leaves my room.

I close down my computer as my phone rings. “Cason,” I say as I answer it.

“Hey, Case. I just wanted to let you know the car I picked up for your friend the other day is done,” my friend, Frank, says on the other end of the line.

I frown. “And you’re calling me at two thirty in the morning to tell me this?” I ask with a chuckle.

“I just finished it. You said you needed it back as soon as possible. I wanted to let you know I’ll be at the shop for another thirty minutes if you wanna come get it.”

I would, but I doubt Taylor is up for going to get it this late, especially if she had a bad night. I’m just gonna make it worse by letting her go. “Thanks for getting it fixed so quickly, but I’ll come pick it up later this afternoon.”

We settle on a time when my door opens. “Thanks again,” I say as I hang up the phone.

“You wanted to see me?” I hear Taylor ask. I place my phone down on my desk and look up at her. Words escape me as I stare at her. Her hair now has blue in it. Not completely blue, but just small streaks here and there. It takes any look of innocence away from her, and I like it. It makes her appear even sexier, and even a bit slutty, and it has my mouth watering. The way it falls down over her shoulders and sits on her large tits has my mind going straight to the gutter as usual.

“Did I do something wrong?” she questions.

I shake my head. “Not at all,” I say, clearing my throat a couple of times. “Brecken told me he gave you Rachel’s section. I just wanted to see how it went.” Dear God, I don’t think I can fire her. I’ll never see her again if I do. She’ll really hate me after that.

She takes a step toward my desk, smiling widely. “It went great,” she says excitedly, and I can’t help but smile. I’ve never seen her look this happy with this big of a smile on her beautiful face. “I only spilled five beers,” she announces proudly.

I let out a laugh at that. “Well, that is some good news,” I assure her.

She lowers her eyes to the floor and wipes the big smile from her face. “I can see how that may not sound good to you, but I actually enjoyed it.”

I stand from my chair. “I wasn’t making fun of you,” I say softly. She sighs and looks back up at me through her long, thick lashes. “I’m truly glad that you enjoyed it,” I say again. “A few more nights and you will have everything down.” Shit! Thought I was planning to fire her? Too late now.

“So …” She draws out the word. “I’m not fired?”

“No!” I say immediately, shaking my head quickly as if that thought is crazy. “Did you think that was why I called you up here?” Could she tell just by walking in here that I had planned on it?

She nods. “I did terrible last night.”

“I didn’t expect you to figure it out on your first night,” I say truthfully. I was just gonna fire you because I can’t quit imagining you naked and under me. And your new hair makes it even harder.

“Well, Rachel said if I look bad, it makes your club look bad. And I’d hate for you to lose customers over me.” I go to speak, but she continues. “I tried to do better for you tonight.” Those words make my dick harden. She tried to do better for me? The only thing that would be better than that would be if she were undressing while saying those words.

“I would say you accomplished that.” Stay professional, Case. “And just ignore everything that Rachel says,” I add.

“She hates me,” she says matter-of-factly.

“Rachel hates everyone,” I inform her.

She just nods her head. “That was my second guess.” She chuckles.

“Do you need a lift home?” I’m not sure how she’s getting to and from work, but I do know that her brother is out of town on work. And I’d love to spend a little more time with her tonight.

She smiles up at me. “No. Thanks, though. I’m driving Savannah’s car. Thankfully, she works days so I can use it at night.”

I turn around to walk back over to my chair and sit behind my desk. “Well, after tonight, you won’t have to do that anymore.”

Her blue eyes light up with excitement. “My car’s done?”

I nod. “I just got the call. Frank told me we could come and get it tonight, but I wasn’t … sure how your night had gone, so I wanted to let you go home and get some rest. We’ll go get it later this afternoon,” I inform her.

“Thank you,” she says as her shoulders slump. It’s as if she just realized how tired she really is. Waitressing in my club can be exhausting. Having to wait on grown men and women who drink like fish, I’m sure her feet hurt. And I’m sure her back is sore. She needs to go home and get some sleep. I would offer her a bed here so she doesn’t have to drive home, but if I did that, there is no way she would be sleeping.

I clear my throat. “Perfect. I’ll be over around eleven in the morning.” That gives her plenty of time to sleep. I’ve never been much of a person who needs a lot of sleep. I can function on just a few hours of sleep.

She thanks me once again and turns around to walk out of my office. I sit there like a drooling puppy as my eyes run up and down the back of her legs and the curve of her bubble ass. Those shorts look fucking amazing on her.

“Taylor …?” It comes out more of a whisper than I intended it to.

