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Тесла: Человек из будущего
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Текст книги "Тесла: Человек из будущего"

Автор книги: Маргарет Чейни

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Пентагон изучает возможности создания новой ветви вооруженных сил, которая будет называться Космическая команда США, и ее начальный арсенал будет состоять из лазерного оружия и лучевого оружия, луч которого состоит из частиц, выстреливающего со специальных «космических военных кораблей». В напечатанной информации Департамента обороны США лучи из частиц сравниваются с «направленными вспышками молний», хотя и не сообщается, что подобное оружие уже разработано.

Очень трудно узнать что-либо о современном состоянии программы по лучевому оружию, поскольку практически все строго засекречено. Очевидно, что эти технологии оказались очень сложными, в результате встают вопросы об осуществимости подобного проекта, но очень многие специалисты все же напряженно трудятся над решением этой задачи. В то же время деятельность других наций в этой области тщательно исследуется агентствами федерального правительства. Действительно, создание серии лучевого оружия заряженных частиц было предметом серьезных обсуждений в США на протяжении последних двадцати пяти лет, и, по моему мнению, эти обсуждения ничуть не менее важные, чем те, которые имели место в далеком 1947 году, когда Военная разведывательная служба определила, что рукописи о лучевом оружии среди бумаг Теслы обладают «чрезвычайной значимостью».Поскольку в последние годы жизни у Теслы не было лаборатории, он не мог разрабатывать свои идеи. Но неоспоримо то, что почти полвека назад он описал в общих терминах оружие, которое может оказаться основным в космический век. До конца своих дней Тесла, будучи пацифистом, надеялся, что эти знания будут использоваться не для войны на Земле, а для межпланетной коммуникации с нашими соседями по космосу, в существовании которых он был абсолютно уверен.


Глава 1. Современный Прометей

1. John J. O'Neill, Prodigal Genius (New York, David McKay Co., 1944), pp. 93-95, 283; Inez Hunt and W. W. Draper, Lightning in His Hand (Hawthorne, Calif., Omni Publications, 1964, 1977), pp. 54—55.

2. Microfilm letters, Twain to Tesla, Library of Congress, n,d.

3. Chauncey M c G o v e r n , «The New Wizard of t h e West», Pearson's Magazine, London, May 1899.

4. O'Neill, Genius, p. 158.

Глава 2. Азартный игрок

1. Nikola Tesla, «My Inventions», Electrical Experimenter, May, June, July, October 1919, republished by Skolska Knjiga, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 1977, p. 30.

2. Ibid, pp. 30-31.

3. Ibid., p. 26.

4. Ibid., pp. 8 – 9 .

5. Ibid., p. 17.

6. Ibid, р. 18.

7. Ibid., р. 9-10.

8. Ibid., р. 10-12.

9. Ibid., р. 12-13.

10. Ibid., р. 12. 11. Ibid, р. 13.

12. Ibid, р. 13.

13. Ibid, р. 14.

14. Ibid, р. 16.

15. Ibid, р. 14.

16. Ibid, р. 35-36.

17. Ibid.

18. O'Neill, Genius, pp. 36-37.

19. Tesla, «Inventions», p. 41.

20. Nikola Tibojevich, Spomenica (Anniversary Booklet of the Serb National Federation), 1901—51, Pittsburgh, Pa., p. 172. Source: Immigrant Archives, University of Minnesota Library.

21. Tesla, «Inventions», p. 18.

Глава 3. Выдающиеся иммигранты

1. Tesla, «Inventions», pp. 42—44.

2. Ibid., p. 43.

3. Ibid., p. 44.

4. Kenneth M. Swezey, «Nikola Tesla», Science, Vol. 127, No. 3 3 0 7 (May 16,1956), p. 1 1 4 8 . O'Neill, Genius, pp. 4 8 – 5 1 .

5. Tesla, «Inventions», p. 46.

6. Ibid., p. 46.

7. Ibid., p. 48.

8. Ibid., p. 50.

9. Ibid., p. 50.

Глава 4. При дворе господина Эдисона

1. Matthew Josephson, Edison (New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1959).

2. Ibid.

3. O'Neill, Genius, p. 60.

4. Tesla, «Inventions», p. 51.

5. Ibid., p. 54.

6. O'Neill, Genius, p. 64.

7. Josephson, Edison, pp. 87—88.

8. New York Times, October 19,1931.

9. Josephson, Edison.

10. O'Neill, Genius, p. 64.

11. Matthew Josephson, The Robber Barons (New York, Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., 1934, 1962).

12. Ibid.

13. O'Neill, Genius, p. 64; Electrical Review, New York, August 14,1886, p. 12.

14. O'Neill, Genius, p. 66.

Глава 5. Война токов начинается

1. Electrical Review, May 12, 1888, p. 1; «Nikola Tesla», Swezey, p. 1149; O'Neill, Genius, pp. 67—68.

2. O'Neill, Genius, p. 69.

3. B. A. Behrend, Minutes, Annual Meeting American Institute of Electrical Engineers, New York, May 18, 1917, Smithsonian Institution.

