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Rescue of Araklia
  • Текст добавлен: 16 июня 2021, 12:33

Текст книги "Rescue of Araklia"

Автор книги: Игорь Княгницкий

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Текущая страница: 3 (всего у книги 4 страниц)

Chapter 6

– Tonnord! – Ikru tried to reach elven leader mind.

– Yes Ikru, tell me.

– I have some news about the key.

– Okay. I'm on the balcony. Come. We`ll talk in private.

The wide balcony was located at the very top of the Great Elven Oak. Everyone who wanted to relax, reflect and enjoy the beautiful view of the Elven valley came here.

– Suilannad le condir! – Ikru greeted him in Elvish as she entered the balcony. I'd forgotten how beautiful it is here – She gasped, threw her view down at the valley.

The sun was just beginning to rise above the horizon, hugging the Elven valley by it`s warm rays, which is stretched for several miles from the Great Oak. Big and small forest edges were alternated with bright green meadows. The mother-of-pearl water of the great Elma River channel played with the rays of the morning sun, generously giving the valley “sunlight spots”. The signing of the birds was sweet to the ear, and the soft south wind brought the sweet smell of the meadows blooming here.

– What's the news, sister?

– My Lord, I'm afraid that`s not what you wanted to hear. I saw the box and the key in the hands of a man. I don't know who he is. He came out from Izemburn, somewhere close to our southern Outpost, and moved to the West. Enilice and Alice still in Izemburn. Unfortunately, I can't contact him yet.

– Yes, yes. He can't either, because of the ancient magic of Izemburn. Otherwise we would already know what happened there.

– But I can say they are moving, so soon they will leave Izemburn.

Tonnord thought. His view under long gray eyebrows was fixed on the single point. For a few seconds he freezes like a stone Gargoyle, motionless and silent. But soon he got up from the bench and began to walk back and forward along the balustrade of the balcony.

– Was that person alone?

– Yes, my lord.

– This is very strange. What motivates a man who decided to go to the west alone with such a valuable thing?! If that person is one of the dark magicians henchmen – he paused – Well, let's say. But we do not yet know who it is, so in order to deliver the key to the Yeagrefgort, you need to go directly to the north. Around the Canyon of Death, or through it – Tonnord chuckled – straight through the Middle Pathway, then through the Preeosted, across the Elma River, a few days across the Wastelands and that's it! But there is nothing in the West. Only the Pleepmorr, Scorched Earth and Trolls Swamps. Conclusion – this person does not belong to the dark magicians. And he seems completely reckless to go west ALONE. Around the Pleepmorr as well as inside of the city only the bastards. Robbers, assassins, thieves, mercenaries-rejected from other kingdoms… I'm not even talking about the Canyon of Death and the Scorched Earth crowded with all sorts of evil… In general, everything is bad. The key can end up in the hands of anyone, and then even the Dark Magicians, as Bronton said before. After that, I don't even want to think.

The loss of the key from an inexperienced keeper who had just come to this world was quite expected. Tonnord didn`t rule out the fact this could happen. So now it was necessary to act quickly. Return the key back to the Keeper and cover both of them in Afleeakwein. This meant one or two dozen warriors would have to be sent in pursuit of the thief, which would certainly attract attention, especially around the Pleepmorr area. And this Tonnord didn`t want to. He wanted to act secretly. But there was no choice.

– Okay Ikru, thank you for the news, even not good at all. I'll do an order to send a squad to chase the thief. I really didn`t want to “make noise” and attract attention, but it looks like we don`t have a choice. The key must be returned by any costs, before it is too late.

– I completely agree with you, my Lord.

– Go, Sister. Try to see as much as you can, and as soon as Enilice contacts you, let me know.

Ikru left, and Tonnord reached to the Tagrin`s mind.

“Tagrin, do you hear me?”

“Yes, my lord.”

“Come up to me at the balcony, I need to talk to you personally.”

“Right away, sir.”

Shortly, a tall and strong elf, covered in armor, with a heavy blade at his belt and a bow on his back, entered the balcony to Tonnord. His tight black hair fell to his shoulders, and the same tight black beard fell to the middle of his chest, obscuring the Afleeakwein emblem etched on the breastplate of his armor. However, he still had the bright blue eyes and elven ears, which gave a certain contrast to his appearance. Anyone who didn't know him would have thought he was a northerner from Preeosted or it`s area. But he was a full-blooded elf. His late mother, who died in the war after the capture of Eraqel, was an elven mage. One of the strongest at that time. And as you know, the genes of magicians responsible for appearance very often change under the influence of magic, and later that passed on to her son.

