Текст книги "Beautifully Loyal"
Автор книги: Nicole Edwards
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Текущая страница: 19 (всего у книги 25 страниц)
Chapter Forty-Three
This shit just got real.
While everyone else was keeping an eye on Aidan, waiting for him to come out of surgery, Jase had been rallying the troops, calling in their backup enforcers. No, it wasn’t necessarily his place to do so, but he figured since Hell was about to rain down on them, he needed to do something in order to ensure Ashlynn’s safety.
Thank God Aidan was going to be all right. That was certainly good news, but Jase had bigger things to worry about. Aidan had been a message, and the damage that had been done to him was extensive. Broken bones, punctured lung… It was a wonder the guy was still alive. Thankfully, they hadn’t fractured his skull as the doctors had originally believed, but there was swelling on the brain, which was causing problems.
Add to that the fact that Max wasn’t willing to leave Aidan in such a public place, they now had to worry about transporting him somewhere so that he could get the medical attention he needed in order to recover while the rest of them retaliated.
And retaliation was their number one priority. Which brought to mind his conversation with Max a short time ago.
“She okay?” Max asked when Jase approached, going up to the surgical waiting area, where the Adorites were gathered.
He didn’t know how she was, honestly, so he merely nodded. Since they’d arrived at the hospital, Jase hadn’t had time to worry about Ashlynn’s mental state; he’d been doing all he could to ensure her safety. “Did you get the order in yet?” Jase asked Max, cutting right to the chase.
“Order?” Max smirked.
Jase didn’t need to elaborate. “If not, I’ll do it.”
Max placed his hand on Jase’s shoulder, guiding him farther from the others standing around.
“I know what she means to you,” Max said quietly. “And I promise, if it comes to that, I’ll let you know. But for now, I’ve got it covered. It’s my top priority at the moment.”
Jase hadn’t questioned Max; he had no reason to. When the boss said he had it covered, he did.
And now, as he made his way back to Ashlynn, returning from taking a phone call in another office down the hall, he steeled himself for what she might say or do.
“Leyton still in there?” he asked Teddy as he approached the door to the office she was currently being held in.
“Yeah,” Teddy confirmed.
He hoped they didn’t want privacy, because he couldn’t just stand out in the hall and wait while they did whatever it was they were doing. He needed to see Ashlynn, to see for himself that she was still all right. After the shit with Aidan—a fucking beating that had damn near killed him—Jase knew that what the Moroso family had in store for Ashlynn was going to be worse. Although Max was, in fact, preparing for retaliation, Jase wasn’t sure how that was going to go down.
He opened the door, stepped into the dimly lit office to find Leyton embracing Ashlynn, his gaze sliding toward him as Jase closed the door.
“Any news?” Ashlynn asked, pulling back and coming toward Jase in a move so out of character he wasn’t sure how to react. He had to figure that was how she’d felt earlier when he’d done the same thing to her. The instant she’d appeared in the kitchen, Jase had needed to wrap her in his arms. He still wasn’t sure why.
Ashlynn walked right up to him and threw her arms around him as though that was the only place she wanted to be, and it took a moment for him to wrap his arms around her, cupping the back of her head and holding her against his chest while he stared at Leyton, slightly confused. When Leyton shrugged, Jase opted to answer her question.
“We’ve accounted for everyone at this point. Your mother’s been moved to Max’s, with extra security on her. Madison’s being brought there as we speak. Victor and Brent have been advised, so they’re heading back from Vegas in the private jet.”
“Have they found Moroso? Or whoever he had do this?” she asked, her fingers digging into his back as she held on to him.
“Not yet,” he told her, kissing her forehead. “I took the liberty to make some calls, bring in some reinforcements. Once we leave here, I can tell them where to meet us.”
“I’m not goin’ anywhere until I see Aidan,” Ashlynn informed him, taking a step back and frowning up at him. “I need to see for myself that my brother’s okay.”