4. Josephson, Edison.

5. Ibid., p. 346.

6. Ibid., p. 346.

7. Ibid., p. 349.

8. Ibid., p. 347.

9. Ibid., p. 349.

10. Josephson, The Robber Barons.

11. Ibid.

12. Ibid.

13. O'Neill, Genius, p. 84.

14. Ibid., p. 81.

15. Ibid., p. 82.

16. Speech, Institute of Immigrant Welfare, Hotel Biltmore, New York, May 12, 1938, read in absentia.

17. Letter to Tesla from Michael Pupin, December 19, 1891, Tesla Museum, Belgrade.

18. Hunt and Draper, Lightning.

Глава 6. Орден пламенного меча

1. «Experiments with Alternate Currents of Very High Frequency», a lecture at Columbia College by Tesla on May 20, 1891.

2. Т. C. Martin, ed.: The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla (Hawthorne, California, Omni Publications, 1977), pp. 200—201.

3. Ibid., p. 236.

4. Ibid., pp. 245-64; also O'Neill, Genius, pp. 150—54.

5. O'Neill, Genius, pp. 146-49.

6. Ibid., pp. 152-53.

7. Ibid., pp. 150—51. See also Tesla's lecture of February 1892 before the Royal Society of Great Britain and the Society of Electrical Engineers of France, Paris.

8. Martin, Inventions, p. 261.

9. The Story of Science in America (New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1967).

10. Testimonial from Maj. Edwin H. Armstrong on Tesla's seventyfifth birthday, Tesla Museum, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, n.d.

11. Letter to Tesla from J. A. Fleming, 1892, Tesla Museum, Belgrade.

12. O'Neill, Genius, p. 88.

13. Nikola Tesla, «Massage with Currents of High Fre-quency», Electrical Engineer, December 23, 1891, p. 697; Martin, Inventions, p. 394; O'Neill, Genius, p. 91; Nikola Tesla, Lectures, Patents, Articles, Nikola Tesla Museum, 1956; reprinted 1973 by Health Research, Mokelumne Hills, California 95245, p. L-156, Lecture to American Electro-Therapeutic Assn., Buffalo, September 13, 1898.

Глава 7. Радио

1. Tesla, «Inventions», p. 69.

2. Ibid., p. 62.

3. Letter from Sir William Crookes to Tesla, March 8, 1892, Tesla Museum, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

4. Tesla, «Inventions», p. 80.

5. Ibid., p. 81.

6. Ibid., p. 82.

7. O'Neill, Genius, p. 264.

8. Tesla, «Inventions», p. 62.

9. O'Neill, Genius, pp. 131—34; United States Reports, Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States, Vol. 320, Oct. Term, 1942: Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of America v. United States, pp. 1—80; L. I. Anderson, «Priority in Invention of Radio, Tesla v. Marconi», Antique Wireless Assn., March 1980, monograph; see also abbreviated translation, Voice of Canadian Serbs, Chicago, July 16, 1980.

10. United States Reports, «Transcript of Record», p. 979. Also: Anderson, «Priority».

11. Martin, Inventions, pp. 477—85.

12. Paper by Tesla for birthday press conference, around 1938. See also lecture by Tesla to American Electro-Therapeutic Assn., Buffalo, N.Y., Sept. 13, 15, 1898.

13. Martin, Inventions, pp. 486—93.

Глава 8. Высшее общество

1. Bernard Baruch, My Own Story (New York, Henry Holt & Co., 1957).

2. Julian Hawthorne Papers, Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.

3. Arthur Brisbane, «Our Foremost Electrician», New York World, July 22, 1894, p. 17. Also Electrical World, August 4, 1894, p. 27.

