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  • Текст добавлен: 29 сентября 2016, 02:31

Текст книги "Exposed"

Автор книги: Ivy Stone

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I didn’t realize it at the time, but this day, this second, was the fundamental moment that would change everything. When paths would be crossed for reasons still unknown, when lives became intertwined.

Side stepping and shifting past everyone in my path, I reach Alison and throw my arms around her, squeezing her against me. She can probably feel my heart thundering out of my chest and into hers. She’s a giant pain in my ass, but the love I have for her isn’t like any other. I raised her after our father died on tour while he served our country. Our mother checked out of this world the day she lost her soul mate, and the worst part was I couldn’t blame her. She’d lost the biggest part of herself, a part she’d never get back because her heart died along with our father. A love so strong was hard to hate even with the downward spiral our lives took after his death. My mother left two naïve little girls to fend for themselves. We grew with no one to teach us life skills and had to journey through our childhoods without warmth or love from a mother. At least that’s how life was until Mom met Jeremy. He became our protector, defender. He warded off our mother’s internal enemies, battling against her day in, day out, and guarded us against her verbal assaults. She’d never change, though, not even for the man she believed loved her, and us.

He cared for us until he stopped. He loved us until he didn’t. It’s because of him I’m fueled by hatred. I hate what my stepfather did to us. I hate that I let his betrayal lead me into a world I’ll never escape. But more than that, I hate it twisted me into a place where I can justify taking another human life. I was only fourteen years old when Jeremy broke our hearts as well as our bank account. I’m not a naïve little girl anymore, but I still yearn for strength and independence I lacked back then. Those events didn’t carve me into the woman I am today, but they did change the path my life would take. I never could forget the feeling of betrayal. It stayed with me and turned my teenage world upside down. For a long time, I was confused, what did we do to make him hate us? Why would he leave Ali and me behind? These thoughts spun around in my mind until they turned me into a bitter, angry young woman. Gone was the hurt from the betrayal. Resentment reared its ugly head and quite happily took its place.

My heart thumps heavily in my chest just remembering the hurt he bestowed upon us. Mom was going to OD at any given moment, my little sister was heartbroken and I was just fucking furious. That was until I decided retribution was in order for Jeremy Stiles.

He walked out on us taking every cent we had with him and when I asked him why, he told me it was because of the money. My mother never touched a cent of the payment she received from my father’s death, something I never knew. Jeremy saw an opportunity, a grieving, struggling widow on the verge of becoming an addict with two impressionable daughters who’d do anything to have a father figure in their lives. His departure sent Mom over the edge of no return. It led Ali into her teenage years, lost and confused until she found answers down the same dark road our mother had. What Jeremy had done to each of us made me sick to my stomach. So I joined with the most powerful man who could get me the answers I needed while guaranteeing me protection against retaliation.

I still don’t understand why Giuseppe offered to help two teenagers trying to steal from him. Maybe it was because he’d grown a soft spot for Ali over the years she’d become close friends with his daughter, Adriana. Maybe we had I’m starved I haven’t eaten in twenty-four hours plastered obviously on our foreheads. I didn’t know then, nor did I care. Because as soon as he offered to source my revenge, it was all I saw and heard.

Revenge for my mom.

Revenge for Ali.

Revenge for me.

It took some time, gaining enough information from the right people and putting a plan into action, but Jeremy did get put away. I learned we weren’t the first family he had conned. He was also stealing from his business partners. When the time came and the police arrested him for multiple counts of fraud, embezzlement and apparently money laundering, which I did not know about, he was definitely going to prison for a long time. And now Jeremy Stiles resides behind strong iron walls. He’d never want to steal again, not unless he had the desire to be abused and murdered. He might not be secured in a penitentiary forever, but it’s been nine years so far, and he has a lot more to go before he ever sees the outside of prison walls again.

He helped repair my heart after my father died, only to obliterate it to pieces. My mother then died and took a piece of me with her. But Ali, sweet Ali, she held me together because I couldn’t break. She needed me then and she still needs me now. Ali, despite her drug addiction, her laziness, and all the other bullshit, is still the person I cherish most in this screwed-up world. Why? She’s never lied to me. We haven’t been close for many years. But we’ve never deceived one another or distorted the truth, a promise we made hiding under my bed, away from the prying eyes of our mom’s older, sleazy friend who was shooting his addiction up his arm meters away. For a long time, we only had each other to lean on for support, to hug one another when we needed to be held, to confide in when we needed help. I trust her.

