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Текст книги "Reclaimed "

Автор книги: River Savage

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“Where the fuck is he then?” I ask the table of my brothers a few days later at one of our weekly club meets.

“He had a pick up, but Tiny says he’s yet to show,” Brooks explains.

Beau, like all the boys, is required to show up on time, but for some reason, we can’t get a hold of him. Something’s up. Beau has never missed a club meet.

“Well, someone better fuckin’ find him.”  I try to let his fuck up slide. It’s not like Beau fucks up regularly, but his not being here puts me on edge. If I was being honest, I know what’s really putting me on edge. It’s not because Beau is late. It’s because of Kadence. I don’t know what is happening between us, but it’s fucking with my head. It’s like every time I touch her and she flinches, I suffer a blow to my self-esteem.

“I’m worried about him,” Sy speaks up. “He’s getting attached.”

“He’s fuckin’ Beau. He doesn’t get attached,” I counter.

“You didn’t see him with Mackenzie. I’ve never seen him like that before.”

“You think this new gig is getting to him?” The club has taken on a big role in helping Tiny get women out of abusive homes, especially Beau. I know that shit can be tough. I’ve been on a few runs, but Beau is fucking solid. Isn’t he? I try to think of anything that I might have missed. Could his past be coming back to fuck with him?

“He’s holding onto something that might be too close to home. I think the business with his sister fucked him up enough. He’s reliving it over and over and he’s gonna fucking snap. I can see it,” Brooks says, giving his opinion.

“He’s late for one meeting. He probably has a perfectly good reason. Let’s not fuckin’ lose our heads,” I try to reason this time. Beau might be attached to this, but he would never jeopardize the club. He just wouldn’t do it.

“Hunter, head out to the meet point. Keep Tiny updated.” The rookie stands and nods, leaving without a word.

“Let’s start. Got fucking shit to do. So how’s Liquid? You get the staff all sorted?” I turn to Jesse. Dealing with his staffing issues is going to fucking kill me.

“Got a new girl.” He nods.

“You gonna fuck this one?” Sy asks, trying to get a reaction.

“Fuck off.” He smiles, but I ignore it. He’s probably had her and her fucking best friend already. “Just because you three are fucking whipped.” He nods to the remaining three of us left at the table.

“We’re not fuckin’ whipped,” I snap. I don’t hold back my attitude, or the fact he is pissing me off.

“Hey, I’m just saying. I’m not tied down. Don’t have to deal with a tired wife, screaming kids. It must be hard. No wonder you’re all cranky fuckers.”

“Shut the fuck up, Jesse. You got no idea.” I rub my face, his words hitting too close to home.

“I know the pussy I get never says no.” He throws in and my fist clenches in my lap.

“Jesse, I suggest you shut the fuck up right fuckin’ now,” I warn, close to losing my shit.

“What’s the matter, boss man? Your dick not getting wet?”  My ass leaves the seat and my hands find his cut. I don’t care if he’s fucking with me, or just trying to get a reaction. I have him out of his chair and down on the table in less than five seconds.

“Whoa, whoa.” Sy tries to pull me off, but I’m so close to punching this fucker; I won’t be talked down.

“Too far?” he asks, a fucking grin on his face.

“Get the fuck out and go find Beau.” I pull him up by his cut and push him toward the door.

“Got ya, but I just want to say, I didn’t know Kadence was holding out on you.” He smiles, fixing his messed-up shirt.

“Jesse, I swear to fuckin’ Christ, get the fuck OUT!” My fist comes down in front of me. He shrugs, laughing as he leaves.

“Jesus, what the fuck was that?” Brooks asks, sitting back down.

“Nothin’,” I reply, picking up the turned-over chair.

“You still haven’t sorted business between you two?” Sy observes, hitting the nail on the head.

“Fuck.” I shake my head. Not in the mood for this conversation.

“Jesus, I feel you brother.” Sy sighs like he feels my pain.

“What? You haven’t?” I count back the weeks since X was born.

“No, but it’s been seven weeks this week. Gonna sort that shit out soon.” He folds his arms across his chest like a smug bastard.

“Well, it’s been eight fuckin’ months.”

“Fuck.” Both men share my sentiments.

“No wonder your ass is fucking cranky.” Brooks smirks.