4. O'Neill, Genius.

5. O'Neill, Genius, pp. 288-89.

6. Julian Hawthorne Papers.

7. Waldemar Kaempffert, «Electrical Sorcerer», New York Times Book Reviews, February 4, 1945, pp. 6, 22.

8. O'Neill, Genius, p. 167.

9. Margaret Storm, Return of the Dove (Baltimore, Maryland, Margaret Storm Publication, 1959).

10. Tesla, «Inventions», p. 78.

11. Swezey, «Nikola Tesla», p. 1158.

12. Hunt and Draper, Lightning, p. 199.

13. O'Neill, Genius, pp. 302-03.

14. Ibid., p. 303.

Глава 9. Прямой путь, окольный путь

1. Swezey, «Nikola Tesla», p. 2. Also O'Neill, Genius, pp. 103-06.

2. Swezey, «Nikola Tesla», p. 3.

3. B. A. Behrend, «Dynamo-Electric Machinery and Its Evolution», Western Electrician, September 1907.

4. Tesla, «Inventions», p. 63.

5. O'Neill, Genius, pp. 238—43.

6. Martin, Inventions, p. 292.

7. Letter, Katharine Johnson to Tesla, February 1894, Tesla Museum, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

8. Letter, Tesla to Katharine Johnson, May 11,1894, Rare Books & Manuscripts, Butler Library, Columbia University.

9. Letter, Katharine Johnson to Tesla, June 15, 1894, Tesla Museum, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

10. New York Times, March 14, 1895, p. 9; New York Herald, March 14, 1895, Electrical Review, March 20, 1895.

11. Electrical Review, London, March 15, 1895, p. 329.

12. Charles Dana, New York Sun, March 14, 1895, p. 6 (editorial).

13. Letter, Katharine Johnson to Tesla, March 14, 1895, Tesla Museum, Belgrade.

Глава 10. Неверное суждение

1. Microfilm letter, Tesla to Alfred Schmid, March 30, 1895, Library of Congress.

2. Microfilm letter, Tesla to Alfred Schmid, April 3, 1895, Library of Congress.

3. Michael Pupin, From Immigrant to Inventor (New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1922).

4. Ibid.; see also Josephson, Edison, pp. 381—83; Nikola Tesla, «On Roentgen Rays», Electrical Review, March 11, 1896, pp. 131—35. Same issue, «Tesla Radiographs», p. 134; also March 18, pp. 146, 147; April 8, 1896, pp. 180, 183, 186. See also Electrical World, March 28, 1896, 343—44.

5. Pupin, Immigrant.

6. Electrical Review, New York, April 14, 1897, p. 175; see also Nikola Tesla, Colorado Springs Notes, 1899—1900: commentaries, Aleksandar Marincic, p. 398, Tesla Museum, Belgrade.

7. Letter, Prof. Walter Thumm, Queen's University, Ontario, Canada, to Nick Basura, May 23, 1975, p. 2.

8. Electrical Review, March 11, 18, April 8, 1896.

9. Josephson, Edison, p. 382.

10. Robert Conot, Streak of Luck (New York, Seaview Books, 1979).

11. Letter, Dr. Lauristori S. Taylor to author, 1980.

12. Tesla, «On Roentgen Rays», p. A-31.

13. New York Times, March 12, 1896, p. 9, col. 3.

14. Nikola Tesla, «Tesla on Hurtful Actions of Lenard and Roentgen Rays», Electrical Review, May 5, 1897, pp. 207—11.

15. New York Herald, undated anonymous article written two years after Tesla's laboratory fire of March 13, 1895. Butler Library, Columbia University.

16. Ibid.

Глава 11. К Марсу

1. Letter, Katharine Johnson to Tesla, April 3, 1896, Tesla Museum, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

2. Letter, Katharine Johnson to Tesla, summer 1896, Tesla Museum, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

3. Letter, Robert U. Johnson to Tesla, January 10, 1896, Columbia University, Butler Library.

4. Microfilm letter, Robert U. Johnson to Tesla, October 25, 1895, Library of Congress.

5. Letter, Tesla to Robert U. Johnson, March 13, 1896, Butler Library, Columbia University.

6. Letter, Katharine Johnson to Tesla, December 26, 1896, Tesla Museum, Belgrade.

7. Electrical Review, August 11, 1897; see also New York Sun, August 4, 1897.

8. Anderson, «Priority».

9. Electrical Review, August 11, 1897, p. X. See also New York Sun, August 4, 1897.

10. Electrical Engineer, London, August 20, 1897, p. 225. From New York JournalAugust 4, 1897, p. 1.

11. Electrical Review, August 11, 1897; Electrical Engineer, New York, June 23, 1897, p. 713.

12. Electrical Review, August 11, 1897.

13. Electrical Review, March 29, 1899, p. 197.

14. Ibid.

15. Letter, Katharine Johnson to Tesla, January 12,1896, Tesla Museum, Belgrade.

16. O'Neill, Genius, pp. 161-62.

17. A. L. Benson, The World Today, Vol. XXI, No. 8 (February 1912).

Глава 12. Автоматы

1. Mining & Scientific Press, January 15, 1898, p. 60.

2. McGovern, «The New Wizard».

3. Century magazine, «Tesla's Oscillator and Other Inventions», p. 922, April 1895. See also Electrical Review, Volume 34, No. 13 (March 29, 1899).

