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Текст книги "Exposed"

Автор книги: Ivy Stone

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“You’d be human, babe. What about your happiness? Everything you just said was about him, not you. When are you ever going to let go of what happened so you can move forward with your future? I know I said stay away for the greater good. But fuck the job, Linds. Fuck everyone else. For once in your life put yourself first. Allow yourself the happiness you deserve, even if you don’t believe it.” He speaks with such conviction and slowly, as the words echo through my head, I can’t help thinking, hoping, is he right? I cup my elbow in one hand, tapping my lips with the other. Could Mason Cole handle my truths?

I inch back around, facing Olly. “For someone who doesn’t even like the guy, you’ve sure changed your tune.”

“Babe, it’s not that I don’t like him. I don’t know a thing about him. But what I do know is, he makes you smile and when you’ve called, he’s come running. Guys don’t do shit like that for a woman they couldn’t care less about.” He drops his gaze, avoiding eye contact with me when he says his last few words.

“I know, that’s what confuses me.” I sigh, once again voicing something I know I’ve said before.

“We’re out of the game, Olly. No more. We’ve both been thinking about it for months and I think it’s time we put this part of our lives to bed. We have one more job with Rossi, then we’re done for good.”

“Well then, there will be nothing stopping you from working this thing out with Mason then. But hold up. What job with Rossi? Tell me you didn’t agree to whatever shit he spun.” Oliver sighs and scratches the back of his neck. “Linds, we talked about this.” I put my hands up in defense. “I know we did. But believe me when I say, it will be worth it. Please, I need you to trust me on this.”

I plead with my eyes, with everything I have.

He blows out a deep breath. “Okay.”

“Thank you.”

My mind wanders back to Mason. “Mason may turn me in if he ever finds out. But whatever happens, I’ll make sure you don’t go down for any of it.”

Olly pushes out from his seat and walks to my office door. “You’ve always had my back, babe. Just remember I’ve got yours and, if Mason’s the guy you say he is, he’s probably got it too. Give the man a chance, Lindsey. Give yourself the chance to show the world the real Lindsey Jenkins. You might be surprised at how much people like her.”

I slump forward, loosening my posture. “Yeah, maybe.”

Sadness creeps under my skin. I have no clue who the real Lindsey Jenkins is. I haven’t been her since I was just a kid, and I never want to be that girl again.

Grabbing the door handle, Olly steps out to walk away, but not before poking his head back in. “Just remember I’m here for your pleasure should you decide against my advice.”

I roll my eyes and a chuckle resonates in my throat, slipping past my lips. “Way to ruin the moment.”

He shrugs, angling his head to the side. “Just remember what I said.”

The door shuts and silence envelopes me, but it’s no longer comforting. This talk about Mason, work, the stillness allows me too much to think. The moment I’d let my walls down and shown Mason a slice of what was behind them, he seemed to accept me. I was sure he knew there was a lot I wasn’t telling him, yet he continued worshipping me, kissing me, wanting me.

Waking up with him cast a tidal wave of emotion over me, one I’d never felt before. I felt comfortable in my own skin, even with the skin-deep flaws haunting me.



She was everything I didn’t know I wanted.

The metal of my locker cools my forehead as I lean against it, closing my eyes to savor the moment of peace and quiet before the guys bombard me. I stand alone in the locker room, putting away my shit after a long day of dealing with trigger-happy bikers and a family of murderous assholes. Frustration and confusion tears me in two as I hang up my bulletproof vest. I slam the locker shut and my throat closes up. I’m pissed way the fuck off and not just because I’m sick of Misery’s Angels’ bastards. But also because Lindsey snuck out of my apartment last night without so much as a word. It grated on me. Did she not experience the same emotions, sensations I did when I fucked her into oblivion? It felt raw and real, and I refused to believe otherwise because I know what I felt and saw in her lust-filled eyes staring back at me. It was unmistakable. Now I just have to get her to believe it too.

Maybe she got scared, which she probably did. But leaving me high and dry, having to explain to my daughter why our guest left before the sun was up, was not something I’m okay with. I had planned on having breakfast with her and Charlotte, to enjoy some time together since she had lit up at Charlotte’s animated way of talking and found amusement in her company the night before. I also I needed to do some digging into how the hell she knew Baccarelli. There was just never a good time last night to ask her about it, given the day she’d had. But it’s driving me nuts not knowing. The unknown seeped into every crack, the question all consuming, blocking every other thought seeking answers. I don’t want to believe she’s involved with him, but the cop in me is shaking his head at my stupidity. Not one of the surveillance photos depicted the meeting as casual or nice. If anything, it was the opposite. Lindsey had a permanent scowl on her face in each of them. Her arms were crossed, closing herself off. It was obvious she wanted to be anywhere else but there. Baccarelli just looked like he always had, now just an older version.