But if she notices it, she doesn’t let on. “Yes?” she asks looking over her shoulder.

A few strands of her blue hair shade half of her face, only allowing me to see one of her blue eyes. The hair makes them look even bluer. I imagine her looking over her shoulder at me while on her knees as I kneel behind her. My hands gripping her hair while her mouth is open in a gasp. Fuck, my hard cock twitches. Thank God, I’m sitting behind my desk. I clear my throat. “I’m glad tonight was better for you.” But I could make it even better. All I need is you naked …

“Me too.” A wide smile spreads across her face. “Thanks for everything, Case. I owe you.” And with those words, she opens the door and walks out.

I sigh as I lean back in my chair. You had your chance, and you choked. When it all blows up in your face, you have no one to blame but yourself.


Fifteen minutes shy of eleven, I pull up to Blane’s house and knock on the door. A smiling Savannah answers, looking like she just fell out of bed. Blond hair a mess and puffy green eyes.

“Good morning.” She sounds much more cheerful than she looks.

“Morning.” I reach out and hand her the black coffee from my right hand then take the free hand to push my sunglasses to the top of my head. “Not sure what you liked, so I just got you black.” A man cannot show up at a house with women and not bring something. I thought about chocolate, but I know how women are when it comes to their diets. I don’t wanna get off on the wrong foot with Savannah. She hasn’t voiced her opinion that she hates me … yet!

Her smile brightens. “That’s perfect. Thanks so much. Please, come in.”

She moves out of my way and allows me to enter the house. I follow her to the kitchen and place the cup holder on the counter that holds the other two coffees I got. Taylor’s and mine. “Is she ready?” I ask noticing how quiet their house is.

She points to the hallway. “She’s in her room.”

I stand there for a few seconds to see if she comes out. But frown when Savannah walks down the hallway and enters the last door on the right. I know for a fact that’s not Taylor’s room. I remember her coming out of the bathroom and going straight across the hall that day. Plus, I’ve been back in the room Savannah and Blane share.

I sit down at the kitchen table and take a drink of my coffee as I look down at my clock on my phone. I am early after all. I’ll give her fifteen minutes.

Twenty-five minutes later, I tap my finger on the kitchen table—it’s the only sound in this house. I’m pretty sure Savannah went back to bed. And I’m almost positive that Taylor is still in bed.

With a sigh, I get up from the kitchen table and make my way over to her bedroom door. I press my ear against it, and it squeaks as it opens. “Shit!” I hiss softly. I didn’t know it wasn’t shut all the way.

“Taylor,” I call out as I open her door all the way, looking inside her room. I tighten my grip on the doorknob when I see her lying in bed just as I had expected. But I can’t be mad at her, all I can do is stare at her. She has all the covers thrown off her as she lies on her stomach. She has a pair of white panties on that, against her skin, makes her look tanner than usual. Her white t-shirt has ridden up on her back from her moving in her sleep. I should leave. I should quit acting like a Peeping Tom and turn around.

My gaze falls to her ass, and I can’t help but allow my eyes to look her up and down. I run my tongue over my upper lip as it begs to lick the two dimples on her lower back. My cock jerks, reminding me that not touching her is harder than I had expected.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. She doesn’t want you. Even if she did, you can’t have her.

I walk over to her bed. “Taylor,” I say roughly. She doesn’t move. “Taylor,” I say a little louder. Her body being this exposed and this close to me is trying my willpower. “Taylor,” I call out as I lean over her bed and give her a little shove.

She lets out a little moan as she rolls over onto her back. I freeze where I stand as she lets out a heavy sigh.

My heart rate picks up now that I can see her tits through her thin t-shirt and half her belly is showing. My hand twitches to touch her. I reach out slowly but jerk it back quickly. Fuck!

“Taylor,” I yell needing to get her up and get the hell out of here. “Wake up, Taylor.” I shove her harder on her shoulder this time.

Her eyes flutter open just for the briefest of seconds then a soft smile spreads across her lips. “Case …” She sighs heavily and my knees almost buckle. Get out! Get out now!

I clear my throat once again. “Taylor.” I shove her again. “You need to wake up.”

Her eyes open once again as her hands go to her tits. I suck in a deep breath as I try not to explode in my pants. As if she finally realizes what she is doing, she pulls her hands away quickly from her chest and sits up in a rush.

“Case,” she says still sounding breathless. Her tits bounce under the thin fabric of her shirt as she breathes heavily. “What are you doing in here?”

