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Электронная библиотека книг » (IP of the USSR) Internal Predictor of the USSR » книга "The Matrix and “The Matrix” — two opposites. (On the recipe of obtaining “freedom” in the movie “The Matrix”)"
The Matrix and “The Matrix” — two opposites. (On the recipe of obtaining “freedom” in the movie “The Matrix”) - (IP of the USSR) Internal Predictor of the USSR
  • Книга добавлена: 21 октября 2016, 18:02
обложка книги The Matrix and “The Matrix” — two opposites. (On the recipe of obtaining “freedom” in the movie “The Matrix”) - (IP of the USSR) Internal Predictor of the USSR

Название книги: The Matrix and “The Matrix” — two opposites. (On the recipe of obtaining “freedom” in the movie “The Matrix”)

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Many, especially from among the youth, have already seen the movie "The Matrix". There are different opinions about the film, but its popularity is undebatable. Even in V. Putin’s book "From the first person..." there is mention of the film by the president’s youngest daughter: "We now have a new favourite movie — "The Matrix" — but dad has not seen it yet. We invited him. He said he does not have time, but will definitely watch it later". So, what is the movie about?

  • Просмотров: 370 |

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