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Shiver : 13 Sexy Tales of Humor and Horror
  • Текст добавлен: 10 октября 2016, 03:11

Текст книги "Shiver : 13 Sexy Tales of Humor and Horror"

Автор книги: Belle Aurora

Соавторы: Penny Reid,Ruth Clampett
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Текущая страница: 6 (всего у книги 39 страниц)

He steps up to me and takes my hand. “But sweetheart, would you really want it any other way?”

I smile at him. “No. I guess not.”

“Okay then. Now that we’ve got that settled let me show you the best part.” He grabs a remote control off the garage counter and pulls me outside to the street just past our yard.

He’s clutching the remote tightly as he waits for me to look up. “Ready?”

“I sure am.”

“It’s going to be hard to tell the effect during the day but I assure you it will be amazing at night. Here we go!” He clicks a button and I notice that the world globe on top of the structure has taken on a glow and slowly turns. Meanwhile the wire holding Superman starts to move the opposite direction. “Look Brooke!”

I gasp and turn toward Nathan. “He’s flying! I seriously can’t believe you!”

“How clever I am?” he asks with a sheepish grin.

“Yes, how clever and how awesomely amazing!”

He pulls me into his arms and we watch Superman circle Metropolis a number of times before finally shutting him off. “I better get back to my painting.”

As we walk back into the house I ask about lunch. “What kind of sandwich would you like?”

He shrugs. “Whatever you’re having. By the way, how are the food and drink plans coming for the party?”

“Did you know that Billie used to be a bartender? She’s agreed to come up with the themed drinks for us. And I had another cute idea for food.”

“Better than the Catwoman catnip salad? Or the Clark Kent Oreo cookies where you take the top cookie off and the frosting inside has the Superman shield?”

“Well, I was thinking of pizza ideas, and you know that Batman villain Two-Face?”


“We’re going to have Two-Face pizzas…one half of the pizza is perfectly smooth with cheese and the other is a mess of ingredients.”

“Just like Two-Face! Brilliant!” Nathan beams.

“I’m working on dip ideas next.”

He nods and lets out a satisfied sigh. “This is going to be the best Halloween party ever.”

Chapter Two

It seems like there are endless details for this party, and not all of them are fun ones. Nathan arches his brow when I dump a collection of shopping bags on the couch. “What’s all that?”

“It’s part of my costume for the party. The most important part really.”

He tips his head to the side. “But you already have the costume.”

I scowl and plop down on the sofa next to the bags.

“What’s wrong?”

“Well you know all those Zumba classes I missed because of all my production and merchandising meetings? And failed diet attempts the last few weeks?” I look down at the floor and shake my head.

“But Brooke, you’ve been so busy…”

I throw my hands up in exasperation. “I know! But that doesn’t change the fact that I don’t fit into my costume.”

His expression falls and he rubs his chin with his hand. “Oh I see. So is it another costume in those bags?”

“No. It’s reinforcement. It’s the latest state-of-the-art undergarments designed to tighten up everything so I look sleek as a seal.”

Nathan’s face scrunches up. “That sounds uncomfortable.”

I nod. “You have no idea.”

“I’ve always wondered, when everything gets tightened up…exactly where does it go?”

Leave it to my creative boyfriend to wonder such things. “I don’t know handsome, it goes inward I guess.”

“That can’t be. I mean what about your internal organs. It has to go somewhere else.”

I reach into the bag and pull out the package and point to the illustration on the front. “See with this one it sucks in everything below my waist and my thighs.”

“But what if when you put it on the stuff squeezes out and gives you massive calves?”

Is he serious? I give him a bug-eyed look. “Well then I can go to the party dressed as the Hulk. Or I can resort to the most extreme.”

His wide eyes actually look full of fear. “And that would be?”

I fish around in the bag and pull out the largest package. “The full body suit.”

“Head to toe?” he asks with a gasp.

“Yes. Even my toes will look thinner.”

“Surely this isn’t necessary,” he insists as he steps away from the package. “Are you sure your costume doesn’t fit?”

“Abundantly. But at least I’ll look presentable for your party…our party.” I quickly correct myself.

He reaches out for me with an empathetic look. “Oh baby, don’t do this to yourself. We’ll figure something else out.”

