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  • Текст добавлен: 29 сентября 2016, 02:31

Текст книги "Exposed"

Автор книги: Ivy Stone

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Текущая страница: 16 (всего у книги 16 страниц)



Chaos. Anarchy. Hostility. When will it all end?

How many kings will fall before they realize only one can rule? One falls, another one rises. Lucio Marino will now take his place upon his throne built on the sins of his father and his father’s before him. But the boy won’t know what hits him. He should run, and run far.

Lorenzo Baccarelli is back from the dead. Misery’s Angels want Marino turf. It’s thanks to them we found the location of the warehouse where the girls were held. And now, Lucio has a threat worse than the rest, a family seeking vengeance. Our family.

It will be bloody.

It will be dirty.

It will be one hell of a war.


It’s the little things in life we take for granted, like the smooth ride into dreamland when sliding into freshly washed sheets with clean-shaven legs. Good hair days that require little to no effort, or the simplistic feeling of contentment. All small delights I yearned for once I thought I may never have them again. Slipping my top over my head, I breathe in the material smelling of my floral washing powder. Now clean and refreshed after being released from the hospital, I want to hibernate in my loft within the comfort of my bed, or confined in Mason’s arms.

I push my damp hair away from my face and take in the view by my window while my skin catches the heat of the afternoon sun. Warmth fills me and murmurs of familiar voices echo down the hall. Roamyn, Alison, Cassidy, Oliver, and Mason are sitting in my living room appreciating the bittersweet end to the day. Life still courses through our veins. We’re safe and alive, but it came at a price. Lucio shot Elias in the spine and his legs gave way, the blow rendering him partially paralyzed. A shudder ripples over my skin as I picture him lying in the hospital bed I saw him in earlier.

A hand comes to rest on my lower back and I turn into the man I’ve grown to love, who despite everything I held back, grew to care for me in a way no one else ever had. We haven’t spoken about us. There’s been no appropriate time and in the grand scheme of things, our relationship status is not of highest priority given the events of the day. But now we’re alone in my bedroom and away from danger, unfortunately my heart has yet to escape to the safety zone.

Heaviness weighs down my tired limbs and I fall into Mason’s embrace.

“Hi,” I mumble into his chest.

“Hi. That’s all you got for me?” His voice is teasing and sweet, music to my ears as I lift my head up so I can look at him. God, I’ve missed him.

“I don’t know what you want from me, Mason.”

His hands slide around the base of my neck, one up each side so his thumbs have access to caress my cheeks. I tilt my head to the side, basking in the feel of his hands on me.

“These past few months I’ve been trying to move forward with my life, for my sake and for Charlotte’s. But I can’t seem to go one day without you springing back up in my mind and sending me straight back to the past. I have to let go of what happened or I’ll never be able to move on, Lindsey.”

Every second, every word my hope disintegrates, but instead of blocking the waves of heartbreak with a wall of deception, I let it crash and wash away the pieces of my heart.

I pull back from him and wipe away the tear about to fall down my cheek. I stare him right in the eyes so he can see my desolation, feel my pain. I can no longer mask it, and never again will I hide. I’m done keeping secrets. I’m done lying my way through life and I want him to see that. So here it is. The truth trickles down my cheeks. It roars from my eyes and it slips past my lips.

“I understand that. Moving forward is the best thing for all of us.”

“It is. I’m ready to let go. I’m letting go of what happened between us, the accident in the park, all of it. Because Charlotte and I talked. We decided we aren’t moving forward without you. So right here, right now, we put everything behind us and move forward together. No bullshit from here on in. We’re gonna sit and let our demons out, sweetheart, because I don’t plan on letting any of them come between us again.”

My eyes widen and I shake my head. “Why? How can you both forgive me after everything I’ve done?”

He stands, gaze unfocused, and a slight smile on his handsome face. “You know, every now and again, when Roamyn would be trying to hook me up with some random woman, or I’d visit my parents and see the way they looked at one another, I’d wonder why I hadn’t met someone I could see myself falling in love with. And now I know why. Not one of the women in my past was anything like you, Lindsey. You’re one of a kind and when I met you, I realized why it never worked with anyone else.”

A smirk tugs at my lips and my heart soars. “You can be incredibly sweet sometimes, Detective Cole.”

