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Rescue of Araklia
  • Текст добавлен: 16 июня 2021, 12:33

Текст книги "Rescue of Araklia"

Автор книги: Игорь Княгницкий

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Текущая страница: 4 (всего у книги 4 страниц)

– Raise them up!!

Ethelkir immediately put hands into the ground sending a dark energy to the mortal bodies of orcs and animals. His dark-gray eyes instantly turned black, becoming like a two piece of charcoal.

After a while, in the southwest, in the place where once was Zerton, some movement began. Five minutes later, the entire squad saw the grimly walking figures of the dead. A little later, dead animals began to rise from the ground. Not only from Zerton`s direction, but also in the south, east and north.

– Don't let them get too close to the portal – Ikru commanded – I'll let you know when to throw them into battle.

– Okay.

Shortly, about half a million creatures, including dead animals, were raised from oblivion. They are all stood back, waiting for the Ethelkir`s command. The enemy was not long in coming. Soon, their army appeared on the horizon. As they approached, Ikru realized – Teari wasn`t mistaken. Perhaps even slightly underestimated their number. There were more than a hundred thousand dark mages.

Borgind and Keries were going in the front accompanied by several the strongest mages. Behind them, at a little distance, their army marched in straight lines. When they were at the distance of about half a mile, Ikru gave an order to Ethelkir to attack. Dead rushed to the attack. Just raised up, they were insanely hungry and wanted for human flesh. When they saw the countless dead, the mages immediately attacked. Fireballs, lightning, ice blocks, bubbles of violet energy – everything that was in their arsenal. The mages were conducting a preemptive attack, keeping the walking dead at the distance, to avoid break their own formation. Ikru ordered to Ethelkir to divide Borgind and Keries from their main forces by all means. But while the undead were advancing mainly from the southwest, the mages held their formation stably, and undead were turn to ashes before they tried to come two or three hundred meters. Everything changed when the undead began to attack from all directions. Wild bulls, bears, wolves, snakes. Distracted by the sudden threats from the north and east, the main part of the dead orcs quickly broke into the ranks of the mages, biting their throats and tearing them apart. The formation was broken. Borgind, Keries and their entourage were cut off from the main forces. They could only flee to the West to the Portal, where in ambush, Tagrin, Inohildis and their squad waiting for them. Ikru quickly cast a cover spell on the entire squad. After that, they left the ruins of the Fort and hide a couple of dozen meters from the portal. Borgind, Keries and their entourage were getting closer very fast.

– Who has the key? – Tagrin asked.

– I don't know – perplexedly said Ikru – Probably Borgind has, but it can be Keries as well.

– Well, never mind. Inohildis, I will take care about Borgind, you take care about Keries. Squad! – he shouted softly as he turned his head to the soldiers hidden behind him – As soon as we attack their leaders, your mission will be to neutralize the adepts.

– Wait brother, but you have the scroll. What if Keries has the key?

– Here you go! – Tagrin said, passing the scroll – But be ready to throw it to me, in case if Borgind will have it.

The elves ran to meet the enemy. The mages didn't see them because they were under a hiding spell. It wouldn't have been too difficult for them to detect them with their magical vision if they were focused enough, but in the current situation, they weren't up to it. From the sudden attack of the undead hordes, they were in panic and the only thing they could think about was quickly get to the portal and pass the key. Tagrin and Inohildis act synchronously. Instantly appeared from the void, by fast jump both rushed to Borgind and Keries. Borgind could react in time and evade. Tagrin flew by, but he could turn in flight for a new attack. But the dark mage reacted faster. The immediate spell of the magic net pinned him to the ground, making it impossible for him to take any further action. Keries wasn't so skillful, so he was quickly pinned to the ground with a dagger in his heart. Quickly searched his pockets, Inohildis realized – the leader has the key. At the same moment, Borgind was under the rain of magical arrows and several spells of Ikru. He did fast waved by his left hand in front of himself and all the arrows flew in different directions. Not wasting a second, he threw his right hand in the Inohildis direction use another net spell. Elf was no more than five meters away from the mage, so it was impossible to evade that almost instantaneous spell – as Borgind thought. But Inohildis made truly impossible. With a lightning leap, and a somersault over the mage's head, Inohildis got behind him, immediately piercing his heart. Snatching a wooden key from the magician's neck, he took out a scroll, quickly read the spell which was written on it, and in a second disappeared.


