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Broken Skies
  • Текст добавлен: 26 октября 2016, 22:33

Текст книги "Broken Skies"

Автор книги: Theresa Kay

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Текущая страница: 3 (всего у книги 18 страниц)


Lir’s eyes track the circular pattern of my pacing from his spot on the couch. Kitchen. Den. Hallway. Kitchen. Den. Hallway. This house has never felt so small. Adding the two bedrooms to my rotation would make it bigger, but the buzzing agitation in my head will only get worse if I go back into Jace’s room. Because he’s not there and he’s not going to be there until I go get him…until I go into the woods by myself with an alien and get to the city… where there will be more aliens, probably lots of them…Are they all as attractive as Lir?

Crap. There is something seriously wrong with me. And he’s smiling like he finds this amusing.

This isn’t going to work. But this has to work. I’m going to go off alone with this boy who is not my brother and I’m going to deal with it. Who cares if my fingers still itch to find out what the scales feel like? Who cares that he keeps looking at me like he’s not quite sure what to make of me… and I don’t even mind his eyes on me? What else can I possibly do? If I can’t get a handle on myself….this isn’t going to work. Gah. Even my thoughts are circular now.

Priorities would be…breathing, calming down, and… “Stop looking at me!”

He jolts and averts his eyes. “Sorry?”

No longer under his gaze, the creeping freeze of anxiety slows and then stops. A few more circuits and I’m almost back to normal, well, normal for me anyway.

Packing for this trip might be an issue. I can pull together some clothes and a couple bed rolls, but the pantry is rather empty. We were supposed to go to the market today and although, between Jace and me, we get plenty of fresh meat, it’s not the most portable stuff. Plus, Jace’s haul from today was left lying on the ground in the clearing.

Even though we’ll be in the woods and I’ll probably be able to hunt and gather plants, it might not be enough to feed both of us. Lir seems pretty helpless…Or does he just want me to think that?

I narrow my eyes and study him. “Are you going to be useful or are you just going to sit there?”

“What would you like me to do?” He swings his arms out to the side with his palms up. “I am happy to assist you.”

I shake my head. “No, I didn’t mean right now. I meant when we’re out there…Do you hunt? Do you know plants? How far can you hike in a day? How strong are you? Are there any…differences about you I should know about?”

“Why do you need to know?” he asks, suspicion lacing his words.

Maybe not helpless, but he sure is difficult. He was pretty quick back there in the clearing and strong enough to subdue me, I’ll just assume he can hold his own physically and I’ll just have to teach him some of the other stuff.

“Nevermind.” I roll my eyes and spin around, retreating to my room.

After quickly throwing together two packs, I make a list of things I need to run to the market to trade for. By the time it’s complete, Lir is settled back on the couch, his eyelids drooping. The injury must have taken more out of him than I thought.

“You stay here and rest. I’ll to the market and get some more supplies.”

“And I was so looking forward to seeing your primitive bartering center,” says Lir. One side of his mouth slides up. “I am sure I can see it another time.”

I roll my eyes, not responding to his insult, and stomp out the door. My feet hit the dirt at the bottom of the steps before a thought makes me pause. Now that his wound has been cared for and he’s eaten, what’s to stop the alien from just sneaking off and leaving me here? Is he really even sleepy? Could he be faking? I have no reason to trust him. Back up the stairs.

I tilt my head in the doorway. “Don’t run off. There are bears.” Lir’s chuckle follows me back out and my cheeks heat. That must have sounded incredibly stupid. Hopefully it will still deter him from trying to get out of our deal.

The market, located just inside the South gate is made up of some permanent shops, but it’s mostly traders from outside that Dane allows to enter. Once they’re cleared, the traders are permitted to set up stalls just inside the gates. Some of the more…unsavory…ones set up shop outside the gates sometimes, but I stay away from them.

It feels like people are staring at me, their eyes crawling over me like little bugs. Well, they always stare a little bit, but this time they aren’t even bothering to hide it. What? So I’ve never gone to the market without Jace. Do these sheep really have nothing better to do than worry about me?

I stare at the ground. Who knows what they’d do if I actually spoke to them. I’ve barely made it past the main stretch of shops and into the rows of trader stalls when someone calls my name from a stall to the left with animal pelts lining its display.

I have no use for the pelts– Jace brings plenty of those home– but there’s still something at the stall that interests me.

My eyes dart to Matt, all long limbs and shaggy brown hair, and then to the kestrel perched on his arm. It’s his birds that bring down the small animals whose furs are set out. He strokes the kestrel’s chest with one finger. “She’s nearly fully trained now, Jax. Do you want to hold her?”

