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  • Текст добавлен: 15 октября 2016, 01:24

Текст книги "Mine"

Автор книги: Dimon HelenKay

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Текущая страница: 13 (всего у книги 18 страниц)


Andy walked into his office in the morning and came to a stop. Almost dropped his beloved coffee and the briefing file in his hand. There sat Rick, in the big chair with his feet up on the desk and arms folded behind his head. It was enough to make a guy want to reach for his gun. Andy refrained, but he did plan on firing someone for this. No one got in here without his permission, and Rick certainly did not have permission.

“Move.” The tone worked, because as soon as Andy barked out the word, Rick’s feet dropped to the floor. It took another minute and some glaring to get him up and on the right side of the desk.

Rick didn’t bother to sit down in the visitor’s chair. Just hovered at the edge of Andy’s desk. “As suspected, they left Montana.”

“And good morning to you.” Andy set his cup down. A guy should have at least five minutes of breathing room in the office before dealing with yelling. He planned to institute that rule right after he finished with the firing.

“They took off.”

So much for pleasant conversation. Since he knew who the “they” were and wanted this over before it became a scene, Andy answered. “Their plane crashed . . . or don’t you watch the news?”

“The subterfuge angle. Damn it, Gabe.” Rick started pacing. More like walking in circles as he muttered under his breath.

“He’s not even here and you’re swearing at him.”

This was new. Not the anger. Andy had witnessed more than enough of that in the MacIntosh family over the years. Something else plagued Rick. His normal detachment slipped.

“They’re definitely together. Very cozy,” Rick said, as he massaged his temples then stared at the floor.

Not a surprise to Andy. He’d seen the way Gabe looked at her, the way Natalie looked back. Heated and a bit uncomfortable to anyone watching, so Andy had tried not to. Just accepted that Gabe felt more than protective toward Natalie. But who knew what the hell was going on in Rick’s head. “Does that piss you off?”

He stopped stomping around and shot Andy a confused glance. “Why would it?”

The easy answer proved to be a little too easy in this case, so Andy let it drop. “Honestly, I’ve given up trying to read you.”

“I cared about her, you know.”

It took Andy’s brain a second to catch up. When he did the emotional shields slammed down and his hands came up. “No way.”

Rick frowned. “What?”

The last thing—absolute fucking last—Andy wanted to hear right now was some convoluted explanation for why Rick thought it made sense for him to poach from Gabe all those years ago. “You are not unloading on me. Whatever you have to say about Gabe’s ex, you say it to him.”

“I didn’t mean for it to happen.”

Hell, no. Andy sat back in his chair to keep from coming up out of it swinging. “Your dick just slipped? Admittedly, I don’t date women, but I know how the body parts function.”

“You’re not funny.”

He wasn’t trying to be. Andy wanted, no needed, for Rick to understand how his words made it all worse. Maybe then he’d stop with the same tired refrain and take some responsibility. “And you can’t sell this as a mistake.”

“I don’t see Brandon that way.” Rick’s voice flattened and his mouth pulled tight at the edges. While he fought and engaged in what amounted to just the newest round of posturing, he looked different. Haggard. Exhausted, as if he aged in rapid acceleration the more he stood there.

Andy refused to give credence to any of it. “Truth is you went after Gabe’s girlfriend, slept with her, lied to him and created a mess. You did that. Not him.”

“I didn’t force her.”

As if that was even up for debate. Andy knew where to place the blame, firmly on Linda and Rick. Both of them. Together, their actions created the black hole that sucked Gabe in. “Is that really your defense for screwing over your brother?”

“I’m stepping up and helping now. Isn’t that what you want to hear?” Rick came to the edge of the desk. Something new moved into his expression. A note of desperation, maybe?

Andy leveled the one thing that stood a chance at mending the breach. “Then drop the talk about the DNA test.”

“Would you?”

That one was too easy. “I would never be in this position.”

“Because you’re gay.”

Rick could really be a clueless jackass sometimes. Andy did not love this side of his big brother. Those blinders. The denial. “Because I would never go out of my way to hurt Gabe.”

Rick shook his head. “It wasn’t like that.”

“It looks exactly like that, or are you trying to say you were a twenty-something in love with a seventeen-year-old?” Andy picked up the file on the fake crash aftermath and started blindly paging through. He’d had enough of this conversation. Enough personal stuff for seven o’clock in the morning.