Jase looked at Leyton. If he had his way, they’d whisk Ashlynn out of there as fast as possible, take her somewhere that no one knew about, and hide her out until Max took care of things on his end. Unfortunately, Ashlynn was far too stubborn to allow that to happen, and Jase worked for her. He could advise her of what she needed to do all day long; if she wanted to do something else, she would.
Before he could ask Leyton what his thoughts were, the man was on the phone. “When’re they movin’ him?” A lengthy pause ensued before Leyton replied with, “Thanks.”
Now Ashlynn was watching Leyton the same way Jase was, waiting patiently for what came next.
“We’ve got an hour before they move him. When they do, you’ll have five minutes with him, then they’re transporting him to an undisclosed location.”
“Undisclosed?” Ashlynn did not sound happy about that.
“Yes,” Leyton’s face fell. “Max feels it’s better that no one knows where he’s at. That way … no one could possibly be forced to tell.”
Great. And now they were worried that the information would be tortured out of them. Just what Jase wanted to hear. He moved to the window and peered out at a small courtyard filled with trees and a few benches, though he saw none of it. He was too busy trying to figure out how this was going to go down. What they needed to do was put an end to the Morosos, because that seemed to be the only way to ensure Ashlynn’s safety. Marco had proven that he wasn’t just talk; he’d delivered, and Jase knew that she was likely next on Marco’s list. Only he wanted her dead, not beaten.
“What do we do for an hour?” Ashlynn asked.
Jase could list off a few things that would take their minds off of this shit, but he didn’t speak, didn’t even bother to turn around.
When silence ensued, he finally gave in to his curiosity, turning to see that Ashlynn was in Leyton’s arms, her lips pressed to his, their hands slowly gliding over one another. And just as it had Saturday night when he’d glimpsed them in the kitchen, Jase’s dick went rock hard instantly.
He was so caught up in observing he didn’t notice right away when Leyton crooked a finger at him, summoning him to join them.
Jase glanced at the door, then back to them, captivated by the sight of Ashlynn pulling her T-shirt up over her head and tossing it behind her. Her bra quickly followed, and he knew then that he couldn’t simply watch.
If Ashlynn wanted to use sex as a way to pass the time, who was he to argue?
Chapter Forty-Four
Time to show them who’s boss.
Max climbed into the passenger seat of the armored Escalade when Rock and Dane came around to pick him up at one of the back entrances to the hospital. He’d left Courtney there with her brother Hunter, who had come to the hospital after being the one to track down the information that had led them to Aidan. It wasn’t ideal, he’d much prefer to have her under his protection, but Max had learned that underestimating his wife would get him nowhere. She was capable of handling herself, even if he wanted to think she needed his protection.
So she’d convinced him to take care of business, to make a stand. It was time to put an end to the bullshit.
A red haze had clouded his vision when he’d learned that his brother was clinging to life after Moroso had sent a couple of his enforcers to take care of him. They’d left him for dead in the back alley of Devil’s Playground, and he’d apparently been found by the fucking cleaning crew who’d been taking out the trash from the night.
Fucking cleaning crew.
It still pissed him off to think that Aidan had refused any protection, but for so long, his brother had insisted he didn’t need it, that he was the black sheep and no one gave a shit about him, anyway. Max had spent hours and hours of his life trying to argue, but it had gotten him nowhere.
Still, he couldn’t fucking believe he’d allowed this shit to happen, allowed Aidan to make that decision in the first place.
Max knew he should’ve expected Moroso to do something stupid. The meeting Saturday night had been a fucking joke. He should’ve taken the bastard out when he’d had the chance, but he’d received a phone call earlier in the day informing him that he needed to stand down, to let things run their course.
That phone call had come from an anonymous person who claimed to be tied to one of the reigning mafia families up in New York. Someone Max hadn’t dealt with before but who apparently had known Samuel quite well. It’d been a surprise to learn that Moroso was being hunted by someone with such power thanks to his recent business dealings. Turned out that Moroso hadn’t just stolen from Max, he’d actually hijacked a huge shipment of drugs that had been coming across the Texas border, being readied for shipment up north.
