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Somewhere in Between
  • Текст добавлен: 16 октября 2016, 20:11

Текст книги "Somewhere in Between"

Автор книги: Samatha Harris

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Текущая страница: 10 (всего у книги 17 страниц)

Chapter 14



Alex (Now)

The next morning, I was heading to work when I spotted Drew coming out of his building across the square. He stopped when he saw me, but just shook his head and got in his car. Why was he being such a dick? He was the one who busted into my apartment last night, not the other way around. We both said some pretty hateful things, but now he was going to pretend he didn’t see me? Well, two can play at that game, buddy.

I stomped my way to work with renewed anger. If he thought I was going to be the one to cave and apologize first, he had another think coming. I didn’t do anything wrong. He was the one trying to control me. He was the one in an outrage after seeing me making out with someone.

I saw him kissing countless girls at parties over the years. Not to mention all the times he brought one of the vacuous bimbos to hang out with the group. I never said anything to him. I would never try to undermine his happiness like that. If having a trampy girl on his knee was his idea of fun, he could have at it.

I was so wrapped up in the rant going on in my head that I walked right past my office. I saw the sign for Down the Street and realized my mistake. I headed in to get some coffee, trying to convince myself that I meant to pass my building. Stupid.

I still got to the office before Gwen. I had just set my stuff down when I heard her clomping down the hallway. I knew I was about to get a barrage of insults and not-so-subtle digs about what she witnessed at the bar.

She stopped in the doorway and just shook her head at me with a smug smile. I refused to let her get to me. She settled in her chair, grinning like my humiliation was her own personal victory. Her phone vibrated on her desk. She picked it up and a mischievous smile spread across her face, so wide I thought her head would split in half.

“Drew is so sweet,” she squealed.

My head snapped up. Excuse me? Did she just say Drew? As in, my Drew? I stared at her with wide eyes. Was Drew texting her now? What the holy fuck? Is this his idea of payback? I went out with someone he didn’t like, so he is going out with someone I loathe to hurt me! That bastard! As if things weren’t already bad between us. Now that psychotic plastic floatation device was rubbing it in my face.

I’m sure that after my little display the other night at the bar, Gwen was very aware of how I feel about Drew, as was everyone else, so now her plan was to do everything she could to take him from me. The only issue with her plan was that Drew was never mine to begin with.

I felt the angry tears beginning to well up and I knew I had to get out of there. Gwen glanced up from her phone with a smirk. I rose from my desk and walked as quickly as I could to the bathroom without drawing too much attention.

I made it to the bathroom and slammed my fist into the wall before sliding down to the floor and releasing the sob. This was an ugly cry, with snot and mascara dripping down my face. Tears came so hard, I felt like I would choke on them.

I heard a knock at the door. “Alexandra? Is that you in there?” It was Madeline. Oh great, to make matters worse, my boss caught me in the middle of a sob fest at work.

“Can I come in, dear?” she asked softly. I got to my feet and opened the door. When she walked in, I turned to the sink and grabbed a tissue in an attempt to clean up my face. I looked up into the mirror. Oh God! I blew my nose and attempted to clean the lines of black from under my eyes. Jesus, I looked like Alice Cooper.

Madeline handed me her compact. I took it as the tears started to flow again at her sweet gesture.

“Oh darling, what is it? What happened?” She brushed a piece of my hair behind my ear.

“I had a fight.” I sniffled.

“With who, dear?”


“That charming young man who was with you at the gala?”

I nodded in response, willing the tears to stop. Madeline was being so nice. She could have just told me to suck it up and get back to work, but she was comforting me and seemed so genuinely concerned that the dam burst and it all just came flooding out of my mouth.

“I’m so in love with him, Madeline, but he doesn’t feel that way about me. I went out with someone else to try to get past my feelings for him so we can stay friends. He found out, we fought, and we said some really hor-horrible things last night. I was so insensitive, and he was so ang-gry,” I blurted, bringing the tissue to my face to wipe at the newly fallen tears. I took a breath. “Then I get here and find out that he is going out with Gwen to hurt m-me like I hurt him.” I hiccupped. “She will never be happy until she ruins me, and she will do anything to make it happen. But going after Drew like this is too hateful, even for her.”

