Текст книги "Beautifully Loyal"
Автор книги: Nicole Edwards
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Chapter Forty-Six
She couldn’t help but wonder…
Present day
Six days later, Sunday, November 15 th
Emotions were running high, and Ashlynn wanted to believe that it had to do with the fact her brother had been whisked away to a secret location to heal while the rest of them kept an eye out for Moroso, who had somehow slipped through their fingers and gone off the grid, but she knew better. One whole week had passed since Aidan had undergone surgery to repair the damage that’d been caused by the brutal beating he’d endured. He was doing well, though Ashlynn had only spoken to him twice. Max and Leyton insisted that his location remain secret, so using burner phones had been their only option for communication, and that had left her limited time to check in with him.
Not to mention, Jase and Leyton were keeping her preoccupied. Or perhaps it was the other way around; maybe she was the one who’d kept them busy as of late. Since that day at the hospital, when they’d succumbed to the pleasure in that poor unsuspecting doctor’s office, they couldn’t seem to get enough of one another.
Not that she was complaining. Not at all.
For six straight nights, Ashlynn had slept in her own bed, crushed between the two sexiest men she’d ever known. But even she had to admit things were getting more and more complicated as the days passed. Although neither man had expressed his feelings for her, and she sure as hell hadn’t said anything to them, emotions were beginning to bubble up, some even she couldn’t fight back. It didn’t help that she was scared of what she was beginning to feel.
In an effort to lighten the mood, Ashlynn had been looking for ways to keep things spontaneous. Her business had been put on hold, and she was practically a prisoner in her own house since Max had put out a hit on Marco Moroso in retaliation for what the rival mafia boss had done to Aidan. People were beginning to talk, worried that this turf war was going to cause some major damage to business relationships. While Max continued to ensure everyone that they had nothing to worry about, things were heating up.
But Ashlynn had been advised to stay out of it.
Genevieve was still being forced to stay at Max’s with additional security, and Jase had pulled in as many people as he could to stand guard at Ashlynn’s house. She’d even told him that she would be fine if they wanted to go somewhere, to get away for a little while and let things cool off, but he’d been insistent that they could take better care of her there. They had more control of their home turf.
She hadn’t argued.
Now, as she waited for Aidan to call her as he’d promised he would, she was fighting back the boredom and the emotions she was keeping under lock and key.
When the phone rang, she’d been so deep in thought she jumped before grabbing the nondescript black phone off her desk. “Hello?”
“Hey, sis,” Aidan greeted, his voice still hoarse but sounding significantly stronger than the last time she’d spoken to him just a few days ago.
“How’re you doin’?” she asked, dropping onto the sofa in her office and pulling her T-shirt—one of Jase’s that she’d hijacked and the only thing she had on besides her panties—down to cover her legs.
“Just fuckin’ peachy,” he rasped, his words garbled due to the wire that held his jaw shut. It’d been broken in two places. “Five-star accommodations up in here.”
“Glad to hear it.” Ashlynn smiled. At least his spirits were up. She’d been afraid he would fall into another depression, but Aidan was proving to be far more resilient than she’d given him credit for.
“Where’re your boy toys?” he inquired.
Boy toys. Ha! She liked that. “Around here somewhere.”
“They keepin’ each other busy while you’re waitin’ around for a phone call from me?”
“Probably,” she said with a chuckle. They were actually waiting for a call from Max, or so they’d said, but Aidan’s version sounded so much better. “You’re really feelin’ better?”
The monotone of his voice told her he was still in pain as he said, “So-so. Pain’s better. Bruises are healin’. Can’t say the same for the bones, though. But I’m sure I’ll be good as new in no time.”
“Well, I won’t keep you. I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. Let you know we’re gonna find this fucker.”
“I hope you do,” Aidan said. “But I don’t want you involved, Ash. Leave this to Max. Let him take care of it.”
She didn’t bother to tell him that she wouldn’t back down if it came to it. She knew he worried about her. These days, they all seemed to be worried about her, convinced her days were numbered. And maybe they were, but she damn sure wasn’t going to sit around and dwell on it. Not if she had other things to keep her occupied.
“Ash,” Aidan whispered. “Seriously. Be safe. When I come home, I expect you to be waitin’ for me.”
“I know,” she replied, tears coming to her eyes. It was tearing her up that her brother wasn’t close enough that she could see him for herself. “I’ll do my best.”
“’Kay. Now go interrupt your boys. Wouldn’t want them to have too much fun without you.”
“Love you, Aid.”
“Love you, too.”
