Текст книги "The Matrix and “The Matrix” — two opposites. (On the recipe of obtaining “freedom” in the movie “The Matrix”)"
Автор книги: (IP of the USSR) Internal Predictor of the USSR
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4. Matrix control
In orders (arrangements) of mutually nested matrices of Objective reality, specific matrices could be identified and distinguished, each of which may predetermine the flow of characteristically different processes: physical, biological, social. Matrices determining the flow of exclusively social processes, are of particular interest for the fate of the society, since alteration of such matrices is direct or indirect alteration of fate of peoples, civilizations and humanity as a whole.
In both worldviews described earlier, a “matrix” plays the role of a program of a multi-optional algorithm, within the course of which humanity develops its culture[6]6
Culture in current context is understood as all information, not passed from generation to generation genetically in a ready-to-use form.
[Закрыть]. Under the influence of culture, in which grows a person possessing some genetic potential of development, conscious habits and unconscious behaviour automatisms are produced, as well as a person’s opinions on phenomena in his internal and external world. Unconscious automatisms of mental activity are a dominant of internal and externally observable behaviour of a person in the objective reality, and are due to limited capabilities of the human concious: to simultaneously hold no more than 7-9 objects or processes, and digest information at a rate not higher than 15-16 bits per second[7]7
While projecting film with a speed less than 15 frames per second, the conscious perceives the imagery as a sequence of frames; while projecting film at a rate of 16 frames or more, all frames are no longer distinguished and the conscious perceives them as a continuous movie.
[Закрыть] in a normal state of wakefulness.
Sometimes (like in a number of works by L.N. Gumilev on ethnogenesis) these unconscious automatisms are called “stereotypes”. Their essence could be consciously identified and classified as “good” or “evil” in certain life circumstances. Uncertainty of behaviour stereotypes and undetermined relation to various phenomena of the Objective reality, as well as unwillingness to determine their ethical essence “good – evil” in relation to God’s Providence, is one of the main signs of the fact, that the life of humanity flows in a course of some anti-human matrix. This matrix forms a certain type of culture, the anti-human essence of which is protected by its owners from being identified with various direct and indirect taboos on perception of it. Such stereotypes create internally conflicting algorithms of mental activity of individuals and the society as a whole, which manifests in various mental and psychosomatic illnesses, high accident rates, traumas, and other troubles, intrinsic to the lifestyle of the current civilization.
That is why it is not only possible, but vitally necessary to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of any particular matrix, and the culture created by it[8]8
L.N. Gumilev has lifted moral-ethical responsibility from people for the “ethnogenesis stereotypes” identified by him, by classing them as laws of nature: “... here we see phenomenon determined by nature, for which a person does not hold any moral responsibility, even if this phenomenon brings about destruction to the beautiful virgin nature and magnificent foreign culture. It is sad, of course, but what can we do?” (L.N. Gumilev, “Ethnogenesis and the Biosphere of Earth”, third edition, stereotypical, Leningrad, “Hydromet-izdat”, 1990, page 462).
But such view is unworthy of a human... In this statement he was mistaken and unjust.
[Закрыть]. The exit from one matrix inevitably means transfer to another matrix with a different type of culture.
Accordingly, there exists a type of power, not seen by traditional politology and, therefore, laying outside of its understanding, which is nevertheless inseparably connected to processes, which take place in the world (reality) of matrices-predeterminations. Firstly, it is a subordination of the society to some matrix or some group of matrices. Secondly, it is a power over the society of those, who are capable of destruction, transformation and creation of previously non-manifested particular matrices, that predetermine the life of societies within the All-enclosing Matrix – God’s Predetermination.
If the content of such a matrix is described, this description becomes a conception of life of the society – a certain ideal and a set of means, by which this ideal could be brought into life. Accordingly, power based on control of matrix processes has been called the conceptual power by us for many years.
It should be understood that a conception of life of the society is not an ideology. Ideology is not always an expression of a conception, but is one of the means of implementing a conception into life. In the human history, all of the most sophisticated slavery systems were covered by ideologies of freeing people from oppression and exploitation. But slavery was still the essence of those conceptions which, while being covered by ideological systems of freedom, have remained the same for many centuries and also managed to changed several ideological shells. A conception of life of a society is not its acting legislation or legislative projects. Any legislation is only the border– or frontlines, at which one conception protects itself from implementation in the same society of another one, incompatible with the first.