“Not even a blow job?” Sy questions, still holding out hope for me.

“Fuckin’ nothin’.”  I think back to the last time I tried to jack off. Got me no-fucking-where.

“Well, what the fuck is going on?” Brooks folds his arms, settling in for a good conversation. “Thought things were good?”

“Things are. She’s doing a lot better. She’s still on her meds, but it’s like I got my Kadence back.”

“Then what the fuck?” Sy looks as confused as Brooks.

“Don’t know, but it’s messin’ with my head. She fuckin’ tenses up and then I can’t do it. Just can’t fucking go through with it.”  I rest my elbows on the table, rubbing my hands over my face.

“What does she say?” Sy asks, looking concerned. I didn’t think I’d be overly comfortable with talking about my shit, but if anyone can empathize with me, it’s these guys. Brooks has been married the longest, and Sy brought Holly back when we thought we’d lost her forever. Surely, their experience amounts for something.

“Nothin’. We don’t talk about it. She wants it and God knows I do, but she tenses when I touch her and I fuckin’ lose it. Can’t recover.”

“You go hit the head to get your shit to wake up?”  Brooks asks. As if I haven’t tried that already.

“Believe me, I fucking tried. Can’t even get it half-awake. It’s a blow to my confidence, and then I’m like fuck it. I’m done.”

“Shit.” Sy whistles, learning the shit I’m dealing with.

“So fuckin’ tell me how do I deal?” I ask, needing something.

“What are you afraid of?” Brooks asks this time.

“Not fuckin’ afraid.” The man in me stands up to his question, but something else tells me he’s right. I am fucking scared.

They both look up; they know I’m full of it.

“Fine. I’m scared I’ll fuck it up. She says she needs control, but I can’t fucking hand that fucker over.”

“Then don’t!” Brooks practically shouts. “You fucking own that. Find a way to give it to her, in a way she thinks she’s getting control.”

Sy nods, agreeing with him.

“How the fuck do I do that?” I sit forward, interested in what he has to say. I can’t help but think is this what chicks do with their fucking girly shit they talk about? I didn’t know, but I was curious. I need to know how to fix mine and Kadence’s problem, and I needed to fix it soon. I’m not gonna last much longer like this.

“I don’t fucking know how. Let me know what you find out.” He shrugs, shattering me without even knowing it.

“What about Viagra?” Sy asks.

“I’m not fuckin’ takin’ a blue pill, asshole.”

“Why not? You have the problem with it staying up; there’s your fix. Pop your pill and bend her over the kitchen counter. Problem solved.” He nods, proud of himself, thinking he just fixed my issues.

“I’m not fuckin takin’ it. I might have a problem gettin’ there, but I’m not eighty fuckin’ years old,” I still argue as the seed of doubt is planted. I could take it and wouldn’t have an issue with worrying about losing my hard on.

“He’s fucking thinking of taking it.” Sy smirks.

“You want some? I got it at home,” Brooks offers, ignoring my scowl.

“Why the fuck do you have Viagra?” Sy asks.

“Thought I needed it few months back. Kelly was getting harder to keep up with.”

“You use it?” I ask, interested in it more if he has tried it.

“Yeah, couple times. Good shit, but that was just a phase. Don’t need it now.”

I nod, taking in my options. I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me. I’m fucking forty this year. Is this what it has come to?

“You should do it,” Sy encourages. “Take your old lady out, pop your pill, and claim your woman.”

“Yeah, you got anything planned for Valentine’s Day?” Brooks asks. Fuck is that this week? Jesus.

“I fuckin’ do this, you don’t breathe a word of it…” I can’t believe what’s coming out of my mouth.

“Scouts honor.” Sy smirks.

“Yeah, last thing you need is Jesse giving you a hard time.” Brooks laughs.

“I’m not fuckin’ kiddin’, assholes.”

“Relax, fucker. I feel ya. Fuck, eight months, man. How are you still standing?” Brooks jokes but I ignore their laughs and pull out my phone to make a reservation for Valentine’s Day. The boys don’t leave; instead, they watch me sweet talk the waitress into giving me a table on their busiest night of the year.

“Who’s gonna take the kids?” Sy asks after I start to feel good about my plan. Shit.