The stupid fucker.
But now Max couldn’t sit back and let this shit go.
Realizing Rock was talking to him, he glanced over at the big guy driving. He hated that he’d taken Leyton’s backup, but he knew he needed him more than Leyton did at the moment. Since his conversation with Leyton earlier, he’d found himself, for the first time, being told how things would go. By his second-in-command, no less.
“I want you to stay with Ashlynn,” Max informed Leyton as they headed back from the nurse’s station, where they’d just learned that Aidan wouldn’t be coming out of surgery for a while.
“That’s my plan,” Leyton replied, stepping into an alcove after peering down the hall to ensure they didn’t have someone listening in.
“That’s the plan, huh?” Max asked, confused by Leyton’s no-nonsense response.
“What would you do if Courtney’s life were on the line?” Leyton asked. “Would you trust someone else to protect her?”
Max didn’t respond, because it was a stupid fucking question. Of course he wouldn’t.
“Exactly my point,” Leyton continued. “I trust Jase, know he’ll do whatever it takes, but I can’t … I’ll be useless if I have to wonder where she is and whether or not she’s safe. So I’m gonna stay with her and Jase. I want you to take Rock and Dane and figure this shit out.” Leyton’s voice lowered another notch. “I want this bastard taken out. I don’t care how; I don’t care by who. If he harms one fucking hair on Ashlynn’s head, I’ll burn this fucking town down until I find him, until I find his entire family.”
“Got it,” Max stated, realizing just what Leyton was feeling. He didn’t need to order Leyton to stay with Ashlynn; the man had planned it all along. “You’ll keep her safe.”
Leyton nodded. “And you’ll show them just what it means to fuck with the Adorites. Something they never should’ve forgotten in the first place.”
Max hadn’t been able to argue. It was time he stepped up, ensured that Moroso and anyone else who thought they could encroach on their territory—whether by stealing their merchandise or threatening to off family members—understood just who they were dealing with.
Grabbing the burner phone he kept on him, he dialed the familiar number and waited.
“’Lo?” came the gruff response.
“We good?” Max asked Ace, the man he’d hired to kill Marco Moroso.
“Yes, sir.”
“Change in plans,” Max stated. “I want him alive.” Without another word, Max hung up. That was all he needed to say. Ace would still get his money, but Max would get the pleasure of watching Marco die. The bastard wasn’t going to get away with hurting his family and not atoning for it.
With his family safe for the moment, Max had something else to take care of. It wasn’t going to be pretty, and Max preferred to handle it himself, anyway. It was safer that way. Safer for everyone involved.
Chapter Forty-Five
One hell of a way to pass the time.
Had it not been for the conversation he’d had with Max a short while ago, Leyton likely would’ve put a halt to Ashlynn’s advances. As it was, they did have a little time to kill. Until Aidan was moved, the safest place for Ashlynn to be was right there.
Between him and Jase.
However, despite the stern expression on her face, the one that told him she wanted to take control of the situation, Leyton wasn’t going to allow it.
“Turn around,” Leyton ordered as he stared at the most stunning woman he’d ever laid eyes on. She’d shed her shirt and her bra, standing before him with an impish gleam in her eyes. As usual, she’d made the first move, but that was as much control as he was going to allow her to have.
When she turned, he reached for her, pulling her back against him, where he still sat perched on the edge of the desk. He widened his stance and situated her so that his dick was cradled up against her sweet ass. Wrapping his arms around her, he cupped her bare breasts, lifting them as Jase stepped around.
“Show me what she likes,” Leyton commanded, meeting Jase’s glittering blue eyes.
He was surprised when Jase’s hands wrapped around his, guiding his fingers so that Leyton was pinching Ashlynn’s nipples, rolling them between his thumbs and forefingers.
A sweet moan escaped Ashlynn as she ground her ass against his growing erection.
