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Текст книги "Reclaimed "

Автор книги: River Savage

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Four Months Later.

“You still here?” Jesse walks in, dropping his keys on the clubhouse bar.

“Yeah, you sort that shit out with Liquid?” I ask. He was called away an hour ago with some staffing issues, leaving the rest of my brothers to sit around and shoot the shit.

“Yeah, we’re down a waitress. Need to put another on.” Jessie takes a seat next to Brooks, taking a pull from his beer. “You still sitting around talking about fucking babies?” He motions to Harlow, sitting on my lap, and Sy who’s down on the floor with his new son, Xzavier, sleeping on his chest.

“Fuck off. You’re just jealous,” Sy murmurs, running his thumb along baby X’s forehead. X, is only six weeks old, but Sy has settled into fatherhood with such ease, anyone would think he’d done it before.

“Jealous? Fuck that. I’m happy where I’m at, asshole,” Jesse scoffs, but something in his tone tells me he is full of it. Jesse is the least family orientated man I’ve ever met. He’s loyal, passionate, but talk about settling down, he’s out of there.

“Keep telling yourself that, Jesse.” I laugh as Harlow reaches for my hand, wrapping her small fist around my finger as she tries to lift it to her mouth. Her mouth opens, and drool pools at the side, showing the first signs of teeth coming through.

“Where are the girls anyway?” Jesse asks, ignoring my jab.

“Girls’ day,” Sy answers, sitting up when X gets restless.

“They’re almost done, so we should head out.” I motion to the clock above the bar. The girls are out for some beauty day that Holly and Kadence started doing in Holly’s last few weeks of pregnancy. Once every couple of weeks, the girls go out for an afternoon and do their girly shit, spend a fuck-load of money. Doesn’t bother me as long as it helps my woman. It gives her some breathing time which means when she’s home, she’s relaxed.

“How’s Kadence doing?” Jesse turns serious. I know what he’s asking and I know he’s only asking as her friend, but it’s not something I like to talk about. But my brothers are my family. They’ve been through everything with me and stood by my side. Even when I wanted to fucking lock my family up in my home and deal with it by ourselves, they stood by me; never pushing, never giving me a hard time ‘cause I wasn’t around the clubhouse much. As much as Kadence was pushing me out, I was pushing them out.

When we brought Harlow home, I never knew we would end up where we did. When Addison had Z, it seemed so easy. Z was a good baby; sleeping through the night and even feeding well. The first few weeks of Harlow being home, I knew something was up. The house was unsettled and filled with tension; it all built up until it boiled over. The sleep deprivation didn’t help us either. At first, the doctors said it was hormonal, and Harlow was just a fussy baby, but as each week passed, I knew it was more than that. Between the feeding problems, and Kadence’s insecurities, she let it build a wall around her, dividing us. The pressure of being a good mom, of not failing, it all became too much for her. I could see it, my brothers could see it, and Z could see it. She wasn’t herself until we reached our breaking point; the night I walked through the door and had to reassure Z we weren’t falling apart.

It wasn’t my intention to push her that night, but maybe deep down I knew that was what was needed. Whatever my reasoning, it worked. The moment she admitted she knew something was wrong, I knew we would be okay. It took a few days, but after talking with her mom, Kadence agreed to book an appointment with her doctor. I don’t know what I was expecting when we went, but after discussing our options, we decided that therapy and medication would be our plan of attack. Four months, many tears, and a whole heap of frustration later, things have gradually improved.

Harlow has settled so much these past weeks. She has become calmer and more at peace. Since the tests the Doctors ran on her, we found out she was allergic to milk. Fucking go figure. Her reflux was a result of her hypersensitivity. Kadence’s insecurities of not being able to bond with Harlow through breastfeeding set us back a little, but after talking to a few moms and realizing the stress on her would be too much if she took on the diet to continue feeding, she was able to move past it.

We all have.

I’m not saying the last four months have been easy. They haven’t. It wasn’t as if those pills the doctor had prescribed Kadence fixed everything. We still had our bumps. Lack of sleep was still an issue. Z still had school, and club business was still important. But things became manageable.

“She’s doing good, better.” I stand and hand Harlow to Beau as I gather up her toys. He takes her easily, lifting her up in the air to make her squeal.