Ashlynn ended the call and tossed the phone onto the cushion beside her. Dropping her head back on the couch, she stared up at the ceiling. She really wished this shit would come to an end. She needed to get her life back, get her shit in order. Being cooped up with Jase and Leyton—although quite fulfilling—was beginning to wreak havoc on her nerves. She didn’t know what she was feeling, if anything at all. Regardless, she knew that until things were back the way they’d been before, she couldn’t think about it too much.
Getting to her feet, she decided to take Aidan’s advice. Last she’d seen, Leyton and Jase had been heading up to the media room to watch a movie—some action flick they’d both been anxious to see. Maybe she could persuade them into doing something a little more creative than simply staring at the big screen.
When she exited her office and started through the house, she noticed no one was in the kitchen or the living room, nor were they upstairs as she made her way to the room at the far back of the second floor. The door was closed, so she gripped the knob, turning it slowly.
The room was dark except for the light flickering from the huge projection screen on the wall.
That wasn’t an action flick, that was for sure. Not the typical kind, anyway. There was definitely some action, though.
Of the pornographic variety.
Closing the door, she made her way to the three rows of reclining chairs that were staggered, all facing the screen. She didn’t have to go far to find Jase and Leyton. They were at the back of the room, each sitting in a chair, completely, gloriously naked.
With their dicks in their hands.
Obviously not waiting for a call from Max.
Both heads swiveled toward her, but neither of them moved. Ashlynn watched as they stroked themselves, their attention pivoting back to the screen. It was beautiful to witness them touching themselves. Quite distracting, to be honest. And just what she needed to ignore all the other frustrations in her world at the moment.
If she joined them, she knew it would eventually lead to more, and she couldn’t wait, but she wasn’t here to rush them.
Remembering there was something she needed, she turned to leave.
“Where’re you goin’?” Jase called out.
“I have to get somethin’,” she told him sweetly.
“Your toys?” he asked, causing her to stop. “Already got them for you.”
The man really did know her. Possibly better than she knew herself.
Smiling, she turned back. Rather than sitting in the third chair on their row, the vacant one beside Jase, she opted to move down to the front row, where a more comfortable area was free. There was a line of ottomans that had been pushed together to create a long, padded bench. She used her knees to push them closer to the three chairs, offering a type of makeshift bed.
More room to play.
Based on the way Leyton and Jase were still playing with themselves, she figured that was obviously what the plan was, so she was definitely willing to participate.
Taking a seat, she pretended to watch the movie until finally both men joined her. They each relaxed into one of the chairs on either side of her after Jase set the small case directly on her lap. Inside were the toys she’d purchased with Jase, many of which they’d used on one another over the past year.
She’d gotten somewhat interested in the movie, which, as it turned out, was some bisexual porno that was quite cheesy if she did say so herself. And when Leyton reached for her hand, she willingly allowed him to take it, only to find her fingers being curled around his thick shaft. She didn’t move her hand until he wrapped his around it and guided her to stroke him.
He was big and hard, the blood pumping beneath her fingers.
Jase took her other hand, mirroring Leyton’s actions, until she was gliding her hand up and down each of their rock-hard dicks. Their rugged moans were drowned out by the movie, but they still became too much for her to ignore.
“What’s in the case?” Leyton asked, shifting so that his mouth was close to her ear.
“Toys,” she told him, pretending to be focused on the screen.
“Anything I’d be interested in?”
Jase obviously had been keeping track of their conversation, because he reached over, flipped the lock on the case, and opened it, revealing all her dirty little secrets.
There was a prostate massager that she’d used to send Jase into hyperspace on more than one occasion, anal plugs, flavored and regular lube, several vibrators for her, of all shapes, sizes, and designs, a penis ring, various ticklers, paddles, as well as a whip. And, of course, nipple clamps—regular and a set attached to a vibrator.
If they wanted to play, she was going to help them play.
Smiling at Leyton, Ashlynn said, “I wanna watch you suck his dick.”
“That so?” His head cocked to the side as though he were considering it.
“Yes. And I want you to lie across me as you do.” She was going to take full advantage of no armrests.
Leyton didn’t budge immediately. Instead, his hand came over hers as she continued to stroke his dick. He leaned in closer. “You think you’re gonna use those toys on me?”
“I don’t think,” she told him as she set the case beside her. “I know.”
His eyes flashed briefly, but then he was moving, getting onto his knees as he crawled across her, his dick swinging down and sliding against her bare leg. Picking up where he left off, Ashlynn wrapped her fingers around him and stroked once, twice. Releasing him, she adjusted her case so she could retrieve the items she intended to use.
