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Broken Skies
  • Текст добавлен: 26 октября 2016, 22:33

Текст книги "Broken Skies"

Автор книги: Theresa Kay

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Текущая страница: 16 (всего у книги 18 страниц)


Rym leads me confidently through the empty halls until we reach a recessed silver door. He opens it with his kitu and steps to the side to let me enter. Once inside, I recoil, nearly knocking Rym over in my backward motion. Seeing my brother in my dream did nothing to prepare me for the actuality of his condition.

The skinny, pale form on the bed barely resembles the Jace I know. His wrist bones jut out visibly even under the dark purple bruises covering them. No cushy leather for him. Instead, metal chains wrap around his limbs and hold him in place. He doesn’t even move when a noise somewhere between a gasp and a sob works its way out of my mouth.

I rush forward and fall to my knees next to the bed, brushing strands of greasy red hair away from his face. Patchy facial hair covers the lower half, but despite its vivid red color, it does nothing to pull my attention away from the gauntness of his cheeks. I run my fingers over his forehead, his nose, his lips, silent tears streaming down my cheeks. What have they done to him?

Reaching down, I grab one of his hands and squeeze, flinching at the feel of the bones under his skin. “Jace. Wake up.” Not even a twitch. “Please. We have to go now.” Still nothing except for the slow rise and fall of his chest. “Please…” I rest my head next to his and whisper my pleas directly into his ear while stroking his cheek with the back of one hand.

A guttural moan finally passes his lips. I raise my head and lean over his face as his eyelids flutter and he moves his head slowly from side to side. “I’m here, Jace. I’m here. They won’t hurt you anymore. I won’t let it happen.”

“Jax?” The raspy noise is nearly unintelligible. “I thought I dreamed you.”

“You did, but I’m here for real now. We’re going to get out of here. Go home.”

The chains rattle when he tries to move a hand and he instantly tenses and starts struggling against his bindings. “No! You’re not really here. It’s just a trick. I won’t do it.” He squeezes his eyes shut and batters his wrists against the metal.

“Jace, stop!” Stop!

His eyes fly open and focus on my face. It really is you.

The sound of his words in my head shocks me, but some instinct in me recognizes the connection between us and I find it easy to form my response. Yes. Now please, we need to get out of here.

I thought I told you to get out of the city. He scowls and I recognize the expression that he’s given me since we were kids, the one he gives me when I don’t do what I’m told. I can’t help but smile.

And if you’d stuck around long enough to listen to me, I would have told you it was too late for all that. I give him an exaggerated eye roll. Besides, you know I never listen to you.

You’re such a pain, Sis. He grins. The smile is weak and there’s still darkness in his eyes, but it’s a relief to see the teasing twinkle there too. Now stop bawling all over me and let’s get out of here.

Rym speaks up from the doorway. “Jax? You might want to move things along here.” He steps forward into the room, into Jace’s line of sight.

My brother’s whole body tenses and he snarls, clenching his fists and thrashing at the restraints, his eyes glued to Rym. He’s one of them. Get away. What’s it doing here?

The barely coherent words pound at my head. I place one hand on Jace’s shoulder. “It’s okay.” A quick glance at Rym. “He’s here to help.”

“They aren’t to be trusted,” hisses Jace, his black hatred visible in the strain of every muscle in his body. “They lie. All. The. Time.”

Rym gives me an uneasy smile. “Good thing I decided to get you out first, huh?”

I let out a nervous laugh that sounds more like a grunt. “Yeah, good thing.”

Jace’s gaze moves from Rym to me. “It got you out. Out of where?”

Another nervous laugh. “From here.”

“You’ve been down here? They locked you up?” His nostrils flare with each shallow breath. He closes he eyes, takes a slow, deep breath and then focuses on Rym again. “It got you out.”

“Yes.” I speak slowly and Jace’s eyes find mine. “Rym is here to help.”

He tenses his jaw and flexes his hand a few times. “Okay,” he says, curtly. “Let’s go.”

I sigh in relief, a matching one coming from Rym. “How do we get these restraints off?”

Rym edges forward. “A little piece of tech I like to call a key.” He holds up a tiny silver key and points to toward the locks. “This should work.” He places the key in my hand and then retreats to the wall, quietly observing.

The key fits perfectly and I have the chains unlocked and unwound in seconds. Jace waves off my attempts to help him into a sitting position and swings his legs over the side of the bed and pushes himself up with one arm. He wobbles for a moment, but quickly regains his balance. Eyeing Rym, he rubs at his wrists for a moment before turning his attention to me and putting his arms out. I fall into them, wrapping my arms around his waist as he runs one hand over my head.