4. New York Times, January 6, 1898, p. 5, col. 5.

5. Electrical Review, New York, January 5, 1898.

6. W. A. Swanberg, Citizen Hearst (New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1961).

7. Ibid.

8. Philadelphia Press, May 1, 1898.

9. Ibid.

10. Cdr. E. J. Quinby, USN Ret., «Communications: Encoded, Decoded, Codeless», Dots and Dashes, Vol. 5, No. 1, Lincoln, Neb., January, February, March 1976.

11. Swezey, «Nikola Tesla», pp. 1155—56.

12. O'Neill, Genius, 166-74.

13. Microfilm letter, Mark Twain to Tesla, November 17, 1898, Library of Congress.

14. Letter, Tesla to Katharine Johnson, November 3, 1898, Butler Library, Columbia University.

15. N. G. Worth, «An Inquiry About Tesla's Electrically Controlled Vessel», Electrical Review, New York, November 30, 1898, p. 343.

16. Microfilm letter, Tesla to Robert U. Johnson, December 1, 1898, Library of Congress.

17. «Science and Sensationalism», Public Opinion, December 1, 1898, pp. 684,685.

18. Tesla, «Inventions», p. 84. See also Electrical Experimenter, January, February, March, April, May 1919.

19. Tesla, «Inventions», pp. 84, 85.

20. Ibid., p. 85.

21. Ibid., p. 85.

22. Letter, Tesla to B. F. Meissner, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, September 29, 1915.

23. Letter, Leland Anderson to Nick Basura, March 4, 1977.

24. Ibid.

25. New York Times, February 1, 1944, editorial.

26. Letter, Tesla to Leonard Curtis, 1899.

Глава 13. Мечущий молнии

1. O'Neill, Genius, pp. 175-76.

2. Letter, Tesla to Katharine Johnson, March 9, 1899, Special Collections, Butler Library, Columbia University.

3. Letter, Tesla to Robert U. Johnson, March 25, 1899, Special Collections, Butler Library, Columbia University.

4. Tesla, «Inventions», pp. 64—67; Electrical Experimenter, June 1919, pp. 112-76.

5. Ibid.

6. Tesla, Colorado Springs Notes, pp. 127—33, 165, Tesla Museum with Nolit, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1978.

7. Tesla, Colorado Springs Notes, pp. 167, 168; Leland I. Anderson, «Wardenclyffe – A Forfeited Dream», Long Island Forum, August, September 1968. See also The Teslian, November 1955, Butler Library, Columbia University.

8. James R. Wait, «Propagation of ELF Electromagnetic Waves and Project Sanguine/Seafarer», IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, V o l OE-2, No. 2 (April 1977).

9. Microfilm letter, George Scherff to Tesla, early 1899, Library of Congress.

10. Microfilm letter, Tesla to Scherff, April 13, 1899, Library of Congress.

11. Microfilm letter, Tesla to Robert U. Johnson, August 16, 1899, Library of Congress.

12. Tesla, Colorado Springs Notes, pp. 127—33.

13. Nikola Tesla, «Transmission of Energy Without Wires», Scientific American Supplement, June 4, 1904, pp. 23760—1. (Reprint of Electrical World & Engineering, March 5, 1904; description of Colorado Springs experiments.)

14. Ibid. See also O'Neill, Genius, pp. 179—81.

Глава 14. Авария в Колорадо-Спрингс

1. Tesla, «Transmission»; O'Neill, Genius, p. 180.

2. Tesla, «Transmission»; Tesla, Colorado Springs Notes, p. 62.

3. Ibid.

4. Ibid.

5. Tesla, Colorado Springs Notes. Microfilm letter, Tesla to George Westinghouse, January 22, 1900, Library of Congress.

6. O'Neill, Genius, 183-87.

7. Tesla, Colorado Springs Notes, p. 29.

8. Nikola Tesla, Minutes of the Edison Medal Meeting, American Institute of Electrical Engineers, May 18, 1917, Smithsonian Institution.

9. Ibid.

10. Microfilm letter, Tesla to Robert U. Johnson, August 16, 1899, Library of Congress.

11. Ibid.

12. O'Neill, Genius, p. 189.

13. Nikola Tesla, «The Problem of Increasing Human Energy», Century magazine, June 1900, p. 210.

14. Tesla, Colorado Springs Notes, pp. 368—70.

15. Ibid.

16. Nikola Tesla, «Talking With Planets», Current Literature, March 1901, p. 359; also Colorado Springs Gazette, March 9, 1901, p. 4, col. 2.