– If you wanna hear about the search for Oks, then I can say he is not in the Gragos or Preeosted. I can't say anything about Izemburn because…

– Yes, Yes, I know. That's what I wanted to talk about. What you're about to hear now, must remain as a secret. But I'm afraid the circumstances are such that no matter how much we want it, it can`t hardly remain as a secret.

Tonnord brought Tagrin fully up to speed.

– I didn't tell you right away because we didn't know. Ikru and I thought that she was with Oks, but later on Ikru saw a completely different picture. So the trackers from Preeosted and Gragos can be recalled. It is very important to get some news from Enilice as soon as possible, but I do not know how soon it will happen. And the key is moving west. What do you think?

– We can't delay. We'll send two squads to the west. From the southern Outpost by the old road around the Pleepmorr.

– If I'm not mistaken Inohildis is a commander of Southern Outpost?

– Yes, my Lord. He is. Oh, how masterfully he jumped and slashed Borgind. I was unlucky that day, but he`s done that mission and stole the key. I remember everything as if it was yesterday.


40 years ago.

Two riders in dark-purple cloaks were riding at full speed through the wild orc forests. Soon, as the forest becomes thinned, they could see the massive stone walls of Zerton. It was a huge Orc`s city, stretching from west to east from the channel of the Elma River to the Canyon of Death, and from north to south from the Middle Pathway to the Plains. The city had over half a million Orcs. Warriors and mages, workers and merchants, women and children. They were all meant to be die.

– According to the coordinates which Naabs gave me, the dark portal should be installed somewhere in this area. – Borgind said affirmatively, pointing to the area around the city.

– What's the plan? – Keries asked.

– We'll begin construction near the walls of Zerton. And we'll do camp in the mountains of the Canyon of Death.

– It's a bit far from the construction site. What if the Orcs…

– If they will come here, burn them all! Borgind perfectly understood his General – However, no matter how belligerent they are, I don`t think they will. Anyway, these green-skinned animals very soon will cease to exist in this world forever.

The general's eyes widened in surprise. He turned his head to his master and asked in utter bewilderment:

– How come???

– When the arch of the Portal will be finished, I will place this crystal in the base… He took a bright-purple crystal a walnut size out of his pocket. The crystal was glowing and the energy was pulsing inside of it.

– And what`s next?

– Next, will be big boom – Borgind smiled – After I cast special spell, the Naabs will send an energy of incredible power to the crystal, which will activate the portal. This energy will be so powerful that it will destroy everything for hundred miles away. Nothing will survive – only the portal.

– Now I see why we should camp so far from here. My Lord, aren't you afraid that the shock wave…

– No, I'm not. I'll use the momentary movement spell. When the energy comes to the portal, I won't be here anymore.

– I see, my Lord. When do we start?

– We've already started. I gave this ordered long time ago. The construction materials caravan will be here tomorrow morning. Your objective is to set up a camp here for construction workers and security guards. The main camp will be set up in the mountains. I`m going to ride to the Pleepmorr, I have some business there. Once everything is ready, get all of our people to the mountains and let me know through the Plabark.

– Yes, my Lord! – answered Keries.


Ikru sat in the main library of Afleeakwein, nervously search one book after another. She was looking for an answer to the question – how Naabs could enter their world to get the key from Eraqel's prison. As long as the angel is alive, even if he is a prisoner, the Naabs will not be able to cross the boundaries of this world. The energy of Araclia is destructive for them. So there was another way. And Ikru had to find it out as soon as possible.

She was sitting like that until the morning, rereading and reviewing hundreds of books and manuscripts until she finally exhausted and fell asleep right at the table. It began to dawn when Liaris, the old elf library-keeper saw her. As he approached, he put his hand on her shoulder and lightly shacked her with the words:

– Lady Ikru, Lady Ikru, don't you think you'd better rest in your room? You've been sitting here all night.

Straightway Ikru jumped up from the bench, as if a hot stigma had been putted to her buttocks. With a completely stunned view and eyes full of wild fear she exclaimed:

– Where is Tonnord??!!

