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  • Текст добавлен: 9 октября 2016, 02:21

Текст книги "HATE Sex"

Автор книги: Billy Storm

Соавторы: Sidda Lee Rain
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Текущая страница: 4 (всего у книги 10 страниц)

Putting Stella down, I rub my hand over my buzzed hair and decide I need to give it a fresh run with the clippers later. “Yeah, it’s me. How’re you doin’, Susan?”

“I never go by Susan, and you know that, Rhett.” She shakes her hot pink acrylic nail at me. Yeah, she’s not my type…at all, but why do I feel like I need to tell Skye that? Jesus, we aren’t anything yet, and already I feel like I need to explain myself. What. In. The. Fuck?

Stella introduces me to everyone else and David? I think his name was David. Anyhow, he heads out with Nate and me to start unloading the furniture. It only takes us minutes to carry her living room furniture in. Eden is already putting the room together.

Making our way down the hallway, we pass a bathroom and two more bedrooms before we reach the master. Skye is already inside, vacuuming the floor, before we set up the bed. The walls are painted a dusty purple that’s close to gray. Not a bad color. “Fresh paint?” I ask.

“Ahh…yeah.” Looking over the walls, she asks me, “It’s not too purple is it?”

Great minds. “Naw, it’s a good color.”

“Not overly girly is it?”

Shaking my head. “I don’t think so.” Leaning over, I pull her hand away from her mouth as she chews on her nails. “You’re awfully cute when you’re worried.” I’m satisfied when I see her tongue-tied.

“C’mon, lets get this shit together.” Nate steps between us, asks her where a screwdriver is, and then heads to the kitchen drawer to fetch it. Neither of us moves. We’re both in our own world, and neither is willing to be the first to look away. Until Nate comes back, that is. “The faster we get the bed together, the faster you two can fuck this out.”

Skye’s mouth drops open. “Did he just—”

“Yeah, he did.” I chuckle as I watch Nate’s words sink into that pretty head of hers. Going for broke, I press my lips to her ear. “It’s not a bad idea, beautiful.” Call me smug, but I like how she holds her breath when I whisper in her ear. It’s almost as if she’s afraid to let the pleasure spread through her.

Chapter Seven


Looking around, it’s hard to believe that this place is mine—all mine. It feels good. Thirty-eight and now a homeowner.

Yesterday, everyone had helped me move in without a hitch. Okay, one hitch…Rhett. Not something I expected. But what’s even more shocking than seeing him was my reaction to him. My pussy damn near floods every time he speaks to me in that low, quiet voice, and it pisses me off. I don’t know him, but I do know myself and my body wants to know him on a much more intimate level. Crazy.

Tomorrow, I go back to work at the diner. Can’t say I missed it this weekend—not one iota. But, why would I? Being in a damn college town and only blocks from the dorms, most of our clientele comes in wearing the school colors and half in the bag. Maybe it’s because I’m no longer one of them, but I feel the urge to punch most of them in the face. Not exactly ideal when you pull at least four to six eight hour shifts a week—sometimes more.

Well, for tonight I’ll enjoy my second night as a new homeowner. I feel like an idiot laughing to myself but I’m stupidly giddy. That’s when my phone jingles—I think it’s supposed to be a harp, but really sounds like a horrible alarm clock. Whatever. My heart picks up speed, and talk about feeling like a fool, but I’ve been waiting for this—I’ve been waiting for Rhett. This time, when he asked, I gave him my real name and number. It was only reasonable after he spent his Saturday hauling my shit in the back of his truck.

Unknown: Skye?

Skye: Who is this?

Unknown: Jaden

Jaden—not Rhett. For the life of me, I don’t think I know a Jaden. Who the hell is Jaden? Nice name, but it doesn’t ring a bell.

Skye: Who is Jaden?

Unknown: U forget all the guys whose nuts U have had in a death-grip?

Nuts in a death-grip? Who in the he—ahhh…the asshole from the club. What and how?

Skye: How did you get my number?

Jaden: Chick at your work. Amanda or sumthin?

