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Three Broken Promises
  • Текст добавлен: 5 октября 2016, 23:45

Текст книги "Three Broken Promises"

Автор книги: Monica Murphy

Соавторы: Monica Murphy
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Текущая страница: 10 (всего у книги 17 страниц)

Chapter 13


The shackles of my recent past have slowly been loosened, allowing me to be free with Colin. I can almost forget all of the shameful things I did during such a scary, desperate time. A time I’d rather push from my memories forever, but I still can’t, no matter how hard I try. Stripping for a living gave me a sort of freedom I’ve never experienced before. I felt powerful, at least at first.

Giving myself to men in the backseat of their car for fifty dollars had left me feeling powerless. The contradiction had been . . . confusing.

But nothing filled me with so much power as when I was with Colin. I am on a sexual high and I have no regrets over what I’ve done with him. It’s liberating. Funny how I thought leaving Colin would bring me the escape and freedom I needed. Maybe I was wrong.

Having sex with Colin, finally letting down my guard and showing him all the many things I want to do to him? How I feel about him?

That’s beyond liberating.

Not that I can tell him how I feel about him with words, no way. That would just freak him out, the very last thing I want to do. But I can show him. Oh, how I can show him! Which I’ve done. Repeatedly. I worried it might be awkward between Colin and me after the first time we had sex, but, um . . . no. It is definitely not awkward.

Hot and amazing, most definitely. We’re insatiable for each other. Being with him at the restaurant last night, watching him while he worked, turned me on so much I could hardly function. All I could think about was him. Having his hands on me. Having my hands on him. I was so aroused I had to sneak into his office on my break and give him a blow job.

What a rush that experience was, despite my past momentarily tarnishing the moment. Reminding me of what I’ve done, that I’d taken money for an act that should be sacred and between two people who care for each other.

But I was able to overcome it pretty quickly. It’s different between us. I care about him, more than I ever thought possible.

I loved how out of control I made him, how quickly he came. I could see how bad he wanted me, could feel it in the clutch of his fingers when he thrust them into my hair, tugging on it. The pleasurable pain had coursed through my veins, pushing me toward my second orgasm in less than ten minutes, which is just . . . insane.

Colin Wilder makes me absolutely insane.

It feels so good, knowing that we are equally invested in this. That we’re dying to get naked for each other every time we’re in the same room. Heck, when we’re breathing the same air. I’ve felt so alone with all of these feelings I’ve had for Colin for far too long. And now we’re in it together.

At this very moment, though, I’m alone. Sitting outside in Colin’s backyard next to the small built-in pool, laid out on a lounge chair and enjoying the late summer sunshine. September doesn’t equal fall in Northern California. It’s still hot as hell most days, this one being no exception. A heat wave has settled over the area, the high today predicted to hit near one hundred.

The late morning air is still cool enough but I can feel the heat coming, the sun shining directly on me. I’m wearing my favorite two-piece swimsuit and desperately wishing Colin were home so he could see me like this. The bikini is skimpy, a bright turquoise, with string ties at my hips and two slivers of triangle fabric covering my breasts. I can get away with this sort of swimsuit since I’m small-chested and kinda skinny.

I’d always wanted the blond hair and gigantic boobs that Colin tends to go for, but I’ve become incredibly comfortable with my body these last few days. Comfortable in regard to how Colin sees me. He thinks I’m beautiful. Sexy. He makes me feel confident in my own skin, something I’ve never experienced before. I love the fact that he’s so appreciative of my curves, my breasts, that he doesn’t make me feel cheap.

When we got home last night he stripped me naked without giving me a chance to say a word, not that I was protesting. He laid me out on his bed and proceeded to map every single inch of my skin with his mouth. And when I say he kissed me everywhere, I mean everywhere. Even in embarrassing places no man had ever attempted to kiss me before.

I came three times last night. I can feel myself growing wet just remembering what he did to me, how far he pushed me out of my comfort zone.

How much I liked it.

Sighing and with a little squirm, I try to push thoughts of Colin out of my head and concentrate on the fashion magazine in front of me. I flip through the pages, bored with the clothing, the endless ads full of gorgeous, smiling women who exude confidence. The entire magazine is full of articles along those lines. About creating a confident you and finding the perfect career you’re destined to have. How to have the best sex of your life—already found that, thanks bunches—the best clothes, the best everything. I know reading these articles is supposed to inspire me. But instead with every article I skim, I become more depressed.

