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My poems on English (СИ)
  • Текст добавлен: 27 апреля 2017, 04:30

Текст книги "My poems on English (СИ)"

Автор книги: Инна Бальзина-Бальзин




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Бальзина-Бальзин Инна Александровна
My poems on English

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin / Inna Tiggi

Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин / Инна Тигги


3.VI.2016 – 22.XI.2016

Great Britain, Nottinghamshire,

Boughton, near New Ollerton – Sutton-in-Ashfield, near Mansfield


My poems and songs on English

Some my poems on English

including some in Russian to English Translation


* My native language is Russian

* English is a foreign and Second language for me

* I am not a professional writer, the writing is my hobby



Great Britain, Nottinghamshire


– O, Angel, lying over plenty times,

still an angel,

whom had tried

for all survive.

He knew the light and a darkness,

plenty shades,

becoming through all sins

to be a man.



Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin




14 September 2015

Great Britain, Nottinghamshire

Monkey in the Zoo

Monkeys in the ZOO discussed

what would God ... give them more food.

One Big Monkey loud shouts:

– I saw God ! I know all !!!

– O, You're Saint! Lets be Provider

For all us in a Future life !!!

– What we need to be beloved?

– Why had God created us?

The Provider Monkey, proud,

staying straight, for longer speech,

said to others plenty speeches.

Sad, be honest, would this see.

Smallest little bits, creatures,

they're alive, they live in Zoo,

Staff, when drunken, kindly gave them

balls, toys, food, before them leave.

Clouds on the sky, and the nature,

a broken doll without a leg,

a dandelion, which was as a present,

died, dry, for a duspin bin.

Inna Tiggi

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

– The original poem on Russian –

1 октября 2014

Великобритания, Ноттингемшире


Обезьяна в зоопарке,

Сидя в клетке и на палке,

Говорила всем кругом:

– Бог сказал мне – свои планы!

Как мы жить должны в нирване!

Ей товарки отвечали:

– Ты – Святая Обезьяна!

– Ты – Пророк! Веди же нас

В светлу жизнь и в тот же час!

Только клетка на замочке?

В клетке – стая, там комочки,

Обезьянчики сидят

И Богами быть хотят!

А привратник, как напьётся,

То игрушку им подбросит:

Мячик, книжку, мишку, шарик,

Куклу, просто одуванчик.

Инна Тигги

Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

Monkey in the Zoo




19.9.2015. Great Britain, Nottinghamshire

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

Dedicated to British Journalist Graham Phillips

What would be if Graham married on Ukrainian girl from Kiev

If Graham would married on that Ukrainian girl from Kiev

She would educated his son

that this is all right

to bomb properties of other people

in their own country

still plenty times

She would educated his son

that this is all right -

to kill kids and women

and pensioners

just if they are from another Ethnic

and their native language

is Russian

and not Ukrainian.

If Graham would married on that Ukrainian girl from Kiev

She would educated his daughter

from her Ukrainian Mum

to work as a prostitute,

staying on the streets of Amsterdam.

And later Graham

would walk on the streets of Amsterdam,

looking for all prostitutes here, standing around all times

He would try find his own beloved daughter here:

– O, My God. Where is she?

Where is she now?

And later,

on return back to his home,

after a work

in a war conflict zone,

He would find

his wife,

this Ukrainian girl or a woman


the traditional Ukrainian village manners:

Her lovers would be

in the bed with her,

all naked,

and her lover would be

hidden in the wardrobe,


under the bed,

and still staying in their garden.

As a British Journalist

in the war zone conflict

Graham Phillips would be


– What his son

from this Ukrainian girl from Kiev

did in Ukraine,

as all bombed?

Graham Phillips would

recorded died kids,

and still their died mothers,

His records would be

wounded kids and women


parts of body, as a hand and a leg,

without a vision,

no eyes, -

all this job of his own beloved native son,

his own creation

for us all.

Graham Phillips would

as a British Journalist

recorded the life

of prostitutes

in different countries

as Ukraine, Amsterdam,


and all others.

And suddenly, he would

see his own daughter

on the streets of Amsterdam,

staying with other prostitutes,

tried to earn own money,

the some,

as her Ukrainian Mum.

And when he would return back to home,

back from his this job,

He would see his Ukrainian wife

rounded her lovers

plenty times.

Her lovers would be

in the bed with her,

all naked,

and her lover would be

hidden in the wardrobe,

and under the bed,

and still staying in their garden.