I don’t really have time for it, but I’ve been eyeing that bird since the first time he brought it out and I’m sure he knows it. I shake my head. “Maybe another time,” I say.

He smiles, one side of his mouth twisting up further than the other due to the puckered scar running from his jawline nearly to his temple. “I’ve been training a hawk too, a Harris, just like your necklace.” My hand goes up to grab the pendant. How much attention has he been paying to me? “If you’d like…” His voice trails off. He huffs out a breath and meets my eyes. “If you’d like you could have her.”

Whoa. His words may be offering me a bird, but his face seems to be offering me something else. I take another step back. I’m sure, if I were looking to be Promised, Matt would be a good candidate, young and, despite the scar, attractive, but that is just not in my plans.

A creeping discomfort works its way through my body. He’s not standing too closely and I doubt he’s a threat to me, but the shyly hopeful look on his face throws me off. It’s best for both of us if I get that idea out of his head right now.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea…I’m going on a trip and I won’t be around for a while.” I cringe. I did not mean to say that. “You know, for training the bird and all. It’s just…a bad time.”

“Alright, I understand.” Matt’s shoulders droop, but he recovers quickly. “Next time then?”

“Yeah, definitely” I say, returning his smile. “I’ve gotta run, but I’ll see you around.”

A few discreet trades and I’ve got some dried rabbit meat, a few ration bars, some cheese and an extra loaf of bread. It will have to do. The longer I’m here and the more stuff I get, the more people are watching me.

The last stall I pass has a selection of knives displayed. I hadn’t thought much about weapons, but it couldn’t hurt to have a couple extra. Knives are good, they’re easy to use and there’s no risk of them locking up like some of the more techie stuff out there like jolt guns.

I study the selection and run my fingers over a few. A longer one catches my eye and I pick it up, testing the weight and grip. This one will work. When I look up to ask the seller how much, my eyes land on an old-fashioned rifle hanging on the back edge of the stall. That would be even better.

I wave the seller over and he slithers across to me. “What do you want for it?” I hold up the knife and use it to point at the rifle.

“The knife?” His eyes dart from me to the gun.

“And the rifle.”

The seller looks at something to my right and pales. “Not for sale.”

My body goes rigid when someone steps up behind me, not touching me but close enough to send my heart racing.

“Now, Jax, you know guns are reserved for guards and hunters only, neither of which you are.” The voice is familiar. Flint may be Dane’s son, but Daniel is his lackey. His breath on the back of my neck sends warning signals tingling through my limbs. Fight. Run. No, breathe.

My chest expands with a deep breath and I step away from Daniel, turning to face him. “Back off.”

Daniel smiles, but it doesn’t wash away the cruelty in his eyes. He takes one step back with his hands up and his smile morphs into a mocking grin. “Sorry, forgot you were a bit touchy.”

The heat of anger starts trickling in to chase away the icy fear and my limbs and tongue unfreeze. “Jace is a hunter. The rifle is for him. Early birthday present.” My words are still choppy and short, but the more deep even breaths I take, the easier it gets. “I am allowed to buy a gift for my brother, right? You know the hunter?”

“Sure,” says Daniel. “You would be, except everyone knows your brother doesn’t use guns. He’s too fond of those throwing knives of his. Why don’t you just pick him out a set of pretty little knives and leave the guns to the real men?” He steps forward again and I instinctively take a step back, running into the edge of the counter. “I’m sure there’s something here he’d like… how about this one?” Daniel reaches around my left side and his arm brushes against the side of my breast.

My right hand comes up clenching the knife from the table, my knuckles white. I jam the point up into the soft spot underneath Daniel’s chin, pushing hard enough to get his attention, but not drawing blood. Yet. Air hisses in and out of my nostrils as I struggle to control my quaking limbs and my urge to just ram the knife in a little further and be done with it. Not a good idea. I am not a killer. Well, I am, but Daniel’s just being an asshole, not really trying to hurt me. Right?

The knife bobs with Daniel’s throat as he swallows, bringing me back from my internal argument. “I. Said. Back. Off!” The volume rises with each word I squeeze past my gritted teeth.

Daniel jumps back. The movement flicks the switch in my head to fight and I lunge forward, lowering the knife and moving to shove it up underneath his ribs.