“Thank God, you’re okay.” I squeeze her firmly, my eyes involuntarily closing to embrace the feeling of her in my arms while I ignore the worried voice in my head whispering one day she just might not make it out okay.

“I know, right? Whatever would you do without me? I’m totally fine.” Ali breaks away from our hug, dismissing the seriousness of the situation with a wave.

I roll my eyes, such a typical Ali response. My mind wanders. Where are the other girls? Why is she the only one still here at this time of the morning? Dread fills every crevice of my body. What had Giuseppe and Lucio gotten her into now? I’d spent the last few years trying to steer her away from them, but it was useless. How can I expect her to leave behind people she believes care about her?

Leaning both my hands on her shoulders, I look her dead in the eyes. “This isn’t a time for your jokes. We could have died, Ali. How many times have I told you this dump will be the end of you?”

I’m a hypocrite, every word out of my mouth a contradiction of my actions. Six years later and I still occasionally sip on wine over a meal with the devil. Except now, he’s not the only sinner at the table.

Ali groans. “Linds, come on. Do we have to do this right now? I just want to get out of here. Can we go, please?” She looks deflated and in need of rest. The black rings around her eyes a telltale sign of her lack of sleep. Even makeup can’t do anything to hide the gauntness of her face. I agree with a small nod and count my blessings we’re both okay.

“Damn, Mr. Hottie with a badge and gun over there is checking out your ass, sis.” Ali’s smug voice pulls me from my thoughts and I see her smile.

His presence is overpowering. I could feel him near even before Ali spoke. With his brows creased together, arms crossed over his broad chest and head tilted just a little, Detective Cole’s focus is solely on me when I turn around. The intensity in the room piques, and after staring for a second too long, I spin back around to Ali, ignoring her comment.

I put my hand on her lower back and nudge us toward the exit. “Come on, let’s go.”


Jesus, what a fucking morning. Running my hands through my hair, I close my eyes, willing my body to rid itself of this monstrous headache thumping against my temples. This undercover operation didn’t follow through according to plan. The bust wasn’t supposed to go down today but Roamyn’s cover had been in jeopardy thanks to him running into a dancer at Sweet Tarts, who knew who he was. As far as we knew, she wasn’t working the pole anymore. We were wrong. He’d been under for months as a human and weapons trafficker, building alliances with local gangs, clubs, and pimps. Giuseppe Marino and this brothel was his ultimate target. But Marino was smart. He made sure he was never attached to a drop or exchange. His son on the other hand? Not so fucking smart. But everything was risked when Roamyn bumped into Alison Jenkins and Lucio picked up on them knowing each other straight away. We were just fucking lucky she kept her mouth shut long enough for us to pull her out of there discreetly. Busting in on this morning’s gun shipment was now our only option. It was only a matter of time before the girl opened her mouth, and we had to get to them first. She refused to cooperate with us and we had nothing solid to hold over her head so we had to release her this morning. She was Lucio’s property and by the looks of her face he’d already taken his fists to her in the few hours she’d been back with him. We aren’t going to get the boss this time. But we are getting the next best thing. We’ll take them down one at a time until Giuseppe Marino has no army, no protection and no one by his side.

I glance around and my stomach drops. The casualties were too high. It was bloody and messy. The place was supposed to be empty with only Misery’s Angels and the Marinos inside. The Angels had assisted us in setting this up, not by choice but because it was that or the president’s eighteen-year-old son serves twenty-five years to life in a shitty cell up state. They had no idea Roamyn was an undercover cop though. But now a bigger problem stood opposite me.

War is a part of nature, but too many innocent people end up dead, while criminals like the Marino crime family and the Misery’s Angels Motorcycle Club manage to come away unscathed. Where is the justice in that? As lead detective of the Organized Crime Control Bureau in the Midtown North Precinct in New York City, I’m knee-deep in a bloodthirsty world of the worst kinds of criminals: contract killers, smugglers, traffickers, money launderers, and pimps. This city is a carousel of never ending cruelty. Lock one trafficker behind bars, another will rise up and take his place. The corruption wrecks havoc in my mind, weighing down the parts still holding out faith in humanity. It plays on repeat every night, and every morning I wake to a new day with torment the same as the last.