“I have an appointment with my clients.” Rick leaned against the side of Andy’s desk, trapping a short stack of files under his thigh. “About this situation.”

This he could handle. Andy lowered the file to glance at Rick and gauge his sincerity. “You mean with the CIA assholes tracking Natalie.”

“I never actually admitted that was happening.” He shrugged. “Deniability.”

Right. There were limits to what he could share. Andy got it. He worked in this area as well, but he didn’t pretend to be stupid about reality. “Didn’t have to.”

“I’m trying to clear this up so she can get on with her life.” Rick’s voice dipped low and what little emotion remained in it vanished. “If that includes Gabe, fine.”

That was the least sounding “fine” Andy had ever heard. “You don’t sound too excited about that.”

“Do you think she’s his type?” Rick winced as if the words tasted bad in his mouth. “Linda was quiet and sweet.”

Talk about revisionist history. Andy had to bite back the smartass comment on his tongue. “And cheated on him.”

“Natalie is kind of . . .”

“No.” He shut this down. Had to, because if Gabe came back and heard Rick bad-mouthing Natalie, that battle they’d been promising each other would happen. Life would break out into a holy war with no survivors. “You might want to choose your words carefully.”

“Now you’re her defender, too?”

“I like her.” Andy thought about the words as he said them. They were true. Natalie had been dealt a shitty hand all around. She could have hid and played the victim but never did. He could see where Gabe might find that interesting.


“She’s tough and smart. She won’t take Gabe’s shit and can handle his moods and work demands.” Simple words but they worked here. “She’s not my type, of course, but I can appreciate a hot woman when I see one.”

“He needs someone who isn’t so damn difficult.”

That sounded exactly wrong to Andy. “See, it’s that type of comment that makes me think you don’t know Gabe all that well anymore.”

“Oh, really?” Rick stood up, full battle stance and sharp tone back in place.

Whatever had weighed him down when he walked into the office seemed to be gone. Andy hoped Rick hadn’t released the guilt, because he deserved to wallow in it a bit longer. He also owed Gabe an apology and Brandon a life that didn’t include doubts and huge changes.

But Andy went with the most obvious point, the one he thought he could sell. “What our brother needs is a challenge, someone who equals him. Pushes him.”

“Sounds exhausting to me.”

“And I bet he likes that, too.” Not that Andy wanted to spend one second thinking about what Gabe and Natalie did together in that department.

“What happened to the whole loner act?”

“Maybe he was just waiting for the right woman to wander along.” Worked as good as any explanation, but the truth probably had more to do with the work and the energy needed to raise Brandon alone and in safety.

Rick actually sneered. “Oh, come on.”

The men in this family needed some work on the romance front. Gabe was wounded and pretending not to be. Rick was . . . who the hell knew. And Andy had to admit that he still had a thing for a guy who had moved on. Fucking Eli.

“I guess we’ll know soon enough,” Andy said, because that was easier than launching into a statement about how they all sucked at this.

“Which brings me back to my point.” With each short sentence Rick banged his fist against the corner of the desk. “The men I work for do not like being threatened. Your fake plane crash worked to the extent that it convinced some she wasn’t looking to be out in the open, causing trouble. Others remain skeptical. Those two factions are fighting it out right now.”

“I’m pretty proud of that operation.” He’d never staged something so elaborate in so little time. The number of moving pieces was staggering, but the photographs and press coverage impressed him.

“Just knowing Natalie is out there and has damaging information on them is making those last few doubting holdouts twitchy. They should back off but there are contingency plans in place for another course of action.”

The men she once worked for continued to underestimate her. Andy had no idea how that was possible. “Do they want her to release the intel?”

“I think they’re trying to figure out how to find it before she can. They view this as a race.”

No way. But that meant it was up to Rick to convince them otherwise before someone did something really stupid. “You said you were doing this for Gabe.”

Rick shrugged. “Yeah, so?”

“Handle it.” When Rick just sat there, Andy doled out a bit of truth. “Redemption is a bitch.”

•   •   •

Gabe couldn’t put his finger on what he enjoyed more, watching Brandon settle in at home and eat everything in sight or the look of horror on Natalie’s face as she watched it happen. Either way a feeling of calmness settled over him. This, them together, struck him as right. Not really a guy to seek out or depend on comfort, he appreciated it all the more when it blanketed him without warning.