That bitch. She and I are going to have a long fucking talk.

Skye: It’s Mandy

Jaden: Whatever

Skye: What do you want?

Jaden: U

Okay, what is this dude smoking? I look at my screen repeatedly, thinking I had to have missed something. I’m so confused that it’s not even funny. Not knowing what the hell to even say, I just decide not to reply. I’m not sure what’s going on, and I have no interest in being the butt of somebody’s joke.

Jaden: Hellooooo?

I think of blocking his number and forgetting all about him but something stops me. Curiosity? Glutton for punishment? Who knows?

Skye: I’m here.

Jaden: Calling

What? No, no, no, no! And, there’s the ring. Fuck! I think about not answering and letting it roll over to voicemail, but do I do that? No. Why? Because that would be the easy thing to do, and apparently, I have something against easy.

“Jaden?” I ask instead of hello like a normal person.

“Fuck,” he whispers over the line. “Say my name like that again.”

“You wanna tell me why you’re calling me?” I ask.

“Say my name again, Skye,” he repeats.

What in the hell? “Why are you calling, JADEN?” Yes, I totally drew out his name.

“I want to meet up with you—“

I cut him off, and ask the only question that’s on a fucking loop in my head. “Why?” He’s quiet over the line, but I can hear him breathing, so I know he’s there.

I hear him take a deep breath and slowly exhale before he answers. “Not sure why.”

“Umm…I’m a little confused here, Jaden.”

“So am I,” he mutters, and I recognize his voice now and clearly. Definitely the same guy who stole my fries, insulted me, and then later asked me for sexual favors for a price at the club. “Skye?”

“Still here.” Jesus, this is brutal. Honestly, I can’t think of anything to say.

“What’re you doin’ right now?”

Picking at the threads on my jean shorts—more out of nerves than anything, I decide to go with the truth. “Nothing. I’m about to go to bed.”

“Seriously? It’s only nine. What’re you, like a seventy-year-old man?”

“What the hell?”

Wheel of Fortune is over so it’s time to retire with the newspaper and your pipe?”

This guy is the epitome of asshole, but dammit Wheel of Fortune? I try to hold in the giggle that escapes. “You’re stupid.”

“True enough.”

And for the first time, I really hear him laugh. Now I understand that the few chuckles he gave me at the club were bullshit. This sound ringing in my ear is the real Jaden. Funny, but he doesn’t sound like an asshole right now—just sounds like any other guy.

“I wanna come over to your place…tonight.”

Yeah, he said that. Jaden, as in a complete fucking stranger? Umm…as in hell to the fucking no. “I don’t even know you, dude.”

I hear him chuckle over the line again. “We’re back to dude again?”

Dammit! Smiling I over exaggerate my sigh before I say his name again. “I don’t even know you, Jaaaaaaaden.”

“Fuck, you’re a smart ass ain’tchya, sweetheart?” I say nothing in response. “It’s hot as fuck and makes me want to put something in between those big lips of yours to shut you up.”

Running my fingers over my lips, I question if they’re too big. I’ve always been self-conscious of them, but no man has ever said they were big…to my face at least. I’m pissed at myself that my voice sounds weak. “My lips aren’t big.”

“Yeah…yeah, they are. The kind of fat lips that are meant to be wrapped around a cock…my fat cock.”

I want to be repulsed. I want to be pissed. I want to be disgusted by his crudeness. Unfortunately, I’m anything but. His words enflame me from the inside out. I feel my pussy warm like I’m straddling a curling iron. And, my tummy flutters like I’m some goddamn teenager. Maybe it’s the fact that Rhett hasn’t called after getting my real number, or maybe it’s the fact that I know I could never jump and wrap my legs around his waist like Stella did. I know, I know, she all but tackled the man, but what man wouldn’t want a human Barbie doll clinging to him?

“I’m taking your silence to mean you’re thinking that sounds like a damn good plan, huh?”