My self-inflicted headache turns into nausea. My stomach churns, an unwelcome reminder that finishing off my half-empty bottle of Jack last night wasn’t the smartest idea I’ve ever had. If Charlotte were home, I wouldn’t have touched it, but she wasn’t and I needed a reprieve. With the anguish condemning me to a life of misery and sleep deprivation, alcohol has become that friend many have had; the one that’s a bad influence, inspiring excitement, contentment, even if it is for just a fleeting moment before leaving you to suffer the aftermath alone. I swallow deeply at the sight before me. Ruins, a mass of destructive temptation. Fuck, get your head together, man.

Cassidy’s lips are moving. Elias is deep in conversation with her while I stand here with them, pretending to be listening, without actually hearing a single word; my mind too preoccupied with not only the bust, but the brown-haired beauty across the room.

She was lucky. Thankfully, I reached her in time, the bullet missing her by mere centimeters. I can’t shake the shiver of pleasure I felt when holding her so close. She was petite and short, barely reaching my shoulders. Given our height difference, I was surprised at how natural it felt having her in my arms. Her body molded into mine like it was exactly where she was meant to be. She warmed in my embrace, heat filled her cheeks, and I had a hard time letting her go once I had stared into the gunmetal blue eyes attached to her sexy, little body. For a moment, I became lost in the murky sea of curiosity staring back at me. She’s beautiful, beautiful in a way I wouldn’t describe most other women. She oozes class and elegance. And those lips, so plump and pink, I’m growing hard just picturing them around my cock.

Her back is turned, giving a view of her spectacular ass. Damn, it’s been too long since I’ve gotten laid. Watching her fuss over the hot mess beside her has me seething. She’s her sister, fuck. Alison goddamn Jenkins, the young junkie who’s been on our radar for years, thanks to the friends she keeps. We knew about a sister, but we’d never seen her. As I look at Alison, then at Lindsey, I sure as shit don’t see any family resemblance. They couldn’t appear more different if they tried, except for their eyes.

They were blonde and brunette.

Weak and strong.

Ying and Yang.

“Boss, you want me to let those two know they have to come down to the precinct to formally give their statements?” Cassidy, the only female detective in our squad, asks, pulling me from my thoughts. Her head’s angled to the side, arms crossed, interest written all over her face. My distracted haze isn’t going unnoticed.

“All good, Cassidy, I’ll take care of it.”

Stalking toward the women, my pulse quickens and fingers itch, the desire to touch her again returning full force; a desire I haven’t felt for fucking years. For a moment comparable to an eternity, she ignited a feeling so foreign I almost didn’t recognize it for what it was. Hope. Was I that far gone I couldn’t appreciate the good I already had in my life? I shake off the thoughts. Now isn’t the time. I’m at work while she’s here; she’s probably one of them. But if she is, why hadn’t we seen her before and why was I saving her from eating a bullet at the hand of Lucio Marino?

Picking up my pace, I catch up to them out the front of the club, but Roamyn’s already onto them, shaking his blond head, his hands up surrendering while Alison gives him a mouthful of sass. Her eyes flicker my way as I approach and her lips lift into a devious smirk. She may have once been a beautiful girl, but now her eyes are sunken, clouded by darkness. She’s a bag of bones while her sister is toned and healthy. And then there’s the track marks marring her skinny fucking arms, giving away her intimacy with illicit drugs.

Telling the women to come to the station, I can already see the irritation grow in Lindsey.

“Why? We had nothing to do with what happened in there.”

Her defensive tone riles me up further and I discreetly shift my uncomfortably restrained cock.

I interrupt, moving to stand beside my partner, shoulders tall, preparing for further argument from the firecrackers in front of me. I try to look the part, face blank, professional.

“Ladies, while you may not have been intentionally involved in today’s events, you are both now witnesses. Meaning, you need to accompany us down to the precinct so we can get your statements. If all appears to be in order, you’ll then be free to leave.”

