Текст книги "Blue"
Автор книги: H. J. Bellus
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Chapter 12
The ceiling lights whirl around in my vision as my back slams into the mat.
“Williams, that’s going to hurt like a bitch when you do that on the track in front of a home crowd.”
It’s the fifth time I’ve landed on my ass during a rolling back handspring. It’s very typical for me to do six of them and stick it every single time, and I know it’s something very popular at football games, but it’s been nine days and no sight of Tuck. Not even at night during my runs.
I finally broke down and told Sophie everything and made her promise not to judge or mother hen my ass. She told me my pussy was probably poisonous and killed the guy off. Noah finally gave up the details last night when he came over to the dorms with Lane.
Tuck’s ass had been handed to him by his running back coach for the scuffle in the gym, and he was put on suspension with the threat of not starting the first game of the season. I guess he was given a hefty list of things he had to complete before he’d be eligible, and even then it was going to be iffy. Noah went on, explaining the soccer player, AKA Captain Asshat, was kicked off his team. It was a third strike kind of thing, so basically I ruined two men’s careers by stepping in the gym that day. But it seems my ugly, selfish tendencies have taken over once again, because I just want Tuck back.
Noah refused to give me Tuck’s number even after I threw a fit and offered him money. I know deep down it’s because of Tuck’s privacy issues, but in Noah’s defense, he probably wants his star player focusing on the game and not me. Noah didn’t miss his chance to mercilessly tease me over the last nine days every single time he saw me. He calls my name out in a very steamy voice similar to the way I called Tuck’s out.
“Again, Blue.” Coach Lindsey stretches a hand out to me, and I spring up again.
After three more attempts, I land a continuing seven back handsprings down the royal blue mats of the gym, and then do it five more times to keep the actions memorized in my muscles.
“Huddle up.” Coach stands on her stack of red mats in her ready position. “Football and volleyball seasons are coming up. Home and away games will all have cheerleaders. We will also be visible at soccer games, so this is one of the last practices we will all be together.” She pulls a stack of papers from behind her back. “Here are the schedules. If you can’t attend or become ill, you report to your team captain, and then they’ll report to an assistant or myself. No excuses.”
I stand back and let the swarm of girls grab theirs and run off to shower. Most of them have places to be and things to do, but I, on the other hand…nada. When the crowd clears and it’s just Coach, I step up and take mine.
“What’s bothering you?”
“Is it that obvious, Coach?”
“Written all over you.”
I shrug. “I guess I’m just stressed. Promise to have my head screwed on straight from here on out.”
“I have no worries.”
She walks away, and I admire how cut and dry she is as a coach. No bullshit or gray areas with that lady, just straight business, and boy, how I wish I could’ve kept my college life that way.
“Blue, want to go to dinner?”
Sophie has her bag slung over her shoulder and is running out of the gym. She’s made an effort to be around a bit more the last nine days, and I’ve really appreciated it.
“Sure, but I’m going stinky.”
“Me, too. Lane loves my smell.”
“God, you two are disgusting.”
“You know you love us.” Sophie’s tan arm pulls me into her as we walk outside into the sunshine.
Lane’s truck is easy to spot as he waits for Sophie in the first parking spot. It does stick out among all the small cars.
“There’s my girls.” He jumps from the driver’s side of the truck, letting his phone drop to the seat. He opens the door for us, and I let Sophie slide to middle and then get in after her. Before he shuts the door, Lane gives my thigh a light squeeze and sends me a comforting wink, and I know Sophie told him everything.
When he rounds the front of the truck, I elbow her in the ribs.
“Sorry, I thought he might have more info on Tuck.”
“And?” I ask, slapping her leg.
“He wouldn’t budge. I even swallowed.”
“Sophie,” I scream and give her another elbow.
As Lane hops up in the driver’s seat, he asks, “What has she done now?”
“Nothing. Absolutely nothing,” I say, leaving no room for further inquiry.
I listen as Lane goes on about football practice and how hard the coaches have been on them, while I pretend to be more interested in my phone than listening to him. I’m on high alert for any Tuck info, or even the mention of number thirty-two, but nothing. All I get is the information I already know. The first game of the season is an away game, and I will not be cheering, even though I’ll be at every other fucking football game. Coach Lindsey is letting all the seniors go. I guess it’s tradition or some shit like that.
