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  • Текст добавлен: 9 октября 2016, 02:21

Текст книги "HATE Sex"

Автор книги: Billy Storm

Соавторы: Sidda Lee Rain
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Текущая страница: 9 (всего у книги 10 страниц)

Then, she leaves—just leaves and I’m left alone replaying her words in my head. “Youre an easy woman to love…” I swallow the lump in my throat. I’ve never seen myself as that. Her words hit me hard. Truth is I’ve built this wall around me, a wall of protection. Protection from what? Oh I don’t know…from love? I’ve never let a man in, never to get close enough, close enough to destroy me when he finally leaves. They all leave. Fathers die, mothers start over, and sisters move on without you.

A sob breaks free, and catching my reflection again in the mirror, I look at myself like I’ve never seen my own face before. I hadn’t—at least not like this, I haven’t. When my father was dead and buried so was a piece of me, a piece of my heart. And, when I needed my mother to remind me that life goes on and that’d we be okay? She left Rain and me for a new life, a new beginning, and now she has a new family. I thought I’d be okay as long as I had Rain by my side, but then, she left too. I wasn’t a child according to the days on the calendar, but I’d never felt more like a little girl than those dark days after being left by my lonesome.

It took me a long time to understand that life wasn’t over and I could make it on my own. I’d done it everyday since. I hadn’t realized that I’d closed myself off from even the smallest possibility of something more with someone, something real. And quite honestly? I know now that’s what had me using Jaden like I’d been doing. Yeah, yeah, I know it was me bent over the desk and it was me getting fucked against a car. Yeah, he ran the show, but in a fucked up way, it was always me.

One can’t lead without a follower and I followed. Trust me I know…I was there. Yup, I was there kicking and screaming until I got what I needed from him. A distraction. Proof I wasn’t falling for a man that I’d only known for weeks, one that would leave one day with another piece of my heart.

How had I gone through all these years and not even seen what I was doing. I’ve had relationships, a couple serious ones, but now I see that I was the one who sabotaged them. Everyday, from the very first one, I had been subconsciously destroying every relationship that I’d acted like I wanted. Of course, when they failed? Never did I blame myself; no, I always planted the blame solely on his back. Matt, Gavin, Ryder, I played the victim every time, blamed them for leaving me in the end. Not that I’d given them any other option. I’d pushed and pushed, until they’d finally had enough.

Hello there guilt, my old friend. Just another punishment I’d been dishing out to myself these days, huh?

How can I not have guilt? I hurt a man like no other. Once again, I played the victim role that I portray oh so well. Rhett. I doubt Jaden gives a shit that he was used and abused as well. I’d bet the sick fuck loved every unhealthy second of it.

“Look at you. All aboard the hot-mess express.” Reduced to talking to my own reflection. Youve had all these chances at a happily ever after and what did you do? “What did you do?” My breath caught, and I caved into the tears again. Chance after chance, with men who’d shown me they loved me, but I could never give them the same—not that I had believed it was love at the time. They had the strength that I only pretended to have. Learning very well, over the years, how to play the strong woman who didn’t need anyone—dammit, I needed someone. God, I needed someone so much. The lies I’d told myself over the years had left me with the life of loneliness that I’d come accustomed to.

Black mascara tracks ran down my face, my eyes were red rimmed and puffy, and I’d never felt more alone than I do at this minute.

“Skye?” I heard my name, but it sounded distant. “Skye!” Hearing it again, my eyes left the mirror and focused on Eden’s face, only inches from my own, concern clearly written all over her beautiful appearance.

“I’m easy to love?” Even I’m surprised those are the words I say.

Her long hot pink nails make my mouth twitch when she frames my face with her hands, wiping my tears with her thumbs. Resting her forehead against mine, she starts uncovering the heart that I’ve kept hidden for so long.

“Yes, you Skye Blake are one of the easiest people to fall in love with…” Searching my eyes with hers, I know there’s more. “You’re just not that easy to keep loving.”

Those words are my undoing. The sound that escapes frightens even me. This time, when she hugs me close, her arms wrapped around me tightly, I don’t try to break free like I always have in the past. This time? I let myself soak in the love she’s offering without thinking that she will leave me someday too. I feel Eden’s tears soak through my hair, her pulse against my flesh letting me know I’m not alone in a journey I fear has only just begun.

