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Shaken, Not Stirred
  • Текст добавлен: 24 сентября 2016, 07:21

Текст книги "Shaken, Not Stirred"

Автор книги: Sawyer Bennett

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Текущая страница: 4 (всего у книги 19 страниц)

Chapter 5


I must be crazy.

That’s the only explanation to account for the fact that I’m giving myself to a man that I know nothing about and had maybe ten total minutes of conversation with.

At least that’s the conclusion Andrea had come up with when she hissed at me about an hour ago while we were in the bathroom together. “Are you fucking crazy?”

“Pretty sure I am,” I told her as I washed my hands.

“You don’t know anything about him,” she pressed in an urgent whisper as she leaned against the vanity. “He could be a murderer or a rapist.”

“He’s your brother’s friend,” I pointed out. “And besides… it’s not like I haven’t done one-night stands before, Andrea. You know this about me, and you’ve never been all judgy about it before.”

“I’m not judging,” she said with an apologetic smile. “I love your freedom and sass to live your life your way. It’s just… have you seen him? He looks dangerous.”

Yes, he does look dangerous. It’s why he’s appealing to me so much. He’s like forbidden fruit. He’s like fire. He’s all the things I shouldn’t touch but the temptation is too strong to ignore.

I dried my hands and threw the paper towels in the trash can. Turning to Andrea, I took her by the shoulders and leaned in to her. With an assured voice, I told her, “I’ll be fine. Now go out, have dinner with your brother, and reconnect.”

Andrea nodded in defeat and I ushered her out the door. While they had been out on the back deck, she had invited both Kyle and Tenn to dinner with her and Wyatt as he was getting off duty, and they were going to meet him on the north end of the island.

Apparently, Tenn had declined, instead telling her that he had a dinner date with me. That, of course, sent her scurrying into the bar where she demanded I go to the bathroom with her and she proceeded to tell me how crazy I was because she was sure the only dinner that Tenn had on his mind was feasting on me.

Yup… pretty sure I’m crazy to be doing this, and yet I can’t think of one logical reason other than the fact I may be insane to call it off. Tenn had left at the same time Andrea and Kyle did, telling me that he had to go find a hotel he could check in to and that he’d be back to pick me up when I got off work.

Which is right now.

Kent relieves me on time, and I quickly count out my tips and wipe the bar down. I glance around the bar, which is really starting to fill up with more tourists out looking for a good time. I don’t see Tenn and for a moment, I consider that maybe he got cold feet. Or maybe even Andrea scared him off, which, if that’s the case, I’m going to be pissed.

By the time I grab my purse and yell out goodbyes, I still don’t see Tenn and disappointment starts to well up inside of me. I made a command decision to give in to him, something that I’ve never done in my life for a man. I’ve always been the one to decide my course, and I’ve yielded to no one.

This was huge for me. I mean, a massive departure from my normal way of thinking when it comes to the opposite sex. And maybe I can blame it on the feelings of unrest I’ve been having, or maybe it’s the fact that I’ve been unfulfilled for so long, just stepping one foot in front of the other as I walk my way through endless days. But, for whatever reason I capitulated, I recognized in myself a major breakthrough and I wasn’t about to back down from it.

But apparently, Tenn was going to, as I don’t see him as I weave in and out of customers on the way out to the front door. I give one last look over my shoulder, desperately looking for his tall frame and dark hair, and my stomach bottoms out when I come up empty.

With a sigh, I turn and push the door open, stepping out into the humid summer air.

“Hey Goldie,” I hear, and my eyes immediately lift and lock with Tenn’s as he sits sideways on his bike, his muscular legs stretched out in front of him, one booted foot crossed over the other at the ankles. His arms are crossed over his massive chest, and he gives me a lazy smile. “Want a ride?”

Hitching my purse up over my shoulder, I saunter over to him, my eyes locked to his. I put a little extra sway in my hips and then tuck my thumbs into the belt loops of my shorts, just at my waist. The move pushes the denim down a bit, revealing the skin on my lower abdomen. Normally, that move is enough to draw a man’s eyes down but Tenn’s gaze remains focused on my face, his lips arced up in a sexy smirk as if he knows all my tricks.

“Turns out,” he continues on as he stands up from his perch on the motorcycle and bends over to one of his saddlebags where he pulls out a small helmet, “you have a nice bike shop just down the road and figured I’d pick you up a helmet so you can ride with me.”

My eyes flick down and then back up again. “You want me to ride with you?”