So, in five days when Tuck gets on a plane and flies east to play his first game of his junior year, I’ll be at an all-day volleyball match cheering and passing around a damn coffee can for money for our national cheer competition this spring. Oh, the life.
We pull up to the greasy burger joint where I ate the first day on campus, and the whole cab of the truck hears my stomach growl with delight.
“What can I say?” I shrug as I get out and try to contain my giddiness over a greasy bacon cheeseburger. “I’m going to even splurge on cheesy fries, bitches.”
“You’ll run it off, Blue.” Sophie grabs my hand and we portray a very odd happy threesome as we walk in.
“You’re still running at night?” Lane cranes his neck to look at me, his eyes wide with shock.
“Yeah, why?”
“Blue, you shouldn’t be out after dark with all the fucking crimes that’ve been going down.”
“None on campus, so no worries.”
“Yeah, but Tuck hasn’t been with you.”
His last words cause my eyebrows to shoot straight up. “Excuse me?”
Our conversation is broken up as we enter the crammed diner with clattering noises surrounding us. I want to push him for information, and need to know how he knows that Tuck used to run with me, but I don’t. Instead I head to the counter and order, not giving Lane the chance to buy my food, which he always tries to do.
“I’ll find a table.”
I turn to scope out a place for the three of us and leave the lovebirds at the counter to order. I roam the corner where the football players usually are and find their long table vacant, then settle for a cozy booth on the opposite side of the diner. I sip on my cold water as I wait for the rest of my party. Lane and Sophie climb in the booth and tangle their bodies together.
“I’m so bummed I won’t see your first game, Lane.”
“It will probably be for the best.” He slumps over as her elbow connects straight to his ribs. “Less distraction is what I meant. Ohio is going to be one of the toughest opponents of the year. This game will be setting the pace for the whole season.”
“Nice cover up, lover boy.” I roll my eyes in his direction.
Sophie perks up and perches her elbows on the table. “So, Blue, tonight is the last official party before football season.”
I try to keep up with her conversation between her eye rolls and finger quotes, but find the surrounding noise distracting.
“Sure.” I shrug as a waitress sets my food in front of me. The melted cheese on the golden fries dances with delight before me, and I can’t help but plop one of the delicious bitches in my mouth.
“Are you serious?”
“Why not?” I answer around a mouthful of cheese.
“Well, fuck me running, I thought I was going to have to drag you.”
“Nope, I need a distraction from…”
My words are cut off by a loud ruckus, and I see a large crowd of players enter the diner. Lane props himself up, giving some of them high fives and slaps on the ass as they walk by. I turn my head just in time to see Noah and Tuck walk in. In typical fashion, Tuck’s eyes dart away from me quickly and he heads for the back table while Noah offers up a feeble smile, but that’s it.
“I guess your pussy didn’t kill him,” Sophie whispers.
Those motherfuckers.
Noah orders and heads straight back to the corner, not making any effort at all to acknowledge me.
“Blue, you might want to shut your mouth and wipe the cheese sauce from the corner of your lips.”
Sophie is right. I place my hand under my jaw to keep my mouth firmly locked shut, and then use the back of my other hand to smear off the cheese sauce and then dart my tongue out to finish the job.
“Wow, that was all sorts of manners,” Sophie adds.
I keep my mouth closed, mostly to keep all the words ready to spew from me hidden away.
“Take it easy, Blue.” Lane ruffles his hair. “Tuck got in deep shit for beating that guy up, and when we are days away from a big game, we stick together with no distractions.”
And my seal breaks.
“Distractions?” I draw the word out, putting emphasis on each syllable, and point between the two of them.
“She’s my girl. It’s like my get out of jail free card. I’ll release frustrations and then band together with them.”
“Fuck your band. Fuck you.” I pick up my hamburger and slam it back down. “Fuck this food, and fuck everything football.”
“Blue.” I hear Sophie’s voice, but I’m too far gone.
I slide from the booth and continue on my rant. The noise level doesn’t break as I continue.
“And fuck motherfucking weak assholes who have no fucking manners.” I pluck my cheesy fries from the table. “And don’t forget to pick me up tonight.”
“Blue, stop.”