In the small Russian village in Ukraine

trending from loud bombs,

a small girl asked her Dad:

– Say me, why they so hate us

trying to kill us all?

And her father answered to his daughter,

in a small town in Ukraine

under bombs:

– We talk all on another language,

not on English

or Ukrainian,

that is all.

Nor Americans built

our houses

Nor Ukrainians

from The West

– All they came

on other people properties

to destroy all

and so – to steal.

Jesus said – Not to kill.

But they killed us here of all.

Jesus said – Not to steal

But they damaged properties of all

Jesus said – Please, Forgive

Your enemies, dear pal.

But they just whom are thinking


or the wish not to be together

with whom are murders

of their kids.

Look, when Scotland

and Scots said the similar wish

as enough

be together with Brits,

David Cameron and British Government

had not sent

British Army

to bomb


Scottish people

just voted.


what was wrong

as to do

the some

in Ukraine?

not whom loud shouted always

but by the vote

from all simple Ukrainians?

Kiev was under American rules

and pushes

under orders from USA,

and without Merci

without a charting

just the order

to kill



English women are probably


God created just English

and it is all.

– Say me,

what would be right

for others?

Had God created

and them?

Please, read Bible,

Jesus was honest

He said as coming

to talk just

with Jews.

Jesus said

it would be not plenty places here

for all others,

to survive,


If Graham would married on that Ukrainian girl from Kiev,

She would educated his daughter

from her Ukrainian Mum

to work as a prostitute,

staying on the streets of Amsterdam.

And later Graham

would walk on the streets of Amsterdam,

looking though all prostitutes here,

standing around all times.

He would try to find his own beloved daughter here:

– O, My God. Where is she?

Where is she here?

If Graham would married on that Ukrainian girl from Kiev,

She would educated his son

that this is all right

to bomb properties of other people

in their own country

still plenty times

She would educated his son

that this is all right -

to kill kids and women

and pensioners

just if they are

from another Ethic

and their native language

is Russian

and not Ukrainian.

As a British Journalist

in the war zone conflict

Graham Phillips would all


– What his son

from this Ukrainian girl from Kiev

did in Ukraine,

as all bombed?

Graham Philips would

recorded died kids,

and still their died mothers.

His records would be

wounded kids and women


parts of bodies, as a hand and a leg,

without a vision,

no eyes.

– All this job of his own beloved native son

his own creation

for us

And when he would return back to home,

back from his this job,

He would see his Ukrainian wife,

rounded her lovers

plenty times.

Her lovers would be

in the bed with her,

all naked,

and her lover would be

hidden in the wardrobe,

and under the bed,

and still staying in their garden.


while you are reading these lines

of poem

translated from Russian

as we will be not here,

mostly of us,


And you all will go to see

our damaged houses

and no humans anywhere

just ghosts.

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

PS Translated from the original poem on Russian

'Женись Грэм на украинке', written by the some author



On Russian

Женись Грэм на украинке


What would be if Graham married on Ukrainian girl from Kiev



Мои стихи, посвящённые Грэму Филлипсу. Ссылки




3. On Russian

Николай Васильевич Гоголь

Вечера на хуторе близ Диканьки

To hear the reading, on Russian

Николай Гоголь. Вечера как хуторе близ Диканьки


The film, on Russian . 1961, Soviet Film. USSR time

The evenings on the farmer village Dikanki / about Ukraine

– the tale by Nikolai Gogol / Nikolay Gogol

Вечера как хуторе близ Диканьки



Nikolai Gogol // Nikolay Gogol

The evenings on an Ukrainian village Dikanki


Graham Williams Phillips UK video channel on YouTube



Russian song by Visotski

The Ballad about a Love




from Shakespeare changes – England by Russian eyes


My poems, dedicated to British Journalist Graham Williams Phillips. Links





What would be if Graham married on Ukrainian girl from Kiev




Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin


11 July 2015

Great Britain, Nottinghamshire, Sutton-in-Ashfield

Dedicated to Graham Phillips

and to all investigators of MH17 Crash in Ukraine

The Photo from Ukraine

Romantic British Journalist

had walking though the debris

from MH17 to look to find

some traces.

He was an attractive

bravest Brit

as all whom were


And a calmed peaceful

was a view of nature

which surrounded

O. I would so wish myself

to be to walk before all

in time of peace

without wars,

just a nature

to enjoy it

This place was nice -

no one and calm

and couples came

to love each

Or just alone,

lie down to land

to look at sky'es


A Time 'll pass

and all return


with memory, out-washed, -

again for peace

again for love

for rest, to joy

will flooding

And some another

bravest man

he will be your descendent

will walk as you

and will be you,

returning to live,

again. Eah!