While Jase continued to guide Leyton’s fingers the way he wanted, Jase leaned forward and licked the puckered tip, his eyes locked on Ashlynn’s face. For several minutes, Jase continued to fondle her with his mouth, seeming to never tire of making her crazy with nothing more than his lips, tongue, and teeth. Ashlynn certainly didn’t appear to be bothered by the attention as she begged and pleaded, reaching for Jase’s head and holding him to her breast, thrusting her chest forward. When she did, Leyton pinched harder, tweaking and pulling her nipples until she was crying out, desperate for more.
“Take off her jeans,” Leyton instructed Jase.
Leyton didn’t stop fondling her tits, keeping her hovering on the precipice while Jase did as he was told, stripping Ashlynn’s jeans from her body and taking her panties along with them, leaving her standing beautifully naked before them.
Turning slightly, Leyton considered all the shit that was sitting on the desk for a moment. Figuring whoever used that desk would be back first thing in the morning and could easily clean their shit up, he released Ashlynn’s nipple and shoved everything off, letting it crash to the floor.
“Boss?” Sal’s head appeared.
“We’re good,” Leyton told him, and Sal was instantly gone again.
Without making a request, Leyton lifted Ashlynn into his arms and then deposited her on the top of the desk, laying her out like a feast while she stared back at him and played with her own tits. Moving around to the end of the desk where her head was, Leyton reached down, planting his palms flat on her chest, letting the warmth of her smooth skin penetrate his hands. He lifted his gaze to Jase.
“Using only your mouth, I wanna watch you make her come.”
“My pleasure,” Jase stated, trailing one finger from her breast down to her hip, then over her bare mound. “Spread your legs for me, baby.”
Jase helped her get into position, planting her feet on the desk and then spreading her knees wide so that her pussy was open to him.
Leyton glanced down at her. “Is this what you want? All of our attention on you?”
“Yes,” she said, her voice a rough whisper. “God yes.” Her hips bucked when Jase’s tongue lashed out, sliding through her slick folds.
When she would’ve reached for Jase’s head, Leyton grabbed her wrists, restraining her with his hands while Jase feasted on her. Positioning her arms above her head, he held her hands between his legs, grinding his cock against them. When she tried to cup him through his slacks, he growled. “We’re doin’ all the work here. You just enjoy.”
Although she wasn’t using her hands, Ashlynn did position them so that he could rub himself against her as he leaned down and took her nipple between his teeth, biting down gently, then harder until she was writhing beneath them. As much as Leyton wanted to take his pleasure from her body, he wanted to give her pleasure more. He wanted to show her what it had been like for him these past few months, always hovering on the edge of bliss but not quite getting to where he wanted to be.
Jase seemed to understand the plan to keep her release just out of reach. Leyton enjoyed watching Jase eat Ashlynn’s pussy, his tongue spearing her, then sliding up to flick her clit over and over.
“Please,” Ashlynn begged. “I need to come!”
“Not yet, little one.”
Leyton stood to his full height and moved around to stand behind Jase. He worked Jase’s jeans open while Jase never stopped licking and sucking Ashlynn’s beautiful cunt. When he freed Jase’s thick, heavy cock, Leyton stroked him slowly, not moving too fast, wanting to draw this out for as long as he could.
This wasn’t about him. He wanted it to be about them, about these two people he’d craved for so long.
“I wanna watch,” Ashlynn whispered. “Please. Let me watch.”
“What do you wanna see?” he asked, peering at her over Jase.
Jase growled as Leyton tightened his grip, firmly jacking him off.
“Make him come … on me,” Ashlynn replied, her eyes rolling back as Jase flicked her clit.
Leyton reached around Jase with his other arm, pulling him up so that Jase’s back was against Leyton’s chest. Pressing his lips to Jase’s neck, he kissed him, inhaling the sexy male scent. “That what you want? Me to jack you off and make you come on her?”
Jase turned his head, and Leyton took his mouth with his own, licking his tongue, stroking the inside of his mouth while Jase hummed his satisfaction.