“Sophie, I’m walking back to the dorms, and don’t try to stop me.”
My left shoulder is dragged back as someone runs into me.
“Watch where the fuck you’re walking.” I turn to see a group of giddy bitches making their way back to the football team.
“Are you talking to me?”
“Does it look like I’m fucking talking to you?”
This has gone from bad to worse and I have no intention of stopping it. My cheese fries go flying back onto the table as I step right up into the bitch’s face, ready to hammer her. Before I get the chance, Lane drags me outside and probably saves me from being kicked off the cheer team. Through the front window, I watch as she walks her way back to the football team, and then I catch sight of Noah and Tuck and feel all that anger boil right back up.
Lane spins me around in his arms and begins shaking me like a ragdoll.
“Get a grip, Blue.”
“Fine.” I pull back, throwing my hands up in the air. “I’m fine.”
“Seriously, Tuck is not a bad guy, nor is Noah.”
“Yep, they’re fucking heroes,” I shout over my shoulder as I walk away from the whole fucked-up scene.
My phone goes off in my pocket, and when I pluck it out, I see Noah’s name.
Noah: Are you okay?
Me: Fuck you
I type out a quick message to my mom telling her I will be gone the rest of the day and then turn off my phone to avoid any further distractions. I need to clear my mind and get my head right. Holy shit, I’ve never blown up like that in my life, not in public, nor have I ever let that many f-bombs fly. I’m on the road straight to disaster if I can’t get a grip on it. I might as well catch the next flight back to Colorado.
When I pass a little boutique with bikinis displayed in the front window, I stop in and find one of the cheapest two pieces and decide to walk to the beach. It’s not the same one Noah has taken me to, but I do know of one about a half mile away.
The beach is quiet, with hardly anyone loitering around. I don’t even worry about not having a towel or the sand getting in my crack as I slide down my workout shorts and peel off my tank top. The lady in the boutique was nice enough to let me change before I left. The sun pounds down onto my skin, tingling it with its heat. I let the waves entertain all my senses as I focus on my breathing and trying to let everything go.
I don’t want to be angry, needy, desperate, or in love. I just want the old Blue back, but have a feeling deep down that Tuck has placed an invisible curse on me.
“Is this you, god? Playing a nasty trick?” My voice is weak compared to the roar of the ocean.
“What do you expect from me?” My voice is louder this time as I raise my hands up to the heavens, waiting for the answer.
“Fuck me in the goat ass,” I growl as I flop back on the sand and close my eyes. I’m pretty sure the higher powers didn’t appreciate that last part.
Between the sound of the ocean pounding the beach and the tingle of the sun, my eyes close, and my problems slip away one by one as I drift off.
Time isn’t a factor, and Tuck doesn’t touch even one thought while I’m out. When I roll over, a stinging sensation shocks my skin, and when I sit up, my whole body is stiff and burned. Reaching in my bag, I grab my phone and wait for it to power on. I skip the several missed text messages and look at the time. I’m stunned to see that two hours passed.
Crawling up to my feet, I stretch out my kinked body and cringe when I feel the sting of the burn. But it’s almost a delicious, welcomed pain. My phone starts to go off, and I take a quick look at all the texts. I ignore Noah’s and a weird number, but respond to Sophie. I’d hate to mess up their lovemaking schedule since Lane is using his get out of free jail card, after all.
Me: I’m okay. I’ll be ready to go by 7. Pick me up at dorms?
Sophie: KK. Noah came and asked about you.
Me: They are now a hard limit to me…no more talk of them.
Sophie: KK
I can’t count how many times I’ve told her that the use of “KK” in speech and text is annoying and absolutely unnecessary, but I guess some habits are hard to break. Nothing drives me more nuts than that use. Ignoring the stupid-ass two letters put together, I make my way out to the water for a quick dip to cool my skin.
The waves crash into my shins, and it’s a quick eye opener of how ice-cold the water is. I just keep walking deeper and deeper into the ocean, letting the waves threaten to knock me off balance. I fight forward, struggling to stand straight up. By the time I go under, I don’t have the panicked sensation or envision anyone’s face…I’m numb.
