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Электронная библиотека книг » Sam Ripley » книга "The Gift of Death"
The Gift of Death - Sam Ripley
  • Книга добавлена: 14 сентября 2016, 22:28
обложка книги The Gift of Death - Sam Ripley

Название книги: The Gift of Death

Автор книги:

7-8Часов на чтение
97 тыс.Всего слов

Язык книги: русский
Издательство: Kindle Edition
Год издания: 2011
Размер: 191 Кб
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Описание книги

A run of unspeakable crimes. A series of grotesque presents. The legacy of a dead serial killer.When former forensic artist Dr Kate Cramer discovers a 15-month-old child floating in the sea outside her Malibu home she is forced to revisit the past. A past that she thought she had left behind. Seven years earlier she had been involved in the hunt and capture of serial killer Bobby Gleason, who stalked his victims, attacking and raping them in what the state prosecutor likened to a travelling circus of torture. After Gleason committed suicide while in prison everyone involved in the case thought they could get on with their lives - until each of the key players finds that they are being targeted in a macabre fashion. The book is 95,000 words long, but is so full of suspenseful twists and turns that it reads like a dream – or your worst nightmare. It is not for the squeamish or the faint of heart. Please download the sample if you are in any doubt … 

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