– Explain to him everything. He must know how important this mission is. Let they move out immediately.

Tagrin nodded and headed for the exit. And as soon as he reached the stone doorway leading to the stairs, he met Ikru face to face who just run out from the stairs.

– Oh Tagrin you're here.

– Yes. Master called me.

– What`s the matter Ikru? – asked Tonnord, came closer to her.

– Have you sent the warriors in chase yet? – She asked, looked quickly from Tonnord to Tagrin and back again.

– We just spoke about it. I was going to do it right now, but you almost nearly knocked me down – he smiled.

– No, wait. Don`t. My Lord, – she looked at the Tonnord – Enilice contacted me. Alice fell into the trap of the Doppelganger, who took the appearance of the Oks. He gave her a drink “mune” and took the box with the key. Then he transforms as a human and moved to the west. Enilice is sure for ninety percent that Doppelganger is going to Pleepmorr to sell it or exchange for something. And I agree with him.

– Oh, in the name of Creator! – The elven lord raised his eyebrows – Well, now everything fell into place.

– According to Alice`s words, when the Doppelganger saw the key, he asked her “What is this key for?”, so I'm absolutely sure he has no idea what kind of thing fell into his hands. Enilice suggests do not to attract too much attention and to delay sending our soldiers for interception. He says he can track him down and neutralize him alone, without making too much noise.

– Will he really be able to? – Very seriously asked Tonnord.

– Oh, yes, brother. Enilice is one of the best trackers from our southern outpost. I remember him from the Academy. I taught him fencing lessons. A very intelligent young warrior. Also, he is an excellent bowman and knows some good spells. We can count on him.

– This is all very good, but we must count all possible options. If the key was discovered, he might be get trapped. Then he wouldn't be able to stand alone. We may lose not only him, but the keeper as well. And you guys perfectly know only the keeper can free Eraqel.

– Your suggestions?

– We'll be lucky if Enilice will be able to neutralize the Doppelganger before he enters the Pleepmorr. And if he didn't, they'd have to follow him. Once they enter the city, they may never get out alive. They will need appearance change spells – Tonnord looked from Tagrin to the Seer – So, Ikru you have to follow them. Try to get them before they reach the city. You're the strongest mage of Afleeakwein, in the Pleepmorr they will have a better chance with you than without you. And you, my brother Tagrin, – Tonnord moved his view again – make an order in the event of an emergency, our warriors at the southern and western outposts must be ready to move immediately.

Chapter 7

– Enilice, how long do we have to ride? I'm tired of the horse. Can we make a stop?

– Sorry, not right now.

The elf understood it was hard for her. And like that will be for a very long time. But he was following the magical track of the doppelganger, and he couldn't stop now. And there was no appropriate place. They rode across the Plains – there was an open space all around. However, they needed a break. They both hadn`t a rest since they left Izemburn and horse needed a rest as well. Enilice kept moving to the North-west. His hunch was correct – Doppelganger moved straight to Pleepmorr. It was a full day journey to that place. With a sensible assessment of the physical capabilities of his small squad he turned to the North-east. Alice of course noticed this immediately.

– Did you lose the track? Or have our plans changed? – She turned and looked at him straight in his eye in surprise.

– Neither. There's an abandoned village about half an hour from here. We'll make a stop there. As I expected, our thief moves straight to Pleepmorr. It`s still full day journey to that place. Alone, I would have been able to cover that distance and catch him up somewhere in the area of the city. But you need to rest. And the horse, too. I really didn't want. But it looks like we'll have to continue our chase of the key in Pleepmorr.

– What's so bad about this city?

– This is the city of the dregs of our world. Once upon a time, it was one of the trading cities. Very beautiful and rich. But after the capture of Eraqel and wars which was followed later, city was half-ruined and completely looted. Later on, bandits, assassins, thieves, illegal traders and “stooge” of dark magicians settled there. Those who renounced their native roots in the hope of unlimited power, which Dark Magicians promised them. But when the wars ends and Dark Mages went to find the key in other worlds, they just threw them away like garbage.

– I see. So the trade is still there?