I’m scared. I’m done pretending to be the strong woman who never needs anyone. I need so much. I need to think. I need forgiveness as much as I need to forgive myself. I need to figure out my life before I can have someone share it with me. Most of all? I need to love myself before I can expect somebody else to.


I hadn’t heard from Skye in over six days before she’d finally waltzed into the gym like she hadn’t been killing me by not responding.

I knew I should stay away, I knew it, but I couldn’t. Let’s be honest here, shall we? When have I ever done what I shouldve done? Exactly.

Ya know, there was a time when I had. Done what I should’ve done that is. For real. I dated the homecoming queen, waited nine months to bed her on prom night. Still makes me smile. We’d went to colleges eight hours away from each other, but even the long distance relationship stood the test of time—well and miles. The night after Rachel graduated, I went down on bended knee and asked for her hand in marriage. Five months to the day, we stood in front of the priest, sweaty palms and all. I’d suddenly had the life I’d dreamed of since high school. Life was good, we were good, or so I thought.

Rachel and I had been married exactly 127 days when I’d come home from the job I held at the local community center. I still remember it like it was yesterday. I’d walked into our apartment and saw my new bride crumbled on the floor with a white plastic stick clenched in her hand. Immediately I knew it was a pregnancy test. My heart began to pound so loud I’d still swear to this day that I’d heard it. Taking the stick from her shaking hand, I saw the blue plus sign and I knew I was going to be a father.

Taking her in my arms, I squeezed her as hard as I deemed safe for her and the baby. Her body shook with every soft sob and I was confused whether she was upset or just overcome like me. Then, my world stopped on its axis and I was left hovering, when Rachel confessed the only thing that could destroy us. “It’s not yours, Jade.” Her grip tightened around me. “I’m so sorry, so-so sorry.”

I lost my life that day. Lost the woman I’d loved since she was merely a girl. Lost the euphoric feeling I had felt only briefly when I saw the results on that plastic little stick. And, lost the belief that true love existed. No such thing.

From then on I’d made sure not to lose myself in the lie that is love ever again. Oh, I believe in lust, hell, I believe in infatuation, but I sure as shit don’t believe in love. Casual sex, good times, and one-night stands were my way of life since packing up my things in garbage bags and cardboard boxes that day. Six weeks after our divorce was final, Rachel married the baby’s father, a finance major she’d been secretly dating for months and months before our wedding.

That’s love? Bullshit. No such thing. Exhibit A just walked in my door and is looking at me right now. Her body is like a beacon to my own. I feel her before I even see her. Proof? Why had I looked before the bell on the door even sounded? I felt her coming. Oh, Ive felt her coming all right.

“Becky, anyone calls, just take a message.” I say as I hit the front desk with my knuckles as I walk by, knowing without looking that Skye is behind me. I learned rather quickly that my Skye likes me to lead. After she fights with me and tosses around that attitude for a while.

Opening the door to my office, I watch each sway of her ass as she walks past me, her shoulder just barely sweeping my chest. Just that small touch, the teeniest connection has me getting hard.

“Ditch the pants, Skye.”

Her dark eyes flash to mine, and she sucks in a breath. Swallowing before she speaks, I stare at her neck and tell myself I want to taste her there again; I like how she tasted there. I’d tasted her plenty the night I’d fucked her in the garage against my Mercedes. When I’d come inside of her, it was like I was claiming her, even if I was only telling her that she was mine. Fuck. I hadn’t come inside of anyone but Rachel and even that had been rare. Feeling my come inside of Skye was one of the hottest things ever. So hot, I think an encore is in order.

Seeing Skye with her back against the wall, as far from me as she could possibly get, I repeat my command. “Pants, off now.” Fumbling with the string on my waistband, it was like I was in a race to free my dick from its—

“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! I came here to tell you once and for all we’re done.”

“Done?” Pulling my sweats all the way back up, I make sure not to snag a piercing; that fuckin’ sucks. “Done with what exactly?” She’s had my dick in her mouth, been filled with my baby batter, yet Skye blushes when witnessing the tent I’m sporting in my pants.

“Us,” her hands motion wildly between us. “This entire fucked up situation we had going on.”


“Here’s the deal, Jaden. I used you—”

I interrupt her. “You used me?” I laugh.

She nods. “Rhett was becoming too much too fast and it scared the hell outta me. I needed to keep him at a distance—”

I point at myself and ask, “That’s where I come in?”

“That’s where you come in.”

