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  • Текст добавлен: 26 октября 2016, 21:28

Текст книги "Blue"

Автор книги: H. J. Bellus

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Текущая страница: 12 (всего у книги 17 страниц)

His palm covers the back of my head as he presses my face harder down into his mattress. He’s being aggressive and controlling, but the only important part is…he’s letting me feel and see him for the first time. The pain from my side nearly threatens to knock my ass out, but the overwhelming pleasure keeps me from surrendering to it. Tuck slides his hand down to the nape of my neck, squeezing it even harder, and I spiral out of control. Ripping my head away, I bury my face and let the pillows drown out my screams.

Tuck doesn’t stop as he continues to relentlessly drive in and out of me, and I feel that pleasure begin to build and bury my face again to muffle the sounds. The lack of oxygen threatens to knock me out, but when I feel him grow harder inside me, I explode and feel the earth move then scream out in pleasure. Let everything out that’s been building for months.

Tuck’s quick to cover my mouth with his hand as he finishes up with his own release. His warmth spreads inside of me with each thrust of his hips, and it’s something I’ve never felt before. He rolls over, taking me with him, my naked back pressed against his sweaty chest. I run my hands up and down his sides, following the scar on his side all the way down his hip as far as I can reach. It doesn’t take long before he’s tensed up again with my touch.


I only get a light growl from him.

“Was that the first time, like, ever?”

“Yeah.” His hands cover the backs of mine, stopping them from running up and down his skin.

“You did good.” I’m thankful he can’t see the stupid smile on my face right now.

“I don’t like your skin on mine.”

I try to roll off of him to look at his face.

“No, Blue. I don’t want to look at you.”

“What the fuck?”

“You have to have some patience here, Blue. You’re flawless, laying on my burns and touching me, and I don’t know how to react.”

“Do you like it?” I ask, clenching my eyes shut.

“I more than like it, and that fucking scares me, but it also makes my skin crawl with the thought of you seeing me.”

Sitting straight up, I go for the lights and turn them off. Then I make my way straight back to Tuck. Starting at mid-calf where his burns begin, I caress every part of them and then trail kisses along them. Slowly I work my way up his thighs and then glide my tongue across his delicious hips, stopping to appreciate his v-muscle.


His heart is thundering in his chest, and I know his anxiety has to be sky high.

“Tuck, I’m not looking at you. I’m just trying to love you.” I push up into a sitting position and straddle him. “Are you going to let me do that?”

“Fuck, I hate this,” he growls and slams his fists into the mattress.

“Hate what?” I push him harder.

“That I’m this and you’re that.” I feel his hands wave around in the air, but don’t see them.

“I don’t see your scars, Tuck.” I trail my finger down his chest, letting it bump and glide over him. “I see the man I want so bad. I see the man who has dark eyes and the most gorgeous face I’ve ever seen. I see you.”

My need for him to give in or break grows stronger as I bend down and gently place kisses all over his chest and then trail slowly up his neck. From burnt skin to perfect skin, my tongue licks across him, and I moan in pleasure, soaking up everything Tuck. I just have no idea how to show this man I want all of him.

My lips rest on his as I mumble into them. “It’s your choice, Tuck. I’m begging to be with you, and if you can’t believe that, then we need to stop this now.”

“I want you and love you, but, Blue, you’re going to have to be patient with me.”

His lips attack mine without warning as he kisses the ever loving shit out of me. Tuck’s words are not convincing at all, but the passion he pours into kissing me is my guarantee he’s in this to try. I kiss him back, and it shocks him to life, and his hands begin exploring my body. His hands grip my ass, squeezing to a near point of pain, and making me yelp in his mouth.

He pulls back with a devilish grin on his face. “I think you’ve created a monster in this beast. I’m never going to get enough of you, Blue.”

Something very large and extremely hard pokes between us, and I squirm against it.

“My turn, Tuck.”

My hips easily find him, and he has me so ready I slip down on him with ease. I splay my palms out over his chest and push myself up into a sitting position and begin to rock back and forth. My fingers dig into his skin as my pleasure builds. The electrifying sensation feels so amazing I try to slow it down to feel all of it before I burst, but I don’t have the chance before Tucks grips my hips and forces me. He controls the speed with his deathly grip pounding me up and down on him.