Natalie inched closer to the opposite side of the counter from Brandon with every mouthful he swallowed. He stood over the sink, not even bothering with a plate as he feasted on a piece of chicken. He held a napkin and ate with a bit less than his usual gusto, so Gabe let it go. He picked his battles, and a chicken leg wasn’t one of them.

She put her palms on the edge of the counter and rested a foot on the bottom bar of the stool next to her. The move pulled her slim jeans tight across her ass. Gabe tried not to notice but his gaze kept bouncing. He had eyes and a functioning dick. No way could he ignore the way she looked, all casual and cozy, in his house. Made him extra happy he’d asked for her sizes before hunting down clothes for her for the Montana trip.

“You eat enough for three grown men,” she said with more than a little awe in her voice.

Brandon took the time to wipe his face and finish chewing before answering. “You sound like Dad.”

“He drinks a gallon of milk every three days.” Gabe’s grocery budget expanded and groaned every time the kid came home.

Natalie kept frowning. “Maybe we should check him for a tapeworm.”

“Wait, what?” Brandon froze as he stood locked in a staring contest with her. “How would you do that?”

“You don’t want to know.” But Gabe was pretty tempted to explain how it all worked just to see Brandon’s face.

Brandon dropped the chicken leg. “Sounds gross. I’ll pass.”

Damn, he missed his kid. The semester had only started a few months ago, but that didn’t matter to Gabe. Not having Brandon around after having him underfoot for so long tugged at him.

He’d thought he’d be the tough dad who appreciated his son’s maturity and let that satisfaction be enough. Instead, he’d spent every night of the first week sitting on Brandon’s bed glancing around the room. Pathetic stuff but Gabe didn’t fight it. Brandon meant everything.

“You sure you don’t want me to drive you back to school?” Gabe didn’t mind, and Natalie might like the diversion of mindless sightseeing through the countryside and being on the move might be safer for her than being still.

“Nah, my friends are coming through.” Brandon didn’t even look up as he dropped his backpack on the counter and started loading it with boxes of crackers and protein bars.

Natalie glanced over her shoulder at Gabe. “They come here?”

“No.” Not until he checked them out and knew they were safe. None of these kids rose to that level yet.

Brandon headed for the pantry. “Not even close.”

“So, we just drop him off on the side of the road somewhere?” That judgment moved back into her voice.

Gabe decided to ignore it. “Tempting, but there’s a cabin.”

She rolled her eyes. “Of course there is.”

Gabe knew she thought about the one in Montana with the homemade water heater, but this was not that. The structure functioned as a guardhouse of sorts but didn’t look like one. Two floors and two bedrooms. Where he and Brandon lived while the main house was being built. The same place Andy tried to claim before Gabe set it up as a security feature.

“It sits on a plot of land and looks like that’s it. Just the house and some yard.” A place with sentimental value. Watching Brandon move around the kitchen, acting as if it were a grocery store, the memories hit Gabe. “We take him there and wait. If everything looks fine, he goes, but he carries a tracker and some other things on him at all times.”

Natalie smiled. “How very covert of you.”

“You’re not the only one with training.”

Brandon’s hand dropped to his side, the water bottle in his palm all but forgotten as he stared at Natalie. “Wait, you’re an Army sniper, too?”

She snorted. “Lord, no.”

That seemed like a bit much to Gabe. “I’m going to pretend you didn’t sound appalled by that possibility.”

“I used to work in intelligence.”

Brandon’s eyes grew wide and stayed there. “Computers?”

They’d be at this for hours, going round and round. Gabe cut it off with a simple comment. “Spy shit.”


“Cool.” Brandon made the word last for three syllables. A new expression crossed his face. A mix of respect and curiosity.

Gabe couldn’t blame his son. He felt the same way every time he looked at her, which was about every two seconds. His usual I’ve-got-this reserve slipped around her.

Seeing her in the hallway last night had almost done him in. Took every last ounce of control he had not to scoop her up and drop her on his bed. Instead, he went with holding her. The cuddling thing was new to him, but he didn’t hate it.

“Brandon learned long ago not to use my job or the jobs of some of our friends and family to impress his friends.” Gabe meant it as much as a hint to Natalie as a reminder to Brandon that dads remembered every last thing.

She picked up on something, because she turned back to Brandon with a look of curiosity that rivaled his. “What did you do?”

“Told some people at school,” Brandon said with a shrug. “Maybe took one of Dad’s guns in to show it off.”

Natalie’s sharp whistle cut through the room. “I bet that went over well.”