His ribs poke me in the side and the hand on my back has a slight tremble. He is dirty and he smells horrible, but I just press closer to him. After everything I’ve gone through to get him back, this one hug from my weakened but still whole, still living, brother is more than I’d ever dared to hope for.


It takes time for Jace to gather enough strength to stand and take a few feeble steps around the room. He stumbles and Rym straightens off the wall, but puts his hands up and leans back when Jace glares at him and snarls, “I don’t want your help.”

Rym doesn’t offer again and Jace spends most of the next twenty minutes stumbling around trying to get his body to cooperate.

Link with me. That’s another thing, except for turning down his help, Jace refuses to address Rym directly and insists on talking to me only in our heads. If you connect with me, we can share energy and this will go much quicker.

I don’t know how. My gaze floats over to Rym and he shrugs. He has to know we’re leaving him out of the conversation, but he doesn’t look irritated about it.

Give me your hand and close your eyes. I comply with Jace’s request and he gives my hand a squeeze. Now, just relax and focus on the connection between us.

Easy for you to say.

Jace chuckles.

In the darkness of my mind I concentrate on the place Jace’s voice comes from. Say something.

Something. It’s amazing how sarcasm can even come across mentally.

I zero in on the bright spot illuminated with his words and trace their shape. A thin thread extends from the edge and I grab it, following it until I feel…separated from myself. To my surprise the glowing trail forks, one side red and one side green. The red is brighter, stronger, closer and it can only be Jace. The green…is flickering, fading and, foolishly, I choose to follow that one.

I open my (his) eyes, run one hand over my (his) newly shorn head and stare blankly at the stark white walls around me. I’m (he’s) not restrained, but my (his) stomach rumbles with hunger and my (his) throat is parched by thirst. Pain radiates from one arm, bloody furrows around the kitu there. I (he) tried to rip it off. Why?

Jax? Lir’s voice in my head.

Any thought I share with Lir could be used against me. Scrambling back I pull away, skimming along the thread until I reach the fork and fly down the red side and crash into my brother’s head.

He shakes me out so I’m just resting on the surface of his consciousness. Whoa sis. You don’t need to be all the way in my head. That’s just creepy.

You’re telling me. A fleeting sense of confusion. Nevermind. Sorry. Now what?

Nothing. Just relax and let the connection do the work.

Jace’s thread gradually glows brighter until he pulls back and I open my eyes. He looks a little steadier and there’s more life in his eyes than before. That whole thing was kinda weird, but definitely handy.

We grin at each other and he pats my cheek. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

Rym pulls away from the wall and gives me a stunned look. “What did you two do?”


“Nothing,” Jace says. “It was nothing.” He pulls me out of the room and practically runs down the hall.

His speed is no match for Rym’s, who quickly catches up to us. “All due respect and all, but do you even know where the hell you’re going? This place is like a maze down here and I’ve got the map, so it might be best if I were the one choosing directions.”

“Okay.” Jace slows, but keeps a tight hold on my hand. “Lead the way then.”

A few minutes later, we approach an elevator bay.

“Just take it up to the ground floor and turn left. It should bring you right out the back door,” says Rym. He eyes Jace, presses his lips together and then turns to me. “Jax, I’ve got to go get my cousin. I know it’s a lot to ask, but…” His eyes go to Jace and back to me. “I could really use your help. I won’t say anything if you’d rather just get on that elevator and get out of here and I know you two didn’t part well. Really not well if earlier was any indication.” He laughs to himself. “But Lir is—”

“Lir?” Jace breaks in, his gaze leveled at me. “Your friend. The E’rikon.”

“Yes,” I say.

“Forget it,” says Jace, slamming one finger against the call button. “We’re leaving. Let him take care of his own. You don’t owe them anything.”

If Rym is telling the truth, Lir had no idea how the bond could be used and he’s down here because of me. “I can’t just leave him here,” I say, pleading with my eyes for Jace to understand.

“Your travel buddy? The one that brought you here and landed you down here?” Jace’s brow furrows and he gestures erratically with his arms. “That’s crazy. We’re not going back.” A hard look at Rym. “Let his people take care of him.” He grabs my hand and pulls me toward the elevator, but my feet stay planted.

“No,” I say. Whether it’s the tenor of my voice or the confidence I exude, Jace looks at me like he’s never seen me before. “I love you Jace. You don’t have to do this and I won’t even ask you to, but I do. You can’t protect me forever.”

