Текст книги "My poems on English (СИ)"
Автор книги: Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
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Инна Тигги, (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin/Инна Александровна Бальзина-Бальзин, ник «Тигги» «Инна Тигги», Перевод с «Быть или не быть?». Шекспир. «Гамлет». Версия. 29 июля 2010. 5 августа 2010. 4 августа 2010. 8 августа 2010. Открывки. Версия.
Перевод с "Быть или не быть?". Шекспир. "Гамлет". Версия.
Быть или не быть? Песня Странника. Версия перевод
Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин / Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
Another my small translation work from Samael poem from English to Russian, translated by Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin (nik Inna Tiggi)
Мы уйдем отсюда в Безвременье
Перевод Samael, в моей интерпретации
Посвящается Шини (Шинигами, Shinigami)
Мы уйдем отсюда, в Безвременье...
Мы уйдём отсюда в Никуда...
Сильной страстью открывая двери,
Где пребудет Сила навсегда.
Мы уйдём – но кто-то там остался...
за Краём по Времени идти
Свет звезды сияет, освещая
всех, кого тут надо нам найти.
Тигги, Инна (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin / Инна Бальзина-Бальзин)
Another my small translation work from Samael poem from English to Russian, translated by Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin (nik Inna Tiggi)
Мы уйдем отсюда в Безвременье
Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин / Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
Another my translation on English from my own poem on Russian
It was a boy, and was he blue
3 сентября 2008.
Посвящается Shinigami (Шини или Шинигами)
It was a boy, and was he blue
It was a boy, and he was blue,
or orange, or with straps,
sometimes with lights
sometimes was dark
and lighting or as ShwaRfh.
he tried undestand himself!
it was terrific hard!
but he alive and he exists...
and he is blue, all times...
*** Это была попытка перевода с русского на английский, моего же стихотворения «Жил мальчишка голубой».
Но вышло по сути отдельное сихотворение в итоге – другое.
** Для меня английский – иностранный
Оригинально – что я хотела перевести – это:
Стихотворение посвящено Шини (иначе Шинигами, Shinigami)
Жил мальчишка голубой
нежно-нежно полосатый
не такой он, не такой
остальные – те богаты
Но и он богатым был
только это по-другому
и кому то там светил
голубой своей волною
ничего, что ты другой
как родился-так родился
голубым – так голубым
лишь с собою разбирисья
Инна Тигги
Тигги, Инна «Жил мальчишка голубой»
Тигги, Инна, "It was a boy and he was blue"
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin (nick Inna Tiggi)
Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин (ник и псевдоним Инна Тигги)
Alexandr Grin (sounded as Alexander Green) is a famous Russian writer of his books 'Scarlet Sails' and others, as a romantic fantasy tales stories.
Scarlet Sails and books of Alexandr Grin
The life was so as a salt,
a salt, a salt, a salt.
With no a hope for a change.
And still without a love.
But open a book! Another World!
With Sparks! and so kind!
The love will bring
on Scarlet Sails,
Beloved Captain.
And you may walk
Just on the waves
And run and walk
And dream. And so free!
And All This Word -
is Yours!
Just look and see!
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin / Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
PS There are famous Soviet time romantic Russian films on the base of his books. It is a Musuem of Alexander Grin in Pheodosia in Crimea.
PSS I am thinking, the female name Asole, may be a play of word A Sole and salt which prounanced as solt on Russian, and may English word a sole, and Russian word [solt] for a salt had some connections.
There is a song as Gypsy style song on Russian – my idea was to try to translate my song from Russian language on English
5-6 сентября 2014 / 5-6 September 2014
September 2, 2014 – September 6, 2014
*** A working process *** The translation from Russian to English*
The Shelter of Branches / The Hut / The Tent
The Tent, The Hut, The Shelter of Branches, a song
With Beloved – a paradise, even if in shelter!
Just where do I find you?
That hut – but where?
Where are you?
Somewhere in there. That's so high,
A smallest bird is in the sky.