17. Colorado Springs Gazette, loc. cit.

Глава 15. Великолепный и обреченный

1. Tesla, Colorado Springs Notes, p. 367.

2. Ibid., p. 370.

3. Ibid.

4. Microfilm letter, Tesla to George Westinghouse, January 22, 1900, Library of Congress.

5. Microfilm letter, Tesla to Robert U. Johnson, early 1900, Library of Congress.

6. Microfilm letter, Tesla to J. Pierpont Morgan, November 26, 1900, Library of Congress.

7. Microfilm letter, Tesla to Morgan, December 12, 1900, Library of Congress.

8. Microfilm letter, Morgan to Tesla, February 15, 1901, Library of Congress.

9. Anderson, «Wardenclyffe».

10. Ibid.

11. Microfilm letter, Tesla to Stanford White, September 13, 1901, Library of Congress.

Глава 16. Осмеянный, проклятый, поверженный

1. Seattle Sunday Times, Don Duncan's «Driftwood Days», July 1972.

2. Ibid.

3. Philadelphia North American, «Lord Kelvin Believes Mars Now Signalling America»; «Tesla Thinks Wind Power Should be Used More Now»; May 18, 1902, Mag. Sec. V.

4. Ibid.

5. Philadelphia North American, n.d., Julian Hawthorne Papers, Bancroft Library, University of California.

6. Ibid.

7. Letter, Tesla to Hawthorne, n.d., Julian Hawthorne Papers, Bancroft Library, University of California.

8. New York Times, «Court Excuses Tesla», October 16, 1902.

9. Microfilm letter, Tesla to George Scherff, n.d., Library of Congress.

10. Microfilm letter, Tesla to J. Pierpont Morgan, April 8, 1903, Library of Congress.

11. Microfilm letter, Tesla to Morgan, July 3, 1903, Library of Congress.

12. Microfilm letter, Morgan to Tesla, July 14, 1903, Library of Congress.

13. Letter, Richmond Pearson Hobson to Tesla, n.d. (referring to Hobson letter of May 6, 1902), Tesla Museum, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

14. Letter, Tesla to George Scherff, July 18, 1905, Butler Library, Columbia University.

15. Conversation, L. Anderson and Dorothy F. Skerritt, March 24, 1955.

16. Letter, Katharine Johnson to Tesla, n.d., Special Collections, Butler Library, Columbia University.

17. Letter, Robert U. Johnson to Tesla, n.d. Special Collections, Butler Library, Columbia University.

18. Letter, R. P. Hobson to Tesla, May 1, 1905, Tesla Museum, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

19. Letter, Katharine Johnson to Tesla, n.d., Tesla Museum.

20. Letter, Tesla to Katharine Johnson, n.d., Tesla Museum.

21. Letter, Katharine Johnson to Tesla, n.d., Tesla Museum.

22. Letter, Tesla to George Scherff, October 26, 1905, Special Collections, Butler Library, Columbia University.

23. Swezey, «Nikola Tesla».

24. Letter, Tesla to George Westinghouse, January 11, 1906, Special Collections, Butler Library, Columbia University.

25. Anderson, «Wardenclyffe».

26. Brooklyn Eagle, March 26, 1916.

27. Anderson, «Wardenclyffe».

28. Electrical Experimenter, «U.S. Blows Up Tesla Radio Tower», September 1917, p. 293; Literary Digest, «Spies & Wireless», September 1, 1917, p. 24.

29. Microfilm letter, Tesla to Scherff, July 13, 1913, Library of Congress.

30. Microfilm letter, Tesla to Morgan, July 13, 1913, Library of Congress.

Глава 17. Большой спор о радиовещании

1. Charles Stisskind, Dictionary of American Biography, Supp. 3 (New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1941—45), pp. 767-70.

2. Wait, «Propagation of ELF Electromagnetic Waves».

3. Anderson, «Priority».

4. Ibid.

5. Ibid.

6. Gen. Т. О. Mauborgne, «Tesla the Wizard», Radio-Electronics, February 1943.

7. Brooklyn Standard Union, May 12, 1910.

8. Cdr. E. J. Quinby, letter to author, November 19, 1977. See also Quinby, «Nikola Tesla», Proceedings, Radio Club of America, Fall 1971.

9. Los Angeles Examiner, May 13, 1915, «Prof. Pupin Now Claims Wireless His Invention».

10. Ibid.

11. Letter, Armstrong to Anderson, November 16, 1953, Butler Library, Columbia University. See also Edwin Armstrong, «Progress of Science», Scientific Monthly, April 1943, pp. 378-81.