And full of doubt.

Is leaving really the right decision? Now that I have Colin’s unwavering attention, should I just up and walk away from him as I originally planned? Of course, the reason I might have his attention is because he knows it’s temporary. It’s easier to commit to something that won’t last, that has a deadline. A finite ending.


The fact that I have no real plan is scary too. I did find a possible roommate via an online ad site whom I spoke to on the phone earlier. She’s a year younger than me, a junior in college, and works part-time. She just lost her old roommate and is trying to do everything all on her own, and she’s failing miserably. Drowning in the endless bills that come with being a responsible adult, a roommate would totally ease her financial burden. And mine, of course.

She sounded ideal, so I committed to her and sent her the deposit money via PayPal not even an hour ago. Then I ran into the bathroom and immediately threw up. I’m so freaked out over whether I’m doing the right thing I’m making myself sick over it.

This is by far the toughest decision I’ve ever made in my life.

Tossing the magazine on the tiny table next to me, I readjust the lounge chair so it’s pretty much flat and lie down, closing my eyes. I should not be soaking up the sun with skin cancer being prevalent and all, but I slathered myself in sunscreen before I came outside. The heat feels good on my mostly bare skin and deciding to be daring, I untie my bikini top, letting the strings drop so I won’t have tan lines across my chest.

One wrong move and the top goes bye-bye, but who’s going to see? I’m alone out here. The people who live on either side of Colin both work, so there are no stay-at-home moms hovering, no little kids running around in their backyards. I could sit out here naked and skinny-dip in the pool. No one would be the wiser.

Deciding to go for it, I sit up and untie the string that stretches across my back, flinging the top onto the ground. I sigh with satisfaction as I settle back down onto the lounger, adjusting my sunglasses and closing my eyes to the too-bright sun.

Just for a few minutes, I tell myself. I’ll lie here for a little bit and let the sun warm skin I don’t normally expose at all. It feels good, almost . . . sexual. Well, everything these last few days has felt sexual what with the constant state of arousal I’ve been living in.

I’ve been with other men, too many of them probably, though I keep my numbers to myself. Then there are the ones no one knows about, the ones that don’t count. The ones who paid me money for a quick good time, money I’d desperately needed.

Not that Colin will ever, ever know about those men . . .

But no one, and I mean not a single one of them, made me feel like Colin does. One smile from him and I want to melt. He can touch me in the most casual of ways and my knees threaten to buckle. And when he kisses me, I swear I lose a few brain cells every single time.

Arousal trickles through me at the thought of his drugging, delicious kisses. My nipples bead almost painfully and I’m tempted to touch them. To ease the ache that’s slowly but surely building inside me . . .

“Well, well, well. Now this is a pleasant surprise.”

Tingles sweep over my skin at the sound of Colin’s velvety deep voice. Lifting my head, I open my eyes to find him standing on the other side of the pool, near the back door that leads into the house. I can’t believe I didn’t hear the door open or shut.

I wonder if he thinks I’m out here like this just for him.

“I didn’t expect you home,” I say, rolling my eyes behind my dark sunglasses. Such a lame reply but he doesn’t seem to mind, not if the grin on his face is any indication.

“You lie around outside half naked all the time then? I should be staying home in the morning more often.” He starts toward me, the epitome of mouthwateringly delicious, wearing jeans and a simple white T-shirt. The way his shirt stretches across his shoulders and chest make me itch to tear it off him.

Shrugging, I struggle for nonchalance, though inside anticipation curls through me, making me burn . . . everywhere. He’s moving with a predatory grace that makes my mouth dry, his gaze never leaving me. Suddenly nervous, I look around for my bikini top, spotting it on the concrete right next to the lounger, and I bend down, snatching it up, ready to tie it back on. Or at the very least, cover myself. I’m feeling exposed. Silly for lying around half naked like this.

“Oh, no you don’t.” He’s at my side in an instant, pulling the swimsuit top from my fingers and tossing it far out of reach. His smug grin is downright wicked as he settles on the edge of the lounger, his hip nudging my side, the denim of his jeans rough against my bare skin. He takes me in, his greedy gaze raking over me before landing on my chest, and my nipples literally ache for his touch. “Enjoying the sun?” His husky voice twists my insides, making me breathless.