A thinnest voice is sounding.
Excuse his work – he is singing songs!
And the soul flies free!
And between the stars and high!
Song pours! What is sung!
Without Borders carries it!
Ah, time and again!
Rest a bit!
And then – then the road ...
Or work a lot ...
Tell me, please, about a love?
Such that I'd believe you?
That it will be warm inside,
To give for the soul – the window!?
And then, a tent – Palace.
He is under the sky, the stars.
And then I'm with you together -
Time has stopped for us forever!
Ah, the time! And again!
I may look at your beloved eyes forever!
I need to look at your beloved figure always!
Even people say me – this is so fool!
Fool – that's nothing!
If it is in the heart of splashing
Of a warmest wave of love,
Bringing me straight near you!
Eh, eh,
The endless time!
I do not count it at all!
As it'd be eternal!
And under the stars on the way
There are plenty roads.
Were will we find ours?
By walking for so longer?
The smallest bird's still in the sky,
Circling over, singing!
A silence here – and no anyone!
Just heart's so fast and beating!
Oh! Oh!
There are all so good for us!
We may love each another!
And the nature too!
How beautiful! Let see!
Every leaf is here green!
Lace from shadows on your face
Covering all with a tenderness.
Eh, eh!
This is so beautiful!
All are luring as a secret of love.
I do not know what be next.
And in winter, when the frost,
The snow-covered your face – I see you:
With white thread of whiskers from your hat,
Your lingonberry skin as forest berries.
And always – your face!
And always – your eyes!
You are the one for me, my darling!
Mine is always, Best of the Best!
You are My Hope, you're my Desired!
Halves, halves!
They had been scattered on The Earth!
Apples flew from apple trees down
In a time then their time had came.
Kisses. Kisses
A love, caressing.
Children run all after that.
And again as new around, so start again!
Inna Tiggi
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
By Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin (Inna Tiggi) (Inna)
*With the help of Google and Yandex.
My song and poem on Russian, as a resource and a reference:
My translation – a working process:
The Tent, The Hut, The Shelter of Branches
The Shelter of Branches, The Hut, The Tent
The Shelter of Branches, The Hut, The Tent
* This my work is not finished, there is a temporal working result.
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin / Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
2nd September – 6th September 2014
*** A working process ** a song*
* Russian to English Translation
The Shelter of Branches / The Hut / The Tent
The Tent, The Hut, The Shelter of Branches, a song
С милым рай и в шалаше!
Только где ж найти то?
Тот шалаш – в какой стране?
Милый, милый! Где ты?
With Beloved – a paradise, even if in shelter!
Just where do I find you?
That hut – but where?
Where are you?
Где-то там. Что высоко,
Птаха в небе мается.
Верещит – поёт своё,
Трудится, старается!
Somewhere in there. That's so high,
A smallest bird is in the sky.
A thinnest voice is sounding.
Excuse his work – he is singing songs!
А душа летит свободно!
И меж звёзд и высоко!
Песня льётся! Что поётся!
Без границ её несёт!
And the soul flies free!
And between the stars and high!
Song pours! What is sung!
Without Borders carries it!
Эх, раз, и ещё раз!
Отдохнём немного!
А потом – потом дорога...
Иль работать много...
Ah, time and again!
Rest a bit!
And then – then the road ...
Or work a lot ...
Ты скажи мне о любви?
Чтобы я поверила?
Чтобы стало мне тепло,
Чтобы дать душе окно.
Tell me, please, about a love?
Such that I'd believe you?
That it will be warm inside,
To give for the soul – the window!?
И тогда, шалаш – дворец,
Он под небом, звёздами.
И тогда с тобой вдвоём -
Время остановлено!
And then, a tent – Palace.
He is under the sky, the stars.
And then I'm with you together -
Time has stopped for us forever!
Эх, раз! Ещё раз!
И любимые глаза!
И любимая фигура!
Даже если буду дура!
Ah, the time! And again!
I may look at your beloved eyes forever!