– Yes, but this is not the same trade that was before. Now there are a lot of prohibited goods there.

– Like what?

– For example, forbidden alchemic ingredients, poisons, artifacts. In general, everything which is came to Araklia with arrival of the Naabs and remained after the wars with the dark magicians. We're almost got it. Alice, take a look – Enilice said, raising a hand to point ahead.

Half a mile away, buildings began to appear behind a small hill. They dismounted at the central gate, which had been destroyed long time ago. Alice was immediately struck by what she saw. The massive log gate was turned inward, though it opened and closed outward.

– How is that possible? – She asked her companion, pointing at the gate – You don't have any tanks or rocket launchers, do you?

Enilice looked at her in surprise.

– Honestly, I do not understand what you are talking about, but answering your question, I can say most likely it was one of the spells of the dark magicians. Okay, let's go find more or less good house to stay.

Alice said nothing, but followed the elf tiredly. They went into a small paved square which has three small streets in the left, right and straight direction. On the square, for the very first time in her life, she saw human skeletons felt terrible. Skeletons, bones, skulls, long-rusted swords, shields, spears. Involuntarily, she snuggled up to Enilice and took his hand.

– Don't be afraid. There's been no one here for a long time. The view is certainly gloomy, but there is nothing we can do about it.

The path along the main street was blocked by the stones of the destroyed tower, where once was a signal bell.

– Let's go to the right. That street looks better.

It was a medium-sized street with alternating one-and two-story buildings. Some of them were made of logs, rough-hewn round wood, dilapidated or burned almost to the ground, but most were of stone. They mostly survived. And even though Enilice said "better," Alice didn't think so at all. Also, there were parts of skeletons, rusty weapons, some torn rags, kitchen utensils, and a lot of other rubbish. Passing by another dilapidated wooden house with an open door, Alice noticed by the corner of her eye something shiny inside. She decided to satisfy her curiosity and see what that was.

– Alice, let's move on. This is not the best one – voice came from the street as the girl went inside.

Directly opposite the entrance, something was covered with an old baggy cloth which protruded a silver-handled spear. Alice took the edge of the cloth and threw it aside. It was a long-dried-up skeleton in a ragged jacket and a ragged dress. Apparently, a woman who was killed with a spear from the back. She was sitting on her knees, as if covering something with her body. Alice took the skeleton by the shoulder and pulled it towards her. The rotten spear broke at its base and the skeleton toppled over on its side. A large skeleton clutching another one, quite small in a half-rotted shirt and dress. In the hand was a toy of a homemade teddy bear. The spear broke where the baby`s stomach had been. Alice covered her face with her hands and didn`t cry, but sobbed wildly, slowly stepping back. She was crying so loud and so shrill, as if it was her own grief. After a couple of steps, she bumped into Enilice, who was standing silently behind her. She turned, looked at him with eyes were streaming with tears, and still sobbing, she fell on his chest. He put his arm around her. For at least the next five minutes, Alice sobbed and couldn't stop. But soon the warm embrace of the elf bore fruit and Alice was able to squeeze out from herself:

– W..w..what kind of m..m..m..monster would d..d..do such a thing?

Enilice didn`t answer. He perfectly knew that this wasn't the worst thing she could see. He didn't know what her grandmother Lisa was like. He was born after Lisa has been sent to the OTHER world. But seeing how hard Alice was crying, it brought a thought to his mind that maybe she would not be able to cope with the mission assigned to her.

– Okay Alice, let's go – Enilice took her hand and pulled her back to the door.

– Wait – Alice took a couple of steps and bent down to the girl. She took the teddy bear toy out of baby`s little hand and said softly: “Baby, I promise I'll avenge for you!”

The rest of the way Alice was going just sobbing and from time to time repeating “bastards, I hate you” Enilice kept holding her hand because he didn't want her to go anywhere else. In his other hand, he held the horse's reins. They couldn`t waste time. They needed to rest and continue to go by the track of the key again.

Soon they came to a more or less saved two-story house made of white stone, probably once owned by a local nobleman. The windows were boarded up, and the door was locked from the inside.

– I think we should check it out. Wait for me here. I'll get through the roof and open it from the inside.