Cassidy, Roamyn, and Eli hustle into the room and Roamyn strips off his shirt before he’s got the door closed. “So who’s up for a drink tonight to celebrate my birthday?” he asks, hands out, eyes popping wide, giant grin on his face.

Eli places his ankle holster into his locker. “I’m in. I could use a night out,” he pipes up and turns to Cassidy. “You coming?”

Cassidy grimaces, and looks up out of the corner of her eyes, as if toying with the idea in her head. I know what she’s thinking without her saying it.

Elias shoots her a worried look, one of a disappointed parent as he stands up taller, placing his hands low on his hips. “You fighting tonight, Cass?”

And so it begins, world war fucking three. Because Cassidy is Detective Kane by day, Cassidy Undefined, by night.

She slips a coat over her shoulders. “I’m not at this stage, no. But before you start, Elias, remember I can kick your ass.” She pulls a beanie down on her head and mutters, “Now, you guys ready to go or what?”

Roam shrugs but keeps his mouth shut. We’ve both learned it’s better to stay out of the firing line when those two are letting each other have it. When they aren’t arguing, they actually kick major ass as a team.

“All right. Let’s go. Mase, you in?” Roamyn asks, shoving his wallet into his pants after throwing on a fresh shirt.

I pick up my phone, checking the time. “Yeah man, Charlotte’s at a sleepover with a friend from school, so I’ve got the night free.”  I turn to Cassidy remembering what I’d organized earlier today. “Cassidy, your friends get Lindsey’s loft cleaned up okay?”

She stops staring daggers at her cousin to flick around to face me. “Sure did, boss. Soon as everything was tagged, bagged and we got the okay, I had them clear it all out and replace the locks and some furniture.”

I nod, thankful for her female help to replace the girly shit in Lindsey’s place and get it cleared up quickly.

Roamyn smiles wide, opening his arms up in a welcoming way that grabs each of our attention. “Well, let’s get on it then, shall we?”

I shake my head and I can’t help a small grin from breaking out. These guys, drinks, and some music, it’s going to be a long night.


Music pumps through the speakers so loudly it vibrates through my bones as we make our way through the bar to an empty booth. We’re at the Victory again. The crowd is young and wild, different than the usual. No one looks above the age of twenty-five and they’re all swaying around, unfocused and intoxicated. I pull up a chair and Cassidy does the same. Roam is searching the room, probably for a potential bed partner tonight, while Eli is eyeing the bar.

“I’ll shout first round, be back,” he chimes in before heading to the bar across the room.

Roamyn stands, staring in the same direction, I turn my head and realize why. There’s a blonde behind the bar giving him fuck-me eyes. “I’ll go help, Eli,” he trails off.

Cassidy clasps her hands together in front of her, observing the room awkwardly as she sits silently. Normally, it’s hard to shut her up, so for her to be acting like this, she must have something she wants to say.

“What’s up, Cassidy? You’re bursting at the seams there. Spit out whatever it is you want to say.” I lean one arm back onto the arm of the chair, the other resting on the table.

She curves her shoulders forward and her drained expression causes me to worry. “It’s none of my business and I get that, but just putting it out there. Whoever broke into Lindsey Jenkins’ loft was not a Marino. I’d bet my life on it.” There’s strength behind her words. She believes every word leaving her mouth and she’s a good detective, one of the best. It’s why she’s on the bureau. If I’m smart, I’ll believe her, but believing her requires me to accept another threat is after Lindsey and that shit fucks with my head more. I have no clue who the hell the woman really is.

I run a hand through the top of my hair. “I know. I saw the place too. It wasn’t just retaliation.”

“If it was retaliation, she’d be dead.” Cassidy’s blunt tone hits right where it needs to. Her words puncture my heart, the truth in them bleeds from the wound. No more secrets. No more hiding. I want to protect Lindsey, but I can’t keep her alive without her baring it all to me.

Elias returns, putting down drinks in front of us before all but running back to the bar to where Roamyn stands with two women.

