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Roped In
  • Текст добавлен: 8 октября 2016, 09:12

Текст книги "Roped In"

Автор книги: L. P. Dover

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“I’m taking Nightshade out for a last minute ride. Is there anything else you need me to do before I go?” Tyla asked. She guided the black stallion out of the stall and hopped into the saddle.

Lifting my hat, I wiped the sweat off my brow. “Nah, you’re good. I have a new mare coming tomorrow. I’d like you to work with her as much as you can. The Wright’s couldn’t handle her, so they’re sending her to us.”

She snorted. “Us?

“To you then, smart ass.” I chuckled. “Although, I have to say, I’m just about as good as you now.”

Grinning from ear to ear, she pulled her curly, blonde hair into a ponytail. “So you think. Everyone knows I’m the best.”

And she was. Tyla Rand was one of the most talented and hardest working women I’d ever met. She was around my age and wise beyond her years. I’d never seen anyone so experienced with horses. For the past year, she’d been coaching me on how to break them, just like my grandfather had done for a living. I wanted to live up to his legacy.

I scratched behind Nightshade’s ear and glanced up at her. “Go, before it gets too late. I’ll meet you and the guys at the bar.”

She winked. “Got it, boss. You might want to steer clear of Singleton though. I think he knows about you and Rayna. He was looking for you the other night.”

I scoffed. “He knows where to find me. Besides, I’m not scared of that twat. Rayna came onto me . . . I simply showed her what it was like to ride a real man.” Trent Singleton was an arrogant douche and rodeo cowboy, always causing trouble. I’d been waiting for the day I could kick his ass.

“Okay,” she laughed, “but if you fight him, make sure to do it outside the bar. Remember, I’m friends with the owners.”

I winked up at her. “You have nothing to worry about.”

She shook her head – clearly not believing me – and took off for the fields. “See ya tonight!” she shouted.

Inside the barn, my phone rang. I rushed in, recognizing the number on the screen. “I’ll be damned, if it isn’t Robert Wilson,” I answered.

Robert chuckled. “What’s up, Evans? You enjoying the cowboy life out there?”

I looked at my horses and the snow-capped mountains. Was I enjoying it? Hell yeah, I was. It was hard work, but I couldn’t imagine going back to my old life. “You have no idea. I never thought I’d enjoy riding horses and shoveling shit.”

“And that is something I never thought I’d hear you say. Have you taken on any missions since you’ve been out there?”

“A couple small tasks. Why, what’s up?”

He cleared his throat. “Just asking.”

“And why do I not believe that?”

The line went quiet for a second. “Because it’s a lie. I need a damn favor.”

“Thought so. I knew you wouldn’t call just to shoot the shit. What do you need?”

I sat down on a hay bale and kicked up my feet. The sun had started to go down behind the mountains, bringing in the cool, evening breeze. It was early May and the weather was perfect, not like back home where it was smoldering and humid.

He blew out a heavy sigh. “We had a suspect escape after a break in. He killed one and the other is in critical condition.”

I sat up and held the phone closer. “Any leads on where the suspect went?”

“Not yet. We’re working on it.”

“Do you need me to find him?”

He chuckled, but there was no humor in it. “If only that were it. I have someone else on it already. What I need from you is something much different.”

When he explained the situation, there was only one thing I could say. “Fuck no.”


“Hadley,” a soft voice called out, followed by a knock.

It was Susan, Robert’s wife. She did her best to make me feel at home, but I couldn’t find the comfort. She had kind brown eyes and chocolate colored hair, adorned with wisps of gray. Talking to her helped get my mind off of things, but once I was left alone for the night, everything came rushing back.

Rubbing my swollen, red eyes, I left my perch on the window seat and opened the door. Still in her flannel pajamas, she held out a tray with a stack of pancakes and syrup. My stomach growled at the smell.

Her smile vanished the moment she looked at my face. “Oh dear, have you been in here crying all night?” Walking past me, she set the tray down on the dresser and turned a motherly glare my way, propping her hands on her hips.