And while Leyton was preoccupied, sucking Jase’s dick, Ashlynn readied the prostate massager, coating it in lube. She stroked his cock again while she situated the massager in the crack of his ass, causing him to flinch slightly. He peered back at her.
“Be careful, little girl. You might get yourself into some trouble there.”
Ashlynn smiled, then pushed the massager against his puckered hole. He groaned as it slowly slid inside.
She twisted the end, turning the vibration on low.
“Suck him,” she commanded, doing to him what she’d done to Jase, pleasuring him in ways he’d likely never experienced before. She slid her hand down to his balls, cupping them, kneading them gently while he rocked against the intrusion and returned his attention to Jase’s dick.
Jase’s fingers twined in Leyton’s hair as he guided him up and down on his cock. He was mumbling something to Leyton, telling him all the dirty things they wanted to do to him.
“You don’t wanna make me come yet,” Jase told him, tightening his fingers on his hair and holding his head up.
“Wanna bet?” Leyton countered with a grin.
Jase allowed Leyton to suck him again, his eyes closing briefly before he stilled him again and peered down Leyton’s back. “God, that’s hot,” Jase said. “I wanna see more.”
Without waiting for anyone to say anything, Jase pulled his cock free of Leyton’s mouth, then got up and moved to the other chair, kneeling behind Leyton. Ashlynn put her hand on Leyton’s back, holding him while she used the massager, turning up the vibration slightly.
“Ash…” Leyton growled.
“You like that?” she questioned, though she didn’t expect an answer.
“I’m not gonna come,” he growled. “Not yet.”
Realizing that was probably for the best, Ashlynn teased him for a couple more minutes, then pulled the toy from his ass, watching as Jase leaned down and licked the lube from Leyton’s ass cheek.
She smiled at him. She’d used cherry lube.
“Now it’s your turn,” she told Jase, pointing to the ottomans when Leyton got up. “On your back.”
His gaze slipped to Leyton’s momentarily, but then he was maneuvering into position, lying down on his back, his attention back on her.
“Now you,” she said to Leyton, “sixty-nine him. Let me watch you suck each other.”
Leyton’s smirk said he wasn’t all that interested in her maintaining control, but he did as she’d told him to anyway, until both her men were in front of her, Leyton kneeling over Jase, his cock aimed down at Jase’s mouth while Jase’s dick was pointing up toward Leyton’s.
They no longer needed instruction. Before long, they were laving one another in a sensual dance that had her pussy getting wetter by the second. Watching as Leyton bobbed up and down, taking Jase deep into his mouth while Jase allowed Leyton to control the thrust of his cock into Jase’s mouth … she was hard-pressed not to touch herself.
Somehow she managed to refrain. For a little while, anyway.
The movie came to an end, and the screen went black, pitching them into darkness before a white screen flickered on and offered enough light for her to see every little detail of each of them. Leyton’s muscles flexed and moved as he hovered above Jase, his biceps bulging, back muscles straining. The sight pulled her in until she realized she’d moved closer.
Leyton must’ve sensed that she was there, because he stopped sucking Jase and looked over at her. One hand reached out and cupped the back of her head, pulling her to him until their mouths fused together. She kissed him, loving the way he took charge, taking what he wanted from her. But he didn’t linger for long, releasing her mouth and returning his attention to Jase’s cock.
Ashlynn then moved down so that she was lying on her side, her face next to Jase’s. He released Leyton’s dick with a soft pop, and then she crushed her mouth to his, taking his kiss, taking everything he was willing to offer her. His hand slid behind her, palm flat, fingers splayed against her back as he possessively held her close.
“Ash, baby,” he groaned into her mouth. “This is what I’ve wanted. You right here with us.”
“I’m here. Not goin’ anywhere.” Fusing her mouth to his once more, she kissed him deeply, then released him.
She was all out of instructions, caught up in watching when Leyton once again took the lead, pulling away from Jase and turning so that he was over him, chest to chest. Jase stared up at Leyton, and for a moment, she felt as though she wasn’t in the same room with them. They were caught up in one another, their eyes searching until mouths melded together, body sliding against body. She wondered what was going through their minds, wondered what it felt like to give yourself so completely the way the two of them seemed to do whenever they were together.
Ashlynn had always held a part of herself back. She enjoyed sex more than most people, but she’d never allowed it to get an emotional grip on her.
But tonight, watching them, she was suddenly envious … wishing that she could feel even a portion of what they were feeling.
Chapter Forty-Seven
I love you.