He nods and steps up to me, placing the helmet on my head. As he fastens the strap under my chin, he confides, “I want that gorgeous body pressed up against me sooner rather than later.”

His fingers move from the straps to my cheeks, and he holds me firmly in his grasp. Leaning down until his nose is almost against mine, he whispers, “Still going to let me have you, Goldie?”

My eyes nearly flutter closed over the husky promise in his voice and my bones go liquid on me. I’m in very near danger of rolling over and baring my proverbial throat in complete surrender to this sexy predator.

In an effort to get some control back, I raise a hand and lay it on his hard chest. Raising up on tiptoes and angling my face to the left, I bare my teeth and nip his jawline, which causes him to groan. “For tonight,” I clarify, because I need the safety of my boundaries. “You can have me just for tonight.”

“Hmmmm,” he murmurs as his hands drop to my waist and he pulls me into the warmth of his body. “A one-night stand kind of girl.”

“Queen of,” I provide, throwing light on exactly the type of woman that I am.

Tenn dips his face and brushes his lips over my neck. My head tilts to the side to give him better access as my fingers dig into the soft cotton of his tee.

“Gotta go back to the boyfriend tomorrow?” he asks in a teasing tone before scraping his teeth along the path his lips just took.

I can’t help the shudder that ripples through me, and I give a slight shake of my head. If I’m being all honest about my boundaries, I need to make sure he understands me fully. “There’s no boyfriend.”

He hums approval as a hand moves behind my head and grips into my hair. He tugs, and my back arches slightly as he raises his face to look down at me. His eyes are shadowed as the outdoor lighting of the bar is at his back, but because they are so pale, still shine brightly at me. “Even better.”

“It’s still just one night,” I insist, knowing that the minute I promise myself that, I won’t go back on it. I’m too disciplined in the way I parcel out my intimacy.

“We’ll see,” he murmurs. Stepping away from me, he grabs my hand in his and pulls me toward his bike.

“I can’t anymore,” I gasp as the last tremors of my orgasm fade away and my muscles start to unclench.

What is that? Three so far?

Tenn isn’t dissuaded. He merely pushes his face harder into me, his tongue driving in deep. My back arches and my fingers curl tight into his hair—which is softer than it even looked—and I try to wrench his head away from my sensitive flesh.

He lifts his lips from me just enough to growl, “Gotta give you one more… just to prove you wrong. Remember?”

I weakly lift my head and look down my naked body at him as he lies in between my legs. He’s still fully clothed while I’m completely bare to him, but then again… he didn’t give me any choice the minute he closed the door behind us when we entered his hotel room. His hands came to frame my face, and he proceeded to kiss the breath out of me. His mouth was hard, demanding, and completely controlling. His tongue erotically captivated my own as his hands roved all over me, pulling at my clothes and stroking over my skin.

When he had me completely naked, he took a step back and looked at me with lust blazing out of his eyes. “Over and over again, Goldie,” he promised as his eyes traveled down the length of my body. My nipples got hard, and I felt twitchy all over.

His eyes came to rest on that part of my body that felt the twitchiest of all, and he licked his lips. “Want my mouth on that pussy,” he murmured, and my knees almost buckled.

None of the rich and dapper men I go out with ever talk to me like that. They always murmur words of endearment while they reverently look upon me with wonder and awe. None of them have such a raw look of need and desire etched upon their faces, and none of them ever look at me like they want to devour me whole.

In my experience, the men I’ve been with tend to be selfish in nature. I’ve bemoaned to my girls time and again over the serious lack of oral attention I usually get, instead settling on a man that just wants to get his dick wet so he can pound out his own orgasm. I’ve never had anyone look at me the way Tenn did in that moment, telling me he wanted his mouth on me as if I was the only sustenance he could ever crave.

And his mouth was on me… and over me… and inside of me. He licked and sucked and ate at me, over and over again. My first orgasm came on brutally strong and amazingly fast, knocking the breath out of me and causing me to go dizzy. Tenn merely muttered against my wet flush, “Fuck yes, baby. So sexy,” before he started licking and sucking at me again.

His fingers got added. One, two, and then three… stretching and plunging into me. My hips bucked and circled, trying to drive him deeper into my body. Orgasm number two wasn’t far behind number one, and my toes curled from the immense pleasure he gave me.

But he didn’t stop.

He didn’t attack me harder though either, instead slowing his pace and leisurely lapping against my pleasure-numbed skin. His hands stroked the insides of my thighs, and he whispered how sweet I tasted. The fire stoked slowly inside of me because he ate me out slowly, taking his time with me.