I need to look at your beloved figure always!
Even people say me – this is so fool!
Дура – это ничего!
Коли в сердце плещется
Теплоты любви волна
Что несёт к тебе меня!
Fool – that's nothing!
If it is in the heart of splashing
Of a warmest wave of love,
Bringing me straight near you!
Эх, эх,
Время бесконечное!
Не считаю я его!
Будто оно вечное!
Eh, eh,
The endless time!
I do not count it at all!
As it'd be eternal!
И под звёздами в пути
Есть свои дороги.
Где ж свою то нам найти?
Исходив так много?
And under the stars on the way
There are plenty roads.
Were will we find ours?
By walking for so longer?
Птаха та, что в вышине
Вьётся, и поёт всё!
Тишина – и никого.
Только сердце бъётся!
The smallest bird's still in the sky,
Circling over, singing!
A silence here – and no anyone!
Just heart's so fast and beating!
Эх! Эх!
Тут ведь хорошо так!
Можем мы любить друг друга!
И природу тоже!
Oh! Oh!
There are all so good for us!
We may love each another!
And the nature too!
Как красиво – посмотри!
Зелень у листочков!
Кружева вот от тени
На твоё лицо легли!
How beautiful! Let see!
Every leaf is here green!
Lace from shadows on your face
Covering all with a tenderness.
Эх, эх!
Это так красиво!
Манит таинством любви.
Что-то будет впереди?
Eh, eh!
This is so beautiful!
All are luring as a secret of love.
I do not know what be next.
А зимою, когда мороз,
То лицо заснежено.
Белой ниточкой усов,
Бруснична кожа, с белою.
And in winter, when the frost,
The snow-covered your face – I see you:
With white thread of whiskers from your hat,
Your lingonberry skin as forest berries.
И всегда – твоё лицо!
И всегда – твои глаза!
Ты единственный, мой милый.
Дорогой, родной, красивый!
And always – your face!
And always – your eyes!
You are the one for me, my darling!
Mine is always, Best of the Best!
You are My Hope, you're my Desired!
Половинки, половинки!
Разбросало по Земле!
С яблонь яблоки слетали,
Время их когда пришло!
Halves, halves!
They had been scattered on The Earth!
Apples flew from apple trees down
In a time then their time had came.
Целовались. Целовались.
И ластились. И ласкались.
Дети бегали потом...
И опять всё кувырком!
Kisses. Kisses
A love, caressing.
Children run all after that.
And again as new around, so start again!
Inna Tiggi
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
By Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin (Inna Tiggi) (Inna)
The help of Google and Yandex.
From Google – their translation, a link
From Yandex – their help:
My song and poem on Russian for the translation, as a resource and a reference:
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin / Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
City song
My dear, I love you,
You do not forget me,
You're my forever.
The night passed, and the morning comes.
And dawn, slowly rises.
He came up – it is time to:
– Oh, and are you barefoot? As well, in the bed!
My dear, I love you,
You do not forget me,
You're my forever.
That's really stretch out your ray of sunshine.
In the morning the husband will come home.
He will ask you: "My Angel! How have you been
Without me there in the night, all alone? "
You say: "So was longing in the night,
without you, my dear husband, I had one.
All time I was waiting for you and waited.
Lost its lumpy bed, without you. "
He will say: – There has been someone else?
You'll get: – An young artist.
There were buzzed drops outside, the rain.
I opened a door, welcoming him to come.
Husband asks: – What have you been doing here?
You say:– Songs sang it for all day
and in the evening we read poems.
I was so tired! Lie down in bed?
Ask:– Are you jealous, eh?
He's just a guest. He didn't do anything.
And after all, I love here only you one.
You are my husband. And I'm your wife!
My dear, I love you,
You do not forget me,
You're my forever.
When your husband leaves again.
I'm begging you to let me know.
When the weather is either I'll come.
Sit just so I'll stop.
My dear, I love you,
You do not forget me,
You're my forever.