He didn`t expect such a reaction and unexpected question, so he hesitated for a while, but after a second he mumbled:

– Well, probably in his room. Resting. It's still early.

At the same moment, Ikru took off from her seat, overturning the bench and ran away. A few minutes later, she already was at the door leading to the elven lord's chambers, met with two guards.

– Is Tonnord inside?! – She asked strongly.

– Yes. The Lord is resting. Lady Ikru, you're a little bit early.

– I don't want to hear anything! Wake him up! Quickly! – She exclaimed.

The guards exchanged glances. They knew Tonnord`s peace can`t be broken, until he comes by himself or call the guards. But they also had an order that the Seer had the right to address the Lord at any time. One of the guards was about to knock on the door and say that the Seer was asking for an audience, but the door suddenly opened. Sleepy, in his nightdress, Tonnord immediately asked:

– Ikru, did you have a sight?

– Yes my Lord. Forgive me for visiting so early, but the sight which I saw is too important. We have to do conference immediately.

– Okay Ikru. Get everyone and wait for me in the conference room. I'll come soon.

The gathering of all the generals was arranged as quickly as possible, and within fifteen minutes Tagrin, Inohildis, Rigan, Nodis and Ikru were waiting for Tonnord in the conference room at the large round table. Some of them asked Ikru a leading question, trying to find out what exactly she saw in her sight, but Ikru was inflexible, only saying: “You will know everything when Lord Tonnord will come.” When the door opened and a tall white-haired elf dressed in royal armor entered the hall, everyone stood up from their seats as a sign of respect and reverence.

– Have a sit please – Tonnord sat on the chair, making a smooth sign by his hand – Ikru report.

– Brothers! You are all well aware due to the recent events, our world is on the edge of destruction. I've spent the last few days in the library trying to find out how exactly the dark mages can give the key of Eraqel's dungeon to the Naabs. Unfortunately, I didn't know anything from the books. This morning I just fell asleep right at the table because I tired. But while I was sleeping, I had a sight. I saw a huge acre of gray stone near the walls of Zerton – Ikru heard a quiet whispers – There at the arch I saw Borgind and Keries, as well as many other dark magicians and workers who were built that arch. I've seen some strange purple crystal, which Borgind putted in base of the arch. Then there was some fog. Something what I can't decipher yet. But later on the vision cleared up. I saw that arch again, but there was no one around. Then, straight from the sky, a huge bright purple ray struck the center of this structure. Nothing happened for a while, and then…

Ikru got silence, covering her face with her hands. No one made a sound. Everyone was looking at her, waiting for her to continue, and she just muttered quietly, “Oh, creator…”

– Ikru, what happened next?

– That ray from the sky caused the explosion. It was so strong, so Zerton will be destroyed. The entire Orc race will be destroyed. Nothing will survive in that area. There will be only ruins, corpses, and scorched earth. And that arch.

Everyone immediately began to mutter and talk to each other.

– Quiet! Brothers, let her finish.

– I think the arch is a portal. They are building a huge portal which is let them pass the key through it. I don't think the Naabs will be able to go through it into our world. At least not now while Eraqel still alive. But the dark mages will be able to pass through it with the key and give it to Naabs. Perhaps this portal will have another purpose. I don't know yet.

– Are they building it? Or they going to build it? – Tagrin asked.

– My sights are about a future. Which is will come soon. Maybe they will start construction shortly.

– How long that construction will take? – Inohildis asked.

– It's not a big structure. So I think a day. Maybe two.

– It's not good – Rigan muttered.

– Yeah, this is bad – Nodis said, the commander of the northern Elven outpost – Even if we decide to disrupt their construction plans, we are physically won't have time. To the Pleepmorr is about two days riding with a maximum speed without any stops. And from Pleepmorr to the Zerton approximately the same.

– You forgot the most important thing – Tagrin said – If our warriors will be there when the explosion occurs we will face the same fate as the Orcs.

– Yes, Tagrin, you're absolutely right – thoughtfully said Tonnord, and then turned back to Seer – Do you have something else to say to us?

– After the explosion, I saw like space become shine inside arch. So the explosion activated the portal. As I said earlier, I didn't see any dark mages around during the explosion. So they were hiding somewhere. But after the portal is activated, they will need to return to it and pass the key.