I lick my lips, sitting up so my face is close to his. “Yeah.” Leaning in, I brush my open mouth against his, lingering, tasting. His tongue darts out, teasing mine with gentle flicks, and I moan softly.

“Fuck, you’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?” His large hands graze my breasts, his palms brushing against my nipples so lightly I can almost believe I’m only imagining he’s touching me.

But he’s real. His hands on me are real. Hot and seeking and knowing exactly what I need to fill me with uncontrollable desire for him.

“I swear I had no idea you would come home. You’re usually gone in the mornings,” I say in my defense. He goes into his office when it’s quiet and he can get paperwork done. Phone calls made, emails answered, whatever it is that he needs to take care of. He’s been extra busy lately what with the new location opening soon. “I thought I had a morning to myself.”

“Tell me.” He kisses me, a quick, sweet kiss though his mouth lingers, barely moving away from mine. “Were you going to touch yourself out here, Jenny? Have a little fun while I’m gone?”

“No.” I shake my head, biting the tip of his finger when he reaches out to trace my bottom lip, making him softly yelp. He doesn’t remove his finger from my mouth, though. “But I was thinking of you.”

“What were you thinking about?” His voice has gone tight, a sure indicator he’s aroused, and I smile.

“How much I miss you.” I kiss him again and he cups my face with one hand, holding me, his mouth coaxing mine open before I break away. “How much I wished you were here. Touching me.”

His smile grows. “Well, your wish is about to come true.”


My wish is about to come true too. Hell, it already has. What man doesn’t want to find the woman he’s obsessed with lying half naked in his backyard in the middle of the morning? Looking like my every teenage wet dream come to life in a skimpy bikini and no freaking top, her breasts bare and skin gleaming in the sun. Her hair is in a high, sloppy ponytail, big black sunglasses shadow her eyes, and she’s . . . beautiful. Sexy.

Just having her like this makes me painfully aroused, and I take a deep breath to calm myself and slow my roll. Swiping her sunglasses from her face, I place them on the table next to her chair before I settle both of my hands on her breasts, taking their gentle weight in my palms and cupping her. Her hard nipples stab my palms and I roll them between my thumb and index finger, pinching slightly, making her cry out.

She likes it a little rough, just like I do. I fucked her last night from behind, pulling her hair, giving her one of many spectacular orgasms. She’s so responsive, so unbelievably into it, into me, and I feel the same exact way.

I can’t get enough of her.

“Are you wet for me?” I ask gruffly. She likes it when I talk dirty to her, too. There are so many hidden depths and secrets to this woman, she’s like a constant puzzle I’m trying to figure out. And once I believe I have her solved, something new pops up, making me realize that she might forever be a mystery to me.

And I like it.

“Why don’t you check and see?” she teases, a hint of laughter in her voice.

Sounds good to me. “Lie back, Jen,” I demand, using my extra-stern boss voice that for whatever reason seems to arouse her too. Jesus, it’s ridiculous how downright combustible we are together.

She does as I command, lying back on the cushy lounge chair, her legs spreading the slightest bit. I notice—I notice everything about her. The smell of her skin, her uniquely sweet fragrance mixed with the distinctive scent of sunscreen. Stray tendrils of hair brush her cheeks, the elegant length of her neck, and the delicate gold chain she’s wearing, a tiny floating heart dangling from it.

Leaning in, I slip my finger beneath the thin chain, playing with the little heart. “I gave you this,” I say, startled to see her wearing it.

Nodding, she swallows hard. I see the movement of her throat. “Yes, you did.”

It was for her high school graduation and I’d been so damn proud to give her something of value back then, even if it was less than two hundred bucks. She’d been so thrilled when I presented the tiny wrapped box to her, hugging me tight after she saw what was inside. Her whispered thank you close to my ear had sent a strange feeling spiraling deep inside me. The way her body fit, nestled so close to mine, tripped me up too.

No way could I ever forget that night. It was one of those moments that’s burned into my memory forever.

The night I realized I saw my best friend’s little sister as something more than a pesky girl trailing after us. The moment I realized that she was an attractive, desirable woman. Funny, how I immediately declared her off limits in my brain. I couldn’t fuck around with my best friend’s baby sister.

And look at us now.

Pushing the worrisome thought from my mind, I trace her collarbone, my gaze lingering on the necklace. “I like that you’re wearing it.”

