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  • Текст добавлен: 9 октября 2016, 02:21

Текст книги "HATE Sex"

Автор книги: Billy Storm

Соавторы: Sidda Lee Rain
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Текущая страница: 8 (всего у книги 10 страниц)

A lough crack of lightning has me bolting upright and the scream leaves my lips before I can stop it when I see Jaden standing in the rain behind my car through the rearview mirror.

Getting out of my car, I slam the door. “How did you get in here?” I yell.

“Told the guard I was following you but lost you on the highway,” he says as he stalks closer.

Some fucking security. “Get out! You are not welcome here, asshole!”

And…he smiles, he actually smiles. “Haven’t been called that in a few days, I missed it.” He shakes his head and rainwater drips from the ends of his hair. “I’ve missed you.” His eyes never leave mine as he leans in and kisses me with a force that’s downright painful.

Pushing him away, I scream again. “Get out!”

Jaden gives me a sinister smile and kisses me again. Pulling me against him, he holds tighter when I attempt to pull away from him. His hips press against mine and I feel his arousal against me. Memories of him fucking me until I scream on his desk start to replay in my head.

Rhett. I think of Rhett. “Leave,” I whisper, hoping he hears the desperation in my voice. “Please, leave me alone.” I can hardly get it out.

Jaden’s hands drop to his side and he steps back a single step while looking at me as if he really sees me for the first time. Clearing his throat, he rubs his hand over his jaw that is now covered in a dark five o’clock shadow, and I notice that the always-primped meticulously good-looking Jaden is gone. In his place is a man that looks exhausted, desperate, and ticked.

I don’t even get a chance to process the visual in front of me; Jaden is flying backward and slamming up against the wall in my garage. The sound of Rhett’s fist hitting him in the face breaks the brief silence.


I pull up and see a Mercedes parked in Skye’s driveway and wonder who it is. Probably one of the girls from the club, I imagine. Walking up her driveway, I stop dead in my tracks when I see some man with his lips pressed against hers. My heart stops—just fucking stops. I stand there like a dumbass just watching as the woman I’m falling for kisses another man until I see her whisper something to him and he takes a step back. I instantly see his arousal and everything just goes red. Complete. Fucking. Red.

Before I even realize what happened, I have him pinned and my fist meets with his face more than once before he lands a hit on my right temple. Fucking southpaws get me every damn time. It’s enough that he knocks me off balance and soon enough we’re fighting with each other like some goddamn MMA fighters in the driveway as we’re getting doused with rain.

“Rhett!” I hear Skye scream. “Jaden, stop!” His name is Jaden? “Stop!” Suddenly, I see one red Chuck Taylor fly past my head and hit this punk’s chin, snapping his head backward and knocking his body off me. Sitting up, I see blood dripping from the guy’s mouth before Skye is helping me up, mumbling incoherently.

Grabbing her arm none too softly, I bark at her. “Who the fuck is this, Skye?” I expect her to say—no, I pray she says that she doesn’t know, that he attacked her, that he’s a crazy ex that she can’t stand. But she says none of those things. Barely audible, she says, “Jaden.”

“Yeah, I heard his name. Who the fuck is JADEN?” I yell, my temper quickly rising and rising.

She says nothing for what feels like forever, and I see her struggling with some internal battle.

“The truth, Skye!” When she jumps at my volume, I realize I don’t care.

“Better question, brother, is who the fuck are you?” With blood dripping from his mouth, I see his face for the first time.

“Don’t I know you?” I ask as I study his face, then, it hits me. “The gym on Forrester, right?”

He nods. “Yeah, that’s me.”

Looking from Skye with her eyes wide and jaw slack, I also see fear looking back at me. “You wanna tell me why the hell you had your mouth on my girlfriend?” I ask him, but I never take my eyes from her face.

Your girlfriend?”

“Yeah, MY girlfriend.”

“Girlfriend?” Skye whispers, looking confused. What the hell did she think she was?

For some reason, I know what’s coming before he says anything.