But if someone has assumed, that the Internal Predictor of USSR has secretly decided to tie the notion of “conceptual power” with what the movie “The Matrix” has revealed to its participants, then they should look-up the works of IP USSR “Dead Water” (in all editions from 1991 to present), to the unfinished work “Towards the Kingdom of God on Earth” and should read, what is stated there directly and unambiguously about matrices-predeterminations and about the conceptual power; stated not in a figurative form of fictional film, which every person will understand in their own way.
According to the storyline of the film, if the heroes have really escaped from under the power of the “Matrix”-machine into freedom, unlimited by anything or anyone, then their boundlessly free imagination should allow every one of them (especially all of them collectively) to create a new maximally enclosing matrix of higher order, from which they could without any theatrical effects “nullify” or transform the matrix, in which exists the machine system, named the “Matrix”, from the control of which they supposedly escaped into the “real world”.
Entering the world created by any nested matrix from an enclosing matrix of higher order, it is enough to declare[9]9
In the sense of the operator of many programming languages “DECLARE”, describing properties of objects, which are processed by the program’s algorithm.
[Закрыть] all enemies non-existent, powerless, or transformed in some other way; to declare oneself invisible and almighty (initially immortal and invulnerable in the world, the matter of which fills the cells of the nested matrix). After that, all the theatrical effects of shooting, fighting, disappearances via telephone lines, and tragic impossibility of escaping the pursuer would be unnecessary by, instead, dispersing into thin air; or leaving them, along with their “Matrix” dreams, by disappearing through a mobile line connection. All these special effects for the general public become completely unnecessary, when actually entering a process, if not from an enclosing matrix, then at least from an alternative matrix of the same order; such things could be hardly considered entertainment with the aim of gaining some pleasure.
Such control processes, based on the interaction of nested matrices of life from the enclosing matrix, were clearly demonstrated to Anderson-Neo by so-called “agents”. When Neo, arrested, was demanding his rights and asking for the phone, the “agents” declared him mute and, under the influence of this high-level programming language operator, which called the execution of many low-level commands, Neo’s mouth was quickly tightened. But the “agents”, in the world created by their matrix, also do not appear boundlessly free. If they were, then they would not need to convince Anderson-Neo to cooperate with them: they would simply reprogram his psyche in such a way, that he would become a “citizen” entirely loyal to the system, or would plug all “holes” in their matrix and would hack “Zion” servers themselves without Neo’s help. Creators of the film do have some understanding (most likely unconscious) about these kinds of possibilities of matrix transformations of reality, since by using exactly them, the “agents” tried to catch the “Nebuchadnezzar’s” crew, having transformed a normal building fabricated by the “Matrix” into a “stone bag” with no doors or windows. But this episode is only one significant moment, pointing to the objective existence of the All-enclosing matrix of Highest Predetermination, which nobody can break.
When considering all these matrixial (in the most general sense of this word) interrelations and operations, we have also mentioned matter, which fills any matrix, and information, which gives the matter, filling matrices, certain images. In other words, the World, in the worldview of the Kingdom of God on Earth, appears as the tri-unity: “matrix – matter – information”.
In relation to the pair “matter – information”, the matrix – is God’s Predetermination of life, i.e. the measure of development. The sixth sense of every person, regardless of whether they are “normal” or an “extrasense”, is the sense of measure – direct sense of God’s Predetermination (the level of development of this sense in different people and how attentive they are to it is a different question).
In relation to matter, matrix is really the matrix of possible states of matter and possible transitions from one state to another through certain transformations.
“There is no thing without an image”, says a Russian proverb. It could be expanded: there is no matter without an image, given by a certain matrix. An image is information.
In relation to information, matrix is a measure of file – a system of encoding of information. As commonly known, information outwidth of encoding systems does not exist.
However, in this set of maximally general categories “matrix (Predetermination, measure of life) – matter – information” there is no place for neither space, nor time. Why, while describing the world in terms of the tri-unity “matter – information – measure” it is possible to omit these, seemingly inevitable, notions? – For the sole reason that:
Measure of spaces and co-measure-ment of times is only one of the parts of the matrix-predetermination. Accordingly, space and time (so-called “space-time continuum” in the theory of relativity) are secondary in relation to matrix and do not exist without matter and information, which fill the matrix; in life, space and time of microcosm and macrocosm worlds are secondary consequences of the matrix-predetermination of life.
5. About matrices and egregores
Obviously, subjectively real is that, what one consciously perceives. But objectively real is also that, what is outside the limits of one’s perception. The change in configuration parameters of sense organs, configuration parameters of the biofield system of the organism, changes the conscious perception of the Objective reality, as a result of which the conscious subjective reality perceives (perhaps constantly) that, which it did not earlier. The well-known Russian expression “got drunk till he saw the devil” speaks about exactly this: the subjective reality of a drunk becomes populated with that, which was outside it before.