Enilice leaped lightly and grabbed a jutting block of stone above the front door. Then he was hanging by the second-floor window sill, and a second later he was on the roof. Soon, Alice heard his footsteps outside the door.

– Come in, we'll stay here, – said elf opening the door – I don`t think we`ll find something better.

Sunlight came into the spacious hall and Alice was able to look around. A couple of chairs were in decent condition, also there was an old sofa with swords putted on it. There were several large chests and barrels around the perimeter of the hall. Against the wall to the right of the entrance was an old fireplace covered with spider web.

– Alice, please check if there's anything useful in those chests and barrels. I'll light the fire for now.

The barrels were empty. Once it was water inside. In the chests were old clothes, weapons and some rolled-up scrolls. From one of them Alice took out more or less clean clothes and makes them on the old sofa, which Enilice already had emptied of weapons. In this house was a mess like everywhere else, which was no longer surprising. But there were no human bones and skulls but a lot of weapons and armor.

– It looks like this house was used as a defensive point. On the second floor near the windows I saw bows and quivers with arrows – said elf moving away from the fireplace, where fire was already burning.

– Looks like – Alice drawled, sitting down on the sofa – Why there are no any skeletons?

– I don't know. Maybe the defenders were able to escape. Or maybe it was magic.

Enilice sat down in the chair opposite Alice and took out a small bowler hat from his backpack. Then he filled water in it from a small flask and put it on the fire.

– We'll warm up the water and make some tea. You know, when I left our Outpost, I didn't think I'd have a companion on this journey so I only have one mug.

– It's okay, we'll drink from one. I'm not squeamish.

– I'm glad. I also have some elven bread and dried deer meat. Not much, but we'll have enough for now.

When Enilice had made the tea and passed the mug to Alice she said:

– Drink it first.

Enilice had expected this reaction and took a few sips.

– Don't worry, this is real elven tea. I'm not a Doppelganger. After all, I saved you from the hungry Wargs.

– I'm sorry.

– It`s okay. If I were you, I'd be afraid, too.

Alice found the Elven tea, bread, and dried deer meat surprisingly delicious. But for the most part because the fact she was really hungry. After eating, she stretched out on the couch, and Enilice leaned back in his chair.

– How much time do we have?

– We'll rest for two or three hours, and by the evening we`ll go. To the night we`ll get to Pleepmorr. It is quite hot in the Plains during the day. – said Enilice, standing up and heading to the exit.

– Where are you going?

– There must be well in the village, and not even one. If they didn`t dry thoroughly. I'll go look for it. We need some water for our horse. I'll be back soon, and you rest – the elf answered. Alice closed her eyes and fell asleep in a minute.


Alice saw herself standing in a large circular meadow with a large glass jar in its center, where fire was burning. The whole meadow was covered with snow, but around the glass jar was summer. The young green grass was there. Barefoot, wearing only a nightgown, as if she had just been dragged out of bed, she walked through the snow with a desire to take a look more closely that amazing space inside of glass jar.

– Why are you here? – The voice asked out of nowhere.

– I have to release Eraqel.

– Are you sure you can handle it?

– I just have to! – Alice answered, stepped on a fluffy carpet of young grass and touched the glass jar.

In one moment, everything was gone, as if nothing had ever been there. In front of herself Alice saw the image of a human figure with outstretched arms. And somewhere in her subconscious mind, she heard in Elvish: “Naur”.

A swift flight somewhere into the abyss captured Alice. She was falling with a furious speed and thought that she was about to crash on the ground. But the reality changed around her again. She saw herself walking through a snowy desert with the winds and blizzard howling around her. The plaintive meow of a lonely kitten was clearly heard somewhere ahead.

– Where are you going? – The voice asked out of nowhere.

– Someone is calling for help.

– This is a trap and you will die!

– Even so, my conscience will be clear.

After walking some distance, she saw a frostbitten, half-dead kitten on the snow, who “asked” for help. Alice picked him up from the snow and hide under her nightgown, gently holding to her chest. She breathed the warm air out of her lungs several times, trying to warm him as quickly as possible, and in the next moment everything was gone, as if nothing had ever been there. Alice saw in front of her an image of a human figure with a hands straightened at the chest, perpendicular to the body. And somewhere in her subconscious mind, she heard in Elvish: “Cuil”.

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