He'll come from A Space,

from far away

another planet, may be,

he'll walk and time and space

will change

to put whom walk


It will a shortest minutes time

a mix with the past and the present

when you will walk

and plane had a crash

and wars

and a love




Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

╘ Copyright: Инна Бальзина-Бальзин, 2015

Свидетельство о публикации ╧215071100669

The Photo from Ukraine


27.06.2015. Great Britain, Nottinghamshire

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

My Poem,

Dedicated to Graham Phillips and Patrick Lancaster,

sitting on their new LADA car in Donbass

Two Brave Lions

Two Brave British Lions

traveled so far,

to see other countries,

to try different cars.

Say to Mummies: – Mum, I happy,

and an adults, grown up!

to do what I want it!

My way is so far!

– so far.... is not a sofa

to lie on it when old

– I have my legs to walk it

to see this World! so oh!

All girls or boys, a secret:

To hide from own parents

that a happiness is a freedom

to enjoy be young forever!

Two Brave British Lions

traveled so far,

to see other countries,

to try different cars.

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин

Two Brave Lions


24 June 2015

Great Britain, Nottinghamshire

Dedicated to Valentina Lisica/Valentina Lisitsa, playing music of Sergey Rahmaninov / Sergei Rachmaninoff

Valentina Lisica

May a soul fly as a butterfly?

Tender hands of air

keeping all alive.



Ианна Ианна Бальзина-Бальзин

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin



Валентина Лисица Valentina Lisitsa Valentina Lisica

Валетниа Лисица – Донецк – 22.06.2015 / Valentina Lisitsa – Donetsk

By Graham Phillips

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin / Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин

Valentina Lisica


27 March 2015

27 марта 2015

Великобритания, Ноттингемшире

Great Britain, Nottinghamshire

The Knight of The Love Graham Phillips

The Knight of The Love was Graham

He was so brave and nice,

His mother loved him tender,

And people in Donetsk and Donbass.

Attractive, or fun – he different,

But so strong as a Lion.

I hope to you to be happy

and still to meet what is a love.

A love is not only feelings

A love is not just some words

The love would be a true love only

If flowers will grow from a soil.



Inna Tiggi

Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

Links / Ссылки – посвящение Грэму Филлипсу

Посвящается британскому журналисту Грэму Филлипсу /Graham Williams Phillips, Грише, освещавшему события на Донбассе


"Лучик солнца на дороге"



"Красотки уплывают"



My two poems, on Russian and English from 22 March 2015 with a snow theme

I saw photos made by Graham Williams Phillips from The East Ukraine, remembering my father's words on Russian "The Sky Kingdom! To have a Light Place for all here!", still different things, it was my attempt to do something as 2 poems on Russian and English as my emotions and impressions for the keeping a memory of all, whom never will be alive, both my poems from 22 March 2015.


Царства Небесного! Светлое место Вам там!



A snow love



"The Knight of The Love Graham Phillips"



The Snow Knight / Снежный Рыцарь

Poems, dedicated to Graham Williams Phillips

Стихи, посвящённые Грему Филлипсу




Inna Tiggi

Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

«The Knight of The Love Graham Phillips»



22 March 2015

A snow love

a love is not an ocean

while we're alive

and so

we need to eat and a water

to drink

and still as something more.

Impossible to feed all

all women, kids, and all men

without food and a drinking

just words "I Love you!" said.

but in the coldest winter

when nothing was a food

man cuddled really closed:

– Not cry! My love! be with me!

they warmed each another

for all their last as a day

a coldest wind had though down

caps – a puffy snow well.



Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin


22 марта 2015

Царства Небесного!

Светлого места! Вам там!

Куда вы ушли – я не знаю.

Но будет вас так не хватать.

Когда одинокая баба

С тоскою завоет: – Одна!

Но, может, воюете где-то?

Как Ангелы храбро стоя?

Для нас? чтобы мы жили и были?

Вам Светлая память от Нас!

И Светлого Места в том Царстве,

Небесное что над Землёй.

И пух лебединый и нежный

Укроет своей покровой.

Снегами засыпит дороги,

Поля и холмы и дома.

Деревья оденет, закроет,

Пушистыми, шапкой снега.

И вдруг упадёт шапка снега

С вершины и с высоты

Окутает ей человека:

– Люблю! И ты мне улыбнись!