Chapter 13
Counting Stars blares in the dorm room as I wiggle my lotion-slick body into a tiny black dress from Sophie’s closet. The bastard is tight as hell and hugs every curve, while showcasing my lean, long legs. I’m thankful my lobster red burn has simmered down into a glowing olive tan. The one factor that may talk me out of this dress is the boob region. Man, the girls are perked up and plenty luscious for the viewing.
It’s the third dress of Sophie’s I’ve tried, and I think it’s the one. I strap on a pair of her blinged out sandals, and by blinged out, I mean they could blind someone in the sun. They’re flats, because with how short this dress is, I don’t need to add any more attention to my legs.
My platinum blonde curls fall over my shoulders, hiding some skin, so I decide to pin them back, letting my shoulders be visible. I’m not sure if listening to Miranda Lambert’s latest hit, Little Red Wagon, was the best idea while getting ready, but it sure makes my badass come out.
I touch up my light make-up and let my sun-kissed tan shine through, then send Sophie a quick text telling her I’ll meet her out front. As I step in the elevator and check out my reflection in the mirror, it may be the first time I feel like a college freshman with no cares in the world.
“Hot damn.”
Sophie’s not shy or quiet about her excitement as I step out of the lobby into the parking lot. Lane even lets out a low whistle, causing me to blush.
“Shut up, you guys.” The backs of my legs stick to the leather interior as I try to slide in beside Sophie. Climbing up into a monster truck in a short dress is damn near impossible to do without flashing a shot of my beaver to the world.
“You’re going to show him.”
I elbow Sophie with all my might and don’t even feel bad when I hear her let out an umph of pain. “Hard limit, and I’m not kidding.”
It takes everything to not add the f-bomb in there somewhere.
“Are those my shoes?”
“Maybe.” I grin in her direction.
“Is that my dress?”
I just shrug.
“Let me see your panties.”
Sophie grabs the hem of the dress, trying to rip it up, and I let my head fly back and roll into a fit of laughter.
“Stop.” I swat her hand. “I’m wearing my own. Thank you very much.”
“Good, keep your poisonous coochie out of my panties.”
We both crack up at that. Poor Lane has no choice but to listen, but he’s a smart man, not laughing at any of the jokes. Even Sophie knows they’re borderline, but hey, if you can’t laugh at yourself, as they say.
When Lane pulls up to the party, my body truly goes into overdrive. It’s a similar scene as the first one, but on steroids. I spot other cheerleaders, soccer players, the cross-country team, and several other students. Bodies fill the yard, barely leaving a tiny path up to the house.
“Everyone have their phone?”
I know the question is directed at me and shake my head. “I’ll be fine.”
“Blue, you won’t be fine dressed like that and with your attitude.”
“Afraid I’ll get lucky tonight, Lane?” I shoot a high arched eyebrow in his direction.
I slide from the truck and look back at my worried friends and then grab my crotch and give them a little hip thrust. “It’s poison, remember?”
“Do you have your phone, Blue?”
“No, I don’t, Lane. I am a big girl.” I enunciate every word like an immature, childish asshole. I don’t want to be a royal bitch to my only two friends left on campus who will actually talk to me, but I don’t want to be protected either.
“Stay close.”
“Fine. Let’s go.”
I make my way through the crowd and check over my shoulder every once in a while to see if Lane and Sophie are following. Not only are they following, but they’re right on my heels.
Sophie puts her hand on my shoulder then yells in my ear, “Go inside.”
I nod and continue walking, not missing the stares I’m getting from appreciative eyes. It actually feels exhilarating to be noticed when all I thought I wanted was to blend in. A high rushes through me like it used to in high school, and for once I feel as if I fit in.
When I enter the living room, it’s less crowded than outside.
“Blue,” a group of female voices scream, and I turn to see my cheer squad.
I rush to the girls and envelop them in one big hug. Looking around, we are all here…well, except for Stephie.
“Oh my god, I didn’t think you’d come, so we didn’t ask,” Sara says as she flips back her long red hair.
“You’re always so serious. You scare the shit out of us sometimes.” Brandi’s comment catches me by surprise and almost hurts my feelings, but I brush it off quickly.
“I love you. You’re my girls.” And that wasn’t a lie. I spend more time with them than anyone else, including Sophie, even if she were to keep her ass in the dorm room.
“Want to meet some boys?” Sarah asks, waggling her eyebrows.
“I’d love to. Lead the way, ladies.”