Almost immediately, the agitation directed at Roam shifts, radiating my way instead. I meet Lindsey’s glare with the same intensity, and she never falters, not once. She doesn’t cower like most people on the receiving end of my frustration. She stiffens, but remains steady, a powerhouse of determination and strength, which makes my dick throb violently for attention. I like strong. I enjoy feisty. I want more.

The silence passing between us speaks louder than any words can. I’m dealing with the female version of myself.

Lindsey turns away and sighs, her shoulders dropping. Was she giving in so easily? A smirk plays at my lips. Maybe I’d pegged her wrong. But as she clears her throat and faces me once again, her fiery attitude holds strong through the depths of her gaze. I can’t help the smirk from breaking wider across my face. The satisfying feeling I might actually be getting under her skin overtakes what professionalism I have left.

I block out Roamyn and Alison, they’re no longer beside us. In this moment, it’s just her and me. Everything else fades away. I get in her space and a hint of something floral dosed in strawberries hits my nose. Fuck, she smells good.

“Or, Miss Jenkins, I can cuff you and make you come in anyway,” I whisper softly and shove my hands in the pockets of my pants, restraining myself from reaching out to touch her. Her tongue darts out, wetting her lips. All blood in my brain shoots straight to my cock. Her muscles lose tension and her eyes soften. I take it my message was received. Good. If we were in another place or time, maybe for just one night I could revel in the warmth of this beautiful woman and, for a moment, obliterate the nightmares hijacking my life. But we’re not. We’re in a destroyed brothel posing as a strip club on a Monday morning with people all around us and I have a job to do.

Mirroring my action, Lindsey leans in. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you, Detective?” She peers up, radiating confidence as if she’s got one over me. She crosses her arms over her chest, accentuating her tits, which I’m sure is supposed to distract me, but it doesn’t. She’s got a beautiful body—I’d be blind not to notice—but it isn’t her tits pulling me in. It’s the ice cold, gunmetal hues with no concern, no distress over the fact minutes ago a gun was to her chin. I scowl at her. With my head tilted to the side, I hold her stare, too mesmerized by her approach, confused by the sentiment.  Damn, I thought I had her.


“You know, I deal with a lot of men just like you. I’ve never been interested in arrogant assholes before and I sure as hell am not interested now. So either you show us to the precinct so we can give our statements and go home, or I’ll kindly ask your partner here”—Lindsey smiles at Roam—“Detective Tate, is it?”

“Yes, ma’am.” The bastard grins, nodding eagerly.

“Right. I’ll ask Detective Tate if he could show us the way.” She angles her head as she speaks, stirring every raw nerve in my body. Her tone sweet, yet full of sarcasm. She’s good and she knows it.

“Well, that escalated quickly,” Alison quips, breaking the tension building around us. Roam chuckles beside me and I know he’ll be mocking me about Lindsey’s smartass attitude later.

Reaching around to grab her sister’s side, Lindsey envelopes Alison and whispers, “Come on, babe. Let’s get this over with.”



Unexpected hospitality from a stranger is not something one receives every day. Who is he? A knight in shining fucking armor? We keep taking more and more from this world while wearing invisible masks of selfishness. Our greed is the motivation behind our craving for more because we’re never satisfied. All the while, we continue to expect everything for nothing.

Sitting in the back of the squad car does nothing to calm my nerves. My mouth is as dry as a desert, but I hide my unease behind my fake practiced bravado. Instead of taking a cab, we rode with Detective Sexy One and Two. But now I’m regretting the split second decision.

His eyes are on me, burning questions at me, questions I’ll never answer. He’s trying to figure me out. With every crinkle of his brows comes more frustration. He peers in the rearview mirror every few minutes. Can he see through me? Can he see what I hide? Dread licks at my feet and spirals up my system until it chews at my stomach making me more on edge. Maybe he can sense my apprehension. I squint my eyes closed, breathe deeply¸ and slowly reopen as my calm, collected self. Nothing about being around this man seems to equal normality, which I can tell already. My heart has already taken over the driver’s seat while my head takes a nap in the backseat.

Every step I take into the busy precinct causes my heart to pound louder and harder. It shouldn’t bother me so much, and usually it wouldn’t. But today is different. I just don’t know why. The squad car, the police presence, the fact that I’m now sitting in a police precinct facing off with a ‘so good-looking it should be illegal’ cop.