I pick up my phone and place a call to Red. He agrees to babysit which puts me back in a good mood. I grab my phone one more time and shoot Kadence a text.

Nix: You. Me. Valentine’s Day. Be ready at 7pm. You’re mine.

“Right, this better fucking work.” I look up at my brothers.

“It will, asshole.” Sy stands from the club table. Our club meet is now a waste of time with no one around.

“Well, I hope for your sake it does.” They both laugh, making their way back out to the bar.

“All right, back to business. You really worried about Beau?” I follow them out, done with talking about my less-than-stellar performance in the bedroom.

“You don’t see him, Prez. Each time we go on a pickup, he gets worse. I’m just saying we need to watch him.”

I nod, thinking back on the last few years. Since he lost his sister, he’s been fucked up, but he’s worked through a lot of his shit. We all have.

“Right, well, let’s find him.”

“Find who?” Beau walks in the door, right on cue and thirty minutes late.

“Where the fuck you been?” I turn to ask, but don’t let him give me an answer before I’m barking at him again. “Who the fuck is that?” I point to the small woman by his side. Her face is down, hiding her eyes, but from the angle, I can still see how fucked-up she looks. Her blonde hair is matted, with blood stained through it, but what freaks me out the most is the baby she’s holding in her arms.

“Fuck, Beau.” I shake my head. I don’t know who he brought into our club, but by the look on his face, we’re in trouble. A whole lot of fucking trouble.



“So, what do you think he has planned?” Holly asks from my bed as I proceed to tear my closet apart. Both babies are sleeping: Low, in her crib, and X sleeping in the pack ‘n play next to Holly. Z is over at a friend’s house. Holly came over for lunch when I received the text from Nix telling me we have a date on Valentine’s Day. At first, I was shocked. Nix hasn’t spoken to me like that in months. His alpha-way of getting his point across has always been a weakness of mine, and reading it in his message, I could just hear his voice demanding that come Valentine’s Day, I will be his. Insecurities or not, the way things have been between us these last few months had me jumping off the sofa and running straight to my closet at just the idea of a date

“Dinner? I don’t know.” I shrug, still not finding anything decent to wear. “I won’t be going anywhere if I don’t find anything.”

“Oh, please. Have you seen your closet?”

“Oh, please. Have you seen my ass?” I counter, throwing a pair of jeans over my head.

“Jesus, did your ass ever fit into these?” Holly laughs when I growl. “Come on, Kadence, you look great.”

“Doesn’t change the fact nothing fits.”

“You’re being dramatic.”

I roll my eyes as Holly holds my small jeans against her. “I say, forget stressing over the clothes. Let’s talk about the lingerie.”

“Oh, God. No. I’m not even looking in that drawer.”

“Why not?”

“Holly, nothing I own will cover my boobs.”

“Even better,” she smiles, bouncing her brows.

“I wish I was like you.” I drag my ass over to the bed and flop down.

“Kadence, I don’t know what the issue is. You had a baby. It doesn’t change anything. Nix still likes playing hide the salami.” I give her a look telling her there has been no hiding of any one’s salami.

“What is that look? You’ve had sex, right?” She drops the jeans, eyeing me closer. Well, there’s no point lying.


“WHAT?” she shouts, stirring X for a moment.

“What?” I answer back.

“Kadence, what the hell is going on? How long has it been?”

“What, five months?” I shrug as if it’s no big deal.

“Don’t you dare lie to me.” She crosses her arms, waiting for the truth.

“Ughhh,” I groan, hating that I can’t lie straight. “Fine. Eight months.”

“Fuck, no wonder you’re a—” I don’t let her finish.

“A what?”

“Kadence, you have Nix, Nix fucking Knight in your bed every night, and you just shrug like it’s no big deal?”

“Well, there’s been a few things happening,” I snap. A part of me agrees with her, but I can’t help feeling defensive.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.” She moves toward me, awkwardness growing in the air. “You’re feeling good now, right?”

“Yeah, we’re in a good place. Low is good. She’s doing really well. It’s been so long. I just don’t know what’s happening. Every time we try, I tense. Nix freaks out and then the moment’s over.”

“Oh, God, girl. You need help.”

“I know.”

“So what’s the issue?”