“I’ve been trying to wake you for a few minutes,” I growl. Fuck, this woman turns me on. I can’t imagine how I would be if I actually had the chance to fuck her. “I’ve been sitting in the kitchen for over twenty minutes. Savannah told me you were in your room. I just assumed you were getting ready.” I shrug as I ramble on. Don’t be a pussy, play it cool.

“Savannah?” She yells out so loud it makes me take a step back.


I spin around to see a smiling Savannah try to hide behind her coffee. I narrow my eyes at her. She knew exactly what she was doing. Oh, she’s good.

“Why didn’t you wake me?” Taylor demands from behind me. I don’t dare turn around now that I can hear her moving around in her room, probably trying to get dressed.

Savannah looks at me with a smirk on her face. “I thought you were up,” she answers simply.

“I’ll be out in a minute, Case,” Taylor snaps, and I take the hint.

“I’ll …” I look down at the floor, “be in the kitchen.” I walk out of the room but don’t miss the wink that Savannah gives me. I sit down at the kitchen table as I hear them talk. It’s not as if I could tune them out if I wanted to.

“What the hell were you thinking?” Taylor demands.

“Why are you so upset? He’s already seen you naked,” Savannah says carelessly.

“What I care is that I moaned his name,” Taylor hisses.

“I know. I heard it.” Savannah laughs. “That was awesome.”

“Quit laughing at my humiliation,” Taylor snaps.

“What’s so humiliating? So what you were dreaming about the guy? What woman doesn’t?”

I smile to myself.

“That doesn’t make it okay, Savvy. Case is my boss.”

I hear Savannah snort. “So what? You think he hasn’t fucked any of the women who have worked up there?” I swallow nervously. Change the subject … “I’m not telling you to marry the guy. I’m just trying to get you laid.”

I smile once again. So she doesn’t have a boyfriend? I haven’t asked her. And Blane never did answer my question. I’m not saying that she couldn’t have one, but the odds she has one and is not having sex … well, I guess it could be. Very unlikely, but it’s still a possibility. Or there’s always the other alternative. She’s a virgin. I highly doubt that, though.

I straighten my back as Taylor storms out of her bedroom and down the hallway now dressed in a black pair of yoga pants and tank top. “Let’s go, Case,” she scowls as she walks past me, not even bothering to look over at me.

Savannah gives me another wink, turns around, and walks back to her bedroom. I let out a sigh as I head to the front door. I don’t want to make Taylor uncomfortable. This day isn’t going as well as I hoped.





Just kill me now!

I wish I could fall off the face of the earth and never have to look at Case again. Well. That’s not true. I wish he could never see me again. I called out his name. I heard his voice, but I thought it was a dream. When I opened my eyes and saw him standing there, I still thought I was dreaming of him.

Talk about embarrassment and shame! The man already told me he wouldn’t sleep with me. And hell, I shouldn’t want him, but there’s that saying, you want what you can’t have. It’s like someone wanting to take a walk on the wild side. He would be my wild side. The rebel I wouldn’t mind experiencing. But no, it can’t happen.

You just had to go and embarrass yourself like a fucking idiot. I grabbed my breasts? Jesus, just strike me dead now. I’m actually sweating now that I have to sit next to him in the confined space of his car. Sweating like a whore in church. Because that’s what he thinks of me. A whore! Who does that? I mean there’s nothing wrong with pleasuring yourself, I’ve done it before, but not in front of the guy I’m dreaming about. I’m going to kill Savannah!

I continue to look out the passenger window as he speeds down the highway, passing other cars. I refuse to look over at him. I might say something that will make me look like an even bigger idiot.

“I’m sorry,” he says for the fifth time since we got into his car. “I was trying to wake you …”

“Stop,” I demand. He’s just making it worse. It’s not his fault I have the hots for him. It’s not his fault I dreamed about him. It’s not his fault I slept through my alarm. It’s all my fault! And Savannah’s! Now, I have to sit next to him in this tight little sports car. And it sucks. I keep telling myself not to look over and stare at him, but that doesn’t mean I can’t smell him. And God, he smells amazing. Edible even. All manly and dangerous.

My skin is still tingling from the fact he saw me almost naked this time. Nothing he hasn’t already seen, Savannah had said. But that doesn’t make it any easier.

Thankfully, he doesn’t try to say anything else to me. He exits from the highway and slows as he comes up to an old metal building with Frank’s Garage on the tin roof. Cars ranging from older to newer body styles litter the front lot. “Stay here,” he orders before he opens the car door and gets out.

I sigh as I bang the back of my head against my headrest. I think Savannah was right. I just need to get laid. Then he wouldn’t affect me like this. He would just be my boss then and not the man I can’t quit picturing naked.