He’s arrogant and an asshole but my absolutely shameless body reacts to the deep timbre of his voice like a fucking electrical shock. “I think you’re insane, and I don’t know what game you’re playing, but I don’t want any part of it.” Hang up! Hang up! Hang up, you dumb bitch! I don’t hang up though. Nope, I listen as if my life depends on his reply.

“No games. I don’t play games and I’m not about to start—”

“Then what is this? What are you doing?”

“I don’t know what I’m doing, Skye. All I know is that I get hard as fucking concrete when I’m around you, hell, when I see you across the street my dick gets hard.”

With those words, Jaden has completely stolen my voice. I’m shocked; I have no clue what to say, but my desire to say yes scares the shit outta me. He’s a stranger, a stranger! As in stranger fucking danger. Wait“are you hard now?” Closing my eyes, I can’t believe I just asked him that, but it doesn’t stop me from waiting intently for his answer.

I hear a rustling sound and what clearly is a zipper—is he? Oh. My. God. “Crazy fucking hard.” My panties are instantly wet, and it’s only gonna get wetter when I hear his breathing hitch. I know he’s got his dick in his hand. “Let me guess, you’re in a pair of sweats, right?”

Asshole. “No, I’m…”

“In what? Don’t be shy, sweetheart.”

Against my better judgment. “Jean shorts and a tank top—”

“Unzip your shorts and put your fingers in your pussy. Two fingers inside that snatch.” My body is on fire. Done attempting to fight it, I do as he says and unzip my shorts. “Was that your zipper?”

My mouth is dry. “Ye—yes.” Jesus, my heart is pounding and I’m already breathing hard.

“Good. Now, put two fingers in that pussy. Are you wet?” A shiver runs over my heated body, and I know I haven’t been this aroused in a long ass time. “Skye? That pussy’s wet, isn’t it?”

“Yes, I’m wet.” Good God, Im going to hate myself come morning, hell, if it even takes that long.

“Mmm…damn. I knew you’d be one of those girls.” I almost ask what he means, but I don’t give a shit what he’s talking about. Right now? Right fucking now? I want to come. Pushing two fingers inside my pussy, my eyes roll back into my head, and I moan lightly because it feels so good. My left ear is starting to sweat where I have it pressed hard against the phone with my shaking hand. “You pumping those fingers in your snatch for me?”

First I nod, then, it hits me that he can’t see me. “Mmmhmm.” My fingers pick up their pace.

His breathing is rough to say the least. “Say that again.”

“Mmmhmm.” I moan.

“Fuck, yeah, I’d give anything to feel my dick down your throat when you moan like that. I’d ram that fucker as far as you could swallow.” My breasts ache, and my nipples feel like they have an electrical current racing through them. It’s too much; all of it is too much. “I wonder how much of me you could take before you start gagging?” My head is telling me that I shouldn’t like his filthy talk or his practically degrading imagination but…but every fucking word out of his stupid mouth is bringing me closer and closer to climaxing. “I want to hear you, Skye.”

Hear me? “‘Kay.” He has to be hearing me panting like a bitch in heat when I can hear his every breath. I can hear the slap, slap, slap of his hand on his cock, and it drives me wild. Knowing he’s jacking off to me, my voice, and imagining my body in his head while he does it, gives me this newfound confidence to push him for a little more—

“I want to hear you. Put the phone down by that wet snatch. I wanna hear your fingers going in and out…I bet your soaked by now.” THATS what he wants to hear? Come on, I’m embarrassed by how wet I am the way it is—let alone put the babbling brook up to his ear. “Skye, don’t think—just do right now.” Obviously, I’m not thinking. Yeah, I’m pretty sure that part is pretty fucking clear…as I slowly slide the phone the length of my torso. I cant believe Im doing this. But I do as he asked—even if I have no fucking clue why. Thrusting my fingers in and out, the wet noises that had me ashamed now have me on fire when I hear Jaden growl on the line. “Fuck yes!” he says, and it makes my pussy clench deep within my body.

I was seconds away from shying away from him, pulling away, but there is no way of stopping this freight train now if I wanted.