Inna Tiggi
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
– The translation of my poem on Russian –
Городская песенка
Милая моя, я люблю тебя,
Ты не забывай меня,
Моя ты навсегда.
Ночь прошла, и утро настаёт.
И рассвет потихонечку встаёт.
Он поднялся – ему уже пора:
– Ну, а ты что, босиком? А ну, в кровать!
Милая моя, я люблю тебя,
Ты не забывай меня,
Моя ты навсегда.
Вот уж солнце протянуло лучик свой.
Муж поутру прийдёт к себе домой.
Спросит: "Ангел мой! Как ты была
Без меня тут в ночи, всё одна?"
Скажешь: "Так тосковала в ночи,
без тебя, муженёк, я одна.
Всё ждала я тебя и ждала.
Сбилась комом кровать, без тебя."
Скажет: – Был ли тут кто-то другой?
Ты ответишь: – Артист молодой.
За окошком шумела капель.
От дождя его спрятала в сень.
Спросит муж – Что вы делали здесь?
Скажешь: – Песни пел он целый день,
а под вечер стихи мне читал.
Так устала я! Ляжем в кровать?
Спросишь: – Ты что ль, ревнуешь к нему?
Просто гость. Он совсем не к чему.
Ведь люблю то я только тебя.
Ты мой муж. И твоя я жена!
Милая моя, я люблю тебя,
Ты не забывай меня,
Моя ты навсегда.
Когда муж твой уедет опять.
Я прошу тебя, дать мне то знать.
При погоде любой я прийду.
Посидеть просто так я зайду.
Милая моя, я люблю тебя,
Ты не забывай меня,
Моя ты навсегда.
Инна Тигги (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin / Инна Бальзина-Бальзин)
City Song
May be
May be on day... it will be a peace
you will do what you like
nothing will bother
and a drop from champagne
would be fine as a fountain,
celebrated to start to build снова
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
Great Britain, Nottinghamshire
French promise
An female pronounced 'I love you'
It was a true, but just as a spark.
She forgot, another someone
shared a bed, and hearing Love.
Oh, and ups, the some about
would be a truth to say again
if the state deleted a promise
as a weakestest female.
As a strongest wind with clouds
would be a play with Lady's hat -
a giving a promise, taking money,
changing mind. So sorry, Sir.
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
Великобритания, Ноттингемшире
Французкое слово чести
Женщина «люблю» сказала, -
только длилось это миг.
Глядь – другой уже в кровати,
и другому говорит.
Ах, увы, порой и страны
прямь как женщины шальны.
Слово дав – потом кидают.
Шляпка по ветру летит.
Я верна. Даю в том слово.
Что люблю и защитю.
Но реал – простите – снова.
Упс. Пардон. Слаба я, Сир.
Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
25 июня 2015
В правительстве Франции допустили предоставление убежища Ассанджу и Сноудену
Французкое слово чести / French promise
My attempts to translate my poems from Russian to English in my work 'Mathematica Childhood. The Theory of The Time, The Time Travelling, Conflicts and Their Solutions. 2001-2015'
The Rose
The Rose have her really needle-liked thorns.
But she never used them to attack you.
Her sharp claws
Are just for a self-defense from a strong enemy
Whom may came to break her life.
But the first,
Before to use her thorns, she is saying:
– Please, see!
I am not attacking you, am I?
Be my friend, just to look at me!
I am a tender flower!
I do not attacking you!
I am alive and grow
and wish to live as you!
I am not able to build these ideas to poems on English. English is a foreign language for me.
My poems, translated from Russian to English by Google with my correction: (which poems are not as poems already) (not really successful):
Let Roses are thorns -
Not to offend anyone it.
To protect its beauty
Claws is a gentle flower.
A kindness ... yes, but sometimes it
Sword takes to protect themselves.
Not for the weak sword, the the strong enemy,
Who goes feasibly you.
But first ... it says:
Listen! If you are not a blind!
Look! The rose is standing just here,
A defenseless Rosa, Pal.