He growls, and then I feel him harden and it’s all over for me as I tumble into ecstasy with him and go limp on his chest. He tenses right back up after his sensations wear off, but I refuse to move.

“This is the most comfortable I’ve been in a long time, Tuck.”

He brushes my hair from my face while his other hand rubs up and down my back. He never quits playing with my hair, which eventually lulls me to sleep.

Chapter 23

I feel his hand on my shoulder again and turn, expecting to see Tuck, but it’s not him. All the feelings flood back, and I scramble to safety, but am being held down by a stronger power. Panic sets in and I fight harder and try to scream, but my voice is stuck in my throat.


My shoulders begin to shake, then I hear my name being called again.

“I have you. It was a dream.”

I pull my face from Tuck’s chest and look into his eyes and immediately relax into him.

“Oh fuck,” I gasp.

“It’s okay, baby.”

His hands are on me again, rubbing everywhere.

“I need a drink.”

“Okay, let me get up.”

He tries to gently set me on the bed next to him, but I yelp and he freezes.

“Let me, Tuck.”

“Fuck, are you in that much pain? We shouldn’t have.”

I grip his face with both hands and force him to look up at me. I can barely make out his features in the dimly lit room. I kiss him softly.

“We should do that every night of our life. Just give me a sec. I’m a little stiff.”

I wince as I roll off him and realize it probably wasn’t the smartest idea to sleep on the brick wall known as Tuck in my condition.

“Where are you going?” I ask as he gets up from the bed and throws on his boxers.

“To start a bath.”

“You’ll wake the whole house. No.”

“Fine.” He grabs the doorknob. “I’ll get the hot tub ready and find your pills.”

Somehow I have to fight through my pain and sore muscles, because there’s no way I’ll let him know how badly I’m hurting. I wouldn’t change last night for anything. I brush my feet on the dark hardwood floor, remembering everything that went down, and pray that Tuck won’t scare. He’s the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen, been with, and touched. I just have to make him feel the way I see him.

Creaks and squeaks from the hall fill the silent room and I know he’s on his way back in. I do my best to stand and move around the room, slowly gaining my bearings. One of Tuck’s large shirts lays on the ground, and I snag it and pull it over my head.

“Ready?” He pops his head back in the door, and I see he’s fully clothed.

Walking over to him, I tug his shirt off. “Am now.”

He growls, but doesn’t take too long to protest as I hug him from the back and begin walking with him, trying not to clip his heels.

“I didn’t know your sister had a hot tub,” I whisper.

“It’s back in the corner. She’s paranoid about one of the kids getting in it. It’s just a small one.”

“Nice.” I kiss his back as I follow him through the kitchen. I relax even more into him as he doesn’t growl or tense up this time.

“They call it their personal soak and poke.”

“Ewww.” I slap his shoulder. “Tuck, that’s gross.”

“Don’t worry, I’m sure Joe has it well cleaned with chemicals, but I’m pretty sure they made a baby or two in it.”

“Stop.” I pull back to walk down the stairs.

His laughter soothes my heart, and I know in this moment that is a sound I want to hear the rest of my life. Before I know what’s going on, he sweeps me off my feet and wraps me in his arms.

“Jones broke the line, he’s at the thirty, now the twenty, and he jumps over a defender.” He calls the plays out as he jogs to the hot tub, carrying me. “One defender left. Can Jones go all the way?”

He drags his voice out just like a commentator would, and I laugh the whole way. The damn laughter causes my side to hurt worse than his jogging and juke moves.

“Touchdown,” he roars as he places my bottom on the edge of the hot tub.

I wrap my legs around his torso and tug him closer into me.

“I think we’ve both scored. You do know I’m your biggest fan, right, Tuck Jones?”

“I’m starting to realize it.”

He pulls my shirt off, and I sit bare before him in the moonlight. I use my toes to dig into the waistline of his gym shorts and inch them down.

“God, you have a huge ass, Tuck.” My toes struggle to get his shorts over his big ol’ booty.

“I work out.” A sly smile dances on his face, and I lean forward and kiss it.

When he’s completely stripped, I pull him in as close as possible and wrap my arms under his, cupping the back of his shoulders.

“This is us, Tuck. Nothing between us ever again.”

“This is us,” he repeats as he bends over and kisses me lightly on the lips. “You’re nipping out.”

We both enter a fit of laughter as the night chills my body and goose bumps attack my skin.