In the film, the awakening of the protagonist in the supposed “real world” from a dream, generated by the “Matrix”, is the shift of consciousness from one fragment (“cell”) of an enclosing matrix into another fragment. The process of shifting of the conscious from one reality to another is shown as a nightmare.
The protagonist hatches from some “egg”, entwined with connecting feelers penetrating his body, of which there are especially many in the area of the spine; he looks around and sees a horrifying sight: some skyscraper machines, standing in rows, are covered with the same “eggs”, like the one he hatched from, with other people in them. Some monster, apparently belonging to the “immune system: of the “Matrix”, having detected a disturbance in the functioning of Anderson-Neo’s “egg” and having identified him as a “production defect”, removes the feelers from the one who used to be Anderson, and flushes him down the sewer, where he loses consciousness. Another system retrieves him from the sewer, and revives him. After that, in the new reality he receives medical treatment in areas of penetration of the feelers.
If one is touched by this, everything is very touching. If one avoids being touched by it, then arises the question: with what can be correlated the shift of consciousness of the hero from the machine dreamworld into the world of a different reality, in which one supposedly reaches almost unlimited freedom from any matrices?
The subjective reality for the conscious of most is that, which may be called the material world. The world of various natural fields (also called “force fields”) is inaccessible to the conscious perception of most. Nevertheless, it objectively exists, its existence is recorded by means of contemporary scientific instruments, and it has always been directly accessible to the perception of a minority of people. In the past these people have been called “ghost viewers”, nowadays– “extrasenses”. Some from this minority consciously perceive the field (or “spirit”) reality visually, as layered on top of the material world, like on one sheet of photo paper one can print several images. There are also those, who perceive the field and material realities as two different worlds.
When describing the interrelations of subjects with the field reality in words, some extrasenses speak about various “connections” to the person, “tentacles and feelers”, which connect and enter the body through the glowing “eggshell” – the boundary of one’s aura. The “connectors” have a beginning and end, and, accordingly, all those “connected” in their integrity create a system, a functionally specific element of which is each one of them.
Such a system in esoteric sciences, occultism, in the “extrasense” slang is called “egregore”. Since the film does not show, where the ends of the material connecting “feelers-hoses” go, then this system is shown not as a field structure, but as the machine “Matrix” itself, belonging to the material world. As it is said in the film, all of humanity is a source of energy for the Matrix – i.e. people are batteries. With respect to egregores, the position of most is analogous: to feed them with their own energy, needed for the realization of aims of the owners and managers of egregores. Through “connections” each subject gives the egregores his energy, and through the very same “connections” the egregore and its managers influence all those “connected”, consequent of which most of those “connected” are more or less not in control of themselves.
That is, the entire sequence of horrifying images in the film – is not fantasy and is not schizophrenic delusions, but a visualization on the screen of a rather real egregore, which is now controlling the Western regional civilization.
The exit of any individual from under the power of an egregore he despises, as it is correctly shown in the “Matrix”, begins from identifying the “connections” and subsequently removing them. The process of disconnection from an egregore may happen in two stages: at the first stage a third party tears the energetic-informational links between the subject and egregore; at the second stage, when the subject is artificially isolated from the egregore, he is provided information, the character of which excludes the possibility of return to the former egregore. At the same time, an informational commonality with the one providing the information is inevitably established. And if that information is common to a group of people, then automatically the connection to their egregore occurs. A subject, living in society of those like him, cannot avoid connecting to an egregore. But the relation of a subject with egregores, generated by culture, may be different:
● a person may be a captive of an egregore, in the sense that the person’s behaviour is not determined by his own will, but is a continuation of the egregore algorithmics (this applies to egregorial leaders – those, whose will dominates the egregore, but only within the limits of existing egregorial algorithms and informational provisioning, outside the limits of which they cannot go);
● a person may be a manager of an egregore (a manager of an egregore is not tied by its egregorial algorithmics and information provisioning), in relation to which its other members may be captives;
● an egregore may be common to a group of people, none of whom is its captive, and exactly this is the normal state of relations of one’s personal psyche and an egregore.
In relation to the plot of the film, if all “connections” to an enslaving “Matrix” are removed, then the heroes of the film, free from the bad “Matrix”, should be in miraculous harmony without any internal problems and conflicts in their collective. At this point of the film, however, the plot appears to fail.