“Skye? Skye!” I hear my name, but it takes me a second before I realize it is Jaden on the phone. I can hardly breathe, and I’m so close to coming that I almost ignore him, but for some god-forsaken reason, I can’t ignore this man if I tried.

Picking up the phone. “Yeah?” My fingers never slow and my eyes never open.

“I want to hear you when you come.” The sound of him jacking-off turns me on beyond belief. In my head, I can see it—I can see it all: Jaden’s hand working his cock in fast, hard strokes. “Come, Skye—fucking come…let me hear it.”

And just like he ordered, I lose it. I climax so hard all I can do is gasp for breath as wave after wave leaves my body a shuddering mess. Without even realizing it, I moan into the phone just before it falls to my chest. Lost in that euphoric post orgasm haze, my pussy contracts over and over again when I hear him groan through the air.

Picking the phone back up, I listen to every sound, every grunt, every labored breath as Jaden comes with my name on his lips. Sweet Jesus, when he says my name, I come again. “Oh fuck!” I’ve never done that before. Of course, it’s nowhere near as consuming as the first, but I want to experience it again and again.


I came so fucking hard that my body began to cramp. Being a personal trainer, it makes me laugh because I think of how I should’ve stretched before my workout. Stupid. Never had jerking off been considered a workout, but fuck if I’m not sweating, and my heart rate is through the fucking roof.

When I heard how wet she was, I almost blew on the spot, but I wanted to hear her come; I needed to hear every second of her orgasm. For such a spunky shit, Skye held nothing back when she came. Jesus, I’m getting hard again just thinking of how she must be in the sack. A wildcat that’s for freakin’ sure. Now more than ever, I wanna know.

One phone call isn’t gonna be enough—not even close. If anything, I want this chick ten times more. It’s sick and twisted and insanely fucking hot. There is this crazy draw to her, and for the life of me, I can’t figure it out, but I’m not willing to ignore it either. Just listening to her come over the phone took me to a level I’ve never been on.

Neither of us has said a word since we came. I can hear her trying to regain her breath, and no doubt, she’s hearing the same from me. The blood pounding through my ears is easing, but I’m not even sure what I want to say now. “Skye?” For a second, I think she might just hang up.

“I’m here.” Her reply is low and throaty and I picture her lying on her bed. Her skin is flushed and on fire, and I’d put money on it that she’d curl into a man’s body all soft and plush as she reveled in a daze.

Now or never. “We need to fuck.” Okay, not put very eloquently, but it’s the truth, and I don’t beat around the bush.


Is she serious? Why? “Were you not just here? I came so fucking hard, I shot three feet in the air. Sweetheart, that means something—”

“Means what exactly?”

Sighing, I decide straight up truth. “It means that if we fuck, it’d be off the charts. I want that, and I’m not sure how you couldn’t want that.” It’s the truth, right? She knows the ball’s in her court but I also know that if she says no, I’m not just gonna walk away like a good little boy. Hell no. I’ve had a taste of Skye and it’s nowhere close to enough.

I know women, and I know right now she’s got a battle going on. “Skye, don’t overthink it. Fucking isn’t supposed to be dissected; it’s supposed to be fast and fun and…plain old hot.” For a second, I stop and think about her moaning as she came. “Those moans weren’t faked, that orgasm was real, and you did it with me. You can hate me all you want, but do it after we fuck.”

When she hums my dick begins to twitch. “Is that an agreement hum or are you just trying to get me rock hard again?” And then? Then, she giggles—a completely girly giggle, and hell if I don’t smile. It’s so unlike the woman I met. I don’t want to like her. Really, there’s no need to like her to wanna fuck her. I prefer not to get that close and liking her is on it’s way to being too close. I found out a long time ago that I’m not made for anything other than screwing. I’m just not. Feeling the need to keep things clear, I say. “Only a fuck—nothing more and sure-as-shit nothing less.”

“This was fun but—”

“Fun? This was fun? Are you fucking kidding me right now, Skye?” Fun? Seriously? Waiting for her to answer, I almost throw my phone when I hear her hang up. She just hung up on me.