His eyes flit from me to the metal doors. “Jax…” He follows with a sigh when I simply walk away, heading back down the hallway in the direction that we came from. “Where to, navigator?”

“I have no idea,” says Rym. “That’s what I was hoping to get Jax’s help with.”

“How would…” His eyes widen. “He’s the one, the one you connected with.”


“You’re going to have a lot of explaining to do when we get home.”

“Yeah.” I close my eyes and pull up the green thread. Walking with my eyes closed is hazardous to my nose and I collide with a few walls before I get the idea to have Jace guide me while I point. The connection isn’t blocked by walls so it takes some wandering and some backtracking before we reach the door behind which I feel the end of the trail.

Rym opens the door with his kitu and motions for me to go in. “We’ll wait out here.”

Jace narrows his eyes, but doesn’t disagree or follow me in.

The room is empty. I turn in confusion and Lir pulls away from the wall near the door. “You came back.” His eyes search my face. What is he looking for? Whatever it is, he must find it, because he pulls me into his chest in a tight hug. “Thank you.” He leans away from me smiling and cradles my chin in one of his hands. When he leans forward, his eyes slip closed and his lips inch toward mine.

Jace clears his throat from outside the doorway. Lir spins away from me and pulls me behind his body, crouching down slightly, ready to attack as my brother enters the room.

Jace just snorts. “Come on, Jax. We’ve got to get out of here.”

Lir’s eyes travel from me to Jace and comprehension dawns on his face. He straightens his shoulders and holds out a hand. “You must be Jace.”

Jace narrows his eyes, glancing down at his outstretched hand. “Yeah,” he says, hands still at his sides. “Let’s go.” He spins on his heel and marches out the door, not even looking back to see if I’m following.

I don’t know whether to be mad or embarrassed about Jace’s behavior, so I just shrug and incline my head toward the doorway. “We gotta go.”

Lir follows us back to the elevator. I stand in front, closest to the door and the boys stand behind me on my right, Jace slightly behind Lir and Rym. Once the four of us are on board I let out a sigh of relief. I’m getting out of here. My brother is safe. Everything might just turn out okay.

There’s a loud noise from above and the light in the elevator flickers. A sick feeling curls in my stomach when the tiny car shakes a little in place. It still keeps moving, but I don’t feel quite as home free anymore. I force myself to take a deep breath, and then another. I don’t have time to lose it right now. My eyes slide closed as I concentrate on inhaling and exhaling.

One hand wraps around mine from behind me and I open my eyes. It’s Lir giving my hand a gentle squeeze. Jace has moved even farther back in the elevator car until he is leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, glaring with narrowed eyes at our joined hands.

Jace doesn’t understand. And I don’t need him right now… When was the last time I didn’t need my brother? I’m not ready to replace Jace and that’s what it feels like I am doing. I drop Lir’s hand, ignoring his confused look and take a step back until I’m next to Jace, taking his hand instead. Jace throws his arm over my shoulder and pulls me in next to him, with a subtle tilt to his lips. He’s smiling at Lir, not at me, a small triumphant smile. Lir rubs his lips together, blinks slowly and nods once before turning away from us. I don’t want to hurt him, but I can’t hurt my brother.

The seconds drag by in silence until the elevator stops and the doors slide open. Lir and Rym step out first and Jace and I follow. Tension radiates from Jace. Is it the situation or Lir’s presence?

Can he hear us like this? Jace’s voice sounds in my head.

No, I say. I don’t think so at least. It’s not like this with him.

Good. We have to get rid of him. It’s done. He’s out. You saved him, now let him be on his way. Scorn bleeds into his words. Is it for me or for Lir?

No. Jace stops walking and the tug of his hand brings me to a stop beside him.

Jax, what do you think this is? Do you honestly think we’re going to get out of here and take him with us? We don’t need him. His eyes drill into mine, conviction and anger swirling in their depths.

I look away and shake my head. I need him.

He’s an alien. He’s not one of us! I flinch away at the anger in his words, nearly screaming in my head.

This isn’t how I wanted our reunion to go. What do I even say? I bring my eyes to his and put as much emotion into them as I can when I send him my response. Don’t you understand? No one is one of us, Jace. We’re different. We have feet in two different worlds. Lir is part of mine. Willing him to understand, I continue. I came here for you. I’ve nearly died for you. I’m not who I was when you were taken. I’ll always be your sister, but I can’t sit back and let you…control me anymore.

