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  • Текст добавлен: 3 октября 2016, 20:41

Текст книги "Addiction"

Автор книги: Shantel Tessier

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Текущая страница: 6 (всего у книги 27 страниц)

I blink a few times trying to clear my mind as my body breaks out in goosebumps from his touch. “Hey … babe.” What do I say? I guess we’re pretending to be something other than somewhat strangers to make this guy go away? I can play along if that is the case.

Case reaches his free hand out and finally speaks. “Case,” he announces. “You would be?” he demands.

I swallow nervously. Is he trying to make this situation worse?

“Will.” The man reaches out and grasps his hand; it seems like a harmless handshake, but I can feel the tension. The man pulls his hand out of Case’s grasp and clears his throat. “I saw this beautiful woman stopped on the side of the road and thought I could help her.” He looks down at me.

“Thank you,” I say, giving him a real smile now that Case is here. “But like I said, I had help coming.”

“And I have arrived!” Case announces. “So you can now leave!” My eyes widen as I look at Case. Is he trying to start trouble?

Will looks at Case for a few long seconds, and I hold my breath. Is he gonna hit him? “As you are. I’ll be on my way.” With that, he walks right past us to his truck. Case turns to see him off; I guess to make sure the guy doesn’t attack us from behind. But I don’t move from where I am. Once I see the back of the truck drive away, I let out a long breath.

“What was that about?” Case growls.

I spin around to face him expecting to see his blue eyes hard, but he has sunglasses shielding them. “I told him I had someone coming. But he insisted on staying to help me. What was I supposed to do?”

“Tell him to fuck off,” he snaps.

I run a hand through my hair. I’m starting to sweat out here. “I panicked,” I admit. “He gave me the creeps, and I panicked.”

“What were you thinking?” he demands.

I narrow my eyes on him. “I didn’t ask to break down. He stopped and …”

“And he could have taken you,” he interrupts me.

“I …” I pause because I don’t know what to say.

He sighs heavily, his anger starting to fade but his features still hard. “You should have called me the minute he pulled up.”

“What could you have done?” I ask skeptically.

“I could have made sure that you were safe.” I hate the feeling that his concern gives me; how it makes me feel all warm inside. He really seems like he cares about my safety.

“I’m sorry.” Why am I apologizing for something that I couldn’t control?

He stares at me, those black aviators shielding his dark blue eyes. His lips in a thin line and his nostrils still flared. He opens his mouth to say something but shuts it the moment a tow truck comes around the corner into view.

“You called a tow truck?” I ask surprised.

He nods. “You said you were running late to work. I don’t plan to just leave your car here. Someone could vandalize it. I’ll have it towed to a safe place where it can be fixed quickly,” he replies softening his voice.

I hang my head with a deep sigh. “What if I can’t afford what he charges?” When I lift my head back to look at him through my lashes, he gives me a small smile.

“Don’t worry, Taylor. Everyone in this town owes me. And this can be his payment.” With that, he walks to the front of my car as the tow truck beeps while he backs up to the front of my car.

I watch him as he gets down on his knees in his tight fitting blue jeans, helping the guy from the tow truck connect my car, and I wonder what my payment will be. Because I just became another person who owes him something. And the fact that I accused him of breaking into our home may mean that I owe him for more than one thing. My day just keeps getting better. I guess it could be worse; I could be in the back of that black lifted truck with that man who looked like he wanted to eat me alive. Silver lining.


I look down at where Nicole is tattooed in a pretty script on my wrists, and I feel my chest tighten. This scene looks all too familiar. A woman on the side of the road. Some random man trying to help her. I could have beat the shit out of that guy just because. But thankfully, he left willingly. And Taylor? How could she be so stupid and place herself in danger like that? I know she couldn’t help the fact that her car broke down, but she could have handled the situation with the man better.

I look up and push my watch back so it covers up the name. “Thanks,” I say reaching out to shake the hand of a childhood friend. Frank has always been there for me when I need him. Even when I didn’t want him there.

“Anything for you, Case. I’ll make sure to have this fixed as soon as possible for your, uh, friend,” he says looking up at Taylor standing behind me. She has her head down as she kicks around some loose rocks with her tennis shoes.

“Just let me know when it’s ready,” I say and turn to Taylor. “Did you get everything you need out of your car?” I ask her, trying to soften the harsh words I spoke to her only minutes ago.

She nods as she pats her purse that hangs over her shoulder. “Yes.” Then she looks at Frank. “Thanks again.” She gives him a warm smile, and he returns it.

“Come on,” I say placing my hand on her shoulder and spinning her around to walk to my car. I don’t miss the way she looks at me with confusion on her face as I touch her once again, but I ignore it. “Let’s get you to work.”

