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Roped In
  • Текст добавлен: 8 октября 2016, 09:12

Текст книги "Roped In"

Автор книги: L. P. Dover

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“What do you want to watch?” Hadley yelled from across the room. She flipped through the channels, going ninety miles an hour.

How the hell could she see what was on? I grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and joined her on the couch. “If football was on, I’d say we could watch that. The Carolina Cougars have been killing it.”

She handed me the remote. “That’s because Cooper Davis has been kicking ass at quarterback.”

I coughed and almost choked on my beer. “You watch football?”

“Yeah, all the time. Cooper is one of my favorites. I met him when I sang at the last Super Bowl.”

“Would I be name dropping if I said I personally knew him?”

Her eyes went wide. “No way, really?”

“Yep. There was a bar in downtown Charlotte where we used to hang out all the time. Sometimes I miss being back there.” Hadley snuggled into my side and I put my arm around her. She’d been with me for over a month and I knew it was only a matter of time before she had to leave.

“When was the last time you went back?” she asked.

“Over a year now. I don’t have any siblings and both my parents like to travel, so it’s not like I have anything to go back to.”

“That must be fun to travel the world. One day I hope to be able to do that when I’m not stuck on a tour bus. Are they retired?” She turned to look up at me.

I nodded. “For two years now. They decided it was time to live life to the fullest. You never know when your gig is up.”

She blew out a heavy sigh. “My parents were like that, but my mom didn’t have much time. It’s not fun watching someone you love suffer.”

I swallowed hard and rubbed her shoulder. “I know. I’ve been through that as well.”

“What?” she gasped, eyes wide in surprise. “Who?”

“My mother,” I said. “She was diagnosed with breast cancer and was lucky to survive. I didn’t want to tell you because I knew it would bring up bad memories and only make you upset.”

She held up a hand, trying to hold back tears. “I’m glad you told me. Every once in a while, I’ll donate all of the proceeds of one of my concerts to charities who help take care of cancer victims. My goal is to help others before it’s too late. I’ve seen the look on a child’s face that just lost a parent to cancer. It breaks my heart.”

“That was one of the things I found out about you that made me realize you weren’t just a spoiled bitch who only thought of herself,” he mumbled.

She smiled. “Gee, thanks. On a brighter note though, I want you to introduce me to the Carolina Cougars. I need to meet some famous people,” she said with a wink.

“I doubt you have issues with that. Besides, I don’t know if I want you to meet them. You might want one of them over me. They’re famous.”

She smacked me on the thigh. “Just because you’re famous doesn’t make you a good person. I like you for who you are. I don’t need someone who’s famous or rich to be by my side.”

“Then what do you need?”

Her gaze met mine and she smiled. “You.”

I leaned over and kissed her lips, burying her into the couch. She spread her legs and wrapped them around my waist. “Are you sure I’ll be enough?” I asked, pushing into her.

She snickered and rocked her hips. “Definitely.”

I went to pull her shorts down, but the remote was under her and the TV volume grew steadily louder. “Hold on,” I said, searching for it underneath her body. Finding it, I was about to turn the TV off, when I looked at the screen.

“What is it?” Hadley asked.

Her head turned to the TV and she froze the second her name came over the news. “Apparently, the driver is the suspect they’ve been looking for in the shooting at Hadley Rivers’ home, where her bodyguard and boyfriend were both shot. There has been no word on where Hadley is at the moment, but it is believed she’s in protective custody as the police have been searching for the suspect. We’ll continue to show you live coverage as the pursuit unfolds.”

“Holy shit.” I grabbed Hadley’s hand and helped her up.

She cupped a hand over her mouth. “What the hell is Dane doing? There’s no way he can escape from that many police cars.”

“He must be desperate.” A sickening feeling sank in my gut. High speed chases rarely ended well. I grabbed my phone off the coffee table and dialed Robert’s number.

“Evans,” he answered.

“What’s going on?” I barked.

Robert blew out a frustrated sigh. “We found the crack house where Dane’s been staying. When the NYPD busted in, he jumped out the window and drove away. He’s clearly high as a fucking kite. If he hurts anyone during this pursuit, I’m going to kill him.”

“Jesus Christ. Call me when you know more.” I hung up and filled Hadley in.

“How long do you think this will go on?” she asked.

I shook my head. “Don’t know. I just hope he doesn’t kill anyone.”