Surely, I didn’t look that bad? I glanced at myself in the full length mirror, and saw I was worse than I thought. “I was thinking about Scott and Nick. My heart hurts for them.”

She glanced over at the perfectly made bed, her expression weary. “You didn’t sleep either?”

I shrugged. “I was afraid I’d have nightmares.”

Her face and arms relaxed. Reaching for me, her warm fingers grasped my wrists. “I know this isn’t easy for you, but you need to take care of yourself. You’re leaving for Wyoming in just a couple of hours. Why don’t you eat and take a shower? I’ll be downstairs if you want to talk.”

My throat closed up, so I nodded, hoping it’d appease her. Once she was gone, I ate as much as I could, then took a long, hot shower. The deputy who’d packed my bag of clothes put several pairs of jeans and T-shirts inside. I grabbed whatever came first and put them on. Before I could leave the room, my phone rang and I jumped. It was a number I didn’t recognize.


“Hadley, it’s me,” Felicity rasped. My heart dropped; she sounded horrible.

Clenching the phone, I collapsed onto the bed. “Please tell me you have good news.”

She sniffled. “Not exactly. Nick’s been put in a medical coma. He went through several surgeries last night to repair the damage. They . . .” Her voice caught and she sucked in a shaky breath. “They lost him at one point and had to revive him.”

I slapped a hand to my mouth. “Oh my God.”

“All we can do is pray.”

Squeezing my eyes shut, I choked back tears. “I will, every day.” I glanced at the clock and realized I only had a little time before my plane left for Wyoming. Grabbing my bag, I got to my feet, decision made. “I’m coming out there. I have to see him.”

“Are you sure you’re able to? What happened after I left?”

I blew out a frustrated breath. “It’s a long story. I’ll explain when I get there.”

“Okay. Just be careful. The pariahs are everywhere.”

“Noted. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” Before hanging up, she told me the room number and I said my goodbyes.

We always called the paparazzi, the pariahs. It didn’t surprise me they were hanging around the hospital. Some of them were really nice, but most couldn’t wait to catch you with your pants down so they could screw you in the ass. Anything to get a headline.

Opening the bedroom door, I took one last look around before heading downstairs. I froze on the steps when the front door slammed shut and a voice I’d never heard before echoed throughout the house. My heart stopped and I sucked in a breath. Had the creeper found me already?

As soon as Robert laughed, I breathed a sigh of relief. It was then I realized how afraid I’d become. Whoever broke into my house was after me. What if he was never caught? I’d never feel safe again.

Turning the corner, I spotted Robert in the kitchen with another man. He was tall, closer to my age, with blond hair and the muscular build of a fighter. His blue gaze met mine and he acknowledged me with a smile. He cleared his throat and Robert turned around to address me.

“Good morning. Did you sleep well?”

“Do you want the truth, or a polite lie?”

He chuckled. “I’ll take that as a no.” Motioning toward his friend, he said, “Hadley, I’d like you to meet Logan Chandler. He’s a good friend of mine and the one who’ll be escorting you to the great state of Wyoming.”

I held out my hand. “Nice to meet you, Logan.”

He shook my hand and winked. “Likewise.”

“Are you going to be ready to leave for the airport in an hour?” Robert asked.

Susan handed me a cup of coffee and patted my shoulder before leaving the room. I set my bag down and took a giant gulp; it burned going down, but my body was numb. “Actually, on the way there, I need to stop by the hospital to see Nick.”

Robert sighed. “That’s not possible.”

My head jerked up and I glared at him. “Why not?”

“Because you need to stay hidden. The hospital is swarming with every fucking news station and gossip rag in the city; all waiting for you to show up.” He stepped back and leaned against the bar with his arms crossed, trying his best to look intimidating in his Minions pajama pants—it wasn’t working. He had a point, sure, but I couldn’t let him stand in my way.

I set my cup down. “There has to be something we can do. I’m not leaving town without seeing him.”

Robert and Logan looked at each other, but it was Logan who turned to me and spoke. “There is a way, but you’re probably not going to like it.”

I stood up straight. “I’ll do anything. Let’s go.”

A small smile splayed across his face. “Your wish is my command.”