I’m so disappointed in myself and I throw my hands over my eyes and start to cry. He pushes the packages on the floor and sits down and pulls me into his arms.

“Don’t cry, Brooke. Please don’t cry.”

I sniffle into his shoulder.

“If it makes you feel any better I’m having costume issues too.”

I lift my head up and face him. “You are? You don’t like your Superman costume? It was the nicest one I could find.”

He shakes his head. “No it’s not that.”

I watch the blush move across his cheeks. “It’s just too…revealing.”

I blush too knowing how well-endowed Nathan is. “Oh…that.”

He nods somberly. “I’m pretty sure I’d never hear the end of it from the guys.”

“But doesn’t that make you look even more like a Superhero?” I grin widely.

He kisses the top of my head and sighs. “To you it does.”

I pull away from him and gently nudge him forward. “I want to see. Can you try it on for me?”

“Oh God. Now?” he asks with a horrified look.

“Yes, I insist.”

He lifts off the couch slowly like he’s still trying to figure out how to get out of it. I push him on the ass. “Go on now. I’m waiting.”

I’ve scrolled through my entire Facebook feed before I realize how long this is taking. “Nathan?” I call out.

“Coming.” His voice is very tentative.

When he steps into the living room I frown. “No fair!”

He shrugs. “It’s authentic.” He looks down and unbuttons his white dress shirt one more notch and pulls it open further to expose the Superman S shield on his chest.

I fold my arms over my chest. “You’re not wearing a Clark Kent suit over your uniform, Nathan!”

He gives me a guilty look. “I know – it’s cheating.”

“Is that fair to your guests? If Andy is brave enough to wear spandex tights among his peers you have to be brave too.”

“But I’m pretty sure Andy doesn’t have a package like I do.”

“I’d rather not think about that.” I wave him over. “Here, I want to see.”

With resignation he steps forward and holds his arms up, letting out a sigh. “If you must.”

I start by pushing the jacket off his shoulders and pulling it off. The shirt comes next. But when I trace my fingers along his waistband and start to unzip the fly, I look up at him and see fire in his eyes. I slowly pull his slacks down.

“Oh my,” I whisper before biting my lip. I look up at him with desire in my eyes too.

“The way you’re looking at me is only going to make this worse,” he says gesturing at a situation that is going to test the very spandex stretch limits of his costume.

I look up at him with a guilty smile. “Sorry about that.”

He looks over at my purchases. “Hey, what if I wore one of those things under my costume. Do you have one that’s just the panty area?”

My mouth gapes open. “I do – I got every kind, but won’t that hurt to have your manly parts pushed inward?”

He shrugs. “If you’re willing to suffer for our party I will too. I’m the one that got us into this mess.”

I search through the package and then pull out what he’s looking for. “Okay…here you go. I can’t wait to see this.”

He looks pale and a little scared when he takes the package, but still turns and heads toward the bedroom.

Several minutes pass and there’s no sign of him. Maybe he needs my help. I knock softly on the bedroom door. “You okay in there?”

“I don’t know. This is disturbing.” His voice sounds tight.

“Can I see? I promise to be good.”

“No laughing?”

“I promise.” When he doesn’t respond I slowly push the door open. He’s standing in the corner on the far side of the room.

He slowly lifts his arms up. “I don’t know about this, Brooke.”

“You’re too far away – I can’t see. Come here, handsome.”

I have to press my mouth shut tight as he walks toward me. He’s moving like he has a stick up his ass. I’ve never seen him move so awkwardly.

When he gets close I can’t help clapping my hand over my mouth and gasping. My free hand gestures to his crotch.

“What?” he asks with an alarmed expression.

“Where did it go? How tight was that girdle?”

He brushes the sheen of sweat off his forehead. “It’s not just that. I did that tucking thing that I heard drag queens do. That’s not easy to do. Nathan junior is wedged between my legs and let me tell you, he isn’t happy about it.”

“I bet.” I can’t take my eyes away from the miracle of spandex and tucking.


I hold back a giggle. “You look like a eunuch.”

“Gee, thanks. But do you think this will work?”

I shake my head fiercely. “No way. It’s false advertising of the most unflattering kind. Besides you wouldn’t make it through an hour, let alone a whole night.” I sit down on the edge of the bed and reach out to him. “Come here. Let’s set the beast free.”