I’m not liking the feeling I’m getting in my chest. “And now?”“Now,” she exhales loudly. “Now, I’m ready to let him in.”

“Sweetheart, I was there you let him in all right, you let me in too, hell, he let me in you.”

She doesn’t even bat an eye, her lips don’t even twitch, and I’d never been more hopeful for a smile that just wasn’t coming. Shadows danced across her face from the light shining through the blinds and a slight breeze blew a few strands of her dark hair across her face. Without thinking, I walked around the desk and went to her.

Pushing the hair aside and tucking it behind her ear, once again, I saw the truth in her expression. She wasn’t playing. This wasn’t her giving me shit just so I could force my hand and she could pretend to not want what she really wanted. Skye was serious, and suddenly, the burning in my chest intensified.

“This makes no sense.”

I say at the same time she says, “It’s done.”

Then I kiss her.

When my lips press against hers, I felt the softness tighten almost instantly and she shoves me away. Hard.

“No more,” she whispers. “No more.”

This time, I kiss her with the hunger I felt, the need to have her again. With my hands framing her face, I held her as she struggled to break our mouths apart. “Goddammit, Skye! Kiss me back!”

Then the tear slid over my thumb and I’d known…it really was over, really done.

“Don’t do this.” Looking down, I see her hands are flat against my chest, pushing me away. Every time we’d come together before, her words might have been telling me to go to hell, but her fingers had always been pulling me closer. I doubt she’d even known she was doing it, but I was well aware.

I step back, and watch as she wraps her arms around herself, closing her body off from mine. Ive really lost you.

“I love him,” Skye says and the burn in my chest increases. “I don’t know if he’ll take me back or not, but I have to try.”

“You haven’t asked—”

She shakes her head. “I haven’t really talked to him since that night.”

That night. The night I’d wished I’d been Rhett. I’d been the one with her body pressed tightly against mine. The night she’d been so lost with him that she hadn’t even noticed when I left. That’s what I did, you know…I watched as Rhett ran his hands over her body. Like some voyeur, I’d watched as he’d commanded her to look at him, demanded she say his name when she orgasmed. When she did? I left. Her words so faint I almost didn’t hear them with the rain still hitting the windows. They’d hit me hard. There may have been a storm raging outside, but it was nothing compared to the cyclone known as Skye that had me running for cover with my tail between my legs.

“Love isn’t real,” I say out of the blue. “It’s all bullshit.”

“I used to think that too—”


She peered out the window between the slats of the blinds as if her words would be out there. “But now I think it was just me. “ She looks at me. “I pretended it wasn’t real because I was scared of being left again.” She sighs. “Love always left me, left me alone and feeling abandoned.”

“It always ends, because the facade is too much work to keep up.”

“You really believe that, Jaden?”

I nod.

“I did, too.”

My pulse picks up as she turns and walks back toward the door.

“What changed your mind?” My voice came out low and the need to clear my throat was strong.

When she so carelessly took hold of the doorknob, like my heart wasn’t about to pound out of my own fucking ribcage, I fought not to go to her and beg her not to leave.

And there was the smile I needed so desperately. Beautiful. Had I ever told her she was beautiful? Yeah, I had, when my dick was buried inside of her, and I’m not sure that counts.

“Someone told me that I was easy to love,” she says shaking her head. “I’d always thought the opposite.”

And…she walked out of the same door she’d used to walk into my life, leaving me more confused than I’d ever felt. My attraction for her confused the hell outta me. The off the fucking charts sex confused the hell outta me. And the thought that I regretted having said it was only sex between us, and it could never be anything more, truly confused the fuck outta me.

The urge to go after her was so strong that my quads began to cramp. Okay, it could’ve been the leg day yesterday making itself known, but I don’t think so. I felt like going to her and telling her…like telling her…she was easy to love. That thought? It was the reason I didn’t leave the safety of my office walls. Skye was too easy to love.

Chapter Eighteen


These trips to Pasadena were going to break me. I can’t believe—okay, I can believe, that Ryan left rehab and went on a bender. It had been too good to be true when I’d seen him completely sober on the family weekend. I hadn’t seen Ryan sober in…well, in years.

What I hadn’t planned on was having to come down here and go looking for him myself. The therapist I’d spoken to on the phone told me that there was nothing I could do—it was on Ryan’s shoulders not mine. That by stepping in and cleaning up his messes over and over, I was enabling him to continue down this fucked up path he was on. Most likely? True. But, he was still my brother and even though I say it’s the last time every damn time I know I’ll still go to him when I think he needs me. Needs me? Ry needs nothing but the fucking bottle just like our old man, maybe even more so.

