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Электронная библиотека книг » Michelle Lynn » книга "Let Me Love"
Let Me Love - Michelle Lynn
  • Книга добавлена: 9 октября 2016, 02:07
обложка книги Let Me Love - Michelle Lynn

Название книги: Let Me Love

Автор книги:

6-7Часов на чтение
92 тыс.Всего слов

Язык книги: русский
Издательство: Michelle Lynn
Год издания: 2014
ISBN: 2940149478552
Размер: 180 Кб
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Описание книги

A chance encounter. An undeniable connection. An unimaginable twist of fate. Kailey's life is crumbling. Her best friend and sister, Jen, is dying, leaving her young family devastated. With little hope of saving her, Kailey is forced to face a reality she never expected.Trey's life is fun and carefree. He loves the girls, his drums, and his friends. That's not to say he isn't continuously plagued by a difficult decision made years ago--one that changed the course of his life. Despite the connection they make when their paths unexpectedly cross, Kailey knows her life has no room for anyone else right now. But regardless of how many times she pushes him away, Trey only fights harder to make a place for him in her life and in her heart.Trey thought he knew heartbreak, but he had no idea until life gave him a second chance, only to snatch it away just as fast. This time he's determined to keep his place in the life of the ones he loves. Is there such a thing as fate? If so, can Kailey and Trey hold on to one another long enough to discover there's no such thing as a chance encounter?

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