“Jax! Stop!” A hand comes down on my wrist and I spin, bringing the knife from my boot up with my left hand as I turn. Flint’s wide-eyed face is enough to break me out of my frenzy and I force my left hand to release the knife before completing the arc into Flint’s stomach. My hand still lands there though, too much momentum to stop completely. I relax my right arm and Flint releases it.

“Sorry,” I mumble. I retrieve the knife I dropped and return the other to sit next to the rest of the seller’s wares.

“She’s crazy!” I cringe at Daniel’s words. “Something needs to be done about her. Dane’s let this go on too long. Loony bitch just attacked me for no reason.”

“You provoked her,” says Matt from somewhere off to the side. “I saw it.”

“Stay out of this, Bird Boy.” Daniel practically hisses. “Go back to your birds.”

“Did you?” asks Flint. “Provoke her I mean.”

“No!” Daniel flings his arms up. “I was just explaining to her that guns were for hunters and guards only and then trying to help her find a more appropriate birthday present for her brother.”

“Why were you trying to buy a gun, Jax?” Crap. Crap. Crap. Flint knows Jace almost as well as I do and my present excuse is not going to get by him. He studies my face waiting for an answer, but, too worked up to think of a new excuse, I just look away. “Nevermind. Daniel, go find something productive to do. Jax, come with me.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “I don’t need a babysitter.”

He ignores my protest and moves to grab my arm.

I smack his hand away. “You don’t want to do that right now.”

“Fine then. Go home.” He points a finger at my nose and narrows his eyes. “I’m going to take care of Daniel, but you, me, and Jace are going to sit down and have a talk later.”

Does he think I’m some disobedient child to be ordered around? I scowl at him.

Flint runs his hand through his hair. “Sorry. I didn’t mean for it to come out like that…just tell Jace I’ll be over in a couple hours.”

“Will do.” Just not right now. Or anytime soon. Forcing my mouth into a reassuring smile, I give him a mock salute and then walk off.

Once out of his sight, I quicken my steps, close my eyes and let out a long, slow breath. I should have stopped walking for my little stress release because, since I can’t see where I’m going with my eyes closed, I collide with Emily and land on my butt in the dirt.

“Oh goodness, I’m sorry,” she says. She puts out a hand to help me up but quickly retracts it as I get back to my feet on my own.

I brush the dirt off the back of my pants. “It’s okay. I wasn’t watching where I was going.”

“Did you hear about the alien ship that was spotted East of town? One of the hunters thinks it may have even landed for a while.” My stomach drops. “Wasn’t Jace out hunting today?”

“Uh, yeah, he was.” My mind searches for the right words, the ones that will get rid of her and get me back on my way. “But he came home early today. Wasn’t feeling well.”

“Oh no,” says Emily. “Is there anything I can do?”

“Nope, there’s nothing at all you can do for Jace right now.” Bad choice of words.

Emily’s brow furrows. “Is everything okay?”

Why is everyone asking me that today? Am I that obvious? I’m saved– if you can call it that– from answering by a commotion up the street. Three soldiers are jogging in our direction. They brush right by us and Emily steps closer.

“Jax, are you okay? you’ve gone a bit pale…” She places a gentle hand on my shoulder. For once, it’s not the touch of her hand that sends my stomach dropping to the ground, it’s the direction the soldiers are heading– East, toward my house. Of course, I don’t know for sure that’s where they’re going, but…


Emily looks from my face to the soldiers. “What’s going on? Let me help you.”

I shake my head. “I think the only person who can help me now is about to be taken into custody.”


“Nope.” I take off toward my house at a run. Emily calls out behind me, but I ignore her, my mind set on figuring out my next step. I need that alien in one piece in order to get my brother back and I will do whatever it takes to keep him that way.


Please be wrong. Please be wrong. The chant repeats in my head with each pounding of my feet as I run back to my house. I dart in between houses, through yards and around people. Maybe I can beat them there?

No such luck. By the time I near my house, I can already see the soldiers milling about. My feet skid with my sudden stop and I take a detour behind the row of houses across from mine. I travel through backyards until I am directly across from my front door, which is wide open and flanked by two soldiers.

Great. Just great. How the hell am I supposed to get around them? My luck doesn’t improve. Daniel exits between the soldiers, his hand around Lir’s upper arm, just as Flint rounds the corner and jogs closer.

“I told you that girl was crazy,” says Daniel, shaking Lir’s injured arm roughly. “I knew a trip over here would be…what’d you call it?…productive. She’s brought one of those things in here. And where’s her brother? That twit is probably in on it. They’re working together to—”

“Shut it, Daniel.” Flint’s words are quiet, but the tendons in his neck strain against the collar of his uniform as he clenches his teeth and his hands are in fists at his side. “I will take it to my father and we will find out what’s going on. I’m sure Jax has an explanation… leave Jace out of it.”