He waddles over to me and takes a deep breath as I push the blue fabric over his broad shoulders and start peeling downward.

He looks at me with gratitude brimming in his big green eyes. “Oh, thank God.”

When the Superman costume is pushed down past his thighs I run my fingertips over the flesh colored fabric where his cock used to be. “This is so wrong.”

I hear him whimper and look up to see his eyes wedged shut. “Don’t touch me Brooke. You’re getting me all worked up…and it hurts so bad!” He’s taking quick short breath like a pregnant woman in her Lamaze class.

“Okay!” I say as I quickly peel away the tight garment. I have to shove all the fabric down to his ankles before he can part his thighs enough for me to slide my fingers up between his legs.

He starts to moan loudly when I gently take hold of his cock and start to pull it forward to where it’s meant to be. I feel him swell inside my grasp. I tenderly slide my other hand under his balls to set them free as well.

I look up at Nathan and smile. “Better?”

He runs his hand through my hair and lets out a sigh. “So much better.”

“I bet. That was just so wrong in every way.” I keep fondling him, admiring his sheer perfection now that’s he’s rock hard.

The relief in Nathan’s eyes turns into a scorching expression as I continue to stroke him.

I feel inspired to make him feel better after all his suffering. “God, I love doing this.” I kiss the tip of his swollen head.

“I’m so glad you do.” His gazed is fixed on me as I run my tongue along his length. “Oh Brooke,” he whispers when he realizes I’m not going to stop.

I smile inwardly. I’d be smiling outwardly too but it’s pretty much impossible when a cock this size is in your mouth. I slowly circle the head with my tongue while I moan.

He cups his hands over my jaws, his thumbs stroking my cheeks as I suck down his length. He swallows hard. “I love it when you do that…so much.”

I graze my teeth lightly back up his shaft and then work my way back down. I know exactly how to drive him crazy. It doesn’t take much with Nathan, every long lick and trail of kisses, until he’s in my mouth again, unravels him that much more.

He’s glorious with his heated expression and gently rocking hips. He watches my every move and the way his gaze skims over my body suggests that as soon as I’m done he’s going to worship me back. I may have been his first partner to experience mind-blowing sex with but I’m going to make sure I’m also his last.

I show him with every swirl of the tongue and sexy moan how much I love pleasuring him. When I take him in deep he throws his head back and passionately surrenders with a Superhero worthy climax.

After he floats back down to earth, he struggles to catch his breath. As he pulls me into his arms, I give him a warning. “Never again hide yourself from me.”

He gives me a lazy, satiated smile, and shakes his head slowly. “Never.”

Chapter Three

Morgan eyes me skeptically as she holds up the bodysuit. “Are you sure about this?”

I chew on my thumbnail as I examine the garment. Now that it’s out of the package it looks even smaller than I imagined. “I think I’m sure.”

She waves the spandex suit at me. “This looks like supermodel sized…not…”

I wag my finger at her. “Don’t call me chubby or there will be consequences.”

“Nah, I was going to say real-woman-sized, Brooke. I swear.”

“Thank you for that. But there’s got to be a way to get this on, right? I mean they wouldn’t be selling so many otherwise.”

Morgan shrugs. “I guess so. How should we start?”

“I’m thinking the first part should be easy, like putting on a pair of tights.”

“Okaaaay,” Morgan says as she tries to pull the opening at the top of the garment open wider. Right now it’s the size of doughnut. I could use a doughnut about now, but that’s what got me into this mess in the first place.

I start to untie my robe and Morgan holds up her hand. “Wait a minute, tell me you’re wearing underwear because I’m pretty sure my job description as your assistant doesn’t involve me touching you when you’re naked. The goods need to be covered.”

“You’re so uptight.”

“Says the woman wearing a body stocking to conceal her real curves.”

I smile at her. You can’t out-tease Morgan. Ever.

“Actually I thought ahead about this. So to answer your question, no, I’m not wearing underwear. I’m pretty sure that my body, or at the very least my girly parts would suffocate if I did, and no stinking Halloween party is worth that risk. But I’m happy to report that I thought ahead about this issue.”