She lets out a whistle when she sees my car parked on the side of the road. I smile proudly at her reaction. Women judge a man by what he drives. “Nice car,” she says as she admires the curves of my brand new white Corvette.


I walk over to open the passenger door for her, and she thanks me before I close her door. I get behind the wheel and start it up.

I pull onto the road, and I catch her look over at me shyly. “I …” She pauses. “I want to thank you for coming to get me. You didn’t have to.”

Oh, but I did. “It was no problem,” I say coolly. I get calls from blocked numbers all the time, so it was no surprise when I woke to a blocked number. What was a surprise was the beautiful woman on the line. I couldn’t believe my luck. She needed my help. Of course, I was gonna run to her side. What did piss me off was seeing that man when I pulled over to help her. Who the hell did he think he was? She has no idea how cruel this world can be. But I know someone who does—Nicole!

“I love you, Case.” She kisses me on the cheek before she pulls away and laughs softly. Her dark brown hair is up in a high ponytail wrapped with one of those bows that are bigger than her head, and she is dressed in her black and white Tigers cheerleading uniform. “I’ll see you after the game,” she calls out before she turns to walk out the front door.

I shift uncomfortably in the driver’s seat as I pull myself out of that memory. I can still see those blue eyes clear as day, and it makes my chest tighten. Now is not the time to go down memory lane. Taylor thinks I’m one of those bad guys, but I’m not. Well, not the kind of bad she thinks I am.

She clears her throat, and it pulls me from my thinking. “I also wanna tell you I’m sorry,” she says softly, trying once again.

“No need ...” I don’t deserve an apology.

“Yes,” she interrupts me. “I shouldn’t have accused you of breaking into our house.” She sighs heavily. “Blane doesn’t have friends I can trust, and I thought … Well, after you threatened me in the club, I just figured you were one of those people.” If she only knew the real me. “But I saw what you did for us last night when I got home. That was nice of you.”

I was trying to suck up. I shift the car as I pick up speed. A quick glance at the clock shows that she called me over thirty-five minutes ago.

“I’m just glad you kept my card,” I say as I slide my eyes over to look at her. Her face flushes before she turns to look out her window as I speed down the highway. I hate that it makes me feel good about myself because I don’t deserve that, not from her.

I tighten my hand on the steering wheel and shift the car as I feel that tightness return to my chest. She has no idea how much I have done in order to get what I want. And the sad part is that I don’t really feel that sorry about it.

I pull up to her coffee shop and turn off the car. I go to get out and open her door for her, but she’s already out and slamming her door shut. “Thanks again. I owe you,” she calls out as she runs toward the front door of the coffee shop.

Yes, you do! She just had no idea I’m going to make her pay up.

I smile as I lean back against the hood of my car. I cross one ankle over the other and cross my arms over my chest.




“Please?” I beg. “You can’t fire me,” I whine to Mr. Binsen as he sits behind his computer. “I got here as fast as I could,” I say trying to hold back the tears as I take deep breaths from running from the parking lot. This is one of those days where I wish I had just stayed in bed.

“Taylor, you’re almost an hour late,” he reminds me as if the big cuckoo clock hanging up above his head is incorrect.

“I know,” I say wanting to stomp my foot. “My car broke down. What was I supposed to do? I called up here. And then I called you.” I wish I could explain to him how desperate I was that I called a man who has the potential to be dangerous to me. And how I feel like he somehow ended up saving my life from a potential rapist or murderer.

He reaches over to the bag of Lays potato chips that sit on his desk, grabs a handful, and then shoves them in his mouth. All of this without looking away from his computer. “Yes. Duncan filled me in,” he says through a mouthful of chips.

I take a deep breath and try not to cry or cuss him up one way and down the other. “I can’t lose my job,” I decide to say desperately.

“Sorry, Taylor. I have to do what is right for my business. And I need someone who is reliable. You are not.” And with that, he starts to smile as he stares at his computer. I stand there just staring at him, and after a few long seconds, he starts to laugh and talk in German. He must have won something online.

I spin around, open the door, and close it behind me before I storm down the hallway. I reach up and wipe the single tear off my cheek when I shove open the front door to the coffee shop, ignoring Duncan calling out my name behind me. I start to walk down the sidewalk wondering what in the hell I’m gonna do now when I hear my name being called out again.

I spin around thinking Duncan followed me outside when I see Case leaning up against his white Corvette staring at me. “What are you still doing here?” I demand.

He frowns as he tilts his head, his sunglasses shading his eyes. I sigh as I run a hand through my dark hair. “I’m sorry. That was rude of me.” He just dropped whatever he was doing, which was probably a woman, to come and get me off the side of the road. And he called a tow truck to get my car fixed. I close my eyes and growl as I think of my car. How am I going to pay to fix my car if I have no job? “Fuck,” I hiss.