12. Letter, Anderson to author, November 5, 1977.

13. Haraden Pratt, «Nikola Tesla, 1856—1943», Proceedings of the IRE, September 1956.

14. Dragislav L. Petkovi6, «А Visit to Nikola Tesla», Politika, Belgrade, April 27, 1927, No. 6824.

Глава 18. Издержки популярности

1. Joseph S. Ames, «Latest Triumph of Electrical Inven-tion», Review of Reviews, June 1901.

2. F. P. Stockbridge, «The Tesla Turbine», The World's Work, March 1912, pp. 534-48. See also Nikola Tesla, «Tesla's New Method of and Apparatus for Fluid Propulsion», Electrical Review & Western Electrician, September 9, 1911, pp. 515—17; New York Times, «Tesla's New Engine», September 13, 1911. U.S. Patent Office: Patent 1, 061, 142, Fluid Propulsion, May 6, 1913; 1, 061, 206, Turbine, May 6, 1913; 1, 329, 559, Valvular Conduit, February 3, 1920.

3. Stockbridge, «Turbine».

Глава 19. Нобелевская история

1. Microfilm letter, J. P. Morgan Company to Tesla, May 25, 1913, Library of Congress.

2. Microfilm letter, Tesla to J. P. Morgan, May 19, 1913, Library of Congress.

3. Microfilm letter, Tesla to J. P. Morgan, June 19, 1913, Library of Congress.

4. Microfilm letter, Robert U. Johnson to Tesla, April 22, 1913, Library of Congress.

5. Microfilm letter, Tesla to Robert U. Johnson, May 9, 1913, Library of Congress.

6. Cleveland Moffett, «Steered by Wireless», Tesla-Hammond correspondence, 1910—1914, L. Anderson collection; McClure's Magazine, March 1914.

7. «The Goldschmidt Radio Tower», Electrical Experimenter, February 1914, p. 154. Same issue: H. Winfield Se-cor, «Currents of Ultra-High Frequency», pp. 151—54.

8. New York Times, «Edison and Tesla to Get Nobel Prizes», November 6, 1915, p. 1, col. 4. New York Times, November 7, 1915, II, p. 17, col. 3.

9. Ibid. New York Times, November 7, 1915.

10. New York Times, November 14, 1915.

11. Microfilm letter, Tesla to Robert U. Johnson, November 29, 1919, Library of Congress.

12. Literary Digest, «Three Nobel Prizes for Americans», December 1915, p. 1426.

13. «The Nobel Prize», Electrical World, November 13, 1915.

14. O'Neill, Genius, p. 229.

15. Hunt and Draper, Lightning, p. 170.

Глава 20. Летающая печь

1. Microfilm letter, Tesla to Westinghouse Company, July 7, 1912, Library of Congress.

2. «Teslin 'Ventilni Vod' I Fluidika», Prof. Tugomir Surina, Symposium Nikola Tesla, Yugoslavia, 1976.

3. Warren Rice, «An Analytical & Experimental Investigation of Multiple Disc Pumps & Turbines», Journal ofEngineering for Power Trans. ASME, Vol. 85, Series A, No. 3 (July 1963), Paper No. 62-WA-191, pp. 191-98; also Vol. 87, Series A, No. 1 (January 1965), Paper No. 63-WA-67, pp. 29—36. See also ASME Transactions of 1970s.

4. Sun Wind Ltd., Newsletter No. 10, March 12, 1979, Sebastopol, Calif. 95472.

5. Tesla letter to New York Times, September 15, 1908. See also New York Herald Tribune, July 12, 1927, «Tesla Predicts Fuelless Plane».

6. Tesla, New York Times, September 15, 1908.

7 New York Times, «Tesla Gets Patent on Helicopter-Plane», February 22, 1928, p. 18, col. 4. Science & Invention, June 1928, p. 116.

8. Review, The Yugoslav Monthly Magazine, July-August 1964, «Helicopter in Hansom Cab Days», pp. 31—33.

9. Microfilm letter, Tesla to Scherff, July 1, 1909, Library of Congress.

10. Microfilm letter, Tesla to Scherff, n.d., Library of Congress.

11. Microfilm letter, Tesla to Scherff, October 15, 1918, and Scherff to Tesla, October 1918, Library of Congress.

12. Letter, Tesla to Anne Morgan, March 31, 1913, Tesla Museum, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

13. Letter, Anne Morgan to Tesla, May 3, 1913, Tesla Museum, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

14. Letter, Tesla to Anne Morgan, May 7, 1913, Tesla Museum, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

15. Letter, Anne Morgan to Tesla, April 26, 1926, Tesla Museum, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

16. Letter, Katharine Johnson to Tesla, n.d., Tesla Museum, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

Глава 21. Радар

1. New York Times, March 18, 1916, p. 8, col. 3.

2. Speech by Millikan at Chemists' Club, New York, October 7, 1928.

3. The Royal Bank of Canada, Monthly Letter, Vol. 59, No. 11 (November 1978).

4. New York Times, December 8, 1915, p. 8, col. 3, See New York Herald, April 15, 1917.

5. Dr. Emil Girardeau, «Nikola Tesla, Radar Pioneer», translation from the French, presented at Nikola Tesla – Kongress, Vienna, September 1953.