“You let me worry about Ms. Stevens, okay?” She dipped her head to meet my eyes, wrapping an arm around me. “Now, about your young man, have you told him how you feel?”

“No, I can’t,” I said in a quiet voice. “I can’t risk losing him. He’s all I have.”

She pulled my head down to her shoulder. I took comfort in the familiar cloud of Chanel that enveloped me. I took a deep breath. She turned me to face her and placed both hands on my cheeks.

“Listen to me, Alexandra.” She held on to my face firmly but gently and looked straight into my eyes. “If I have learned anything from my life, it’s that anything worth doing comes with some risk. Now, the boy I met at the gala cares for you greatly. I’m sure you can fix whatever unkind words were said.” I started to shake my head, but she stopped me.

“Ah, he knows you didn’t mean it and I’m sure he didn’t either,” she continued. “If you love him as much as you say you do, then you need to be honest with him. You cannot tell for sure what is truly in his heart. Only he can tell you that.” She smiled down at me and dropped her hands. “So, take as long as you need to compose yourself and we will get on with our day, shall we?” I nodded. Madeline squeezed my arm and turned to leave.

As she opened the door, I spoke up. “Madeline?” She turned and looked at me. “Thank you.”

She smiled, opened the door, and left me alone. I took a deep breath and washed my face, trying to get the rest of my emotions under control.

After a few minutes of deep breathing, I put myself back together enough to leave the bathroom. I returned to my desk just in time to see Gwen storm out of Madeline’s office.

“Just wait ‘til my father hears about this. You will be ruined! Do you hear me?” she screamed in Madeline’s direction.

Madeline was standing in her doorway, casually leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed against her chest. “I doubt that very much, my dear.” She remained perfectly composed and professional. “Do send Senator Stevens my best.”

She was perfectly calm as Hurricane Bitchface raged back to her desk and snatched up her few personal items, not caring if she knocked over anything in the process.

Once she had her bag full of glitter pens and hot pink Post-it notes, she lifted her chin with a huff. I gaped at her from the doorway. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Madeline fired her.

She stomped toward the door, stopped in front of me, and pointed her sharp, acrylic claw in my face. “You will regret this,” she said, then shouldered past me, knocking me back into the wall.

She clomped her way out the front door. I watched her stomp down the hall as people stuck their heads out of their offices to catch her dramatic exit.

I turned to Madeline, my mouth wide open. She let out a hoot and did a little shimmy. I was floored. What did I just witness? Did she really fire Gwen? When she finished her dance, she pressed a hand to her chest, her breathing heavy. “My God, that felt good!” She wore a breathtaking smile.

“Did you…?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.

She waved her hand dismissively toward the door. “Oh please, darling. I only hired her as a favor to her father. I have been looking for an excuse to get rid of her for such a long time.”

I wanted to hug her. I tried to hold back the tears that threatened to start again. She saw my face begin to crumble and stepped forward, pulling me into a hug.

She pulled away, keeping a strong grip on both of my arms, and looked into my face. “If there is anything I will not tolerate, it’s a bully.” She stared into my eyes until I nodded my understanding. She stood up and straightened her perfectly ironed blouse. “Now, let us discuss the Parker proposal.” She pointed a perfectly manicured finger in my direction. “You’re going to have a lot of extra work on your plate now that Ms. Stevens is no longer with us.”

I couldn’t believe this was happening. Gwen was gone. I was finally rid of her. I hurried around my desk to get to work. Before I took my seat, I looked up at her and narrowed my eyes. “Are you sure about this?”

This all seemed too good to be true, and a small part of me—granted, a very small part of me—felt bad for Gwen.

“Of course, dear! You are vastly more talented then she could ever dream of being. Did you see her last proposal? Velvet leopard print.” She made a stink face and, with that, she turned and headed into her office.