“It’s cold.” I turn in his grip and swing my legs over into the hot water. It’s a welcoming feeling compared to the cool air. Slowly, I sink lower into the hot tub. Tuck was correct about it being a small one; it’s probably a three person hot tub at best. And I try my best to avoid all thoughts of Joe and Austin baby-making in here.

“Here.” Tuck’s outstretched hand holds all my pills. “Take them, and no arguing.”


“No damn buts. I can see the pain all over your face.”

I know it’s a losing battle and the last thing I want to do is fight with this stubborn ass.

“Fine.” I snag the bottle of water from his hands and down the pills. “But get your ass in here so we can have some fun before the meds knock me out.”

He sets the bottle on the ledge. “I never said I gave you the strong painkiller.”

He winks at me and then hops in, not caring that he sent gallons of water splashing over the edge. I crawl into his lap and straddle him, facing him, and it’s like an automatic trigger neither of us can control. His lips meet mine hard and fast, not hesitating as I run my hands all over his back and shoulders, gripping down tightly into his flesh when he bites my lower lip. My hips begin to grind into him and find him hard and ready.

“Again?” I pull back with a questioning look.

“I told you that you’ve released something vicious inside of me.”

“By all means, I’m not complaining, lover boy.”

It only takes one swift movement of my hips and I slowly sink down on him. Just like everything Tuck, he’s hard and huge down in the boy department. It takes several moments for my body to adjust to him, and I relish every single second of it. He lays his head back on the ledge, then puts his hands on my hips, guiding me up and down.

We start out slow, but within moments we’re rocking against each other at a rapid pace.

“Tuck, slow down,” I beg.

The friction is so delicious I’m being pushed to my limits before I’m ready. I wind my hands in his hair and tug him up to me, pulling hard as I contain my screams of pleasure when I fall apart on the man who has captured my heart.

I melt into him, limp and unable to move from sheer exhaustion and the ecstasy coursing through my veins. Tuck moves me about in the deliciously hot water. My knees are propped up on the edge with my nipples now rubbing on the same ledge his head was just resting on, and then I feel him enter me from behind and can’t hold back a loud moan. Our bodies meld, twist, and contort together until he finds the perfect position. His palms splay across my abdomen as both of my arms are wrapped back around his head, and with each thrust I feel him move closer and closer to letting go.

He tugs on my hair, pulling me as close to him as possible, then nips my ear, and I feel him let go. It’s a sensation I’ll never get tired of. We swirl and twirl until we are back in the same position we started out in.

“Thank you, Tuck.”

He quirks up one questioning eyebrow.

“For letting me in.” I splash water up in his beautiful face, trying to lighten the mood. “And for a virgin, you have some moves, boy.”

“I never said I haven’t watched porn and used my hand.”

“You’re full of surprises, Tuck Jones.”

I rest my head on his shoulder and let him rub my back up and down in the soothing water. There’s no doubt in my mind that I’d give everything up for this man, and I don’t mean like ‘the girl lost her way, hopeless heroine.’ I mean in the way where I’ll fight like a strong woman for this man who deserves to be loved in every way possible.


“Yeah?” My eyes were shut, and I had every intent of drifting off to sleep.

“Did we just make a baby?”

“No, your sperm was blocked.”


“I’m on birth control.”

I feel his muscles relax, and his hands go back to rubbing my back.

Chapter 24

Leaving Joe’s house is harder than I thought it would be. Tuck and I spent the last three nights in the hot tub lit by the moonlight, exploring each other into the wee hours. We won’t have this back at campus with both of our rigorous schedules, and that sucks. I want to stay here with him forever.

My jawline has healed amazingly well, with only light bruising left behind, but nothing my make-up can’t handle. It’s the bruises all up and down my legs that will be hard to conceal. There are five days until the next home game, and I can only hope they magically disappear by then. I’ll cover them up with long spandex pants at practice, and I know my secret is safe with Sophie, Lane, and Noah. It doesn’t make the fact I was brutally attack any easier to digest. I’ve kept it bottled up inside, hoping the lingering fear will dissipate one day. Tuck has brought it up several times and won’t let it go. I know I should tell my parents, and I know I should tell campus security, but call me greedy—I just want to go on with my life.

“Buckle up and give me another hug.”