6. Ibid. See also, Nikola Tesla, «The Problem of Increasing Human Energy», Century magazine, June 1900, pp. 208 – 09; New York Times, «America's Invisible Airplane», September 7, 1980, p. 20 E.

Глава 22. Почетный гость

1. O'Neill, Genius, p. 230.

2. Ibid., p. 231.

3. Minutes, Edison Medal Meeting, American Institute of Electrical Engineers, May 18, 1917, Smithsonian Institution.

4. Ibid.

5. Ibid.

6. Ibid.

7. Petkovic, «A Visit to Nikola Tesla».

8. Letter, Tesla to Scherff, March 3,1918, Butler Library, Columbia University.

9. Letter, ScherfTto Tesla, June 23, 1916, Butler Library, Columbia University.

10. Microfilm letter, Tesla to Scherff, October 15, 1918, Library of Congress.

11. Microfilm letter, Tesla to Robert U. Johnson, December 27, 1914, Library of Congress.

12. Microfilm letter, Robert U. Johnson to Tesla, December 30, 1919, Library of Congress.

13. Letter, Katharine Johnson to Tesla, n.d., Tesla Museum, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

Глава 23. Голуби

1. Microfilm letter, Tesla to E. M. Herr, president of Westinghouse, November 13, 1920, Library of Congress.

2. Microfilm letter, Westinghouse Electric Company to Tesla, November 28, 1921, Library of Congress.

3. Microfilm letter, Tesla to Westinghouse Electric Company, 1921, Library of Congress.

4. Microfilm letter, Tesla to Westinghouse, January 22, 1922, Library of Congress. Also February 23 and March 11, 1922.

5. Microfilm letter, Tripp to Tesla, early 1922, Library of Congress.

6. «Hundredth Anniversary Nikola Tesla – and Ivan Mestrovic», Enjednicar, Serbian Cultural Society Education, Croatian Serbs, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, April 11, 1956, pp. 1—2.

7. «Secanja na Teslu Kenet Suizia» («Kenneth Swezey's Recollections of Nikola Tesla»), Tesla – Belgrade, IV (1957), 38-39, pp. 45-48.

8. К. M. Swezey, «Nikola Tesla», Psychology, October 1927, p. 60.

9. Nikola Tesla, «А Story of Youth Told by Age», Smithsonian Institution.

10. O'Neill, Genius, pp. 309—10.

11. Ibid., pp. 311-12.

12. Ibid., pp. 315-17.

13. Jule Eisenbud, «Two Approaches to Spontaneous Case Material», Journal of American Society for Psychic Research, July 1963.

14. Ibid.

15. Ibid.

Глава 24. Перемены

1. Detroit free Press, August 10, 1924, Feature sec, p. 4. See also, Collier's, «When Woman Is Boss», January 30, 1926.

2. Collier's, op. cit.

3. Ibid.

4. Microfilm letter, Johnson to Tesla, April 9, 1925, Library of Congress.

5. Microfilm letter, Tesla to Johnson, June 3, 1925, Library of Congress.

6. Letter, Johnson to Tesla, spring 1926, Butler Library, Columbia University.

7. Letter, Tesla to Johnson, April 6, 1926, Butler Library, Columbia University.

8. Letter, Johnson to Tesla, 1926, Butler Library, Columbia University.

9. Colorado Springs Gazette, May 30, 1924, p. 1.

10. Microfilm letter, Tesla to Johnson, 1929, Library of Congress.

Глава 25. Дни рождения

1. Kaempffert, «Electrical Sorcerer».

2. «Tesla at 75», Time, July 20, 1931, pp. 27, 30; New York Times, July 5, 1931, II, p. 1; «Tesla, Electrical Wizard», Montreal Herald, July 10, 1931; «Father of Radio, 75», Detroit News, July 10, 1931; Kosta Kulisic, «Sedamdeset-petogodisnjica Nikole Tesle», Politika, Belgrade, July 11, 20, 21, 1931.