“I don’t know. I freak out about my body. Maybe he won’t find me attractive. I know he loves me, Holly, but I can’t control what I feel inside. I’ve tried.”

“Kadence, you’re so messed up.”

I look up at her, shocked she would throw that back at me.

“Oh, God, not like that,” she rushes out, and I smile carefully. Only she would put her foot in her mouth.

“I know it’s messed up. I just don’t know how to fix it. I can’t relax enough. It’s just too much pressure.”

“I understand pressure, Kadence. When Sy and I first had sex after losing the baby, it was after a long build-up of sexual tension. I get your insecurities. I do. But Nix is your husband. Trust me. He’s not looking at you thinking your thighs are thicker. He doesn't count your stretchmarks, nor is he worried that your boobs are bigger. Okay, he is totally loving your boobs, but that’s not the point. He’s looking at his wife, the mother of his child. He loves you, Kadence."

“It’s more than all those things, Holly. I feel like it’s bigger than that. What if we can’t come back? What if we’re not those people anymore?”

“Why are you talking like you’re not the same person, Kadence?” she snaps. Her frustration isn't lost on me; I've seen the same look on Nix's face.

“Because I’m not, Holly. I'll never be that person again.”

“Are you sure? 'Cause the Kadence I know is still sitting in front of me. She might be scared, hell, even a little uptight, but she’s there. Don’t try to deny it. I’ve watched Nix bring you to your highest, hold you in your darkest, save you from your lowest and he has never faltered. He has never looked away, or said it was too hard. Your man worships you. How can you not see this? Open your eyes, woman. You are here. You are here and you are living it.”

She’s right. I do know this. Jesus, I live this. Maybe I just needed to hear it from a different perspective. Yeah, my body has changed, but it wasn’t perfect to begin with. The way Nix looks at me should be enough to prove how much he wants me, but I guess the last few months I lost a lot more than I thought I did.

“You’re right. I know that man loves me, Holly, but I’m afraid I’ve pushed him too hard, for too long.” I wipe at my face in anger, my tears failing to wash me clean of any wrongdoing. We’ve come so far. I know that connection we’ve always had isn’t lost. It’s just sitting hidden; hidden under my insecurities, under my own doubt. I’m the one holding back. How could I ever doubt Nix?

“Well, lucky for you, you’re married to Nix Knight, and you could probably push him off a cliff and he’ll come right back.”

I smile at her analogy because I know she’s right. Nix has proven himself over and over.

“Now, come on. We need a full makeover and we need to clean the cobwebs.”

“What cobwebs?” I ask, taking a steady breath. I’m ready to do whatever I need to do in order to reclaim my man.

“From your vagina, Kadence.”

I laugh at her forwardness but don’t argue, because I agree. I need this. I need to let go, to help us get back to where we were.

“Okay, let’s do this.” I nod, ready for Holly’s expertise.

“Good. Now show me this lingerie.” She moves back to the bed with her own smile on her face. “I want to see boob. Lots of boob.”  Her laugh almost wakes X, and still I don’t argue. I follow her orders, praying her confidence pays off.

Dear God, it better. I have a date with my husband.

With Nix Knight, President of the Knights Rebels.

God, I’ve missed that man. I think I should stop trying to push him off the cliff.


“Hey, baby,” Nix whispers as he climbs in bed behind me. “Did you get my text?”

“Yeah,” I yawn, turning to face him. “What time is it?”

“Just after two.”

“Everything okay?”

“Fuckin’ shit goin’ down. Club business.”

“Anything I need to know?” I ask, knowing he hates talking shop, but he will share if he thinks I need to know.

“Beau brought a woman and kid to the clubhouse yesterday.” He rests his head back against the headboard.

“One of his pickups?”

“Yeah, only this one belongs to another club.”

“What other club?”

“The Warriors.”

“Shit.” The Warriors are a rival club, one the Knights have always had trouble with. They struck a truce last year and now this shit? This isn’t good at all.

“Yeah,” he sighs. “Gotta shit storm brewing. I can feel it.”

“What was he thinking?”

“He wasn’t. Says he had the opportunity to save her, so he took it.”

“So, what now?” Panic rises in my chest. King and his men might have come to a truce with Nix and the Rebels, but you mess with them, a truce means nothing.