He lets out a chuckle while pulling me into a hug. He mumbles in my ear, “Just say you’re in this with me, woman. I’ve been without you for too damn long to waste any more time.”

I wriggle back so I can look at him. “Did I actually have a choice in the matter?”

He peers down at me, face harder, eyes serious. “We doing this?”

Without an ounce of doubt in my voice, I reply, “We’re doing it, baby.”

We talked for hours and let it all out. We sought comfort in each other while we shared our childhoods, our teenage years, our recent ones, and the years yet to come. No nightmare, no scar, no secret, no story was left untouched.

I always thought I was a strong woman, until Mason threw himself into my life. I was always bold enough to use my voice, but never brave enough to listen to my heart. But now finally, I’m strong enough to live a life I’ll spend every day trying to deserve. Because love is selfless, it’s complete acceptance, and when I fell into the heart of Mason Cole, there was no way to climb out.

We enchained our pasts, our present and our futures together, so no matter where life takes us, we’ll be heading there together.

One path.

One family.

One love.



Three months later.

I had no regrets, just lessons learned. Had I not walked the path I had, I would never have found this avenue to my future.

A small warm tongue licks at my feet as I fix up my lipstick in the mirror. Little claws clamber against the back of my legs and I reach down behind me, picking up the yellow Labrador puppy. The signature scent of puppy breath blows in my face as his heavy panting from excitement welcomes me. I squint my eyes shut and giggle as his tongue licks my nose.

I pat his head. “Oh, yes, I love you, too. Come on. Time to go see the birthday girl.”

I smile, my insides giddy with excitement for Charlotte to receive the not so tiny ball of cuteness she’d been nagging for as her birthday present. I’d picked the eight-week-old pup up a few hours ago and already he’s knocked over a vase with his weapon of a tail, his shedding hair is creating a new coating of carpet in mine and Mason’s bedroom, and he’s become quite friendly with one of my Louboutin heels. It’s a good thing he’s so damn cute.

Creeping out into the kitchen to the guys and Cassidy, I avoid Charlotte who’s in the living room with her grandparents and best friend.

“Aww, he is just the cutest little dude ever.” Cassidy coos over the dog, letting him lick her face.

“I wish you’d touch me like that, Cass,” taunts Trey, Cassidy’s new squad partner.

We both roll our eyes at his usual inappropriate commentary. We’ve come to realize, over the past few months, it’s just him. His cute smile lives permanently on his face and nothing out of his mouth is ever serious. His attention to detail on the job is how he became the newest member of the Organized Crime Control Bureau. Mason sees something in him all of us are yet to witness, but he’s caring, fun, and fits into our family perfectly.

After Elias was shot, he was pulled off duty until he fully recovers. Guilt eats away at me every second Saturday when I watch him bust his determined ass in physiotherapy.

“Trey, if you don’t shut that mouth of yours, I’m going to shove my fist in it,” Cassidy says, as she fake-smiles at Trey, who’s staring at her with sparkling eyes. The badass blonde standing between us either has no idea how he really feels about her or she’s feigning ignorance like a boss. Either way, their banter makes for some killer entertainment.

“You think she’ll like him?” I ask no one in particular.

“Nah. She’s gonna love him. You did well, sweetheart,” Mason replies and butterflies flutter in my stomach at the sound of his gravelly voice.  My eyes catch his and it’s like jumping into the ocean at high tide right after a hurricane, so deep blue, so dark and overpowering I can’t help but momentarily lose myself to him.

“Thanks,” I reply, my tone soft.

“All right, lovebirds, enough with the eyes. It’s making me uncomfortable,” Olly chimes in as he pulls a beer from the fridge and heads back over to where he was standing by the window with Ali, who’s got her head cast down and shoulders curling over.

I let out a sigh as a weight falls heavily on my chest.  Ever since I moved out of the loft, I’ve felt so detached from Ali. Sometimes I allow myself to believe her anguish is the same as mine, the memories and the questions surrounding the day Lucio took us, Giuseppe tried to kill us, and Enzo and Adriana saved us, but it’s not about that. My head knew it and my heart believed it, but I had no clue how to let her see what I see. A strong young woman who may be battered and bruised with loss and regret, but has battled through the worst and came out stronger and wiser, and more beautiful than ever. She is glowing on the outside.