What is our body? It is just a drop!
The soul hovers invisibly.
If you are walking in crowd,
Nobody see as it flies.
Not a fox, but just a baby-fox,
still a small.
He is sitting
under an oak tree alone.
He is not a red – he's reddish
and if nothing guilty,
sweet tiny lump
with a clean gentle soul.
The originals – my poems on Russian, which I had tried to translate on English myself:
Пусть у Розы будут шипы -
Не обидет она никого.
Для защиты своей красоты
Когти нежные носит цветок.
Доброта... да, порой и она
Меч берёт для защиты себя.
Не на слабого меч, на врага,
Кто идёт посильней на тебя.
Но вначале... она говорит:
Слушай! Cовесть имей! Не слепой!
Посмотри! Просто Роза стоит,
Беззащитная Роза, Дружок.
Что наше тело? Просто капля!
Душа невидимо парит.
В толпе идут – её не видят
Как за тобой она летит.
Не плутишка, так, Лисёнок,
ещё маленький зверёнок
В щелке дерева под дубом
одиноко так сидит.
Он не рыжий – рыжеватый
и ни в чём не виноватый,
нежный крошечный комочек
с чистой нежною душой.
Доброта – это тёплое ласковое море, которе принимает тебя такого какой ты есть и ничего не требует взамен.
29 June 2010
Small doggie! small doggie!
Small doggies everywhere on the Earth!
They' barking! They' barking!
They barking on the people – not serious!
Small doggie! Small doggies!
They have their smallest hearts,
'ability to love!
But barkings... but barkings...
and this is so hard as so fast!
It's terrible! as this for so longer!
It's terrible! I'having this headache!
But as they look at you
with openned eyers!
they feel the some!,
as me! and you! and you!
Small doggies!
Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин /
Инна Тигги (Eanna Balzina-Balzin), "Small doggie!" (a song), 29 June 2010
Стихи, песня, танец, написаны моей дочкой Катей
Sprite ~ by Kate, a song By my daugther Kate
We went to the bar to get a drink
The bar was nealy full but we found a seat.
But I love her
Love... love... love...
I love her
I got Sprite and she
got Cherriate
Then we talked and talked
until it was late
But I love her
Love... love... love...
I love her
«Sprite» ~ by Kate, a song
*Названия напитков в песенке – это виды лимонада, были тогда популярны у детей в Великобритании.
Тигги, Инна, «Sprite ~ by Kate, a song»
28th February 2016
Nottinghamshire, Great Britain
To David Cameron
To David Cameron about Russian aggression in Eastern Europe
– Russians're badly, – Nanies teached:
– Russian men came overnight!
Just to rape all German women!
It was being in May 1945!
Poor German girls and women!
Allways men to come to rape them!
Russian men in May 1945,
were being evils to come to rape them!
Plenty years flushing over -
Other men to come to rape!
They from Africa!
And so, better! better! and not the some!
British Ladies, British women worried:
– Russian men may come!
They will rape all German Ladies!
and all British! Americans!
– See, though windows: – Are they coming?
Are they here? Ready to rape?
Just for nothing! Really for nothings!
Some funny things as a war with deaths!
– Dear Tommy! Never! Never!
Never leave, as me'm your Mum!
Mummie know all for better! Please, be good!
Forever son!
– Tommie, dear! never leave your Mummie! Not!
Or whom will put to tie your shoes on your foot?
All these women are dirty women! Prostitudes! and not me!
You are my small son forever! Sit! I bring some food to you!
But this time will come, to leave all,
as for grown up babies-birds,
as for kittens, as for puppies,
to be adults to do waht you want.
So terrible to leaning how to survive,
How to fly, how to be!
And no Mumies, and no Dadies,
Just on one, one feet!
Time to be to stay together.
Time to leave to be alone.
Time to return to thanks all knowns,
Time to love, and time to build.
No advices how to vote.
Each will put his own vote.
We will see all our votes
How they will fly as birds.