When number three hit, I called out his name and arched my back off the bed, faintly recognizing a chuckle of triumph out of him. And finally, yes, finally, I figured he’d fuck me.

Instead, he was demanding I give him one more, and I didn’t think I had it in me.

“Just fuck me, Tenn,” I moan as he slips a finger inside of me, curling it just right.

“One more, Goldie,” he says, tilting his head to the side to suck on the skin of my inner thigh. With a prick of his teeth against me that elicits a startled yelp, he surges upward and pulls me from the bed.

I’m so limp. I’m like a rag doll in his arms as he spins me around and has me face the dresser at the foot of the bed, which comes complete with large mirror attached to it. I watch with glazed eyes as he brings his huge body behind me and wraps his tattooed arm across my breasts to hold me up. His eyes bore into mine through the reflective glass and his other hand trails down my stomach.

His fingers splay out and cover my mound, pushing me back against him until I can feel his erection burning into my lower back. He watches his own hand as he slides lower over my flesh and then sinks his middle finger into me.

“Watch me,” he commands with a nod of his head downward. “Watch me finger fuck you to another orgasm, Goldie.”

My head falls back on his shoulder as I close my eyes to gain composure. He’s going to kill me. Death by orgasm.

“Watch, baby,” he murmurs as he starts pumping his finger in and out of me. “Look how beautiful you are in my arms. Face flushed, nipples hard as rocks, my finger sliding in and out of you. So warm and tight. Can’t wait to have my cock in there.”

My eyes take in every detail as he describes it for me, and I feel wanton as I watch how sexy we look in the mirror together. I watch his hand moving against me, let his dirty words seep into my pores, feeling the pressure miraculously start building inside of me again. My gaze slides up to his and I find his eyes no longer watching his own actions, but locked onto my face. His cheek lowers, and he rests it against the top of my head.

“Feel good?” he asks me quietly.

I don’t answer right away and he pulls his finger out, circling it slowly around my clit. My hips arch away from his body, seeking a harder touch from his fingers.

“Feel good, Goldie?” he asks again, and I nod my head vigorously as his fingers move faster against me.

“Going to come for me again, aren’t you?” he asks, but it’s not really a question. It’s a command.

“Gotta let you prove me wrong,” I gasp, and he chuckles as his eyes drop down to his hand.

“I believe fucking you with my words is just as hot as fucking you with my fingers,” he murmurs. “You like my dirty talk?”

“God yes,” I moan as I can feel my orgasm starting to fire up.

“Want more than just my fingers?”

“Yes,” I gasp out again as I circle my hips against him desperately.

“Then you gotta come for me, Goldie. One more.”

And that’s all it takes.

My entire body stiffens as wave after wave of pleasure takes me hostage, rolling through me as I cry out my release. With hazy eyes, I see Tenn’s eyes light up with victory and his lips curve up in appreciation as he watches me in the mirror for a moment more, his fingers plucking at me gently.

“I think that may be the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” Tenn mutters as he takes my shoulders and pushes me forward over the dresser. My hands come out to rest on the edge for balance, and I lower my face a moment as I try to catch my breath.

The jangle and swish of Tenn’s belt being undone causes me to raise my face again, and I watched mesmerized as his movements have a sense of choppy urgency about him. He reaches into his pocket, pulls his wallet out, and takes out a condom, which he puts in his mouth to hold between his teeth.

With his hands free, he undoes his jeans and pushes them down over his hips. Although my body is blocking much of my view, I can see his erection sticking out past my left hip.

And oh, my word… it’s beautiful. It’s huge… monstrously big, and my blood starts pulsing again with desire for him at the thought of him putting that inside of me.

Tenn pulls at the condom wrapper still held tightly in his teeth and rips it open. While he seemed in such control just moments ago while he was guiding me to another orgasm, he seems to be overwhelmed with urgency right now.

Spellbound and captivated by the anticipation of what’s to come—over how frantic he seems to be to get inside of me—I watch as he rolls the condom on and steps up behind my body. One hand dips down and he drags his fingers through my folds, causing me to huff out a pent-up breath of impatience.

Tenn moves his hands from my flesh to his own cock, takes it in hand, and lines it up to me with his eyes lowered to watch his progress. He rubs the enormous tip through my wetness, letting it sink in just a fraction of an inch, and my body starts to tighten with excitement.

His eyes lift up, and I let mine rise right along until we are staring at each other in the mirror. He doesn’t move… holds absolutely still while his gaze melds with mine.