“You ready to get going, bud?” I call out to Z as he walks out of the kitchen.

“Yep,” he answers with a mouthful of food.

“Can you take your sister’s shit out to the car for me?”  I point to the baby bag sitting on the table. He nods and does as I ask, waving to the boys as he goes.

“How you doin’?” Beau asks, knowing I don’t want to talk about it, but asking anyway.

“I’m good. We’re getting there.” I nod, believing it. While we’re not back to where we were before Low, we’re gradually finding ourselves. “Havin’ a family dinner this weekend. I want you all there.” I turn back to look at Jesse in particular. The last few weeks Jesse has been missing around here. His family have been giving him a hard time the last few months, and since then, he’s been somewhat withdrawn. “First time she’s been ready to have you all over at once. I know we’ve had a fucked-up time the last few months, that’s been on her mind. I don’t want it to be an issue, okay?” My brothers all nod, knowing this is a good sign.

“I’m there if she’s making her lasagna.” Jesse smirks.

“You’re there even if she’s makin’ fuckin’ eggs,” I warn. His brows rise, but he doesn’t say anything else.

“But she’s making her lasagna though, right?” Hunter, our newest brother calls from behind the bar.

“Yeah.” I turn and watch a shit-eating grin spread across his face.

Yeah my woman can cook a mean fucking lasagna. My phone beeps in my pocket letting me know I have a text. Pulling it out, I see Kadence’s name flash across the screen.

Kadence: Ready, baby.

A small smile plays on my lips and I try to ignore the pansy-ass feeling that stirs in my gut at seeing her call me baby. The last four months have been focused on getting Kadence back to a place where she is happy and healthy. But along the way, I’ve also been hurting. I’ve been missing the woman I fell in love with. Underneath the broken woman who would stare back, was the woman I needed. I just had to take a back seat until she returned.

Nix: On our way. Love you. 

I send the message and look up, catching Brooks watching me. Brooks is close to a big brother, always giving me advice, my voice of reason when I’m losing my shit.

“You okay?” he asks. He picks up on everything, always watching everyone.

“Yeah, girls are ready,” I say, nodding to Sy. He lifts his chin and stands, ready to head out and get Holly.

“Thank fuck. This daddy-daycare bullshit you’ve got going on here is ruining my mood,” Jesse snarks, before snatching Low from Beau’s arms. He talks shit like this all the time. Says having Low and X here is a pain in his ass, but we all know he secretly loves it.

He lays Low down on his lap, tickling her belly until her high-pitch squeal escapes her little mouth. The one she only does for her uncle Jesse. Fucker.

“To do that, I need my kid, asshole,” I retort, waiting for him to get his fill.

“You’re so fuckin’ full of it, Jesse.” Sy calls him out, picking up X’s baby bag and shaking his head. Jesse ignores both of us as he continues to blow raspberries on her belly.

Just watching the scene, I find myself chuckling at how Low already has fucking bikers wrapped around her little finger. Fuck, we have turned into a daddy daycare.

“Quit fuckin’ around, Jesse. I wanna go see my wife,” I snap, watching the clock and knowing I should be on the road.

“Fine, but when are you going to let me babysit her?”

“Fuckin’ never,” I respond, taking her from him and the boys all snort.

“Why the fuck not?” He sounds offended, but I’ve no idea why. The fucker can’t take anything seriously.

“‘Cause I’ll come home and you’d probably be fuckin’ some bitch on my couch while she’s having a nap.” I laugh as I see his eyes glaze over.

“Fuck off.” He shakes his head, clearing whatever was running through his mind. “Laugh all you like, but one day you will need me, and I’ll fucking remember this.”

“Don’t hold your breath, Uncle Jesse.” I shake my head, walking to the bar to get one of Harlow’s bottles. “Don’t forget, dinner next Saturday night, seven. Don’t be late,” I remind them without a backward glance as I head out to my truck.

After buckling Low in, we drive out of the compound with Sy following. Five minutes later, we pull onto Main Street, a few blocks away from the spa the girls spent the afternoon.

“You okay, bud?” I ask Z when I realize how quiet he’s been on the drive over.