Смех звонкий прорежет пространство,

Как то колокольчик, звеня.

И девушка, вдоль насмеявшись,

Отряхивать станет себя.



Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin


Царства Небесного! Светлое место Вам там!


A snow love



16 April 2015

Great Britain, Nottinghamshire

A Sea-gull

Somewhere is a ball, a dancing...

and plenty nice pairs here -

Your soul is with them and looking

though a high opening window.

Not cry! As nobody's happy!

They dance as the rule – be together.

That nobody would break their lives

with shouts or smiles or bad smells .

Their Palace's life is so closed-

for them only as to be happy.

All others are just their servants

or lambs to be eaten in dinners.

Alive! Still alive!

And as a Sea-gull!

Which is Flying

but a Wind

so strong here!

Alone and still one -

but with others!

A Fire!

So small !

End of Story!

Kids play... they never will know...

what was

here before them

their parents will say some tales

about small teddy-bears



Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin / Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин

A Sea-gull



20 апреля 2015

Великобритания, Ноттингемшире

Jesus Donbass

Украина мерта? А труп шевелился?

И смотрел в сотню тысячу глаз?

Схоронили б – хотели так – всех поголовно?

А вот накося выкуси! нас!

Je suis Donbass... Jesus Donbass

Jesus Donbass

Jesus comes to world

traveling a lot.

Jesus saw Donbass

was protecting us,

Shouting a lot,

to wake up народ.

Но народ всё спал,

падал, умирал.

В глухоте своей

песни не слышал,-

как над полем бились

Воины, крича.

А в дали далёкой

Всё горит свеча.

А в дали далёкой

Всё горит свеча.

Ждёт там, у окошка,

Кто-то ждёт тебя.

Проглядела очи,

Вдрогнет – это ты?

И опустит плечи -

нет, опять не ты...

И опустит плечи-

нет, опять не ты...

И сама до дома

Донесёт воды.

Пока хлопец милый,

Где-то далеко,

Мечется сердечко,

Коль стучат в окно.

Мечется сердечко,

Коль стучат в окно.

В сказке повезло бы.

В жизни ль повезёт?

Jesus и Мария...

там вдали от нас.

Греет эта сила

Коль приходит в нас.

Греет эта сила

Коль приходит в нас.

и неважно кто что

Думает про нас.



Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

Jesus Donbass



5th February 2015

His Life Under The White Star

The First, He stopped to smock.

The Second, He stopped be drank.

The Third, He became to be a monk.

Alone, as The Star!

This is not all -

The Fourth, He started to teach!

That everyone must be as him!

No smocking, not drinking, being a monk!

Be bright, keeping a distance

From all!

He walked, alone, as The Star.

And a beautiful girl crossed a way.

And they follow in a love.

But He never smoked or drank.

The life is a life, passing days.

His woman had leaved one day.

He started to smock and to drink.

He did not wish to be a monk!

His friend, coming to see Him, had said:

– Come with me! I will go to play!

They played at a field for all day,

Stars saw Him: – He is happy again!



Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин

His Life Under The White Star



The Bellflower

A little bell

unbonneted well

to us

as bells polite!

And what about you,

my friend, -

your courtesy,

your manners?

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

** PS / Примечание **


перевод на английский

1.a(little) bell, hand bell 2 источника

2. бот. bluebell, bellflower, campanula

3. bell; plunger

поклониться кому-л., снять шляпу перед кем-л.– to unbonnet to smb.

поклониться кому-л. – to give smb. a bow

Новый большой англо-русский словарь ⌡ bow

to bow unto smb.


Мой перевод моего стихотворения «Колокольчик»


Колокольчик молодой

Поклонился нам с тобой


Очень вежливы, а ты?



Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин / Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

The Bellflower



3rd November 2013

Good night for a friend

I sorry, my friend,

But this time for good night.

We shared together

the time of a life.

But something was coming


it was a change:

my time for another

for a love

from today.

As puppies together

we grew


we played

but now

we are adults,

Good night!

for today!



as a woman

has came -

my heart

and my time

for her

from today.

Good night!

But I hope

for a good night

and for us, -

for me

and for my woman,

for my pretty wife!

She will be my all

and a part

as of me


My joy and my body,

The hope

for me.

Good night,

my friend!

Be happy!

Nice dreams!

I hope for better

and for you

and for me!

Inna Tiggi

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin / Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин




3rd November 2013

The friendship

The friendship as a river

started from few drops of rain

from the sky

from a small stream of smile,

it may grow to bring things

to the ocean,

to be a flood of emotions,

to give the joy

as an oasis in your destiny

or to dry

to disappear.