My ears pop from the plane changing altitude as the pilot prepares for landing. Looking out the window, I wonder when I started seeing this place as home?

“Can I get you another seven & seven, sir?”

I notice immediately when the stewardess leaves her hand on my shoulder as she leans much farther down than necessary, giving me quite the view down her shirt. Wendy hasn’t been very coy since I boarded the flight leaving Pasadena. She’s flirted with me shamelessly and I know flirting without shame. I see it every day at work. The girls make it an art form at the club. The club. Thinking of going back to work tomorrow has my stomach turning—

“Can I get you anything, sir?” Wendy asks again.

I shake my head.

Nate told me that Skye works the same shift I do tomorrow. He’s also told me that she hasn’t been herself all week. I know I haven’t either. Ever since the threesome.

It’d started—rather I started it, because I wanted to prove to her that she was wanted. Crazy ass woman thought I’d taken my time with her because I wasn’t attracted to her? That couldn’t be the farthest thing from the truth. My way of thinking was that slow and steady wins the race, right? I wanted to win Skye for good. I’d known almost from the beginning that I wanted to be able to call her mine. I know it goes against her feminist attitude, but I’m just being truthful. Wanting Skye as mine for the long haul is what kept me from taking what I knew she’d given me so much sooner.

I thought I’d give her something Jaden hadn’t given her. A threesome. What I hadn’t expected was to want to kill the man when he had his hands on her skin. I’d hated him for knowing what it was like to be inside of my woman. I’d hated her for having her mouth on his cock even though I’d told her to do it. And most of all, I’d hated myself when I’d started fucking her with him there only to prove to Jaden exactly who Skye belonged to.

Jesus, it’s been over a week, and I haven’t reached out to her a single time. Nightly, I fought with myself when I wanted nothing more than to call her and tell her everything about Ryan, about how I missed her, and how I wanted to give us another try. Pride kept me from making that call though and maybe a little bit of fear. She’d cheated on me with that asshole—actually we never said we were exclusive, and we’d done nothing more than kissing. No wait, we’d done a shit ton more. We’d talked—really talked and I’d told her things I’d never shared with anyone before. That nothing was a whole lot of building a foundation for a relationship. Skye shook the hell outta that foundation, but I think we can move on and just keep building…if she’s willing to try. I’d swear on everything she’s worth it.

I’d pushed her into it that night with Jaden. Dickhead. Running my hand through my hair reminds me I really need to get it buzzed again. I’d given her an experience that she’d never forget. I wish I could forget. Not that I’d want to forget the way it felt to finally have her in my arms, being buried deep inside of her, or when she unraveled around me with my name falling from her lips. She’d told me that her pussy was mine because that’s what I’d demanded of her, but I wanted to hear that all of her was mine. We are so much more than the sex we’d had. We both deserved more than we’d given each other.

I’m positive Jaden’s gone. He’s no longer a threat; he never was—not really. He was nothing but some cheap thrills, a distraction. There’d be no more distractions.

“Are you okay, sir? You have this look—”

Annnnnd she s back.

“I’m fine, just anxious to land already.” When I witness her eyes travel across my shoulders and down my chest before coming back up to meet mine, I add, “Missing my girlfriend.”

Her smile is as fake as her tits. “We’ll be on the ground in minutes.”

This time, when she walks down the aisle, there’s a little less sashay in her sway.

This is only the third time I’d referred to Skye as my girlfriend and the first time was in a red hued rage on Skye’s driveway in the pouring rain. The second? After I’d found Ryan passed out on a bench in Brookside Park, just a handful of miles from the rehab facility. He had no recollection of how he got there or how long he’d been there. Clothes filthy, the smell of cheap bourbon radiated off of him, and he was missing his shoes. His fucking shoes. My bet was while he was passed out, somebody helped themselves to his damn near new pair of Jordans. I’d taken him back to the hotel to clean up before I planned on dropping him back off at the clinic.