“I’m good, Dad.” He looks up and gives me a grin, and I relax. After all the shit with his mom and the stress over Kadence, I’ve been worried. But with the help of Kadence’s parents and Red, we’ve been able to keep him feeling all the love around him.

“Thanks for helping me out today with Low.”

“Not that I did anything, anyway. Jesse and Beau just hog her the whole time,” he complains, and I chuckle at how true that is. The kid is pissed that he has to share his sister. But he’s right. Jesse and Beau are taken with her. If Sy let anyone touch X, they could share, but that fucker has a lock on him that no one is touching. Except when Holly is around to tell him to pull his head out of his ass.

“Get used to it, bud. She is kind of cute.” I smile as we pull up at the spa where the girls are waiting out front. Once we come to a complete stop, Z jumps out of the front seat as Kadence waves goodbye to Holly and walks to the passenger side.

“Hey, Mom.” Z throws his arms around Kadence.

“Hey, bud. How are you?” She kisses the top of his head as she looks up at me and smiles, one of her fucking amazing smiles. Z started calling her mom around the time things got heavy. He never asked and we’ve never talked about it. I’ve given him plenty of opportunities to open about it, but he won’t. It’s something we will keep an eye on, but at this point, we aren’t concerned. He seems grounded, happy.

“Did you have a good time?” Z asks, letting go and moving to the back seat. Kadence holds the door open for Z, before leaning in and kissing Low on the forehead.

“Hey, Low baby,” she whispers before closing the door and moving back to the front. I keep my eyes trained on her waiting for her answer.

“Yeah, we did.” She smiles and climbs up into the truck.

“Did you guys have fun?”

“Jesse and Beau hogged Low.” Z tattles on his uncles, pulling a laugh from Kadence. The sound causes me to close my eyes and savor the joy in it.

“You know your sister has them wrapped around her little finger.” She reminds him of what I’ve already said.

“Yeah, yeah. But she’s my sister.” He reaches over and touches her head. Harlow giggles at the contact from her brother.

“How was your day, baby?” she asks, but instead of answering, I lean over and wait for her to lean in the rest of the way and give me her lips.

She gets the hint, her lips finding mine in a light kiss. Before I can take the kiss deeper, Z interrupts. “Ewww, get a room,” he complains, halting our kiss.

Kadence smiles against me, but I’m not about to let my eleven-year-old tell me what to do.

“Later,” Kadence whispers when I don’t move and my brows find my hairline.

“Yeah?” I ask as she sits back and buckles herself in. She looks up, a small blush finding her cheeks. If she’s saying what I think she is saying, then my straining cock is in for a fucking good surprise tonight. Last time I touched Kadence, hell, saw her fucking naked was when she was pregnant with Low. I close my eyes and try to keep my raging emotions in check.

“Let’s go, Dad. Come on,” Z says from the back seat, oblivious to what is happening in the front.

“Day was good. You have a good day with Holly?” I ignore Z and put the truck in reverse.

“I did, thank you, baby.” She rests her head back, moaning slightly. The sound going straight to my dick, excited at being woken from its hibernation. It’s been a long time, and hearing that sound come from her lips does things to my cock that I have no idea how to contain. It’s something Kadence and I need to talk about, just not right now. So instead of feeding her some line about her being relaxed and what her moan does to me, I take my family home, ready for an early night.


“She okay?” I look up from the TV when Kadence comes in from putting Harlow down later that night.

“Yeah, she’s asleep. Hopefully settled for the night.” She climbs into bed, pulling the blanket up to her waist.

I flick the show off, and roll over to face her.

“You okay?” I ask, needing to know where she’s at. She doesn’t like it when I ask too many times, so I check in with her at least once a week. Something that I won’t budge on. Even if she gives me attitude about it.

“I’m okay. Doing really good.” She smiles and I don’t doubt her for one second. I can see the truth reflected in her eyes.

“I love you.” I pull her closer to me.

“I love you, too.”

“I’ve missed you.” I move my lips down to hers and pray she doesn’t tense—something that has been a normal occurrence these last few months. She sinks into me and my body lets out a soft sigh. I move my lips from her mouth, slowly working down her neck.