When Logan said he had a way in, I didn’t realize it was going to be traveling at breakneck speeds through rush hour traffic on a sport bike. Whizzing by vehicles at ninety miles an hour, I screamed a few times and kept my eyes shut. My teeth ached from clenching so hard, but I sucked it up and held on until we got to the hospital.

“You can let me go now, Hadley.” Logan chuckled, pulling off his helmet. When I didn’t let go, he squeezed my hands, still tightly wrapped around his waist. My muscles shook from holding him so hard.

I slowly pried my hands apart and slid off the bike. “Sorry. I’ve never been on a motorcycle before. At least the paparazzi didn’t recognize us when we pulled in. I mean, how could they when we were going at light speed?” I started to unbuckle my helmet but he grabbed my hands, pulling me to him.

“Keep it on. We’re not alone out here. Pretend to fumble with the straps until we get in the elevator.” I nodded and followed along beside him. There were a few people in the parking garage, but luckily, we were able to get in the elevator by ourselves. Once inside, he helped me with the helmet and pulled it off.

“Here, put this on,” he said, handing me a baseball cap from his back pocket. “We don’t want anyone recognizing you.”

I snorted and slid it down on my head. “I doubt they could anyway. I look like death.”

The elevator doors opened and we stepped out. I already knew where to go. My heart sped up the closer we got to Nick’s room.

A voice called out. “Hadley?”

I gasped and jerked around. Tristan Abernathy stood in the doorway of the waiting room with the rest of the hockey team spread out behind him, dressed in their jerseys and lounging in chairs. Tristan looked worse than any of them. His dirty blond hair was unkempt and he looked exhausted.

“Tristan,” I breathed.

“Where have you been? We were all worried about you.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck. “I’m in protective custody. I’m not supposed to be here, but I had to see Nick.”

He held me close, burying his face in my hair. His chest shook and it broke my heart. “He doesn’t look good, Hads. What if he doesn’t make it?”

“We have to believe he will.” Once he let me go, Kip and Dawson, two of my favorites on the hockey team, stole me away and I threw an arm around them both. They were twins, both with dark brown hair and blue eyes. “I’m going to miss you guys so much.”

“We’re not going anywhere, sweetheart,” Kip assured me.

Swallowing hard, I stepped back. “But I am, and I don’t know when I’ll be back.”

“Where are you going?” Tristan asked, placing a hand on my shoulder. I glanced over at Logan, who shook his head.

“I can’t say,” I said, looking up at Tristan. “It’s for my protection.”

“When will you be back?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“We’re running out of time, Hadley,” Logan called.

Nodding once, I walked to the door and then faced the team. “Good luck at the games, guys. I won’t physically be there, but know I’ll be watching.” I hugged Tristan one more time. “I’ll find a way to keep in touch, okay? I’m hoping they’ll catch this bastard soon, so I can come home.”

Logan walked with me to the end of the hall, to Nick’s closed door. Taking a deep breath, I held onto the doorknob, afraid of what I’d see on the other side. I closed my eyes and felt warm tears fall down my cheeks.

“You have five minutes,” Logan murmured.

I blew out a breath and opened the door, letting it shut quietly behind me. The TV was on, but I could barely hear the sound from the pounding in my ears. Felicity was asleep in the corner, a box of tissues on her lap, snoring lightly. The curtain blocked Nick from sight. Taking a few steps into the room, he came into view and I covered my eyes with my hands. He was so pale and definitely didn’t look like the vibrant jokester I knew him to be.

Taking a moment to collect myself, I breathed deep and made my way to the bed. “Nick?” I whispered, clasping my fingers gently through his. I thought I’d get a response, but there was nothing. He was so still. My heart broke, and I hated myself more than ever. I’d lost Scott and there was a possibility I’d lose him too . . . all of this because of me, for my protection.

What would I do without him?

“I’m sorry, Nick. I’m so, so sorry. I’d give anything to take back time.” I held his hand to my face, my tears soaking his skin.

“You’re here,” Felicity said.

I glanced over my shoulder. “Hey. Sorry for waking you. I can’t stay long, but I had to stop by.”