– Exactly! – Inohildis exclaimed – This is our chance! Brothers, I have a plan. We need to assemble a small squad. About ten warriors. And act immediately. While they will build the portal, squad will be able to get the Pleepmorr or mountains of the Canyon of Death and get cover there. Then we need to wait for the explosion, and then immediately get to the portal, hiding somewhere nearby. At the moment of the key transfer, when the enemy does not expect it at all, we will steal it.

– Hah! Very interesting – Nodis smirk – Didn`t you think it`s going to be hundreds or even thousands of dark magicians and this squad of ten elves will be scattered like kittens?!

Inohildis said nothing.

– Nodis is right. We can't take that risk. The fact – operation must be secretive, but if there will be a lot of enemies it will be a complete failure. – Tonnord looked back at the Ikru – We won`t be able to do anything without magic. Do you have any ideas?

Ikru looks very thoughtfully.

– You're missing an important point – entered the dialog Regan, the commander of the West Elven outpost – We don't know who will have the key.

– You don't need to be a Seer like Ikru to understand that. Borgind will have it. If I would be a commander-in-chief of the dark Mage army, I wouldn't trust anyone possession of such an important artifact.

– I can cast a disguise spell on the squad, but the dark mages will be able to see it anyway – the sorceress spoke again – Someone will have to distract their attention, and I have an idea how to do so. But I'm afraid none of you will like it.

– Our world is on the edge of destruction, so under this circumstances, I think any means are good. What's the idea? – Tonnord asked.

– I offer to released Ethelkir and take him with us… – she paused for a moment and her eyes run over the group. Almost everyone's eyes immediately showed indignation and anger. – If there will be many enemies, he will raise the corpses of the dead orcs and direct them against the dark mages. While they will distract to them, squad will be able to neutralize Borgind and steal the key.

– Are you out of your mind? Raise the corpses? – Rigan exclaimed – Didn't you get enough of the battle under the Yeagrefgort?

– Yes Ikru, a terrible idea. That bastard with his disgusting magic destroyed all of the Northerners, once inhabited Yeagrefgort – Tagrin said dejectedly.

– Northerners were the ancient descendants of humans. Do you know what will happen if king Grifgerd know we released him? We will forever be enemies with humans – Inohildis added indignantly.

– Exactly! He betrayed us! – Nodis cried – HE'S CRAZY! Necromancy has consumed his soul! He betrayed our laws, our morals, and our King! The elf w-w-who – Nodis even started to stutter because of outrage – He had renounced from the bright Elven magic in exchange to dirty necromancy! And you're offering to release him?! Do you really want him raise the corpses?!

Very soon, the indignation got more and more intense. Ikru was silent, taking the “strikes” for her not really good idea. Tonnord was silent as well. He was concentrating on his thoughts, and his head was slightly lowered, looking somewhere at the one point. He was absolutely sure there would be a lot of enemies when the key will be passing. Dark magicians are not stupid at all, and it would be a big mistake to underestimate them. The idea of Ikru was good – on the one side. But on the other side – absolutely terrible. King Grifgerd and whole Preeosted will find out shortly about that and would be a scandal. Although Tonnord knew what to say to the king of the people “well, you know we had no other choice. This is a desperate measure in the name of saving all of us”, but most of all, the lord of the elves afraid that Ethelkir might escape. And if so, hundreds of thousands of the walking dead begin to walk around Araklia, bringing terror to all of the residents. That will only mean one thing – the elves can forever forget they have friends somewhere.

A little more than half a century ago, when Ethelkir has been caught, all the people insisted on his execution. The elf who took necromantic is not the elf anymore, and Tonnord was ready to execute him. But because of Ikru, that didn`t happened and the dark elf was imprisoned. Ikru had a sight which "told" her he should be kept alive because he would be useful in the future. All this time Tonnord remembered about it and now realized this is exactly right moment. The Lord of the elves raised his right hand, and everybody were silent right away.

– Borgind and the key will be well protected. We will release Ethelkir. It is clear he won`t cooperate with us for a simple “thank you”. I will personally go to him and tell him that I will guarantee his freedom if he helps us…

– But how come, my lord – Tagrin interrupted, confused.

– My brother, don't jump to conclusions. I will lie to him and you Ikru – he turned his view to the sorceress – will kill him immediately after completing the mission.

For a few seconds Tonnord got paused expecting to hear some comments, but they are not followed and he continued:

– With a large enemy force, a squad of ten warriors is just suicides. And I can't take that risk. Not with the lives of ordinary soldiers, and certainly not with the lives of my commanders. If any of you have better ideas than Ikru suggested, I'd love to hear them out.