Cassidy pulls at the label on her beer. “Elias and I interviewed a few possible suspects today but we’ve got nothing solid. Everyone had alibis that checked out. I dunno, Mase,” She shrugs, uncertainty washing over both of us because I feel it too. “Things seemed off about the whole break in. Her bedroom was destroyed. They were looking for something, or just out to destroy everything she owned. She was attacked. It felt so…” she trails off before speaking barely above a whisper I almost miss it, “personal. Everything I saw felt as though it was done out of spite.”

I take a long pull of my beer, swallowing the liquid, hit with the reality that I know absolutely nothing helpful. “Yeah, I’m looking into it.” And with that the conversation ends, the music gets louder, and we sit back and relax.

Beers are placed down between us and Elias and Roamyn shuffle in beside us continuing their conversation.

“Nah, man. I got something better waiting for me.” Roamyn chuckles before taking a swig of his beer.

Elias’s eyebrows just about hit his hairline as he replies, “Oh, really?”

I pull out my phone and check the time, barely interested in anything right now other than getting to Lindsey. 7:49 p.m. After here, I’m going to see her whether she wants to see me or not, which is why I suggested The Victory for after-work drinks, it’s close to her place.

Cassidy turns in her seat to face Roamyn, concern lacing her features.

“You’re not talking about who I think you’re talking about, are you? Because she is not in a state right now for you to be taking advantage of her, Roamyn.” Cassidy frowns at Roam and Elias and I look at each other, missing whatever the fuck is going on.

Roamyn sighs and his shoulders fall. His eyes cast downwards as he speaks. “Look, I know it’ll never go anywhere with her.”

As I half listen to Roamyn, I stare around the room, getting lost in my own thoughts. People are constantly moving, much like the shit storm brewing in my mind. Bodies grind against each other, drinks spill, laughter booms through the room, until a small blonde’s broken spirit breaks my train of thought as I find her standing right behind our booth. Her eyes fill with unshed tears and her bottom lip quivers. She doesn’t move. Instead, she just stares as her face contorts, her heart breaking with every word she hears Roamyn speak.


“Fuck,” I mutter.

“She’s not the woman for me. She’s just a girl but-”

I kick Roamyn under the table.

“Ouch. Shit, man, what was that for?” Roamyn asks.

“Hey, Alison.” I greet her but she doesn’t notice me. All she sees is Roamyn, and it clicks. Her response to hearing his words, what Cassidy had said before. The woman he was talking about is Alison.

I don’t get a chance to reply and there’s no need. Roamyn turns his head to where I’m still staring, eyes glued in surprise at one upset Alison, who, despite looking like she just had her heart ripped out of her chest, looks healthier and fuller than I’ve ever seen her in the years we’ve crossed paths.

All the blood drains from Roamyn’s face and before he gets out an apology, she’s already storming off.

Elias witnesses what’s happening. “This doesn’t look like it’s gonna end well.”

Roamyn pushes out, rushing over to a shocked Alison who he’s managed to stop from walking away from him. I don’t know what’s said. It’s too loud to even hazard a guess from the movement of their lips, but after a heated conversation, a shake of Alison’s head, she disappears into the mass of bodies dancing near the stage and a defeated Roamyn slumps back into the booth. Skin bunches around his eyes, the hurt in them a pain rarely seen on his face. He clenches his jaw and reaches for his beer. Putting it to his mouth, he skulls the remainder before slamming it down on the table.

I watch him, keeping my mouth closed because right now, I don’t really know what to say to him. He searches the room until his gaze stops and I twist around to see where he’s looking. It’s Alison, now with people surrounding her. She forces a smile and her lips are moving but anyone can see the pain in her features. My brows furrow. She shouldn’t be here, she should be at the clinic. I pull out my phone from my pocket so I can call Lindsey and find out.

Alison is as fragile as glass. She’ll relapse, smashing into pieces if Roamyn ruins her with the kind of power over her I’m thinking he must have.

“Dude, Alison Jenkins? You’re hitting that?” Eli jumps back in, his thumb pointing over to Alison, his animated voice letting us all know he had no clue about these two. Which really, neither did I. All I knew was he’d been visiting her in rehab.

“Shut it, Eli,” Roam bites back.

Elias’ hands fly up, palms out, surrendering. “Okay, okay. No one ever lets me in on the gossip. I didn’t know about this shit. I’m going to get another drink.” He shuffles out and heads to the bar.

Half an hour passes with me trying to get hold of Lindsey and distracting Roam from drowning himself in sorrow after he explained why Alison came here tonight. He was furious she snuck out of rehab but she wanted to wish Roam happy birthday. He hadn’t visited her so she rang the precinct and was told where he was. How the hell she passed the clinic staff and two police officers I don’t know, but I’ll find out soon enough. She’d been reckless. It was dangerous for her to be out and alone without someone looking out for her.