He laughs and I watch as he smears the blood from his mouth onto the front hem of his shirt. “Well, I’ve been fucking YOUR girlfriend, I guess.”

Yep, I didn’t expect those words, but either way, same outcome. I want to punch his face in. I want to crush his fucking skull but most of all? I want the pain deep within my chest to stop. I’ve never felt anything like this before. Still not breaking eye contact with Skye, I watch as the tears stream down her face and I don’t have the slightest inclination to wipe them away. Good, I hope they fucking burn. I hope her chest feels like mine, only worse.

Finally, I have to look away when she starts repeating over and over again how sorry she is. She’s sorry, all right.

“It was a mistake, Rhett! I want you, not him, I don’t even like him!” she cries.

This time, I laughed. None of this is funny, but come the fuck on. “You don’t even like him?”

Skye shakes her head.

“You don’t like him but you’re fucking him?”

Those green eyes have a cloud over them and shine nowhere near as bright as they normally do, and for the briefest second I almost feel sorry for her.

“It was only twice—”

“Well, I fucked you on my desk but then, I fingered you against—”

“Shut up!” she screams shoving the jerk-wad back.

Rubbing my hands over my rain soaked face doesn’t bring me any comfort. Knowing that this man has had his cock, his fingers, inside of my Skye, kills me; it’s fucking killing me.

“While I was going to fucking family therapy with my alcoholic brother you were here fucking this douchebag?”

“No! No, no,no! This was before, I swear it.”

“I haven’t fucked her in three days, dude.”

I feel my stomach churning. “I left four days ago.” I whisper, closing my eyes. I cant believe this. I. Just. Can’t.

“It was the last time, I swear. I-I…”

When she stops and stares off over my shoulder, I try like hell not to let her quivering chin get to me or those pouty lips that I’ve come to love so much. I can’t believe we’re here, I can’t believe she did this to us and before we even had a chance to start.

Still, she says nothing, and I can’t stand it. “You fucking what Skye?”

When her eyes meet mine once more, I see that there’s hurt and confusion in place of the fear that scarred those brown eyes earlier. “I didn’t know if you even wanted me,” she whispered. After a sob breaks free, she yells, “I didn’t know!”

Her words hit me like a truck. All this time, I thought I was doing this right, taking things slow before jumping into bed but instead it left her thinking I didn’t want her? Jesus. That couldn’t be further from the truth if she tried. “Not even fucking close.”

“Yeah? How the hell would I know?” Another crack of lightning hit and after seeing Skye jump, I take her hand and pull her inside house, motioning with a jerk of my chin for dickhead to follow. “Let go of me!” Soon enough a well-manicured finger was pointed right at me. “Don’t you manhandle me like that again!”

I hear Jaden, I think his name was, chuckle and just the sound pisses me off. “You find something funny?”

I watch as his eyes look at Skye’s before looking back at me. Squaring his shoulders, I can tell he’s uncertain what affect of what he’s going to say will have on me. “From my experience…Skye loves to be manhandled, told what to do.”

I feel my jaw clench and the urge to leave this fucked up situation hits me hard. But, when I look at Skye with her head bowed and her shoulders shaking, I can’t make my feet move. They. Won’t. Move.

“That true?”

She says nothing.

I repeat, “that true?”

Still nothing.

Lifting her chin with my finger, I can see the answer without her saying the words, but I want the words. On their own accord my fingers trace her soft feminine jawline, her full cheeks as they make their way to those lips. “I asked you a question, Skye, and I expect an answer.”

“Y-yes,” she murmured.

“Really? Hmm…not what I would’ve guessed, but I’ll admit it’s something that intrigues me.” That’s when IT popped in my head. I know it’s wrong, I fucking know it, but between her admission and thinking that she’d thought this whole time that I might have been rejecting her physically…sexually? It makes sense right now. Come morning, I might just hate myself as much as I do Jaden. I want to hate Skye. I want to so badly but I can’t, I just can’t.