Due to the fact that the imagination of script writers, producers, and actors lies within the prison of the matrix of the Biblical civilization, and the fact that the authors of the film during its creation turned out to be morally incapable of exiting its walls, they do not have the slightest idea about the nature of any alternative matrix-predetermination and the way of life under its conceptual power. For this reason, the heroes of the film, having been physically freed of the evil “Matrix”, in the supposed “real world” behave exactly like characters living under the power of the “Matrix”. It is useful to correlate with Russian literature, the authors of which worked on helping humanity to not formally, but actually free itself from the power of the biblical matrix: this is why characters in A.S. Pushkin’s “Ruslan and Ludmila”, the novel of N.G. Chernyshevsky “What to do?”, many works of I.A. Efremov, first and foremost – “Bull’s hour” and “Andromeda Nebula”, behave completely different than do most characters in the works of crowd-“elitist” biblical culture. This is an indication that the imagination of many Russian artists was free from the oppression of the Bible in all times.
The script writers and their “extrasense” and occult consultants seem to have forgotten about the main system of “connections”, which essentially turns humanity, carrying the technical civilization, into a parasitic virus on Mother-Earth. This system of “connections” has been well known from ancient times, and even in the times of the stone age this connection was depicted rather artlessly, very clearly and understandably.
What could this mean...?
This is not a primitive analogue of contemporary obscene naturalistic drawings that can be seen on the walls of toilets and elevators. The drawing is an allegory (in modified images of the material world) to the reality, taking place in one of the nonmaterial worlds. Let’s consider it for a moment.
The psyche of any individual is a multicomponent informational system. In particular, the psyche is an informational-metric system, since the psyche is first and foremost algorithmics. Algorithmics is a succession of steps of information processing, which is impossible without different matrices intrinsic to the algorithmics – matrices, which represent various types of “traces” (or “scans”) from the objective all-enclosing measure-matrix – the Highest Predetermination of Life.
The psyche generates the person’s behavior on the basis of that, which in computer terms is named “dataware” (informational provisioning). The dataware of human behavior has several components, and includes:
● instincts of the biological species “Homo Sapiens”;
● habits (skills) acquired from social culture in a ready-to-use state and executed for the most part (like instinctive programs) automatically in perturbing situations;
● products of the individual’s own intellectual efforts;
● intuition, which includes several components:
● results autonomously (from the surrounding environment) created by the work of unconscious levels of the individual’s psyche;
● spiritual (biofield) influence on the psyche by the collective psyche, which the individual partakes in within the spiritual world;
● external delusions and “possession” (i.e. “being possessed”), as a result of field-level influence on the individual of other subjects, both materialised and non-materialized spirits;
● direct guidance from Above.
Behaviour dataware sourced from certain components named above, does not always coincide conflict-free with information provisioning sourced from the other named components. Depending on the individual’s preference, he allows this or that algorithm to realize in his behaviour (both in the material and spiritual worlds), which determines the psyche type of the individual (regardless of whether or not the individual realizes what a psyche type is). As a result of ambiguity in deciding on a preference when a conflict between different components of dataware occurs, in society more or less clearly manifests a tendency to polarization:
● on one pole are those, who (for the most part unconsciously) strives to subordinate everything to the satisfaction of their instinctive needs;
● on the other pole are those, who more or less consciously strive to bring everything into harmony with God’s Providence and live within the course of God’s guidance.
The first are carriers of animal type of psyche structure, and are in essence talking human-like monkeys, trained by the cultural environment of the civilization. The second are at different stages on the path to irreversibly become human beings – carriers of humane psyche type.
Between these two poles are distributed (in the mathematical sense of statistical distribution) all others: various biorobots-zombies, who deny both the freedom of their intellect in defining and solving problems, and intuition, subordinating their will to external influences.
From the zombies one can distinguish a specific group – demonic personalities, who do not reject their intellect and intuition, but reject the guidance from Above and are in a state of intoxication from willfulness – both their own, and that of other materialised and non materialized beings.
With more careful consideration, zombies, including demonic personalities, are all equally carriers of animal psyche type, whose instincts are bound into chains of societal norms or manifest (either directly, or somehow pervertedly) through various masks and veneers in the culture of hedonism[10]10
Hedonism (from greek hedone – pleasure) – a school of thought in ethics asserting pleasure and amusement as the highest aim and motive of human behavior (Ekipur). In the new time it is character to utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is a principle of judging all phenomena based on their usefulness. In contemporary lively language, hedonism is slavery in reckless, all-destroying, suicidal voluptuousness.