Then his hands grab onto my waist and he pulls back on my body as his own hips flex forward, causing his shaft to slide slowly into me. I stretch to capacity, feeling every nerve and fiber leaping in pleasure. When his pelvis presses tight against my ass, Tenn hisses through his teeth and his eyes squeeze shut.

“Christ, Casey,” he grits out, his voice raw with controlled lust. When he opens his eyes, he gives me a sheepish grin and a slight shake to his head. “That fucking feels good.”

I nod at him, my own ability to produce speech seemingly on hiatus.

“I’m going to fuck you now,” he promises, and it sounds so sexily threatening that I almost combust right there. “You’re going to come for me again too.”

I shake my head, because that is not going to happen. I have absolutely nothing left in the tank to give him. I didn’t even know that many orgasms so close together were physically possible.

“You are,” he tells me with smug cockiness, still holding himself absolutely still within me, although I can feel his dick jerking in anticipation.

“I can’t,” I finally manage to say.

Tenn slowly pulls out of me, causing the most beautiful feeling of friction I’ve ever had before.

“Gonna prove you wrong, Goldie,” he says as he sinks back into me slowly, and even though I can feel all of my internal muscles quivering with expectancy, I still shake my head in denial.

Bending over me, he whispers assuredly once more. “Gonna prove you wrong.”

And fuck everything I thought I knew about men and their capacity for giving pleasure, but he does indeed prove me wrong.

Chapter 6


Four days since I’ve seen Casey.

Six fucking orgasms—five for Casey and a massive one for me that nearly stroked me out—and she walked right out of my room without a backward glance four days ago.

I’ll admit it—only to myself—that I’m fucking pussy whipped after just that one encounter. Whipped for a woman I knew less than twenty-four hours before I fucked her, and yet I can’t deny the way my entire being is itching to see her again.

Yeah… she was a fan-fucking-tastic lay. Without a doubt the sexiest, most smokin’ hot woman I’ve ever been with in my entire existence. Fuck, I could have feasted on her for hours and never gotten my fill. So, no doubt… my cock wants another crack at her.

But the sex alone isn’t what has me fully whipped.

It’s the intrigue.

Casey Markham is the most puzzling person I think I’ve ever met. She’s gorgeous beyond compare, but I didn’t find her to have much of an ego. She’s independent and self-assured, somewhat of a flirt but also an immensely private and controlled person. I’ve talked with her enough to get a peek at a razor-sharp mind and yet she tends bar for a living, making me wonder whether she has aspirations in the making or failed attempts to meet them.

She’s positively fascinating and while I want to fuck her again, I more than anything want to find out why she’s the self-proclaimed queen of one-night stands. That shit does not jive in my book because women are notoriously stuck on romance and love, connecting with their minds and hearts. Men are all about the fucking, thinking with our dicks most of the time.

It’s true and I admit it.

But Casey isn’t typical. She’s aloof in her feelings, and I’ll never forget what she said to me before she left. While I disposed of the condom, Casey used the bathroom. When she came out, I attempted to pull her onto the bed so she’d lay with me a bit until I could recharge, but she skittered away from me with a stern shake of her head.

“I have to get going,” she said as she started getting dressed.

“No fucking way, Goldie,” I told her firmly. “I’m not done with you yet.”

“And yet, I’m done with you,” she said with frost in her voice and determination in her eyes.

I blinked at her in surprise, because what fucking woman talks like that, but then narrowed my gaze on her suspiciously. “You promised me a night. Remember Queen of the One-Night Stand?”

“I said you could have me,” she corrected with a chuckle. “I didn’t promise an entire night. Besides, I don’t do sleepovers.”

What the fuck? That’s something I would normally think… using my inside voice, of course.

I scrubbed my hand through my hair in frustration. Normally after a meaningless fuck, I was trying to figure a way to get the woman out the door without a fuss. Here I was trying to get her to stay, and I’m guessing it’s because the fuck wasn’t so meaningless to me.

By that time, Casey was zipping up her shorts but her posture remained stiff and resolute. Sensing that this was not a woman who could be swayed, I gave a sigh of resignation as I turned toward the door. “Come on. I’ll give you a lift back to your car.”

“No need,” she chirped as she bent over to grab her purse off the floor. “I called a friend who lives close by. She’s picking me up.”

Well, fuck. There went my chance to spend just a little more time with her while I drove her back to her car, maybe using said time to try to figure out a way to see her again.