The pursuit lasted for another thirty minutes and ended with Dane running his car head first into a semi-truck. I knew without a doubt the fucker was dead. My phone rang but I kept my eyes on the TV when I answered. I already knew who it was going to be. “Robert.”

“I’m assuming you know why I’m calling?”

I closed my eyes. “He’s dead.”

“Yes. Good news is, once we get everything handled, it’ll be time for Hadley to go home. I know that’ll make you happy. I’ll call her father and get her out of your hair. He’ll be ecstatic to see her.”

“Nah, that’s not necessary. I’ll do it. Just give me a couple of days.” I set my phone down and looked at Hadley. “Dane’s dead. You’ll be able to go home soon.”

She shook her head. “I’m not going anywhere. The last thing I want is to deal with the press when all of this is going down. I just need a couple of weeks.”

“You know your agent isn’t going to like this. Everyone’s going to want you back.”

“I don’t care. If you want me to go, I will, but I’m not ready to leave yet. I need a little more time. Everyone will just have to understand.”

I pulled her into my arms and breathed a sigh of relief. I wasn’t ready for her to go either.


“You’re going home today, girl.” I rubbed Snowflake’s muzzle. She huffed and bumped me with her nose. She wasn’t the only one I was losing. Hadley’s two weeks were up and first thing in the morning, she’d be on her way back to California. I didn’t think it’d be so hard to let her go.

Grabbing the brush, I slid it down Snowflake’s body so her coat would shine. It was a special day for Josie and I wanted it all to be perfect for her.

My phone rang and when I set down the brush, Snowflake snorted. She loved it when I brushed her. “Give me one second,” I told her. I looked at the phone and smiled. “Well, I’ll be damned,” I said, answering the phone.

“Have you missed me?” Mason joked. Mason Bradley was the leader of our undercover group and an MMA legend. Not only was he a heavyweight UFC Champion, but he had solved one of the most heinous crimes in the sport.

Chuckling, I leaned against the wall. “You’re damn right, I have. What ya been up to?”

“Nothing much, just taking a break. I heard you were watching the Rivers girl. That must be a pain in the ass. Don’t people know you’re not a bodyguard?”

“I don’t think they got that memo. Besides, it hasn’t been too bad; she leaves tomorrow. What can I do for you?” I asked.

“I have a job for you. Well, for me and you. It looks like I called at the right time.”

“What’s going on?”

“There’s a situation out in Texas, where a couple of girls were found dead in a barn. The owner of the property is an elderly man in his nineties. I think his ranch hand is the one who did it, but no one can find him. I could really use your knowledge on this one.”

I glanced at the house where my bedroom light glowed through the blinds; Hadley was awake. “When do you need me?”

“Tomorrow, if at all possible. I’ll send you the details.”

“Sounds good, brother. I’ll be ready.” Sighing, I hung up the phone and dialed Robert’s number.

“Hello,” he grumbled.

“I’m going to need you to escort Hadley home. Can you fly out here by tomorrow morning?”

He yawned. “Why can’t you do it?”

“Mason just called and asked if I’d help him with a job in Texas. I leave tomorrow.”

“All right, I’ll be there first thing.” We hung up and I got back to brushing Snowflake. I only had one more night with Hadley before we parted ways. Now all I had to do was tell her I wouldn’t be going with her.


“Aren’t you ready to come home?” Nick asked.

I wanted to get back to singing, but I didn’t want to leave Blake. “I am,” I lied, hoping he couldn’t hear the trepidation in my voice.

“I’ve been given permission to get back on the ice in limited practice. The wound still hurts, but I should be able to play again soon. Everything will go back to normal.”

No, it wouldn’t, but I couldn’t tell him that yet. I wanted to wait until we were in person. He sounded so happy over the phone. “That’s great, Nick. I know how excited you are about playing again. I think when I get back, I’m going to find somewhere else to live. I just can’t bring myself to stay in that house.”

He sighed. “I understand, baby. I’m sure the team will be happy to help you move.”

I watched Blake through the window, talking to Snowflake’s owners. He was handing her over to them. “Thanks, Nick. I think I need a new start.”

“And I’ll be with you every step of the way. But here’s Felicity. She’s been dying to talk to you. I miss you and I can’t wait to see you again.”

“Same to you.”

“Bye, babe. I’ll see you at the airport.”