This is a stick to live,

But when you will grow

to be big enough

to walk

on your own

you may


as an alone

and one

and your best friend

will be

you yourself

for all time.

May still one as unseen

your friend

whom is Your Angel

near you,

my dear friend.


Inna Tiggi

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin / Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин




3rd November 2013

Not a point

It is not a point

to have a servant-wife, -

You have two hands, my friend,

to look after yourself all times.


Inna Tiggi

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin / Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин


3rd November 2013

Money of your life

The life is as a glass, has the end,

and only couple moments of time

which are yours.

But be the owner of your time, dear friend,

as your time is only your real property

on the Earth.


Inna Tiggi

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin / Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин


19th September 2014

О, Dear Angel!

My small beloved Angel!

I am admired

That you mine, with me!

The time will passed,

You will grow quickly!

And I will see you

As a honest trusted Sir!

Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин / Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin


Sonnet 61 , By William Shakespeare,

Translated on Russian by me, Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin (nick Inna Tiggi)

My translation Sonnet 61 from Shakespeare from English to Russian, while I did not know yet the names of this, looking just one text.

Шекспир. Сонет 61. Мой перевод на русский с английского:

Моя любовь сильна – она преград не знает

укроет от дождя – от бури защитит

и как маяк тебе светить не перестанет

надежной гаванью встречая, приютит

╦ If to translate this back from Russian to English, it would be

My love is strong – it does not know bars,

It covers [up] you from a rain, protecting you from a storm,

And as a lighthouse [-beacon] never stop to lighting,

it will be a safe harbour, giving [to] you a refuge.

* Преграда – an obstacle, a bar, a barrier, (a block)

* Укрыть – cover, cover up, find shelter, escape notice,

* Укрытие – cover, concealment, shelter

* Спасать – save

* Принимать – take, accept, take up, take over, pass, aprove, approve, admit, receive,

make; take, accept, adopt, have, assume, make, embrace (принять, иметь, делать),

receive (получать), host (хозяйничать), welcome (приветствовать), pass (проходить), admit (признать), entertain (развлекать), carry (унести), see (видеть), deliver (доставить), incorporate (включать), accede (согласиться)

* Буря – storm, tempest; gale.

* Ураган – hurricane, storm, whirlwind, tornado, windstorm, twister

* Защищать – defend, protect, stand up for.

* Защита – defence, protection, the defence

* Маяк – lighthouse, beacon

* Надёжный – reliable, trustworthy, safe, [solid]

* Гавань – harbour

* Приютить – shelter, give refuge ; Приютиться – take refuge

* Приют – asylum, orphanage, shelter, refuge

** My versa of translation, so, more shorter righter the original poem Sonnet 61 by William Shakespeare writing on the Old English language. As I just tried to say on Russian Poem style how and what I was able to understand from all text, shortly. And so, a play of words, a man and a woman, as a talk between centuries, between a writer and a reader

** The amazing point was to find for me that the year of my birth is 1961 and the Sonnet 61 by Shakespeare, giving some mysterious touching point for my feelings, when I recognised the author of poem and the name of poem too.

* My versa of translation is not professional right correct work, just still one as the additional translation work of interpretors as still one style of translation as a short retell, a short retelling translation style.

* My versa of translation relayed on my abilities of knowledge English and abilities to write poems on Russian as I would not able to translated as a Russian poem so long text from English poem. So, it was a compromise with my abilities and the goal to try to translate.

Примечания / Appendix for for the original poem


William Shakespeare – Sonnet 61

Is it thy will thy image should keep open

My heavy eyelids to the weary night?

Dost thou desire my slumbers should be broken,

While shadows, like to thee, do mock my sight?

Is it thy spirit that thou send'st from thee

So far from home, into my deeds to pry,

To find out shames and idle hours in me,

The scope and tenor of thy jealousy?

O, no! thy love, though much, is not so great:

It is my love that keeps mine eye awake;

Mine own true love that doth my rest defeat,

To play the watchman ever for thy sake:

For thee watch I whilst thou dost wake elsewhere,

From me far off, with others all too near.