She slowly got to her feet and a handful of used tissues fell to the floor. I hated having to leave her. “Do you have to go back to the station?” she asked.

I turned my focus back to Nick, swallowing the large lump in my throat. I had to tell her the truth. “No. I have to go away for awhile. I didn’t want to tell you over the phone.”

“Where are you going?”

A light tap sounded on the door and when it opened, Logan stuck his head in. He nodded at Felicity and then focused on me. “We have to go.”

I lifted my finger. “Just one more minute.” As soon as the door shut, my chest hurt. I hated goodbyes.

“What’s going on, Hadley?” Felicity demanded.

Reluctantly, I let Nick’s hand go and faced her. “I’m under police protection, until they can find whoever did this. In the meantime, I’ll have to cancel my shows. You don’t have to worry about any of the details. I’ll get it handled. Soon, Nick will be up and moving around and we can get back to work. This whole nightmare will be over.”

Lip quivering, she lowered her head and nodded. “As much as I hate you leaving, I understand. I just know Nick will be worried sick about you when he wakes up.”

My time was running out, so I hugged her quick. “I’ll call and check up on you both every day. Just make sure to answer your phone. The number will probably be untraceable.”

“I will.” She stepped aside so I could move closer to Nick.

I kissed his cheek and rested my forehead against his. “Come back to us. I miss you already.” One of my tears fell on his cheek, and I wiped it away.

“How long do you think you’ll be gone?” Felicity wondered.

“I don’t know,” I whispered, turning to face her. “I honestly don’t know.”


“How’s your hand?” Tyla asked, smirking at the gashes on my knuckles. “You really messed Trent’s shit up last night.”

I grabbed Snowflake’s brush and glided it down her body. My hands hurt like a bitch, but I’d do it all over again just to hear the crunch of Singleton’s nose as I pounded on his face. His first mistake was seeking me out.

Clenching my fist, I watched the blood ooze out of the gash on my right hand. “It’s fine. Can’t say the same for Singleton’s face though.”

She snorted. “That’s for damn sure. I don’t think he’ll be messing with you for a while. Did Rayna come over to nurse you back to health?”

I moved over to Snowflake’s other side, brushing her gently. “She tried, but I’m done with that thundercunt. I don’t need the drama.”

“It’s not like you can’t find someone else. Every female in town’s been salivating over you since you moved here.”

“Including you?” I joked.

“Please,” she scoffed with a roll of her eyes. “You were intriguing for like a second, then reality struck. You’re not my type.”

We both laughed and finished grooming the young mare. Tyla was a beautiful woman, but I knew better than to get involved with someone I worked with. I’d learned that hard lesson long ago.

“I think this little beauty is going to be one hell of a horse,” Tyla said proudly.

“That she is. She’s looking good. In fact, I’ll be taking over her training tomorrow.”

Her eyes went wide. “You sure you can handle that?” All morning she’d been working with Snowflake to tame her down. There was a lot of work still to be done, but I had no doubt we could do it. Before I could reply, her phone rang. She waltzed off to answer it while I stayed with Snowflake.

The wild little beast bumped my hand with her muzzle and snorted. Chuckling, I scratched behind her ear. “You gonna be a good girl for me tomorrow? Josie wants to ride you someday and I have to make sure you’re not going to throw her off.” Josie Wright was eight years old and an amazing young rider. Unfortunately, when her parents bought Snowflake, she turned out to be a little too much to handle.

“As much as she likes you, I’d say you’ll get her tamed in no time,” Tyla claimed. Her smile faded as she slipped her phone into her back pocket.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“I need to go out of town for a couple of weeks. I know it’s short notice, but it’s something I really need to do.”

“Is everything okay?”

“I hope so. I’ll know more once I get to California. Can you handle this one without me?” she asked, nodding toward Snowflake.

Snowflake bumped me again and I laughed. “I think she likes me better than you anyway. Now get the hell out of here, I have work to do.”

Brows furrowed, she studied me, no doubt wondering if I’d be okay without her expertise. “All right, I’m leaving. I’ll call you when I’m coming back into town. And you know Ryker is always around the corner if you need help with anything.”