Casey then gave me a sweet smile as she stepped up to me. She rose up on her tiptoes and brushed her lips against my cheek. “Goodbye, Tenn.”

When she stepped away, I searched her eyes for something… anything that would give me a clue as to what this woman was all about. I got nothing back but a vague and polite smile, effectively telling me the door had been closed tight against me.

Casey started to turn to the door, but I found myself muttering out loud as I reached my hand out to grab a fistful of her hair at the back of her head, “Fuck that, Goldie.”

I reeled her in toward me, taking heart from the way her eyes flared and sparked with interest. Pulling her right back up on to her tiptoes, I leaned down just a bit, until her face was just inches from mine. “I don’t buy it,” I told her simply.

“What’s that?” Her words came out in a whisper as her hands rested against my chest.

“This act you got going on,” I murmured while my eyes roamed over her face for some glint of the real truth. I looked hard… I looked long, and for a moment, I thought she’d deny me.

And that’s when I saw it.

I saw a small flash of sadness ripple through her blue irises, and it was so naked and in such contrast to the effervescent woman before me, that I dropped my hands away from her and took a step backward.

Casey quickly schooled her features and then leveled me with another cool look. Her shoulders squared and her chin rose up a notch. “No act, Tenn. This is all there is to me.”

Fat fucking lie, Goldie. Fat fucking lie.

But I didn’t say that to her. I merely gave her a nod of my head and made a sweeping motion toward the door. “Then I guess you have a ride waiting for you.”

She stared at me a moment before turning on her heel and walking out of my room.

Fascinating woman, that Casey Markham. She has some part of her locked away… something that she’s protecting and thinks is untouchable. Whatever this is—this thing she’s hiding—I’m like a kid in a candy store with grabby hands and I want to touch it.

The knock on my hotel door spurs me off the bed where I had been lying on my back while I mused about Casey. I cross the small room and open it up, expecting Kyle to be standing there.

“Ready to roll?” he asks.

I grunt my ascension as I step out the door and pull it closed behind me. “Where we headed?”

“Over to Manteo,” he says as he follows me down the outside stairwell that leads to the parking lot. “That chick I was with the other night said there’s a great bar over there that serves po’ boys and cheap beer. She’s going to be there.”

I grunt an acknowledgment, remembering the woman Kyle was with the other night. We had gone to some dive bar we stumbled across when we had been out cruising around and ended up getting so trashed, I had to cab it back to my hotel. I had found Kyle fucking said chick in the men’s bathroom, right up against the wall. I turned my body around quickly to avert my eyes and said, “I’m heading out, man.”

Kyle just grunted at me while the sounds of slapping skin came at me faster. The woman started moaning, and Kyle managed to huff out, “Later, dude,” while he plowed her against the water-stained wall. I hastily exited the bathroom and pulled the door closed behind me, but not before I wanted to pour acid in my ears when the woman cried out, “Give it to me you, you big stud.”

“Her name’s Jenny,” Kyle says conversationally as we make it to our bikes and mount up. “She sucks dick like a damn Hoover.”

I snicker as I put my helmet on. “You’re a poet, man.”

“Well, it’s true,” he says as he nudges his kickstand up. “And this is the point that you reciprocate.”

Turning my head to look at him, I cock an eyebrow and say, “Not sucking your dick, dude.”

“Douche,” Kyle grumbles and then leans back in his seat, planting both feet firmly on the ground to hold the bike steady. “I mean, this is where you share with me a little bit about Casey. You hooked up with her, right? Four damn days, man. You’ve been silent and it’s killing me.”

Ordinarily, I’m all about swapping stories about great pussy. It’s a man thing… bragging about the details and comparing the lengths of our dicks, which seem to get longer with every story. But for some reason, I’m not in the sharing mood when it comes to Goldie.

“She’s a nice girl,” I say and then reach out to my ignition.

Kyle reaches over and knocks my hand away. “Oh, fuck no, you don’t. You do not get to lay ‘she’s a nice girl’ on my doorstep and expect me to be satisfied with that. She’s a fucking fifteen, dude.”

A million. Not a fifteen. A million on that ten-point scale.

“You want details?” I ask him with a grin.

“Fucking aye.”

I lean in toward him conspiratorially and murmur nice and low. “She was fantastic, man. In to all kinds of kink. Let me tie her up and whip her with a rubber hose, then she let me fuck her in every way imaginable. It was epic, man.”

“Are you serious?” he asks in jealous wonder.