Joe wraps Tuck up into a hug and hangs from his body. It’s hard not to cry seeing the two of them together and knowing what they’ve gone through. Tuck opened up the other night and told me everything about the house fire. I fought to hold my tears back, but when he told me it was because of his mother who cradled him in her arms until the firefighters got to him, I lost it. In fact, I lost every single ounce of pain I thought I’d ever experienced in my life. It’s the reason his face and other parts weren’t burned. And then hearing about the countless surgeries he’s been through shattered me.

I’ve taken advantage of every opportunity to tell him how perfect I think he is. I know he doesn’t believe me, but one day he will.

Joe pulls me into a hug. “I love you like a little sister already, Blue. Can’t wait to see you again.”

I squeeze her right back. “Thank you for everything, and I promise you I’ll never quit loving your brother.”

“I know,” she whispers. “Mom and Dad would’ve loved you.”

Tuck’s voice interrupts us. “Let’s go, ladies. We have a long drive ahead of us, and we both have to get settled back into college life.”

Joe slugs his shoulder, shaking her head at him, and then says the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me.

“Don’t worry, little brother, I’ll get all your man juice cleaned out the hot tub before my next dip.”

I hide behind Tuck to conceal my giggles and the red blush I’m certain is covering my face.

“Oh my god.” I slide into the middle position on the bench seat. “That was a bit horrifying.”

Tuck just chuckles and continues to shake his head at his sister. Little Ruger stands on the front porch waving frantically at us with his football tucked under his other arm. I have no idea how Tuck has the willpower to drive away from this perfect family.

I lay my head on Tuck’s wide shoulder, pull my aviators down, rest my hand on his thick thigh, and let out a sigh of contentment.

“How long is the drive?” I ask, realizing I have no clue. I’ve literally been in la-la land the last few days.

“Five hours.”

“Mmmmm. Five hours in a truck alone with you. What shall I do?”

I run my hand up his inner thigh, creeping so very close to his most favorite part of his body.

“Behave, Blue.”

“What fun would that be? Plus, I need to work on stretching for cheer practice.”

I free him from his pants before he has the chance to argue. The bonus to doing an athlete is they’re always dressed in elastic waistband pants. And then I do something I haven’t done yet. My lips kiss the tip of him, and he jerks and takes a sharp breath. And I go for it, licking him from the base all the way to the tip, and then taking all of him in my mouth.

“Son of a bitch.” The truck comes to an abrupt stop, but I don’t.

My tongue and teeth invade and relish every scent and sensation. I help him along, working him hard at the base.

“Fuck, Blue. Oh fuck.”

He grips onto my hair and tugs gently, trying to pop me from him, but I resist him and enjoy the twinge of pain he sends through me. It doesn’t take long before I feel him spill into my mouth. My tongue laps it all up and takes a few more glides along his still rock hard shaft before I come up face to face with him.

“And?” I crook an eyebrow up in question at his sated face.

“You are going to be the death of me.” He adjusts himself back in his pants and pulls from the parking lot we landed in. “And I’m going to love every second of it.”

I lie back down on his lap with a very large smile on my face.

“Oh, and Blue, anytime, anywhere you feel the urge to do that again, just get on it.”

I giggle at his response.

“Your turn.”

I pop up and look him at him, confused.

“I’ve spilled a lot of details the last couple of days. I want to know about your childhood.”

I sink back into him and focus on the road.

“Not much. I’m an only child. My mom was determined I’d be a beauty queen or some shit like that, hence the odd name Blue to stick out. I was in every single sport and activity growing up. My mom pushed me hard, but in the end I loved basketball and cheer. But I chose cheer, and it drives my dad nuts.”

“I can only imagine. I mean, if you were my girl, there’s no way in hell you’d be in those short skirts. I don’t even like it.”

“Wait. What?” I push up off of his shoulder and turn to face him.

“It drives me fucking wild seeing you in that tiny outfit at games. I want to cover you up in a burlap bag, for Christ’s sake.”

I lie back, leaning my head on the door and laughing hard. “Hell, I didn’t think you even noticed me, Tuck.”

I send my flip-flops flying to the floor and nestle my feet into his lap.

“Blue, you’ve haunted me.”

“Well, maybe if you mark me and make me yours, others won’t look. You know that night at the party when I tried talking to that guy?”

“You mean grinding on him and making me blow my fuse?”