My clothes hung off his thin frame, but what the fuck would he care; he’d been comatose in a fucking park with no goddamn shoes earlier. I dropped him off once more and got on the next plane home, home to Skye. Ryan’s days started over, and all I could do was hope for more but expect less. On the drive back to rehab, I’d told Ry about Skye and how I’d like him to get his shit together so I could introduce my brother to her. My real brother, not the shell he’d become. When he’d asked me if I’d be making him wear a monkey suit anytime soon and or learn to change diapers? I didn’t freak like I had before. Panic had always set in when I thought a woman might be looking for something more or wanted to take the next step. With Skye? The thought didn’t scare me.

I’m more afraid that she’ll want nothing more to do with me. That I, too, was nothing more than a distraction. Like him. Maybe I’d pushed her too far with the three-way. I sure as shit had pushed myself too far. I’d never be in that situation again. It killed me to see another man’s hands on her body. I wasn’t built to share, nope; I wasn’t made that way. I wanted to be the one and only man to have free range of her curvy self, the only one to come inside of her. I’d never been inside of a woman without a condom, but I demanded it with Skye. I demanded a lot that night, but Skye never faltered when I’d shown her that side of me, and finding out she’d liked a man who took control in the bedroom was even more proof that woman in particular was made just for me.


“You’re going to swallow tonight, beautiful.” Looking up, I pull him back into my mouth. With my hands on his ass, I can pull him closer so I can practically swallow him whole. Feeling him shudder, it’s clear he hadn’t expected that.


When he starts bumping his groin against my face, I fight my gag reflex. Every time my eyes close tight and I gasp for breath, I get wetter. He starts thrusting in and out of my mouth, slowly pulling out then sliding back in, his eyes remain locked on mine below him.

“You can take me deeper, beautiful,” he says through clenched teeth.

“Mmmhmm,” is all I can say around his shaft.

Pulling all the way out of my mouth, he speaks with a controlled reverence. “I’m about to come and you’re going to swallow every drop, understood?” He may have said it like a question, but I see it for what it is…a command. His breathing is labored and his filthy words are hot as hell. “Then I’m going to eat you until you scream my name and then after some recovery time, I’m going to fill my pussy up.”

“W-whatever you want.” His eyes show the desire in them, he’s clearly as turned on as I am.

“It is my pussy, right?” He strokes his cock still refusing to look away from my mouth.

“Yes, only yours,” I answer, licking my lips and rubbing my thighs together.

He growls.

After a few more strokes, he’s pushing back into my mouth. Gripping my hair as he thrusts repeatedly, each thrust a little harder than the last.

Knowing he’s getting closer to blowing, I wrap my right hand around his balls, massaging them even as they’re strung tight. I love being on my knees in front of such a powerful man, him telling me what to do as he loses himself in me; I want to be the one who gives him the pleasure he demands.

“Oh yeah, suck me hard.” Grabbing his ass with both hands, I hold him as close to me as I can and swallow over and over. Tensing up, he pushes in until my face is against his groin, I swallow his come as his release pulses into my throat. Once, twice, three times, before he pulls out of my mouth and jerks off the remainder of his climax with it landing in my open mouth.

“Oh fuck! Skye! Don’t you dare swallow that yet,” he groans as he comes more. Hot droplets hit my tongue and the last pearl lands on my lip, slowly running from the corner of my mouth. Taking his finger, he wipes my bottom lip and holds it to mouth he’s yet to look away from. “Suck,” he orders and I, of course, obey. “Now swallow and say thank you, Jaden.”

As his very essence goes down I say, “Thank you…”

“What!” Bolting upright, it takes me a second to understand it had all been a dream. No, not a dream but a nightmare. Nothing more than my imagination. It had been Rhett in my mouth, in my hands, in my ears the whole time but then Jaden in the end. He still haunts me and I imagine he will for some time to come.

I blocked his phone number and deleted all of his text messages and to be quite honest, I haven’t thought of him since I walked out of his office. That is, until tonight. Apparently dreams aren’t off limits when it comes to guilt.

A loud knock coming from my front door has me picking up my cell phone and checking the time. Who would be knocking on my door at three-thirty in the morning? I jump when the phone starts to vibrate in my hand. The security guard is calling me?


“Is this Skye Blake?”

“It is.”

Walking to the door, I look out the peephole and almost drop my phone when I see who is on the other side of the door.


“Yes, I’m here.”

“I said that a Mr. Rhett Baxter was allowed to go through the gate since his name was on file, but due to the hour, I figured it warranted a pho—”

Flipping the deadbolt, I opened the door.

“Yes, yes, thank you. He’s here now.”