“We wait. Nothing connects us to her. Got her set up at the safe house,” He assures me, pulling me into his body. “I do need you to get some baby shit together though.”

“Okay. I’ll ask Holly, too.” I rest my head against his chest.

“Good, Jesse is gonna head up tomorrow.”

“Is this bad, Nix? Should I be worried?” I close my eyes, waiting to hear his response.

“You have nothing to worry about. King and I are good. As long as we keep her hidden, it’s not gonna come back to us.”

“I don’t like this, Nix.”

“I know, but trust I got this. Not gonna let anythin’ happen to you, okay?”

Trust. That trust word again. The first step at getting back to where we were.

“I trust you, Nix.”

“Good. Now go back to sleep. We have a hot date tomorrow.” I smile into his chest. Yes, a hot date. How could I forget?

“I’m very excited,” I yawn, shifting back into a good position.

“You should be,” he jokes, and I chuckle. “Don’t worry, babe. I got you.” He pulls me closer to his front.

“You always have me,” I whisper, feeling myself fall into the dark bliss.

“Never not gonna have you, Kadence. Would fuckin’ die before I didn’t have you. Now go back to sleep,” he orders again, and that small flutter of lust stirs in me.

Yes, that trust, it’s coming back.



“Oh, for fuck’s sake.” I slam the phone down the next afternoon and walk into the hall, kicking the first thing I see—a fuckin’ stool.

“What’s up your ass now?” Jesse asks from the sofa, sitting up from the racket. He just got back to the clubhouse from his trip to Beau, dropping the baby supplies off to the safe house.

“Fuckin’ Red is sick. Just cancelled on me.”

“Cancelled what?” Jesse asks.

“Shit. What about Kadence’s parents?” Brooks joins the conversation, walking out from behind the bar.

“They’re away for the weekend,” I answer, ignoring Jesse.


My fist slams down on the bar in frustration.

“What’s got your panties in a twist?” Jesse moves off the sofa and comes to stand by me.

“There’s always—” Brooks’ nods to Jesse.

“Fuck, no.” I watch as Jesse tries to figure out what we’re talking about.

“He’s your only hope,” Brooks pushes.

“Someone fucking tell me what is happening,” Jesse interrupts again, this time getting Brooks’ attention.

“Nix needs a sitter. You’re it.” Brooks slaps Jesse on the back and walks back to the bar.

“So, you finally need me,” he says, no doubt ready to rub it in.

“No,” I repeat, not in the mood for Jesse’s shit.

“Why not?” He folds his arms across his chest and cocks a brow.

“Yeah, why not? You’re desperate. Everyone’s out or busy,” Brooks repeats Jesse’s question, his grin pissing me off. Fuck, he’s right, and the last thing I want to do is cancel on Kadence.

“Fuck, fine. Can you watch the kids, Jesse?” I ask, watching his shit-eating grin spread wide.

“Ask nicer.”

“Fuck you, Jesse.”

He doesn’t respond, just waits quietly while I rack my brain thinking who else can watch them, but I’ve got nothing. Fuck.

“Fine. Jesse, can you please watch Low and Z?” I practically have to bite the inside of my cheek when asking.

“I have a date, but—” he shrugs, but I stop him from going on.


“You didn’t let me finish.”

“You’re not fucking some whore on my sofa as my kids sleep upstairs.” He watches me carefully. I know he’s fucking with me, but this week has been fucking hell and I need this night with Kadence.

“Fine. I’ll do it for twenty an hour.”

“Fuck off.” I hit him over the head before walking away. “Be at my house at six. Don’t be fuckin’ late,” I warn, heading back into my office. Sometimes I really fucking wonder about the asshole.

“You owe me,” he calls out after me.

“Call it even after the shit you bring me daily.” He doesn’t respond. He gets it.

“Nix, I left the important info on your desk,” Brooks adds before I turn the corner.

“Info?” I look back, confused as hell. He raises his brows, waiting for me to get it. Oh, shit.

“Yep, thanks. Got it.”  I nod, walking back into my office.

“I want dinner too,” Jesse calls out one more demand, but instead of replying, I slam my door. It’s probably the worst idea to ask Jesse to watch the kids. Kadence might flip, or she might not. I’ll probably kill him before he even gets to the house anyway.