“I like that you gave it to me.” Reaching up, she touches the necklace as well, our fingers colliding.

Before I say something completely out of hand, I lean in and kiss her, hot and hard and punishing. She yields to me as she always does, her tongue circling mine, her arms going around my neck, pulling me in closer. I swallow her soft, needy moans, touching her all over her body, touching her breasts, her flat stomach, skimming over her curves, until my hands are resting at her hips.

I toy with the skimpy strings that supposedly keep the bikini bottoms on her body, tempted to give them a tug. Pulling away from her, I sit back, watching her. Her breathing is shallow, her chest rising and falling, her skin glistening with the faintest sheen of sweat mixed with sunscreen and lotion and whatever else she’s rubbed on.

Damn, she’s pretty. I want to eat her up. Keep her locked inside my house for hours, days, weeks. Lose myself in her again and again until I can think of nothing else. Only Jen. Jenny. Jennifer.

She’s all three of those women to me.

Reaching out, I brush my finger over her hip bone, tracing it gently until I’m toying with the knotted bow that rests there. Slowly I undo it, watching the string unravel until it’s completely untied. I do the same to the other side, then slowly peel the front of her bikini bottom away, revealing her to me completely.

Sweat beads my brow and I lick my lips. I could eat her up, right here, right now. She spreads her legs some more, revealing pretty, pink glistening flesh, and when I lift my gaze to her face, I find her watching me. Her eyes almost black with desire, her lips parted as if she might be having trouble breathing.

I know I sure as hell am.

“Like what you see?” she asks coyly.

I don’t answer. Merely settle my hand over her, my palm brushing against her scant pubic hair, my fingers sliding in between her wet folds. She’s drenched for me, she’s always drenched for me, and the little whimper that escapes her at my touch sends an electric current straight to my dick.

I’m hard as fuck and can’t do anything about it. I glance around, knowing the neighbors on both sides of my house work. There’s no house behind us since my fence butts up to the street. Yeah, there’s a two-story home two houses over with a stay-at-home mom of three who’s always there, but she wouldn’t be paying any attention to my backyard, would she?

Maybe. But it’s a risk I’m going to have to take.

“I’m going to make you come,” I whisper, my fingers delving deeper, slipping inside her body. “I want to watch you.”

A hint of a smile curves her lips. “You always want to watch me.”

True. “I’ve never seen you come outside. In the sunlight.”

The smile grows, a soft sound of pleasure passing from her lips when I slip another finger inside her. “Is it your personal goal to see me come in as many places as possible?”

“How’d you guess?” I kiss her again before I say something really stupid. Like how much I don’t want her to leave me. How much I’ll miss her when she’s gone. How unnecessary it is for her to go because I’m slowly starting to believe we can make this work. If she’d only let me in.

I think I’m more than ready to let her in.

Chapter 14


Within minutes she’s moaning, writhing against my hand, her teeth sunk so deep into her bottom lip I’m afraid she’ll draw blood. She’s circling her hips against my fingers, my thumb plays with her clit, and then she’s falling completely apart, her orgasm sweeping over her and taking over completely.

I’m transfixed by the flush of her skin, the way her breasts heave with her labored breaths, how the inner walls of her sex contract around my fingers as the orgasm consumes her. Her pleasure gives me pleasure. With other women in the past, I was always eager to get off, too busy chasing my own orgasm. Rarely concerned if the woman I was with had come or not. So selfish, I know, but I’ve never denied that I’m a selfish guy.

With Jen, I want to make sure she’s coming. Always. And that I’m the only one who can make it happen for her. Who can make it so good, she won’t want anyone else.

“Every time I think it can’t get any better, it does,” she whispers, reaching for me. “I didn’t think that was possible.”

Neither did I. I feel the same.

I go to her, let her wrap her arm around my neck and haul me in as close as possible. She kisses me, her other hand resting on my chest. She slides her fingers down to skim across my stomach, drawing dangerously close to my stiff cock.

“Take me inside,” she says, and I slowly shake my head, making her frown. “Why not?”

“I’m going to fuck you right here.” I kiss her. “Right now.”

“No.” She’s the one shaking her head now, all those stray strands of hair brushing against her neck. “No way. I’m not putting on a show for your neighbors.”