“Very well, Miss. Good night.”

I step back as Rhett walks into the house, closing and locking the door behind him.

“Good night.” I say pressing the end button on the phone, while I watch Rhett making himself at home in my living room.

“Was that the guard at that gate?”

I nod.

“Good, good, he was doing his job. I like that.” He stands and rubs his palms down the front of his jeans. Why would he be nervous? “Can you come here, please?” he asks as he starts cracking his knuckles one by one. Hes going to tell you that he cant forgive you and its over before it really started.

Setting my phone down on the coffee table, I start to sit down when I am pulled onto his lap.

When he says nothing, I break the silence. “It’s three-thirty in the morning, Rhett.” His low chuckle has me smiling.

“Fitting.” He must see the confusion on my face. “Almost all of our time spent together has been in the night.” True. “I’m here because I tried to sleep and I fully intended to come to you tomorrow before our shift starts at the club, but I couldn’t wait.” Finally, he pressed his lips against mine, and I breathed him in; it was him, and not some dream, not a figment of my imagination, but Rhett in all his glory. “I can’t spend another day without you in it.” When his big hands stroke my back, goose bumps form at the intimate touch. “Not going back to where we were, beautiful.” This time when he kisses me, his lips catch the single tear that just began to fall. “Don’t cry, beautiful.”

“I’m so sorry—” I plea.

“No more looking back on our mistakes—”

“Jaden wasn’t only a mistake, but he was my weapon against you.”

Eyes widening at that statement, I know he has questions, but this time I’ll answer before he has to ask. “I needed a weapon to fight…fight the love that I was starting to feel for you.”

“You love me?”

I nod. “Anyone who’s ever said they loved me always left, and I couldn’t love you only to wait for the day you too left.”

“You love me?” He asks again.

His eyes search mine, uncertainty warring in his head. Right now, I need him to think with his heart though not his head. One by one, I see his emotions each take their turn. Disbelief. Hope. Fear makes an appearance, before his eyes soften and the corners of his mouth turn up. And, that? That’s when I know Rhett’s accepted my love.

“I loved you from the first day I think, when you wouldn’t even tell me your real name.” His eyes shine with the unshed tears that match mine. “I’d love you as Sunny as much as I love you as Skye.” Resting his forehead against mine, I know now there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to keep this man forever. This sweet, strong—so strong and forgiving man.

This time as we walk down the hallway to my bedroom, I know he won’t leave me with a goodnight kiss only to sleep alone.

Unlike the other times we had fallen asleep on my bed fully clothed, we undressed each other neither hiding the hunger between us.

“We’re not done talking, beautiful, not done,” he pants against my lips as I fumble with his belt buckle. “But I need to be inside of you…without an audience this time.” I can’t agree more.

Sitting on the bed, I’m eye level with the bulge behind the zipper. Belt off finally, I reach out to lower his zipper, when his hands wrap around my wrists. Looking up, I give him my full attention, well, a different part of him when he speaks. “I’ll never share you again, I can’t, and I won’t. Nobody else in our bed, on our couch, fucking anywhere. I’ll never share you again, understood?”

“Yes, I want that, too. I don’t want anyone but you. Ever again.” I mean every word.

“Another thing you need to know, Skye, is that I run the show in the bedroom. It’s not some game we’ll play from time to time.” When he lifts my chin and rubs the pad of his thumb over my lips again and again, I can feel the power in his hands. I trust it, I trust him with it. “It’s who I am and it’s how I’ll stay.” Sucking his thumb into my mouth, I swirl my tongue around it, telling him without words I’m more than okay with that.

His breathing is rapid, that vein in his neck is pumping wildly, and his nostrils are flared. I’ve never seen a sexier man than I see right now before me in my bed.

This time, when he slips inside of me, we’re alone and neither of us breaks eye contact. The frenzy that lead us to this moment has been replaced with a calm we both feel. This is making love, huh? Something I’d never done before, but now I can’t even think of not having this connection with Rhett. Our bodies move in unison and there’s no need for him to demand I say his name when that’s all that falls from my lips as my body milks his.

I hear the rain start and I smile in the dark. This will be the stormy night I think of often; it’ll be the memory that replaces the last stormy night. Just Rhett and I.

“You really love me?” I can’t help but laugh since we’d already covered this subject.

“Yes, I love you.”


A million little things fill my head but none sound quite right in my head but one…

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