“Tell me,” Leyton whispered, enjoying the taste of Ashlynn on Jase’s tongue.
“Yes,” Jase murmured. “Then I want you to lick my cum off her.”
A jolt of pure lust rippled through his body as he continued to stroke Jase’s cock, pressing his own erection against Jase’s ass. What he wouldn’t give to sink deep into Jase’s body, to be one with the man while Jase gave himself over to him. Leyton had thought about their first time so much over the past few days, ready, aching, desperate to feel him again.
Sliding his mouth along Jase’s jaw, Leyton made his way to his shoulder, pushing Jase’s T-shirt aside so that he could nip and suck the smooth skin he found there. He wanted to mark Jase, to claim him, to ensure the man knew just who he belonged to, just how much he wanted him.
“Leyton,” Jase whispered, jerking his hips, increasing the friction against Leyton’s palm. “Oh, God. You’re gonna… Fuck it feels so good… Your hand… Your mouth… Aw, shit.” Jase tilted his head, giving Leyton better access to his neck.
While he increased the pace and grip of his hand, Leyton sucked Jase’s skin into his mouth, hard enough he knew there would be a mark later. He watched Ashlynn from over Jase’s shoulder, loving the way she continued to stare at them, heat glittering in her gaze. She liked watching them, that was obvious, and Leyton loved that she did.
“Oh, fuck,” Jase groaned. “Leyton, fuck. I’m gonna come. I’m … gonna…”
Jase’s cock pulsed in his hand, and Leyton aimed so that he spurted over Ashlynn’s stomach, shooting as far as her chest.
“So fucking beautiful,” Leyton growled in Jase’s ear. “I love watching you come.”
Jase’s dick jerked once more before he relaxed against Leyton. Releasing Jase’s spent cock, Leyton wrapped his arms around him, hands flat against Jase’s chest as he held him. “I’ve got you.”
When Jase managed to get his feet beneath him, Leyton released him, then turned his attention to Ashlynn. While he used his tongue to lick Jase’s cum from her body, he freed his own aching dick, stoking the flames by jerking himself while he prepared her with his fingers.
Jase’s hand appeared, covering Leyton’s as he took over, jacking him firmly before guiding him toward Ashlynn’s wet pussy. Leyton grabbed her legs and pulled her closer to the edge of the desk, then pushed into her.
“Oh, fuck,” she cried out, her body bowing up off the desk.
Holding her legs upright against his chest, he began slamming into her, unable to hold back any longer, watching as Jase proceeded to kiss her, stealing her cries and moans with his mouth while he held her in place. Leyton was rooted to the sight, watching the two of them. They were so fucking beautiful together it made his chest ache with an emotion so intense he wasn’t sure he could survive something so powerful taking up residence inside him.
He’d known all along that once he had them, he’d never be able to let go. And this emotion that churned deep in him was proof. He’d fallen and fallen hard, although they still had a long damn way to go before this thing between them settled into anything that could possibly be permanent.
Thrusting hard and fast, pounding into Ashlynn, he was still watching them when they broke apart, Ashlynn’s gaze slamming into his.
“Make me come,” she bit out. “Leyton…” Her head dropped to the desk, the sexy column of her neck stretched as her pussy clamped down on him, gripping him, milking him.
A deep, rumbling growl erupted from his chest, unable to hold back any longer. “Fuck.” Taking a deep breath, Leyton let himself go, his dick throbbing, his release spilling into her body, filling her while the smooth walls of her pussy wrapped around him, the pleasure intoxicating. “Coming, Ash. Fuck, baby. I’m … coming.”
Ashlynn cried out, yelling his name over and over until her body finally relaxed, her chest rapidly rising and falling. Jase was right beside them, holding Ashlynn’s hand and looking at Leyton.
Yeah, there was no doubt about it, he and Jase were in the same place. They knew what they wanted, knew what they needed. And though Leyton suspected they could fulfill one another, he also knew that without Ashlynn, without her giving her heart to them, they’d still be incomplete.