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Forever with You
  • Текст добавлен: 29 сентября 2016, 01:15

Текст книги "Forever with You"

Автор книги: Laurelin Paige

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Текущая страница: 22 (всего у книги 22 страниц)

She laughs again and meets my gaze, her eyes misty and her face aglow. “Yes,” she says without any hesitation or trace of doubt. “I’d love to.”

“Good.” I draw her closer and spin her around. “We can get started tonight in the plane. Or right now, if you prefer. I saw a rather large oak in one of the smaller gardens. I’m almost certain we could hide there, even with this dress of yours.”

“I’d love to see how you plan to get at me with all this material in the way.”

I nip at her ear. “Oh, precious, I’m very resourceful. Need I remind you that I’m a man who gets what he wants?” Again I lean back to look in her eyes. “And anyone who ever doubted that only needs to look at me right now to know it’s true. Everything I want is here, in my arms.”

“I love you,” she murmurs.

“I love you first.” And last. And everything in between.

I kiss her, sweetly, chastely enough for our onlookers, but with just enough bite that she knows I mean it. Then our dance is over and it’s time for her to dance with her brother and me with Sophia.

Reluctantly, I let her go. I can bear these few minutes apart. I have her for a lifetime.



Here we are at the hard part. Seriously, writing 110,000 words is easy compared to writing the couple thousand that makes up the thank yous. I know I’ll leave several people out. Please don’t think that means I’ve forgotten you in my heart. Just my mind is a little fried.

First, as always, to my husband, Tom—I love you first. And last. And everything in between.

To my children who thought that mom writing full-time would mean they’d see me more—thank you for your patience and understanding. I love and adore you, even when I’m yelling at you to get out of my office.

To my Mom—thank you for raising me to be a person who goes after her dreams yet still thinks about others. I, too, hope I never change.

To Gennifer Albin for my covers and for understanding me in ways that many people never will. For sure, 2014 is your year.

To Bethany Taylor for editing and book-fairying and even a little for the moping because it makes me feel better about the amount of time I spend moping. And for teaching me so much about stick-to-it-ness and kindness (yes, I said that, you faux-blackhearted woman, you).

To Kayti McGee for being my plot partner and an excellent submissive. I fully recognize that I dominate all our conversations. Thank you so much for your ear and your suggestions. I will drive to Boulder/Longmont to see you even though the laws have changed; I swear it!

To my critique partners and beta readers. My, God! I would not have made it through this without you, especially when I was so behind. Thank you all for reading and suggesting so quickly. Specifically, thank you Lisa Otto for making time for me in your busy schedule and telling me how it is. To Tristina Wright for knowing my characters better than me and correcting their behavior. To Jackie Felger for always making me feel like I’m a better writer than I am while catching more comma errors than a person should possibly be able to catch. To Melissa B. King for always letting me know that the steamy scenes were working. To Jenna Tyler for last minute edits, even when I didn’t ask—you are an amazing find of a friend. To Angela McLain for your passion and support—you’re such a beautiful person to know. To Lisa Mauer for your enthusiasm and genuine love of my series; sometimes I felt like I was writing more for you than anyone. To Beta Goddess, you know who you are, but will never understand how grateful I am for “fixing” my book. I looked forward to your notes with a mixture of trepidation and excitement because I always knew you’d be hard, and that would make the story better. THANK YOU!!

To the people who make things happen for me: my agent, Bob DiForio; my formatter, Caitlin Greer; Julie at AToMR Book Blog Tours; my publicists at Inkslinger, Shanyn Day, and K.P. Simmons—both of you are amazeballs; Melanie Lowery and Jolinda Bivins for making me awesome swag; to my “other” editors Holly Atkinson, who has taught me to be mindful of comma splices, and Eileen Rothschild who is supportive of all my works and not just the one she bought.

To my FANTASTIC assistants, Lisa Otto, Amy McAvoy, and Taryn Maj. How did I get so lucky to have all of you working with me this past year? In many ways it’s been the best part of the job.

To my soulmates and bandmates, The NAturals—Sierra, Gennifer, Melanie, Kayti, and Tamara. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you women. You love who I love, hate who I hate—you’re my touchstones. I think Mel said this first, but I’m stealing it: If anyone had told me three years ago that I could love people I met on the internet more than people I knew in real life, I’d never believe it. But then I met you. Love and boobs to you always.

To Joe, last year was our year. So how much cooler will we be by this time next year?

To the authors who have helped out the newbie and inspired me with beautiful writing and so much amazing advice, especially Kristen Proby, Lauren Blakely, and Gennifer Albin. I’m really honored to know you all. Thank you for sharing your words and wisdom.

To the WrAHMs and the Babes of the Scribes—I can’t wait to meet you at WrAHMpage and to hug the fuck out of all of you.

To the Book Bloggers and reviewers who have so enthusiastically shared my books. I can never hope to mention you all, but there are some of you I wouldn’t dare miss: Aestas at Aestas Book Blog; Amy, Jesse, and Tricia at Schmexy Girls; The Rock Stars of Romance; Angie at Angie’s Dreamy Reads; Lisa and Brooke at True Story Book Blog; Kari and Cara at A Book Whore’s Obsession; Angie and Jenna at Fan Girl Book Blog; Jennifer Wolfel at Wolfel’s World of Books. Though we have a symbiotic working relationship, I also truly think of you as friends. Thank you for your love and support.

To the Readers who make it possible for me to work full time as a writer and take care of my family with what I earn. I am so appreciative to you that I get choked up thinking about it. I know you have so many choices when it comes to picking up a book—thank you so, so much for picking up mine.

To my Creator who has given me more than I deserve—may I continue to understand what your role is for me in this life and to accept it with humility.

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