“Hmm,” she murmurs as I lightly nip at her throat. Inside, I’m high fiving myself.  My cock strains in my boxers, standing to attention, ready for some affection. My hand moves to her stomach, finding an exposed piece of skin between her pajama top and bottoms. Her head rolls to the side as my mouth sucks a little harder. Fuck, this is what my body has been craving for so fucking long. Slowly, I slide my hand up her side, lost in the softness of her skin. It’s been too fuckin’ long, I hate that I can’t remember the feel of her tits in my hands. My thumb grazes the swell of her breast, but at my touch, she tenses.

“Is this okay?” My head comes up, praying she doesn’t pull away.

“Yeah, I think so.” She nods carefully, giving me the go-ahead. My heart is racing and my hands are shaking. I feel like a teenager, eager and fumbling. My hand moves back to her breast and on contact, she tenses again. Only this time my confidence takes a blow.

“I’m sorry. Don’t stop.” She sighs when I move off her.

“You’re not ready.” I try to keep the disappointment out of my voice, but I know I fail.

“I am. I want to so badly. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” She shakes her head and I feel her frustration; my cock feels her frustration.

“I know things have been all over the place, Kadence, but I don’t want to push you. I miss you, and as much as I need to sink my cock inside you, I’m not gonna do it while you tense at my touch.”

“I miss you, too.” She sits up beside me. “I’m just nervous.”

“You don’t need to be nervous, baby. You have nothing to be worried about.”

“That’s okay for you to say, Nix. Your body hasn’t changed. I’m not the same person I was before Low and neither is my body.”

“No, Kadence. You’re not. And I wouldn’t expect you to be the same person after our year. But do you think that bothers me?”

“Come on, Nix. Don’t tell me you enjoy this Kadence? The one afraid of fucking up, of failing again.” She pulls the blankets up and I know I’ve lost her tonight.

“I’m not going to lie. Not being able to touch you, be with you, has been fuckin’ hard. I’m horny as fuck, but this is all about you. I’m followin’ your lead, baby. You tell me what you need. I’ll give it to you. I’ll be there for you.”

She looks apprehensive, as if the thought of being truthful will only make the situation worse.

“Always truth, baby. Tell me what you need.”

“Okay, I want to. I want that connection. I just need to be in control. I know what I’m asking is a big deal. Something that you might not be able to give me, but this is what I need. I don’t want to lose you, Nix, and I know I’m asking so much after everything we’ve been through, but please, don’t pull away.”

“Pull away? Why the fuck would I pull away now?” I shift and hold her gaze. I don’t know what else I have to do to prove to this woman that nothing she can do would push me away.

She doesn’t say anything and I can see her fighting her insecurities. It guts me she feels like this. Does she not know how fucking amazing she is? How her body, even after the fire, after having Low, is the most rocking body I’ve ever fucking seen? And it’s mine. All fucking mine.

“Men need sex, Nix. I know that.” She shrugs, her gaze looking down at her hands now resting in her lap.

“Kadence,” I sigh, not sure how I can even begin. “I fuckin’ love you. Yes, your pussy is fuckin’ incredible, but, baby, you’re more than that to me.” She huffs, not liking my reply to her stupid-ass assessment of what I need. I reach over to the lamp on my nightstand and flick the switch to off.

“What are you doing?” she asks as I lay back down, tucking her back into my front.

“I’m not talkin’ about this anymore. We’re not fuckin’. I’m gonna hold you and we’re gonna sleep. And maybe tomorrow we’ll try again.”

“But I wanna try tonight.”

“You’re not ready, baby, and I’m not fuckin’ pushin’ it.”


“Just got you back, Kadence. My cock can wait. I don’t think I can cope if you check out like that again,” I admit, hating the fear in my confession. I know we’ve moved past that part of our life, but the thought of going back to that place has me on edge. “Just know, baby, I’m always gonna be here. I love you and when you’re ready, I’m gonna sink my cock home, doin’ it knowin’ you fuckin’ want it as much as I do.”

“But—” she begins, but I’m not budging on this. I’m done.

“Just leave it alone, Kadence. Just give me your mouth and I’ll get my fill.”

“I love you, you know?” She doesn’t give me her mouth, needing the last say.