A hand squeezes my shoulder and Mason pulls me in for a hug. He pulls back after a moment and takes the puppy into his arms. The sight of him cuddling the cute little lab blankets my heart with love.

A laugh booms through the kitchen and I turn my head to see Cassidy with her head thrown back in laughter over something Trey’s said or done. He’s standing beside her leaning on the wall with his face upturned.

The doorbell sounds through the apartment and I move to answer it. “I’ll get it.” My brows knit together and I look to my wrist to check the time on my watch. It will be Roamyn at the door and he’s half an hour late. I pull open the door and my heart hurts. Not for me, but for what Ali will see in about thirty seconds.

“Hi. Roamyn, a little birthday girl has been waiting for you, and I see you’ve brought a date.” My eyebrows raise possibly to my forehead as I take in the tall, slim brunette standing with her arm tucked into Roamyn’s waist.

She puts her hand out for me to shake, “Hi. I’m Sarah. You must be Lindsey. It’s lovely to meet you.”

I force a smile and return the handshake. “You too. Come in.”

She’s beautiful, all long legs, perfectly straightened hair and, just to crack into Ali’s fragile heart further, she actually seems nice.


Thank God for the Labrador, who now has the name Rocky. He runs around the living room chasing Cassidy and Charlotte, tongue hanging out, ears flopping with every pounce as he bolts under chairs and between legs. Charlotte and Cassidy’s giggles fill the air with exactly what we need—distraction. After an awkward silence descended on the room at Roamyn’s entrance with Sarah on his arm, the tension in the room became thick. No one knows the full story of what happened in the past with Ali and Roamyn, but within these walls on this Saturday afternoon, it became obvious their past was still very much present.

“Bye, Mary.”

“Bye, my girl.”

I embrace Mason’s mother in a quick hug and kiss her on the cheek. Warmth spreads through my veins at the love I’m shown by this woman and her husband, who I’ve only met twice. I pull back and smile, encompassing their kindness as they set off for their journey home.

Mason and his father join in a manly hug with a quick pat on the back before saying goodbye. “Drive safe, guys.”

Mason grabs me around the waist and pushes me up against the door as he closes it. His hips entrap me, his scent lures me in and desire ignites heat in my core as his cock hardens underneath his jeans, rubbing against me in just the right way. The flaming heat spreads. It’s uncontrollable. My hands have a mind of their own as they wander up to his defined chest. Every bump, every hard muscle beneath my touch has me quivering with anticipation. Will I ever get enough of this man?

Mason bends down rubbing his stubbly jaw along my cheek. My lips part and the flame burns bright. Fingers curling into his tee, my nails then dig into his chest. His hot breath blows against my ear and his lips tease me with a whispery kiss. “You look so fucking beautiful, Lindsey. Never wanted you more than I do right now. You’ve given my daughter an amazing birthday. Every day you love her as if she was your own. You breathe new life into this family. You breathe new life into me, and I’m so damn grateful. It hasn’t been easy, doubt it ever will be. But we’ve got this, sweetheart. We’ve fucking got this.”

I look into the eyes of the man who’s given me so much without even realizing it and nod. We have got this.

“Thank you.” My tone’s soft and Mason angles his head to the side, brows drawn in.

“What for?”

Laughter sings through the air. Olly and Cassidy’s voices shine through and my heart fills with warmth as I smile wide. “For this. You’ve given me you, and Charlotte. But you’ve also given me something I thought I’d never have again. You’ve given me a real family.”

Mason sighs as a sad smile crosses his face. “Come here.”

His lips connect with the top of my head as I rest my cheek against him.

“Rocky, no!” Charlotte’s high-pitched voice amplifies through the walls of our Greenwich Village apartment, followed by the shattering of glass. I pull back from Mason and we both look at one another.

“I guess that’s our cue to get back in there.”

He chuckles. “Yeah, come on. Before the dog wreaks havoc through every damn room of the house.”

The liquid pooling on the kitchen floor and Cassidy cleaning up broken glass catches my attention, but only for a brief moment before Ali trudges back into the room wiping her mouth and holding her stomach.