A river, boats, boats, boats,
Some on left, and some on right.
Such as votes, voices, wishes,
may be right, or, will be right.
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
1. EU referendum (*in 23rd June 2016 in UK)
: David Cameron warns Brexit could make it harder to combat Russian aggression in Eastern Europe
2. To David Cameron about Russian aggression in Eastern Europe
Poem By Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
4 May 2013
Nottinghamshire, Great Britain
Knights of The Round Table
Knights of The Round Table
were charting for all evening.
They have not a drink at all:
The Law doesn't permit to do so.
Инна Тигги (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin / Инна Бальзина-Бальзин)
James Bond's style Fox'es Grapes
"The Fox have saw vine grapes,
but as they were being higher",
he'd burned all:
– no one
will eat as not for me!
as I am so small!"
The desert had been graw
no water, and nor plants
– Upps! – he have said: – Again!
and Peas from his stomack:
replied: – Upps! Upps! Upps!
and an empty place around.
with a boredom till a dieth.
and German people laughed:
– he'd ate all peas again!
– he may be as Shake-S'Pea,
but only not Shakespeare!
Не грусти, дорогой, пусть далёка дорога...
Синий месяц сияет... вдали за окном...
Свет бросая на всё... тихо-тихо уходят...
Ну, а мы посидим, просто чая попьём...
Inna Tiggi
Инна Тигги (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin / Инна Александровна Бальзина-Бальзин)
May 28, 2013
Great Britain, Nottinghamshire
Romans of the first breath *The translation of my poem from Russian to English *
I fell in love with his big ass,
When he took a meal for guests upstaise
I'm looking after him – his back legs wag.
How good it is! As booty is perfect!
Great body, sweet man,
He is always ready to serve the ladies,
The waiter, he is on his feet all day, so
beautiful. And very good! And booty is perfect!
Even the soul. But it's that invisibly.
I can think of so much for him.
And here's the rest – there stands a man,
How good he is. Oh God, how perfect!
And I gave a tip in his hand snealthy.
Let him to be alive, so beautiful and powerful beast!
Sighing softly, I shall look down my eyes.
And then, I gone. Perhaps for ever, for alway..
Walking times, in the darkness, I see his back.
His job has finished. and he is walking.
But unknown to me, someone else's man,
rushing to someone to his home.
Sometimes fate brings us as a Comet.
Rushing hours, mixed in a instant.
We parted forever, but feelings are alive.
Thanks just that you live! and you're alive!
Inna Tiggi (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin / Инна Бальзина-Бальзин)
PS: This is the translation of my poem «Романс первого вздоха» from Russian to English, see the original text on Russian by link http://samlib.ru/b/balxzinabalxzin_i_a/romans280513.shtml
– the original text of poem on Russian –
28 мая 2013
Посвящается официанту Володе из ресторана "Orient Sultans", Юрмала, Латвия, кто спас мою жизнь, в трудную для меня минуту, вовремя предложив мне горячий чай с лимоном. Спасибо Вам, Володя!
Романс первого вздоха
Влюбилась я в его большую попу,
когда несёт наверх, еду гостям,
смотрю я вслед – виляют задом ноги.
Как он хорош! Как попа хороша!
Огромный телом, сладостный мужчина,
всегда готов он дамам услужить,
Официант, весь день он на ногах,
красивых. И сам хорош! И попа хороша!
Ещё душа. Но это, что незримо.
Придумать я могу так много за него.
А вот в остатке – там стоит мужчина,
Как он хорош. О, боже, как хорош!
И чаевые всуну в руку я украдкой.
Пускай живёт, красивый мощный зверь!
Вздыхая тихо, опущу я глазки.
И встав, уйду. Быть может, насовсем.
Гуляя раз, во тьме, я вижу его спину.
Закончена работа – он идёт.
Но незнакомый мне, чужой мужчина,
торопится к кому то там домой.
Судьба порою сводит нас, кометой.
Проносятся часы, сплетаясь в миг.
