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Электронная библиотека книг » Victoria Hamilton » книга "Bran New Death"
Bran New Death - Victoria Hamilton
  • Книга добавлена: 9 октября 2016, 13:31
обложка книги Bran New Death - Victoria Hamilton

Название книги: Bran New Death

Автор книги:

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91 тыс.Всего слов

Язык книги: русский
Переводчик(и): Людмила Подгорная
Издательство: Berkley Prime Crime Book
Город: New York
Год издания: 2013
ISBN: eBook ISBN: 978-1-10162506-4
Размер: 183 Кб
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Описание книги

Expert muffin baker Merry Wynter is finally ready to turn her passion into a career. But when a dead body is found on her property, she’s more worried about cooking up an alibi…Merry is making a fresh start in small-town Autumn Vale, New York, in the mansion she’s inherited from her late uncle, Melvin. The house is run-down and someone has been digging giant holes on the grounds, but with its restaurant-quality kitchen, the place has potential for her new baking business. She even has her first client—the local retirement home.Unfortunately, Merry soon finds that quite a few townsfolk didn’t like Uncle Mel, and she has inherited their enmity as well as his home. Local baker Binny Turner and her crazy brother, Tom, blame Melvin for their father’s death, and Tom may be the one vandalizing her land. But when Tom turns up dead in one of the holes in her yard, Merry needs to prove she had nothing to do with his death—or her new muffin-making career may crumble before it starts...

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