He handed the phone to Felicity. “Can you believe our lives are about to go back to normal? Do you have any idea how many people have missed you?”

“A lot?” I laughed.

“You’re damn right. And you have a few concerts to make up too. I hope you’ll be ready by next weekend?” she asked excitedly.

“I’ll be ready, don’t worry. Where am I going first?”

“New York, baby! I know you’re excited about that.”

I was, but my heart wasn’t. Leaving was going to be harder than I thought. “You know it.”

“All right, I’m going to get off so I can get back to work. We’re going to have a welcome home party for you when you arrive. It’ll be so much fun.”

I said goodbye to both of them and made my way outside. Blake was cleaning out Snowflake’s stall. Without saying a word, I went up behind him and put my arms around his waist. He was sweaty, but I didn’t care. “You okay?”

He chuckled and set the rake down before closing his hands over mine. “Did you think I was going to cry?”

“Not really, but I know I would if I was that close to Snowflake. I know you’ve grown attached to her.”

“I have, but it’s not like I won’t see her again. The Wright’s live just down the road. I’m sure Josie will bring her by to visit.” He pulled me around to face him.

We stared at each other and all I wanted to do was tell him not to let me go. Too bad I didn’t have a choice. I had to go. Lifting up on my toes, I wrapped my arms around his neck. “What’s on the agenda for my last night here?”

His gaze darkened, but then he smiled and kissed me. “I have it all planned out. I just have to finish up out here and then take a shower. Why don’t you grab a glass of wine in the meantime?” He slid his hand up my sundress and smacked my butt.

“Hey,” I said, stepping away from him. “What are you up to?”

He winked. “It’s a surprise. Now go.”

I went inside and poured a glass of wine while he finished up in the barn. Tyla showed up and handed him something, but I couldn’t see what it was. I wanted to tell her goodbye, but she left before I could catch her.

“Give me ten minutes and I’ll be ready to go,” Blake said as he shot past me to the bedroom. Once the ten minutes were up, he joined me in the kitchen, dressed in a pair of jeans and a white T-shirt. “Let’s go.” Taking my hand, he led me out to his truck and opened the door.

“Where are we going?”

He flashed a small smile. “You’ll see.” Shutting the door and jumping in his side, he started up the truck. Instead of going down the driveway, he pulled us around to the backyard and into the pasture.

“You’re not kidnapping me, are you?” I joked.

He chuckled. “If I could get away with it, I would. It’s going to be quiet around here without you.”

“I know the feeling. Luckily, I have a lot to do when I get home. Felicity already has me booked in New York next weekend. It feels like it’s been forever since I’ve been on stage.”

“How’s the new song coming along? Have you finished it?”

“Almost. I still need a good ending. Hopefully, it’ll come to me soon.”

He reached for my hand and squeezed. “You’ll figure it out. I wish you would sing it to me. It’s not the same listening to you in the shower.”

I gasped. “You’ve been spying on me?” I smacked him on the arm and he burst out laughing.

“Hey, it’s the only time I could catch you singing.”

“You’re such a creeper,” I teased.

He shrugged. “You need to get over your fear, Hadley.”

I wasn’t afraid to sing in front of thousands of people I didn’t know, but if I sang in front of him, it’d make me vulnerable. He’d see right through me. I wasn’t ready for him to see me like that. The truck began to slow and we came to a complete stop.

“All right, we’re here,” he said, getting out of the truck. We were in the middle of nowhere, with wide open fields all around us. There were a few bison off in the distance and I prayed they stayed far away.

I got out of the truck and watched him climb into the back. There was a basket and a cooler, along with another box I couldn’t see inside of. “What are we doing all the way out here?”

Smiling, Blake pulled out a bunch of blankets from inside the box and spread them out in the bed of the truck. “I thought we could have dinner and spend the evening out here, alone.” Extending his hand, he helped me into the back of the truck and I sat down on the smooth, fluffy blankets. He opened the basket and pulled out various containers of food.

“Is that what Tyla brought this afternoon? I saw her hand something to you and leave.”

He chuckled. “She’s a really good cook, so I called in a favor.”

“I wish I could’ve said goodbye. Will you tell her for me?”

“She’ll be by in the morning. You can tell her yourself.”

The food smelled amazing, and I piled a bunch of it onto my plate. She’d made roasted chicken, asparagus, mashed potatoes, and rolls. It all tasted like heaven. “Remind me to tell her how amazing this was before we leave,” I noted. Blake averted his gaze to his plate, his body tense. “Is everything okay?”