Both Jaden and I watch as Skye kicks off her shoes on the entry rug and walks without a word into the living room sitting herself down on the red couch. For the first time I see the smug look on Jaden’s face and I realize he cares for her more than he’s let on. Seeing her defeated and unsure of herself is something I never thought I’d see from her. Where’s her spitfire attitude and quick wit? I doubt she’s ever gone this long without a sarcastic comment leaving those lips. I don’t like seeing her like this nor do I like the fact that I give a shit. I shouldn’t, ya know? I really shouldn’t.

I see Jaden’s shock when I motion with my chin toward the living room. His eyebrow wings up and his eyes widen before I witness him take a deep breath and nod. He understood everything I was asking with a single look. I don’t want to think why he’s agreeing, but he is. Here we go…

Jaden follows my lead, slips off his leather jacket, and tosses it on the love seat just after mine. Skye jumps when the metal buckle hits one of the snaps on my denim jacket.

“Stand up,” I say, my tone sharp with no room for argument.

When Skye stands, my heart races knowing that even after the truth has come out, she trusts me. Her tear-filled eyes watch me for any hint of my next move, and as I close in, I can tell she never saw the kiss coming. We’d shared many kisses over the last few weeks, but this time knowing I wasn’t going to be going home alone and hard with only my hand to calm me? It made this kiss so much more. This kiss was her hint of the filthy, animalistic things in my head that were about to set free.

My cock is past hard before I pull away from her mouth. Placing her hand on the damn tight bulge in my jeans, I ask, “Does that feel like I don’t want you, beautiful?”

Stepping back. “Jaden, show her just how fuckin’ unwanted she is.”

Chapter Sixteen


I completely freeze. Did he just said what I think he said? Oh my god, he did. I’m serious right now, serious as a fucking heart attack: I can’t move. Rhett gave Jaden the green light to not only touch me, but he downright commanded him to. Briefly, I wonder if this is a test, but the look on his face tells me it’s something completely different. What it is, I have no idea. “Is this some kind of sick game or something?” My voice doesn’t even sound like my own. “Are you punishing me?”

“Punishing? Ahh…no.”

Rhett steps closer to me once more and pushes my rain-soaked hoodie off my shoulders, letting it drop to the floor with a weighted thud. Kicking it aside, he takes me by the shoulders after an all too quick kiss and turns me toward Jaden. His large hands stay firmly grasped on my trembling shoulders as he leans in and nips my earlobe. “This is more like a lesson.”

The two of them must be speaking without words because soon enough, I feel another set of hands breach the hem of my Pinkies shirt and rest just above the waistband of my jeans. Sad to say, but these hands are familiar, I know which man these belong to, and I now know that they belong to the one I’d rather not feel. Dammit! I had made the decision—the final decision that I’d never cave to Jaden again, and here I am– but with Rhett leading. This can’t be what he wants…can it?

Looking over my shoulder, I try to take a step back, put distance between Jaden and I, but Rhett doesn’t allow it. Instead, he pushes his erection against my ass, and with the ever so slight nudge of his pelvis, my front is pressed up against a very aroused Jaden as well. I cant. Can I?

“Stop whatever shit’s going on in that head of yours, and give me those big fucking lips.”

Surprise, surprise… leave it to him to piss me off as well as turn me on. I don’t have big lips. Do I? Fucking Jaden.

Then he kissed me. We’ve fucked more than we’ve kissed. This slower paced man is not the one I know. He tasted like he did before, but paired with metallic taste of what I imagine is dried blood. Feeling Rhett’s mouth work up the side of my neck before he lifts my hair and trails warm wet open-mouthed kisses along the back of my neck, I lose any thought of the man in front of me. “Rhett—”

“You know what J? I’m thinkin’ maybe she needs to see some proof that she’s wanted.”


The distinct sound of two zippers lowering practically echoes through the room and I hear them as if they’re on loudspeaker even over the storm raging outside.