Daniel steps closer to Flint, sneering. “What is it with you and that idiot and his nutso sister? Not even you can protect them from this. You know the rules. No outsiders without permission and this erk’s about as outsider as you can get. Why I bet Dane’ll even let me be the one to pull the trigger if I ask nicely.”

Lir chooses that moment to break out of Daniel’s grip and start running, heading right toward my hiding spot. The alien may be quick, but he’s no match for the five soldiers that have him surrounded, especially injured and with his hands bound in front of him. One of the soldiers easily trips him, sending Lir to land face first on the ground. He struggles to his knees, but Daniel moves forward, stepping onto Lir’s back, slamming him to the ground. Before I can move, Daniel brings the butt of his gun down onto the back of Lir’s head.

Daniel stands, raising the barrel of his gun to point at Lir. “Let’s just go ahead and take care of this problem now.”

“No!” I step out from behind the house, raising my hands slowly. “I need him.”

Daniel turns, bringing his gun around to point at me. “So I was right. You’re a traitor on top of being crazy.” He grins. “Dane’s going love this.”

Flint steps forward, pushing Daniel’s gun toward the ground as he does. “Knock it off Daniel.” His eyes meet mine. “What the hell is going on, Jax?”

I focus on Flint, ignoring everyone else. He will understand. He has to. “Flint, they took him. They took Jace.”

“Who?” Flint’s eyes widen and his gaze travels back to Lir. “The erks? What the hell?”

“I’ve got a plan. I’m getting him back. But I need his help.”

Flint’s eyes narrow “You’re trusting the erk? Why? Do you really think it’s helping you?”

He is helping me.” I cross my arms over my chest. “Something you’re not right now. He and I have a deal. I get him to the city and he gets me inside so I can get Jace. Just let us go.”

Flint shakes his head. “I can’t do that. I’m going to have to bring it in… There are other things…Nevermind.” He grasps my arm and pulls me forward. “Come on.”

“No.” I plant my feet and refuse to move.

“I don’t have time for this, Jax.” He runs one hand through his hair causing the blond spikes to stick up even more. “We’ll get Jace. I’m not letting you go there alone.”

“But you don’t understand—”

“No.” Flint leans in closer, his voice strained. “You don’t understand. I can’t let you go to that city. Jace would never forgive me. You and I will figure this out, but you have to come with me and I have to turn the alien in. There have been attacks…”

“Attacks?” Something in his voice tells me that this is serious.

“The erks,” Flint says. “They’ve been wiping human settlements off the map. Bombs. Guns. Some things we don’t even know what they are. Whatever that thing told you, whatever promises he made you, they’re lies.” When I don’t say anything, he continues. “I don’t know how you came across it, but I can guess it was a single ship doing a flyover? They’re scouting us out.”

“Scouting us out…” As much as I don’t want them to, Flint’s words make sense. The single ship. The aliens’ heated conversation and their reference to looking for something. Even Lir never really said what they were doing out there. “And Jace? Why would they take him?”

“I don’t know.” He averts his eyes and shifts us back toward the other men. “But I bet it does. The erk was using you to get back to his kind. Who knows what it would have done when it got you there, maybe even taken you too.”

I shake my head and back away, the burn of tears stinging in my eyes. Lir has been nothing but nice. We had a deal. He’s my only option. There’s no way he… or is there? Has he even been honest with me? My eyes reach Lir as Flint grabs my arm again. Maybe he thinks I’m being hurt– more likely he’s just worried about losing his leverage– but Lir jumps up and moves toward me, much faster than before. Has he been faking his weakness?

It’s not fast enough though. One of the men catches up with him and hits him twice on the back of the head with the butt of his gun and Lir goes down to his knees. His eye bore into me, begging me to do something, but my feet are frozen. What if Flint is right? I turn my head away, unable to watch anymore even though I can still hear the sounds of fists striking flesh. I blink quickly to prevent the tears from falling and lean into Flint.

“Let’s go,” I say. One way or another, I’m going to figure out what’s real and I’m going to get my brother back.

We stop outside the large building where Dane’s office is and Flint motions Daniel forward. “Take Scott and Michael and put the erk in one of the cells.”

“Sure thing,” says Daniel. “Come on guys, let’s put this thing where it belongs.”