“I got a phone call this morning, about my next mission.”

When he looked at me, my heart sank. “Okay, so what does all of this mean?”

Sighing, he set his plate down. “It means, I won’t be able to take you home tomorrow. Robert is going to fly over and escort you back.”

My eyes burned and my chest ached. I knew we were going to have to say goodbye, but I was hoping I could coerce him to stay a few days in California. I wasn’t ready to let him go. “I see. What kind of mission are we talking about? Is it dangerous?”

“Everything I do is dangerous, princess,” he murmured.

Nodding, I focused on my plate. I didn’t want him to go on another mission. Was that how it was going to be for the rest of his life? “How long will you be gone?”

“I don’t know. It all depends on what happens. But as soon as it’s over, I’ll come see you, wherever you are.”

Swallowing hard, I nodded again and quickly wiped under my eyes.

Blake moved over and put his arm around my shoulders. “Baby, don’t cry. You know our lives are completely different. You’ll be leaving me to sing at your concerts and I’ll be leaving to go on my missions. I don’t know what else to do.”

“I know. I guess I just thought things would be easier. I have one night left with you and then everything’s going to change. I’m afraid I’ll never see you again.”

Holding me in his arms, he gently laid me down on the blanket, his body covering mine. He wiped away my tears and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. “I promise you’ll see me again. I’m in love with you, Hadley. I don’t want tomorrow to come any more than you do.”

He kissed me again, but I gasped and pulled away. “What did you just say?”

Brushing the hair off my face, he smiled and traced my lips with his fingers. “I said I love you.” He trailed his lips down my neck. “And I want to make love to you . . . right here. Tonight is all we have.”

Blake nipped at my ear. “I bought you something. Hopefully, you’ll think of me when you look at it.” We’d just made love under the open sky and were snuggling under one of the many blankets he’d brought. He turned and reached over to pull out a small jewelry box from the picnic basket.

Handing it to me, I gasped as I opened it. “Oh wow, it’s beautiful.” Inside was an amethyst stone necklace, held in place by swirls of diamonds encrusted in the silver lining. He took it out and placed it around my neck. I tried to look down at it, but could barely see it through the tears. “Thank you. I’ll wear it every day.”

“Even when you’re walking the red carpet without me?” he asked flippantly. As much as he joked, I could see the pain in his eyes.

“Yes, even on the red carpet. I want you with me, always. I love you, Blake Evans.”


“I think Nightshade’s going to miss you,” Tyla said, coming up behind me.

Gasping, I turned around, clutching my chest. “Holy hell, I didn’t hear you come in.”

She smiled and patted Nightshade’s back. “You were too busy talking to him to notice. Although, judging by the way Blake is this morning, I’d say this horse isn’t the only one who’s going to miss you. How did it go last night?”

“Amazing, and I wanted to thank you for that. The food was out of this world. It’s almost not fair how you can be so good with horses and cooking.”

She brushed her shoulders off. “Thank you. I figured I could help Blake out with his last night with you. I have to say though, it doesn’t look like either one of you are happy about this situation.”

I glanced over her shoulder at Blake, who’d just walked outside with my bags and the case with his grandfather’s guitar in it. “We don’t have a choice. I have to go.”

“No, you don’t. You can always stay here.”

Sighing, I shook my head. “If you only knew.”

“If I only knew what,” she placed her hands on her hips, “that you’re Hadley Rivers?”

I froze. “How did you know that?”

She chuckled. “It was quite easy to figure out. You look just like her, minus the makeup, and I caught you singing your songs when you thought no one was listening. Plus, I know what Blake does for a living. When word got out that you were in protective custody, I put it all together.”

“You didn’t tell anyone did you?”

“Are you kidding? I care about Blake and I admire what he does. I would never jeopardize this for him, or for you.” Her gaze landed on Blake. “I’ve never seen him like this before. He loves you.”

“And I love him, but it doesn’t change anything. I still have to go back to California.”

She snorted. “Why? I’m pretty sure celebrities don’t always live in Hollywood. You could stay here and still travel.”

“Robert’s coming,” Blake called.

Sucking in a breath, I heard the car come down the driveway. “And I would’ve, if he’d asked me to stay. But that hasn’t happened.” All night, we’d made love to each other, and all night, I waited on him to ask me to stay. That was what hurt the worst. I thought he would; especially after he told me he loved me. The words never came.