And those were memories Gabe preferred not to take out and examine. “Which is why we no longer live in West Virginia and haven’t for more than a decade.”

Brandon nodded but kept his head down. “Right.”

Turned out Gabe wasn’t quite ready to let the topic drop. Not while Brandon did all that squirming. “Don’t let the hunting crowd fool you, they do not like guns in the classroom. Lots of ticked-off parents in West Virginia. Hours of explaining without really saying anything.”

“That happened years ago. Let’s move on.” Brandon tried to wave it off with a flick of his hand.

Gabe didn’t buy that. “It’s cute you think it works that way.”

“We really take him to this empty cabin and—”

This woman had him justifying everything. Gabe wanted that part of their relationship to end. “Stop being offended on his behalf. He might act like it, but he wasn’t raised by wolves.”

Brandon was smiling now. Clearly having the attention shift did wonders for his ego. “Not entirely.”

“An older family friend, also Army, lives there and watches the place for me. Brandon only uses it as a meeting place for people he doesn’t know that well or is just learning to trust.”

“So, at some point you are allowed to bring friends here?” she asked.

Gabe wondered if she knew how insulting some of these comments really were. “It’s not a prison.”

“It wouldn’t be if I had a car.” Brandon mumbled the comment loud enough for the next town over to hear.

Natalie sat down hard on the barstool next to her. “Wow, he never stops.”

“And this is him on his best behavior.”

Her gaze went back and forth between Brandon and Gabe. “Because I’m here?”

“I don’t want to mess it up for Dad.”

Her attention shot back to Brandon. “What?”


“We’re not dating . . .” Her gaze kept bouncing around and finally landed on Gabe. “Say something.”

Since he’d only decided just that second that they actually were dating, or the kind of dating people like them did—in the shadows, hot and heated, always together—he wasn’t sure what she wanted him to say. “I’m waiting to hear what you come up with next.”

“Sex here. You being invited in. You’re dating.” When Natalie made a strange noise Brandon nodded his head and kept talking. “Hey, I approve. I just don’t want to scare you away before Dad can.”

Gabe eyed the sack by Brandon’s feet. The one previously filled with nothing but dirty clothes now held snacks and what looked like a load of clean laundry. “I wonder if you’ll fit in that duffel bag.”

“Not after I take the rest of your food.”

Gabe didn’t fight it. Pay for the food here or at school. Didn’t matter to him. “Grab whatever you want.”

He was about to help empty the rest of the cabinets when Natalie slipped off the stool and grabbed his arm. Pulled him into the great room, just a few feet away.

“We’re not dating,” she said in a desperate whisper.

The denial was starting to get annoying. Sure, he would have backed her up just yesterday, but now . . . no. “You sleeping with someone else I don’t know about?”

“My life is a mess.”

“No question about that.” Seemed to be an affliction of almost everyone he knew.

“The plan is to placate the CIA and start over.”

The words, however smart and right, grated on his nerves. “Where?”

“I have no idea.”

Relief smacked into him. From the wild look in her eyes he got the sense she wasn’t lying. She’d planned out so much of her life but now she was winging it. And Natalie was not a winging-it kind of woman.

He knew the changes, the uncertainty, had to be ripping her apart. She had mad skills but no place to use them. She’d served with distinction and was being hounded and followed. The whole thing pissed him off on her behalf.

So did the idea of her panicking and running away. “Then, for now, you’ll stay here.”

She held up a finger in front of his face. “Not dating.”

He folded his hand around it but didn’t push the topic. Not yet. “Call it whatever you want, but you’re sleeping in my bed tonight.”

“You’re mighty sure of yourself.” But she didn’t jerk away from him. If anything, she moved in closer, lowering her voice with each sentence.

No woman had ever wreaked havoc on his senses like this one. She had him thinking things, wanting things. Breaking promises he made long ago to stay unattached.

But one fantasy had been playing in his head almost from the start and it was time to bring it to life. “Let’s just say it’s time I follow through on that promise to tie you up.”

“Your son is right there.”

“And he’ll be gone tonight.” For once Gabe didn’t hate the thought of Brandon heading for school. Not when he remembered what waited for him at home. He leaned down and whispered into her ear. “Be ready.”


The man kept his promises.

Stretched out on Gabe’s big mattress, Natalie breathed in, letting the last of her worries morph into excitement as Gabe walked around the bed. Naked. He didn’t wear a thing. Neither of them did. Except for the red ties in his hands and the soft white sheet underneath her, not a scrap of material threatened to get in their way.