“What happened?”

I open my eyes and see him approaching me slowly as if I will pounce on him like a caged animal. I wish I could hit him. Punch him in his perfect, handsome face. Hell, the chance to attack anyone sounds good at the moment. Maybe that would make me feel better. Instead, I point at the front door. “I just got fired,” I grind out. “Because I was late. Who cares that I work my ass off here.” Sure, it’s just a coffee shop, but I work hard at that job. There were times I went in before school and then went right back after classes. Then had to stay up all night to do homework and study. It never ended. “Who cares I’m the first one to cover for someone else.” My voice rises. “Who cares …?”

He places a hand on my shoulder. “Calm down,” he says softly. “Before you call unwanted attention.”

I take a second to look at the busy street and notice that people are staring at me with either concerned eyes or looks of disgust. Why wouldn’t they? I look like a hot mess and feel like a crazy person. “I’m afraid it’s too late for that,” I say with a small laugh. Geez, I’m losing my mind.

“Where would you like me to take you?” he questions.

This is too much! “Oh. No. Thank you. I can’t ask you to …”

“You’re not,” he interrupts. “I insist.”

After he walked me back to his car, he informed me that I needed to eat. I tried to tell him that I didn’t need food, but he wasn’t taking it. So I threw my hands up in the air and said sure, why not? It’s probably the last good meal I’ll get for a while until I find a new job.

He chose a little Italian restaurant at the end of the street. I’ve worked at the other end of this street here in downtown Chicago at the coffee shop for the last three years and never took the time to eat here.

As he holds the door open for me, I mumble a thank you and instantly regret letting him choose. I’m too underdressed for a place like this. My jeans and white button up shirt look out of place compared to everyone dressed up from their Sunday morning church services.

The woman seats us in the back and frowns as I watch her sniff the air. I lift my left arm to smell the sleeve of my shirt. “I smell like smoke.” Crap. Did I say that out loud?

Case chuckles. “No, you don’t.”

I arch an eyebrow. “What other excuse do you have for her putting us back here?” I question.

“She knows I prefer it back here,” he replies simply.

“Oh,” is all I say. I’m sure she knows everything that he prefers. Sexually. “How well do you know her?” I blurt out then immediately sink back into my seat. Why did you ask that?

He doesn’t even bother to look up from his menu as he smirks. “Well enough.”

Why does that make me feel jealous? That someone knows him in a way that I don’t? The man is dark and dangerous. All you have to do is look into his eyes and they promise a night you would never forget. He just screams power and those tattoos … they call to me like a dangerous threat. The way the blue and black lines travel up and down his forearms. His left forearm has a black skull that looks like it belongs to the devil himself. It has dark blue flames that come through the outline of the skull. Then there’s black ink that looks like smoke coming out of the skull’s mouth. It looks like it’s on fire. My eyes roam up to his black t-shirt, and I wish I could lift it up to see the rest of his tats. Both arms end right at his wrist. But the watch on his right hand covers part of it. I feel my insides tighten at the thought of him taking off his shirt for me to look at his chest. Every time he moves, it pulls his shirt tighter and I can make out his pecs. I wonder if they feel as good as they look. I sigh heavily; maybe it has been too long since I have had sex.

I look over to see the hostess; I watch her seat a couple of businessmen a few tables down. I eye her black patent heels that are probably about two inches tall. Her black pencil skirt shows off her thin legs and small waist. It comes to her calves but has a long slit up the back that some would consider a little inappropriate for such a business place. But she pulls it off, and it looks classy on her. She’s tucked a black silk blouse into her high skirt. The V-neck isn’t too low that her boobs spill over the top, but it’s low enough to show she has large implants. Her blond hair—that you can tell came from a bottle, but is not overly processed—is pulled up into a tight bun at the nape of her neck, giving her more of a teacher look than a hostess look. When she turns and catches me staring, she gives me a warm smile, showing off her beautiful teeth. Not one that says I just caught you staring at me, but one that says hi, it’s okay to stare at my hot self.

I look away and then at Case. His blue eyes are staring at me intently. He totally just caught me checking out his booty call. Please God, just end this day already.

I clear my throat. “So what is good here?”

“Everything,” he replies. A smirk growing on his face.

Was he just implying her? No, I asked about the food. I skim the menu and most of this stuff is more than what I pay for in a month at the grocery store. What happened to a burger and fries? Hell, I’ll settle for a hot dog from the guy on the side of the road who pushes one of those little carts around. I’m not the type of woman who lives on rabbit food and water.

“Case.” I put my menu down. “This is too expensive. We don’t have to eat here.” I wave my hand in the air.

“Is that really the problem?” He places his menu down and stares at me with those dark blue eyes. They make my heart race and my skin break out in goosebumps.