“Yeah, that too. Well, when he found out that Noah and you were eyeing me, he backed off and went running for the hills.”

“Good.” He shifts his gaze to me quickly and then focuses back on the road. “What do your parents do career-wise?”

“Mom is a stay at home freak, and Dad is a plastic surgeon.”

Tuck’s jaw immediately tenses, and it dawns on me what has him so uptight. “He’ll love you, Tuck. He’s into sports and hates that I’m a cheerleader. You two will get along perfectly.”

“He’ll want to fix me.”

The words are hollow and full of anger.

“Do you trust me?”

Tuck doesn’t answer, so I push him.

I sit back up and invade his space. “Do you trust me?”

“Yes, you know I do.”

“He won’t want to fix you, I’ll promise you that.” I creep up his gym shorts and begin to stroke burned parts of his thighs. “He will want to fix me, though. I swear he hates cheer.”

I change the subject back to me and carry on about my dad’s odd sense of humor and how he’d cut off one of his legs if I would play college ball. Tuck seems to relax the more I talk about my dad and his personality. I know deep down in my heart my dad would never push more surgeries on Tuck, but he’d also be the first one to step up and help him if that’s what Tuck wished.


“Blue, we are thirty minutes out. You can hold it.”

“Tuck, I had to piss, and like ten minutes ago.”

“For the love of Christ.”

He pulls over to a gas station. I smile, place a quick kiss on his cheek, and dart for the bathroom before I piss down both legs. I really tried to hold it this time, but I drank way too much water trying to keep myself awake the whole way home so I didn’t miss out on any conversation with him.

After relieving myself, I snag a diet Pepsi and some licorice for the dorms, and his face is priceless when he sees me packing the loot back to the truck.

“Are you serious, Blue? I’m not stopping again.”

“You will if I ask.” I slide across the bench and snuggle back up to him.

“You’re probably right.” He flips his ball cap on backward and continues to drive.

“I want you to stay with me tonight until I can find out more about your attack.”

“But Sophie has been dying for me to get back and hang out.”

“I’ll drop you off at the dorms, go work out, and then come get you.”

I try to talk, but he cuts me off.

“One, you’re not working out tonight, and two, you don’t have an option about staying with me.”

It’s as if he can now magically read my mind. I decide not to argue with him, but instead crack open the soda and give him an evil grin.

“You really need to talk to your coach about the attack.”

“Okay, grandpa, get off my case.”

“I think it was deliberate, Blue. Whoever it was had been watching you. No way in hell did they randomly find you that late at night running and attack you the furthest from safety.”

It’s nothing new. I’ve run it over and over in my mind a thousand times.

“You won’t be out of anyone’s sight until I find out who in the hell did this.”

“What are you going to do about it?” I pop a piece of licorice in his mouth.

“Kill the motherfucker.”

“Well, I don’t think that’s the best idea, Tuck. Can’t we just forget about it? I’ll be extra cautious.”

He doesn’t answer me, and I know that’s a no to him, but I try to convince myself it’s a yes. I’ll do everything I can to ease his mind about this topic, because he needs to be focusing on football and no other drama surrounding him.

The dorms come into sight, and I feel a twinge of excitement shoot through me. I’ve actually missed my Sophie over the past few days and have so much to catch her up on. I don’t have the chance to ponder long, because I see her bounding from the front doors with Lane trying to keep up with her. I bolt from the truck and tackle-hug her ass.

“Oh my god, Blue, how are you doing?”

“I’m fine. I’m so fine.”

When I pull back I can tell she notices my perma-grin and the new glow to my skin.

“Your face looks good. Not that you ever looked like shit, but you look amazing.”

“Thanks, Sophie.”

The two men gain our attention, or shall I say Tuck does, as he very clearly instructs Lane that he’s not to leave my side.

“Baby, go work out. I’m fine.” I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him into me, then stand up on my tiptoes to place a kiss on his lips.

“I don’t want to leave you.”

“I’m a big girl, and you better get used to it. We both are going in separate directions back here on campus. Cowboy up, cupcake.”

He kisses me hard, leaving the sting of a bite on my bottom lip. “Oh, I’ll be cowboying up tonight.”

Lordy, the man makes my knees quake, even though we’ve been doing nothing but have sex the last couple days. I’m pretty sure we’ve beaten Lane and Sophie in the lovemaking department.