I walk over to her and steady my hands on her shoulders. “Hey are you okay? I didn’t realize you were still sick.”

The chatter of voices stop but I stay focused on Ali, my face contorting with worry because it’s been weeks now she’s been sick. She glances anywhere but at me before her gaze fixates behind me. I twist my head around to find Roamyn staring at her, standing with his arms crossed and brows wrinkled, posture stiff.

Unease sinks to the bottom of my stomach and I move to get in Ali’s line of sight. “Ali, what’s going on?” I ask, my voice low.

She flicks her eyes back to me and coughs as she stands tall. “I’m not sick. I’m pregnant.”

My mouth falls open and my eyes bulge. Someone murmurs, “shit,” and a squeal comes from Cassidy’s direction. A flush of adrenaline tingles through my body and my heart flutters as a small smile breaks free. We’re having a baby. I’m going to be an aunt.

My pulse quickens with excitement.

“Seriously? You’re pregnant?”

Ali’s face brightens when she sees my excitement. She glances down and places her hands protectively over her flat stomach before returning her eyes to me.

She smiles with contentment. Her eyes gleam with hope, and a light I’ve never seen from her before shines through. “Yep, I’m going to be a mother.”

I take in the emotion filling the room. I breathe in the love passing between Mason and Charlotte, the passion between Cassidy and Trey as I overhear them discussing their work. The friendship strong as ever between Oliver and me as he gives me a look he knows I can read, and I breathe in the suffering transpiring between Roamyn and Ali in this moment. All of it, the good and the bad, my heart still soars with eternal appreciation because sometimes we meet people and we just know in some way they belong in our life. That’s how I feel right here, right now with each and every one of these guys. Apart, we’re people searching for something. Some might say we’re all a little lost. But together, we’re strong; we’re family. We will fight for what we believe in and we will have retribution, because our story is just beginning.

Revenge surges through our veins and determination lives in our souls.

And love binds us together in a bond that cannot be broken.


“Mother. Lover. Dreamer.”

Ivy Stone is an Australian author. She is a self-confessed lover of alpha males and happily ever afters. Getting lost in a fictional world is how she discovered her passion for writing. When she isn’t daydreaming up new romantic stories she’s likely to be found spending time with her family.

Ivy writes sexy romance and is the author of the Unguarded series. She also loves to hear from her readers.




Ivy’s Squad





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Unguarded TWO


Unguarded THREE


Unguarded FOUR



Thank you for being patient with me.

Thank you for being everything I need when I need it.

Thank you for being the most incredible husband and father.

Your love is unconditional and beautiful. I’ll treasure it forever.

In every man I write about, there is a piece of you.

Thank you for giving me my very own happily ever after.

You will forever be my always.

Summer & Nash

Thank you for letting Mummy hide away at times to write. You two are my world. Mumma loves you so much.


There are no words. None. I’m tearing up writing this because I have no idea how to thank you in words that will do your amazingness justice. I wouldn’t be where I am today without you. It’s because of your wisdom, love, support and years of guidance that I’m living my dreams and a life I am proud of. I owe everything to you, so thank you. Thank you for being the mother every child should have. I am so blessed.

Kyla, Court & Dan

My family and my biggest supporters, thank you. Having the people you hold dearest believe in you is the most inspiring feeling.


I don’t think any simple thank you can adequately describe how appreciative of you I really am. You are my rock and my best friend in this crazy book world. Thank you for being you. This journey wouldn’t have been the same without you. Love you long time, babe.

My squad girls

You ladies rock. You support me all the way and for that I am so thankful. You guys believe in me, and that’s something special. I love sharing my life with you all.

Evie, Melissa & Carly

Thank you for your honesty, kind words and support. Thank you for beta reading Exposed and loving Mason and Lindsey as much as I do.


Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU. You are an amazing editor. You pushed me to make Exposed the best it possibly could be and for that I am eternally grateful. Exposed wouldn’t be what it is without your guidance and support.


You are crazy talented, lady. Thank you for all you have done for me. It’s because of you this series have gorgeous covers I am so proud of.

And a huge thank you to…

The amazing readers, bloggers and fellow authors who have helped share Exposed with the world. I am forever thankful for your support. Your encouragement puts a smile on my face every day.

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