She’d been in this position, arms above her head and legs spread wide, for what felt like an hour. After stripping the clothing off her piece by piece, he positioned her there. Waiting. Then he performed an excruciatingly slow striptease. When the last of his clothes hit the floor she almost jackknifed off the bed to get to him but she clamped down and waited. The tension rose, and her stomach churned with each passing minute.

Those long, lean thigh muscles brought him around to her side of the bed. Her gaze traveled over the flat stomach to his broad chest and the sprinkling of dark hair there. Up she continued, to his bulging biceps, then farther until she met him gaze for gaze. The intensity in his dark eyes nearly had her turning away. But she couldn’t. Wanting him, needing him, entwined until she craved the touch of his hands and mouth.

He had her wound up, fighting against her own shaky control. She wanted to move, to squirm, but she stayed still. Every cell waited for his next move. Even the air in the oversized room felt thick. The overstuffed couch, the soothing medium blue walls. She ignored it all and focused on him. The one man whose memory danced in her head from the first minute they met.

At first, months ago, he’d said very little, almost nothing, as his gaze followed her. She’d pretended he repelled her and tried to boss him around. Insisted she didn’t need his protection and would be fine on her own. But everything about him, even from that very first day, intrigued her. Made her want to know more.

All that strength. The command he held over his body. His competence. The scruffy beard that drove her wild. Her hands balled into fists as she forced her arms not to move.

The mattress dipped from his weight as he sat down next to her. Facing her. He put his palm on her stomach and his long fingers spanned her waist. She’d never been considered tiny or petite. She found comfort in being bigger, taller, a little stronger. Victims might have to curl into a ball and mentally disappear to survive. She’d lived that way too long. Killing her father, trying to save her mother. It all smashed together until, in her head, the answer had come to her. She’d lead with a gun. Have weapons training. Never get caught and risk being the victim again.

The system served her well for years. She’d been on the run, maybe not physically but emotionally, her whole damn life. But with Gabe, she felt free. She could be a smartass, throw his words back at him. Sometimes she even went too far and said crappy things he didn’t deserve. Despite her flaws and her attitude, he never lost his control. Never struck out. He actually seemed appalled at the thought of doing so.

He gave her a different kind of strength. A feminine one. She knew she held a certain power over him, that she could meet his needs. He didn’t deny his attraction to her or try to hide it. Didn’t hold back.

And with him she didn’t have to pretend either. She could let go. For the first time in a long time, trust.

The warmth from his hand seeped into her skin. Still he didn’t move. Every nerve ending inside her jumped to life, begged for more, but he just watched. Held his ties in one hand and touched her with the other.

“You are so fucking beautiful.”

Not what she expected him to say but somehow exactly what she needed to hear. “With you.”

“It’s bound up in how you look, which is so smoking hot my dick gets hard just watching you walk. That voice, so sexy.” He shook his head as a small smile played on his lips. “The things you do with that mouth and that brain.”

The words battered her defenses. The awe in his voice, the reverent way he touched her, she knew he meant it all. “I never found big men with beards appealing until you.”

He ran a hand over his chin. “I let it go a little for this assignment.”

“Did you think I wouldn’t like it?”

“When I kissed the inside of your thigh that first time, I knew you did.”

The memory floated through her head and her stomach dropped. The roller coaster, spinning-out-of-control feeling assailed her. “Any chance you’re going to kiss me now?”

The smile lit up his face now. “Much more than that.”

Desperation clawed at her. “Do it now.”

“You’re not in charge, Nat.”

The nickname spun through her. He used it and her insides turned to liquid. She had no idea why. “I feel pretty powerful.”

“Oh, you are.” He lifted his hand and skimmed his palm over one of the red ties. “I plan to harness that.”

“But I won’t be able to use my hands.” He flirted, so she flirted back. She’d do almost anything to keep him close.

“You can still use your mouth.” He bent down and brushed his lips over hers then lifted again.

Quick and short but enough to get the excitement revving inside of her. “Gabe, please.”

She knew he liked the begging. She’d seen his eyes widen, grow darker, when she pleaded. When her voice dipped low and got all scratchy with need.

He slipped his fingers around her wrist. Touching his thumb to the tip of his forefinger. Encircling her without binding her. Then he lifted her arm, laying it against the fluffy pillows as his finger went to work threading the tie through the thick post at the top of his bed.