“Hate to tell you this, but you already did, not that anyone’s watching.” Smiling, I kiss her when she tries to dodge me. “No one’s going to see, Jen. Trust me.”

“But . . .” Her voice trails off as her gaze meets mine. “I don’t know.”

“You’re the one who was lying out here half naked in the first place. You started it,” I point out, laughing when she slaps my shoulder.

“I already told you I didn’t think you were coming home.”

“So it’s okay for you to lie around with your top off but it’s not okay for me to want to have sex with you out here.” And I am so fucking her out here. She might try and keep up the protest, but I won’t let her. I’m already itching to shed all my clothes and get this party started.

I sound like a cheesy asshole even in my head. This is what she’s reduced me to.

She sighs, a soft little sound that goes straight to my dick. “I do want you to.” She kisses my lips, my cheek, along my jaw, down my throat, before she moves back up to kiss me right behind my ear. “Take your clothes off, Colin.”

Fuck. Excitement rolls through me as I pull away from her and stand, shedding my T-shirt, jeans, and underwear as fast as possible. I don’t have a fucking condom, which really messes with my game, and her knowing gaze catches mine, saying she gets exactly what I’m thinking about without her saying a word.

“I’m clean,” she murmurs, dropping her gaze so she can study her hands. “I’ve never had unprotected sex in my life. And I’m on the pill.”

I’m shocked. And pleased. I want to be a first for her in at least some way. “Really?”

She lifts her head so our gazes meet once more. “Really.”

Well. We have this one thing in common. “Neither have I.” Meaning I’ve never, ever had sex without a condom either. I’m too fucking scared I might become a father to ever take that sort of risk. Look what happened to my parents. They weren’t supposed to get married. They weren’t even in a serious relationship when my mom got pregnant with me. She roped my dad in, and then they were stuck with each other.

With Jen, for whatever crazy-as-hell reason, I want to say fuck it and toss all worry to the wind. I want to know what it feels like to be inside her with absolutely no barriers. Skin on skin.

A shiver moves over me at the thought.

She eyes me, her gaze wandering down the length of my now nude body, and then she’s standing, all that delicious, lean nakedness on display right in front of me. I love her body. Damn near worship it, really. Three days in and I’m ready to fall on my knees in front of her like some pussy-whipped asshole.

For once in my life, I don’t really care.

“Sit.” Sounds like she’s the one who’s in command now and I gladly give in, letting her take the reins for the first time. I’m curious to see what she wants. How she wants it.

No matter what, I know I’ll like it.

I do as she says, settling on the lounger in the dead center, straddling it as I face her. I’m naked and hard as steel, my cock anxious for her to join me. And then she is straddling me, her knees on either side of my hips, her hands clutching my shoulders. I can feel her, my cock is brushing against her wetness, and I’m desperate to thrust up inside her, drive in deep.

She moves over me, teasing me, smiling when I groan. “Ssh,” she whispers as she slowly lowers herself onto my cock, taking me in, inch by excruciating inch until I’m completely embedded inside her body. “Oh God, you feel so good.”

My eyes threaten to cross when she starts to move. Slow and hesitant at first, I grip her hips, guiding her onto me. Setting the pace, keeping it leisurely at first, sliding her up and down the length of my cock, going a little deeper with every down thrust. Until we’re picking up the pace, both of us lost to the rhythm of our bodies. She’s snug and wet and warm, the sensation of her clenching tight around my cock threatening to send me straight into oblivion.

“I’m going to—to—come,” she stutters out when I thrust deep with an almost manic pace. And then she is coming, shuddering all around me, pushing me straight into my own amazing climax.

We cling to each other as we try to calm our frantically reacting bodies. We’re a shuddering, quivering mess, our panting breaths loud in the otherwise quiet of the late morning. I hear a bird chirp, the not-so-distant sound of a car door slamming, and that sound is the one that snaps her out of it, reminds her that yes indeed, we are a part of the land of the living and for a brief moment, we decided to close ourselves off to the world going on around us and do whatever the hell we wanted.

But now real life intrudes and I’m bummed as fuck.

“We should go inside,” she whispers close to my ear, her warm, shuddery breath making me harden all over again. She feels it too, I can tell by the way she shifts against me. Trying to get me deeper.

“Take a shower with me.” I kiss her. We haven’t done that yet. Taken a shower together. I’m suddenly desperate to run my hands all over her soap-slick skin.