I sat down in my chair. I couldn’t stop smiling. Gwen was gone. Finally, my days of being passed over for the senator’s daughter were over. This was an opportunity of a lifetime. I couldn’t believe it.

I pulled out my phone, immediately starting to text Drew the big news, and then it hit me. I couldn’t text him. My shoulders slumped. I had the biggest news of my career and I couldn’t share it with my best friend. I put the phone back into my purse and got to work. Time to focus on me and my career.


By Saturday afternoon, I still hadn’t heard from Drew. I spent a good part of Friday night and all of Saturday morning staring at my phone, willing it to ring. I took it with me everywhere I went so I wouldn’t miss it if he called, even the shower. I finally put on a Gilmore Girls marathon to pass the time.

I went to the kitchen to make some tea when I heard my phone Ping, ping. I raced to the living room and lunged for my phone on the coffee table, stubbing my toe on the edge of the couch. Oh so gracefully, I limped the rest of the way and picked up my phone.

Peter: Sent you the address. See you tonight.


Damn, our date! I totally spaced. Why do I keep forgetting about him? That was so not a good sign.

I was going to his loft to talk about design ideas. Luckily, I had some samples with me, although I had a feeling Peter wasn’t so interested in looking at fabric. I really wasn’t in the mood to go, but I told him I would and I shouldn’t bail this late.


At seven I headed over to Peter’s place. I went for a casual look with skinny jeans, my black studded ballet flats, and my favorite purple flannel shirt. His apartment was in an old industrial section of town that was being revamped. It was a quiet neighborhood, kind of artsy with cute little galleries nestled comfortably between the Starbucks and cell phone stores.

I checked the address and saw that his building was in a converted old warehouse. The exterior was kept the same. You could still make out the old faded sign from the storage company that once inhabited the building. The front had a set of heavy glass doors with a high tech buzzer panel set into the wall. I hit the button next to his name. A buzzing sound and a click let me know the door was unlocked.

The lobby was in stark contrast to the outside. Every inch was sleek and modern. Aluminum benches lined the gun metal gray walls and gorgeous dark wood floors spanned the length of the hallway to the elevator. The artwork on the walls added a pop of color thanks to the giant canvases filled with vibrant, abstract watercolors. The developer kept the building’s original freight elevator, which was a nod to the building’s history. So far, I loved the building’s aesthetics.

As I reached the end of the hall, the elevator doors parted and Peter was there, waiting. He pulled me into a hug and pressed a lingering kiss on my cheek. “You look beautiful.”

I smiled at him and stepped into the elevator. He took my bag and hit the button for the seventh floor.

The elevator doors opened into a large open space. He had the entire floor. The renovations made the place feel luxurious without taking away from the historic feel of the building. Peter was right. It really was bare. He had the bachelor basics: bed, couch, and giant flat screen TV with, of course, the ridiculous sound system, but that was it.

The developer had done an amazing job with the conversion. I was salivating over the kitchen’s dark cherry cabinets, granite countertops, and stainless steel appliances. There was a spiral staircase near the kitchen that led to a small overhead loft space that he seemed to be using as a home office. One entire wall was lined with huge windows angled in toward the ceiling with breathtaking views of the city.

“So, what do you think?” Peter gestured at the entire room.

My head was spinning with possibilities. “It’s amazing. So much potential.” I turned in a circle to take it all in. “I brought some samples for us to go through so I can get idea of what you like.”

I reached for my bag to get the samples and my laser measuring tape. He took my arm and set my bag down by the couch as he led me toward the kitchen. “We can do that later. Dinner is almost done.”

I glanced back at my bag with a pout but let him pull me toward the kitchen. I sat down at the breakfast bar. He poured me a glass of wine from a fancy decanter and set it down in front of me. “Stir fry sound good?”

“Sure, I’m not picky.” I couldn’t stop looking around, thinking of what I could do with a space like this.

Peter was telling me some story about one of their new writers, but I wasn’t really listening. I was too busy staring at the walls, trying to figure out what paint color would best complement the exposed brick.

He set a plate in front of me and took a seat on the stool next to me. I took a bite. “Wow, this is amazing.”