Two of the soldiers step forward, Lir’s limp form draped between them. He hasn’t woken since the last time they hit him. The splash of green blood on his collar draws my eyes up to the still dripping wound on his temple. Shouldn’t he have stopped bleeding by now? Should I even care?

I pull my gaze away and shake my head. Flint wouldn’t lie to me, especially over something that involved Jace’s safety. Besides, this rescue mission will be a whole lot easier with some soldiers behind me. Forget the alien. Forget that he may or may not have saved my life in the woods. Forget that compassion in his eyes on the porch and the feel of his skin under my fingers. Really forget that last one.

After filling my lungs with a deep breath, I follow Flint up the stairs, without looking back.

“Enter,” Dane’s voice booms after Flint’s knock and we walk into his office.

Flint nods at his father. “Sir, there’s been a breach. An…unauthorized outsider was found within the perimeter.”

Dane’s eyes travel from Flint to me and back again. “And why is she here?”

“The intruder is an erk…an E’rikon. They took her brother Sir.”

Dane tilts back in his chair and intertwines his fingers in front of his chest. “And?

“She witnessed the event. One was left behind.” I move forward, but Flint stops me from saying anything by tightening his grip on my arm. “And it offered to help her in retrieving Jace.”

“It’s been secured?”

“Yes Sir. Daniel and two others are escorting it to the holding cells right now.”

“Am I to take it that the reports I’ve been getting about a landing are true?”

Flint nods. “Yes Sir.”

“The reported landing occurred East of town,” says Dane. His eyes swing to me, narrowing. “What were you doing outside, Jasmine?”

Flint’s fingers dig into my bicep, but his face remains still. His message is clear: I need to watch my words. “Jace left one of his knives at home and I was bringing it to him.” It’s a weak excuse, but at least it is one Emily could confirm if anyone asked.

“Your brother went out with the hunting party this morning.” Dane leans forward, the leather of his chair creaking softly. “You’re not permitted outside the gates without an escort. Who let you by?”

Flint lets go of my arm and steps forward, angling his body slightly in front of me. “I did Sir.”

“Leave us, Jasmine. I need to speak with my son alone.”

“There’s no time…uh, Sir,” I say. “We need to go get my brother now. The longer they have him—”

“No!” Dane’s fist slams down onto his desk, the vibration toppling a cup. “You need to do what you’re told. There will be no rescue mission Jasmine. Your brother is stupid enough to let himself be captured, then he suffers the consequences. I have a town to protect and I can’t spare any of my men to go traipsing off after your wayward brother.”

Heat fills my body and I clench my fists, driving my fingernails into my palms. Losing my temper is not going to work here. “Send me. I will do it on my own.”

Dane laughs. He actually laughs like my brother’s situation is some sort of joke to him. Then his eyes harden and his lips curl over his next words. “You are not permitted to leave.”

So much for not losing my temper. “I will leave if I want to!” I can’t help yelling, but Dane doesn’t even react to the volume of my words.

“You know the rules. You know what you agreed to when you accepted my protection.” His voice is even.

“No, I know what you coerced my terrified brother into agreeing to for me when I was catatonic,” I say through gritted teeth. “I didn’t agree to anything.”

“I don’t need your agreement, Jasmine.” Dane smiles. “Do you need to be locked up to ensure your cooperation?”

I open my mouth, a scathing retort resting on my tongue. Are all humans this petulant… Do I really think I’m going to argue Dane into agreeing with me? If I get locked up there will be no one to rescue my brother. I force my shoulders to drop and look down. “No, Sir,” I say softly. “I’ll behave.”

“Good. Now leave us.” A patronizing smile slithers across his face.

I shuffle out of the room, keeping my head down except for a glance at Flint as I walk through the door. His face is pale and his body tense. He and Jace are friends, but is that enough for him to stand up to his father? Either way, I’m not waiting around for someone else to do something. Whether Lir is using me or not, he’s really my only ally right now.

Step one, get Lir. Step two, rescue Jace. Sounds simple enough, right? Stupidly so. How in the hell am I going to get to Lir, much less get both of us past the gates without being noticed?

I walk back toward my house, head down, potential scenarios swirling through my head to be examined and then discarded. I could just leave without him. It’s not like I’ve never gotten past the gate guards before, but what would happen once I reached the city? There’s that barrier and I won’t be able to cross it without him, at least that’s what he said. He doesn’t have any reason to lie though…right?

If only I knew who to trust. If there were only one person is this stupid town who…

“Jax!” The whispered exclamation pulls me from my thoughts. Emily steps out from between the houses on my left. “What is going on?”