“Let’s go. It’s my turn with her, Tuck.” Sophie drags me away from him by the waist. I offer a wave over my shoulder as I walk away.

It sucks walking away, but I do it just like ripping a Band-Aid off a wound.

“So, are you two dating?”

I don’t have an answer to her question and stop dead in my tracks. When I turn around, I see Tuck standing by his truck watching us. He’s at least a good fifty feet away.

“Tuck.” I watch as he makes eye contact with me. “Are you my boyfriend?” I tilt my head to the side in anticipation of his answer.

He hollers back, never making anything simple. “Are you my girlfriend?”

“I asked first.”

Sophie elbows me in the ribs. “Do you really need to be hollering this right now?”

“Yes, Blue, I’m your boyfriend.”

I blow him a kiss and turn back toward the dorm. “So yeah, we are dating.”

Lane busts out in laughter and Sophie just rolls her eyes as if our roles have been reversed. I’m now the giddy, love-struck friend with stars in my eyes.

“I want details, but not you screaming in the parking lot.”

When we walk into the lobby, I see the security guard and give him a friendly wave.

“Hey, Blue, missed ya.”

“Ahh, you’re too sweet. My dad must have really paid you off well.”

He chuckles as we pass and wait for an elevator. The ride is long and torturous as I’m dying to expel every detail to Sophie. My excitement is busting at the seams.

“Oh my god, shut the door, and Lane, get out.” I flop on my bed and stare back at the couple.

“Did you not hear Tuck?”

“Are you serious?” Sophie asks Lane.

“I’m not leaving you.”

“Well, you’re about to hear a ton about sex.” I shrug and climb under my blankets, wiggling out of my shorts and getting comfy. “Grab the ice cream from the freezer.”

Sophie tosses me my favorite flavor of ice cream, and I dig in, waiting for the two of them to settle in.

“I’m not sure I’m comfortable telling you everything, because some of it’s Tuck’s story to tell.”

Lane’s eyebrows shoot up at me.

“I’ve seen him, Lane. All of him, and I’m completely heels over head for the man.”

“Wait. What am I missing?”

I keep my gaze on Lane and watch the shock cover his face. “Blue, he doesn’t even dress down in the locker room.”

“I don’t care. I love the man, and he’s going to have to get over it.”

“He’s never had a girlfriend as long as I’ve known him. Hell, he only let a few girls hang on him at that party to piss you off.”

Note to self, kick him in the shins for that.

Sophie jumps up on her bed. “Can someone fill me in?”

“Tuck has scars and doesn’t like to be exposed.”

Silence fills the room after the words leave my mouth. I trust Sophie to not publish any of this in the school newspaper.

“He opened up to me this weekend and…” I pause a second, giving Lane a chance to escape. “We had sex. Lots and lots of glorious sex.”

Sophie leaps from her bed over to mine, wrapping me up in a hug and squealing, and then starts in on her twenty questions.

“Is he hung? I mean can he, like, go a long time? Tell me everything.”

I skip the part about him being a virgin and go right into full details of our sexpcapades in his room, the shower, and the hot tub.

“Bitch, you’re on birth control. How did it feel with nothing between you guys?”

I look over to Lane, who is clearly trying his best to check out of our conversation. He’s spread across Sophie’s bed with his forearms resting over his eyes.

“It was like nothing I’ve ever felt before.”

“By the looks of it, I bet ol’ Tuck could really entertain some meat curtains.”

I look at her in question. “What the hell is a meat curtain?”

“You know.” She nudges me with her elbow.

I try to process the two words, putting them together and pulling them apart, and still come up with nothing.

“Oh my god, you don’t know what it is?” Lane pops into the conversation.

I toss a pillow at him. “Do you know, Lane?”

“It’s like a puppet show. The balls are the curtain and the dick pops out.”

Sophie howls in laughter and I try to speak over her. “I think she’s talking about the female part.”

After Sophie controls her fit of laughter, she sits upright and faces us. “Lips spread like a curtain.” She uses her hands to gesture the sweeping motion of the movement.

Then laughter hits me and I can’t control it. Poor Lane just shakes his head. Wiping tears from my eyes, I’m finally able to speak. “Clearly, your meat curtain isn’t getting it hard enough.”

“Fuck you.” Sophie pushes into my shoulder.

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