“You seem surprised,” he said, taking a sip of wine.

“Maybe a little,” I teased. “Where did you learn to cook?”

“My sister is a chef. She taught me a thing or two over the years.”

“Wow. Well, tell her thank you. This is really good.” I stuffed another forkful into my mouth.

Peter chuckled. “I’ll do that.”

When we finished, I took our plates to the sink to clean up. I turned on the water to start rinsing the dishes when I felt his arm snake around my waist. Peter pressed a kiss to the side of my neck, pulling me back against him.

“Leave them. I’ll take care of that later.”

He kissed a trail down to my shoulder. I tilted my head to the side and leaned into him as he pulled my hair to the side for better access to my neck. It had been a long time since a strong man held me.

I closed my eyes, moaning as he nibbled on my ear. He turned me in his arms and pressed my back to the sink as he brushed his lips softly against mine.

I let myself go and gave in, kissing him back. His lips felt good against mine, but there was no spark, no fireworks. It was just nice. It felt like when you get a Christmas card from a neighbor and you think it’s nice that they included you even though you weren’t going to send one to them.

My mind immediately went to Drew. I remembered how his kiss consumed me. The more I thought about Drew, the more turned on I got. My lips parted and I deepened the kiss, running my hands up the side of his neck and into his hair. He groaned as his hands ran down my sides. He gripped my ass, lifting me easily as I wrapped my legs around his waist.

With my eyes closed, all I saw was Drew. I thought about the way his hands felt on my body, how he tasted like honey.

Peter started to walk. I was so caught up that I didn’t realize we were moving until my back hit the bed. I felt the weight of his body pressing me into the mattress. His hands were everywhere and it felt amazing, but to me it wasn’t Peter’s fingers trailing down my chest; it was Drew.

I couldn’t get Drew out of my head. I imagined it was Drew undoing the buttons on my shirt and kissing his way down my chest and stomach, his lips soft against mine as he pulled down the cup of my bra, freeing my breasts.

He lightly pinched and played with my nipple, sending a shot of electricity through my body that settled between my legs. I wanted this so badly.

He kissed and licked a trail across my chin, nibbling down my neck and finally pulling my nipple into his hot mouth. He tugged gently with his teeth, flicking his tongue over the sensitive skin of my breast. I moaned, thrusting my fingers into his hair to keep him there. He slipped his fingers into the waist band of my jeans. Oh, I wanted this. I’ve wanted this for so long.

“I love the way you taste. So sweet,” Peter said as he kissed his way to the other side of my chest. My eyes flew open. Peter’s voice knocked me out of the little fantasy I created. Oh my God! I was fooling around with Peter, pretending he was Drew. That couldn’t be healthy.

I took a deep breath as Peter’s fingers crept lower, seeking the sweet spot between my legs. No way. I couldn’t do this.

“Ah, Peter!” I said breathlessly, pushing on his shoulders. He misinterpreted and began to kiss and lick his way down my stomach.

“No, Peter, stop!” I tried to wiggle out from under him.

“You sure? I was hoping you would be dessert.”

He leaned in and kissed my lips. Eww, that just creeped me out. I wasn’t going to have sex with Peter when all I could think about was Drew. I was fantasizing about another man while he kissed me, while he touched me. I shook my head, put a hand to his chest, and pushed him gently away. It wasn’t fair to Peter. He may have only wanted a hook up, but I couldn’t do it. I felt dirty.

“No, I just can’t.” I started moving away from him. “I’m sorry.”

He sat up at the end of the bed and wiped a hand across his face. He was quiet, but after a moment he laughed softly, humorlessly. He looked angry. “Should’ve figured. You always were just a tease,” he muttered as he stood up.

“Excuse me?” I was convinced I heard him incorrectly. No way did a grown man just call me a tease.

“Nothing.” He headed to the kitchen. “Forget it.” He waved a hand, dismissing me.

“Fuck this.” I stood up and buttoned my shirt. I went to the couch, grabbed my bag, and hit the call button for the elevator.