Jace’s eyes widen and harden. I’ve said the wrong thing. His anger rolls off of him and into me, flames licking at my skin. Control you!? Don’t you mean protect you? Don’t you mean put aside my every happiness to get you through the day? He steps into me and I back up until I hit the wall behind me. I’ve never seen Jace act like this. He has never cornered me like this and my body doesn’t know what to do.

Is Jace safety or threat? A switch flips and my body chooses a response, an answer. One I can’t handle. Ice shoots through my veins and my heart pounds in my ears. Short gasping breaths in through my nose are all that I can manage. My eyes can’t blink, they just watch the twisted anger on my brother’s face. When my arms start shaking, Jace steps back with his hand over his mouth, shaking his head. He reaches out a hand, but I flinch and his face falls. I can’t reassure him. I can’t do anything but stand there frozen and hope this passes soon. My eyes close, unable to watch the emotions trailing across Jace’s face. Still anger, but mostly horror and shame. Tears trail down my cheeks and I don’t know who they’re for, me or Jace.

“Jax.” My eyes shoot open and Lir is standing in front of me, his green eyes direct and honest. He reaches out a hand and I want to flinch away, save Jace this pain, but I can’t. My body and my heart know Lir. To them he’s safety and assurance. At some point he’s filled the gaping hole left when my brother was taken and he can calm me. Gentle reassurance flows from him, quenching the fire and washing away the fear. When Lir’s hand reaches my cheek, I lean into it and the choking gasp from Jace breaks my heart.

The panic fades and we start off again, Jace in front of me and Lir and Rym bringing up the rear. The whole exchange took no more than five minutes. Five minutes that have uprooted my life and everything I thought I knew. Five minutes that have destroyed Jace more than anything the E’rikon could have done to him and it’s all my fault.

The silence, already uncomfortable before, is painful now, cutting into me like a knife and giving my brain free reign to replay Jace’s horrified face in my head over and over again. I reach out for him, but Jace pulls his hand away from me and angles his body away.

There’s no going back from this. My chin falls to my chest in defeat. Lir’s hand searches out mine and I grasp it like the lifeline it is. I’m selfish and I’m horrible, but I need that hand no matter how much it hurts Jace. I can’t do this alone.


We end up in a large lobby area, a glass wall separating us from the street. Through the glass, it’s clear that there is chaos outside. There’s no fighting where I can see, but smoke or dust fills the air and another distant explosion rattles the glass and rumbles under our feet. Not distant enough.

“I need to find Trel and…” Rym presses his lips together and glances at me. “…try to stop this.”

Lir steps in front of him. “This is not your fault, Cousin. There is no way we could have known.”

Jace tilts his head to the side and looks back and forth between them with narrowed eyes. “What are—”

“So what now?” I ask.

“Now…” Lir’s gaze goes from the window and back to me, a pained expression on his face. “You and your brother should wait here. There’s—”

“Wait here?” Jace throws his arms up. “There are bombs going off out there. We need to get out of here.”

Lir shakes his head. “This building will be safe. It’s on the outskirts of the city and the humans have no reason to target it. No tactical value, it’s only a research facility and—”

“Research? That’s what you’re calling it these days?” Jace steps forward and jams one finger into Lir’s shoulder. “Back where I come from they call that torture, erk.”

Lir whirls to face my brother, his posture vibrating with rage. “And where I come from we call the killing of helpless civilians murder. But you would know all about murder, wouldn’t you?” Without taking his eyes from my brother he points one finger toward the window. “I realize that you would not recognize our skyline, or rather, what it missing from it, but I do. The building that stands right there,” he jabs his finger against the glass, “is gone. My family’s building. I pray for your sake they were not inside.”

Jace snorts, but he won’t meet Lir’s eyes and his voice is strained. “Why? What are you going to do?”

Rym takes a small step backwards.

Lir’s eyes slide closed and he takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. When he opens them again, nothing but coldness lingers in his gaze. The heat of his anger rolls through the link to me in contradiction with the icy stoicism he wears on his face. “What I must.” He turns briskly. “Rym. Let’s go.”

“Lir.” I step forward.

With curt shake of his head, he steps out of my reach. “I cannot do this right now.” His shoulders droop. “Please. You need to stay here, stay safe. I can’t worry about you and them.”

His face blurs behind the moisture building in my eyes. A single tear falls and tracks down my cheek. After a moment’s hesitation, Lir moves forward, wipes it away with one finger, and then cups my cheek with his hand. “I will keep you safe however I can.” He leans forward and gently presses his lips to mine.