This time when Rhett comes into view, he is side-by-side with the same man he’d punched just minutes ago. Both men stand with cocks in hand, slowing stroking themselves as they stare at me. I, Skye Briar Blake had not one sexy man but two in front of me. Surreal—sur-fucking-real.

“Take off your shirt.”

Rhett’s tone left no room for discussion and without hesitation; I did as I was told.

“On your knees.”

Then I did what any other red-blooded woman would do faced with these two men in front of her; I looked. I felt the warmth pool in my lower belly and my pussy clench with want like I’ve never felt. Jaden’s hand had picked up speed, and somewhere along the line, he’d ditched his shirt. But Rhett? His hand moved slow and steady. The veins along his forearms strained within his tanned skin. The dark hair that lightly covered his arms screamed of his masculinity. When he widened his stance, my eyes took in his cock that I’d yet to see before tonight. Not quite as long as Jaden’s but what he lacked in length, he more than made up with girth.

“Aren’t you supposed to be doin’ somethin’, beautiful?”

Ummm. “I forgot.”

When Rhett laughs, it’s not mocking me like Jaden’s has.


His touch is so much kinder as he pushes the hair that has fallen across my face. Not letting go, he holds my head where it was and lifts his cock to my lips. When I opened my mouth to take him in, Rhett’s hold on my hair tightened just shy of pain.

“I didn’t say you could have my cock in your mouth…yet.” I nod slightly. “Lick me, just the head.” Pure exhilaration was what I felt when I heard him suck in a quick breath. “Suck me deep, beautiful.” Taking him as far as I could, I swallowed, and his answering groan was all I needed to spur me on. “Does that taste like I don’t want you?” No, no it didn’t. Actually the taste that was slowly filling my mouth with each bob of my head tasted like the exact opposite of unwanted. I felt desired. I felt needed. I felt wanted.

When his hold on my hair switched from his right hand to his left, I realized he was making sure Jaden saw it all. He wanted him watching me suck him, wanted him to see everything. This is the part where I’m probably supposed to be pissed, upset, or what-the-fuck-ever, but I’m not. No, I feel myself getting wetter just knowing he’s watching, knowing it’s his hand I hear. Slap. Slap. Slap. The sound builds my excitement, getting me hotter every second. It made me suck Rhett’s cock like my life depended on it. Sucking him hard, as deep as I could, and without shame, I soaked him until my mouth was dripping.

“I don’t give a fuck if you’re not a swallower, beautiful. You are tonight.” My scalp stung as his grip increased, pushing his cock until he hit the back of my throat; I still sucked as hard as I could. “Greedy ass mouth wants to swallow me whole,” he panted. “J, you payin’ attention? Here it comes; swallow every fuckin’ drop.”

Doing just as I was instructed, I swallowed every drop he gave me. Pulse after pulse filled my throat with his very essence. I’ve never been this close to an orgasm without a single finger near my pussy. I was so close to climaxing, I probably could’ve if I’d just thought about sucking Rhett off a few seconds longer. But when he pushed against my face and swiveled his hips, I began to gag. My mouth was wrapped around the base of his shaft and he was still hard beyond deep in my throat.

“Breathe through it. Fuck, one more.” He said as he repeated the motions again but this time, I was prepared. Hissing as he pulled himself from my mouth, I couldn’t help but smile at the goofy sated look on his face. I did that to him, I gave him that goofy-ass look.

“Your turn.”

Did he just tell him I’d blow him, too? Oh. My. God. Suddenly the repercussions that will hit tomorrow frighten me. Will Rhett be able to get over this? Over what I’ve already done with this other man? Would one night of sexual playtime fuck us over for good?

Though my concerns were legitimate, I know I’m not willing to walk away either. And that? Well, that’s what got me in this shit-mess in the first place. My absolutely shameless attention whore hadn’t been getting any attention…until Jaden. And what did I do? I gave her what she wanted at the time and I wasn’t willing to walk away now either.

My train of thought was quickly derailed when Rhett sat on the couch and pulled my body between his legs. His jeans now completely up but not buttoned felt like sandpaper against my arms.