This is far from over but right now I’m too pissed to even call her back.

Chapter Eight


Like a schmuck, I didn’t even call her. Shit came up this week with my brother, and I kept thinking I’d call her soon. Well, soon enough and it has been days. Never fails—never fucking fails. Ryan’s been screwing up my whole life, yet, I swear one of these days, he’s gonna get his shit together and I’ll be free from being his goddamn caretaker. I’ve lived with this since I was a teenager, and I still don’t comprehend how in the hell he let himself not only fall into our dad’s drunken footsteps, but stagger the whole fucking way behind him.

With Mom gone now and Dad dying of liver failure, I’m all that Ryan has. We should be able to lean on each other, but that’s just not possible. It’s hard to lean on someone who can hardly stand on his own, isn’t it? Three months ago, Ry had been clean and sober. Stint numero quatro in rehab had seemed to be working, and all I could do was pray that this time it stuck.

It didn’t. Exactly twenty-three days ago, I was hit with the reality that he hadn’t only had a drink, but had downed a whole bottle of Wild Turkey. That night I spent with him beside the goddamn bathtub just to make sure he didn’t choke on his own vomit.

Sad reality is? I’d seen my mother spend many nights like that next to my father when I was a teen. Ryan had witnessed it too. Not that it helped steer him away from the bottle. That leads us to where we are now. Ryan is the whole reason I moved back. I had a good job and a pretty decent life, but when Ry starting going back to drown in the bottom of the bottle, I came home. I came to help him, to take care of him, to…I don’t even know him anymore. I’ve never given up faith that Ry could get his shit back together but now? Now, I just don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Getting my job back at Pinkies and meeting Skye have been my highlights since coming home. Made a man—me, made me think that coming back hadn’t been such a bad thing. Now, I’ve probably fucked that up already. I’m not one of those kinda guys to play games with women. Not that she’d believe me now since it’s been almost a week since I said I would call.

Glancing over at Ryan passed out on the couch; I’ve never wanted to cold-cock him more. Not one fucking care in the world that his booze couldn’t solve. Not a one. He didn’t care that he was fucking with my life as well as his own. No, the fucker didn’t care about shit that didn’t involve a shot glass.

I know he’s sick, I know the fucking disease has taken over his life, but it’s now taking over mine. Looking at him as he sleeps off his last bender, Ryan almost looks normal; he looks okay, but I know it’s all bullshit. Knowing that I’d just pulled him outta the tub after spraying his own puke off his clothing tells me that he’s far from okay. This has to stop.

Ry’s hitting the booze harder than our father ever did, and that man is on his deathbed. Ryan could be there soon enough too. And, that scares the hell outta me. We’re brothers, and not only that, but he’s the last family I have left. Dad’s been dead to me for years, and Mom passed just over seven years ago from an aneurysm.

When Ryan wakes up this time, we are going to get this shit figured out. I refuse to help him out of his puke soaked clothing for the rest of my life. He’s going back into treatment, but this time he’s not coming home after a month. Nope, either he goes long term, or I’m outta here, and he can kill himself on his own time without an audience.

Now, I’m still confused about what to do with Skye. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I want to spend more time with her, but I don’t want to bring poison into her life—poison that is my alcoholic older brother. She doesn’t need that—any of that.

God, the way she smiles and the whole room lights up still bowls me over. I’ve yet to meet a more vibrant woman. The last thing she needs is my family tainting her, and Ry is the only family I have left I can’t give up on him just yet. That day is getting closer and closer. However, if I wait that long before going after Skye, it’ll be too late. Honestly? I don’t want to wait, I really don’t.

Fairly certain I can keep my lives separate, I decide there’s no way I’m waiting. When the day comes that I want to introduce my woman to my brother, I can only hope that Ry’s a full man again and not this empty shell of vile shit that reeks.

Decision made…tomorrow, I will call Skye and hope she’s not too pissed at me. Tomorrow, I will get Ry’s ass back into treatment where he belongs. My first day back at Pinkies is tomorrow as well. Jesus, my life has become a series of tomorrows, and I’m so fucking over it already.