3. Time, July 20, 1931.

4. Ibid.

5. Ibid.

6. Ibid.

7. Ibid.

8. Nikola Tesla, «Our Future Motive Power», Everyday Science and Mechanics, December 1931, p. 26.

9. Letter, Prof. Warren Rice to author, September 5, 1980.

10. Dr. Gustave Kolischer, «Further Consideration of Diathermy and Malignancy», Archives of Physical Therapy, X-Ray, Radium, Vol. 13 (December 1932), pp. 780-81.

Глава 26. Поплавки на воде

1. Letter, Tesla to Viereck, April 7,1934.

2. Letter, Tesla to Viereck, December 17, 1934.

3. Nikola Tesla, «А Machine to End War», Liberty MagazineFebruary 1935.

4. Ibid.

5. Ibid.

6. Ibid. See also, New York Sun, «Invents Peace Ray – Tesla Describes Beam of Destructive Energy», July 10, 1934; New York Times, «Tesla Bares New 'Death Beam'», July 11, 1934; Time, «Tesla's Ray», July 23, 1934; New York Herald Tribune, July 11, 1934; New York World Telegram, July 10, 1937.

7. Letter, Tesla to New York Times, «Tribute to King Alexander», October 21, 1934, IV, p. 5.

8. Microfilm letter, Tesla to J. P. Morgan, November 29, 1934, Library of Congress.

9. Ibid.

10. Microfilm letter, Kintner to Tesla, April 5, 1934, Library of Congress.

11. Letter, Dr. Albert J. Phillips to author, February 10, 1979.


13. Microfilm letter, Johnson to Tesla, n.d., Library of Congress.

14. Microfilm letter, Johnson to Tesla, n.d., Library of Congress.

15. Microfilm letter, Johnson to Tesla, n.d. (mid-1930s), Library of Congress.

16. Microfilm letter, Johnson to Tesla, n.d., Library of Congress.

17. O'Neill, Genius, p. 313.

18. Microfilm letters, Westinghouse Company to Tesla, April 29, 1938, Library of Congress. See also: Nikola Tesla. Spomenica povodom njegove 80 godisnjice. Livre commemoratif а l' occasion de son 80ите anniversaire. Gedenkbuch anldsslich seines 80sten Geburtstages. Memorandum book on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Belgrade, Priredilo i izdalo Dru'stvo za podizanje Instituta Nikole Tesle; Belgrade, Edition de la S o c i u ' t u ' pour la fondation de l' Institut Nikola Tesla, 1 3 6 , 5 1 9 pp. (tributes in original languages in which written).

Глава 27. Космическое сообщество

1. Nikola Tesla, unpublished paper, 1936, part appears in New York Herald Tribune, July 9, 1937, «Tesla Devises Vacuum Tube Atom-Smasher». Nikola Tesla, «German Cosmic Ray Theory Questioned», letter to New York Herald Tribune, March 3,1935. See also, «Tesla, 79... New Inventions», New York Times, July 7, 1935, II, p. 4.

2. «Tesla Has Plans to Signal Mars». New York Sun, July 12, 1937, p. 6; «Sending Messages to Planets», New York Times, July 11, 1937, II, p. 1; Detroit News, July 11, 1937.

3. Ibid, New York Sun.

4. Science News, April 30, 1977, Vol. III.

5. New York Herald Tribune, July 11, 1937; New York Times, July 11, 1937, II, p. 1.

6. William L. Laurence, New York Times, September 22, 1940, II, p. 7.

Глава 28. Смерть и преображение

1. Peter II, King of Yugoslavia, A King's Heritage (New York, Putnam, 1954). See also, The Balkans, Life World Library (New York, Time, Inc., 1964). Yugoslavia, Background Notes, Department of State Publication 7773, Rev. February 1978, U.S. Government Printing Office. M. Djilas, Memoir of a Revolutionary (New York, Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1973).

2. New York Times, January 9, 1945, May 1, 1945, June 7, 1947.

3. Letter, Prof. Bogdan Raditsa to author, February 19, 1979.

4. Ibid.

5. Ibid.

6. Peter II, A King's Heritage.

7. Ibid.

8. Letter, Professor Raditsa to author.

9. Letters, Charles Hausler to Leland I. Anderson, April 12, July 16, 1979.

10. Report of Death, Office of Medical Examiner of the City of New York, January 8, 1943. See also, New York Times, January 8, 1943, p. 19; New York Herald Tribune, January 8, 1943, p. 18; New York Telegram, January 8, 1943, p. 36; New York World, January 8, 1943, p. 36; New York Sun, January 8, 1943; New York Journal American, January 8, 1943; New York Times, editorial, January 8, 1943, p. 12.

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