“You’re gonna suck him dry all while I’ve got my hands touching you in all the places I’ve been imagining.”

In one swift swoop, my shirt was up and over my head, and seconds later my bra was unhooked and slipped from my arms. The slight chill in the room paired with my arousal turned my nipples into tight points, which his fingers quickly found. My nips became painfully tighter as he rolled and pinched them between his fingers. “Do you know how many times I’ve jerked off in the shower thinking of you? Only you. Touching you, tasting you, wanting you.”


“Open up those big lips.” I know she hates when I say her lips are big, which is why I say it. No lie, that fire in her eyes gets me off as much as using her body any goddamn way I like.

Call me surprised when she doesn’t snap at me, but instead opens her mouth and closes her eyes, waiting just waiting for my dick. Instead, I smear the come leaking from me across her lips. Even in the dim room, I could see the shine covering her mouth. With each flash of lightning, her face lit up and the effects of our mouths pinkening her own were clear. Pink and swollen—just the way I want her lips when they’re wrapped around me, hell, same way I like her pussy.

When Skye looks up at me with my dick in her mouth, I lose my shit. Thrusting forward, I shove my dick as deep as I can before I’m in to the root. I’d imagined what it’d feel like to be inside the warm, wet heaven of her mouth. Framing her face with both hands, I take what I’ve thought of doing for weeks. Plunging in and out of her beyond fucking eager mouth without slowing—I wait for the gag, I expect the gag, I want that gag. I feel the corners of my mouth turn up, and I’m sure it’s as evil looking as it feels. Cmon Skye, you gotta breathe sometime…they always do. One, two, three more thrusts and I feel her reflexes kick in, and I hold my own breath when I hear her gasp for hers. Her throat tightens against my dick still buried as deep as I can go.

Brett’s groan fills the air when she pulls my dick from her throat and tries to catch her breath. His name was Brett, right? Before she can re-think any of this—and I know Skye, she’ll flip the script any second, so I rub my cockhead across the seam of her lips before watching each glorious inch disappear inside her mouth. Not even realizing it was me who released such a low moan. “Fuck.” With my hands back on her head, I take the lead once more.

Skye’s hair is a tangled mess like it’s had a mans hands…or two gripping it. Her mascara is running down her cheekbones—part from the storm outside and the other part from the storm in these walls. Lips, full and lipstick smeared and I’ve never seen a fucking hotter sight in my whole goddamn life. “S-Skye,” I choke out as she swallows and the sensations it shoots up my rod have me seconds from coming and coming hard. “You’re so fucking hot with my dick in your mouth.” Pumping in and out. “So fucking hot.” In and Out.

“Fuck! Enough.” Brett growls as I watch him pull Skye on his lap.

And her mouth was gone and so is my fucking orgasm. I was about to nut and now? Now, I’m back with my dick in my hand.


I’m not sure if it’s nerves or her excitement causing her body to tremble, but I’m betting it’s the latter. “Stand.” I fumble with the button on her jeans just before pulling them down as she shimmies outta the snug denim. My nose fills with the scent of her arousal, and I know without touching her that Skye’s wet and ready for me. My patience is shot to hell with the fact I know there’s a soaked pussy with my name on it, I merely raise enough to shove my pants far enough to free myself. “I’ve gotta be inside of you.” When there’s no argument, I pull that luscious ass back until her calves hit the sofa. “Spread ‘em, beautiful.” She does.


“Right here, baby, right here.”

Skye managed to straddle my thighs. Pulling her down, I lift my hips and my hard-on rubs against her very core. She whimpers. Wetness coats my cock as I pass through her wet folds. She undulates her hips and I’m mesmerized when her clit rubs against the head of my cock over and over. The visual is twice as hot as it feels.

“I’m gonna fuck you—rather you’re gonna fuck me as you blow J to heaven and back again.”

Taking my cock in hand I rub against her clit.

“Condom, Rhett.” She’s serious, but so am I.

“You on the pill?”