I pointed to her car and chuckled. “Go already. There’s no need to worry about me.”

As much as her help was needed, I wasn’t going to make her think she had to stay. She waved at me as she backed out and took off down the long driveway, a cloud of dust following in her wake.

My grandfather had handled the ranch on his own for years. I could do the same. He specialized more in training horses, than herding cattle, but I liked doing both.

After closing up the barn, I started for the house. The sound of gravel crunched in the distance, and at first, I thought it was Tyla coming back, but it wasn’t her car. It was a black SUV with tinted windows. Lifting my hat, I wiped the sweat off my brow and lowered it back down. If it was Singleton, he was stupider than I thought.

Body tense, I was prepared to fight. However, when the car door opened, I couldn’t help but grin. “You’ve got to be shitting me. What the hell are you doing here?”

Logan Chandler, a good friend of mine and one of the best undercover agents I knew, waltzed toward me with the biggest smile on his face. “I can’t believe what I’m seeing,” he joked, extending his hand. “Please tell me you haven’t turned Brokeback on me?”

“Fuck no. You know me better than that.”

We shook hands and he chuckled. “You’re right. Last I recall, you had a new piece of ass every week, especially after things ended with Brooklyn.”

“That was a long time ago, brother,” I said, slapping him on the shoulder. Brooklyn was the only serious relationship I’d ever had. I loved her, but fucked it all up. Now she was gone and happy with someone else. I hadn’t talked to her in almost a year. “So what brings you all the way out to BFE? You’re not the type to make house calls.”

Releasing a heavy sigh, he glanced back at the car, then to me. “Can we go inside and talk? I could use a beer about now.”

I focused on the car, but couldn’t see anyone. “Who’s in there, Chandler?”

“It’s a long story, which is why I need the beer.” He followed me inside and I grabbed us both a beer out of the refrigerator. Once he guzzled his down, he looked out at the car again, biting his lip. “Whatever you do, don’t kill me.”

I lifted the bottle to my mouth and froze. “Fuck me. What did you do?”

He turned around, smile gone. “I brought you something, or better yet . . . someone.”

It didn’t take long for everything to fall into place. I should’ve known. Slamming my beer down, I pointed angrily at the car. “Take Miss Hollywood back. I don’t want her here.”

Logan lifted his hands and stepped back. “Why won’t you take this job? You’re the only one trusted and available to keep her safe.”

“Bullshit! What about you? You fucking take her.”

He shook his head. “I’m leaving on another mission tomorrow. Anyway, you’re the one Robert wants. Hadley’s dad is one of the richest men in the country and he’s willing to pay big money for your services.”

“I don’t want his goddamn money.”

“You sure about that? Think about what you could do to this place if you had ten million laying around,” he replied.

My eyes bulged. “You’re shitting me.”

“Nope. And trust me, I’d guard her body for next to nothing. She’s hot as hell.”

“Looks aren’t everything. She’s Hollywood, and this,” I said, gesturing to my farmhouse, “ain’t exactly the Ritz-Carlton. Her kind won’t fit in here.”

Logan shrugged a shoulder. “You’d be surprised. She’s not as bad as you make her sound.”

Clenching my teeth, I stormed to the window. “I’m not going to be her servant, and she won’t find any maids here. I’ll keep her safe, but that’s it. I won’t be at her beck and call. If she wants to stay, she has to live by my rules. Got it?”

He joined me by the window. “Don’t be so hard on her, Evans. Her bodyguard was just killed and her boyfriend is in critical condition. She’s in a bad place right now.”

“Since when did you turn soft?” I grumbled.

“She has that effect on people. You’ll see what I mean.”

I scoffed. “Just make sure her father pays up.”

He patted me on the shoulder. “He’s good for it. Once he hears from me, he’ll give you a call to transfer the money.”

“Good,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Do you want me to bring her in and introduce her? I have to get back to the airport.”

“Might as well,” I grumbled.

Logan marched out of the kitchen and to the car. The second Hadley stepped out and I saw her face, I knew I was in trouble.

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