I’m talking and he’s not listening. Alison’s clearly drinking something and he’s watching her. Sighing, I drop my head and blow out an exhausted breath. I’m tired. I still have to talk to Lindsey, and now I’m sitting here worrying over my best friend, and the little sister of the woman I’m falling for. I try Lindsey on her cell again but it goes straight to voicemail. Thankfully, Alison is still in sight and okay. It is Roamyn who’s the ticking time bomb about to explode.

Roamyn pipes up for the first time in ten minutes. He shakes his head in disgust, his face twisting into a grimace. “She’s off her fucking face. I can’t watch this any longer. Where’s Lindsey? We’ve gotta get her home.” He stands abruptly, probably to go get Alison, but I grab his arm and stop him.

“Just wait I’ll try Lindsey’s cell again, okay? She’ll come here and meet me and we’ll take her home. Just give me a second to go outside and call her again. One of us has to keep an eye on Alison, and I can’t do that from out there so stay put because she won’t be impressed if you walk over there acting like she’s yours.”

He frowns but agrees. Stiffening, he widens his stance and folds his arms over one another as he shoots invisible lasers into Alison’s back as she sways back and forth on the dance floor, wedged between another girl and a guy. Her eyes are glassy and sweat’s dripping from her hair. She’s loud, gaining the attention of patrons in the bar.  Unease ripples over my skin; it’s way past time for her to go home.

I scroll through my contacts until I find Lindsey’s number. My thumb hovers over the green call button but I hesitate pressing down on the screen, knowing I’m about to give her news that’ll disappoint her. Alison’s supposed to be stone-cold sober and in her room at the clinic. Instead, she came out tonight by herself without any protection, all because she wanted to wish Roamyn a happy fucking birthday. And now she’s spiraled down into the hole she’s been working so hard to climb out of.

Stepping outside of the bar, I dial and put the phone to my ear. The line picks up and a murmur sounds on the other end.

“Mason, hey, sorry I’ve missed your calls I was just checking out the loft’s makeover. Thanks for fixing my place up so fast. I don’t know how you did it but, thank you.” The softness of her voice blankets me in warmth.

I clear my throat. “Hey, sweetheart, no problem.” I glance around, rubbing the back of my neck. “Look I don’t know if you’re home or not, but I’m a few minutes away at the Vic and Lindsey, Alison’s here and she isn’t in good shape.”

“What?”  Her voice rises and becomes icy and sharp. The concern in her tone has me already regretting the words about to leave my mouth. An upset Lindsey has a way of unleashing the protector in me.

“She’s drunk and by the looks of it, she might be on something else too. Can’t say for sure because all of ten minutes ago, she seemed sober. Upset but still sober. She needs to get home before I have to do my job and bring her in. You get here and I’ll help you get her up to your place. She’s upset, Linds. She needs her sister.”

“I’ll be right there,” she replies, voice taut.


The wolf whistles and obscene comments from drunken men smoking out the front of bars and restaurants on the street cause my legs to move quicker. As I walk, the dog tags beneath my top are cool against my skin. They jingle around inside my shirt, under my coat, as my chest bounces lightly in my hurried journey to The Victory. Why would she do this now? Why ruin all the progress she’s made? I didn’t understand. When I saw her yesterday, she was coping well. She breathed in life again, had hope. Her laugh was genuine, exuding joy in my apprehensive heart.

What had been missing from her for years was slowly resurfacing, and I couldn’t have been happier for her.

Two blonde heads come into sight, and as one turns around, I recognize Ali. The other is rubbing her back as she leans over, hands resting on her knees, hair curtaining her face. Oh, Jesus, she’s sick.

I race over to her. “Ali, are you okay?”

She hurls, emptying her stomach contents all over the sidewalk and I glance away at the sight.

“Lindsey, is that you?” She groans before more evidence of her night splatters everywhere.

I take in the woman rubbing Ali’s back. She looks familiar but I can’t place her. I move my hand on top of hers. “Thank you for taking care of her.” I give her a reassuring nod, showing her my gratitude. She stares back at me with pity in her features.

“Lindsey.” A guttural voice pulls me away and I bite my lip. Shit. I’d been too caught up thinking about Ali I hadn’t stopped to think about how Mason might react to me skipping out on him this morning. My heart pangs with regret. I shouldn’t have left.