“I don’t know . . .” Her voice trails off and I lean away from her, seeing the mischievous smile curving her lips.

Without warning I climb off the chair and hoist her into my arms, ignoring her shriek, her hands slapping against my chest demanding I put her down. I carry her all the way into my bathroom, where I deposit her in my shower and crank on the water, slipping inside the glass enclosure so I can join her.

Where I proceed to wash every inch of her.


I shouldn’t have taken a shower with Colin. Now I’m sleepy from the warm water, his warm, searching hands, and my third orgasm of the day. It’s barely noon and the man is some sort of lethal weapon. I don’t think I’ve ever had this many orgasms in such a short amount of time.

We’re lying in his giant bed, our clean, naked bodies entwined around each other. He’s dozing, and I’m wide awake with my head resting on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. It calms me, soothes me, and I wish I could lie here like this with him forever.

But I can’t. I haven’t worked up the nerve to tell him I found a roommate yet. I don’t want to ruin the mood. My news will probably make him cranky and I’m just not ready to deal with that.

So I lie here like a liar, pretending everything is fine between us when it’s so not. I knew this would happen. Having sex with Colin is just as good as I knew it would be. Maybe even better. We already share a past, a connection, and now that we’ve pushed our relationship farther, that connection has gone even deeper.

At least for me. For him? I’m not sure.

What’s amazing is that I’ve never felt this way about a man before. Sex was always a means to an end. It’s an act that could almost bore me if I was with the wrong type of guy. And I was with plenty of wrong guys . . .

Resting my hand on his chest, I let my fingers drift down to skim across the muscular ridges of his stomach. We have to go to work in a few hours but I’d rather not. I’d love to stay here in this bed, naked with Colin, talking and laughing and having sex for however long we want.

“Everything okay?”

His deep voice breaks through my thoughts. I lift my head to find him watching me, those clear blue eyes locked on my face, pensive and seeking.

“I thought you were asleep,” I say.

“I was. But you’re tense.” Reaching out, he touches the side of my face, his fingers tracing down my cheek, along my jaw. “What’s bothering you?”

That he knows something is bothering me shows just how well he understands me. I wonder if he even realizes it. “I have some news,” I say, ready to get it over with.

Now he’s the one who’s gone tense. “What is it?”

Taking a deep breath, I decide to just blurt it out. “I found a roommate.”

His expression doesn’t change a bit. He doesn’t even bat an eyelash. “Really.”

I nod, nerves eating at my insides. “The apartment looks nice and is pretty central to everything. It’s in the area I wanted to live in. I checked out the complex site online. She’s in college, she’s a year younger than me, and she works part-time at a clothing store in a mall nearby.”

“You haven’t met her.”

“Well, I’ve talked to her on the phone. Sent her my deposit earlier this morning, too.”

He’s still studying me with that eerie, immovable expression. I can’t tell if he’s happy, sad, pissed, irritated, whatever. “So it’s for sure. She’s your roommate. You’re moving in with her.”


“And you’ve never met her in person.”

“Well, no. Of course not.” I throw my hands up in the air, irritated by his seeming nonreaction. “It’s not like I can ask you to drive me back and forth to Sacramento all the time, right? I don’t have a car and I have no other way to get there.”

He ignores what I say. “Don’t you think that’s kind of risky?”

“What? Handling all of this over the phone and internet?” I take a deep breath. This is turning into a fight, which is the last thing I want. But when is anything easy between Colin and me? The sex so far has been incredibly easy, but that sort of thing always comes with a price eventually. “I have no choice.”

“So you’re still leaving?” He sounds incredulous now. Looks it, too, which just makes me want to punch him.

“Yes. I’m. Still. Leaving.” I say each word carefully, wanting him to get the message. I’m out of here—but he can change that with a few simple words. He may not know everything that happened while I was at Gold Diggers, but he knows a lot.

I need to hear him say it doesn’t matter. That he won’t judge me. I need to hear him say he cares only about me.

Holding my breath, I wait for him to say something. Anything. I don’t want him to beg me—I know that’s not his style. But if he just said one word. One simple word is all it would take and I wouldn’t go.


“I’ll hire you a moving truck,” he says, crawling out of bed completely naked and heading toward the bathroom. My gaze falls to his perfect butt like always.

Right about now, I’d really like to kick it.

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