Even as I think those words, I watch him through the windshield of his Corvette. My sunglasses shield my eyes from him. I see the same man who drove the wrecker the other night walk out the front door. He shakes Case’s hand and they begin to speak. I don’t pay any more attention to the older man. All I can do is look Case up and down. The way his tight dark jeans fit him just right. They hug his muscular thighs and then flare out over his dark gray tennis shoes. His baseball-style shirt, black with gray sleeves, hugs his broad shoulders and pulls against his back. He’s wearing that same black baseball cap he had on the day he came into the coffee shop, and it makes him look even hotter. I sigh heavily as my shoulders slump. This is a very bad idea. I should not want to get in bed with my boss. Especially one who is involved in illegal activity.

He turns around and starts walking back to his car. I sit up straight and let out a long breath as I smooth my hair down my face, trying to tame the beast since I just threw some clothes on and I didn’t even brush it. I frown when I smell the smoke and alcohol from the club from working last night. I roll down my window when I see him walking over to my side of his car.

“I’m gonna go inside for a minute and then I’ll pull it around front for you.” Before I can even say anything, he walks off.

I leave my window down and place my head against the headrest again. Have I made him uncomfortable? He told me he doesn’t fuck women who work at the club. He knows I find him attractive. Which makes me wonder … will he fire me?

My phone alerting me I have a new text message gets my attention. I look down at my lap to see it’s from Savannah.

SAVVY: Getting some action yet?

I roll my eyes.

ME: Stop! It’s not gonna happen!

I place my phone in my purse and stare at the black dashboard. It’s not as if I’ve never had a boyfriend before. I have. You could even say that I was in love, but it ended about six months ago. It wasn’t one of those relationships where we fought, or we treated each other like shit. We got along really well. It was just too comfortable, and we were more like best friends. It got to where we were having sex less and less. We stopped being affectionate with one another. The love we had for each other was still there, it was just a different kind of love. So we made a mutual decision to break up. I still talk to him, and I used to sit next to his new girlfriend last semester in lab. She’s pretty and really nice to me. She’s not like those bitches who hate the ex. She understands that it didn’t work out, and she’s thankful for that because I guess she’s been in love with him since our first year in college. I truly wish them the best.

I look out the window when I see my car coming through a gate on the side of the building. I roll my window back up and then reach down to the floorboard to grab my purse. I hope it doesn’t cost me more than I’ve made in the last two nights. Five hundred dollars is a hell of a lot of money for a girl like me, but that’s all I have. I’m willing to give it all up for my car; I just don’t want to have to tell them I don’t have it if it’s more than that.

I get out of Case’s Corvette as he pulls my car up next to it. My poor car looks like a salvaged vehicle next to his fancy white Corvette. And mine isn’t even old. I’ve never had problems with it before now.

He gets out of my car and holds the door open as I walk over to him. I just stand there as I stare at him behind my shades. “What?” I ask nervously.

“Are you going to get in?” he asks, a smirk pulling at the corner of his lips.

I look around to find his friend who owns the body shop and wrecker service. “I need to go in and pay,” I announce. Please don’t be over five hundred dollars, I chant to myself.

He shakes his head. “No need. It’s taken care of,” he simply says.

My eyes widen in shock. “Case …” I breathe. “Please tell me you didn’t pay for it.”

“No. I told you he owed me a favor.” He taps the top of my open car door where his hand rests. “It’s been paid.”

Oh. Of course, he didn’t pay for it. Why would you think he paid for it? Now, I feel stupid. Just another reason to feel embarrassed. “Thank you,” I say softly.

He nods his head. “Get in,” he orders.

I walk around him and get in behind the steering wheel. “Thanks for everything,” I say feeling awkward. Geez, I just keep owing this guy. My tab has to be well over a thousand dollars by now.

“No need to thank me.” He smiles down at me, showing off those white teeth that make him look drop-dead gorgeous. “I’ll see you tonight.” Then he shuts the door and turns to walk over to his car. I let out a puff of air as I place my car in drive. I need to go home and go back to sleep. It’s gonna be a long night at work again.



I spin around in the club as I hear Brecken call out my name. “What’s up, man?” I ask, placing my phone in my back pocket.

I can tell he’s pissed off about something. His mouth is in a hard line and his hands are fisted down to his side. I frown; when he’s in a bad mood, you don’t want to fuck with him.

“Rachel is up in your office,” he says through clenched teeth.