[Закрыть], subordinating all components of the psyche to extracting pleasure from everything.
Instincts of a biological species are programs of certain aim-oriented behavior of its representatives, not some undetermined instincts “in general”. In the life of any species a dominant role is played by sexual instincts, under the influence of which the population is regenerated in the succession of generations. Algorithms of regenerating the population in all dual-gender species, which humanity is, by their different and functionally specialized fragments are distributed over the representatives of each gender.
Instincts of the “Homo Sapiens” are such, that men with an animal psyche type are psychologically subordinated to women. To regenerate the population of the species, the man is instinctively programmed to service the woman and the children she gives birth to. But this psychological subordination – the dependence of a man with animal psyche type on the “favorability” of the woman towards him – takes place independent of whether or not the two have had sexual relations or not. This allows to understand the direct meaning of the drawing shown earlier: the woman controls the man remotely by means of psychological dependence, based on sexual instincts, of the man on her, which is visually depicted in the drawing as a long connection, like a cable connecting a robot to its remote control terminal.
But the fate of a woman with an animal psyche type is not one to envy. Not one life has been broken by the subordination of women to their instincts, related to well-known attributes of the female body: lust for sexual gratification, which in the biosphere is naturally followed by conception; and maternal instincts, abusing which, children “weave ropes” out of their parents, especially mothers[11]11
In accordance with this arrangement of instinctually-based behavior programs, under an animal psyche type:
● direct psychological pressure of a woman on her spouse is effective in the majority of cases, but she herself is defenceless against direct pressure on her by her children (a woman can generally protect herself from it only if she causes direct pressure on children by her spouse);
● direct psychological pressure of the woman’s spouse on her children is effective, if children do not protect themselves by causing pressure of their mother on her spouse.
In a family, where in one way or another the animal psyche type dominates, but in a soft form of relations, when direct pressure is rarely applied, the mother can explain to the father, what the children want; and children may explain to the mother, why she is having conflicts with the father (or a man who has taken on the duties of a father).
But this normal behaviour arrangement may be manipulated by the change to demonic psyche type, turning the life of a family into a silent (internal, spiritual) or loud nightmare: children demonstrate their maturity to their father, at the same time daughters strive to gain female psychological power over him. Husbands begin to treat their wives like they have treated their children. Mothers try to gain female psychological power over grown sons or cannot live in harmony with their aged matured daughters, if they are unable to force their children into psychological infancy, when the will of children is not active. If mothers manage to maintain children in psychological infancy or are unrelenting in their strive to force children into psychological infancy, then mothers themselves mangle the fates of their children, destroying their families and excluding the very possibility of family happiness of children in their own families.
In a family, built upon the domination among its members of a humane psyche type, conflicts – including those resulting from change in family composition and age of its members – do not occur. Under non-humane psyche types, change in age of family members, change in family composition always results in conflicts, as a result of inadequacy of unchanging algorithms of instinctive programs to changing life circumstances.
The fact that such behavior has been well-masked by perverted cultural shells created by civilization, which have covered in the behavior of people that, which is unmistakably manifested in the behavior of March cats, does not change the essence of the problem.
No one can accuse the American cinema of being delicate in questions of publicly displaying the naked human body and various manipulations with sexual organs. The fact that the the “connection” shown in the stone-age drawing is not shown in the movie, speaks to a lack of understanding of its true role in the fate of contemporary civilization by the film’s creators. However, as it is said, “show nature out the door – it will show itself in through the window”, and if the problem really exists, then an artist will, regardless of his wishes, reflect it in his work. Such is the case with the film “Matrix”.
Even though the film does not show the “connection” on the basis of sexual instincts is in scenes of disconnection from “Matrix” feelers and of medical aid to Anderson, the authors of the film have not managed to avoid considering its influence on the fate of the resistance’s battle with the bad “Matrix”. In scenes, where “combat training” of Anderson is shown, among other programs developed by the “real world” programmers in fighting against the “Matrix”, there is an episode which corresponds to exactly this “connection”.
Morpheus and Anderson walk along the street of a city, simulated by the training program. In the monotonous crowd a woman in red walks by them, with her appearance sharply standing out. Anderson, having passed the woman in red, under the guidance of his unconscious automatisms, follows her with his eyes, as his instincts tell him to. But the “woman in red” turns into an “agent” of the “Matrix” and nearly opens fire. The attentive, thinking spectator will understand, that a human – to be free from bad matrices – should have such a structure of unconscious automatism algorithmics, as to not be hostage of instincts, as well as their cultural shells.