I don’t want gentle. I use both hands to pull him closer, pressing my lips so hard to his that it’s almost painful. His mouth tilts and opens and I slide my tongue past his lips with a whimper. He groans and moves his other hand up until he has one on either side of my face. There’s so much I need to say, but there’s no time to say it. I’m sorry. I need you. Thank you. Please don’t leave me.

I love you.

The hitch in his breath is the only clue I have that something changes in that moment. I open my eyes at the sound, my lips still pressed against his, and he looks back at me in surprise. The emerald green orbs of his eyes glowing with something I can’t name. It’s only there for a moment before he closes his eyes again and pulls away from me.

“Jax… I…”

I don’t want to hear this, so I cut him off. “It’s okay. Go. We can talk later.”

I fall back against the wall with a huff and watch him walk out the doors. Lir and Rym disappear around a corner in the distance and I close my eyes and take a deep breath, sliding down the wall until I’m sitting. I may never see him again.

Jace speaks up beside me. “Jax…”

“Just don’t. I know what you’re going to say and I will not defend him to you.” I send a glare his way. “I shouldn’t need to.”

“You’re right.” He sighs. “But I can’t help that my gut reaction is not to trust any of them.”

“You don’t have to, just trust me.”

His hand moves across the floor and he twines his fingers with mine. “I do…” The next words come out in a whisper and his voice breaks. “I never thought I’d see you again. It kills me that I wasn’t there to protect you.”

“You’ve been the strong one for a while. It’s my turn now.”

Jace smiles at me and squeezes my hand. “Thanks, Sis.”

Then the world explodes around us.

The walls don’t just rattle, they crack and shatter. Chunks of debris rain down from above and I’m thrown backwards with the force of the explosion, skidding to a stop twenty feet away with a burning pain in my side, a five inch shard of glass sticking out just below my ribs.

Coughing, I fumble at the glass, my fingertip fumbling for a grip against the blood that coats it. The feel of the skin parting registers before the pain as my right palm splits against the edge. I pull my hand back with a hiss, the blood welling around the cut and trailing down my wrist. Not too deep, my fingers still bend and I’ve got feeling in it so no nerves or tendons were severed. Raising it above my head I rip at the gown with my other hand, yanking on a torn edge until a swath of cloth pulls away. I wrap my palm as tightly as I can, then grit my teeth and use the padding my bandage provided to grab the glass and pull it out, a pained gasp erupting from my mouth.

My back hits the wall and I lean back and catalog the rest of my body. Sore and obviously bruised, but not critically injured. At least I don’t think so. I blink the dust out of my burning eyes and take in the room around me.

The ceiling has collapsed, at least most of the way and I’ve been forced to the back of the room, almost into the hallway. There will be no going out the front door. They aren’t even visible over the pile of debris in front of me. Thank goodness it appears the facility is mostly underground, a few more stories on top of me and I wouldn’t be here.

But where the hell is Jace? I scan the room frantically before a groan calls my attention to a pile of rubble to my left. Jace lies there, one leg trapped under a large chunk of the collapsed ceiling. I run to him and fall to my knees next to him, ignoring the sharp agony that travels from my side and the blood soaking my gown. “Jace.”

“It’s okay Jax,” he says. He pats my arm. “You’ve got to go. Get out of here.”

“No, I’m not leaving you.” This building was supposed to be safe!

I grasp the underside of Jace’s arms and pull, my feet scrabbling on the tile for purchase. He doesn’t budge, even worse, he lets out an awful scream and his eyes roll back in his head. One foot slides out from under me and my butt slams to the ground. My brother’s head ends up half in my lap and my other leg is twisted behind me.

Each breath brings another stinging pain up from my ribs and into my arm. More blood too. The stupid gown is soaked on one side and it doesn’t really show any sign of slowing. I need to stop the bleeding. It won’t do anyone any good if I pass out too. I’m alone and injured. Jace is hurt. The walls close in on me and my breaths come faster. Panic claws at my chest and I scramble up to my feet.

I wedge my fingers under the biggest piece of concrete holding Jace down and pull until my arms scream. One hand slips and I lose my grip, going back down to the floor. Up. Pull. Slip. Fall. Again. And again.

Tears blur my vision. The bandage on my palm is nearly shredded, the blood from the wound staining the rock holding my brother down. My fingers will barely curl around the rough edged rubble anymore, scraped and bloody as they are, one fingernail ripped off. I haven’t come this far just to lose him. I refuse to let this happen.