It was such a strange feeling, sitting and waiting with police, watching. I wasn’t in trouble; this isn’t about me. I just have to give my statement and leave. But my heart beats faster, my palms became sweaty, and all because of the insecurities in my head. In the back of my mind, I knew no one could see the truth, but I can’t stop running, I have to get away. I have to hide. He has no clue who I am, but still I wonder. Will today be the day? I’ve never been caught. How can anyone catch a woman who doesn’t exist?

It felt like hours before we arrived at the precinct, when in reality the drive was barely ten minutes. Ten long, tension-filled minutes until Detective Tate led Alison from the car, and into an interrogation room on the far side of the busy precinct filled with officers in uniform, detectives in plain clothing, and random people off the streets. I found myself being questioned by Detective Cole in his office, a place far too private for the thoughts about him circling in my head.

After properly introducing ourselves, Mason, Detective Cole, sits opposite me behind his desk, getting right down to business. Gone is the sexual tension, the lust in his eyes and my desire for just one more touch. I want to rip the words right out of his mouth and shove them down his throat as they curse my ears with knowledge infuriating me enough to light a fire inside me.

My darling sister, when will she learn? She was indeed involved in today’s misfortunes, in more ways than one. My gut twists. I should have tried harder to get away from that family. Out of the lifestyle. Detective Cole’s accusing her of serious crimes, ones I don’t want to believe she could be connected to. I bite the inside of my cheek and the metallic taste of blood coats my tongue.

“I don’t think I’m understanding you correctly, Detective. What exactly are you implying here?” I’m angry. Seeing fucking red. While he stands in front of me throwing accusations around, I’m fantasizing about punching him in his gorgeous face. The cocky bastard thought playing dirty would work. I’m sure he was hoping I’d succumb to his dominant charm, but his ploy reflected in his body language, and I recognized it immediately.

Warmth settles over my hand and squeezes, causing me to look up from the floor. The anger subsides; replacing it is a feeling much worse. Why is he pretending to care? Why calm me with empathetic glances and teasing touches? I don’t need his sympathy, or his pity.

“I know you don’t want to believe this, Lindsey, and at this stage we don’t have enough evidence to slap the charges on her, but as soon as we have everything we need, we will have her on drug possession and prostitution.” Mason grimaces. He isn’t enjoying telling me this anymore than I am having to hear it. “Prostitution is a misdemeanor offense in Alison’s case which is, believe it or not, a good thing. In court, it could go either way. But the drug possession charge, if we can prove intent to sell, we’ll have no choice but to up it to a Class B felony and if she’s convicted on those charges, your sister could be behind bars for years.”

I gasp, bringing my hand to cover my mouth. I can’t hide the arrow piercing my heart with disappointment. How could she let this happen? How did I let this happen? She didn’t have to live this life, but with Adriana Marino by her side, her best friend, how could I stop it? I had words, wisdom, and love to offer her. Giuseppe Marino gave her diamonds, wealth, and a family. All at a price she’d pay for the rest of her life. Oliver and I were lucky, we got out. Giuseppe let us walk the day we decided we didn’t want to work for him anymore. After years of having us trained to shoot, fight, fake it and ultimately kill for him, he knew if he didn’t let us leave, he’d be the next one we killed. We were younger, faster and smarter. Alison didn’t choose to come with us though. I pleaded, I begged, but it didn’t work. And with Ali I knew if I pushed too much, I’d lose her. So I stopped pushing and I kept her close. Just not close enough.

Burying my head in my hands, I lean my elbows on Detective Cole’s desk, hiding the worry pouring out of me from his prying eyes. I stare at the floor as if it holds all the answers to the unspoken questions swirling around in my mind. I’d do anything for Ali, but my sister hasn’t learned from her mistakes. I don’t know where I went wrong. I raised her. I know the woman she’s capable of being is buried underneath what she has become. She used to be sweet, kind, hopeful. I don’t know when it happened, what triggered off the brain cell convincing her she wasn’t worth any more than the line of coke she’d likely just snorted up her nose. I wanted to blame the Marino family. It was their fault, their influence. But it was my selfishness that allowed me to be blinded to her self-destruction. I was too wrapped up in my own distractions. I was doing what I could to provide us with a better life, one I could use to try and get her back with me and out of Giuseppe’s reach. But in turn, I lost my way and my sister gained an addiction.