“Ten minutes, Kadence, or we’re gonna be late,” I yell from the bottom of the stairs later that night.

“I don’t know much about dating, since I’m only eleven, but I don’t think you should do that,” Z says to the TV screen as he plays one of his Xbox games with Jesse.

“Yeah, I’m with you there, bud.” Jesse fist bumps Z while Low sits beside them in her walker.

I ignore my son’s advice ‘cause he’s probably right, and decide to give Jesse one more warning. “You better not fuck this up, Jesse.”

“Nix, language,” Kadence reprimands me.

I turn and watch her take the last few steps down the stairs. “Jesus.” I clear my throat and turn, taking a good look. She’s wearing a pair of black jeans, practically painted on, and an off-the-shoulder top that hugs her tits and shows off her collarbones. Her hair is down in soft curls, just the way I fucking love it.

“Jesus, Joseph, and doggy-style Mary.” Jesse whistles from the sofa.

“Jesse!” Kadence scolds, breaking me from my stare.

“What? I was just giving Nix some words. He looks lost.”

“The kids.” Her eyes bug out, worried Z might have been listening but he’s too focused on the game to pay attention, missing out on the adult conversation.

“I got them, Kadence, all good.” Jesse smiles his stupid smile and goes back to the game. She looks back to me, but I’m still stuck in the moment, relishing what a fucking knockout my wife is.

“You okay?” she asks, picking up her purse.

“Yeah. Just not sure if I’m going to be able to handle you on the back of my bike.”

“We’re taking the bike?” Her voice sounds excited, shocked even.

“Yeah, that okay?”

“It's great.” She smiles and my gut twists. Jesus.

“You remember what I told you, Jesse?” She walks toward Low to say goodbye.

“Yep, got it. You do know I’m a decorated ex-marine, firefighter and badass biker. I got this, sweetheart.”

“I know, I know.” She bends down and kisses Low. I was surprised by her reaction when I told her Red pulled out and Jesse was in. She didn’t seem too worried. I think she likes Jesse more than me some days.

“Okay, let’s go.” She moves to Z, kissing him briefly before coming back to me.

“Call us if you need anything.” I nod to Jesse.

“I got it. Go.”

“Yeah, Dad, go,” Z repeats.

We walk out to my bike in silence. The only sound in the air is Kadence’s fuck-me heels clicking on the pavement.

“You okay?” I ask when I place the helmet on her head.

“Yeah.” She nods but I can see a small amount of unease in her.

“You look fuckin’ beautiful.” I kiss her hard and her hands come around my waist, pulling me closer.

“You look sexy.” She bites at my lip, sending pain from my mouth straight to my dick.

Fuck, I forgot about the fucking pill. “You ready?” I cut the kiss short, pulling back to help her on my bike.

“Where we going?”

“Got us a table at Moda.”

“You got a table at Moda?” Shock laces her voice as a smile graces her face. I can’t blame her for being shocked. A man like me, eating at fucking Moda. I wouldn’t normally, but my woman deserves a special night out, so I’ll eat at the stupid over-priced place.

“Yeah, baby.” I place a kiss on her lips and tap her helmet. She doesn’t reply. The huge grin is enough to tell me I did good.

“Do you think the kids will be okay?’ She looks back at the house. I don’t have to see her face to know she’s freaking a little.

“Yeah, baby. You know I give Jesse shit, but I trust him with my life.”

“Yeah, me too.” She turns back and gives me one of her smiles.

“Let’s go.” I straddle the bike in front of her, reaching my arm back to move her closer.

“Is it weird that I’m nervous?” she whispers close to my ear. I turn my body to face her. Her worries are my worries. Her nerves are mine.

“Baby, you haven’t been on the back of my bike in over a year. I’d say it’s normal.” I try to reassure her, but my words do the opposite.

“Has it been that long?”

“Yeah,” I nod, hating the truth of that one word.

“Damn.” She looks down at her hands. I twist further around, forcing her chin up with my finger.

“There’s been a lot of things we haven’t done this year, baby, and that’s okay. We don’t have to rush. We’ve got forever.” I lean in and kiss her.

“I just wish our journey was different.” She doesn’t look me in the eyes, and it guts me that she thinks that.

