Текст книги "Uncovering Desire"
Автор книги: Kacey Shea
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Thanks to my oldest daughter Abby who insisted I publish this book on her birthday as her gift. You can thank her for the deadline because it was daunting a few months ago and without her encouragement over the summer this book wouldn’t have happened so quickly. She’s only eleven but you’d never know it. I love you Abs and you inspire me to be a better person every day.
To my son, JD, who enjoys helping me brainstorm swag ideas and future book titles. He’s sort of brilliant with suggestions. He also looks for my books in bookstores and is confident I will be a famous writer one day, God bless him.
Little G, you’re the best two-year-old I know, nothing terrible about you. You already think it’s cool to waste hours in a café sipping iced tea while mom types away on the laptop. If you weren’t such an easygoing, joyful child I would not be pursuing this dream right now. Love you my little girly girl.
Joe thank you for supporting me through this endeavor. I know we’re still adjusting to all the pieces of this puzzle “My Wife’s a Romance Author,” trying to get them to fit just right, but having you by my side makes this easier. I put a little bit of you into every book I write because you are important. 3UG lives on!
Kerry, you know I can’t write a book without you now? I value your opinions and feedback but also the respect you show for my voice as an author is rare and precious. I can’t wait to see where your own novel takes you and it’s a privilege to read for you. Thanks for supporting me every step of this journey.
Brenda, you have this genuine ability as an editor to make me feel safe, because you treat my writing with value, and your words of encouragement along the way are just what I need to hear. You never make me feel as though my questions are stupid and I appreciate that you are pushing me to become a better writer. I feel very fortunate to have found you and am thrilled to be signing with you next fall!
To Angela and my mom, thank you for providing your time and talent to give this baby one final proof.
Stacey, I absolutely love working with you. You are an excellent formatter, and I get compliments all the time about how nice Uncovering Love reads. Thank you for being so helpful and for truly making my book shine!
To my family and friends, thank you for buying my books, listening to me talk about characters, writing deadlines, cover art, and everything else. Basically, thanks for putting up with me and coming along for the ride!
To all my book blogger social media supporters. I can’t name everyone but extend a very special thank you to those who took a chance on a new indie author:
Cassandra from CassandraReadsAlot aka Bookishcrypt you get dibs on the real life Tate (if we ever find him),
Stephanie of 3 Fictional Hearts who creates the most beautiful edits that you make them for my writing warms my heart,
Brit with Beyond Boyfriend Reviews, if this is ever optioned for TV/movies you are my casting director,
Brooke of Country Girl Romance Reviews you’ve supported me from the very beginning,
Danielle of Danielle’s Escape, Jon is yours—I hope I’ve done him justice in this story,
Megan, Judy, and all the babes of Wicked Babes Blog Reviews y’all have shown such support,
ABWO A Book Whores Obsession, for getting my name out there when no one had heard of me and for sharing my first chapters,
The Chiq Blog, for including my debut novel in the Besties for my first ever award nomination!
Sam, Lei, Rae, Kamelia, the Sinfully Sexy ladies for their inspiration, ideas, and love.
Shane, you’re not even on this cover but I have to thank you! Your support to my success as an author has been unexpected and delightful. I can’t wait to meet you in person and rock some book signings.
On that note I have to thank Shane’s girls aka #TeamEyeball because you ladies are awesome, no other way to describe you. Thank you for reading my book, sharing reviews, and supporting my writing. I hope to meet you all someday. It’s readers like you that make this self-publishing gig worth it all!
To my Chandler Romance Writers group. Ladies, thank you for being a source of support, laughter, comradery, and encouragement.
To the talented team behind this gorgeous cover; Sommer, I’ve always been a fan of your work and have to pinch myself that you’re designing covers for my books. I love this cover; it’s beautiful and simply perfect. Golden, the photographer with the Midas touch. Chase, my oh my how you’ve grown up! Thanks for giving my readers the perfect Jonathon Beltran to dream about. Cindy, thank for playing photographer on a hot summer Arizona night. Courtney, you are beautiful, generous, and such a good sport. Thanks for playing Kate, even after a car accident and airbag malfunction.
To the woman who crafts the unassuming jewelry, who brings peace and healing and prayers to each momma that wears these pieces, Chelle, thank you. Miscarriage can be such a lonely, isolating experience. You connect us though your art. Check her out on IG @rachelle.isms or www.rachelle-isms.com as she makes stunning jewelry.
Adrianne, thank you for showing me the power of yoga practice. Learning to accept me just as I am. I am perfectly imperfect. Much love to my weight-training yogi friend.
I feel as though I must thank my favorite writing spot, Chop Shop Chandler, for your cool artsy vibe, with kind employees that offer smiles and encouragement even though I steal a booth for hours while (endlessly) refilling my iced tea.
And last but not least, thank you. The reader that chooses this book out of the endless others, to spend your free moments getting lost in a story. I love and appreciate you. And I always enjoy hearing from you so please pester me on social media!
KACEY SHEA is pen name to a mom of three, wife, and part-time bookkeeper who resides in sunny Arizona. She enjoys reading and writing romance novels as much as her son loves unicorns, which is a lot.
When she's not writing you will find her playing taxi cab to her children while belting out her favorite tunes, meeting friends or family for food and to share laughs, or sweating it out in the gym. Kacey finds that picking up heavy weights repeatedly is good for her mental health as much as it is for the physical.
She has an unhealthy obsession with firefighters. It could be the pants. It could be the fire. It's just hot. On occasion she has been known to include them, without their knowledge, in her selfies outside the grocery store.
Kacey one day aspires be a woman hand model in a sexy photo shoot. You know, the woman's hand raking across the muscular back or six pack stomach of the male fitness model. Yep, that hand.
Until that day comes she will continue writing sexy, flirty romance novels in hopes to bring others joy!
Kacey enjoys interacting with her fans so please feel free to stalk her on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
Books by Kacey Shea
Uncovering Love – June 30, 2015
Uncovering Desire – October 27, 2015
Uncovering Hope – Carly’s story, early 2016
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