“I know, baby, and I fuckin’ love you.” She moves in, and brings her lips to mine. Her tongue makes the first move, skimming along my lips, seeking entry. I let her push into my mouth, giving her full control like she asked. I might not like handing it over, but I will if that’s what she needs. I push all thoughts of sex out of my head, and let Kadence’s kiss take over. I allow her mouth to tease me into submission while her taste tempts me to lose control. I had forgotten how well my woman can kiss, to the point that I nearly come undone.

Yeah, this waiting business is gonna be fucking hard.



“He’s been waking up once a night for the last week.” Holly tells my mom the next morning as we sit around watching Harlow sit up on her own and Xzavier try to roll over.

Last night after Nix and I talked, we kissed like teenagers for what felt like hours, before finally drifting off to sleep. I don’t know why, but the whole scene felt more erotic; knowing that we both wanted it, but holding off and making out like horny teenagers.

“Wow, that is amazing,” I smile, ignoring the slight pang of jealousy that Holly has had a breeze with baby X. I know everyone is different, and with Low’s allergy, things would always be harder, but that small wish that I had what she has, stirs in me. Holly is everything I’m not in a mother. Where I stress, she’s easygoing. When I freak out, she’s calm. It’s one of those things that even I can see the irony in, but I’m truly happy for her. I’d never wish what Nix and I went through with Low on anyone. It’s just sometimes hard when I hear how easy it could have been. I have to remind myself that every baby is different. Every journey is different, and it doesn’t make it worth more or less. It just is what it is.

I’ve come a long way in the last four months. The despair and feeling worthless is no longer there. Some days are still hard. Harlow’s allergy isn’t something that will just go away, and we deal with it constantly. But at least I feel like I have a handle on it. That day, four months ago, was my rock bottom. Hearing Nix admit that he couldn’t do it anymore was the wake-up call I needed. I knew I was drowning, but I didn’t want to acknowledge that I needed help. I wanted the happy family, the perfect child, and I had that, but it wasn’t what I had expected. I felt weak, but admitting failure was not an option. Looking back now, I know I wasn’t failing as a mother, but when every day becomes a fight against the current, you lose the energy to swim. Dealing with postpartum depression didn’t make me less of a mom, it was a symptom of motherhood. I didn’t plan for it, but I sure learnt from it. In all honesty, I still am.

“You okay, darling?” Mom asks, pulling me from my place of reflection.

“Yeah.” I smile, shaking away the fog. Holly looks me over. Concern fills her eyes, but she has nothing to be worried about. I’m finally in a good place.

“So, X is going to his first sleepover at Mom and Dad’s next weekend,” Holly continues, taking the focus off me like the good best friend she is.

“He is?” I ask as a small sliver of panic runs through at the thought of leaving Low for a night.

“Yeah, Sy has organized this amazing night away for Valentine’s Day. I can’t wait. What are you and Nix doing?”

“I don’t know.” I look to my mom, wondering if Nix has spoken with her. She doesn’t give anything away, shaking her head. “We haven’t discussed it.” I shrug, wondering if Nix has even thought about it.

“I’m sure he will plan something nice.” My mom’s gentle smile warms me.

“We’ll see.” I brush it off, not holding my breath. Nix can’t even touch me without me freaking out. Something I haven’t shared with my mom or Holly yet. I highly doubt he will organize anything romantic.

“So, do you need to go shopping?” I ask Holly, eager to change the subject.

“Yes.” She lights up at the idea of shopping. “Let’s go Tuesday, after playgroup.”

I nod, agreeing to a shopping spree. “You never know, you might need something for yourself.” She winks but I don’t respond. Like I said, I won’t hold my breath.


“Nix! How many times do I have to tell you to quit leaving your shit on the floor,” I yell out from our bedroom four nights later.

“What’s wrong, baby?” Nix walks in wearing a towel. His dark hair is slick with water from his shower.

“Don’t fucking baby me,” I snap, not giving a damn that I know I’m in a shitty mood and clearly looking for a fight. I don’t know what’s been wrong with me the last few days. My mood has not been a pleasant one. It could have something to do with the fact that since the night I decided I was ready to have sex with Nix, he rejected me, and since then, I’ve been horny. Not horny as in read a hot book and have a horny ache. I mean all out, hot sex dreams and need-my-man’s-cock-now horny. The past four days, the tension has been building and I’m ready to snap.