Tyla pulled me into a hug and squeezed. “He might not have said it, but he wants it. He’ll come to his senses.”

A tear fell down my cheek. “I hope so, Tyla. I truly do. Maybe one day, I’ll see you again.”

“You will.”

Taking a deep breath, I let her go and slowly walked up to the front of the house where Blake stood. “I guess this is it,” I said, forcing a smile.

He pulled me into his arms, burying his nose against my neck. “Call me when you get home, so I know you got there safely.”

I nodded. “I will. Be careful on your mission.”

“Always am.”

As soon as he let me go, I jumped back in his arms and kissed him hard.

At first, he opened up to me, but then he pulled away and rested his forehead to mine. “You’re not making this easy.”

“Neither are you,” I whispered.

“Hadley?” a voice called.

What the hell? I jerked around to find my father in the driveway beside Robert. “What are you doing here?” He stood there dressed to perfection, in his crisp gray suit and his white hair expertly coifed. My father was worth millions and his appearance reeked of it.

He cleared his throat. “I came to see you home safely.” He turned and threw a glare to Blake. “Mr. Evans, I seem to recall paying you to keep her safe, not to take advantage of her.”

“Wait, what?” I turned back to Blake. “What is he talking about?”

Jaw tense, he returned my father’s glare. “I would never take advantage of your daughter, sir. So don’t come to my house threatening me. You want your money back? Take it, I don’t give a flying fuck about the pay.”

Robert held up his hands. “All right, that’s enough. I’m sure there’s an explanation for all of this, but it’ll have to be settled at another time. We have a plane to catch. Blake,” he said, extending his hand. “It’s good to see you again. Thank you for keeping Hadley safe.” Blake nodded and shook his hand.

“Hadley, it’s time to go,” my father commanded.

“In a minute,” I growled, anger boiling in my veins. I pushed past Blake and he followed me to the side of the house, out of my father’s sight. “Care to tell me what’s going on?”

He unclenched his fists. “Yeah, your dad’s an ass.”

“I know that already. What about the money? How much did he give you?”

Sighing, he lowered his head. “Ten million.”

Mouth gaping, I almost choked on my words. “Is that the only reason you agreed to let me stay?”

“Yes.” When I tried to walk away, he grabbed my hand and pulled me into his arms. “Don’t walk away from me, Hadley. I admit, I didn’t want you here in the beginning, but you knew that. I don’t care about the money, I care about you. That’s why I haven’t touched a cent of it. The money isn’t what I fell in love with.”

I sagged in his arms and let the tears flow. “Then keep it. I’m sure you’ll find something to do with it.” The horn beeped and I stepped away. “I have to go.”

Blake reached for my hand, but I pulled back. “Don’t leave like this, Hadley. What do you want me to say?”

“I can’t be the one to tell you, you’ll have to figure this one out on your own.” Turning on my heel, I walked straight past my dad and into the car. Real life wasn’t like the movies. I thought for sure he’d scoop me into his arms and beg me to stay. Instead, he let me go and I watched him disappear behind the cloud of dust from our car as we drove away.

“It’s good to see you again, sweet pea,” my father announced.

Huffing, I turned away from the window and glared at him. “You didn’t need to be rude to Blake. He didn’t use me for the money.”

He sighed. “I know, but getting involved wasn’t a good decision on either part. Nothing can come of it.”

“Why? Because he’s not a celebrity? What does that matter?”

“You’ve been through this before and I don’t want to see you get hurt again. You need someone who can handle the press, and what it’s like to be in the public eye. Nick can do that and I know he cares about you. We’ll just keep your relationship with Mr. Evans a secret.”

I shook my head. “No, Dad. I love Blake and I want to be with him. Once he’s done with his mission, he’ll come for me.”

He blew out a sigh and ran a hand over his weathered face. “Honey, don’t you see? He can’t be with you and keep his job. What kind of undercover detective would he be if he’s in the spotlight? Everyone would know his face. He’ll have to give up his career. And even if he was willing, would you let him? He’d resent you in the end.”

I glanced at Robert and he nodded. “It’s true. Blake won’t be able to do his job if he’s with you. But it’s a decision he’ll have to make for himself.”

Could I let him give up everything to be with me? I knew the answer, and it felt like a kick to my gut.

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