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Электронная библиотека книг » Jeff Shelby » книга "Wicked Break"
Wicked Break - Jeff Shelby
  • Книга добавлена: 15 сентября 2016, 03:22
обложка книги Wicked Break - Jeff Shelby

Название книги: Wicked Break

Автор книги:

Язык книги: русский
Издательство: Dutton Adult
Город: New York
Год издания: 2006
ISBN: 0525949542 (isbn13: 9780525949541)
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Описание книги

Riding a wave of critical acclaim for his debut novel, "Killer Swell" (a "Los Angeles Times" and "Denver Post" bestseller), Jeff Shelby continues to dazzle with "Wicked Break," his second book featuring P.I. and surfer Noah Braddock. When Peter Pluto shows up at P.I. Noah Braddock's apartment asking him to look for his missing younger brother, Linc, Noah is reluctant to take the case. After all, the last time he got involved in a disappearance case, his best friend, Carter, was shot and two other people died. But Peter describes Linc as a serious college student, so Noah reluctantly agrees. As the investigation unfolds, Noah realizes there's a lot more to Linc than academia?unless your average undergrad also happens to have skinheads beating down his door and a cache of semiautomatic guns stored in his apartment. Aided by Carter, Noah discovers that Linc stole some money from the white supremacist group National Nation, an offshoot of the Aryan Nation. The skinheads will stop at nothing to find Linc?and when Noah wakes up at the bottom of a canyon, beaten and bruised, with Peter Pluto's corpse lying next to him, he realizes he's next on their list. 

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