“Okay,” he says carefully as he drops his towel and steps into his boxers. Fuck me. Even just watching him dress has me getting all kinds of angry horny. Why can’t we just have sex and release this frustration? I still can’t believe he rejected me. Short of begging, I don’t know what he wants from me. Yeah, I might have flinched, but come on. Nerves about him seeing me again after everything we have been through were running rampant that night.

“Wanna tell me what’s really goin’ on here?”

“What?” I ask, not anticipating his question or the calmness in his voice. I quickly gather my thoughts. “Your pants and boots, I nearly fell over them. I’ve told you before to put your shit away.” I throw his pants at him knowing an orgasm would fix my feral mood.

“You feel better?” he asks, placing his pants on the bed.

“No, actually, I don’t,” I snap, hating that even when I try to start on him, he still manages to stay calm.

“Well, have at it. Get it off your chest.” He drops his ass to the bed and sits back waiting for it.

“Your fucking pants.” I throw my arms out, pissed he’s not listening to me.

“This is not about the fuckin’ pants, Kadence. You’ve been givin’ me attitude the past few days. You got somethin’ on your mind?” He folds his arms across his bare, chiseled chest, pissing me off even more, because he’s right. I do. But why does he have to fucking look so sexy when I’m giving him bitchy Kadence?

I stand there frozen, unsure how to bring up my needs—the reason why I’m so bitchy is because I just need him.

“What is it, baby?” He stands and takes a step closer when I don’t respond.

“Well,” I begin, my breath coming out choppy as he comes to settle in front of me. I can see the droplets of water still pooled on his chest.

“Yes?” He smirks like he knows what his presence is doing to me.

“I really don’t like it when you leave your clothes on the floor,” I grind out, holding my own. Jesus, what’s wrong with me? I have a moment to tell him what I need but I chicken out.

“What else do you need, Kadence?” He steps in closer, his body pressed against mine. The mix of his citrus shower gel stirs my nose.

“I—” I stop to breathe in the thick air. I can feel his arousal, and the tension between both of us is so palpable I have to take a second to breathe. “Nix—” I don’t get another word out before his mouth is on mine. My hands move to his head, my fingers gliding through his dark hair. I’m lost in his lips as his hands move up my body. The heat of his warm skin against mine sends tingles down my spine, pushing me further and further into his body. I take a few steps back, the backs of my legs hitting the side of our bed. My fingers work their way down his shoulders, pulling him into me as I fall back. We land in the middle of the bed—him covering my body.

“This okay?” He pulls back, eyes searching. I nod, giving him the okay. Immediately, he rips my top up over my head. My nerves buzz in anticipation, but the need to connect with him overpowers it.

“Are you sure?” he asks again before touching me.

“Stop asking me,” I snap, needing to feel, not think.

His movements stop and the air changes.

“Don’t,” I say, but my attitude ruins it. I know it. Covering myself up, I try to squash the feeling of disappointment down. I hate that this is what it has come to. What have I done to us?

“I’m sorry,” I whisper, bringing my hand up to touch his face. His weight shifts, leaving me feeling cold.

“It’s okay.” He stands, looking unsure.

“Come back,” I plead, needing his touch. I knew just by looking at him, my insecurities had passed onto him and I don’t know how to fix it. What I do know, is that I don’t just need my husband. I need the biker who pushed his way into my life. Somewhere along the way, I’ve lost him. I had pushed him away.

“I’m gonna go check on the kids.” He steps back and my heart hurts.

“Don’t leave. I’m sorry,” I try again. “I need you, Nix.”

“Not tonight, Kadence.” He picks up his shirt and throws it in the basket, leaving me alone on the bed.

“Fuck!” I curse and sit up to replace my shirt. I should go after him, but knowing the type of man he is, it wouldn’t be wise. I have to give him space and sort my own shit out. As much as my fears and insecurities are something I need to work through, I need him more. But to have him, I would have to let go and trust. Trust that Nix would have me.

I don’t know why it’s so hard.

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