No one said a word. Tonnord only saw a synchronized shake of their heads. Everyone agreed with him.

– Well, let's discuss the next steps. We need to decide who will be in this squad. – Tonnord looked around – Absolutely clear Ikru will be with us.

– I'll go, my Lord. – Inohildis said quickly – I first offered this plan. And I still hope there won`t be many enemies over there. But if not, well… Even though it`s wild disgusted for me, but will have to resort to using dirty Ethelkir`s magic.

– Then I'll go with you. How can I leave you unattended? – Tagrin smiled, slamming Inohildis`s back – If suddenly something happen? Who am I going to compete for the amount of drank Elven ale? – Tagrin laughed.

– With me! – Rigan shouted with a smile.

– Oh, come on. Rigan, you can`t standing up after your fifth drink!

They all laughed and began to discuss the old days, but when Tonnord raised his arm everyone get quiet.

– Well, so be it. Ikru, Inohildis and Tagrin. The fate of our world will depend on you. At your own discretion, take the best fighters into your squad. You know better who exactly you should take. Only one question remains, – Tonnord turned to the sorceress – If we succeed, once the key will be in the hands of Tagrin or Inohildis, we will need to quickly return to Afleeakwein. You do understand that leaving the chase by horseback is not a good option.

– Yes Tonnord I know. Unfortunately, I don't have immediate movement spell that dark mages have. They got it only thanks to the Naabs by the way. But I can enchant a scroll that will return one elf to the place which will be in this spell.

– Just one? – Nodis asked dejectedly.

– Enchanting a scroll is a very difficult process. It usually takes a day.

– We don't have that much time Ikru – reproachfully told Tonnord.

– Yes, my lord, I know that. I have some ideas how to do this faster, and I'll try to finish it by the time our squad is ready to move out.

– All right – said Tonnord and rose from the chair – Tagrin, Inohildis, get the squad and get ready to move out. Ikru – take care of the scroll. I'm going to go to see Ethelkir. The meeting is over.

The squad was assembled very quickly. But they all had to wait for the sorceress, who had been working on the scroll of return for a very long time. It was late in the afternoon before they set out. Moving parallel to the road leading to Pleepmorr, they moved around any area where they could meet someone. Ethelkir was riding one horse with Ikru, under her strict supervision. His hands were bound with magical fetters to avoid any tricks that might come to his mind, clouded by half a century of imprisonment. For the first twenty-four hours they ride at full speed without a single stop, and only after that, when they reached the eastern side of the Canyon of Death, they did a short stop to rest their horses. On the evening of the second day, as they rounded the mountains of the western hillside, Inohildis was the first who saw a bright flash in the sky.

– Look! – He exclaimed, pointing by his hand – What is that?

Ikru looked up at the sky, and then cried out to Tagrin:

– Tagrin, do command for a stop!

The squad stopped. Everyone turned their view to the west. Lightning danced one after another in the evening sky, which seemed absolutely incredible because there was not a single cloud around. Very soon, a new, more powerful flash lit up the sky, and a huge purple ray get down from the sky to the ground.

– Take cover! Quickly! – Ikru shouted, and all of them immediately galloped off in the direction of the mountains.

Quickly climbing a small slope, they found a small spot of land surrounded by high mountains on the three sides. They all dismounted at once.

– Quickly tie up the horses and sit on the ground! – Ikru shouted.

Unfortunately, because of the mountains, it was no longer possible to see what was happening in the sky, but it was not necessary. Very soon everyone felt it. Nothing happened for the first few seconds, and then the ground shook. At first, it was like the echoes of some earthquake that happened somewhere far away and only a small part of it reached here. But then the vibration began to increase with each passing second. Stronger and stronger until it reached its maximum. The horses got wild because of fear. A furious rumble and a devastating shock wave swept across the entire western area. From behind the massive mountain which blocked the squad from the west side, a lot of wreckage could be seen flying along with the shock wave. Parts of roofs of houses, wood boards, stones… In addition, the shock wave destroyed the tops of the mountains which covered the squad and the wreckage of stones fell down. The warriors were able to evade easily, but two horses were unlucky. One was killed. A part of rock which is falling to the other direction, destroyed the stone where the animal was fastened, and the horse galloped away in fear. When the horse ran out from the shelter, it was blown away by the shock wave along with other wreckage which flew from the west, where once was Zerton City. When everything finally quieted down, Ikru got everyone in a circle.