My shift ends in just under two hours and forty-five minutes. Ugh…fucking finally. This has seriously been one long ass week. I’ve been in my townhome for almost a week now, and I love it. Mandy’s asked me to pick-up two of her shifts since Wednesday. I’m so over this diner that it’s not even funny. Forty-seven hours and need I remind you that this is only supposed to be a part-time job? Part-time, my ass. I’m exhausted, and I have to work at the club tonight.

My phone hasn’t stopped buzzing today. Jaden. Fucking Jaden. That’s just another shit storm of what-the-fuck-ever. What he wants with me is beyond confusing, but everyday he’s called or texted. One day, he showed up during the lunch rush. I had no time to deal with him, and I traded Sherry three of her tables just for his. Pawning him off may have been the coward’s way out, but I couldn’t really give a crap.

Jesus, just thinking of our phone sex has me blushing. I mean, come on. What does he think of me? First, I’m just some fat chick he insulted and stole fries from. Then, I’m some broad that he didn’t even have to pay four ninety-nine a minute to masturbate to. Class act—real class act I am, huh?

My phone buzzes again and I look at the screen and it clearly says “message from Asshole,” yup, that would be Jaden. Curiosity has me reading it.

Jaden: You either come to the gym today or I’ll meet you at Pinkies tonight.

Shit! I don’t need to deal with him at work, but the thought of Charlie handing him his own ass on a platter entertains me.

Skye: I’m leaving early tonight. I’ll stop by around ten-thirty.

Jaden: Perfect.

I don’t know if I’m mad at him for being such a pretentious jerk or at myself for giving into him. I don’t know what he’s thinking, but I’m thinking that tonight we get a few things straight. Whatever our phone-sex thing even was is done. Not. Happening. Again. I’m just going to march into that damn gym and act like I know what the hell I am doing. Jaden can just accept what I’m going to say.

Two hours later, and the place is dead. Mandy finally made it in for one of her shifts this week. Doing my Friday night ritual, I slink into the restroom to change out of my uniform and wiggle into my jeans…I’m thinking they must’ve shrunk in the dryer…again. Anyhow, I change into my faded Seven jeans, and tonight I rock a Pinkies black and pink t-shirt. Letting my hair fall from the tight bun it’s been in all day—practically all week, it feels amazing as the stinging subsides. Darkening my makeup and finger combing my hair, I’ve transformed in a matter of minutes.

Stopping at my car, I toss my backpack inside and lock the doors again before starting toward Jaden’s gym. Yes, as a matter of fact, I do curse myself the whole damn way across the diner’s parking lot. I continue to curse myself as I make it across the street between the oncoming traffic. Taking one last deep breath, I pull the door open and step inside the cool and far too bright space. Music pouring from the speakers instantly makes me feel older than I am. This teenybopper crap motivates people? There’s a few patrons utilizing the workout equipment. Okay, okay, so I only know what a treadmill is and an elliptical machine—I have no idea what these other contraptions are, and they look far too complicated for me to even try and figure out.

I’m not blind, ya know? I see the looks I’m getting. Yeah, yeah, there’s a fat girl in your territory. I feel like I should tell them that a big ass is not contagious or something, but rather than give them a second glance, I head over to the desk to ask for Jaden.

“He’s in his office. Are you looking for a consultation?” The blonde is beautiful and looks like she could bench-press a Buick if need be.

“He’s expecting me,” I tell her and smile as I pick up a pen and tap it on the counter. Hell, I’m nervous. I fidget when I’m nervous. When she picks up the phone and presses one of the twenty buttons all while keeping her eyes locked on me, I feel the need to tell her my name. “It’s Skye—Jaden knows me.”

Hearing a door open just down the hall, I’m surprised to see Jaden heading straight for me. I wonder if Becky—it says on her name tag…I wonder if Becky sees what I see in Jaden’s eyes when he approaches me? Maybe I’m seeing shit. After all, Becky looks more like his type than I do.