“Yeah, but—“

“I’m clean. You?” I already know she is. There’s no way we would’ve made it this far if she wasn’t. Skye probably—okay not probably, she doesnt deserve my trust, but I give it to her without strings anyhow.

She nods but repeats condom, once more.

“No condom.”

Her body stiffens, but she stays silent.

“I’m gonna fuck you bare and I’m gonna come in you too.” My tone makes it clear I mean exactly what I said, and I do. Skye’s mine and filling her with my come marks her as mine, and Jaden will be here to watch it all. He’ll know that after tonight, she is mine.


No more words are needed, and when I push myself into her sex, Skye’s words vanish anyhow. When her back meets my chest, I crave naked flesh. With one hand, I pull my shirt off and pull her warm and oh-so-willing body back against mine. Rolling my hips, I hear her gasp at the same time her pussy clenches around my shaft, trying to hold me from the inside out.

Nothing exist but the two of us—that is, until Jaden’s voice breaks the spell I was under just before I feel his leg brush against my own.

I watch as her hand drifts downward; Skye strokes him over and over again, letting her fingers tease the underside of the head with her fingers. Hearing his sudden intake of breath hits me wrong. Stroking his cock, Skye pulls him toward her mouth. With her hands on his ass, I watch as she practically swallows him whole.

“Christ woman!”

Jaden bumped his groin against her face, pumping himself in and out of her eager mouth, slowly pulling out then sliding back in, his eyes locked on the perfect view below him. I know that view…thats MY view.

“Harder,” he utters through clenched teeth.

“Mmmhmm,” she says around his shaft, and I felt the vibration through her pussy.

When he bent down and kissed her briefly, my anger rose. You like the taste of my come, asshole?

“Ready for a mouthful?” he asked as he stroked his cock, still refusing to break eye contact with her.

“Y-yes.” Skye answered.

He growled, I growled but for two totally different reasons.

Fuck him.

This time when his cock disappeared into her mouth, I didn’t find it hot. No, I didn’t like it; I dont like it. Jaden thrusts repeatedly into her mouth, each thrust a little harder than the last.

Watching over her shoulder and knowing he was getting closer to blowing? Pissed me off. Wrapping her right hand around his balls, she massaged them as they tightened in her grip.

“Oh yeah, suck me hard.” Grabbing his ass with both hands, she held him as close to her as she could and swallowed over and over. No doubt her mouth was being filled with the salty taste that was leaking from his shaft.

Her throat muscles worked him over, and I couldn’t handle it anymore. “Come on her tits.” The fucker has the audacity to eye me like he’s about to argue. I dare you motherfucker; I dare you. Thank god, he looked away when he did so he wouldn’t see how fuckin’ weak I was right now. Skye picked up speed and I couldn’t stop my hips from meeting her on every down stroke, if I tried.

A deep groan came from Jaden.

“On her tits.” Taking my hands from where they cupped her breasts I took her by the hips and guided her motions. Harder and harder. Fuck, I needed it harder.

After pulling free from her mouth, his right hand gripped his cock hard and he jerked off bending down to stroke himself against her nipple, leaving a slick spot with each hit. “Oh fuck! Skye!” he groaned her name as he came. Thats MY name to say as I come, from my lips not his. Jaden’s eyes though narrowed stayed locked on her chest as he watched himself come on my woman. Drawing his finger from her chin to the pearly white drop that clung to her nipple, Jaden held it to her mouth. “Swallow,” he said.

“Like hell she will.”

Licking where her pulse raced along her neck, I sucked the spot until her skin heated, and I left behind a purple mark. Nipping her earlobe just to make sure I had her full attention. “You’ll only swallow my come. You’ll only be filled with my come.” Ramming my cock into her willing body with a force that jarred my own teeth, I was marking my territory, branding her as mine.

When her head lolled back, I knew I had her as lost in us as I was.

“Look at me, beautiful.”

Skye’s full ass rocked against me as she sought her climax.

“Look at me!”

A soft moan came from her lips and went straight to my balls.

“Goddammit, Skye! Look at me!”