I ceremoniously untie and pull off my robe while Morgan covers her eyes squealing. “I’m wearing a string bikini.”

She parts her fingers and lets out a long sigh before dropping her hands.

I wiggle the strings at my hips. “See when we pull the thing up past my girly parts I can untie this and pull it off.”

“That works for me.” She glances at the clock on the nightstand. “We better get started.”

I sit on the edge of the bed, take the first leg of the thing and grab my way down to the foot part before wedging my foot inside. I hold my leg up and rotate my ankle in victory. “Yay!”

Morgan scratches her head. “Why do you need skinny feet?”

I shake my head. “I think they do this to keep it from riding up your legs. Thus the tagline…sleek from head to toe.

“Okay then, as long as we’re on a roll let’s move on to foot two.”

The second foot goes on easily as well. “Maybe this won’t be so hard after all.”

Morgan rolls her eyes before dropping to her knees to help me yank the thing up my calves. When we get all the way up to my knees I feel a surge of optimism until I realize that the crotch for the bodysuit is at my knees as well. This would be great if I were three feet tall with stumpy legs, but that’s not the case.

To add to my frustration, my thighs are pressed so tightly together from the spandex binding that I’m losing feeling in my hoo-hah.

Thank God Morgan has a determined spirit because she goes at it like a champ, pinching bits of the slick fabric and yanking upwards. I don’t even cry out when she pinches some of my skin as well since I don’t want her to lose her focus.

I look down at her as we work together. Her face is red and her brow damp with perspiration. We’re getting close to our goal of a crotch-to-crotch connection when after a particularly tough yank she tumbles backward on the floor.

“Holy hell, this is worse than Chinese foot-binding. It’s full-body binding!”

I nod in agreement. “Obviously a man who hated women designed this.”

“Or a really skinny girl who never has to wear it.”

“To hell with them all,” I pronounce as I wiggle my toes, hoping to regain feeling in them. I look over at Morgan still sprawled on the floor. She appears to be breathing normally now. I study her red costume that shows off her figure in a very flattering way.

“Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask. Who are you dressed as?”

“Electra. Girl, you need to study up on your Superheroes!”

I sigh. “I know. So many Superheroes, so little time. That’s one sexy outfit. You look awesome.”

“Thanks. And lucky for you Electra is a ninja…cause it’s going to take ninja skills to finish this job.”

We get back to work and after a tugging session equivalent to a full upper body, gym workout we get the thing over the edge of where my ass starts. I take a moment to untie the bikini and yank it out giving myself the equivalent of a pussy burn. I wince in pain. Morgan suddenly goes pale. “What?” I ask.

“How will you go to the bathroom once this thing is fully on?”

“There’s a hole built into the crotch. Didn’t you notice it?”

“I’ve been trying not to notice the crotch. Remember? Well at least that’s one thing you don’t have to worry about – a pee hole. Wow! They really thought of everything, didn’t they?”

She moves to my right hip while I work on my left but after several minutes we’ve succeeded in only getting the damn thing up another inch. She looks down at me and giggles.


She pokes at the overspill. “This gives new meaning to muffin top.”

“That’s lovely, thank you.”

Morgan pokes me again. “Well, you’ve got to admit…”

“Can we move on?”

We tug some more before she stops and throws her hands up in the air. “Are you sure you got the right size here?”

“I swear!” I say, my humiliation reaching new heights.

“It’s your hips,” she says shaking her head. “We’re going to need reinforcement.”

I drop my head and moan. “Billie. Go find Billie. She’s the strongest woman I know.”

“Is she here yet?”

“Yeah, she should be in the kitchen. Last time I looked she was hot-gluing plastic spiders to the radioactive punch glasses.”

When Morgan slips out of the bedroom I fall back on the bed and pull the robe over my body that now resembles a sausage whose casing has come undone. I tip my head up and look down at my legs. They’re unrecognizable. I tap my finger over my thighs and marvel. They’ve never felt so firm.

I hear a soft knock on the door and Nathan sticks his head inside. I pull my robe all the way up until it’s tucked under my chin. He frowns and his eyes cloud over with a look of concern. “Why are you in bed, sweetheart? Is something wrong?”