Расстались навсегда, но чувства живы.
Спасибо просто так, что ты живёшь!
Инна Тигги (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin / Инна Бальзина-Бальзин)
Ресторан «Orient Sultans», Jurmala, Latvia:
http://www.restoran-orient.lv/big/i2s.htm http://www.restoran-orient.lv/sultan_en.htm
«Романс первого вздоха» http://samlib.ru/b/balxzinabalxzin_i_a/romans280513.shtml
Romans of the first breath *The translation of my poem from Russian to English
12th June 2016
Great Britain, Nottinghamshire
Translation of the famous Russian joke childish Song about The Grasshopper:
It was a Grasshopper in a grass, sitting here!
There was The Grasshopper, sitting on the grass.
He was as The Cucumber, as some the
Let's imagine yourself,
Imagine yourself,-
How he was a green!
He ate just one grass,
He ate just the grass,
He did not humilated no [one smallest],
And was so friendly with flies.
Let's imagine yourself,
Imagine yourself,-
How he was friendly with flies!
But there was The Frog-Lady, coming,
But The Frog-Lady had came!
She had her biggest hungry stomach
and she had ate this Grasshooper!
Let's imagine yourself,
Imagine yourself, -
How This Frog-Lady ate this poor Grasshopper!
He never thought, he never expected
He never knew such his fortuna
as such his the end!
Let's imagine yourself,
Imagine yourself, -
How he never thought his fortuna!
Let's imagine yourself,
Imagine yourself, -
How he never thought
About this such the end!
By Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
from Russian songs "The Grasshooper sat on the grass" for kids
– Appendix –
Russian joke childish Song about The Green Grasshopper:
В траве сидел Кузнечик,
В траве сидел Кузнечик,
Совсем как Огуречик, -
Зелененький он был.
Представьте себе,
Представьте себе -
Зелёненьким он был!
Он ел одну лишь травку,
Он ел одну лишь травку,
Не трогал и козявку,
И с мухами дружил.
Представьте себе,
Представьте себе -
И с мухами дружил!
Но вот пришла Лягушка,
Но вот пришла Лягушка,
Прожорливое брюшко,
И съела Кузнеца.
Представьте себе,
Представьте себе -
И съела Кузнеца!
Не думал, ни гадал он,
Совсем не ожидал он,
Совсем не ожидал он,
Такого вот конца!
Представьте себе,
Представьте себе -
Не думал, не гадал он!
Представьте себе,
Представьте себе -
Такого вот конца!
Links / Ссылки
1. Песня "В траве сидел кузнечик" на ютюбе поиск ссылка
2. Песня "В траве сидел кузнечик" на ютюбе.
3. "The Grasshopper", a song, translated by
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin / Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
30 June 2016
Nottinghamshire, Great Britian
Dedicated to some unnamed here people
The Digging
A Poem
I am able not to dig, digging for a while.
If to dig more deep and deep would be this as a fine?
All this dust is so dark, dirty that's disturbing!
A Digging Diger never stop!
Just I can stop this digging!
O, ye, I may not to dig!
Ye, I can not to dig
O, I am able not to dig!
Just digging, digging, digging...
Inna Tiggi
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
Инна Тигги
Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
2nd – 3rd August 2016
Great Britain, Nottinghamshire
Dedicated to Sy, having his birthday on 3rd August
Translation my Russian Poem to English
To You
The rattling noise from the street -
I looked out:
That you go, dragging your
What is called an old
Suitcase on wheels.
And the heart pierced feelings
As the light of the sun,
From beneath dark puffy
Clouds in the sky:
It's you!
It you walk along the street,
just past my windows.
I jumped outside and called you.
It would be so stupid quarrels,
And do not talk,
When the heart is jumping
In breast
The sight of you,
far and so close.
As two of the breeze in the sky,
As the wind and clouds,
As the two birds,
Flying close together,
Sometimes echoes:
– I love you! Listen! Feel this!
Fly away, but, please, come back to me!