Air hiccupped in her lungs as he slid the tie around her wrist. At the first touch of the silkiness she knew she’d misjudged. Not a scrap of material at all. A thin padded cuff with a long length of red curl at each end.

He tightened the bindings. At first her skin pinched but then it eased around her, soft but strong. She tugged and realized unless she planned on tearing she’d have to wait until he released her. A tiny fissure of fear spun through her, but the press of his mouth against her breasts, over the fleshy part before licking her nipple, stamped out the last of her doubts.

With an aching slowness he leaned over her, letting his chest hair tickle her chin as he fastened the other cuff. After he’d attached both, she yanked on her arms. The bindings pulled tight. She curled her fingers over the material and held on.

He eyed her, staring as his gaze moved over her face before dipping for the briefest second to her chest then back up again. “Are you sure you want this?”

With her mind scrambled and her body starting to shift around on the sheet, she said the first word that popped into her head. “Now.”

He nodded. “Right now.”

She expected him to move down her body, but he didn’t. He straddled her chest and leaned forward. His cock stood long and thick, just inches from her mouth. She lifted her head and skimmed her tongue over the tip.

Just as she was about to lie back down, he cradled her head, slipped his fingers around the back of her neck and into her hair. Held her there with one hand. The other moved to the base of his cock. He dragged the tip across her lips. Once, twice.

She didn’t play games. Opening her mouth, she took him in deep. Felt the bed dip again as he put more weight on his knees. She kept sucking, taking him deeper. Her mouth worked as his hand supported her. In and out, he pressed against her lips. Slid to the back of her throat. Never too much. Never too hard. Enough to kick up his breathing and make him rock hard.

When she thought he might continue and end in her mouth, he backed away. His lips replaced his cock in a kiss that left her shaky and aching. Hot and wet. Filled with a mix of longing and need. Every emotion bombarded her. Tiny pulses moved through her.

“You are amazing.” He whispered the compliment against her mouth.

She tried to talk, wanted to say something, but he moved back to her breasts. One after the other, side to side, licking and sucking. Caressing and cupping. He didn’t leave a single inch of her skin untouched.

Her back lifted off the bed and those bindings pulled tight. She heard a creak and knew the bedpost strained under her hold. The sensual torture continued until her breaths came out in gasps. She’d gulp for air then his kiss would pull her under. Just when she thought she couldn’t take the cycle one more second, he slid down her body. Moved to her stomach. Caressed the small bump as he covered it in lingering kisses.

She’d never felt so sexy. From the thump of his heartbeat when his chest touched her to the shake in his hands, she felt his need. She did this to him. She took a strong, vibrant man and turned him inside out. Had him crawling all over her for more.

Then his mouth continued its journey. His tongue snaked down. His fingers slipped between her legs and his shoulders settled into the V he created. Her body vibrated, almost hummed, at his touch. And when he pressed his tongue inside her the winding sensation gripping her stomach tightened even more.

Her skin felt too tight. Too sensitive. He’d turned her body into his playground, running his hands and mouth all over her. Bringing her right to the brink then backing off to taste another part of her. If he wanted her clinging to the edge of reason, desperate for him to move over her, he’d succeeded. She wanted the friction.

“Gabe . . .” He licked that spot that made her vision blur and she wanted more. “There.”

Her voice dripped with heat. She heard the tone and refused to apologize for it. The room faded away until all she saw was his shoulders and that dark hair. Just as the orgasm started to ripple through her he sat up. Her inner muscles clenched and she tried to reach for him, to bring him back, but the bindings tugged on her wrists.

Sweat collected at the base of her throat as the need to find her release gripped her. “God, Gabe. No.”

Then she saw a flash of something and a wrapper fell to the side. A second later he slid in deep and sure, pressing her thighs back close to her chest and opening her even wider. She could feel his hands on her legs and his cock inside her. He said her name and plunged inside her again.

She tried to hold on to every moment, every thought. To savor each blinding touch, but her body betrayed her. Her hips started to buck and her head shifted on the pillow. He had her entire body in motion as he filled her. Trying to fight off the orgasm as long as possible, she dug her fingernails into the cuffs.

Her body trembled as she came. The grabbing sensation inside of her gave way as a sudden warmth washed through her. She couldn’t control her breathing or her body. Her lungs strained to the point of bursting. Her heartbeat hammered in her ears. She felt it all as his body leaned forward and a low moan escaped his lips.

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