She ignored me again.


Her whole body jolted when my hand met the tender flesh of her pussy. Stinging my hand, I know damn well that she was feeling the burn, too.

Crack! Crack!

“You will do as I say. Look. At. Me.”

Panting, quivering, and so damn close to falling off the cliff, she opened those eyes and the gold flecks practically destroyed me.

“You will come on my cock and you’ll look at me when you do.”

Her eyes closed as I rammed her harder.


“Keep ‘em open!”

She whimpered, eyes wild as she looked at me over her shoulder. “Again, p-p-please?”

Filthy fucking woman. Fuck.

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

Feeling her pussy squeeze me, she was there, and I was so close I had to clench my ass cheeks to keep from exploding inside of her spasming muscles. Balls tight, teeth clenched, I demand her to give me what I need. “Say my name, beautiful.”

Crack! Crack!

“Who’s pussy is this?” Sweat drips down my forehead and slides down her bare shoulder. “Fucking who’s, Skye?”

Barely audible, “Rhett, Rhett…omigod it’s yours, Rhett.”


Her body jerks so violently, I almost slip from her. As Skye twitches above me, I feel my balls get wet and that’s what sends me over the edge. There’s no more slowing this freight train as I come harder than I’ve ever come in my life. The roar that comes from me not only hurts my throat with a welcomed pain but it shocked the hell outta me. Another first.

I didn’t stroke her enough. Skin so soft, warm and inviting had regrets making an entrance. Then, it hit…guilt. Guilt for Skye doubting that I wanted her. Guilt for practically pushing her into Jaden’s arms. Guilt for…for the moment, I hated her when she had another mans cock in her mouth—even though I’d lead her to it, told her to. But most of all? Guilt that I’d taken her for the first time with an audience merely to show the fucker who she belonged to. That was a moment we’d never get back and it’d never be truly ours only.

Chapter Seventeen


So you’re telling me you went from thirty-eight years and not one single orgasm from a man to a climaxing queen with two different men within weeks?”

Nodding, “I think I know why now though.”

“Oh I wanna hear this. Have you heard from Jaden? Talked to Rhett about any of it?” Eden turned her chair away from the mirror after screwing the mascara closed and stared at me like an eager child.

Inhale and exhale. “Jaden’s called me at the diner a few times—”

“Let me guess, you didn’t respond?”

I shake my head.

“Figured. Rhett?”

Inhale, exhale.


Seeing Eden’s benevolence is more than I can take.

“Okay, so tell me why exactly you’re leaving orgasms in your wake all over town then.” Funny, definitely funny.

“Well, I didn’t get off until Jaden pinched my nipples or smacked my ass.” Another breath. “Rhett had me coming in seconds when he’d slapped my pussy over and over.”

“Mmm…k?” Furrowed well-defined eyebrows and the fact she was chewing on her bottom lip told she wasn’t reading between the lines.

“Control—well, not only control but a bit of pain.” Sighing. “Truth is, I need to feel the sting, I need a burn, I-I just need something else during sex and I need that something to hurt.”

I saw when she understood what I was saying. “You twisted little slut!” Eden shook her head and sipped from her rum and Coke, obviously highly entertained by my confession.

“Champagne room, high roller, bought two dances in,” glancing at his watch, Charlie continued. “Seven minutes, Eden.” He was gone as fast as he appeared.

“Duty calls.” I watch as she stands, leans closer to the mirror, and freshens the red paint on her lips before her eyes meet mine in the mirror. “I was only screwing with you, you know? I don’t think it’s twisted…at all actually. But now that you know? Don’t deny yourself because you have some thought that it’s wrong.” Straightening up, I watch as she adjust her breasts, pulling them higher, giving herself more cleavage than seconds ago. Before walking out the door, she stops with her hands planted on either side of the door frame and speaks without looking at me. “From what I can tell, Skye? You’ve got two men that understand that—maybe more than you do. Choose one and let the other go because you’re an easy woman to love and that’s just not fair to either of them.”

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