The floor beneath my feet shakes and I slam back down to the ground. My side is on fire and black spots swim through my vision. Too much blood, but I can’t stop. Get up! Try again! I screech at myself until I stand up again on wobbly legs.

Did it move that time?

A panting whimper escapes my mouth as I rage against that rock. If it’s moved, I can’t tell. The room spins when I stand again and I don’t even have time to batter my poor fingers again. It’s just straight back down for me. My butt crashes against the floor. Scooting closer to Jace, I pull my knees into my chest and rest my head between them to let the dizziness pass.

I’ve lost a lot of blood and who knows the extent of Jace’s injuries. Just look at us, the only hope for the survival of the E’rikon and human races. If what Lir said is true, Jace and I are somehow meant to unite them. And we’re going to die in the crossfire between them without anyone the wiser. How stupidly ironic.

The skitter of rock and a flash of movement to my left bring my head up. An instant, fiery anger licks at my blood when the white coated form slinks around the corner with his hands up.

Not one I know, at least not one I remember, but he might have been one of Jace’s tormentors. He won’t be hurting my brother any more.

My lips pull back from my teeth in a snarl and I’m on my feet, a blend of hysteria and hot rage powering my movements. Quick, smooth and purposeful I grasp a shard of glass on my way up. Unbalanced and awkward, it won’t make a good throwing weapon, but it’s all I have.

He… no, this one with the white coat is an ‘it’… It moves one small step forward, a simple sliding of its feet moving it within feet of me. Slowly, cautiously it takes another step.

“Stay back!” The makeshift bandage provides me with a perfect handle as I grip the shard in my fist.

Hands go up. Yellow eyes with a star burst of red in the center never leave my own. Something– this thing pushes against the link, gently but persistently.

A hiss from me. My other hand curls into a fist and I position myself between Jace and it, legs spread, knees slightly bent.

“I will not harm you.” Of course not, it will be dead before it has a chance to do so. Another step.

I narrow my eyes. It’s taller than me. Go for the throat? Quick and easy, won’t require as much strength, but it will be expecting that. The leg, femoral artery. One good slice and it will be down. Hopefully before it can do me any damage.

“I am unarmed.”

Good. A creeping, twisted smile pulls at my lips. Easier to dispatch.

“My name is Jastren Reva.”

Does it think I care? I knew the names of the men at the cabin. I knew Zach’s name. Didn’t change the outcome. I crouch lower, shielding Jace from its view.

“He is injured. Let me help you.” Another step. My eyes track every movement. “Let me link with you.”

I snort. “Doesn’t work. They’ve tried. By the looks of that coat you should know that.”

“But…” he sighs and lowers his hands, “…familial links are different.”

Familial? As in… He said his name was Reva. Cocking my head to the side and straightening, I study the alien in front of me. He’s obviously on the older side of their age spectrum. There’s no gray in his bright red hair, but there are subtle lines on his face and just something in his eyes….a tiredness? “Who are you?”

“My bondmate was part of one of the first teams to arrive. She was pregnant…” He takes in the details of my face as if he’s looking for something or someone, a sad and almost defeated look on his face. “Our daughter was born here on Earth soon after my bondmate arrived. Following our traditions, she was named for her father’s line, my line… Jaslyn.”

The name– my mother’s name– sends me back a step and my eyes widen. Jastren moves closer and my hand brings the glass shard up higher.

“Stay back.” The command is softer this time.

“There is not much time. You need to get out of here. We—”

“How did you find us?” I step closer, brandishing the glass in front of me. “You’re dressed like them… the ones that locked us up. The ones that… studied us. Why should I trust you?”

“Right now you have no other choice. I imagine at this point I am just as much of a target as you are and I know another way out.”

“Target? Why would you be a target?”

“Although I had nothing to do with what happened to you and your brother, I know too much. The same reason young Steliro was meant to be here when that bomb hit.”

“But how would the humans even know…”

Jastren shakes his head. “Do you really think this was the human’s doing? This is an unmarked building well away from any potential targets, but that last one was almost on the doorstep. Vitrad is making his move and your arrival gave him the perfect scapegoat. Wipe out the Vestras and who would be left? Who would the people turn to for direction? Who will fuel the flames of their anger and incite this war with a few well picked targets?”

“But why?”

“That is a story for another time and right now we need to get you and your brother out of the city.” He hesitates for a moment and then strides forward, glancing from my face to my hand.

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