“No, I’m not fucking serious,” I say in exasperation as I straighten back up and reach for my ignition again.

“If you give me one true detail, I promise to tell you everything I learned about her from Andrea. And trust me, dude, I learned quite a bit.”

My head swivels slowly to Kyle, who smirks at me with fonts of untapped information just waiting to be poured out. I appraise him, trying to figure out if what he knows is worth giving him something in return.

Fuck yeah, it is.

“You’ll spill it all for just one tiny detail?” I ask to confirm the rules.

“All of it,” he says as he leans closer to me, his eyes wide with anticipation.

I shake my head as I look down at the pavement, a wry grin forming on my face. When I raise my eyes to look back at Kyle, I reach my hand back to my ignition. Just before I start my bike, I tell him, “Man… she tasted sweeter than anything I’ve ever had on my tongue before.”

Kyle’s eyes go round and a Cheshire smile forms. “And just where did you have your tongue?”

“That’s all you get, dude,” I tell him with a hard look. “And when we get to Manteo, I want all the details about her.”

I start my bike and rev the engine a bit just to drown out any more questions from Kyle.

By the time Kyle got done telling me all about Casey Markham while we munched on po’ boys, I had come to a clear and absolute resolution in my mind that I would be wasting my time trying to figure her out and reach that untouchable part of herself she’s been holding back. And Kyle had discovered quite a bit while he and Andrea pounded beers the other night at her house while Wyatt was on duty.

Apparently, Casey Markham is indeed a one-of-a-kind woman as I suspected. From what Kyle could gather, she’s like the male version of… well, pretty much any single man that’s prowling around these days. She truly is the Queen of One-Night Stands, which fine… that rubs me a tiny bit wrong even though I know that’s hypocritical, but after having her once… I don’t like the thought of her “one night-ing” it with anyone else.

The real kicker, though, was when Kyle told me that Andrea was completely shocked that Casey showed any interest in me, because I’m apparently not the type of man she normally hunts. Yes, he said the word “hunts” like Casey is in it for the sport, but I don’t know if that was his word or Andrea’s.

The way Kyle told the story—with a bit of relish, I might add—Casey is only interested in super wealthy men who can give her pretty baubles in exchange for some amazing fucking. While Kyle didn’t come right out and say it, I was getting a clearer picture of a woman who uses rich men.

She must have gone slumming when she decided to give this biker a try, I think wryly.

Do I feel used?

Fuck no. I had an amazing time with Casey and don’t regret fucking her one bit.

Am I looking at Casey in a new light and questioning everything about her that once intrigued me?

Fuck yes. She’s an enigma, and while I thought maybe she had some provocative backstory, which made her different from all other women, it turns out that she’s just a commitment-phobe who eats rich men up and casts them aside.

More power to you, baby, but that’s not the type of game I’m interested in.

And this was probably for the best, as I was leaving to head back to Raleigh in two days to spend time with Zoey. Bri had sent me a text assuring me that they would be back this coming Friday, and when I talked to Zoey last night on the phone, she told me the same.

So I’m going to put Casey out of my mind, and I’m going to enjoy my last few nights here on the coast. Starting right about now as my gaze flicks to the headlights in my rearview mirror of the car that’s traveling behind me, which I happen to know holds a beautiful woman that would be easy enough for me to fuck Casey right out of my memories.

This evening is taking an interesting turn of events. After po’ boys and a few beers, Kyle was lip-locked with Jenny and I was half expecting he’d drag her into the bathroom to fuck her again. He surprised me, however, when he suggested we head back to Nags Head because he wanted to meet up with Andrea at The Last Call for a few beers.

This idea was fine by me. I had no clue if I’d see Casey there or not, but after what Kyle had told me, I wasn’t all that keen to see her again but I could definitely ignore her if need be.

Okay, that was a fat fucking lie too. I wanted to see her again. I wanted to fuck her again. I wanted to ask her why she was the way she was, and after she told me, I’m sure I’d want to fuck her again after that.

However, that scenario is probably not going to happen, because as we were finishing up our last beer, a friend of Jenny’s rolled into the bar. Her name is Mallory, and she’s hot. Just hot enough that I can keep my mind preoccupied with something other than Goldie, and Mallory made no bones about being interested in me. This I knew from the way she sat next to me and rested her hand on my thigh. Or the way she giggled and twirled her hair while sucking on her bottom lip when I talked to her. Or, it could even be the way in which she point blank told me that she wanted to fuck me. Yeah, that made it kind of clear.

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