Leyton had been working himself up for the better part of the last hour, and he was so close to coming apart at the seams he could hardly think straight. He’d given in to Ashlynn’s need for control, but he’d only managed to play along for a short while. Being tormented with that prostate massager and sucking Jase’s dick wasn’t a hardship, nor was dry humping him while the man kissed him unlike he’d ever been kissed before.
And yes, Leyton had learned that kissing Jase was the greatest form of torture. Ever since they’d spent time in the virtual gun range, the day he’d spent so much time simply kissing him, inhaling him, taking the small pieces of Jase deep inside, Leyton had made sure to take the time to kiss him whenever possible. Over the last six days, confined to the house, they’d made out in damn near every room. Sometimes him and Jase only, sometimes the three of them. When he’d tried the same with Ashlynn, she had always seemed to shy away, though. But he understood why. Kissing was intimate, far more intimate than sex in many ways, and it made sense that Ashlynn kept that part of herself closed off to them.
He had to give it to her, though. Ashlynn was pretty damn creative when it came to sexual foreplay. However, Leyton’s dick was throbbing, the need for release becoming damn near unbearable, and if he left it up to Ashlynn, they’d play for hours. As much as he wanted that, he wasn’t going to be able to hold on.
“Ash, baby, I need lube.”
Ashlynn handed him the lubricant she kept in that case of hers. While he coated his dick, he eyed the vibrator she had in her hand, the pink one she was using to rub against herself through her panties as she sat with her legs splayed, her eyes locked on them.
“Fuck yourself with it,” he instructed.
Squeezing more lube into his hand, he smiled down at Jase.
“Lift your legs up for me.”
Jase was quick to plant his feet on the ottoman, opening himself up so that Leyton could work his fingers into his ass, fucking him slowly while he watched the myriad expressions flash across the man’s face. For the past week, Leyton had watched both of them every chance he’d gotten. Didn’t matter if they were having breakfast, talking business, or showering together—hell, sometimes he even watched them while they slept—he couldn’t seem to get enough of them.
There was no doubt about it, he’d fallen hard and fast, and there was no turning back as far as he was concerned. But he hadn’t yet shared those feelings with them, despite the fact his chest felt as though it was going to explode at times, all of the emotions churning inside him.
Thanks to Max, Leyton had learned what it meant to have family. And thanks to Ashlynn and Jase, he’d learned what it meant to love someone with everything that you were, to want nothing more than their happiness at all times.
But he wasn’t quite sure how to relay that information. Not verbally, anyway.
Peering over at Ashlynn, Leyton sucked in a breath when he saw that she had pushed her T-shirt up over her naked breasts and had moved her panties aside so she could slip that thick dildo into her cunt. It was sexy as fuck, and if he hadn’t been hovering on the edge of his own release, he would’ve taken the time to admire her.
Instead, he guided himself inside the warmth of Jase’s body, then leaned forward, staring down at him.
“I love you just like this,” he whispered to Jase. “Squeezing my dick.”
Jase groaned as his hands came up to cup Leyton’s face. He was trapped in Jase’s glowing blue gaze, and that familiar emotion bubbled up again.
“So beautiful,” Leyton mumbled, rolling his hips, driving himself deeper into Jase. “So fucking beautiful.”
He could feel Ashlynn’s eyes on them, but he couldn’t look away from Jase at that moment.
Jase shifted his hips, pulling his knees in closer to his chest, taking Leyton even deeper while his rough hands cradled Leyton’s jaw.
“I love you,” Jase mouthed, the words not spoken aloud, but Leyton still heard them, still felt them.
Unable to speak due to the hot ball of emotion clogging his throat, Leyton leaned down, pressing his forehead to Jase’s as he continued to rock forward, burying himself as deep as he could go, retreating slowly, then sliding home again. Over and over, he didn’t rush, but he didn’t hold back, either. His heart was racing, his lungs desperate for oxygen, yet he couldn’t stop. The pleasure he found in Jase was unlike anything he’d ever known before, with the exception of what he got from Ashlynn. The two of them … they made him whole, completed him in ways he hadn’t even realized he’d been lacking.
Jase’s hands cupped the back of Leyton’s head as he held him, pulling Leyton down until his mouth was brushing Jase’s neck. Groaning as the sensations became too much, Leyton knew he wasn’t going to hold on much longer.
“I love you,” Leyton whispered against Jase’s ear. “So fucking much.”
“Love … you…” Jase replied, just as softly.
With those words spilling out of his mouth, Leyton came in a rush, his body tensing, then exploding into fragments, leaving him feeling both scattered and whole at the same time.