I keep my eyes plastered to the girls and refuse to let my vision wander, but when we round a corner, a dark hoodie and sexy brown hair are impossible to miss. Tuck and Noah. Seems the band of brothers are enjoying their last party before the season as well.
I let out a sigh when we move in the opposite direction, and I refuse to make eye contact with either of the dickheads. Sarah and Brandi bookend me on each side, linking me with their arms, and begin introducing me to an array of men. My head swims while I try to brand their names with their faces, and I actually enjoy it because they’re not all football players, and several of them are dazzlingly gorgeous.
A tall and tan man steps up and takes interest in me, and I even lean in a couple times to hear what he has to say, even though he’s talking to the crowd. Our group is standing in the middle of a walkway, and I seem to be a roadblock. Everyone keeps bumping into me. Soon Sarah is off my side, and the tall, hunky gentleman is there with his arms wrapped low and resting on my waist.
I melt into him, tired of being bumped into and knocked around, and find it easier to listen to the conversation. The men in the group are trying to talk the women into a game of beer ping-pong. It’s just not going their way, but is a hoot to listen to.
“Are you thirsty?”
“Jay, right?” I look up into his piercing blue eyes.
He nods down at me.
“Do I have to play ping-pong?” I smile.
“Nah, I got the hook-up.”
“Yes, please, then.”
“I kind of like this spot, so save it for me.” The vibration of his voice tickles my ear.
“Sure thing.”
As he steps back, I slide my legs out as if going into the splits, but stop before I hit the guy who was standing on the other side of Jay.
“How’s that?” I ask over my shoulder.
He just sends me a wink as he takes off, and before I turn back to the group, I catch Tuck staring at me, and I can’t help but laugh. I’d be a fool to say the seething look on his face isn’t a bit scary, but he can fuck off.
I sure in the hell didn’t come here to piss Tuck off, but I won’t pass up on the opportunity either. And if I thought my skin burned before in the California sun, it’s nothing now to the holes I feel Tuck boring into me.
This group’s conversation is light and very entertaining, nothing too deep, and no brooding athletes.
I turn to see Sophie waving to me from the corner filled with football players, which happens to be the same place Tuck is. I give her a thumbs up and a huge, genuine smile and avoid eye contact with anyone else. She mouths they’ll be there for a bit. I send her another thumbs up, then I feel a tap on my shoulder.
Jay is holding two red Solo cups with a genuine smile of his own. I’m pretty good at reading energy, and he seems super nice.
He bends down and asks loudly, “Are you a beer girl?”
I reach up and nuzzle his ear with my nose. I know I’m being extra flirty and it feels good. I’m not sure if it feels good to be doing it in front of Tuck, or because I’m just acting careless for once.
“I love beer, Jay.”
“Here you go.”
The plastic cup is chilled and feels refreshing on my palm as the sweet scent of beer fills the space between us, but it’s snatched out of my hands before the frothy golden liquid has a chance to hit my lips.
“Blue.” I look up to Noah, who has weaseled his way in between us. He replaces the beer with a new one and whispers in my ear, “Do not take anything from anyone besides Tuck and myself. Do you hear me?”
“Fuck off, Noah.”
“I mean it, Blue. I know you’re hurt and pissed right now, but we are just looking out for you.”
I see red for the second time in the same day, and I’m pretty sure it’s from his use of the pronoun we. The red sparks to into large flames when I look over at Tuck and see several girls surrounding him. Before Noah can react, I snatch the beer from Jay’s hand and shotgun that bitch. Then I pound the one he handed me.
“Now you can give Jay that beer and leave us alone.”
I pluck the beer from Noah’s hand and give it to Jay, and then I turn back to the group.
“Do you know who that was?”
“He’s the quarterback.”
“Are you his girl?”
Jay holds his hands up in the air. “You seem like a nice girl, but I’m not getting involved in that.”
Jay doesn’t wait for an explanation before he leaves me, so I shotgun the third beer in mere moments and let the magic golden liquid induce a hazy effect.
“He’s an ass and doesn’t know what he’s missing.” Brandi hooks her arm around mine and tugs me back toward the living room.
I catch sight of Noah holding yet another red plastic cup, so I stall our progress and snatch it from his hand.
“Thanks, fucker.”