I’m not her mother. She’s only seven years younger than me, but she’s always felt like my responsibility. It wrecks me I’ll probably never know what happened with her, because if there is one female in this world more stubborn than myself, it’s Ali. The walls surrounding her heart are guarded by the most savage of beasts. It will take more than a few sweet words and true love’s kiss to get that girl out from behind those barricades and opening herself up to someone.

Detective Cole shifts in his seat and I realize I haven’t actually responded. What else is there to say?

“I’m sorry you ended up a part of this today. The charges are probably a lot more serious than Alison realizes, and unfortunately for her, she’s guilty. We both know it. Soon as we see the footage from the club and someone else rolls on her she’s going to go down.”

The need to defend my only sister has me rising in my seat, but the weight of his words, the truth in them anchors me back down. In the back of my mind, I know he’s right. I just refuse to believe it until I hear it from Ali.

“So what do I need to do to help her?” I ask, trying to remain calm.

“Nothing can change evidence. But I’ll speak to the District Attorney and they may cut her a deal if she cooperates with us on the case. Of course, whether Alison accepts it is a whole other story, but I’ll do what I can. But Lindsey, make sure she doesn’t run. Keep her nearby, if she runs, we can’t help her.”

He leans in, invading my personal space. He’s calm, focusing completely on me, compelling me to believe everything he is saying. His words hold sincerity and kindness. I don’t know what either Alison or I did to deserve them. Just the idea that this man holds the key to the cell my baby sister could spend years suffering in, sends my heart rate up to warp speed. Why does he give a damn about her future? Girls like her are a dime a dozen around these parts and he probably deals with them daily. A wall of confusion rises, blocking his attempts at consoling me. His motives for helping us are questions on the tip of my tongue, but I hold back while his body answers my questions for him. His eyes shine. There is no maliciousness behind them. Not a hint of deceit, no telltale signs of a lie. He’s as real as it gets, truth in its purest form.

A decent man is hard to find. Women search high and low, yet some endure a lifetime without finding even one. They’re so rare I probably wouldn’t stop to notice if I physically ran into one. But this guy, underneath his intense cop exterior, might just be one of the good ones. Either that, or he’s the best damn liar I’ve ever encountered.

“I’ll keep her close, Detective. What kind of deal are we talking?” I bend forward, closer to Mason. Bordering on too close to remain professional, but I intended on listening carefully to his answer, curiosity getting the better of me.

“Well depending on how she helps us, less jail time is a big possibility. Maybe even immunity if she agrees to be a material witness in the case. That won’t make the drug charges disappear but it will mean the prostitution charges will likely be dropped.” He pushes back from the chair at his desk, walking by me to the door of his office. That must be my cue to leave.

He glances around uneasily, looking anywhere but into my eyes. My brows knit in confusion at his hot and cold attitude. “I won’t know specific details until I’ve spoken with the DA and your sister, but hopefully we can work on the best possible outcome for Alison. And just to let you know, rehab will be a part of it. It will pretty much be non-negotiable considering her previous drug offenses.”

“Thank you,” I say, sticking out my right hand for him to shake. He’s back to being uncomfortable. Every time I get close, he pulls away. “I know you don’t have to be telling me any of this and I’m well aware that Ali needs rehab. I appreciate your help.”

Lie. I don’t appreciate his help. His help makes me uneasy. It forms a rock of concern I can’t yet crack until I know why he wants to help. 

He nods firmly in response as he shakes my hand and, for a second, I let his kindness restore some positivity in me.


I pace back and forth. How much longer?

Five minutes turns into ten, ten turns into twenty and finally, the pressure alleviates before I burst as Alison emerges from the interrogation room. She’s a blotchy faced, sobbing mess. It obviously didn’t go so well, which does nothing to calm me.

I envelope Ali in my arms, like I’ve done so many other times, and allow her tears to fall freely at the same time, hoping and wishing this girl would learn from her mistakes instead of heading down the same path as our mother. I will never understand how she could turn to drugs after the childhood nightmares we endured. I guess she was too young to retain the memories –the hurt.

Closing my eyes, I squeeze her a little tighter and for a few extra seconds. This world we’re mixed up in will be the reason she falls. I just hope she doesn’t fall so far I’m unable to catch her.

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