I feel my cheeks get hot. “No, nothing’s wrong. Just a bit of a costume challenge. Morgan’s getting Billie to help. Did you finish the Iron Man thing?”

He ignores my question. “Costume challenge?”

Suddenly Billie and Morgan burst into the room. Morgan’s eyes light up. “Oh good, Nathan can help too!”

I shake my head wildly at her.

“Help with what?”

“Getting her bodysuit on,” Morgan says.

I make a face at her.

Nathan’s expression shifts to one of horror as he walks to the edge of the bed and peers down at me. “It takes three people to get on your body suit?”

“Four if you count Brooke,” Morgan adds.

Thank you so much, Morgan.

I give Nathan the sweetest smile I can muster under the circumstances. “No handsome, we’re fine. You go on and do your Superhero thing.”

He looks relieved as he nods and walks to the door. “Good luck, girls.”

When the door closes Billie, who looks fierce in her Harley Quinn bodysuit, pushes her hands down over her hips. “So what’s this nonsense about you buying a bodysuit three sizes too small?”

I glare at Morgan. “I told you – I bought the right size!”

“Sure you did,” she says with just a bit of sarcasm.

Billie waves her hands in the air to motion me off the bed. “Whatever. Let’s get this shit done. I haven’t even started on the Kryptonite margarita mix yet.”

I waddle myself off the bed like a beached sea lion. When I’m finally upright Billie shakes her head as she bites her lip. “Well, that’s attractive.”

“Gives new meaning to muffin top, right?” Morgan says to her.

“Would you friggin’ cut it with the muffin top stuff! If we can just get this thing up higher it won’t be an issue.”

“Calm down Princess,” Billie says. “We’ve got this.”

She instructs Morgan to get on one side and she gets on the other before addressing me. “Okay, I’m going to count to three and then you suck it in as hard as you can, and Morgan you yank up with everything you’ve got.”

I nod, and Morgan spreads her legs planting her feet like a weightlifter about to lift oversized barbells.

They dig their fingers under the fabric and curl their fingers tightly around it. I’m pretty sure I’ll have bruises tomorrow in those exact spots. I take short quick breaths to work through the pain.

“One, two…three!” Billie booms.

I suck in my tummy so hard I’m pretty sure my belly button makes contact with my spine. The girls both grunt and snap their arms up like champs. We all stumble back from the effort.

I look down to study the miracle. The muffin top is gone, replaced by a sleek slope of spandex creating flat planes in places that previously had rolling hills. The effect of such body misplacement is that my breasts are now up under my chin. That’s okay. I can work with overly perky breasts. That’s expected in female Superheroes anyway.

“Whoa,” says Morgan, apparently admiring her handiwork’s effect.

Billie purses her lips. “You look like an android. I like you better curvy.”

I step over to the mirror and barely recognize my body. I have a moment where I’m inclined to agree with Billie but then I remember my mission. “Well, at least I’ll fit into my costume now.”

Billie heads back to the kitchen while Morgan helps me get the actual costume on. That part is easy with the only challenge getting my tits to stay in Wonder Woman’s bustier. They seem determined to be set free, but it’s nothing a little double-sided foam tape can’t take care of.

When we head out to the hallway Nathan’s waiting for me. A smile breaks out on his face like he’s just seen the sun after a storm. He steps up to me and puts his hands on my now narrow waist. “Oh Brooke. You did it! You’re my Wonder Woman.”

“A smaller version of her,” I say with a grin.

His hands slide down to my hips. “Well, honestly, I miss your hips. But you do look dreamy.”

Morgan punches him in the arm. “Good thing you like it, Nathan. Cause you’ll be the one taking it off later.” She gives him a wicked grin before moving on.

As Nathan and I walk to the front of the house I lean in close to him. “And how’s your costume situation working out?”

He looks down and adjusts the waist of his red panties. “So far so good. Obviously not using the tucking technique makes a huge difference, but just going up one size with the spandex thing helps too. Now I’m just dealing with compression, not elimination.”

He puts his hand on his hip and the other he waves towards his crotch. “What do you think?”

I nod. “That works. Your true Superhero skills are our secret. And if you don’t mind me saying so, you make a super hot Superman.”

He grins and pulls me forward. “Thanks Wonder Woman…and now it’s time to party.”

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