Brandi lets out a little giggle, and I’m not sure if it’s from me snatching his drink or calling him a fucker. I know I should share this drink with her, but don’t. When the liquid hits my tummy it burns like a motherfucker, and since all my senses are thrown off, I’m guessing he wasn’t nursing a beer.
We are thrust into a mass of sticky, sweaty people moving to the pumping music. My body finds its rhythm easily, and in my mind I’m dancing like a fucking star, but I can tell my movements are loose and sloppy. The same DJ seems to recognize us again and makes a big deal about cheerleaders being at the party.
We once again hop up on a table and bust out some of our best moves, and against my better judgment I slam two more cups of liquid back to quench my thirst and overheated body. At one point, we dance more like we are strippers at some high class club. No clothes come off, but we do leave very little to the imagination. I don’t recognize any of the songs, but I keep up easily with the jamming beat pouring through the speakers.
The crowd gathers closer around the table as the beat turns sexier, and then hands begin groping at thighs, and I watch as Brandi is pulled from the table. Her smile is evidence that she freely wants whoever just snagged her. Different palms try to pull me, and I don’t want any of it, so I move toward the other side of the table and feel the same skin on skin action. Then I hear all the vulgar calls through the music. I don’t want to be touched or called these nasty things.
My head swims through the alcohol, heat, and pouring music. Panic or passing out threaten me as I’m completely dragged from the table in strong arms that I have no chance of fighting. An elbow or two flies back into the solid chest, but I don’t budge, nor does his grip. I flail, my feet trying to connect with a shin, but nothing is keeping this man from taking me wherever he wants. I try to scream, but everything is stuck in my throat as tears flow down my cheeks.
When I’m pushed through the front door onto the porch, I feel his mouth near my ear.
“It’s Lane. Stop fighting me.”
My vision comes into focus and I see Sophie standing next to Lane’s truck beyond the fence. Every muscle is tensed up and ready for fight or flight, but his voice causes me to melt in his arms. Lane readjusts me in his grasp, and my sight is filled with a majestic black sky with twinkling stars blinking back at me. Their brightness and subtle flashing make my stomach lurch, so I close my eyes. The movement of walking and not seeing anything makes my stomach spin even harder.
“Thank you,” I whisper as he sets me down on my feet.
It takes a few minutes for me to gather composure enough to walk the three steps to the back door and grip the handle. Without having to look up, I know several people are gathered around, and whether or not they’re staring, it sure in the hell feels like all eyes are on me. I strap on my courage and dig up all my steadiness and go to climb in the truck. And if the last few weeks of my life haven’t been torture enough, I catch sight of Tuck leaning on a chipped white pillar on the porch watching my every move with a little blonde hanging off of his arm.
With steadier legs than I thought I would ever be able to muster, I step up on the chrome bar and my middle finger goes up without thought or hesitation before I land a belly flop on the smooth leather back seat. A seatbelt digs sharply into my left hip, but it doesn’t faze the hysterical fit of laughter I spiral into.
“Blue, are you okay?”
With a cheek pressed to the cool leather, I look up into Sophie’s concerned eyes and feel like an even bigger ass than I already did. I just nod, dragging my cheek up and down the seat. I try to sober myself up, but it seems as the seconds tick by and the further Lane drives, the drunker my limbs become.
A cellphone rings. It’s not any of my ring tones, and even if it was, I don’t even fucking know where my little shoulder purse is.
“Hey.” Lane’s voice is a bit muted, but obviously it was his phone. “I’ve got her. She’s pretty fucked up.”
Silence for a bit, and I strain to hear.
“No, didn’t say anything about you. I’m pretty sure she’s over you.”
An acidic taste begins climbing up my throat, and when Lane whips the truck in what feels like a 180-degree turn, that taste escapes me. My stomach acts as if it’s trying to burst from me through my throat. I make horrid gagging sounds as the burning fluid tumbles to the ground. Vomit splashes back up, spattering me in the face. The harder I fight the urge to cease the puking, the more retching and god-awful sounds come out.
“Shit. Got to go.” I barely hear the sound of Lane’s phone being tossed on the dash over the roar of my severe vomiting.
“Get back to the dorms now, Lane.”
Then my world goes black as I pass out in a pool of puke on the leather seat.