“Good thing you showed up,” he says, and I don’t have to feign my surprise when he reaches for my hand and leads me back down the hallway. Becky watches our every step up until Jaden opens the door to his office. He all but pushes me inside before shutting the door with an audible click of the lock.

“Do you mind?” I ask. “Don’t push me around, asshole.”

His boisterous laughter echoes in the small room. “Do I mind?” I step in front of his desk and watch him as he leans against the door he just locked wearing the stupidest smirk on his face. “I do mind.” He steps closer. “I mind a helluva lot.” Another step, which causes me to back up against the cold metal desk. “You wanna know what I mind, Skye?” All I can do is nod as he reaches up, slips his right hand into my hair, and pulls it tight. “I fucking mind you avoiding me all week.” Then, his mouth is crushing mine, and when he pulls away, I gasp for the breath he stole.

“Don’t you fucking kiss me? I don’t even know you.” I spit out as I attempt to pull my head free from his grasp.

“You know me. You know what I sound like when I come, and I know exactly how you sound when you finger fuck yourself—”


He smiles at me like some fucking psycho. “I know exactly how your fingers sound going in and out of your dripping snatch too.” I can feel embarrassment cover my entire being, and I regret coming here, but then he kisses me again.

I haven’t been kissed like this in well…ever. His teeth nip my bottom lip, and suddenly, my mouth is battling his in a fight for dominance. He wants to be kissed? I’ll fucking kiss him—I’ll kiss the fuck out of him.

“I need to fuck you.” That’s all he says as his free hand drops to the button on my jeans. I think about fighting him—stopping him…but I don’t. No, I let him pop the button on my jeans and then, I let him lower my zipper.


In seconds, he’s pulling my jeans down my legs, and as I step out of them, I realize I’ve handed over complete control to him. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you come twice.” I watch as he drops his own pants to his knees. “Just like you did the other night on the phone—”

“Shut-up!” I’m going to do this—we’re going to do this, but I don’t want to listen to him. Without another word, he turns me around and pushes me down on the cold desktop. I should be pissed being manhandled like this, but I’m not. Not even close. When his fingers breech the black lace of my panties, I turn and whisper. “Condom—we need a condom!” I feel his whole body press against me when he leans over me to reach just inside the top desk drawer and pull out the foil package. I’m not even going to think about why he’s got them so accessible. His cock is pressed tight between my ass cheeks, and fuck, if it doesn’t get me hotter.

“You’re ready. Fuck! You’re thighs are getting wet.” He’s right, but still, I just want him to shut his mouth and fuck me already.

Lining up his cock-head against my pussy, he takes my wrists in his hands and pulls me back until it hurts. Fuck, it really hurts.

“Skye, look at me when I shove my cock into you.” I ignore his words and bite my lip to keep from screaming at him to just fuck me. “Look at me, goddammit!”

Turning my head and looking over my shoulder, I snap. “Fine, I’m looking at you!”

Jaden says nothing else when he rams into me with a force that shocks me. I cry out when I feel him slam home. Fuck, that stung but it’s a good sting. His eyes look hazy and unfocused; they resemble just how I feel. “That’s what you wanted, isn’t it?”

“Fuck, that really hurt!” Sucking in a breath. “Do it again.” Putting my heated forehead on the cold surface, it distracts me briefly from the burning between my thighs. He says something, maybe asked me something, but his words aren’t clear, and I don’t want to talk to him. “Shut up and fuck me,” I pant.

He slams into me hard. “Don’t tell me to shut up, sweetheart.”

I don’t know why I have this need to irritate him, but it’s almost like I can’t control it. “Shut up, sweetheart,” I say snidely, and the smile that follows isn’t forced—it isn’t fake.

Pulling my arms back harder, he responds with thrusts that are so violent that I almost tell him to stop…almost. God, I know this is sick, but I welcome each hard slap that our bodies make, and I crave each sweet burn when his cock hits me so deep I fear I won’t be able to walk later. The desk slides each time his groin meets my ass, and I have to stop myself from begging for more, pleading with him not to stop.

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