“Okay,” I say slowly. “Are you two fighting?” It wouldn’t surprise me. The man is in love with her even though he doesn’t mind sharing her with me. It actually turns him on when we take her at the same time. It drives him nuts when she fucks around with other men though. She tends to pick ones who are married or have girlfriends because she likes the drama. We, on the other hand, don’t have time to put up with it.

“Something like that.” I watch him pass me by and take the stairs two at a time. I turn and follow him. I had called Rachel earlier this afternoon on my way over to pick up Taylor and told her to come in early before her shift tonight because we needed to talk. I guess we’re all going to have a meeting.

Brecken opens my office door and walks in; I follow behind him. I don’t miss the fuck you look Rachel throws him as she sits on the couch before looking to me. “Hey, babe.” She smiles. “What did you need?” she asks with excitement.

“Don’t try and pull that bullshit on Case either. He’s not going to believe it,” Brecken snaps.

She stands from the couch quickly as her eyes narrow on him. “Don’t you dare judge me,” she yells. Then she looks at me. “All you two do is lie,” she shouts.

“Whoa,” I say lifting my hands. “Calm down. What is going on?” I demand. Rachel has always been one to overreact. But Brecken? The fact he’s this pissed at her has me worried.

He turns to me as he points over at her. “I went over to her place last night and found drugs on her kitchen table.”

My eyes slam to her, and she cowers back from Brecken. “What is he talking about, Rachel?” I demand. She’s not allowed to do drugs. No employee of mine is allowed to do drugs. Drugs may be done in this club, but employees doing drugs can cause trouble. First, they take a hit here and there, and then they’re bringing in God knows who to get a hit while they’re on shift. “That is unacceptable.”

Tears start to well up in her big brown eyes. “It wasn’t mine,” she cries out.

“You’re lying,” Brecken yells. “What in the hell were you thinking?” he demands getting in her face.

“Please, baby.” She reaches up and grabs his shirt. “Please believe me. A friend came over and she left them there.”

He just stands there as he stares down at her, his hands down by his side clenched in fists. I can see it all over his face. He doesn’t want to believe her, but he will because he believes everything she says. She has him so wrapped up. It’s pretty pathetic.

I sigh as I run a hand over the top of my hair. “We can settle this tomorrow.” They both look over at me. “Rachel, tomorrow you are doing a drug test. It’s been a while anyway.”

She nods quickly. “And then you’ll see.”

He reaches up and pries her fists from his shirt. He turns around and falls into the chair in front of my desk. “We need to talk about last night, Rachel,” I say.

She wipes the tears from her face and then looks at me. “What about it?”

“You have been causing problems in this club. More than usual,” I add tightly.

“It’s not my fault,” she whines.

“It never is,” Brecken adds.

“Case …” She walks over to my desk. “That guy grabbed my ass. I can’t help that his wife didn’t like it. What was I supposed to do?”

“Maybe not put your ass in his face?” I offer with a raised eyebrow. Rachel has to have all the attention. She can’t live without it.

“Come on, Rachel. Be smart. He was married and here with his wife. He just looked at you as a fuck toy, for fuck’s sake.”

She spins around giving me her back so she can face Brecken. “That’s all I ever am. Just a fuck!”

He snorts. “Maybe if you didn’t act like such a whore, then men would treat you differently.”

She slaps him across the face so hard the noise echoes in my office. I sigh. Typical Rachel. Brecken just sits there in his chair as he looks up at her, his face red from her hand and jaw tight. He’s probably turned on by it. He is just as fucked up as the rest of us. We love pain. Without it, we would feel nothing. “You two don’t seem to have a problem with me being your little whore,” she spits out.

“Neither one of us are married or have a girlfriend,” he growls.

I don’t feel sorry for her. She knows she needs help. Brecken and I have offered to pay for therapy—even medication, if that’s what she needs. But she always refuses. This is her high. This is what she likes. To be treated and talked down to like she’s nothing. She uses sex as a weapon.

I stand from my desk crossing my arms over my chest. “You’re not working tonight,” I announce.

She spins back around to face me. “Why the hell not?” she snaps.

“Because you’re a liability.” Her mouth falls open in shock. “Take your drug test tomorrow. If everything comes back normal, you can work tomorrow night.”

“You’re gonna let him do that?” she demands to Brecken. He just stares up at her, her handprint still on his face. He shrugs as if to say he doesn’t care what I do.

“We open in an hour. No one is going to take my shift that quick,” she says all but crying once again. I hate to see a woman cry, no matter who it is. She knows that. She knows everything about me.

“I’ll have Taylor cover it.” She did just fine last night when Brecken gave it to her.

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