“Mase.” I throw my hands around him, enveloping him in a hug, apologizing for my earlier behavior even if he doesn’t realize it. Had he not have called me before, not been at the Vic tonight, God knows what would have happened to Ali. I pull him into me closer, clutching the back of his shirt. He’s come to my rescue, he’s come to my sister’s. He’d organized my destroyed home to be cleaned and redecorated for Christ’s sake. My heart no longer needed proof of his good intentions. My head on the other hand was another story. I lean my cheek on his solid chest and listen to the drum of his heart.

“Thank you,” I whisper. My voice was so soft he probably didn’t hear it. I was thanking him for so much more than just looking out for my sister tonight.

His hands flatten on my waist before he sets me down, letting me go. He flicks his gaze in Roamyn’s direction where he stands beside him. The silent conversation happening between them is louder than any music blaring from inside, any whistle ringing in my ears. Roamyn is angry.

He scratches his nose and sniffs loudly, his hard, cold eyes settle onto Ali who’s bent over. He shoves his hands down to rest on his hips and turns his head away, as if the sight physically pains him to watch.

Cassidy coughs, breaking the tension thickening around us. “Lindsey, I know you don’t know me, but if your sister needs help, don’t hesitate to call.” She passes me a napkin with her number carved into it in ink. “Please pass that on to Ali for me, too. I’m Detective Cassidy Kane. We met a few weeks ago and I spoke to you on the phone.” Her lips tilt up in a small smile but it’s pained, much like the one I give her in return.

“Yes, of course, hi. And thank you, again.”

She grabs the front of Ali’s hair dangling in her face and tucks it behind her ear. Ali’s still curled over, but now she’s eerily quiet for the usual drunken Ali.

Warmth slides against me in the form of two large hands, my back finds a wall of hardness and the nerves itching at my skin settles. Calmness overrides anxiety and my body and heart recognize him, soaking up everything he’s willing to give me because right now, I need it.

I need strength to pick up the burdensome pieces of Alison.

I need strength to not fall apart as I watch her drown.

I need strength to not fill with resentment, for this addiction, for her weakness. For her.

Cassidy’s quiet voice cuts through the air. “Well, I’m going to find Eli and head off. Ali’s got who she needs so I’ll catch you all later.” She eyes me with a tight smile, tone thick with emotion and it must resonate something in each of us. A pang jolts my heart, Roamyn coughs, and I feel constraint around my middle where Mason squeezes me.

A murmur comes from behind me. “Thanks, Cassidy.”

She shakes her head and places the clutch in her other hand up under her arm, securing it between it and her body. “It’s no problem. Bye, guys.” She waves off.

Roamyn mutters, “You’re safe now, Ali. I’m out—”

“No. Roam wait.” Ali cuts him off pulling herself up to standing so she can see him.  She clutches her stomach, face contorting in agony. I frown, something’s not right. This isn’t her. She doesn’t get this sick just from alcohol. Her body is immune to the assault it endures from her lack of care.

Roamyn shoots her an agonizing expression, eyes hard, his body rigid and unmoving. “Can’t do this shit again, Ali. I’m going home, you should too.” He shoves his hands in his pockets and averts his eyes. The history with Roamyn and Ali is laced in their words and intertwined with the pain we’re witnessing pass between them. For the second time, being in the company of these two, I rack my brain for what the hell I’ve missed and how I missed it, but I come up blank.

Her hair flicks from side to side as she shakes her head. She grabs it between her hands and a stitch of pain rips through me seeing her this way. “You don’t understand. I didn’t touch any alcohol. I didn’t take anything.” She steps forward, racing into Roamyn’s body, gripping onto the front of his shirt while her whole body trembles as she holds back the tears glassing her eyes with wetness. “You have to believe me. I wouldn’t, not anymore.” She trails off, her pleading gaze never leaving Roamyn’s. The situation leaves me speechless. My fingers tingle with the need to comfort her but this isn’t my moment and the hands wrapped around my waist, holding me tight are a reminder of that.

He grabs ahold of each of her wrists, pulling her hands off him, but he doesn’t let her go. He holds their hands together between their bodies. His jaw clenches, and he looks to the ground. “That’s the thing, babe. I don’t believe you.” He drops Ali’s hands and he’s gone, the busy streets of the city withdrawing him from sight.

A stunned Ali stands still, feet cemented into the concrete, shock holding her captive. My heart sheds another layer of hope for her, the hurt etched in her features leading me to believe no good will come from the events of the night. Whatever her and Roamyn shared was deeper than I realized.