“Yes.” I can see how that sounded. Especially how he caught me staring at the runway model he’s obviously taken to bed.

“Then don’t worry about the price.” He picks his menu back up.

I reach across the table and pull it out of his hands. It slams against the table. “I don’t want to owe you any more than I already do,” I say softly so others can’t hear the exchange.

His smirk grows to a full smile. “We’re staying.”

I let out a puff of air. Getting frustrated. “Case …”

“Why did you call me today?” He changes the subject.

I mention me owing him, and he brings up me having to ask him for help today? “Because I had no one else,” I say softly. “And your number was just there.” I shrug. “I didn’t think you would answer in all honesty. And then when you did, I figured you’d be the last person to come and save me considering how I’ve treated you.”

He sits and stares at me for a long time. I’m guessing he’s trying to decide on just what to say. Maybe remembering all the bad stuff I said to him. After what feels like forever, he finally speaks to me. “Just because you don’t agree with what I do doesn’t mean I’m a bad person, Taylor.” I swallow thickly. He’s right. And Savannah was right; I’ve never been so quick to judge people before. Why do I let Case get to me so much? Because I’m afraid he may take my brother away from me.

I swallow my pride once again. “I apologized …”

He interrupts me. “I don’t need apologies from you, Taylor.”

Lunch went by agonizingly slow. Case didn’t say anything else to me, and I didn’t know what to say to him. We ate our meal in silence, and I couldn’t help but watch the way the pretty blond smiled at him as we made our way to the front door. Case came around and opened the car door for me, and I mumbled a thank you loud enough for him to hear. We may not be speaking, but I can’t be a bitch when he’s being a gentleman. He makes his way around the front of his car and gets behind the wheel.

Looking over his shoulder, he backs his car into the traffic before putting it into gear and taking off. I can tell by the way he’s driving that he’s mad. The way he shifts gears, slamming on the brake and the gas. And I know it’s because of me. But I don’t know what it is that I’ve done exactly.

The silence in the small car is almost deafening. I go to open my mouth to ask him the first thing that comes to my mind when my cell phone starts to ring. I look down to see SAVVY lighting up my screen.

I press ignore. Savannah calls two more times, and I decline both of them. I’m not in the mood to speak to her. I needed her, and she was just now calling me back? Screw that.

“What is your problem with me?” I demand looking over at him. Maybe it was the fact that Savannah just tried to call. Or the fact that I can’t take the silence anymore.

He gives a dark laugh, but it holds no humor. “That’s rich.”

“What does that mean?” I bark, now turning my entire body in the passenger seat to face him.

“It means you can have a shit ton of problems with me, but I can’t have a problem with you? That’s a little hypocritical.”

I roll my eyes. “I said I was sorry. What did you expect? You’re a drug dealer.” I regret the words as soon as I say them. As he had said at the restaurant, just because he sells drugs doesn’t make him a bad person.

“Yes. I know what I do for a living. Thanks for the reminder,” he snaps, hitting his hand on the steering wheel.

“Stop the car,” I demand, tired of this shit and ready to get out. He speeds up. “Case. Stop the damn car. I’m getting out,” I shout.

He snorts. “I refuse to leave you on the side of the road where some guy can stop and pick you up.” He shakes his head. “I refuse to have that blood on my hands.”

“I find it hard to believe that you all of a sudden are worried about my well-being.” His jaw tightens, and I add, “I’m not your responsibility.”

He veers the car off onto the side of the road and brings it to an abrupt stop. The force throws me forward, but the seat belt locks on my chest and I catch my breath.

He throws his arm over the back of my seat and leans into my space. I push myself up against the door and the window as far as I can with the seat belt still over my shoulder, staring at him wide-eyed.

“This is where you are wrong.” His voice is even, but I can see the rage in his blue eyes as he holds his face inches from my face. “Your brother works for me.” I swallow nervously terrified of where this conversation is going to go. I need to quit pissing this guy off. “First, he didn’t tell me about you. Then his house gets broken into. And believe me, I didn’t do it, princess. But someone out there did, and your brother swears he has no clue who that is. Your brother is my responsibility. Therefore, you are mine as well.”

I hate to admit I’m afraid of him. He may look like a man who belongs on a cover of GQ, but his demeanor is brooding and secretive. I can’t place my finger on it, but he seems as if he’s hiding something. He probably hides a lot. Hell, for all I know, this car could be stolen.

I drop my head and let out an exasperated breath. “What do you want from me?” It’s a loaded question but one that needed to be asked. He knows I’m terrified of what he is doing with my brother, but I can’t stop it. He threatens me and then expects me to fall for his charm when he’s being nice.

I hold my breath as he places his fingers under my chin and lifts so I have to look up at him. “Nothing. I want nothing from you.”

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