Shakespeare, Sonnet 61

Translated on Russian by me, Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin (Inna Tiggi)

Шекспир, Сонет 61

Мой перевод:

Моя любовь сильна-она преград не знает

укроет от дождя – от бури защитит

и как маяк тебе светить не перестанет

надежной гаванью встречая, приютит


William Shakespeare, "Sonnet 61",

Re-translated to English from Russian, from translated to Russian from English,

Translation By me, Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

William Shakespeare, «Sonnet 61» (*Re-translation from Russian back to English)

My love is strong – it does not know bars,

It covers [up] you from a rain, protecting you from a storm,

And as a lighthouse [-beacon] never stop to lighting,

it will be a safe harbour, giving [to] you a refuge.


Shakespeare, Sonnet 61

Translated on Russian by Sergei Marshak

Шекспир, Сонет 61

Перевод С.Маршака:


Твоя ль вина, что милый образ твой

Не позволяет мне сомкнуть ресницы

И, стоя у меня над головой,

Тяжелым векам не дает закрыться?

Твоя ль душа приходит в тишине

Мои дела и помыслы проверить,

Всю ложь и праздность обличить во мне,

Всю жизнь мою, как свой удел, измерить?

О нет, любовь твоя не так сильна,

Чтоб к моему являться изголовью,

Моя, моя любовь не знает сна.

На страже мы стоим с моей любовью.

Я не могу забыться сном, пока

Ты – от меня вдали – к другим близка.

4. В Интернете. на сайтах. как мой ник и как литературный псевдоним, «Тигги», «Инна Тигги», «Тигги, Инна»

5. я была известна как Инна Скотфорд (Inna Scotford), с 18 апреля 1998 по 5 мая 2010

6. я Инна Бальзина-Бальзин, Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзие (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin) с 6 мая 2010

7. урождённая Инна Александровна Бальзина, 1961г.р., Россия.

8. Тигги, Инна. "Сонет 61" , (перевод Шекспира. Сонет 61)


Шекспир. Сонет 61. Мой перевод




Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин / Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin


Another my poem as a fantasy vision fiction on the base of my vision of «Hamlet» , «To be on not to be», by William Shakespeare, translated as a monolog vision on Russian by me, by Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin (nick Inna Tiggi)

Быть или не быть? Песня Странника. Версия перевод

Перевод с "Быть или не быть?". Шекспир. "Гамлет". Версия.

4 августа 2010.

Действия во дворце тем более...

кого они когда касались?

кого сменяя ставит власть?

тут от жены сильней зависишь...

и от работы. и погоды.

и от того как много денег

осталося в кармане там...

бренча... когда замёрший в непогоду...

промокший в стылости дождя

отроешь дверь. поесть или согреться

возле камина... музыка. дрова.

служанка... девушки мелькают.

и люди тут и там сидят...

и чтоб попасть ... как это надо...

найти в кармане... чтоб попасть...

а если дырка? по дороге... и выпал там последний грош?

накормит кто тебя... так просто?

а ты... соврёшь... в ответ... соврёшь...

я Принц далёкий. Королевство распалось – власть была взята.

и вместо денег... отыграешь...

меня согрели? ... Ну и я...


29 июля 2010

Приедет или не приедет? Успеет ли? вот в чём вопрос?

И до каких пределов... всё это можно покрывать... игрой?...

Так и на ложе брачное с Офелией?

Судьбою в жёны мне она дана?


5 августа 2010

Ту би о нот ту би.

to be or not to be

to Bee or not to Bee.

To Bee or not to be.

to be or not to be.

"Присутствовать или остаться?"

Паук плетёт из кружева ловушки...

Враньё. Пустое всё. Ему игра.

Когда пожрать охота – не до игр.

Охота если на кого-то началась...

И всё реал. Коль боль и смех живые.

А Пауку – игра – чтоб лишнего сожрать.

Желудок просит есть. Такое дело.

комочек маленький вся жизнь тогда...

И сжавшись ... отпросить мгновенье...

короткий миг такой вот эта жизнь...

неповторимые тут каждые мгновенья...

Ещё Любви порой короткий миг...

А кто-то холоден и он любви не знает

А кто-то любит, коль вокруг кричат...

и упиваются, когда тут убивают...

ведь даже радость.. и у каждого своя...

И встречи – краткие и краткий миг мгновенья...

На жёрдочке так жолудём висеть...

Порой дуб тут вырастает новый.

Порой. Свинья прийдёт. сожрёт. И дуба нет.


ту би о нот ту би...

ту Бии о нот ту Бии

ту Бии о но ту би

ту би о нот ту би...

to be or not to be

to Bee or not to Bee.

To Bee or not to be.

to be or not to be.

"Присутствовать или остаться?"


8 августа 2010 (моё или вспомнилось чьё-то)



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