He stepped in front of me, blocking my exit. “Come on, baby, don’t go. I was kidding.” He reached out and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. “Don’t go.”

He leaned in for a kiss and I reached out and grabbed a handful of his crotch, squeezing as hard as I could. His eyes widened and he doubled over, but I held tight. I leaned down and whispered, “Get out of my way before you have nothing left for me to tease.”

I let him go and he stumbled to the side as the elevator doors opened. I stepped in, stabbing at the button to take me to the lobby.

As the doors closed, he yelled, “You crazy bitch!” I smiled. He had no idea.

By the time I reached the sidewalk, everything that happened hit me like a ton of bricks. Not only did this whole situation suck because Peter turned out to be monster douchebag, but it also meant that Drew had been right about him.

Sure, I always knew Peter was playing a game that, in his mind, ended with me naked, but I could never have predicted that he would be that much of an asshole. I realized that I should have just trusted Drew when he said the guy was shit. I would never have been in that situation if I wasn’t so damn pig headed.

If I was being honest with myself, I wasn’t upset that things didn’t work out with Peter. Don’t get me wrong, I was plenty pissed about what happened, but I was never really interested in being with Peter. There was only one man I wanted, and now there was really only one thing left for me to do. Time to follow Madeline’s advice. I had to talk to Drew.


I had rehearsed everything I was going to say a hundred times in my head by the time I reached his building. I had a plan. I was going to apologize to Drew. I was going to make everything right between us, then tell him how I felt.

His car was parked at the curb, so I knew he was there. I took a deep breath and headed up to his apartment.

While standing in front of his door, my determination turned into complete and utter terror. I closed my eyes, giving myself a little pep talk to steel my nerves, then knocked. After a few moments, there was no answer, so I tried the knob and it turned easily in my hand. I stuck my head in through a crack in the door.

The lights were all out except for the one just above the stove in the kitchen. Maybe he was asleep. I stepped in, closing the door behind me and headed down the hall to his bedroom. I heard what sounded like a sheet rustling. He was definitely in bed, but alone? Oh God! Please let him be alone. My curiosity got the best of me. I quietly stepped to the door and pushed it open.

I caught sight of the bed and the bare back of a woman with bleach blonde hair. She moaned as she rocked and arched her back. I tried to back out of the room before anyone saw me, but the floor board creaked.

The girl turned, and I froze. This had to be a fucking joke. Gwen! I locked eyes with her and she smiled, the bitch fucking smiled, as Drew looked around her. His eyes went wide, and I turned to run, smacking my shoulder hard into the door. So much for exiting with my dignity.

“Alex!” Drew called as I ran for the exit, holding my injured arm and trying desperately to erase that image from my mind.

“Alex, wait!” He sounded frantic, but I couldn’t wait, not after that. He was having sex with Gwen. Fucking Gwen, the bane of my existence, someone whose entire goal in life was to ruin mine, and he was fucking her!

Tears streamed down my face as I ran out of the apartment, not caring if I closed the door behind me. I ran all the way down the stairs and out the front door. I kept running until I reached the square and stopped to catch my breath, which, with all the sobbing, was pretty hard.

He wasn’t coming after me, so I took a seat on a bench and tried to calm myself down. The tears kept coming. I put my head in my hands. How could he? Why her? He could have any one. Women threw themselves at Drew all the time. He could have had anyone else in the entire goddamn city. Why did my Drew have to have sex with Gwen motherfucking Stevens?

After a few minutes, I managed to slow my breathing. I didn’t feel like I was going to suffocate anymore, but my heart was aching. It was such an intense physical pain.

Taking in my surroundings, I realized where I was. I wasn’t really sure how I got there. This was our place, the spot right in the middle of the square between his apartment and mine. The tears came back in full force. I had to get home, away from this place where I was surrounded by him, his laugh, his smile, and that stupid dance. It was all there.

I headed toward my apartment. When I got there, I numbly climbed the stairs and fit my key in the lock. I pushed my way in, slammed the door, and flipped the dead bolt, heading for my bed.

When your best friend breaks your heart, who is left to call to help you pick up the pieces?

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