Mason drapes his heavy black jacket over Ali’s shoulders and wraps an arm around her, supporting her weight as he urges her to walk without voicing any words. No words are necessary; we all witnessed the moment that just passed. On Ali’s free side, I curl an arm around her and we head home together.


Lindsey flicks on the light switch just inside the door, illuminating the darkness of the loft.

I haul in a sleeping Ali in my arms. “You want her in the spare room?” I ask, already heading down the hall with her.

“Yeah, thanks,” Lindsey calls out. Taking in the place, I notice what a decent effort Cassidy’s interior designer friend did having this place cleaned up and ready for Lindsey to come home to. I recognize a few pieces of furniture, some still intact after the break in, but a lot of it is new. A long rectangular mirror on the wall in the hall replaces the one that used to hang there. New curtains drape over the large windows and new cushions are scattered over Lindsey’s bed as I pass her room. You’d never guess twenty-four hours ago there were clothes strewn everywhere, drawers pulled open and emptied, smashed glasses all over the kitchen floor and books torn, page after page. The place had been well and truly trashed. I walk through the open door to the empty room and bend down with Alison in my arms. I grab a hold of the covers and yank them back. Slowly, I lower her to the bed, hoping not to wake her. My effort for doing so is pointless because as she rolls over, she stirs, murmuring and opening her eyes slightly.

“Detective Cole?” she mutters only now realizing it’s me taking care of her. Fucking Roamyn. Anger boils in my palms, shooting up my arms, urging me to punch some sense into the bastard after his attitude toward Alison earlier. He fucked up. She fucked up. But that wasn’t the time for him to turn his back on her. I didn’t know their history, not really sure how I missed it, but history or not, he needed a reminder on how not to be an asshole.

I pull a piece of hair stuck to Alison’s mouth away from her face. She reeks of vomit enough without her hair stinking of it too. “Shh. Just sleep it off, okay? Don’t talk.”

She sits up on her elbows and her mouth widens as she yawns. She does the exact opposite to what I say and I roll my eyes at the lack of surprise. I should have known she wouldn’t listen. The first time I met Alison Jenkins she was sixteen years old and running her mouth at Roamyn in our precinct, and at twenty-two, it didn’t seem like much had changed.

“I didn’t take any drugs, I swear it. I didn’t drink any alcohol,” she repeats what she told Roamyn earlier, her eyes plead with me to believe her. They’re no longer glassy. They’re clear, just like her tone of voice. My mind ticks over, contemplating she might actually be telling the truth. I sit down on the edge of the bed preparing to hear her out. She continues, “I think my drink was spiked.”

I sigh an exasperated breath, this night becoming longer and more than I expected. “We’ll talk in the morning, for now just rest. Get some sleep ‘cause you’re gonna have one hell of a hangover to conquer tomorrow.” I cover her with the comforter and just as the door nearly shuts completely, Alison pipes up with something I’m not expecting to hear.

“Detective Cole, Lindsey may not realize it yet, but she needs you in her life. She’s talked about you, and tonight, you showed me the man she tried to tell me you are. You get to her like no one else ever has, not that I’ve seen anyway. I promise you, once you’ve got her, you’ll never lose her. Once you’re in her heart, you’re there for good.”

Her mouth speaks the words but her eyes are what convince me she’s telling the truth.

“Sure hope you’re right on that one, kid,” I reply, thinking about Lindsey. It’s getting late and we still have to talk shit out. I need to get back out to her.

“I may be young, and Lord knows I’ve done some monumentally stupid shit, but I know my sister, I’ve always seen the real Lindsey. If you want that too, just don’t give up. She’s stubborn, opinionated, and fiery as hell. But she’s worth every second you’ll hate waiting for her to give in.”

I let her words sink in. She rolls over and light snores erupt from her almost immediately. The way she spoke about Lindsey sends my mind and my heart into the pursuit of happiness.

Sounds from Lindsey’s room send me in that direction as I leave Alison to sleep off the night. Slipping off my shoes at her door, my feet squish into the cream carpet of her bedroom. The smell of her perfume wafts through the air leading me to her bathroom where steam fogs the mirror from the heat pouring out of her shower. My dick stirs taking in the outline of Lindsey’s naked body behind the glass door. My hand shoots south automatically and I squeeze my cock through my pants. Fuck, I’m more than ready to get in and join her. I shove my jacket down and pull my grey tee off over my head. Reaching behind me, I grab the gun out of my waistband and set it on the vanity. Shoving my pants down, I free the hardness waiting for some attention. We’ll talk, we’ll fuck, and the night will end how it damn well should have started.

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