“It might have been a tough year, Kadence, but it’s been the best one of my life. You gave me Low, gave Z a mom, and made us a family again. We might have lost ourselves along the way, but we’re findin’ those people again, and I don’t think anythin’ could take that away.”

Her eyes shine with unshed tears so I kiss her again, stopping with the mushy shit.

“Let’s go.” I smile, turn back and start the bike. The engine roars to life as Kadence’s fingers dig into my cut and I’m thrown back to the first night I had her on the back of my bike. The Kadence from that night, only slightly resembles the woman now sitting behind me, but I don’t let it get to me. Instead, I focus on giving my wife one hell of a date. Later, I will worry about bringing the sassy, fiery woman back to me.


“What do you mean you don’t have me down?” My voice rises and Kadence’s grip in my hand gets tighter.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t have your reservation here, sir.” The young blonde standing in front of me tells me for the second time.

“Well, I called and booked it. So I suggest you find a table for my wife and me. Now,” I grind out as she nods carefully.

“Give me a moment, sir.” She turns and leaves us standing there.

We walked in two minutes ago, after a quick detour to the clubhouse to pick up the pill Brooks left me. I didn’t tell Kadence what I was doing. She waited outside while I raced in to get it. I didn’t ask Brooks when to take it, so instead of calling him, I quickly googled it on my phone. Some people said to take it a few hours before you planned on needing it, so I quickly slipped it down without any water and met Kadence at the front.

“It’s okay, Nix. We don’t have to eat here.” She pulls on my arm, but I don’t give a shit what the waitress is saying. I booked it.

“Yes, we do. I fuckin’ booked it.” I keep my eye on the girl as she moves through the restaurant back to us.

“I’m sorry, sir, but we can’t help you.”

My fist comes down on the front desk causing her to step back.

“Damn it,” I curse, watching a man walk forward.

“I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

“This is bullshit,” I begin, but Kadence steps in between me and the fucking punk.

“Let’s go, baby.”


“No, let’s go to the bar. It will be like our first date.”

“You kicked me in the balls our first date, baby,” I remind her, still eyeing off the fucker who thinks he’s tough.

“Well, if you don’t move your ass from here, I’ll kick you again.”

I smirk at her sass. “You sure?”  I look down at her to get a read on what she’s thinking.

“Please, it will be fun,” she responds, so I don’t argue. I take her hand and walk out. The club bar is only a block down on Main, so we decide to walk.

“You always act like this on a date?” she jokes, nestling closer to me under the warmth of my arm.

“Only with girls I like.” I try to be smooth and it gets me an eye roll. My favorite kind.

“You really want to eat here?” I ask again, when we get to the front door.

“Yesss.” She drags it out and pulls me inside.

The bar is busy. The table we sit at every time we come in is occupied, but as soon as Hunter sees us, he clears them out.

“Hunter doesn’t have a date tonight?” Kadence asks, sliding into the booth.

“Don’t give a fuck if Hunter has a date.” I slide in after her. She shakes her head but doesn’t reply.

“So not what I was expecting when I wanted to take you out.” I lean down and run my nose along her hairline.

“I think this place is fine, Nix.”

I nod to Hunter as he brings us both our usual drinks and a menu.

“You hungry?” she asks, looking over the menu. I don’t know why she bothers. She orders the same thing every time we come.

“Starved.” My hand moves down to her thigh and my cock stirs in my jeans. This is what I miss, just being with each other. Comfortable and in the moment.

“You keep groping me and you’ll end up like the first time we met here,” she sasses, and I can’t help but grin.

“You mean in my bed, with your pussy milking my cock?” The hiss of her breath stirs my dick, and I hold in the groan at seeing her nostrils flare. Fuck, this woman has no idea what she does to me.

“No, I meant the scene where you got kneed in the balls.” She smirks when the waitress comes to take our order. I remember that night clearly. The night I fell in love with my wife. I don’t know if it was the knee to my balls, or the way I watched her eyes light up after going on her first ride on the back of my bike. I knew that night, when I held her in my arms, I was going to love her. I knew then it wouldn’t be easy. With a woman like Kadence, you wouldn’t want love to be easy. I knew going in it would be fierce, raw, and by fucking God, this woman has given me everything and then more.

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