– I'm going to cast an illusion spell on us now. I hope no one will be there at this time, but we should cover anyway. In case if the approaches to the portal will be watched, they just saw a pack of wolves running somewhere “on their own business”. Of course Dark mages are no fools, however we`ll able to buy ourselves some time for hide.

After she finished, the party immediately continued on their way. As soon as they rounded the mountains and came to the Orc’s forests, they saw a terrifying picture. Wild forests which were here short time ago, full of all kind of animals, now has been turned to the scorched earth with burnt sticks sticking out of it. The smell of burning immediately hit their noses. On the Zerton`s spot, which once had stretched for several hundred miles, was nothing but a pile of fragments. And only alone in the distance raised a brightly glowing building.

– Let`s go! – has ordered Tagrin.

The journey from the western foot of the Canyon of Death to Zerton usually took half a day. But in the current situation, when it was no longer necessary to make their way through the insurmountable forest, Tagrin and Inohildis`s squad covered this distance in a couple of hours. Their presence here left unnoticed, and when they reached the ruins of the city, they took up an advantageous position on the southern side a few hundred meters away from the portal. They were very well hidden by a high hill which has half survive one of the Orc`s forts.

– How will we act, commander? – One of the soldiers asked.

– The Mages will come from the east side. They were taking cover on the western hillside of the mountains as well as we did. The undead should be send straight from the west to meet them in the center. This is a very useful position the main thing is to exactly calculate everything.

– Ikru? – Inohildis looked at the sorceress questioningly. And she turned to Ethelkir:

– How long will it take to rise up the dead?

– How many do you want me to rise up?

After this question, Ikru thought about it. The reality was such that they didn`t know how many dark wizards will be with Borgind. Moreover, the dead should be raised three-four times more than number of the enemy. It will give to squad enough time to maneuver, because dark mages are very strong and they will burn them very quickly.

– I can say if we are talking about a few hundred then not more than five minutes. But if we are talking about several thousand or more it can take up to half an hour – explained Ethelkir.

Ikru thought even harder. When the enemy begins to approach, from a long distance, it won`t be clear immediately what their numbers are. And if when they approached it`s will be tens of thousands, consider that the mission has failed. They needed reconnaissance. Ikru turned to the warriors of the squad.

– Brothers, we need one volunteer who will ride out to meet the enemy and find out their numbers before they get here. I know it's probably a one-way ticket, but there's no other way. We need to know how many of them before they come to the portal, so we could raise the right number of dead. Today, the fate of our world is being decided.

– I'll go. – Teari raised his hand.

– Teari – Tagrin said, disappointed.

Teari was one of the best Tagrin`s soldier from the garrison of Afleeakwein, whom he once coached. Teari was surprisingly not so good with a bow as any other elves, but he was no match for acrobatics and swordsmanship.

– It`s okay brother, I can handle it. What is required from me?

– I'll put all sorts of hiding spells on you, but you must understand that it won't help you in an open area. The dark mages will feel the alien magic and immediately hunt you down. Try to find a cover. I'll be in constant telepathic contact with you. When the enemy passed by you, tell me how many of them, and then leave immediately.

After a short spell of magical manipulation by Ikru, Teari immediately saddled the horse.

– Give them a hard time here! I'm counting on you! – He smiled and sped off to the east.

The squad lay low. They could only wait. From time to time Ikru contacted with Teari, but the response was only "everything is quiet". An hour later, when she contacted Teari again, surprisingly she didn't get a mental response from him, which worried her. But then, a few seconds later, she heard: “Ikru! There are at least a hundred thousand of them here! Let`s Ethelkir raises all of the dead!” “Okay, I got it. Get out of there! Run to the south, through the Middle Pathway. Will see you in Afleeakwein!”

– Ethelkir! – Ikru exclaimed, turning to the dark elf – Raise up all of the dead!

After this exclamation, everyone in the squad looked at the sorceress in a stunned manner.

– A whole of Zerton? – He re-asked.

– Yes! All of them! – Ikru exclaimed again – Dead bears, wolves, birds. All of them!

In response, Ikru stood behind the necromancer, placed her hands on his shoulders, and began to transfer magical energy to him.

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