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Электронная библиотека книг » David Estes » книга "Fire Country"
Fire Country - David Estes
  • Книга добавлена: 20 сентября 2016, 15:37
обложка книги Fire Country - David Estes

Название книги: Fire Country

Автор книги:

7-8Часов на чтение
104 тыс.Всего слов

Язык книги: русский
Издательство: Smashwords Edition
Год издания: 2013
Размер: 211 Кб
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Описание книги

In a changed world where the sky bleeds red, winter is hotter than hell and full of sandstorms, and summer's even hotter with raging fires that roam the desert-like country, the Heaters manage to survive, barely.Due to toxic air, life expectancies are so low the only way the tribe can survive is by forcing women to procreate when they turn sixteen and every three years thereafter. It is their duty as Bearers.Fifteen-year-old Siena is a Youngling, soon to be a Bearer, when she starts hearing rumors of another tribe of all women, called the Wild Ones. They are known to kidnap Youngling girls before the Call, the ceremony in which Bearers are given a husband with whom to bear children with.As the desert sands run out on her life's hourglass, Siena must uncover the truth about the Wild Ones while untangling the web of lies and deceit her father has masterfully spun.

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