Great. Just what I need. “Nothing, Emily. Don’t worry about it.”

She rolls her eyes, purses her lips and exhales. Her obvious exasperation stops my forward motion. I’ve never seen Emily any less than perfectly composed and cheery. “Look Jax, I know what you think of me…of us, but there’s a lot you don’t know.” When her gaze meets mine, there’s something new in her eyes, a hardness I don’t recognize. “I don’t know what’s going on, but I might be able to help.” When I don’t respond, she continues, “Come with me. I’m not asking you to trust me blindly, but at least let me try to help you.”

My muddled brain manages to direct my head to nod. I’m stuck anyway, might as well see what assistance she may have to offer.

* * * * * * *

Emily leads me toward the girls’ dormitories, where single girls with no adult male relatives are required to stay until being Promised. Thankfully, I never ended up there. When we arrived here, Jace made it clear that he refused to be separated from me and he fought for us to be assigned one of the smaller houses near the gate even though we weren’t of age at the time. Maybe if I had been placed with the other girls I might be different now, better? More likely, I would have never recovered without my connection to Jace pulling me back into myself. Without him there to chase away the nightmares…I would have never slept.

When we reach the front doors, Emily smiles at the man standing guard. “Hello, Seth. I’m just bringing Jasmine in so she can join our sewing circle today.”

While I try to contain my laughter and twist my face into a vapid smile, Emily bats her eyelashes at him. Seth returns her smile and waves us through without pause. Feminine wiles really do come in handy.

Once we’re out of earshot, I pause. “We’re not really sewing, right?”

Emily laughs and shakes her head. “No, I’m not expecting you to sew. I know better than that.”

I follow her up the stairs until we reach the third floor. She leads me into one of the rooms off a large common area, shutting the door behind us.

“Now tell me.” She sits on the bed and folds her hands in her lap.

I pace back and forth in the small space, putting the right words together before I speak. Keep it simple. Don’t give away too much. “The aliens took my brother. There’s one locked up in the holding cells. I need him to get into the city to rescue my brother.”

Emily’s eyes have widened and she blinks quickly. “Wow. I can’t say that’s what I expected you to say.”

I shrug. “Can you help or not?”

She crosses her legs and leans forward, resting her chin in her hand. “I know I can get you past the gate. With all the hubbub surrounding the festival tonight, that will be no problem.” She raises her eyes. “Getting your alien friend out of lock up might require a bit more planning.”


“Really? Do you pay attention to nothing around you? The fall festival is tonight,” she says. “You know, food, dancing…the fall Promising ceremony.”

“Oh yeah, that.” I smile sheepishly. “I definitely don’t pay any attention to that.” Emily giggles and raises her hand as if to touch my arm, but quickly lowers it again. “So why are you doing this? I haven’t exactly been very nice to you.”

“I know how you feel about this town and its restrictions…Did you ever stop to think that others might share those feelings? Do you know how I ended up an orphan, how I ended up stuck in these dorms with guards by the door and people watching my every move?”

I shake my head, moving to sit down on the bed. Emily’s body tenses for a moment and she shoots me a look I can’t interpret.

“My mother was Promised to one of Dane’s cronies. He was twenty years her senior and not a nice man. Five years later, she fell in love with a trader, my father. He managed to smuggle her out of town and they lived on the run for nearly two years.” Emily takes a deep breath and stares out the window. “Dane had some of his soldiers hunt them down. They killed my father and dragged my mother back to Bridgelake. She was eight months pregnant.

“Her Promised husband welcomed her back… with closed fists. She had me and we lived there with him until I was ten. He’d always hit her, but the first– and only– time he went after me, she killed him. Dane had her executed. And there I was, no male relatives and too young to be Promised.” She turns to face me, her eyes shiny with tears. “My father was killed for having the gall to go up against Dane. My mother, for disobedience. Do you really think he’s not going to continue taking his revenge out on me?”

My mouth opens, but no words come out. I break away from her gaze. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know,” I say.

“It’s okay.” Her head down, she twists her hands in her lap.

“Why didn’t you just say all this to start with? What’s with all the sewing circle stuff?”

She raises her eyebrows. “They are always watching. Not everyone, but most of the soldiers and at least half the others. Dane rules this town and those that aren’t bowing down to him are terrified of him. I could tell you weren’t exactly itching to be indoctrinated into Dane worship, but your brother is best friends with his son. You’re pretty chummy with him too.”

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